MEDFORD DAILY, TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON. MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1908. Medford Daily Tribune j v A, Live Papeb, i?r a Live Town. , Published every evening except Sunday. M1DPORD PUBLISHING COMPANY ; George Putnam, Editor and Manager. REAL ESTATE TBAN8FEB8 Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postoff ice at Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION f BATES. Oes Boati, by iniiil' er carrier. ,i .tO.SO ' Ob year, by mail. . .5.0U w "ROOSEVELT V6ti I'll AMU ER LA IN. President Roosevelt ; greeted Governor Chamberlain I W 1 T 1 '. . ft , T J ll It 11 " 1.. at w asiungron Bauirciav wim me roiiownifr woras: "I ani,lad to rWUyou, Governor Chamberlain and senator-to-be. ' I would have preferred to see a republican elected senator,,, but I am for the people ruling and want yo uto be senator.',' j Thus doesi the president rebuke the little scheming pol iticians of his party in Oregon for endeavoring to thwart the will of the people as expressed at the iolls and thus doesdio put -the power and restigQ of the presidency at the service of the "people in' their effort to rule. The president i fully cognizant of the situation in Oregon, of the frantic efforts being made by Senator Fill ton and 'others ti secure the election' by bi-eee'i of faih and violation of jriedges of a republican as United States sen ator, in spite of the' fact that the people had voted for a democrat. President Roosevelt is a strong partisan so strong that he frequently' champions his enemies to secure van tage, to his party, yet he is not partisan enough to sanc tion the campaign of dishonor now being made by ma chine leaders in Oregon to secure that which can only be secured by' repudiation of pledges. As Gulliver was to the Liliputians, so Roosevelt is to the politicians of his party, and his attitude has sounded the death knell of those little men who sought through broken faith to snach a toga from the chosen of the people. The. machine leaders of Oregon have lost sight of the fact that the republican party is a party of honor and that the mon elected upon Statement No. 1 were men of honor, and honor is not to be bartered away, even for a seat in the senate, by honorable men but President Roosevelt has not. t4 Watches. Clocks, Jewelry BEPAIRINO A SPECIALTY. "Not how much I enn do, but how woll I can do It," ! my motto. B. N. BUTLER With Martin J. Eoddy; Central avo,, north of Jackson County Dank. 8110 S00 800 25 10 10 ((forgo (I. Hhivetpy to H. U Hen- ' nett, 10 UL'reft in D h C GO, towiiHliip ;i7, rautfo 2 W . . ,$ S ly. Bennett a Ucorgu j.Hliivc-, ley, 1U acri-H iy U J C 60, town ship 87, rnnge fi V ....... t.: A. T. Limdgrcn to iiunk pf Jack- -, HotivilJiv Int 3, oitlmaiL addi tion to Jiu-kfiouvillp'. . A. T. Lumlnnu to Hank iW .fuck Hoiivilli1, property in HoIiuud ad dition to J.'U'knoiivillo A. T. J.undgreii to Hunk on Jark Roiivillo, land in unction. 