Medford Daily Tribune A Live Paper in a Livb Town. v Published everv evening except Sunday. I MEDFORD P U BLISHINU COMPANY j George Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postoffiee at Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Oae montli, by mail or earner $0.50 On year, by mail. . .15.00 Til M SALMOX llOd Ml.MS. Oregon's conservation commission while devoting some time to consideration of salmon fishing in the Columbia, entirely neglects the preservation of trout, in fact the only recommendation made is to exterminate the king of game fi1i in salmon hatcherv streams. The commission's re port says: "The steclhead I rout should be kept out of all hatch ery shrams. They subsist on salmon eygs and fry and recent inrestiyations show that Ihc loss by this means is jirodigious. I'cmoval of the close season against trout on hatchery streams would probably suffice. If not, the hatch ery men miilit be empowered to do u little judicious gill vetting for trout in the neighborhood of hatchery grounds." The Rogue river is a salmon hatchery stream and the supply of salmon is growing beautifully less every year, and so is the supply of trout. In past years, when no arti ficial barriers existed, the stream was not overfished and natural conditions obtained, there were plenty of both salmon and trout. Efforts are made and have been made for HO years to propagate salmon and replenish the supply. No effort has beeii made to propagate trout in Oregon, ... that with the constant fishing, the supply has greatly diminished, and there is not one trout now where there were a hun dred a few veal's ago. If trout exterminate salmon, how was it that there were so many salmon when there were so many more trout? The salmon fisher is one of the greatest hogs on record. lie slaughters fish hy the million; he enjoys the benefits of protection by paternal state governments, who speUd the money of all the people thai a few may become irridthy, and nntddc to rest rain his own ra parity the real cause of the e.rlerminid ion of salmon he would dejirivt thousands of enjoyment , iiliusnrc and rrrrrnt ion. "The salmon fisher alone is the doom of the salmon, lie kills more fish in a week than a hatchery can produce in a year, lie knows and respects no law, though intended solely to protect his own future. He had better follow the commission's advice, for he is unwilling to make any tem porary sacrifices to perpetuate the salmon and had "bet ter abandon all pretense of prcscrvuton and protection and do the deadly business thoroughly and without hy pocrisy." ;? The Rogue river is more valuable and worth more com mercially to the country as a trout fishing si ream than as a salmon stream conducted to benefit a monopoly. It is an attraction that will be worth millions to this region eventually a Mecca for anglers from all over the Union. Any effort to sacrifice trout in it for the benefit of the few salmon fishers will meet with determined opposition. I f the two fish cannot exist in the same stream, as intended by nature then the salmon, not the trout must go. But there is room for both. At any rate, there will be no removal of close season and no gillnetting permitted for trout in the Rogue. " Compare the Quality 11 iH ami tilwuyR hug been tir aim supply our ciifltiriiiTH with good of the highest ii:;lilv iiini t" that cud we i-.if :ihvuy uUdi"K .imli,v In our line. Tbf .ulc'.itioa 'if " !"''f''"''J ;.!uck" makes our t a.Kii.jjraJr (.'tuned Goods most complete. Our fervice always the b St and every neeuiu given our customers. NORTON IA M ii GTEL PORTLAND OREGON Modkrn Comfort Moiiekatk Prices' ONLY ROOF GARDL'N IN PORTLAND Tlic Tourist ilemliiiiuiters , tit t iiltiiiiliiii alley K.VOAtiR HOOM8 EAliLT FOR TI1K ALASKA YUKON" EXPOSITION A. S. NORTOX. Miu Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chinaware, Fruit and Feed Where to Buy Who sells Xmas goods the cheapest, the store who lias expensive fixtures and large rents or the one who has the small expense? Our expenses are less, therefore we sell for less than others. The most beautiful Doll in Medford given away Call and see it THE SPOT COMIX (I T O The Grand 1) I' C K M H E R 1 3 Pro! Fauzard TIIK HAXn-CUWKT) KIXCI AND i )l K A T T R U X K MYSTERY The big sensation, assisted by Mine. Stilina, the spirit medium. One of the best ads ever put on in a vau deville theater. At The Grand Dec 18 A T; L W E E K Admission 10 Cents Hat Pins . made out of Real Roses Vf Sam I r"VC Mount Tntk Comatacfea WtntwiM mi intiMl 11 iiiirfc i. asAl 4Hrktfal nfsejavaasesif ''jr ftvcnBi J naeauas mUM ifinnm mmti f kr m iiM Nm Ik mttt uarpd pane, clan tkeaa, ra- uuunmiBM no aw as as ir& lllniwM whalesone aoartak I skis riarxi. sod ralmularlaa ml IM