ME I) FORD DAILY TRIBDN&, MED FORI), OR EC! ON". SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1908. Medford Daily Tribune A Live Paper in a Live Town. Published every evening except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY George Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postof fiee at Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Oat uaitk, b mail at earrisr . . . .IO.S0 Oit j-ear, by mail 5.W jl TO A HUOfiA TE I'll All TEH. An initiative petition has Urn filed with the city re corder calling for a vote of the people to abolish the special features of the Medford charter, which enable the city to regulate her own affairs and thereby surrender t his right to the residents of Jackson county, who then can dic tate to Medfoi'd. For citizens of Medford to unnecessarily surrender their rights and privileges seems the height of absurdity. In no way can the city be benefited by this action but it can be a loser. If the people of Medford want prohibition, they have merely to vote for it to secure it under the charter. If they want high license their vote obtains it. .The char ter makes it possible for the citizens to rule their own af fairs and govern the city as they see fit. It is the real princi ple of local option not the unjust so-called local option law of Oregon, where non-residents can dictate to a city. If Medford votes away her special and unique privi leges, special and unique only through the injustice of general laws she can never recover them, but is placed in the category with all other cities whose power for self jrovernnient has been taken away and given to the county What could possibly be gained Ashland and other en vious rivals could run Medford to suit themselves and Medfoi'd would have to submit. Under the present charter, Medford is her own boss- -rules herself and why should she lose the right her birthright f Does a man knowingly vote away his inde pendence 1 Neither should a city. I!. It. HUME'S EAHLUOM. tThat excellent weekly, the Cortland Spectator, has the following to say concerning the late R. D. llunie, " Lord of the Rogue, who it. seems was a real peer: "In none of the stories that have appeared about that notable character, R. 1). 1 1 unit, since his death has a word been said of that thing which of which he was proudest his ancestry. Mr. Hume's canneries, his lands, his news papers, his beautiful home all that he had won by shrewd ness, ability, and determination, counted for nothing, com pared with the thing that was his through no effort of his own. AVith his intimates he discussed ancestry as other men talk politics religion, or business; lie loved a eoat-of-arms more than he did the dollar-mark, and a crest gave him subject for an hour's conversation. Mr. Hume be lieved he was the earl of Marchinont. "The strange thing about the belief was that it was true that is, so far as a man can have a title that docs not exist. If the earldom of Marchinont had not lapsed, owing to the fact that one of the Jinnies had suffered the double misfortune of simultaneously losing the title and his head, R. 1). Hume would have been a peer, and sat in the house of lords, dominating that body of heritary rulers as he dominated everything and everybody with which and whom he had anything to do. "When the noted ancestor of U. I). Hume belted on his good sword, and led his spearsmen out to fight for a kinu who found more joy in dancing to the lascivious pleasing of a lute than in following the blare of the charge-sounding trump, his grace of Marchinont involved himself in a quar rel that led him to the block, mid drove his kith and kin into hiding and overseas. Some years ago K. 1. llunie edited a book on the Hume family, which shows his des cent from the brave but unfortunate Marl of Mardimoiii and which shows, besides, that some of the II nines were as to Jeatnres and looks distressingly ill-favored. Mr. Hume was a fine type of westerner a true friend and an honest-fighting enemy; there was no fear in his heart, and