THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1908. Medford Daily Tribune A Live Papeb in a Live Town. Published every evening except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY Georgk Putnam, Editor and Manager. " Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postoffice at Medford, Oregon. .! SUBSCRIPTION RATES. 0 tk, by mU Mrrir,..0.80 On 7r, by mill W.00 UQW THE ROGUE 'WAS NAMED. daughter, who has ao "affinity" the pcrnoo of Wlllio Settle, the breezy young drummer, who talks like a human phonograph, no fait, in fact, that one milit bo led to supposo that his father Was an auctioneer; Mrs. Dalby every body 'a friend and mother. So' It will be tvoa that phuKos of life on the open range form the basis of the story, but the band of the author easily avoids tho hackueyed subjects that have so long served in western plays. It is a strong play with numerous dramatic scenes and situations, fine character studies and bright dialogue. Wholesome comnly is freely injected to rflievo tho pathos. If. E. Pierce & Co. have supplied an excellent cast and the production is a heavy one. In its last issue, the Grants Pass Observer contained an article repeating the oft-told talc that the Rogue re ceived its name from a common perversion of the French word "rouge," meaning red, which it is alleged was the name given the river by the French trappers. As a mat ter of fact, there is no historical authority for such a state ment, and as far as can be learned the stream was never christened Rouge, or Red, by the French. Nowhere is it red in color or could the name Red be correctly ascribed as in the case of the Red river of the north and other streams. : ;-, -' As far back as 1828 the first French traders and trap pers christened the stream "Riviere aux Coquin's," or "River of Rogues," on account of the treacherous char acter of the aborigines. The Indians of this lvgion were universally feared and dreaded by the earliest traders, who called them rogues and named the valley and river after them. " . i it.'. . The first history of Jackson county, published in the early seventies, gives this version of the naming of the Rogue and according to Judge W. M. Colvig, himself a pioneer of the early fifties, this was the version of the christening of the stream accepted by the pioneers gen erally. " In .1832 or threabouts, the territorial legislature chang ed the name of the Rogue to "Gold" river, but the name never stuck. The same legislature changed the "name of Mnrysvillc to "Oorvallis," or "Heart of the .Valley," and of Albany to "Takenah," but only the former appellation held. . " ' c '' '",) i The Observer is as badly mixed upon the Rogue as it was upon the derivation of the name of Josephine county, Avhich it asserted was named after the wrong girl. It was named after Josephine Rollins, as stated by J. II. Twogood in The Tribune of December 18. Miss Rollins' picture is said to be hanging in the residence of Jake Thompson at Ashland. Big Attraction at the Bijou. The Xmns week specials at tho Bi jou are all that they are advertised to be. When a Medford audience demands ' mft assured that tho attraction is an cxtrudinory gnod ouo. And such it is. The management is indeed fortunate to secure an attraction of the kind put on by Mr. und Mrs. IMcssing. Their "Mysterious Dinner Tarty" is most unique, comical and full of interesting features. Their comedy duets simply brought down the house. Mr. and Mrs. Blessing change their bill on Wednes day niifht v.'ith a big comedy special. Tho celobrated Traviolas, jugglers and hoop rollers, appear the last three nights nt this week. . The latest, fea ture film, entitled "Richard IT" is included in tonight 'b performance. The performance throughout is the best ever put on in the city. Every Person In Medford Is Invited to Visit This Store Christmas You Will Find Bargains oh Every Hand at