Boost the Rogue River Country by Subscribing Liberally to the new Medford Pamphlet I United Press i Dispatches By far tfc beat sews report of djt pper In' Southern Oregon'. Sailf-CtilloiMiiiig. The Weather Fair weather 1b promised for tnuigbt iiid tomorrow. ' ; THIRD YEAR. MEDFORD, OREUON. TUESDAY, DEC EM HER '22, UH)S. No. 236. HAINES BOUGHT MUCH FRUITIN THENORTHWEST Will Be in ,the Marketfor :0ver 300 Cars'1 Next lYear-Has-Words of , Praise, for This DistriGt f., "I hacvo bought over 10 crs f northwestern apples this winter, and will be in tho market or 300 cars next year " said 8am llatne the great .Eng lish npplo nud pear buyer, Jtuown as V Heady-Money Sam," because ho has the, cash when, others haven't and al ways buys outright at the top prices, Who arrived in Medford Tuesday to pond a day looking over the Rogue River valley, where his agent recently purchased some 15 cartf of Ncwtowns from local growers for the English mar ket. Mr. Haines was shown about the valley by John D. Olwell. He was loud via his praises of this section, and pre dicts a great future in a fruit growing way. , Mr. Haines attended the Spokane ap ple fnir and visited the Wenatehee, Yakima and Hood River districts. He purehased a considerable quantity of apples in these sections, not fancy ap ples, ho states, but sound and better average than pa s torn apples., "1 am buying all the right kind of apples that T can get," said Mr. Haines. "That is, I am paying all that the fruit is worth for me to handle at a profit. Next year I expect to do a big .business in Medford and vicinity." Mr, Haines echoes the common com plaint this year that the Rogue River valley pack is not up to its usual stand ard, due principally to tho ignorance of new orchard owners.! For this reason Rogue River fruit has suffered in com parison with that of Hood River. RICH NUGGET IS FOUND IN NORTHERN JOSEPHINE GRANTS PA.S, Or., Dec. 22. Un usual interest if being taken this year in the diggings of northern Josephine county particularly the bars and benche s along tho streams. ' A few days ago a $200 nugget was found in one of the channels by a placer digger. The ground there is very rich, paying from $2 to $4 a cubic yard, which allows gcod wages even for the man who works with shovel and rocker. Coarse gold is common nuggets of from $25 to $75 value being often found.' The Ruble mine is the oldest hydraulic property of the district, having been worked con tinually for the past 40 years. It is now operating two giants day and night, employing the "Ruble grizzly," a device for derating tailings which was patented by the owner of the mine and which is now used on many mines of the west. GOVERNMENT MAY LOAN MACHINERY TO BUILD JETTY BUGENE, Or., Dec. 22. J. B. Cush man of Acme received word from Con gressman W. C. Hawley that the chief of engineers states he may secure from the secretary of war the loan of gov ernment mahcinery now at the month of the Coquille river for the building of the jetty at the mouth of the Siuslaw river in Lane county. The county will probably be bonded for $200,000 if a I bill providing that amount be passed by the legislature. COUSIN OF PRESIDENT ELECT HAS DISAPPEARED BERKELEY Cal.. Pee. 22. Dr. Fred erick D. Tuft, the third cousin of the president-elect, has not returned from a hunting trip nn which he was accom panied by Walter B. Watson. Ho has been gone since Friday. It . is feared that he bns rmt with some accident in the scloughs of the San Joaquin river, where he went in n small boat. FAOZEN POTATOES THE CAUSE OF CHILD'S DEATH PAADKXA, Cal., Dec. 22. Frozen potatoes which were eaten by the fam ilv of Edward Brockew. U today be lieved to ha v caused the death of lit tle ha If -starve! Leonard and rendered his f-r: -V rs. Tgnez and Vaughn. se rinulv ill. VAwTER AND REAMES WILL FIGHT IT OUT Between City and Nuveen & Co. Has Been Referred to Two LoGal Attorneys After meeting with W. I. Vawter j and discussing the matter of the bond issue in connection with John Nuvceu & Company of Chicago, the city coun cil at a meeting held Monday evening reforred the entire -matter to Attorney A. E. Reuutes with i he power to arrive at an agreement with Mr. Vawter, who, ao was told in