MBDEOBP DAILTBipUNliLBay.QBD., OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1008. PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE (Continued from page 2.) this than to do wliut actually was dose an.1 strive to prevent or at least to ha:-iper effective action against crim inals by the executive branch of the government. Postal 8avlnga Banks. I again renew my recommendation for postal savings banks, for deposit ing aarlngs with the security of the government behind them. The object la to encourage thrift and economy in the wage earner and person of mod erate means. It Is believed that In the aggregate vast sums of money would be brought Into circulation through the Instrumentality of the postal sav ings banks. .. Postal savings, banks are uuw in uperuuun m prucui-uuy uu uie great civilized countries with ,tho ex-, ception of the United States. Prol Post. In my last annual message 1 com mended the postmaster general's! rec ommendation for an extension of the parcel post on the rural routes. The establishment of a local parcel post on rural routes would be to the mu tual benefit of the farmer and the country storekeeper, and It la desirable that the routes, serving more than 15, 000,000 people, should be utilized to the fullest practicable extent. Edueation. . . The share that the national govern ment should take lu the broad work of education has not received the atten tion and the care it rightly deserves. I earnestly recommend that this un fortunate state of affairs as regards the national educational office be rem edied by adequate appropriations. .- r Consus. 1 strongly urge that the request of the director of the census In connec tion with the decennial work so soon to be begun be complied with and that the appointments to the census force be placed under tho civil service law, waiving the geographical requirements -as requested by tho director, of the -census. The supervisors und enumer ators should not be appointed under the civil service law for the reasons given by the director. Publio Health. The dangers to public health from food adulteration and from many oth er sources, such as the menace to the physical, mental and moral develop ment of children from child labor, should be met and overcome. This na tion cannot afford to lag behind In the worldwide battle now being waged by all civilized people with. the micro scopic foes of mankind. The first leg islative step to be taken Is that for the concentration of the proper bureaus Into one of tho existing departments. . 8tatehood. 1 advocate the Immediate admission of Now Mexico and Arizona as states. This should be done at the present ses sion of the congress. The people of the two territories have made It evi dent by their rotes that they will not c me In as one stale. The only alter native Is to admit them as two, and I trust that this will be done without delay. Foreign Affairs, . ' This nation's foreign policy Is based on the theory that right must be done between nations precisely as between Individuals, and In our actions for the last ten years we have In this matter proved our faith by our deeds. We have behaved and are behaving to ward other nutlous as In private life an honorable, man would behave toward his fellows. Latin Amerioan Republics. The commercial and material prog ress of the twenty Lathi American re publics Is worthy of the careful atten tion of the congress. No other section of the world has shown a greater pro portionate development of Its foreign trade during the last ten years, and none other has more special claims on the Interest of the United States. Panama Canal. The work on the Panama canal is be ing done with a speed, efficiency and entire devotion to duty which make It a model for all work of the kind. No task of such magnitude has ever before teen undertaken by any nation, and no task of the kind has 'ever been better performed. The men on the Isthmus, from Colonel Goethals and his fellow commissioners through the entire list of employees who are faithfully doing Uieir duty, have won their right to the ungrudging respect aud gratitude of the American people. Oeean Mall Lines, n " ' 1 I again recommend the extension of the ocean mail act of so that sat isfactory American ocean mall lines to South America, Asia, the Philippines and Australasia may be established. The creation of such steamship lines should be the natural corollary of the voyage of the battle fleet. It should precede the opening of the Panama canal '" The Philippines. Ileal progress toward self govern ment Is being made In the .Philippine Islands. The gathering of a Philippine . legislative body and Philippine assem bly marks a nrocess absolutely new In Asia, net only as regards Asiatic colo nies of European powers, but as re gards Asiatic possessions of other As! ntlc powers, and Indeed, always ex cepting the striking and wonderful ex ample afforded by the great empire of Japan. It opens an entirely new de parture when compared with anything which has happened among Asiatic power which are their own masters. We have given the Filipinos constitu tional government, a government based Uon Justice, and we have shown that we have governed thorn for their good ml not for our acgrandlziMiient At the present time, ns during the oast ten venrs. the Inexorable logic of , facta shows that Ihl government must be supplied by us aud not by them. We must be wise uud gener ous. We ii'ust help the KWplnos to . master the difficult art of self -con- irU, which Is slmulr another name for eelf government. But we 'cannot give them self government save In the sense of governing them so that grad ually they may, If they are able, learn to govern themselves. No one can prophesy the exact date when It will be wise to consider Independence as a fixed aud deUulte policy. , Porto Rico. 1 again recommend that American citizenship be conferred upon the peo ple of Porto Rico. Cuba. lu Cuba our occupancy will cease lu about two months' time. The Cubans have In orderly maimer elected their own governmental authorities, and the Island will be turned over to tbeui. Our occupation ou this occasion has lasted a little over two years, and Cuba has thriven and prosered under It. Our earnest hope aud one desire Ij that the people of the Island shall uow govern themselves with justice, ij that peace and order may be se cure. The Fleet's Reception. 