f' THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MED FORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1908. mm DEMONSTRATION SALE Wholesaling Direct to Buyer $15,000 rrthf Y 9 vvv America's finest and most exclus ive pianos in Medford for the first time. The very masterpieces of the piano makers' art, some established over half a century. J' '.7S"-.Z Terrific Reduction Every Buyer His Own Dealer We Must Sell!? large m- ber at once. We have been unable to find a suitable store to rent in Medford, therefore quick actionjs the word. The terrific reductions in prices will certainly move this stock at once. We Are the Originators g?g class Pianos UNDER PRICE. Purchasing for 40 great central distributing EILERf$' stores enables us to secure advantages in buying and handling that cannot be obtained in any other way. These advan tages we are always glad to : SHARE WITH OUR PATRONS From $154 to $249 can now easily be saved on the very best makes of pianos in America. IlICI Thinl e are actually selling Jlighest JUM 1 111111k Class Pianos at $192, $217 and $248 and for $318, $367 and $384 you can now buy Pianos that sell regularly the country over at $550 to $(575. PimrantoA nu filers Piano House guarantee UUalalllCC is celebrated for its absolute fair ness and squareness.' We positively guarantee com plete satisfaction. Thousands of satisfied customers today testify to this fact. Tpftnc e make terms to suit your own 1 CI 1HA convenience. What we want now are homes for these beautiful Pianos so that each one will selljfa dozen others for ns in the near future. Come to Singler's Music Store at 103 West 7th Street, where the big signs are up. Don't delay, for we assure you that NEVER AGAIN will you see such a slaughter of prices. Stores at All Points Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Wash ington, California and Nevada General Office: Portland, Ore. D. W. Thomas Specihl Sales Manager. Wholesale Pacific Northwest 13th and Northrup Sts., Portland. Exporters to South America, Hawaii aid ' the Orient. 653 Market St., San FrantisGO. wifrjrf mm TODAY IS THE SHORTEST DAY Today is the shortest day of the year for alt folks who live in tho northern hemisphere. Tomorrow the sun will be gin its upward climb among the stars, and tho days will slowly lengthen. At 1 o'clock this .morning the sun entered what is known among astronomers as tho sign of Cupicornus, marking the as tronomical beginning of winter, which will last until the orb has reached the celestial equator in March, marking the end of winter and the astronomical be ginning of spring. There will be a total eclipse of the sun tomorrow morning, but it will be in visible in North America. Tho path of this central eclipse crosses the southern part of South America, tho South At lantic. South Africa and the Indian ocean. The eclipsce will be annular at the beginning and end, and total in the middle It. will be observed by mime of the lending astronomers of the Vnit cd States and South America and will arid interest to the Pan- American scien tific consreos. which will shortly begin its sefti"n in S-intiai". I'uba. NEWMAN TELLS OF CUSICK CASE. (.Continued from page 1.) above named gentlemen as well as oth er witnesses testified in Mr. Ctisick's behalf that he had stated to them the fact of the presence of squat tors upon the land, thus showing plainly that he had no intent of committing perjury or any other offense. .Mr., Galloway fur ther testified that this bad been the regular practice in the state land de partment for years. "It further appeared that there were mining interests on some little portion of tho land, but from all indication as well as from all information obtaina ble, nono of the mines had been operat ed for years, neither had they paid at tho time they were operated, as Mr. Cnsick wa sinformed by old miners who had lived in that country for years and knew all about the abandoned mines. "It appears that Mr, Cusick has act ed in, entire good faith in tho matter, and that he has not intended to do any wrong." LANGFORD FLOORS FLYNN WITH ONE MIGHTY BLOW SAN FRANCISCO, Oil., Dee. 22., Sum Langford, tho colored fighter, Inst night knocked out Jim Flynn in two minutes in a scheduled 20-round bat tle, Flynn had no chance. Langford hit hi in on the jaw, Flynn going down like dead. When he had come to he asked what hit him. SURGEON FOUND OERMS IN THE FOOD SERVED VALLE.IO Gal., Dec. 22. George Wildason, the marine hospital surgeon, has completed the basteriological exam ination of the beef served at the launch- ing of the collier Prometheus, which caused the death of Mrs. Itoso and Waiter Reynolds. He found germs com mon in decnyed meat. Tho testimony will be used at the inquest over Waiter Reynolds tomorrow. Words That Burn. ( From the Atlanta Constitution.) I am pleased to say thn( the old stove has been rod hot for a week past. Two crates of declined stories and po ems came in lust week, when thero was not a lump left in the coal bin, and the stovo got 'em! I didn't even have to strike a match to start the fire as many of the poems were- lovo songs, which wero warm enough to blaze, tin der these circumstances it may be truly said that the fire of genius keeps me warm. Ho I snap my fingors at tho coal trust and enjoy life up ten sto ries closer to the stars! niimtmiiiiiumiiiiuiiim I Xmas Specials all this Week! i ax ti ire; iu.ioi 1 Mr. and Mrs. Blessing presenting the most comical "MYSTEROUS DINNER PARTY" if i Fred and Virgil Strang are home from Eugene university to spend the holidays. John H. Porter is expected home from ( orvallis to spend Christmas with his parents. Pick Slinger of Little liutto spent Tuesday in Medford. Miss May I'hipps left Tuesday for ';ilif..rnia. , QUEEN WELHELMINA IN A DELICATE CONDITION HAOUR, Dec. 22. It was announc ed officially .in parliament today that Queen Wilhelmina expects soon to pre sent Holland with an heir to thothrone. There was much rejoicing. A Mystery. (From the Chicago Record-Herald.) Why is" it tint the woman who is inna h'ttrr always tres to make hei ii W Kink like a rnan'f Texas and "Tho Merry Widow." 1 (From the Houston Post.) ! "Tho Merry Widow" was put on' four times in Houston as against 200 night in New York. Houston now understands whv Now York is crazv. ; Good Singing and Other I toy Specialties if rTi ryJzl Few of Them Fall. j (From the Chicago Rocord Herald.) I A girl regards her life as a failure if j she has not succeeded in making a fool of at least one man. 7 V J The latest Feature Moving Picture Richard III I When Hoowvclt Is Editor. (From the. St. I.oiiig Pol lipnteh.) Or. Abbott (wlnoiilorino;) Merry, wlwit's tho uproar in Mr. lionHPVolt N morn 7 Ol'fico l!oy (pule) Somebody Iitjh i"jit in ri noture fake, sir, ' g Three Nights only, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 3 Ttrfnilision lOe S UIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIII THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE IIAS THE BEST NEWS SERVICE IN SOUTHERN ' OU E(i()N.