32, township 37, rnnge 2 W II. II. Jlarriw to l.ibhiu . Matin-, ney, lot , block 1E4, Buttu; Kails Wdbori) Hcfsiui to 13. K. Ander tnn, land in wet ion 27, town hhip range J V , ,. S. H, Jdagill to Ti. ir. Toft, lottt 4 and il, bl"ck 4, Host addition to Mcdford , Frank. Oic;ir Sllmon to 'Tt. H. Toft, lot 2, block H, Koss addi tion to MM ford Surah Louisa H anion to I. J. Hun-, Hon, laud in township 37, range -l 2 W ; Kile Lulikf to Kl Long, lot -Ul and 17, block Tt. Kuilruad. addition ii Ashland t . Kile Liibke tt (. A. 81ingirluna, lotM IS mid block B.f Huil-j rond addition to Anliland . , . J. 1). McNnbb to IE. J. Bailey, 8 , u of H W ii of S W M 'nee tton fi, tiwnnlii)i 30, ran go 1 K f " H. K. I'ohlmid to Arlcona McCnll, lot 4, blok V, Boulevard I'nrk addition to Atdilnnd .. ,..... William KiOiuumlof fcl to Mar garet M. (laniard, jroporty in Atditand 1200 Mary M. Dunn to L tie la Ht-lmum loffol, .25 acres ia section H, towiiHliip 'Mi, rango E Ilntlie Almitt to Wesley Mitch ell, 2.4 neros in township 3!, ran go 1 K Charles M. Duncan to II. W. floodale, 40 ncre in D L C 72, towiudiip 37, runge 2 V Mollic Koeno to Mary A. Bovor idge, property in (lalloway ad dition to Med ford T. W. Hill to A. T. Kylo. Jr.. mining property Minnie Miller Puck to Thomna . W. Pack, power of attorney .T. Hrondbent to J. V. Brown, 5S0 ncros in township 37, ranRO 1 W 1.1000 II. L. White to L. N". Judd. prop erty in Ahlilr.od 5.15 red Thmnlx-rg to Loon E. Pack ard, 200 flexes in section 5, township 30, raiigo 2 E 10. K. Andernon to J. W. Broad- bent, l25.5 acres in tovnnhip 37, rnnge 1 W . Charles W. Pitt to James II. Force, 4I.S4 acres in township 3S, rniiff" 1 E ,'10 10 700 10 2o00 an 2750 3127 4720 TUE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE HAS THE BEST NEWS SERVICE IN SOUTHERN OREGON. ALL THE WORLD LOVES A LOVER mid every lady likm a gontlnmnn. Clothiug dimim't nlwnm muko the mini, hut lha hook ii often lukon by itn cov or, and we iimko clothing thnt g'woa that air of atyle and rofiiioniont aonglit by a g.-ntlcman by fitting him out with tho moHt cxt'lusiva atyloa in ovor ciiata, cutaway, frock uml nck hiiiIh that no ana can equal in Houthorn Oro goa. J. A KREUZER & CO. IMPOETEE? AND TA1LOBS, PAiM BUELDINO, MEDFOBD, ORB MED FORD THEATER ON1C NIQIIT ONLY Tuesday Deo. 8 A. W. Cross presents WALKER WMTESIDES (Ireatest Comedy Suecess WE ARE KING m Iieautil'ully staged and costumed. Vi-ices 'I'tc, 50c, Tile and $1.00. A Christmas Present in Every Corner Not fancy goods of novelties that you put away and forget tho day after Christmas, bf apnronriatc useful inir,.linii;u,, flflv in tlirt vflnr. For Women and Children AVoudn't some of those suit you bettor? Fine Cloves jit all prices, in heavy and light weight; silk and wove waists; silk mittens; belts; fancy col lars, ruchings. handkerchiefs, furs, veils, fancy and plain scarfs, cushion fops, purses, hanflhaus, etc. For Men and Boys ' Hah eapssilk handkerchiefs, linen handkerchiefs, mufflers, suspenders, gloves, fancy hose, shirts and ties, scarf pins, slippers, purses, etc. Uiiy now and avoid the rush nearer Christinas time. Van Dyke's PRY GOODS f CT.OTIITNTJ SHOES 0. S. fiitl(.i to Tli'imaa !.. Wee- V doi;, !ut 2 and 3, JIWiiik' ad dition to Aahluud Thomas II. Weedon to 11. W. Hlinuingrr. lot 2 and 3, iinmu aiiuiiion to Anhlnnd..' (1. W. Wilcox to M. A. Uonham 10 acri-B In towuohii 3(1, rnneo 4 W ; Hoo 1urry to Maurice 0. .Marry, .1.4 acre In l I, (; 4(J, towmdiii .17, rnngo'1 W Hogue lliver Valley Orchard eom jwuy to Granite City Savings batik, land in tnwnnlii :s, rnnge 1 K K. V. (VU-r to Cirnnits City Bnvinga Hnuk,. land in towrt hip jW, range' V M . Francia K, Jink to Kuby .lack, lota 1 and 2, lock (is, Cen tral foint II. F., Pohland tn'Jamm Leslie, lot 1. block 1,. Hunker Hill ml dilion to Moilford i... W. H..ltrndliaw to Ira L. Brad hnw, 210.13 ncrca in township HO, rnngo 1 K Kdward T. Tucker to I. L. Brud Hjiaw, 72 ncroa iu aoetiuri 8, township 30, range 1 K U J). Slineat to A. W. Mcrhor. aou 40 'acres in section 23,' township 38, range 2 W , (.'