1 tuke this opportunity publicly to Hutu my appreciation of the way In tv bleb In Japan, In Australia, In New 4uiUaud aud in all the states of South Vuierlca the battle fleet has been re ceived on Its practice voyage around ;ho world. The American government annul loo strongly express Its appre latlou of the abounding and geqerous josiiliullty shown our ships lu every mrt they visited. The Army .. As regards the army, I call attention :o the fact that, while our junior oth ers uud enlisted men stand very high, ,he..preseni system of promotion by ;ci:lniit) results In ringing into the ilgher grades many men of mediocre npuclty who have but a short time to terve. . No man should regard It as als vested right to rise to the highest 'auk iu the iirmy any more than In my other profession. , .The scope of retiring boards should be extended .so that tbey could con sider , geuerul unfitness to command for any cuuse lu order to secure a far more rigid . enforcement than at pres ent lu. the' elimination of officers fur mental, : physical .. or temperamental Usabilities. Uut this plan Is recom mended only If the congress dos hot see fit to provldo what In my Judg ment Is fur betterthat Is, fur selec tion In promotion and for elimination for age. ; ',' i Now tbat The organized militia, the national guard, has been Incorporated with (ho army as a part of the national forces It, behooves the government to do e,yery reasonable thing lu Its pow er to erfect Its efficiency. A bill Is how pending before the congress creating a number of extra officers lu the army, which, If passed, as. It ought to be, will enable more of ficers to be trained as Instructors of national guard and assigned to that duty. There should be legislation to pro vide a .complete plan for organiz ing the great body of volunteers be hind the regular army aud national guard when war has come. While teams representing the United States won the rifle and revolver champion ships of the world ngulnst all comers In England this year, It Is unfortunate ly true that the great body of our citi zens shoot less and less ns time goes on. - - To meet this we should encourage rifle practice among schoolboys and Indeed among all. classes, as well as In the military 'services, by every means In our power. .- . The Navy. I approve the recommendations of the general board for the Increase of the navy, calling especial attention to the need of additional destroyers and colliers and, above all, of the four bat tleships. It Is deslrablo to complete as soon as possible a squadron of eight battleships of the best existing type. The Sortir Dakota, Delaware, Florida aud Utah tvfi. ftrm the first division of this squadron. I most earnestly recommend that the general board be by law turned Into a general staff. The Is literally no excuse whatever for continuing the present bureau organization of the navy. The nnvy should be treated as a purely military organization, and everything should be subordinated to the one objr. of securing military ellielency. A yHi?n of promotion by merit, either by selection or by ex clusion or by both procerus, should be Introduced. Nothing better for tv navy from every standpoint has' ever occurred than the cruise of the battle fleet around the world. The Improvement of the ships In every way has been ex traordinary, and they hare gained far more experience In battle tactics than they would have gained if tbey had stayed In the Atlantic waters. I do not believe tbat there Is any other service In the world In which the average of character and efficiency In the enlisted, men is as high as is now the case lu our own. believe that the same statement can be made as to our officers, taken as a whole, but there must be a reservation made In regard to those lu the highest ranks and l.i regard to those who have Just entered the service, because we do not non get full benent from our excellent naval school at AnnnnollH. Dpeelal United Pullman Excursion to . the City of Mexico. Tiekets will be on sale at the local office December 12 and 13 for an ex curium to the Cityo f Mexica. The ex cursion will leave San Francisco Decem ber 15 at 11 a. m. A magnificent special train will be provided, consisting of Pullman vostibuied sleepers, observation sleeper, buffet, smoking car and dining car. Excursion will be over the Southern Pacific. Mexican Central, Mexiean Na tional line, International and Great Northern, Galveston San Antonio and Santa Fe railways. The round trip rate from Hedford will be 92.15. The rotas trip will be continuous np to El Paso, but stopovers may be had at any rakis lias point en toe morn inp. The excursion will be under the a rect supervision of some railway official f?em the potwnfer department and an interpreter will aceompany the party to nitv of Vrxico. Further Mitifulars at the depot, or ...mniluM wth W. H. Jenkins, trav eling passeig" agent Southern Pacific company, Of a. f Asaiaua, tf tyll I HAVE Newtown -AND- Spitzenburg Trees ; THREE AND POUR-FOOT SIZES, i ALL OTHER VARIETIES IN ANY : : : SIZE DESIRED : : : L. E. HOOVER MEDFORD, OREGON. Agent Yakima Valley Nursery. tf I "Not do it, ... . With That Christmas Present. A nice piece of Mission Fnrniture would bo just the thing. Pretty, nseful, durable, and a suitable gift for anyone. Lot the Mission Furniture Works make it. Prices about one-half usually charg ed. Any design, any color, any finish, dull, waxed or polished. Drop in. Shop on corner of Eighth and H streets. The Valley Auto Company will open their new garage and repair shop De cember 10, back of the Moore hotel. Motor cars stored and taken, care of. All work guaranteed. 