Iff ft ' . ,1., ...., j. The Toy Shop Invites Your Inspection EVERYTHING" IN THE LINE OF PRESEN TS FOR THE LITTLE ONES,!, ,N13W 'ANTJ FANCIFUL tfOYS" OF ALL KINDS, BOOKS. CARDS AND' .. ;, CHRISTMAS CANDIES. . A wondrous display of Dolls, Drums, Toy "and Ai r Guns, Steam Engines, Trains and .Tracks; Go-Carts, Wagons, Mechanical Toys of 'startling original Christ ! nla& JUards, Ualenaars, tne latest Jops; .fost uards and iost.Uard, Albums, Kodaks, -Leather (ioods, Xmas Tree Decorations, Candles, Tinsel and King & Long's "Celebrated Christmas Candies in fancy boxes. Now is the time to buy. .1.4. "SANTA, , CLATJS' HEAD- -. QUARTERS Midtord 1 ij . Store ,vri.if h'in,,--i TOii.Mr-rt Cv.'i! SEE OUR STOCK BEFORE ' BUYING I:d.! r'.1"' ;H:; v,'.,f.i. 25c SPECIAL WINDOW 50c If you want to get him a neat, inexpensive and serviceable present at a little cost see our 25 and Sj cen SPECIAL WINDOW. t COME IN and we will SHOW YOU the finest line of Neckwear in Oregon at any price from 25c to $2.50. DANIELS FOR DUDS Largest Clothing Store In Southern Oregon HEBREW ORGANIZATIONS TO MEET IN QUAKER CITY PHILADELPHIA, Pa.,.- Dec. 18. One month from today, : January 18, 1909, some of the moat influential Jew ish citizens of America will gather in the Quaker City to take part in the 21st council of the Union of Hebrew organizations. 'Man; imoortant anes- tione will be discuseed, including the .following: ..What- can. be done to prevent ,the enactment of Sunday laws in so far as Boeh laws are detrimental to. those who observe the seventh day of the week as the Sabbath f What can be done to prevent secta rian teachings and practices in the pub lic schools of the United StateBf What shall be done to induce the United States to prevent foreign gov ernments from discriminating, against citizens of the United States because of their religion f - How many Jewish congregations in smfill communities can be. assisted in maintaining their organizations! MEXICAN ANNUAL DOG SHOW THROWN OPEN CITY OF MEXICO, Dec. 18. Blood ed canines from all over the republic are shown in competition for honors at the first bench Bhow of the Mexico Kennel club, opened today at the Tri Toli. The show will be continued tomor row and Sunday. Handsome prize will be awarded. KENNETT MEN CONTEST FOB PLACE ON BOAED RKDDING Cal., Dec. 18. The elec tion contest between William Welsh and James S. Smithson, bcth of Kn nett, over the office of supervisor from the Fourth district, was called this morning in the superior court, depart ment No. 1, Judge Finch of Glenn county presiding in place of Judge Head, who, though not disqualified, pre ferred not to sit in a case involving an 'election that took placo at the close of a campaign in which he took an ac tive .part. Smithson, on the face of the returns, was elected supervisor by a plurality of six votes over West),-the contestant. COFFEY MTJEDES CASE JTOY COULDN'T AGREE YREKA, Cal.- Dec. IS. Tho jury.Jn the trial of Stephen W. Coffey of Sis son, accused of the murder of V. Ac chiardi, an Italian, in that place on October 30, following trouble over ' a bill, was discharged this morning, hav ing failed to agree. The caBe was con cluded about 5 o'clock last evening, and tho jury was out all night and un till 11 this morning. It stood 11 for ac quittal and one for conviction. The dato of the second trial will be set next Saturday. BEST COLLEGE ATHLETES OF COUNTRY ARE TO MEET NEW YORK, Dec. 18. Some of the best of the country's athletes will be seen in competition at tomorrow b ibig meet of tho college of the City 'of New York, to be held in the Twenty socond regiment armory. With Billy Keating, tho national out door champion; Bobby Clonghcn, the national indoor champion, and other crack sprinters in the Bpecial 70-yard