eapillanes whit also t4 ua efcla tni nipsljr Its lualtUul erar. 0BEBTI1 The Valloy Auto Company wilt open it new garaK and repair shop Dc ",b" l0. k ot tlm Moore hotel. M.tor can stared id teken f. All work guaranteed. HARMONY IX YOUR NEW HOME Color blending of Furniture, Draperies, Carpets, Woodwork, Walls, nuke home life happier. Our expert decorative ipecialist will v.Mt your city loon. Without obii ptting yuu he will diJfu the fur niNhtns for your new home. Write far J. C. Mack 5c Co. Furniture and Carpets fOSTLAND. OS. ICON Singlt Rmi fumiiW TmHtkOr Your Wife's Stocking Won't hold the town lot r the improved home, out. it will hold the deed for the property and all its appurtenanees. You ould not select a better time lo buy her future home than right now. When our streets are paved, water mains eonnected with the pipeline, sewer system completed, Medford will forge ahead and values double. I5e a wise man; act now and secure the home for the loved ones. Consult I0GUE RIVER'IAND COMPANY . EXHIBIT BUILDTXO Real Rose Hat Pins It does not uem poatible, yet It la true, thm t h cm HatPinsuremadflOUtof refil llv rotes, changed entirely into metal by a aecret proce, preserving every de tailof the rewe from which each pin la made. They can not break, and will la t forever. Thia diacovery ia without doubt one of the loit axta of the ancient Esyptiana. They ere the moat beautiful ofallHatPina. Notwo are alike. Fin ished in five colors, to conform to the fi rev ailing fashions In millinery. Made n aix sixes. from the smallest rose bud tothefull blown flower These pins are made by the genuine "DELAMOTHE'1 secret process, the only process by which an open rose can be perfectly m tallied. Don't buy an Inferior Imlta tion. All genuine "DELAMOTHE Metmliied Real Rose Hat Pins" have the name stamped on the pin. We have the exclusive sale of "DELAMOTHE" productsforthisclry. See -the exhibit In our win dow of this wonderful discovery. Martin J: Reddy Jawelry and Repairing. Central Avemie next to P. 0. Ladies You never will realize the beauty that is possible with entire comfort until you wear a John Kelly Shoe There is something unmis tably smart about them. YeUohn Kelly Shoes are comfortable from the very first hour because they are made on lasts which exactly reproduce the hu man foot, fitting every lise and curve. I especially in vite YOU to come in and look over my itoek of John Kelly Shoes Bring in your repair work. c. w. Mcdonald Successor to SMITH & MOLONY llWMUUII CUT GLASS MAKES IDEAL CHBI8T MASS OFFERINGS Wliat woman fails to value tUe rich it' uiul iK'Hiity vf cut glamt Yiu cao r.nt yivo miytliing whii'h would pleasu ii wmmn mure than oriie baudsoaie tiioriiiH'jiH of fine eui glasa. We also have tunny beautiful articles in gulj mid Kilver, prt'ciuus stones, etc., vary suitable for C'lirivtinus offerings. ti and examine them. . MARTIN J. REDDY The Jeweler. Nuar the Postoffiee. ii iuuuiiuiiuiiiuiiuiiiiuiiiiiiiiuiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiniiu That Unforgetable Slogan HASKINS FOR HEALTH ft fniiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimi.Jtiimiuui 1 WOHSB BVEBT TEAS. Plsntr of Medford Readers HaTe the Sama Bxporlence. Don't neglect an aching back. It will get worse every year. Backache is really kidney ache. To cure the bacq yon must cure the kidneys. . I If yon don't, other kldner ills fol low Urinary troubles, diabetes. Brinht's disease. A Medford cttiien tells von hnw the cure is easy. Mrs, C. H. Uoxie, living corner P ana second streets, Medford, Or., says: "I had kidney trouble for several years. The disease became more and more noticeable and my kidneys and general health were in a rundown con dition. My back ached a great deal and if I attempted to stoop or lift npon arising in the morning. I began using Doan s Kidnev Pills, which I ; procured at Haskis ' Drug Store, and in a short time the trouble vanished. ' AW th. omit )af,T in mv annitiAn to the timelr use of Doan's Kidnev' Pills." For sale by all dealers. Priee 50 eta. Foster-MUburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan 'a and take no otkar. Still They Come to See SAMPSON The Strong Man fe.vVf . .- r- fe:r:l I -If- P,f I $4J Jr 'TV: This modern Hercules will be seen for the last tifil in Medford tonight and Sundav at SAVOY THEATRE 10c Admission 10c FOR SALE LOTS UNDER THE DITCH IN PHOENIX. MAT CALHO UN PHOENIX, OREGON. MEDFORD SASH & DOOR COMPANY PHONE 2291. Window Frames, Onk Veneered Doors, with Bevel Plate, carried in stock heap. Office Fixtures anil all kinds of Planing Mill Work, including Turned Work and Fancy Grills. F STREET, BETWEEN SIXTH AND S KVENTH STREETS. Ask your dealer for MANUEL LOPEZ Clear Havaca Cigar. HART CIQAR CO.. Distrlbntors, Vortland. Or. .