228 CTTV TKEANUftKH '8 NOTICE. Office nf t'ity Treasurer, Modford, On-gon, December 8th, 1908. Notice is hereby given that there nrc funds in the city treasury for the redemption- ot direct and road fund warrants No. 1124 to 045, inclusive, pro tested August 8th, 1008. Interest on the sauK.' will cease lifter the above .Into, 22(1 L. L. JACOBS, City Treasurer. JAKSONVILLB HAM TREE PUBLIO LIBRARY Jacksonville hs again given evidence to the world st large nf its public spir it and progressivenewl, says the Post. Through the eo-operation of the citi zens and the city rouneil there has been established a froe public library and reading room. The Library association has rented the Beekman building on Main street opposite Kyan's storo and has fitted up a reading room in up to- Your Sweethw.rt.Wlfi or Mother would be pleased with a rare stoiie in uu appropriate settiutf. We can furnish any atone or any net ting. Then thiuk at the vast assortment of jewelry we ear ry. Xinaa gifta here for everyone. Come in and look the 3tock over. Elwood 6 Burnett OPPOBITB HOTEL NASH. After the Theatre Go to THE LOUVRE after the theater. We will have uuibic and a special bill of fare. Tou will round out an evening of pleasure as it should bed one. The Louvre Hotel Moore Bdg., W. Seventh Street. ON HAND Pippin '-''S . " :4 in- Watches, Clocks, Jewelry BEPAIEINQ A SPECIALTY. how much I ean do, but how well I oaa is my mottc. B. N. BUTLER ; Martin J. Reddy, Central ave., north of Jackson County Bank. ALL THE WORLD 1 ; LOVES V LOVER find very lady likwi a gentleman. Clothing doenn 't alwavs make the man, At tli bonk is pften taken by its cov er, und we make clothing that gives that air of style am, refinement sought by - gntlemun by fitting him out with the most exclusive stylos in over turn Is, eu lawny, frock and sack Haiti that no une run mjmuI in mat hern Ore gun. J 1 J. A. KREUZER & CO. ... j piPOETEBS iiTO TAHOE. PALM BOTLDOJO, lODrOftB, ORB. dnto style. The room has been rcpapercd, the woodwork painted and electric lights installed. A largo reading table and bookcaBo in mission stylo have bocn purchased and also n dask and eomfort ablo chairs. A stovo and fuel havo toon donated so the room will be warm. All of this is absolutely free to the people of Jacksonville and adjoining country. Tho reading room will be open Tues day and Friday evenings from 7 to , and Wednesday and Saturday after noons from 2 to 8 o'clock. Library hooks may bo changed once a week, Mrs. Russell contributing her services as librarian. COLONEL'S RAY'S AUTO HERE AMD 1KB OWNER COMINd Colonel Frank May, president of the Condor Water 4 Power compony, is ex pected to arrive with Mrs. Ray at Med ford December 17 to remain until after the holidays. Tn0 clubhouse at floM Hay lias been practically rebuilt, new floors, a refrigerator pant and othor improvements added to make the build ing a comfortable home. A largo Mathewson automobile, with six wheels, reached Medford Monday for the colonel's use here. Both Solid and pneumatic tires equip the wheels. The solid tires are for mountain use nnad aro tho first seen in tho valloy. Reynold Wasoheau, who was formerly with Waschau t Brown of this city, is now running a moving picture show in Marshneld. AT THE BIJOU ALL THIS WEEK "BON FULflNO" THE MARVEL OF THF AGE ..THE GREATEST EDUCATED HORSE IN THE WORLD The Bijou enjoys the reputation of hill iii the big ntt.raet.ions. The management .mu'iassetl all previous efforts when they secured this wonderful horse at.no lit ,te expense. The attraction has been a headliner on the large Orpheura circuit. ' ''''' '' Different, features every night. 10c A Christinas ,, Not fancy goods of good-for-nothing novelties that you put away and forget the day, after Christmas, but appropriate useful merchandise tbat you uae every day in the year. Van "Crestbrook Orchard Tracts" Two and one-half nnla from Mud ford Railway Station. ; you realize how this makes your small capital ue of land immediately after planting. YOU Do in val Tracts directly south and Oregon Orchards Syndicate HELLTNG AGENTS ss7,,7 jj J i r - - 'l ta Admission Present in For Women and Children I .r - - r Woudn't Rome of these suit von betlvr ? i Fine Cloves at, all, prices, in heavy and light weight; silk and wove waists; silk mittens; belts; fancy col lars, I'uchings, handkerchiefs, furs, veils, fancy and plain scarfs, cushion tops, purses, handbags, etc. For Men and Boys Hats, caps, silk handkerchiefs, linen handkerchiefs, mufflers, suspenders, gloves, fancy hose, shirts and ties, scarf pins, slippers, purses, etc. . Huy now and avoid the rush nearer Christmas tiaua. Dykes DRY flOODS 0LOTITING TEN ACRES $225 CASH 5 YEARS TO PAY BALANCE We will plant and care AT COST adjoining the famous HILLCREST ORCHARD I A LIVE HORSE NOT A 3 MOVING PICTURE 10C Corner SHOES Every for trees work! Alwarys large iacn reap this PROFIT. ens PALM BUILDING 1