DTORDjgAllir TBnimjfjOlBDffOfll?.; OftEfiON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1008. Hussey's -:- Hussey's -:- Hussey's For Toys, Dolls, Games, Fancy China, Fancy Glassware. , THE PLACE FOR XMAS GOODS Social and Personal W. J. Bcott was a recent Med ford viiii tor. Uri, Einil DoRoboam is recovering from u recent ill new. J. J. O wings is visiting It is sou (leorgo of Phoenix. (J. P. II all of Browuaboro was Med ford visitor Wednesday. A. K. Wye off of Mains Valley was In Med ford Weduosduy on business. Have 10 to Id pounds per bale by get ting your bay at tbo Kuss Mill. List land with Benson Investment Co.. Over the Bijou Theater. 54 Hot popcorn and roasted peanuts at the M. 6. B. Candy Kitchen. 34 0. 11. Balsley of Hpokano, Wash., is visiting Med ford. Mr. McDonald of Salem was a Med ford arrival Thursday. H. A. Wyckoff of Central Point spent Wednesday in Mod ford. C P. Hall and daughter of Browns bore spent Wednesday in . Med ford. William Doru of Watkins spent Thursday in Medford. John II. Shearer, J,, D, Buoll and J. W. Hobbs all of Eugene are in Med ford. (Jail up the Kuss Mill aud get prices on feed and hay before buying. Phone 9101. Miss Blanch Collins of Bums Valley is paying her nude, Benjamin M. Col Jius, a visit. Mrs. Zcmina Hose and Mrs. A. 8. Furry, of Phoenix wore iu Medford on business recently. Have customer for bearing commer cial orchard. Benson Investment Co., ' over Bijou Thaator. 59 There'll be something doing In Mer lin, vory soon. 32 The ideal holiday candies. King ft Long, 31 Get in your orders early and avoid the rush at the M. B. Candy kitch en. 84 Bpeclal attention paid to fancy box candy orders for Christmas, put up ready to mail. King ft Long. 231 Mr. and Mrs, 1. M. Harvey have re turned to tbeir homo in .Cottage. Grove after a visit of a few weeks iu Mod ford. , The Mod ford iron works on Wednes day instituted a garnishment suit ogalust A. S. Moyor for a bill of The ense was before Justice Canon. We don't want the oarth, but we do want your feud trade. Wo soil for cash, but wo mako it an object for you to pay cash at the Rubs Mill, . Mrs. Clinton Austin, who has been visiting in the city with tho family of Jobbb llouck for some duys, has re turned to her homo iu Ashland. Mrs. A. 8. Phillips and family of McGregor, Tel., who recently purchas ed a tract northeast of Medford, have arrived to ninkii their home upon their ranch. John Mast who lives near this city, recently purchased 50 bend of hogs and will muke good old country bacon of them. John is an expert country butch er. Do you want to build a hornet Do you want to speculator If you desire to do either, see Toft A Anderaou ubout lots in their new addition juel opened ic West Medford. 233 Mrs. W. T. Ileveridge of Puyallup, Waith., joined her himhand tho engineer and will make Medford her homo for some months. Mr. Beverldge was one of the engineers of the North Hunk railroad. WAREHOUSE IS ENTERED; ROLLED B ABLET STOLEN Thea warohouso of McComb ft True was broken open on Wednesday uighl and six sacks of 'rolled barley was stolen. The thief gained entrance through a wiuduw aud escaped by way of the back door. MOB SUMMARILY DEALS WITH GIRL'S ASSAULTER MONTK KLLO, Ky., Dec. 17. Swift punishment was given Elmer Hill of this city by a mob Inst night when he mi taken from a cell and hanged. He was charged "with asnaulting and mur dering Mamie Womack, a 13-year-old girl. BOY HAS LEO BROKEN B7 A PALLING TREE The 6 year-old adopted son of Abo Wise, a rancher of Dry creek, about 15 miles from this city, had his leg broken Wednesday by u falling tree. The father was at work cutting tim ber and as the tree fell the boy ran under it. Dr. Conroy wns called,. The young man was brought to Medford Thursday for further treatment. MISS EIFERT MET WITH POOKETBOOK 8NAT0HER Miss Edna Eifert, a popular and charming member of Medford 'a young er set, met with a ruffian while on her way home Wednesday evening, who endeavored to snatch her pocket book from her hand. The pocket book fell to , .the sidewalk but was recovered by .Mis Eifert, 'the-thug then becoming , frightened avd sneaking away. Mtu Eifert ina be ablo to identify the man ' if he ia apprehended. s 1 8th Saturday Night Sale Includes all Christmas Sales and all Embroideries for Half 'In addition to the