This Christmas Sale MEN You can find just the thing that will please her most if you come here. This is ail exclusive ladies' store, filled with the very articles which are nearest to the hearts of women. Most women prefer some thing useful something that will be of service A trinket only causes 'momentary pleasure, but useful gifts are treasured for life. Wo invito you to this store, too. , AMUSEMENTS. i "111 Wyoming." At the Medford Thentor Monday, De cember UK, Jl. K. I'ierce & Co. will offer thi'ir gnat, virile western play, "In Wyoming." It is from the pea of Willurd Mack, and is one of tho mont ambitious and pretentious this talented ae.tur author hns thus far at tempted. For his t'hnrneterfl Mr. Mack has gone to a big cattle ranch nrnr Casper, Wyo., and will give us a glimpse of life 'among the oowpunehers 80s. ' There is always an indefinable ehurm about tho stories of tho frontier, and Mr. Maclt has striven to retain this western charm in the characters in bis successful piny. Among the characters in the play may be mentioned Bob Hick otts, a typical young westerner who makes love to tho pretty young east erner, Jennie Summers; Dave Da I by, the ranch owner; Hank Jones, the neigh boring rancher, who ib a regular "com ic"; Steve Cordon, the lender of a band of rattle thieves and n vengeful but repentant wooer of the charming the enrlv Jennie Summers; Hossv Hank Jones' fid Wilkinson is spending the holi days in Portland. After New Year's he will go to California for the winter. Store Open Eveninsg Until Christmas ; You Can Shop Here of Evenings MEDFORD'S EXCLUSIVE LADIES' SHOP Baker-Hutchason Co. Central Avenue, Just North of the Jackson County Bank mm' PHim M i MAY E PLAY WITH THE COAST LEAGUE Furniture Drops ! Martin J. Reddy, FRESNO, Cab, Dec. 22. That Frank Chance of the Chicago Cubs, the world's champions for two successive years, will abandon organized baseball to becomo n member of the outlaws is the sensa tional statement made today by one of the directors of tho Fresuu club. Ho may join the San Francisco club to help ; boost baseball ou tho coast. I The playing of Chanco with the Seals ; will prove tho greatest drawiug card which baseball on tho coast has ever j Iticcn. Many baseball fans nre eager to ! see this world-famed player in action i ; and a year on the const would do both ' the league and Chance good. CAPTAIN AND SIX MEN GO DOWN WITH SHIP The Jeweler, t CCXHAVKN". Oernmnv. Dec. 22. " ,-voo 'r'tish cotton steamer wns wrecked dXQXt POSt QfitCQ t0lia' on Point Mizzenhead. The cap to tain and six men were drowned. . Great bargains before we move. Watch our win dows for specials An elegant line of Rockers lor Christmas Medford Furniture Co. cl Jackets (JIVtJ HLM THIS CHRISTMAS WHAT UK WANTS, ONE OF OUR NICE, WARM BATHROBES, OR ONE OF OUR SWELL SMOKING JACKETS. HE WILL APPRECIATE IT MORE THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE. THERE MS NOTHING PLEASES A MAN MORE T II AN SOMETHING TO WEAR SOME THING 1LE IS NOT APT TO BUY FOR HIMSELF. HE HAS OFTEN SAID TO HIMSELF: "I WOULD LIKE A BATHROBE." OR "I WOULD LIKE A SMOKING JACKET," BUT THEN II E HATES TO PURCHASE IT FOR HIMSELF, AS HE THINKS HE COULD GET ALONG WITHOUT IT. NOW IS THE TIME FOR YOU TO FILL TH AT LONG. HAPPY DREAM. BUY HIM ONE. AND AS HE SITS OR LOUNGES A ROUND THE EVEN FIRE, YOU WILL SEE THE SMILE OF SATISFACTION AND CONTENT CREEP OVER II IS COUNTENANCE AND WILL KNO W THAT AT LAST YOU HAVE PLEAS ED HIM IN YOUR CHRISTMAS PURCHASE FOR HIM. AVE CARRY A COM PLETE LINE OF ROBES AND SMOKI NG JACKETS RANGING IN PRICE AT $4.50 $6.50 $7.50 $8.50 to $12.00 DON'T DELAY. THERE ARE ONLY TWO MORE DAYS BEFORE CHRIST MAS, AND THE PATTERNS SOON GET PICKED OVER, SO COME AT ONCE. MANY OTHER EQUALLY AS SUITABLE PRESENTS FOR THE - MAN OF THE HOUSE. This Store Open Even ings Until Christmas I v Muauw a,- rf9 This Store will close all day Christmas.