Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, December 21, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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Medford Daily Tribune
Cut Glass
Perfect Quality and Cut
Haskins Drug' Store
A Live Papeb ix a Live Town.
Published every evening except Sunday.
Gborob Putnam, Editor and Manager. .
Admitted aa Second-Class Matter in the Postoffice at
Medford. Oregon.
m meats, y mall sr wrrlsr. .. .W.80 Ob 7ar, by mail M.OO
The Oregon geographic board will find a rich field of
labor awaiting it in Jackson county. This is probably
equally true of every county
Under the rules of the board every stream should bear
one name to its longest source, and every branch should
have a name of its own. The wisdom of this rule can be
readily illustrated with Applegate river, which is a good
name, and of course should be retained. These should
have names of their own however: Little Applegate creek,
south fork of Little Applegate creek, east fork of Little
Applegate creek, north fork of Big Butte, creek, south
fork of Big Butte Icreek and niany others that could be
named. v i ii'-vJi-
Here are a fewj that ought to be changed : Fish lake,
Fourbit creek, Frdg creek, Jackass creek, Jenny creek,
Mule creek, Squaw lake, Graybaek mountain, Sucker
creek, Louse creek and many others equally absurd. There
is scarcely a county in the state that does not contain an
Antelope creek, Bear creek, Beaver creek, Fish lake, Frog
lake, Squaw lake and an endless variety 6'f other relics
of stupidity.
It has been suggested that Graybnck mountain be chang
ed to Marble mountain, which is appropriate, particularly
as it contains the great marble caves. In that event Sucker
creek should' be changed to Marble creek. Now that Fish
lake is to be the source of Medford 's water supply, a bet
ter name should be given, and Lake McLaughlin has been
suggested, which is appropriate and carries the idea of
our water coming from that rugged peak of the Cascades.
K! ' (Kugene KegUter.)
Several iluyn ago the Hegister pub
lished a portion of tin editorial from
a Medford paper in which tlio Oregon
Unit Realty eompnuy of thin city was
roasted to a frnzzlo for tooling pftin-
iiMpIh Hottinir forth tho glorifit of the I
1 B j
niimineiiH vniwy, uui cniua uy uw
jmpiTH of that city with piaK.arixu.ff
and iiHinp; Hoffiio River valley wits and
wntenps and apply nig them to this ,
vulley. Ah hoido parties intcrcated in 1
the company lire attacked had a news- 1
pnpor nt thir cominaml the KegistiT !
publislied hut n part of the severe ar-
raiJtiiifiit, expi'ftiii); that they would
proceed to explain tit;- matter and, if I
jMiscible. make sonio show of exonerat I
iiitf the I'onipaiiy, but (lie paper remain- j
rd silent under tho sever arraignment. '
1muiri('s as tn who constitute the said j
On-Ron I'nit Itcalty company w leave I
the evening paper to answer, since it;
is said to be the chief instigator and j
bead of tht organization, which includes
I councilman and a business firm, all of '
names were biveu in the Medford arti
cle, but omitted here. j
It wns tin intention of tbe Register
to publish the Mcdfmd article in full, j
showing the flagrant nbuse of privilege!
indulged in by appropriating southern j
Oregon pictures and wrlteups, as Wil
lamette valley assets but we have since '
learned that the Medford Commercial
club, having taken up the matter with
tho postal authorises under fraud pro
cedure. Manager Hartog of tho Eugene
Commercial club wrote to the Medford
ehib as peacemaker that the fraudu
lent pamphlets had been confiscated and
that tho Kugene organization in whose
interests they were printed had denied
authorizing their St. l'nul agent to in
dulge in such plagiarism, anil the whole
matter has been dropped.
Wo are glad for Kugene and Lane
county Hint the matter has bien
straightened out, for it is a well known
fact that Lane county does not desire
to seek advancement through fraud nnd
deception; in fact, in advertising our re
sources we do not have to go outside
tho county to find pastoral illustrations j
nnd facta and figures sufficient to con-j
vine the moat skeptical that we have
the best all round country tho sun shines j
Let tho experience through which this
section has just gone and which we are '
all charitable enough to charge up to
tho Ht. Paul fellow, bo ample warning
ngainst any further attempt to boom
our section at the expense of another.