Monday's Tribune, has been authorized by the bond house to act for them in this city as their agent. The matter was discussed pro and con hy., the - council and Mr. Vnwter and while no action was taken other than to refer the matter to Attorney Ff tauten, it was understood that the mutter will bo readjusted and the re mainder of the bonds delivered to Nu veen & Coompnny. Steel to Washington. The only other important matter to come before the council was that of appropriating $250 to pay a portion of the traveling expenses of Will G. Steel to Washington, w)ere ho will urge an appropriation for the construction of the Crater lake road. The county court will also appropriate $250, making a total of $500 the necessary amount. j The great 'advantage of such a road was discussed and the appropriation was made unanimously. Minor Business. Bids were opened for the paint hi r of street signs and the contract award ed J. K. Toft, whose bid was seven cents. TJie other bids were: Stone & Kobhins, 11 cents; John MeLellnnd. 21 cents; Boy Taylor. 15 cents; A. Cbis holm. 23 cents; H. J. Everett, 40 cents; Charles Broekmau, 10 cents; Klum & Morgan, 12 cents. Residents of the Crowcll addition pe titioned for water and sewer connec tions. Referred to the city engineer. Two petition?, one by the "wets" and one by tho "drys," were read and rejected. However, the people will get a vote on the matter under the initia tive and referendum law. Miller & Ewbank were given permis sion to erect a corrugated iron building in the rear of the harness shop on the Bouth side of East Seventh street. The city engineer and city attorney were instructed to look into tho matter of extending city limits. The Jackson County Abstract com pany wore instructed to prepare an ab stract of the city at a cost of $500. DANCER LEFT $800,000 BY GRAND DUKE ALSXIS PARIS, Dec. 22. La Balletta, the dancing girl in whose apartment Grand Duke Alexis died suddenly, has been notified by the Russian consulate that her royal admirer did not leave her un provided for. - - - By the terms of his will, executed a few weeks before his death Alexis left her the princely sum of $800,000. Nothing was left to charities or pub lic institutions of either France or Rus sia by the royal spendthrift. FINCH TRIAL IS GOING AHEAD RAPIDLY IN PORTLAND PORTLAND. Or., Dec. 22. Three witnesses testified this morning in the trial of James Finch, accused of as sassinating rfulph Fisher, the prosecu tor for the Bar association. The de fendant's attorneys rely on self-defense to secure an acquittal. M. O. Wilkins testified that there were no signs of struggling in Fisher's office a moment after the shot was fired. Charles Fish er, the dead man's brother gave im portant testimony. 8. N. Gellert, the autopsy physician, described the wounds COSGROVE CONSTANTLY IMPROVES IN HEALTH PASO HOHLKS. riil., Dec. 22. Gov Tnitf "lfct t'wgrov is in excellent hu mor today, but deplored the fact that his physicians will not allow him to eat tnrW'v '"'i 'hristPias. He in improving constantly. It is uncertain what will be done fiboitt his inauguration in January. ( INSTALLING 40,000 LB. DYNAMO AT GOLD RAY . . -1.1 ,i - Loworicg 20,0 CO-p cue d base by p the Rogue, . Local '-Man Thought He Was Doing Right When He Testified Attorney F. J. Newman of this city, who is appearing for Albert L. Cusick, who was recently convicted of perjury in connection with land entry, express ed himself as very much surprised at the conviction of Mr. Cusick, and in speaking of the case said: "Some time in the spring of this year there was a portion of a town ship in what nag known ns the "Jump Off Joe ' country opened for settle ment. Cusick, who is and has been for a number of years engaged in the busi ness of locating parties on government land, went into this country several dayB prior to the opening and made a thorough investigation of it with the intention of locating parties on the land as soon as it was opened for set tlement. He found the land to be very mountainous in character, covered with stones and a dense growth of timber, the soil of a very poor grade, and the land lying in a very high altitude for the most part, rendering it unfit for cultivation. However, there was a very heavy growth of splendid timber on the laud, making it valuable for timber purposes. Ho found that on some of the quarters little cabins had been built and in some instances found squatters living thereon. Ho did not decrn the land appropriated, however, as it was of a strictly non-agricultural character, and no applications to file on this land had b r.;. t the United Ht."'e- ! of fee t if- ( '8': Lr fcv ".:' !c; ;uR 1'ieir f!p.'