Christmas Sales which arc now going on at this store ami which save you from one ' fifth to one-third on most all lines, we have decided to place on sale our entire line of Kmbroideries, 'including wide, medium and narrow insertions nud edges, finished hand., cornet cover embroideries, etc., t exactly HALF TUB ORIGINAL PRICKS. HALE OPRNS PROMPTLY AT 7 P. M. A CHRISTMAS STORE A DELIGHTFUL PLACE TO VISIT It bus ever been the policy of this sturo to keep the displays and nil interior nud exterior decorations 'as inviting as possible, so th;it the store would be a delightful place in which to Hbop. We feel sure that 'you will enjoy a visit to this store and wo assure you that wo will enjoy having you examine our lines.. 'Every .article offered for salo is right iu price, value and style JP NOT, WE'LL TRADE BACK YOUR. MONEY. MHDFORDS EXCLUSIVE LA.DIJSS' STORE Baker-Hutchason Co. Central Avenue, Just North of the Jackson County Bank REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Cnllie Jones to Adum Kmig, NO acres in nectiou 4, .township , 3d, range 2 W ; . . 3;ino Irene Eaton to Joseph Pope, property In block (II, Jtick sonvillu ..... . -. . 1 no John D. Rico to M. Peck, proper ty in township 38 grange i v 4fn C. M. HowlundH o Wnllaco Woods, land in D L C 72, township 37, range W 1 Dick HeHHu to James It.. Williams, KiO acres in section 10, town ship 35, range 1 E 4N4N4NN 7"n T. II, Williams to' Dick Hesse, I (10 acres in section 10, town ship 35, range 1 K 750 James Gainett to HeiiHcon Nor- bury,, lot 1(1, block U Central Point " li.r George V. Damon to John It. Urown, land in township 3", range 1 K 10 M. Hhnver to William M. Broth er, property iu Atdilnnd .... 1(1 Nliormun Fields to Charles Fields, land in section 7, towutdiip 3S, range 4 W 100 Henry Humphrey to City of Mini ford, property in West Medford tract . 1 L. C. Coleman to Howard A. Dudley, laud iu township 37 range 1 W T D. 11. Imrueburg to A Ibert H. Moses, laud in D L C 51), town ship 37, range 1 W 4OK00 J. M. Krone to Albert B. Moses, land in township 17, range I W 30)100 M. Hhnver to Muritula K. Broth ers, land In section 10, town ship 39, range IE 10 ADVERTISED LETTER LIST. The following letters remain uncalled for nt the Medford, Or,, postoffiee le cember Id 1U0H. U. T. Bates. C. E. Bnrnev. Burt L. Benson (3), Mrs. John Bicwnrth, Bye M. Bununeld. E. 8. Chenev. Lew Combs Owen Citerer. Pearle Dean. D. J. Keen, Miss Grace Fox, Miss Maude Gleason (2), Raymond Gohlings E. A. Hatha .way. C. Hull. Elif-abe'th Huber, Mrs Bessie Jones, W. E. Johnson, J. W. John son, oe Knxy, Minnie Levi W. H. Lil lev. B. A. Mudock, Miller & Berwin. ('has. Murnhv. Lees Orr. Joseph Patter son, Mrs. S. S. Shirlty, John R. Stan rd. Dr. Chas. W. Stone. Paul N. Ste phenson. Suurise Mining Co, J. L. Tay lor, Jenkin Walters, Parties callintr for anv of the above letters will please say ::ndvertised.' A charge of one cent will be made upon the delivery of any advertised letter. A. M. WOODFORD, P. M. SENATOR ALDRI0H TAKES UP MATTER OP ROOSEVELT INSULT WASHINGTON, Dec. 17. Senator A Id rich of Khodo Inland todny intro duced in the senate a resolution looking toward tho eenmiring of Roosevelt for his action in connection with the em ployment of secret service men. Tho resolution refers the matter to the sen ate appropriation commit te and In volves the Investigating of th whol secret service organisation. A Map of Jackson County The Tribuuc and Southern Oregonian is Laving made at great expense a fine, colored, lithographed map of Jackson county. This map will show all cities, towns and villages, rivers and waterways, section and survey lines, railroads and projected rail roads, wagon roads, forest reserve bounda ries, election precincts and other data need ed by everyone. All townships shown in colors. This up-to-date map will be ready for distribution some time in December. It will lie sold only through The Tribune and Southern Oregonian. This will be your only chance to secure a good map of Jackson county, as all map edi tions are out of print and plates were des t roved in the San Francisco fire, necessitat ing now plates made at an enormous expense. Further details later. Ready in December. Classified Advertisement roE sale. FOR SALE N'cw throe seated haok Inquire of II. M. Cobs. 238 FOB SALE Housm, lotn anrl land in Phoenix, or iu tracts to suit from one acre to (HO acres. Mutt Calhoun, Phoe- nix. Or. FOB SAI.K Invalid chair; used but verv few times. Mrs. Coolov, 4 B at reel. 23d LOST Fountain xn, with initi; Is J. .1. . on same. Return to Medford Natlonnl bank aud roceivo reward. 