Let each section stand upon its own
merits, and if Lane county cannot win
out in this way it deserve to fail.
We want no more such arraignments
of Eugene through unscrupulous folly,
such as appears in n Medford paper.
Lot this experience enxry its Important
and lasting lesson. Tf the local men
bad nothing to do with the rank proced
ure or tnoir St. ram representative,
they should see to it that he i put off
the job, so that he does not perpetrnte j
somo other scheme equally as dangerous (
to tho integrity of this section of Ore- j
gon In matters pertaining to its mate- i
rial advancement and prosperity.
m the state.
At the Bijou.
Xmaa specials all this week at the
Bijou. Commenciug touight, Mr. and
Mrs. IJU'Hsing proseut tlio most comi
j cI "Mysterious Dinner Varty." Good
,T : . A . ' . . . .
od in the entertainment. This attrac
tiou i,a8 hevn a 8tr0nK future on the
Inrire circuits this season. Mr. and Mrs.
Messing will appear for three nights
only, Monday, Tuesday and Wednes
day. The famous Traviolas jugglers
nnd hoop rollers, appear on Thursday,
Friday and Saturday.
A special matinee for school children
Xiniw afternoon.
Quite in keeping with the Christmas
spirit which prevails throughout tho
city ts the lobby of the Bijou theater
on the West Side. Decorated with greens
it portrays a spirit of good cheer and
wishes for a merry Christmas. It but
idiowit how closely in touch this popular
playhouse is with the citizens of Med
ford. It is but a membot of one huge
family. Imagine, if you ran, n city
theater showing a lika spirit toward its
SAX KKAXClsro, Cal.. Dec. 21.
Sam I.nngford and Jim Klynn are both
fit and ready for their 20-round bout
tonight in the Coliseum.
Coupon No. :t:t.T drew the Japanese
set at the Bazaar. The holder will
picas (i call and get the prize.
How's This?
We offer one hundred dollars reward
. for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by HaH'a Catarrh Cure. F. J.
CHKNEY ft CO., Toledo, O.
Wo, the undersigned, bare knowm P.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and
believe him perfectly honormbU in all
business transaction! and ianially
able to tarry out aay obtigfttioi Made
by his firm.
Wholeaals DruggieU. Toledo. O.
Hall's Catarrh Cre la Ukem inter
nally, aetl&f directly vpoa the bloed
and raucous surfaces ef the system. Tes
timoaial sent free. Priee 75c per set
tle. SU by aH dnifffriste.
Tate Hall's Family Pills for eoestl
Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will
cure Blind, Bleeding and Ltching PiHa.
It absorbs the tumors, allays itching
at once, acts as a poultice, gives instant
relief. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment
is prepared for Piles and Itching or tne
private parts. Sold by druggists, mail
fiOc nnd 1.00 Williams' Mfg. Co.,
Props., Cleveland, Ohio. For sal by
Medford Pharmacy, near postoffice.
T?. yiiniiiiim m jlhuubiue . . jjiiunumiu u
One of tho mont Interegtinff eventH
lesson vva the mnrTiuge of Mies Helen
chant The bride to tbe daughter of Colonel Hatflnid of the United States
irmy and, bealdea being one of the prettleat ycning women In' army elrt:b5.
to eicewlliiRly popular In society at the rnpltnl. I.reiitennnt Mnreliant la
itatloned at Fort Myer, Va.
Mow Touslehead ts fixed for bed
And, following her habit, -Darts
In aud out with romp and shout
With no more ttyin a rabbit
On ber wee form to keep her warm.
But frarmenture Is stupid.
And such as she need not to be
Clottied any more than Cupid.
At least at night for pillow fight
And rush ami roll and fumble
Such things as clothes and shoes and
Just help one to a tumble.