. A. I'liyuo til ff. ,1. lilwiirds; property in Ashluuil $ A. I). Hnrpold to K. J. Kdwards, et nl., property in Ashlund.. 11. J. Kdwards to N. J. HwiHoner, properly In Ashluuil " J. A. to Adolph Kent, lot , 1, block 0, Frultdiilc addition to Medford 0. U. Sehcrnierhorn to Jesse llouck, lots 3 and 4, block SG, Medford Millie Inlow to W. T. Smith, 00 acres ill township 811, ruiigo 1 W J. M, Casebcer to Oeorgc W. How ard, 324 acres in section 5, town ship 40, rnnge 3 E fleorge W. Howard to J. l' Jilen ker, hind in section 3, township 40, rnnge 3 K A. I'.' lllyenker to J. M. Case beer, land iu section fi, town ship 40, range 3 IC A. I. Iilenker to Clyde L. Can ninghnin, Innd in section 5, township 40, range 3 K 1 R. C, Kvenson to Oeorge P. Da mon, 5 acres in section Htown-' 300 J ;sh':p 3!, rnnge E-. I'nited States to .lumcs W. Lash er, 100 acres in Hectiou 11, town ship 34, range 3 E patent United States to Charles M. 1000 ; Young, 120 acres iu section 10, township 34, raagn'4 W .....patent ('. II. V.iupel to First National Hank of Ashland, property iu . Ashlund 10 K. J. Edwards to C. II. Vuupel, property iu Ashluud 10 J. W 1501) 10 5000O lioo 000 10 10 10 Abbott to S. T. liib.;ll, pntperty in block 2$, Ashland. . John Hludo to John Camerou, , property in Talent If. J. EdwardB io F. D. Wagner, property In Ashland Krimces 1-3. Hoby Jack,, lots 1 end- 2,' bloek 8, Cen--tnil Point II. 1'ohlnDd to Junior Leslie, . lot . 7 block J, Bunker Hill ad dition to Medford W. Ii. Bradshaw to Ira L. Brad- - shaw", 210.45 ares in section 35, range 1 E Edward II. Tucker to I. L. Brad 'ahaw, 72 Eeres in scetioa 8, "v ! township 3D, rango 1 B "1100 L. D. Minoar to A. W. McPhor- ; son, 40 acres in section 23, towushiu 38, ruuge 2 W COO CUT GLASS MAKES IDEAL 0 HEIST MASS OFFERINGS What woman fails to value the ruh iit'Hn ami beauty of out Vou cau- iut jive anything which would pleaso u woman more than some handsome r(H-iint'!i of fum cut gla. We aieo liuvo many ht-a ttt i l' tl articles in gold and silver, precious stones, etc., very suitablo for ( liriutmus offerings. Call and examine them. MARTIN J. REDDY The Jeweler. :t Near the Fostufficu 10 5000 i ii iiiiiuiiiiuuiiiuiuiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiii ' That Unforgetable Slogan HASKINS FOR HEALTH 99 ', , Nov Oases. ; ; Alexander TorriB vs. A. T.. Lund Ifi'pn, rt ul.; action to recover money tins Newbury, attorney for plaintiff. Probate. v KMtute nf Oeortf Meaerle; ;fiunl re port filed iind January 22 set us day for final settlement. . We 'ro going to move some of our furniture about the first of the year. Wo move to tho room now occupied by frouel & Kcntner. Until that time you wil Uto given special prices on a good mnoy pieces of furniture, carpetc, etc., and 25 pur cent discount on nay piece placed in our show windows. You don't have to buy. Medford Furiluro Co. 222 ATTENTION, K. OF P. Thoro will bo election of officers Mon day night, also work in the third rank. All members urged to be present. 