cons ion is HARD AT WORK AMUSEMENTS. -f jCEDgOgDIUILY TMBUNBMEDEOSD, OREGON, SATURDAY, DFPEMUKR 5. 1008. Nation's Resources Are Un der Discussion in Wash ington-Meet Next Week Washington, a e., p0P. 4. w-ih tho-opening of thu firnt full mooti.i of tho National Conservation Comnits i"n, tlio movement inagurattMl by President Roosevelt tor conserving the ; nntim's re.nmim's, is Hearing fruition. At the opening the first stops were tak en town rtl putting into tangible shape i iifl results ot the six months' hard work on taking stock of tho country's Wfirrrfl, rorests, lands and minerals. ' .Voxt week after tho commission has pono o'er the inventory, it will hold jint meeting in Washington with th.i governors of t o states and terri tnri.H, or their representatives. At tho meeting tho governora will diwufls tho work that tho National Conservation commission has been enrving on during tho summer and fall. Tho outcome of this work z the first thorough inventory of the nation's resources the government has over ma do. - 'I hj Inventory is now practically com ; ph-te. On this inventory, which the con- .- HPrrntion commission expects to lay be r fnr tho governors, tho report which , I're'i'dent Roosevelt lias requested the : commission to make to him not later &tlmn ,1 n unary 1,-will bo based. With less llian aix months to make fhVt inventory, tho four branches into .whieti tho commission is divided, aided ly -it he cooperation of tho government departments, have brought together nlmt is probably the most useful col Jfction about tlio material things on which national industry and progress it rO based that haB over been assembled at one time, Keports pri-sci'ting these facts and pointing oufc their significance Jmvii been prepared. These reperts sum inirfzed and indexed, will be submitted to tho commission nt the present mcet , ing.-, - Work Practically Done Tho work is now piactically done, ' The facta are there, in dollars and cents, ' Inns of coal, board feet of limber, acre io-t and lin?e power of water, acres erf !-ljiiid. And the possible reform inoasures . h:ivo been weighed. The final report to ji; the President will be in the necessary Buppl'jment to the addresses at tho White Jinnee conference. Tho note of theso addresses wns a noto of warning. The report is expected to show that the turning must bo heeded if tho ex jrj.ausiiou of tho national resources of ' the 'vonhtry aro not to impoverish flic Citation, a. d ib-will nlfo bring out how iJJiQ(couiitrtv'8 resources can bo devel oped so as to last tho longest possible tune1 and -servo tho greatest gocd of tho people. Next week will be n conservation ,weelc in Washington. Resides the : meting of the governors tho Country 3 -Ho commission will hold a meeting. rJ !io Southern Commercial congress will .bo in session December 7 and 8, and will then merge with tho National Tivers and Harborn congress, which " will-hold its annul meeting Doc. 0 to J I. " III tt-' S,' MR. EDMUND CARROLL In the Comedy-Success, "W Are Kin." NO CLUE FOUND OF HELTZ SALOON ROBBERS 7. YREKA, f'.'il., Doc. 5 Sheriff How rl lins ri'turneil from nil Invretigr.tioii . f the robbery that oooiirri'il in the an I..011 of Cnle & McCarthy just nborr near the Oregon line, Inst Sntur--,A:r night n.i told in the dispnteh. Thus '. f-tr the person or persons who eonimit ' t"il the rolihery linvc not been founil, 'ninl no clue to the identity of the , (Moron hns been forthcoming. Thorn wns but nno man tlinfc entered tho snlnnn nnd held tho crowd tip. ' Whither there1 wnn nnyono on the out- Hide nt the time is not known, but it is probable tho robber line! someone stntlolinl outside while he went through 'the crowd. Ho compelled tho occupants of tho snlonn, four in number, to line fun with their faces to the wall and rwit-1 Ills revolver in tho left hand, went t'lrousrli the four nnd took what change 'they lind. No watches or jewelry was tufcen. Tho robber succeeded in get ting. 