And. though she felt no grief at all
Coinos to her where she's wriggling.
She glvns a roll Ood bless her soul I
And up she scrambles giggling.
And very soon to lulling croon.
In her pink nightie smothered.
She'll softly creep, almost asleep.
To a lap to be mothered,.
And. snuggled down for Srumbertown
And for the journey mounted.
Pokes out her toot and coaxes sweat
To have her "piggies" counted.
"This little pig' that means the big
One "went to market buying.
This plggie small went not at all.
But staid at home a-sighlng.
This plggie wee had roast beef he
Had purchased for a penny. j
And this pig small let loose a squall
Because he hadn't any. '
"This plggie wee wished some, for he ;
Imagined he would love It
He sgueakcdi 'Wee! Wee! Give some I
to me! .
Now. you give me some of It!' ;
Did he get It? Nay; not a bit 1
And nearly died of weeping"
Here's whero t go out tippy toe, ,
For Touslehead Is sleeping.
J. M. Lewis In Houston Post.
Her Just Deserts.
Proftsaor iZHeblln,. glancing around
to see where tho money would do tho
most good, comes to bat with a sufr
gestlon that we pension the mothers
of the land.
There Is nu Idea tbnt may meet with
the approval of ull, nor should those
who fear paternalism Is a slow kind of
poison raise a howl that could be heard
a block away, as the measure would
be strictly maternal in Us nature.
Mother would certainly know what
to do with the money, nrid futber
would atntul n round ou pay day as po
lite and attentive as a book ugeut who
Is explaining the latest things In llter
uture to a millionairess.
To the members of the family it
would be like having money in the :
bank. They would nlways know where
they could borrow a quurter while !
mother had money- On the whole, it
looks like n good thing. Let us phi;
for the mothers' pension.
P'r'aps, P'r'aps Not!
The Patient (harlnff escaped .from
the chair) I tblnlt perhaps I'll call
again tomorrow. Sketch.
But," said the good old lady, "why i
: J
don't you go to work?" I
'Why, ma'am, began the disreputa-
ble old loafer, "yer see, I got a wife
an' five children to supirt" j
Hl UUW mil juu siiiihmi mem it
you don't go to mrkT .
"A. I was ;?lu lady. I got a
itrtiie tstntMaru una limes.
In society elrelpn In WRHliinirton this
Hattleld to Meutcimnt Bnrclay Mer
"I have taken Scoffs
Emulsion for six weeks
and have found it a won
derful remedy. Before I
took the Emulsion I had no
appetite; was weak; had
lost nearly fifty pounds of
flesh, and now I eat well
and am gaining every day.
I find Scotfs Emulsion to
be very easily digested and
a good food for all weak
BLEEKER, No. 1 Myrtle
Avenue, Bridgeton, N. J.
This is only one of thousands of
cases where
has given an appetite. It's so
easily digested that it doesn't tax
the digestive organs and they rest;
yet the body is wonderfully nour
ished and built up. The digestion
is improved then ordinary food
is sufficient.
Growing boys and girls, who need
so much food to keep them well
and strong, and also growing,
should be given a bottle of Scott's
Emulsion every few weeks. It
does wonders for them. It pre
vents their getting run down and
spindly. Nothing does them so
much good.
Let m Bend row nine letter and liter.
tare on thl ubject A pnrt 0rd, cirioc
your ftditrcM and the name of thU paper,
U niffloient.
409 Pearl Street New York
T. - TT C 'Pnnrxlnrritt !
1 ie U rOmOlOglSt
Col. G. Be Brackett SCVS i
1 am glad to know you are making an ;
ettra effort to disseminate Delicious apple, j
; I have always told you I consider it the best '
of all varieties you have introduced" j
' Do you know Stark Delicious? i
. It is the apple that made the Wen a tehee t
Valley famous horticulturally; the apple
that was told by Oscar Vandcrbilt, Hood
River, Ore., last year for $6.00 per box;
the apple that told at Hood River this year
for $1.00 per box more than any other va-
; Titty and the apple that always tops the
j markets everywhere.
