Hiissey THE PEEACHEB WROTE OF THINGS ' HE SHOULD NOT KNOW BOSTON, Mita.( Dec. 18. A sensa tion Iihh beau vreiitcd in tho religious and hoc ia I e ire I en of Moiisun by the discovery that a local milliliter! the Itev. (Iporgo Andrews, is the author of a nvvr novel of an exceedingly frank and lurid nature. Mcinbem of Dr. An drewH congregation wores hocked and grieved by the revelation, as tho book is' alleged to deal with phases of life with which a jiarHon is not supposed to lio familiar, ' The story dealt with tho errors of a minister who was hnndicapped, with out his ktmwleitgo, by a weight of he reditary failings. . 'In melodramatic fashion, a heronine i introduced into tho story. She es capes from a villain and goes into a burlosquo company on the stage, where ohe is subjected to iusults that are treat ed in an unrestrained manner. This girl fulls in love with the min ister 'hero. They are married and live happily until tho strain of lawlessness of his ancestors cornea upon him, and drives him 'into paths all decent men would avoid. 1 ' Tho loving, persistent fnith of the wife finally retrieves the minister, win ning him back from unfortunate at tachment. Tho "Srenefl -aw depicted in a way astounding to luymen, and much moro so when written; by an ordainod clorgyman. The Itev. Onorgn Andrews is a grad uate' of Colby college. Until ten years ago he wan a teacher in small Now Eng land towns. Then ue entored tho min istry. THOUSANDS OF OYSTERS t! ARE GOING TO WASTE BAIriMORK Mr., Ore. 18. Since the n.VHtcr season opened thoimnnds of huHhi'ls of fine ('hcmipettko Hay oys ters have gone to waste, the dealers being nimble to find a market which would net. reasonable profits. Iir the lirHt time since the civil war prohiibly a dozen eggs will buy a bushel of oysterH ninl t hut buHhel will open nearly a gitllon. The cost of opening UO cents is almost the. price of the oysters. This is the best season for oysters in a good iniiny years, but for the oys ter packtT and shipper it is the poorest in many seasons. The oysters are large, fine and plen tiful, but there is no market for them. The stringent times is largely respon Hible. It is thought tluil the nrrivnl of the holidiiy nctison will result in an increas ed deiimiid for the hiviilvcs, but in the mount tine the concerns cngnged in tho oyster business have mifVered heavy loss through their inubility to market their product. New Cases. .). W. Mitchell and K. C. Ito.i'k vs. K. V, Seteleuieier end I., t . Hoover; action to recover money. Vlvig & KeauteH, attnrnevs for plaintitT. Probate. list ate I'Vanl; I Ike; order made to pay preferred claims. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. ICiminuel I'm tie to Ihrein Omihle itay In acres in sect ion i:t. lowiiNhip raitye - K 1 It. V. Coodtile to Charles M. Duncan, 41 acres in D , (' 7'J. towusliip H7. ran ne "J W ... .",nnn Henry ). .Mitch. ! ,. ,ini,- ( M fer, property in block K. Kail l'Miuie ('alter to A II .mi Davis. road addition to Ashland ..... I Hot) same as above William H. Hamlin ( hub Ham lin, half acre in Harr's addi tion to Med ford It. H. Toft to Y A. (Hidden, lot 4, block 1, iSuunvside addition to Med ford Alma Hulli'ck to Maria Hurtl ing, 1.7'.! acres in section 19 township ;i7, ran go 1 W Maria Ouruing to Alum lUtllock, 14.57 acres in PLC 7S, town ship :i7, range 1 V H. A. I'attison to Knther A. Mur phy, property in block 62. t'enl tral Point Emma Ongnon to .lames V. Ham lin, 1.4 1 acres in section 23, township .t7, range 2 W Tda Phelps to Reuben M. Kice. lots 11 and 12, block 2 Gold Hill ". Fred II. Cook to George W. Deane, property in Fark addi tion to Med ford Agnes Owens to John 8. Owens, lots 2 and 3, section 3fl, town ship 30, range I W 730 10 2000 10 80 iooo 850 800 MEDPORD DTLY TRJBTIK1!L MEDFORD, 5? For Toys, Dolls, Games, Fancy China, Fancy