MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON'. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1908. Hussey 's -:- Hussey -s -:- Hussey 's For Toys, Dolls, Games, Fancy China, Fancy Glassware. THE PLAC E F OR X MA S GOOD S This Is a Magnetic Xmas Store Stock Arranged for Easy Choosing We havo eliminated tlio disagreeable feature of OiriHtniRR shopping. Stocks offer countless tmlutiims of gift problems ami aro arranged for quick choosing. No matter the crowds 'regard less of the rush, our facilities tiro such as to givo thorough and courteous attention tor your every Deed. Our sales forco id reinforced and aisles u open and spaciouB. In every respect you will find this a most plensnnt Xmas shop ping place. The decorations uro most taste fully arranged and the tpirit of Xmas is every where. You will miss siring if you fail to take advantage of the OHEI8TMA8 SALE PRICES A Little Money Accomplishes Wonders Perhaps the moat pMising fer.ture of our Xmas service lies in the price tags.' While our Xmas atocks are the choicest, most diversified and most satisfactory for solving gift problems you have nccess to, you. will find our prices tempered with exceptional savings. "Goods mell bought are half sold" runs an old dry goods slogan. How true it is ia verified by the tremendous Xmas business we are enjoying. Our goods were wl bought i-lse how could bo quote these low pricjktff Goods are so arranged that one can. make selections almost without the aid of a clerk, because price tickets are on everything and nil show the , . , CHRISTMAS SALE PRICES 8th Saturday Night Sale From 7 to9P.M. ALL EMBROIDERIES FOR HALF PRICE Medford's Largest and Only Exclusive Ladies' Store BARER-HUTCHASON CO. CENTRAL AVE., JUST NORTH OJ? THE JACKSON COUNTY BANK More Light lor Less Money SOCIETY NOTES The third meeting of the Bridge Whist club was held on Friday after noon at the beautiful homo of Mrs. P. K. -Merrick, the hostco being Mrs. Nye, who cntiTtiiinod most charmingly. The 12 members of the club were pres ent and spent a most enjoyable after noon. The next meeting of the club will be held on the first Friday after New Year's. ' ; Special music and exercises in keep ing with the Christmas spirit will be held in nil of tho churches Sunday. One of the most attractive features will be the Christmas enntatrt i;t the Methodist episcopal church in the evening under the able direction nf Mrs. Kriuise. Be sides the chorus of ninny voices, there will be a irio by Mrs. Kraui-e and Messrs, Muller and Minion. Solo parts will be given by Mrs. Bliton Mr. D. T. Law ton, Mr. Mason and others. A delightful evening is assured. t .On Friday evening occurred the Hvc ond dance of the season given by the ladies of Mt. Ann's soeietv and it was fully up to the standard sot by these Indies, who have gained an enviable reputation as charming hostesses. The dance Was wrtlt attended. Splendid tnu nil1, beautiful gnwn, "IHiciimi refresh ments mid delightful rniiii;ui y enni- bincii to mnke tin ivniiiou ttivt de light ful one, and on- lung to be re membered. Ait u r.-sult the Indie refil led n goodly sum with which tje carry on tln work of their society. Th. yr:tud liinrch was led by V p. I-Mnr Itafer and Mr. Dudley. The pntronnss.-; vre: ' Mrs. Faul Tliei, Mr. P. II. Ilitpkiiw. ! Mrs. John D. 01w11, Mrs. Nicholas Cooke, Mrs. C. Hunt Lewis, Mrs. J. D. Heard, Mrs. George F. Mims, Mrs. J. Still man Vilas, Mrs.' John 8. Orth Mrs. Josephine Itussell, Mrs. W. Hyde 'Stalk er, Mrs. A.. A. OaVia, Mrs. J. F. Reddy, Mrs. V. I. Vawter. Mrs. Edgar Hafe'r. The Married People's Dancing club, which has been christened the San Souci club, held its third meeting on Thurs day eveaiug. An informal dance was enjoyed by nearly nil of tho members, a few not being able to attend. The music has been much improved, the inspiration to the dancers being sup plied by Messrs. Colvig, Warner. The ntxt meeting of the club will be on New Tear 'a eve. The Stoddard Reading club was en tertained Wednesday afternoon at the hospitable home of Mrs. F. K. Peuel, Instead of subjects being read and dis cussed as is usual at their meetings, the club listened to a rendition of Dickens' "Christmas Carol which was charm ingly rendered by Mrs. Oale. Since the organization of hie club last spring the subjects, 'India,"-. "Spain," Greece," Switzerland." "Constan tinople," "Venice," ."The Passion Play" and