232 FOR SALE Five and ton-acre tracts within and adjolniug city limits, at a bargain no long time. Address P. O. Hex 418, Medford, Or. 24S FOR SALE A good small busincs on Seventh street. Reasons for telling. Address, P. O. boi 613 or call at this office. . tf KOK 8AIK No. 6 Kcmington tyj writer; nenrlv new; cheap. K. E. Kel ly, Palm bloc'k. 23" KOK MALE Auto, $.1;00 machine for S;0; 40 11. p., top, glass front; dem ontstrntion given in Portland. The Oregon Co., JUV. Wells Far go bldg., Vrtnul, Or. fcUi POK SALK CO acre ranch, near sta tion, stock, implements and household goods to exehsng? for residence in Medford or Talent. Ben A. Lowell. Woodville, Or. . 2.13 FOB SALE First-class blacksmith and wagon shop, also town lots, 2 good milch cows. Inquire G. N. Lewis, Jack sonville, Or. 23(1 FOR 8ALE OR TRADE Mare for a fresh cow. Write W. O. Gordon, Med ford. B. F. D., or call mile aud Imlf south of Medford, old Hoxia plart. 2.12 WANTED. ANTKJ) Horses to toard bv the mouth. Plenty of good, clean hay, good warm barn; terms $6 per month. No horses taken fer less than one month. Walter Moore, Phoenii. S.'iO WANTED I desire family washing to do. 1 go to the houie and wash by the day. Prices reasonable; satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs, M F. Schaenfele, Medford, Or. Box A, houte No. 1 250 WANTED 300 men for Alaska work. season 1909; $5 per day; $100 required. Alaska Investment ft Development Co., Hon.burg. Or. 233 I City Business Directory Lot thu MISSION FTJBNITTTBE WORKS make that piece of furniture. Any . design, any eolor, any finish dull, waxed or polished. Shop on cor. of 8th and H streets. W. M. Colvig. O. L. Beames. OOLVIQ ft BEAMES Lawyers. Office: Medford Bank Bldg. Ground floor. Cook Stores and ranges. Phone 91 MOBDOBFF ft WOLF New and Second-Hand Furniture Ends' old stand, 18-20 F St. South Medford, Or. KABNB8 BOOMING HOUSE Nowly built and newly furnished All modern conveniences. D. Q. Karnes, Prop. 0 S. O St., Medford, Or. FISH MARKET Fresh fish roceived daily. Oys ters in season. Cor. Seventh and E Sts, Medford MEDFOBD TEA AND COFFEE HOUSE Specialists in Teas, Cof fees,; Extracts, Baking Powder and Spices. We carry all kinds of dinner ware and fancy dishes. 216 W. Seventh St. Medford, Or DB. QOBLE The only exclusive Optician be tween Portland and Sacramento. Office on Seventh Street. Whon others fail, call on DB. E. I. BONNER Eye Specialist Offico in Eagle Pbarmary Main 233. Seventh and Main JOB PRINTING by The Tribune. THE HOTEL EMEBIOK Rooms from 50 cents to tl.50 pc day. All modern conveniences We solicit your patronage. VALLEY AUTO CO. have opened their new garage and ropair shop back of tho Moore" hotel. Motor cars stored and taken care of. All work guaranteed. Phone No. 313 WANTED You nru ambitious and pos sess at least an average amount of tac aud perseverance. Therefore, we want you and will poy you $75 a month for taking only four orders a doy. You can earn a big income. We furnish all supplies free. Write today to Man ager, P. O. Box 1150, New York City. 240 LOST. LOMT A lady's gold watch and nug got chnin; lost somewhere between Moore hotel and corner of H and Eighth streets. Finder leave at this office and receive reward. 23 Notice to Red Men. aTT members of Wentonka tribe. No. 30, 1. O. R. M. are requested to be present at a special meeting Saturday night, December 19th. 190S, at which time a Inrge class of palefaces will be initiated. Refreshments and a good time in store for all that attend. Visit ing brothers cordially invited. L. L. JACOBS, ' 234 Chief of Records. New Cases. ., J. T. Sumnierville and H. N. Clark vs. C. E. Wickstrom; action to recover money. R. O. Smith and H. L. Do Armond, attorneys for plaintiff. Probate. Ounrdiau Roy and Percy Berry; guard ian 's bond filed. THE B. B. V. LUNCH BOOM Finest cup of coffee on the Pacific Coast. H. H. Lorimer Prop. ARTHUR H. DAVIS Contracting Electrical Engineer. 