'about fSOO in cash, tho most of Tliirh belonged to til proprietors of the saloon, as well as about 600 in " checks, issued by tho Northern Cnli f'irilia Lumber company nnd which had J.een enshed by T. Cnthbert. The checks WMie all endorsed, pnynblo to an Ash land hank, with n rubber stamp nnd jlffnod by Tnthbert, so that it will be Impossible, for tha man to negotiate them. PEAL NAUGHTY BOYS PLAY ' TRICK ON HAUGHTY PROFESSOR BBLLINGHAM, Wash., Pec. 5. A rrucl joke played on Principal Twit mever of tho Bellingham high school may result in some of the students bo !ug placed in uncomfortable positions, tf the principal can enrn the identity ol the students responsible for it. Some Ingenious students, by menus of a coil of barb wire, stole a strong current of lectrieitv from tho First Unitarian church and ran it to the wire fence T.hich encloses the school grounds. Then . ,i one told Principal Twitmeyer that hrn n mnrthini? wrong with the fence. That nngiist personnge "bit. and went out to eiamino the fence. The consequent shock knocked him off his feet. The janitor, coming in nis renew-, was similarly affected, and then n emwl collected and several of the stu dent received severe shocks from the iimooent appearing fence. High-top shoes, all prices, ot Van Lieutenant Gordon Kean, tho author of "The Magic Melody," tho modern Iramn in which Mr. Walker Whiteside was such ft phenomenal success, is also the author of "We Aro King," tho three act comedy in which Mr. White side starred threo seasons and is to be presented hero with Mr. Edmund Car roll in tlio leading role. Mr. Carroll wns leading support to Mr. Whltosido for tunny seasons and when Mr. Whiteside clioso for his tour "The Magic Melo dy" Mr. Cross at. once placed Mr. Car roll in "Wo Aro King." The next attraction et tho Medford Theater after "Wo Are King" will be the original Roso Melvillo in "Sis Hopkins." Medford Theater. There are mnny of the great dramatic attractions that, havo never been on the emiHt, nnd yet that particular at traction may havo onjoj'ed most success ful engagements throughout the east ern and central states. In the engagement of "Wo Aro King" tho theatergoers of this city will havo tho pleasuro of witnessing just such a play. This attraction has proved to be one nf the big successes in tlio eastern states nnd was for three seasons .Mr. Walked Whiteside's star ring vehicle. Sineo Mr. Whiteside pro duced- the "Magic Melody" Mr. Ed mund Cairoll, who supported Mr. White side for three seasons, has been por traying the double rolo of Gustnviis Veiiner and Hector, king of Kahnburg. "We Aro King" comes to tho Med ford Theater Tuesday, December 8, and for this engagement, the prices will be 25c, fille, 75c nnd 1. Seats now selling. II. T. liawley, repreBcntiiting Sam llaiues, the English applo buyer, left Med lord Friday ovoning after a week's stay buying apples. Ho secured 15 cars of Xewtons, nil there wero unmarket ed in tho valley, tho finest coming from Knpp and Ontinan and tho Talent or chard nt. Talent. Now Cases. Thomas Moran vs. Georgo W. Dod- sun; action to recover money. ,i, i. I.emery, attorney for plaintiff. Emery .T. Kastmnn vs. Jack Fredon- berg. F. J. Newman, attorney for tne plaintiff. Marriage Licenses. John F. Tyler and Mnmio Bildorbnch. Hurl C. Smith and Ada B. Games. Probate. Estate Nellie A. Blackburn; admin istrator's bond filed. Estate John Williseroft; final report filed. Estate Thomas Oster; order mado ad mitting will to probnto and nppointing C. H. Vnupel executor nnd F. 8. En glo, ,T. W. McCoy nnd L. D. McKee appraisers. Estate David Comstock; ordor made discharging guardian. . 