.:,:v.:ot--. "V: "Vr f! Xr. "u:C ! hn 1 t . n f t : r f f i 'r:-!t lV:i: the . : 'v impropriated.' Before making this affidavit 1: ''rU :.'! th- facts to his attorney, Mr. Markers, at Hoseburg, as well ns to Mr. fi'ilimvuv. rhe state laud itgt-nt at Salem, and a number of other persons, and upm their advice he mitde the affidavits absolutely be lieving that the land was not 'appro priat t ed by t he mere art of squat ting on it, but tlntt some application to fife on the land would be riwf.wtsjiry to complete the appropriation. The (('initialled cm page 5.) IJCUH&53MI TCM0 OFBK CASE! ! i oV.eriul hoisting crane from railroad I Iff OF POWER PUNT i THREE CARLOADS OF MACHINERY H4VE ARRIVED Oven Fifty Men Are Employed In Mak ing Improvements Nw Shafting Is Support cc" by Concrc'e Bases Other c:.:.nges Aro Eeing Made. Three carloads of electric and water wheel machinery have beeo unloaded at Gold Ray within the last 30 days and the work of installing them is being rapidly pushed to completion. Tho new machinery consists of two wnter wheels of 350 horse power each and a 700 horse power general electric dynamo. Tthis dynamo with its fittings weighs 10.000 pounds and the base alone wrjghs 20.00 pounds. The accompany illustration shows the manner in which this base was lowered by a. powerful hoisting crane rear the railroad track to the flatboat on which it was ferried across the river and from which it was pulled into the power house up heavy ckids, . All the new shafting being Installed will be supported on concrete or steel "T" beams, making on absolutely per manent installation which will never settle or get out of alignment. The power will bp transmitted from the water wheels to the dynnmo by a rope drive, 20 turns of one and one-half inch Manila rope, having a total length of nearly one-fourth mile will bo used on tho dynamo and water wheel pulleys. This rope will travel at a speed of ffinn feet a minute or nearly 51 miles nn hour and in a year will travel 4"0.'if0 miles. '-. .' Ai:onc: other pew improvements be ;ng ""n true ted is n large circle gate t. let the water out- of the canal for cleaning purpose and to carry off the urpliis water in tho flood season. A fijin.ber .f o'lier improvements are he:-?:; rraje amon ivhieh is the cutting d' vn of the grade on thp wagon road across the river from the plant, nmk :. g (in ciov g-nde out of whnt was a S'-Mp bill. ' .Ab'Mit "0 men fr noi;loyi'd in mnk ini' tlre improvement w and Gold Ray pre'cntx the appearance of a busy and growing plli.-e. Km t Tefb-r has purchased the Mis sion grill and took possession Tuesday, V, .F. Lambert will continue to reside in Mrdfnrd. The Consideration was $000. to flatboat on which it was ferried across ' NOW TREE E Roosevelt Children Get Gilts From All Parts of the Country WASHINGTON, Doc. 22. In accord ance with custom, tho children of the president will haTe no Christinas tree. This has been the rule of former seasons us well as now. Jn fuet, there has not been a Christmas tree in the White House since the Cleveland administra tion, when the little daughters of that president and their friends always made merry in tho library on Christmas after nnon. The fin-t thing the Roosevelt children will do on Christmas morning will be to examine the well crammed stockings which 8anta Clans has tied to a corner post uf each little bed. H will be an interesting and even exciting ceremony. The inspection of stockings however, will bo merely introductory to'tho pleas ures of the day. After breakfast the impatient youngsters will be allowed to enter the "study" upsairs, where the gifts are laid out. One comer of the "study" will be set apart for the gifts provided for euch of the four younger children. Many of the gifts that