I Prof. H. E. Van Deman
Ex U. S, Pmologist, says:
I "I taw tome lloriooe applet in our Wuhlntfton.
j D. C market recently, and among them waa De
1 llciow, briBSins the aUaeet price of all."
Have you tasted this royal fruit?
j If not, we will tend a box of 3 tpecimena
on receipt of 25 cents to pay partial
' ex pre charges. (No charge is made for
! the fruit). The 25 cent wo will refund to
1 you on the tint order of trees you send u.
j Send for the fruit todsy and aik for our
' New Delicious Booklet. It is tree.
Stark Bro's Nurseries
& Orchards Company
t ;.!,, fi..r: IT S. A.
r,r wik. fnnni f r),
fi..l.t n-li,.re Kn wiu ct. .i-i ..1 ' ' t.
,;, : ,riv T , I
y , hi3!1Wi u E. hit
ini;. 1U-
let-ate hej-e.
You can raise the wind better by buying Med
ford property at present prices and sit down at
your own fireside until the advance comes next
There 's always ' ' something doing ' ' in Medford,
and indications are that the coming year will see
more building, more street and sidewalk improve
ment and a greater advance in values in Medford
than ever before.
Fall in line and don't let the procession run
oyer you.
A Sure T?.p o.:
Seven Small i
and aUi Ci:.
JSfiSiI5 gffjIR Ei&KIE (
If you're a Merchant you favor Uoiw
If you favor Home Trade you'll fighl
f..r It.
If you FfKlit Tor It night you'll get It
If you get It you'll be Helping Yourself
if you h?! yourself you'll hurt th
Mall Order Trade.
If you hurt the Mail Order Trade you'l
be wise.
If you are wise You Will Advertise.
If You Will Advertise In our Horn
Paper you'll get Home Trade.
No "IF" about tbi last OM-tfi i
Nosturnal Inventions.
Mr. Stubh This paper states that a
genius sliould never marry. It says
that a married man cannot Invent
things like a single man.
Mrs. Stubb (sarcastically) Nonsense,
.Uhn! I notice a married man never
mis any. trouble Inventing excuses
about getting home late. St Louis
Strength of Mind.
Mrs. Oatcake Your husbaud 'peara
f be a pow'rful strung minded man.
Mrs. Ilayris He shore la. I're
know'd him V rend a patent medicine
almanac frum cover t' cover without
feelin that he h:d enny ur th' symp
toms." New Orleans Times-Democrat,
Hot Airs
Won't Raise
The Wind
Color blending of Furniture,
Draperies, Carpets, Woodwork,
Walls, make home life happier.
Our expert decorative specialist will
visit your city joon. Without obli
gating you he will discuss the fur
nishtngs for your new home.
Write lor particulars
J. G. Mack & Co.
Furniture and Caopets
Singlt Roemt furniiked Tailtfitlly
What a Heap of Happiness It Would
Bring to Mediord Homes.
Hard to do housework with an ach
ing baek. '
Brings you houree of misery at leisare
or at work.
If women on by knew the cause that
Backache pains tone from sick ked
'Would save much needless' woe.
Doan's Kidney Pills cure sick kid-
- Medford people "endorse this:
Mrs. J. H.-Banssnm, corner Twtlftb
and C streets, Medford, Or., says: "I
suffered so severely from kidney troublft
that I was anabU to do any housework.
The kidney secretions were irregular
and caused ms ranch annoyancs. . My
back pained me intensely and when
stooping or lifting I had sharp twinges
in my loins. My health was much run
down, and at times I felt very miserable.
Doan's Kidney Pills were brought ts
my attention and I proenred a box at
Haskins' drug store. They helped me
from the first. X continued and was
soon entirely esred. I have recommend
ed Doan's Kidney PiKs to other suffer
For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. T., sole
agents for tho United States.
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other. 40