little reproach to his life." :GO TO: FOR YOUR XMAS NEEDS A Big Line of Dolls, Toys, Games, Fancy China, G,as' And Every one a Money Saver Ladies You never will realize the beauty that is possible with entire comfort until you wear a John Kelly Shoe There is something uniuis tably smart about them. W-tlohn Kelly Shoes are comfortable from the very first hour because they are made on lasts which exactly reproduce the hu man foot, fitting every line and curve. I especially in vite YOU to come in and look over my stock of John Kelly Shoes Bring in your repair work. c. w. Mcdonald Successor to SMITH & MOLONY MMHIttHinUIIIII iiiiiiillUllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllinilllMU 3 I That UnSorgetable Slogan j j"HASKINS FOR HEALTH"! 1 s a s 5 miiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiMiiii"ii""i"",,B,,,",,,,,,J!H??!M!f?,B?!F' -UiiiiiiiM-iiwtf i F-Li! M COMING T O The Grand 1) M (' M M I! M R 1 ? Prof Fauzard T11M HAND (TITMD KING AND (i R. M A T T If V N Iv MYSTMKY The big sensation, assisted by Mine. Sulina. the spirit medium. One of the best acts ever put on in a vau deville theater. At The Grand Dec 13 A 1. I, W M M K Admission I'M Vnts TREES FOR SALE 1 have on hand ati'l ftir sale the fu! Inwiiig mi wry stork Hi.iWO HA KTLKTT PEAKS 2.M1 COMIC!-; I'KAKS 4.MUK D'AN.lOi: PKAKS Lnoi) V I NT Kit XKLL1S A limited number of Idaho, Flemish llenuty, Sickel, Clapp's Favorite, Win it'r Uartlott Pears. (11 KKRIKS Lambert, Royal Anno. Hi np. PK.U'H STOCK Muir, Elbertn. Ear ly and Late Crawford. Saltvay, Foster, Early Charlotte. A full line of APPLE TREKS uf all hading varieties. L. B. WAI.NER, ' Oakdal .4 venue. C W''j 'MMWW'MUWW .--lU'1l".HiIMW4t'1. il.U'WqMKBJWWfiiJIW Prepaid BallroiUl Orders. j "Something vrhkh ii of considerable j interest to the public generally and ; which is perhaps not generally known ' :s the system of prepaid orders now in 1 effect between stations of the Southern 1 Pacific company and all points in the I'nited States. By means of ihiB system , tickets may be purchased at Medford from any place in the United States and mailed or telegraphed direct to tha party wishing to come here. Sleeper accommodations and small amounts of cash in connection with these tickets nay also be forwarded at the same ! tin:" 10 BE AX ESTATE TRANSFERS. Mary H. Ragar ot al. t. Charh-i Brooke, 3."." acrci in I L C 93, township ;i7. ran go J V . . rjtn A. E. Shepard to If. W. Hunt linger, 1 an in auction t"vn ship 3i. range IK John Zimmorlre to A. K. Slir-p ftrd, 10 nerfes in fti-riioii .1. township :i!, rang. 1 K Parry C. Stod.lttr.I t.. F. K. Young, lot 1, Mo.-k SunHf-t Park F. K. Young to 11. V. Huntin gvrt lot 1, bhn-k .1, Sunset Park R. J. Edwiirds to Edwin P. Hughes, property in Ashland. . Edwin P. Hughe to A nice Me CUnahan, prnrtv in Ah1.-md Allen Davis to Oscar Hoots, property in Powning's subdi vision of Ashland 0car Hoots to W. P. Dodd, prop erty in Downing 's suMivtsioti to Ashlaud U M. UndiKjr to L. Mikurli, lot 3, Woolen, addition to Ah- Und , K4 M. Morn, to PWW It. BaT4aly, Wti 1 ml 0 n t 10 10 f h.ilf I.'Ih L' and h) k M t 'oolidge addition to Ahlatnl . . H S. Morton to Samuel F. Statr. !:ui,l in section li. lowmshp ratio I K Komelia M linker to Anm W. Tlionuts. properly in A-hlattd., iVuiiiiie Mines !o C . Wise ni;tn. 1 it err in township V S. Hnrni'S. sheriff i.. Wtlnani I'in.-h - I :il . lot t:. .lo.-k 71. M.-dtVrd S;,e ,.f Oi,-..l to (mI.h WcIU. 1 aires m section Id, town "hip ratiiie 'J V. Ewreit Ftliley to Lloyd Earl t 'orliraii. L':t acr. s in I 1. (' f '2. townihip .'17. ri.pue " W j Lron H. HriAins to Mr. Vmnie li:irr. '' acres in e t ion lit, tow nihip :". r;mi:e - W .latnes W. Carfp. uter to H. nrv Kerhy, hmd in nvtion , town ship ;W, range 1 V Change in Date. j Mrrting of the Men's Civic Brother I hoi id lias been rhunti-'d to the following 10 1 1 night and will bo WtsAncmlny, not Tuos l.lny fvetttr-n. a fotmrrt ynnmtMnrct tn hm tapr. time to liny Iht future limine cur streets are paved, watt the pipeline, sewer system t'cir:e ahead and values d"iil now and secure the home for Your Wife's Stocking Won't h"Id the town lot r the improved home, mt it will hold the deed for the property and all its appurteiiaiiees. Von ould not select a better than riuht now. When r mains ounuected with onipleted. Medford will lo. He a wise man ; act the loved ines. Consult NAT GOODWIN REPLIES TO SUIT OF MINING PARTNER REXO. Nov., Dw. 14. Alleging thnt (1mv li.lvo alr-itlv ln-t-n il.