reach the White House at Christinas time are for the children, and some of them aro very funny. H has corne to be understood among tho people at large that the Roosevelt s aro a strenuous family, much given to athletic exercises, and un doubtedly a considerable percentage of the presents sent by Kt rangers this year will bo in the line of football oufits, punching bags and gymnasium appara tus. As a mutter of fad, nearly all of the gifts thus sent to the Itoosnvelt youngsters find their way to a chil dien 's hospital in Washington. They are altogether superfluous. Few young folks in all the land (ire mt well supplied with tovs and other f 'hrislinas presents I the president's offtipring, and Mrs. Kiinsevelt, a few days before the holi j day arrives, visits tin- Washington shops ; for the purpiM of laying in a supply j of jdaytli'fgn Mid articles of more se- riou tiffci uiiirn. The Rnosevrlts will have their Christ- A I E US BANK DEPOSITS E Growth of City Reflected by Tremendous Increase Shown by Three Banks Are Still Growing Deposits in the three banks of this city have increased over 105 per cent since December 1, 1905, a period of 36 months. Tho increase in figuren is from $(I09, 4i8 to $1254,480, or $(134,001. The increase for the 12 months just past is the largest of nny gain in tho three years. From December 1, 1005, to December 1, 1000, the increase was $110,403; from December 1, 1000, to Decomber 1 1007, it was $I00,Mfi5; from December 1, 1007 to December 1 of this yenr the gain was $357,003. In no way is the growth of tho city hotter reflected. Tho figures are bused upon the statements of tho three banks. BOY SENTENCED TO 180 YEARS IN PENITENTIARY GLATZ, Prussia, Dec 22. Albert Raub, a yutinthfiil criminal has receiv ed tho record punishment of J HO years in the pententiary. According to Prus sian law, a criminal must be punished for every crime that can bo proved ag.iinst him, Kaiib was found guilty of r0 burglurieH,.for each of which ho was scutenced to two years in the peniten tiary. Likewise some 00 or more thefts and hindemi"tnorH were proved against tho man, calling for punishments of from one year to IS months. UGLY rEELTNG- AGAINST BRITISH IN HONGKONG 1ION0KOXG, Dec. 22. Thorp has been considerable and-British agitation in Canton during the pant few days owing to the suspicions death of a coolio on board a river bout, nnd the Chinese have boycotted the local river steamers. In Hongkong tho recent orders of ban ishment issued against certain editors and :m . en .; i r; t'w.t they incited to -.iui'i.j. as a gnt.ti: of tho boycott ordered recently on Japanese goods have been followed by continued agitation against the colouinl govern ment. The vernacular press is inflamed, ugly rumors are afloat nnd the situation promises to develop seriously. THREE LOSE LIVES IN PORTLAND CEMENT QUARRIES SANTA CRUZ, Dec. 22. Messages from Davenport today announce the death of three men who were buried under tons of rock last night by a land slide in a Portland cement quarry. All the bodies were recovered. JURY RETURNS VERDICT OF GUILTY IN ROACH CASE The jury in the C. E. Roach ense on Tuesday returned a verdict of guilty. Young Roach lived in Ashlund and be fore Bkipping out forged his mother's name to some worthless paper. He was caught in California and returned nn der arrest. IMPERIAL DIET OF JAPAN IS CONVENED TOKIO, Dec. 22. Tho 25th session of tho imperial diet convoked today. 8. llasepa, the leader, of the constitu tional party, was elected president. C. A. Webster and Robert McCnrdle of Hilt spent Tuesday In Medford. Sam Locke of Grants Pawn spent Mon day in Medford. Lee- Parvin, advance agent nf "In Wyoming " arrived Monday with it bundle of' hot air for his show. Henry Kubli of Applegate spent Tuesday in Medford. James Fought delivered wood in Med ford Tuesday. mas dinner at 7:30 p. in, hers of the family will , and only mem be present, It i.i almost the only men the White House to w present administration, invited. It will bo eat'1 dining room which is n household tip n''7.o of and the principal dinh I of the year at, liifh, under the no guests are n in the private not too big for tho president 's, will bo a huge V DOUBLED IN 36 MONTHS