224 FRANK IINDLEY, C. C. FOR SALE ; LOTS UNDER THE DITCH IN PHOENIX. MAT CALHOUN . PHOENIX, OREGON. mSL. Treat SFamHy to a home for Xmas. There never was a het ter time than this winter to secure a desira ble home ready made, or a beautiful lot on which to build one, in' Medford, rapidly growing into a metropolis. AVe have choice lots for sale in every quarter of the city for less than one-half their cost in another year. Let us show you over the city and we'll soon convince you. Rogue River Land Company. EXI II BIT BUILDING-, MEDFORD IfiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiH.jiiiiiiiiiuiiuii m AT THE SERVICE OP I DEPOSTITOBS AND CLIENTS Stato Depositary. CAPITA1 AND SURPLUS $125,000 Tho Juekson County Hunk placoa at the uervifo f ItH d-puijiturs and cliunta tlio bent f:tc:litioa iu banking. The of ficcr are tlc:ised to render counaol and .'idviee on linanci!;l mutters. Apeonnts, subje-t to check, aer in vited. Sufo deposit boxes to rent, $4 per year and up. W. I. VAWTER, President Q. Ii. LINDLEY, Cashier MEDEORD SASH & DOOR COMPANY PHONE 2291. Window Frames, Oak Veneered Doors, with Bevel Plate, carried In stock cheap. Office Fixtures and nil kinds of Plan iug Mill Work, including Turned Work and Fancy Grills. F STREET, BETWEEN SIXTu"aND S EVENTH STREETS. J. E. EN YA liT,PreBid ent. J. A. PERRY, Vice President. JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON. Ass t Cashier. The Medford National Bank MEDFOBD, OB. CAPITAL. . .... .:. $50,000 SURPLUS : 10,000 Safety Boxes to Rent. A General Banking Business Transacted. We Solicit, Your Pnf. High Grade Canned Goods We have added to our already complete stock of high-grade Groceries a full line of the incompara bl "Preferred Stock'1 Canned Goods. These goods are packed where the best is grown. We will tako pleasure in quoting you prices on this line, as we believe wc can interest you. Once a customer, always a customer, is the mot to of Preferred Stock r;oods. Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chinaware, Fruit and Feed Phone Main 373. More Light for Less Money Sixty-three per cent of electric current saved by using TUNGSTEN LAMPS. B 32 Caudle Power Edison Lamp uses 110 Watts per hour and would use in 1000 Ins. 110 Kilowatts which at ioets. a Kilowatt $11 32 Caudle Power Tungsten Lamp uses 40 Wattsfpcihour and would use in' 1000 hours 40 Kilowatts which at 10c a Kilowatt... Net Saving in 1000 hours iu favor of the Tungsten Lamp . j 7 Rogue River Electric Co. Successors to Coudor Water & Power Co. Office, 200 West Seventh Street. Phone No. 355. Opposite the Big Electric Sign. Ask your dealer for MANUEL LOPEZ Clear Havana Cigar. HART CIOAB CO., Distributors, Portland. Or. yttr$. 3tnn& H'famptott Isaacs instructor of "piano, tlszt 5ttetbo& Stuic at H.lcn. 2crth Oronjt Strttt When You Are flantiflj: fur tho best tailoring establishment, yoa will not burn your money if you patronize us. The time is now hy when vou should think about your fall suit. Wo are aniious that you should sec our displav of fall f.briea. Make vour selection,- now. W. will Ml your order with pleasure. Steaon. cleaning. French dry clean ing and pressing neatly done. THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE HAS TH& BES2 H. WS SERVICE IN SOUTHERN OREGON. W. W. EIFERT CITY TAILOR MODXO&D