4..-,---f-f -f'f COMMUNICATIONS. The County's Roads. To the county court: For heaven 'b sake get busy in Jnckson county. It seems thero hns been n diffuglity be tween tlio two road supervisors, Mr. Hoso and Mr. True. Ono gentlemnn went on nnd tho other gentleman went off. Tho result is that our roads aro in a worse condition than they were when they first tampered with them. Tho two large steam engines were brought into requisition, they piled up the sticky, put in the culverts and for got to gravel them the result being that between the two supervisor!!, prop erty to the extent nf thousands of dol lars is tabooed, it being utterly impos sible for any team to traverse the roads that hns been in contention between the two supervisors. It is high timo that the county court got next to itself nnd removed the two old fossils nnd give relief to the pnfient rancher. WALTER MOORE. I special Limited PuUmon Excursion to! toe city of Mexico. , Tickets will be on sale at the local office December 13 and 13 for an ex -j cursion to the Cityo f Moxica. The ex cursion will leave San Francisco Decern. I ber 1.1 at 11 a. m. A magnificent special train will be provided, consisting of Pullman vi stibuled sleepers, observation sleeper, buffet, smoking ear and dining car. l' :n i ,.injuit wm ue over tue Esoutncro Pacific, Mexican Central, Mexican Na tional line, International and Great Northern, Galveston A San Antonio and Santa Fe railways. The round trip rate from Medford will be 92.15. The going trip will be continuous up to El Paso, but stopovers may be had ot any rokin line point en the return trip. The excursion will be under the di rect supervision of some railway official f-om the paisinger department and an interpreter w:U accompany the party to ine uity or .vrxico. Further laiticulora at tho depot, or communicate w!th W. H. Jenkins, trav eling passenger agent Southern Pacific company, or E. Peil, Ashland. tf ATTENTION, K. OF P. Thre will be election of officers Mou day night, also work in the third rank. All members urged to be present. 224 PRANK LINDLEY, C. C. ORDINANCE NO. 173. An oidiuanco providing for the ac quisition by the city of Medford of a right of way for a truuk sewer, and prescribing the terms therefor. The city of Medford doth ordain as follows: Section 1. That upon doHvery to the city of Medford, Oregon, by L. E. Hoo ver aud C. M. Parker of good and sufficient conveyances granting to the said city perpetual light of way for a trunk sewer over and along tho wag on road in front of the residence of said Hoover and Parker, respectively, which conveyances shall describo tho said right of way according to a des cription thereof to be furnished by the city engineer of said city, tho said city engineer shall 'forthwith cause to be constructed at tho expense of the city adequate service pipe from said sewer to the respective residences of said Hoover and Parker, and said Hoo ver and Parkor and their heirs and as signs shall have the right to use such service pipo and sewer, subject to tho general rules and regulations of the city of Medford regarding the use of sewers, so long as said trunk sewer shall continue to be used by said city ns a sower. Sec. 2. Inasmuch as tho proposed trunk Bcwer is now undor construction, and such construction is noccBsary for the preservation of tho henlth and safe ty of tho city, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, and this ordinanco shall be in full forco and offect from and after its approval by tho mayor. Tho foregoing ordinanco was passed by tho city council