limited handicap race, sport followers can look for a hair-raising struggle. Keating in anxious to got back at Cloug hen for the beating the flame haired fiver handed to him in the indoor cham pionships recently. With such mm as Jimmy An-hiT of the Irish American A. and Reed of the Gordon A. A. to draw them out. it vrould not be siir MARRIED. prising to see Cloughen or Keating will be hard wood so that it can be smash the record. used for skating and dancing. Harry mllman, Harry Bed ley Harry Gissing, Charley Bacon and Jim McEn tee have entered the Bpecinl 600-yard scratch event, and Tom Collins, Fred BLAND-MARTIN In Grants Pass, Bella and Harvey Colin are among ( on Friday, December 11, Henry M. me crathH wou win strive jur me iau- uiana ana Airs, rfvnua Martin, kludge rels in the four-milo scratch contest,., (Steven Jewell officiating. : With these men .on the mark the race WETLAND-CRAWFORD At the should be one of the greatest ever held , home -of ;the bride,8 motl)PP in 0ranlR m America, and it would not be sur- . Pafl8 Mr8 gadio Crnwford LawTeCe prming to see Burke's long-standing Weiland and Miss Lillian Crawford, on y. Wednesday, Decembers, Judge Stephen boards, h. H. Montague of the London jW(,j officiating. Athletic club recently equaled the rec- !( , . ord, and it. now is up to Yankee to MODEL ENJOYING BIG put the figures' where no Briton can . J. ieach them Other competition will not I XMAS HOfilDAY TBADB be lacking interest. I . , . , i . . . . j J Among the stores of Med ford that GRANTS PASS TO HAVE 1 jMve gaily decorated for the holiday MODERN AUDITORIUM trade none have aroused more favorable ' - , comment than the men's furnishing GRANTS PASS, Or., Dee. 18. Plans storeflt In thi(J ine P8peciaiy Med are nearly completed for the construe-, for( ie(wlfl alj citicB fioulh of Portland, tion of a building that will not only be' - . , - , - . . . .7 . . 4 f nonfi tan boast of as up to-date an ornament to the cny of Grants Pass, r a good advertisement, but will make , clothing emporiums. Among these, the this city tho convention city of eouth- leader irn fact, is the Model, the first ern Oregon. It will be nn auditorium t0 jnatall dust proof cabinets and other bnilt on the most modern plans with . , . ,. . , , . , , , , up-to-date futures. This Btore is draped all modern convenience; and will be , ' constructed on the corner of 11.. and with Chnstmas greens and scarlet trim Seventh streets by H. J. Clark nnd mings for tho holiday season and is do C. E. Woolfolk. ':'Lng an unusunlly large business. In The building will be 100x100 and fact, the growth of Mrdford is reflect will have n floor space of 7.ri75 feet, ed in the growth of the Mode), which with a 25-foot ceiling and ft truss roof. ; now carries one of tho largest and In the building will be a otage and most complete stocks that can be seen in gallery and seated with cpera chairs on any town the size of Medford. Mod a raised floor. This floor will bo remov-1 ern showcases, ladm with neckwear, able sit that the m-at can be tiiken up , rind all tht a man noeds at Christmas fur dances, fruit fairs, flower shows, 1 or any other time, and a hundred yards etc. The stage will be mod ern rath all of clothing cabinet literally jnmrncd see ii pry, dressing rooms, ete.. end can bo used for any kind of an entertain ment desirable. A modern heating plitnt will he inntaflcd so that the build- many shoppe rs that throng the atoro ing enn be heated as desired. The floor rn'om. with the latest design of wearing ap parel speak stronger than words of the imnienso stock appreciated by the I HAVE ON HAND Pippin -AND- Spitzenburg THREE AND FOUR-FOOT SIZES. ALL OTHER VARIETIES IN ANY : : : SIZE DESIRED : : : L. E. HOOVER MEDFORD, OREGON. Agent Yakima Valley Nursery.