Glassware. ;- ... , ' ' . : - - PLACE FOR XM A Mm ,Q.f Jackso.n; County The Tribune and Southern Oregonian is having made at great expense a fine, colored, lithographed map of Jackson county. ' 'This map "will" show all cities, towns and villages, rivers and waterways, section and survey lines, railroads and projected rail roads, wagon roads, forest reserve bounda ries, election precincts and other data need-' ed by everyone!' All' townships shown in colors. This up-to-date map will be ready for distribution some time in December. It will bo sold only through The Tribune and Southern Qregonian. This will be your only chance to secure a good map of Jackson county, as all map edi tions are out of print and plates were des troyed in the San Francisco fire, necessitat ing new plates made .at an enormous expense. .i'ui'tlu'i' details later. Readv in December. "y&xs. 3rdne H'fampton Isaacs "Instructor of "Piano. Histt 3Uetl)0& Studio at Mctidtnct. tfortt) Orange Street .7. V.. KNYART. I'rosiilont. ,T. A. I'KKHV, Vice ProsiiU'iit. THE MEDFORD MEDFORD, OB. CAPITAL - - "$60,000 SURPLUS - - 10,000 Safety Boxes For Rent. A General Bank in Business Transacted. W e Solicit Your Patronage. Mrs. M. Edsall to William Perry, power of attorney R. S. McDowell to Mary L. Lit, land in township Sit, rango 1 W 12000 Joseph T. Peters to Grants Pass Timber com-vany, land in soetion 30, township 33, rango 3 W 1 George W. Dean to J. A. Lyon propertv in Park addition to Medford 1000 Frank M. Tun-rate to Hiram Dou bleilay, land in section 13, town ship S.l, rango 3 G 1 CONSTANTINOPLE, Dec. IS. The saltan left YiMix this morning to open the Turkish parliament, the first of its kind in this country for 30 years. Hussey ALL THE WORLD LOVES A LOVER end evrj lad likw4 a gentleman, fllothing toain't always ak the nan, bat the beek U eftea takea by its cev er,' aad w make olothing that gives that air of style aid refinement sought try a g atlemaa by fittiaghiot eut with the mest exclusive styles Ta ever ceate, cutaway, freek aad sack sails that ae eae caa eaal ia seuthera Ore- i gen, t,- , , ... . - ! . A. KREUZER $ COl palm" Btfttjtirfo:Trom;1 oeb. U 1 -t -kJ.JIi JOHN' 8. OltTlf, Cashier. W. B. JACKSOX, Ass't Cashier. NATIONAL BANK Notice to Red Men. All members of Weatonka tribe, No. 30, I. O. B. M. are requested to be present at a special meeting Saturday night, Decomber litth, 1908, at which time a large class of palefaces will be initiated. Refreshments and a good time in store for all that attend. Visit ing brothors cordially invited. L. L. JACOBS. 234 Chief of Records.. IF YOU KNEW The merits of the Texas Wonder, you would never suffer from kidney, blad der or rheumatic trouble. 91 bottle two months treatment, sold by druggist or by mail. Send for testnin-aals. Dr. B. W. HaO, 2928 Olive St., St. Louis. OREGOk. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 19Q8 s City Business Directory Let the MISSION FUBNICTTBE WORKS make that piece of furniture. Any design, any eolor, any finish dull, waxed tt poliehed. Shop on cor. of 8th and H streets. W. XL ColTif. ' CI L. Baamaa. t.OOLVIO It REAMBSi i...... . Lawyers.. . rj- . Office:afedford Bank Bldg. '" Ground floor. , Cook Stoves and ranges. Phone 91 UOBDOBFF A. WOLF , ., New arid SJconJ. Hand' Furniture Bads' old stand, 1840 F St. South ii 1. ia.Msdford, On . . nma. KABNBB BOOMnra HOTJSB Newly built and. newly furnished All modem conveniences. u M D. 8. Karnes, Prop. -20 S: Q St., '. i .! i Medford, Or. FISH MARKET Fresh fish Voceived rdaiiy. Oys- - ters in season. Cor. Seventh and E Sts, Medford MEDFORD TEA AND COFFEE HOUSE Specialists in Tcas,'Cof fees, Extracts, Baking Ponder and Spices. We carry all kinds of dinner ware and fancy dishes. 