others yith many supple mentary articles have been studied with much pleasure and profit by nil of the members. Wit h t lie r 'turn nf in::ny of the young people from cidleije the yutnet set has many events planned . fof tho next two week. The holiday sor.sou is crowded with dinners, d:ince and parties and there is much ideasure in sir-lit for all. The fireiiKin's ball to bo given on NYw Vi-nr's ev. -eoniisfs much, ;.s tho licvt'. are known to l (he ln-t of en tertainers. They have' been hard at work for some time in completing the arrangements for the ball. The money realized will be used in purchasing equipment for the fire station. t The ladies of the Episcopal church are planning a numbr of social events for the entertainment of Bishop Scad ding, who is expected in Medford the Sunday after Christ m dav. Dr. J. F. Heddy is ill at the Oregon hotel, Mrs. Reddy ifi nursing him, hav ing been called from Spokane. He in tended returning to Medford Saturday, but was unable to travel. Mrs. Mamie Dclin who has spent the past six months "visiting relatives in Medford, will return to her tome in Seattle after Christmas. Miss (J)eason will no-ompany her. A. C. Randall of the Talent orchard in spending the holidays with him fam ily in Minneapolis, having gone there from the apple show et Spokane. Muscular Pains Oared. "During the summer of 1903 2 was troubled with mnsenhr pains in the in step of my foot," aays Mr. 8. Pedlar of Toronto, Ont. "At 4imes it was so painful I could hardly walk. Cham berlain's Fain Bahn was recommended to me, so I tried it and was complete ly cured by one small bottle. T have since recommended rt to several of my friends, all of whom speak highly of it." For sale by Hnskins' drug store, m For That Dull Feeling After Bating. I have used Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets for some time, and can testify that they have done me more good than any tablets I have ever used. My trouble was a heavy dull feeling after eating. David Freeman, Kempt, Nova Scotia.. These tablets strengthen the stomach and improve the digestion. They also regnulate the liver and bowels. They are far superior to pills, but cost no more. Get a 'free sam ple at Hnskins' drug store and see what a splendid medicine it is. For sale by H ask ins' drag store. m Colonel and Mrs. Frank Ray have returned from the east to spend a season at Hold Ray. Mr. and Mrs. Cage, Mrs. Ray's parents, and her daughter. Miss Kthel Hoyd. accompanied them. WRITES MOTHER CHRISTMAS NOTE; SUDDENXT DIES SEATTLE. Wash.. Dec. 10. Within an hour after writing a Christmas note to her mother in Taeonia. Ruth Weaver, igod , a student in the Mount Caruiel mission, died suddenly wnterdav of con gi-stion of the brain, di-spite the efforts t ei :il physii'iaiisi. Miss Ella Qanayaw, stenography and typewriting. Boera 4, Palm block. 9 PILES! PILES! FILES! Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will cure Blind, Bleeding and Ltching Pihs. It absorbs the tumors, allays itching at once, acts as a poultice, gives instant relief. Williams Indian Pile Ointment is prepared for Piles and itching of the private parts. Sold by druggists, mail 30c and 1.00 Williams' Mfg. Co.. Props., Cleveland, Ohio. For sale by Medford Pharmacy, near postoffice. Office manager wanted fiy Denver led OnialiTt. Liberal nl:irv. (t.V0 re ijUired, J.'.O cash. Address A. H care Tiilmne. , 7o Sixty-three per cent of electric current saved by using TUNGSTEN LAMPS. . '32 Candle Power' Edison Lamp uses 110 Watts per hour and would use in 1000 hrs. 110 Kilowatts which at loets. a Kilowatt $11 32 Candle Power Tungsten Lamp uses 40 Watts perhour and would use in icco . hours 40 Kilowatts which at 10c a Kilo watt..... ; ' 4 Net Saving in iooo hours in favor of the Tungsten Lamp..... j.,-. $ 7 Rogue River Electric Co. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. Office, 206 West Seventh Street. Phone No. 355. Opposite the Big Electric Sign. Cut Glass Perfect Quality and Cut AT PRICES THAT ARE RIGHT Haskins Drug Store Where to Buy W"ho sells Xmas goods the cheapest, the store who has expensive fixtures and large rents or the one who has the small expense? Our expenses are less, therefore we sell for less than others. The most beautiful Doll in Medford given away Call and see it ' THE SPOT It Music During Dinner OPEN UNTIL 1:30 A. M felTlffi The Louvre CoPvmdHT Ml H ' i f J m - v.