210 W. Seventh St., Medford, Or. ANLO PENWELL The Plumber. t solicit a share of your business, pledging satisfaction. THE ELECTRIC AND FRENCH DB7 CLEANING AND PRESS ING WORKS W. E. Lane 4 Son, Props. Opposite Hotel Moore, Medford Oregon . WASOHAU ft BROWN wish to announce to their patrons that they are located in their new quarters in the Young ft Hall building. Billiards, Cigars and TobaccoB. DR. FRANK ROBERTS Dentist Office hours: 8 to 12? 1 to 4. Miles Building, Seventh Street, Medford, Oregon. THE MISSION GRILL Always open for business. Neat and clean. Up-to-date. Popular prices. 12 So. C St. Lambert ft Brown For good bargains in Watches and Jewelry, Pistols, Masical In struments, go to THE MEDFOBD LOAN OFFICE C Street. MEDFOBD FURNITURE 00. Undertakers Day Phone 353 Night Phones C. W. Conklin 38 J. H. Butler 148 DB. B. J. CONROY Successor to Dr. Jones. Office in thj Stewart Building. J. M. KEENE, D. D. 8. Dentist Specialist in operative dentistry Painless -xtraction of tooth. CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE. J Office of City Treasurer, Medford, Oregon, Dec. 15th, 1908. ! Notice is heYeby given that there are funds ia the city treasury for the re demption of all outstanding warrants issued against the light and water fund, and an outstanding warrants issued agcinst Sewer Dist. No. 6, protested September and October, 1908, and Nos. 13 to 23, inclusive, protested Novem ber 10th, 1908. i Interest on tho came will cease aft er the above date. I Ij. h. JACOBS, . 23 City Treasurer. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS. Medford, Or., Doe. 15. Sealed proposals will bo received by the City Recorder of Medford, Oregon, until 5 o'clock p. ni. December 21, 1908, for painting street siuc. All bids must be submitted on the printed forms furnish d by the eity re corder. All labor and material to be done and furnished strictly in accordance with the specifications on filo in the ottiea of the city reorder and to the satirfaetion of tho city eng'neer. P. William Wnschati, formerly a res ident of this city, i stopping at the present time in Portland, ha'inp re turned from his eastern trip to that city. SAVOT THEATER North d'Anjou Street. Latest motion pictures and ill us trated songs. Entire change o' program Monday, Wednesday aod Friday. Admission 10 cents. BIJOU THEATEB, 1 W. 7TH ST. Continuous performance every evening of motion pictures and il lustrated ballads. Entire change of program Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 cents. WM. H. AITKEN Plumbing, Steam and Hot Water Hoating. I'hone 22. . ,,',: : 210 W. Seventh St., Medforf, Or. EDEN VALLEY NURSERY ' N. 8. Bennett, Medford, Or. Grow trees that sell, sell trees that grow anad fruit true to label THE EMEBIOK OAFE The best restaurant in Southern Oregon. W. E. Johnson Prop. VERNE T. OANON Billposter and distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 7 Jackson Co. Bank Bldg. Medford, Or. O. F. COOK .Sells trees that grow. Office: R. R. V. Depot. P. O. Box 841. Phone 693, Medford, Or. MBS. ED. ANDREWS Voice Culture and Art of Singing Studio at Residence. East Medford. Phone 225 a B. SEEL7, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Modern equipped operating rooms X-Bay. Office hours: 1012, 2-4 p. m. Office in Jackson Co. Bk. bldg JACK FREDENBUBG Scavenger. Garbage haulod. Medford. ENVELOPES printed to order LETTERHEADS of all styles by The Tribune. Medford Time Table SOUTHEBN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Northbound No. lflOregon Express 5:24 p.m. No. HjI'ortland Express 9:49 a.m. I Southbound No. l.")California Expross.. ,10:35 a. m. No. 13San Francisco Exp.. . 3:20 p. m. No. 225Frnm Grants Pass.... 9:15 p.m. No. 223For Ashland 10:16p. m. PACEFIO ft EASTERN BAIL WAY I No. lLeaves Medford . . . No. 3:Leaves Medford . . . 1 No. SIArrives Medford... . 8:10 a.m. . 2:50 p.m. .10:23a. m. . 5:08 p. m. . No. 4Arrives Medford jfiOOUE RIVER VALLEY No. 2Leaves Medford '. ( No. 4ileaves Medford MotorlLeaves Medford MotorLoaves Medford No. 1; Leaves Jacksonville. . , No. .IjLeavea Jacksonville. . MdlorI.eavcs Jacksonville.. Motor-Leaves Jacksonville. RAILWAY .10:45 a. m. . 5:35 p. m. , 2:00p.m. 9:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. , 3:30 p.m. , 1:30 p.m. I 7:30 p. ni. MAIL CLOSES A.M.P.M. Northbound .-) 9:19 4:54 Southbound 10:05 2:50 Eagla Point 7:20j 2:00 Jacksonville 10:20 5:20