216 W. Seventh St. Medford, Or. DB. GOBLE The only exclusive Optician be tween Portland and Sacramento. Office on Seventh Street. When others fail, call on DR. E. J. BONNER Eye SpeciaHstvti Office in Eagle Pharmacy Main 233. ' Seventh and Main JOB PRINTING by The Tribune. THE HOTEL EMERIOK Booms from 50 cents to $1.50 pe' day. All modern conveuieucee f We solicit your patronage. VALLEY AUTO CO. have opened tlioir uen garago and repair shop buck of the Mooro hotel. Motor ears stored and taken care of. All work guuruutqed. Phone No. 3163 LONG BRANCH. N. J., Dec. IS. Hearing of the three suits against E. R, Thomas, resulting from a nautomo bile collision in which a team of horses belonging to Erail Scelig were killed and Daniel Connolly, o coachman, was j injured, is Bet for .tomorrow. Another postponement may bo secured. AGAIN. Grand holiday excursion. Rousd trip tickets $16, good for 15 days, baggage checked, return allowed nuy time with in limit. Ashland to San Francisco, leaving Saturday, December 26. 1908, on regular overland train at 11:35 a. m. Sixty or mors exejriionists will make the fare $15. T. K. BOLTON, EMIL PEIL, Hussey - : - AS GOODS THE B. B. V. LUNCH BOOH Finest cup of coffee on t Mw Pacific Coast. H. H. Lorimer Prop. ARTHUR H. DAVIS Oontrmetlna - Blectrlcal Kriginaar. 210 W. Seventh St., ifcdfori, Or. '""ANLO PBNWELL "' ' Th Plnnlber. Tf -ill.: 'i I solicit a share of your business, pledging satisfaction. , THH ELBOTBIO AND FBBNOH DBT OLBANDTO AND PRESS It . : nro WORKS , W. E. Lane 'Son, Props. Opposite Hotel Moore, Medford, Oregon ' WA8CHAU ft BROWN wish to announce to their patrons that they are located in their new quarters in the Yonng A Hall building. . Billiards, Cigars and Tobaccos. DB. FRANK ROBERTS r Dentist Office hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Miles Building, Seventh Street, ' Medford, Oregon. - THE MISSION GBILL Always -open for business. Neat and clean. Up-to-date. Popular prices. ' 13 So. C St. Lambert & Brown For good bargains in Watches and Jewelry, Pistols, Musical In struments, go to THE MEDFORD LOAN OFFICE C Street. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Undertakers Day Phone 3J3 Night rhones I". W. Conklin 36 J. H. Butler 14S DR. R. I. CONROY . Successor to Dr. Jones. Offiee in tlu Stewart Buildii J. M. KEENE, D. D. S. Dentist Specialist in operative dentistry Painless -xtraction of teeth. Ask your MANUEL mwftml I ' dear Havana Cigar. HART CIOAB CO, Distributors, Portland. Or. SAVOY THEATER . Narth d'Anjou fltreet. Latest motion pictures and illus trated songs, Entire : change e4 program Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 cents. BUOU TBBATBB, W. TIB. MB. Continuous, performance. .. erery evening of motion picturas and il rostrated ballads; Entire-. shange of program Mondays Wednesday and Friday. Admiaaionv 10? eaata. WM. H. AITEBN Plambing, Steam and Hot Water Heating. ' Pkeaa'- 88. 210 W, Seventh St.; Medford, Or. 1 BOBN V ALLEY NURSERY N. S.; Bennett. MedfawL. Or. Orow trees that sell, sell trees J grurr aoaa i riui xrua to lanei 1KB EMERIOK OATB " The best restaurant in Southern . .Oregon. , .... . W. E. Johnson r- Prop. VERNE T. CANON ' Billposter and distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 7 Jackson Co. Bank Bldg. Medford, Or. O. F. COOK Sells trees that grow. Office: R. R. V. Depot. P. O. Box 841. Phone 593. Medford, Or. MRS. ED. ANDREWS Voice Culture and Art of Singing :'. Studio at Besidenco. -East Medford. Phone 225 S. B. SEELY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Modern equipped operating rooms X-Bay. Offiee hours: 1012, 2-4 p. m. Office in Jackson Co. Bk. bldg JACK FBEDENBURO . Scavenger. Garbage hauled. Medford. ENVELOPES printed to order LETTERHEADS of all styles by The Tribuno. BREAKFAST SPECIALTIES Star Bacon and Fried Ap ples, Hot Rolls and Cof fee 30c Poached Eggs, Hot Rolls, and Coffee 30c Fried Ham, Fried Mush, Rolls and Coffee ... . .30c Thd Louvre - "West -Seventh Street. dealer for LOPEZ 4