-mingcil to Dm' t-Mrnt of i.ltln.tHio nud dt'liying all llllp nations in a suit filed by Warren Mil ler this week, the Nut Geeihvin einn jinny tit.l;iv fi!e.l an unswrr to Miller's suit, toiji-ther w;tli a eresseomnlaint. whit-h many lure believe is ltnt the' forerunner ot what jroinises to be one of the most sensational suits vet brought in Xevaila. The Goodwin eompany was originally sne.l by Millet for an aeeonntiiii:. The ?irt also asko.1 that a rt-et-iver for the i- onpaitv be appointed. In the answer t-.l:iy ttie Goodwin i-oinpany elaims that Miller, who helped to organize the eom pany, loov tires of the bargain lie made iin lie sold his interests; that he has been rancid selling short of Hawhtdr Coalition, the big property of the Good win eompany. and. now that he cannot - rere tlo- sto.-k without paying five times or more the priee for whieli he sold at. he seeks to rnin the firm and east diseredit npon the eompany. Mill- r denies that he owns a shaie of the c..ali!ion or that he sold any of it short, lie expresses pleasnre at the an swer of the Goodwin eompany and promises the pnblie addition sensations when the ease is tinallv ealled for trial. JOHNSON STTLL HOPEFUL OF DEMOCRATIC SUCCESS ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY KX1IIIMT nriMMXO WASHlN't.TON'. Pee. 12. 1 do not think the leadrr of the deniivmtir jar j ty are east down by defeat and if tltey ' are riht. as 1 think they are, tliov will j win eventually.' j Thn spoke John A. Johnn, overnr.r of Minnesota, who is lero to ntt. nd the f consenation fi'tmress. tl,,. oonf, ren.-e of coM-rnor at.t tlie v.uerivav oon- ; veiui.Mi. exire-ssed in 'itt interview his nlMdirc faith in d -ntoerat y, , j 1 think the demo,'T:ttie partv i? in' a better petition than it w:is beforo the ' campaign ond. I am, of course, tin ab!e to say what caused the result tit be what it was. Mr. Bryan was much misunderstood and purposely misrpre senttl; ther was lack of ortftnization in the deniivratie thirty and unity of or- ganiration in republican ranks.'' Cut Glass Perfect Quality and Cut AT PRICES THAT ARE RIGHT Haskins Drug Store Furniture Drops Ci'i-at bargains before we ninve. Watch our win dows fur specials. An elegant line of Rockers for Christmas Medford Furniture Co. ft MEDFORD, OREOOK 3 AT THE SERVICE OF . DEPOSTITORS AND CLIENTS Statt Doposltary. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $125,000 The Jaelcson (.'oiinly Bank places ut (lie nerviee f its dpo.silora and clients I he best fae:.lit:e.s in banking. Tho of-fiee'-x are pleased io render counsel and advice on financial matters. Aeeonnls, silbji'-t to eheek, aor in vited. Safo deposit, boxes to rent, $4 por year and up. W. I. VAWTER, Tresideut 0. K. LINDLEV, Cashier Compare the Quality mm, !' i, and always Ims bein our am- In supply our e: ,t.,a:-r:; with Roodi of 1 1,(. , 'luality :-iid i , Hun; end ivt- are always; arlilin,; 'lualny !.i on Kne. The addition ,' " p--efei-i-,l Hlnelt" ninlien our linn of '' :y ole (!iii:npd Ooods niosl co!: plete. ur eervi -e always the I) st and every aecoiii- Kiven oar eust .niers. Allen c& Reagan Groceries, Chinaware, Fruit and Feed FOR SALE LOTS rNDKlJ TUl) DLTCIl IX PHOENIX MAT CALHOUN IMIOKNIX. OKM'XIOX. MKDl-'ORD SASH VOOR COMPANY VI ION B 2201. nm" "V';m"'- "f 'n,''ri'J "i'h Hovel Plato, carried in stock cheap, otfiee rixtnrc and all kind, of Planing Mill Work. Including Turned Work ami Kancv Grills. K STRKr'T. ii.:tvkkn 81XTHAND S KVKNTH STREETS. Ask year dealer for MANUEL LOPfZZ ' -''ar Havana Cigar, HART CIQAR CO., Diytribxitor?, VorUand, Or.