Dccomber 1, 1908, Trowbridgo voting nyo, Kifert uyo, Wortman nyo, Hafer aye, Merrick ab sent, Olwell absent. Approved December 1, 1908. J. P. REDDY, Mityor. Attost: BEN.T M. COLLINS, Recorder. H o 1 i day Goods The Largest and Best Line in the City. Se lected with the utmost care and sure to please An cleRant line of CUT GLASS perfect in cut and quality, $2.00 and up. PAliKER LUCKY. CURVE FOUNTAIN TEN, sure to be appreciated, $1.50 and up. MANICURE SETS. MILITARY SETS, $2.00 and up, in elxniv, rosewood and coco bola. SHAVING SETS, also Mugs, Razors, Safety Razors, Strops, Shaving R rushes,, Shaving Mir rors, Etc. XMAS AND NEW YEAR'S . POST CARDS. Buy early and tale advantage of complete as sortments. POST CARD ALBUMS, 15? and up. HANDBAGS, latest shapes at, moderate prices. JB ill tltv SA T O I L E T CASES, 50 to $15.00, in ebony, celluloid, com position, horn, metal, French stag, etc. COLLAR AND CUFF, BQXES. SMOKER SETS, Cigar and To bacco Jars. G LOVE AND HANDKER CHIEF SETS. II O L I D A Y STATIONERY, 25? per box and up scads of it MIRRORS, completo assort ment, triplicate and hand. PYROG R A PI Y O U T F I TS and SUPPLIES. PERFUMES, 50 to $2.25 per ounce. Largest assortment of' best French and American makes. PERFUME ATOMIZERS, 50 to $2.00 each. MUSK! ROLLS. Novelties too Numerous to Mention SPECIAL.-We give premiums with all pur chases of Holiday Goods of $1.00 or more That Unforgetable Slogan--HASKINSFOR HEALTH Our Prices are Right CouimonoinK Monday wo will fell a $3.25 moal ticket for $X Come in and look over our short order prices. You wil be surprised. The Louvre Hotoi Moore Brtg., W, Seventh Stroot. Prepaid BallroaO Orders. "Something wnieh Is of oonsid.rabl. interest to the publte generally "d which is perhaps not 'generally knows is the system of prppaid orders now In effort betwi-en stations of the Soitsern Pacific company and all points in th United States. By means or wis sysi.m tickets may be nnrchased at Medford nlac in tha United Btatea and mailed or telegraphed dirett to tke wihinv to come here. Sleeper accommodations and small amounts of cash in connection with theaa Hekets nay also be forwarded at the nam. I HAVE ON HAND Newtown Pippin -AND- Spitzenburg Trees THREE AND FOUR-FOOT SEZES. ALL OTHER VARIETIES TN ANY : : SIZE DESIRED : : : L.E. HOOVER MEDFORD, OREGON. Agent Yakima Valley Nursery. "Crestbrook Orchard Tracts Two and one-lialf miles from Medford Railway Station. TEN ACRES $225 CASH 5 YEARS TO PAY BALANCE We will plant and care for trees AT COST 99 Mi L i - - -tv Watches. Clocks, Jewelry REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. "Not how much I can d, but how well I can do it," is my motto. B. N. BUTLER With Martin J. Redily, Conlral nvc, north of Jackson County Bank. Do you realize how this makes your small capital work ? Always large ineraaM in value ol: laud immediately after planting. YOU reap this PROFIT. Tracis directly soulli and adjoining the famous HILLOREST ORCHARD Oregon Orchards Syndicate SELLTXCi A(l KXTS PALM BUILDINU Sailownesa TranKtormed to Dusky Beauty A dirk kin bcotnet Kiciiutirg when dcticAtely aoft, umieriprcttt with tht rvlUflt flow whit li eatti ahcaJUir, tctireikm. Knhrrt ine keep the ikin refined in quality, keeps poreifree from doir ff waste and itimaUtei the tint mill.tnr t" contritrtitc the coloi wdich duniu in bloode and brunette alike. Robert Ine i$ certain protection apahut un, rmVjr and (re.'He; :f i;'p,:ed 1 e lora evpotur to nn or wind. Sprcaila like an imnerre ptlblc h-T oi Kuxe Overikm lui ra(c(lOfiitmi; a iiicld titnutatiii(( it H prccjvii.K ihicld r 4lc, lut; mi : bt. Hit jr. D(r i J' f,i A JT fit IDEAL CHRISTMAS OUTS nlwnyN to bo had at Martin Reddy'f, whom nil tho lntost artistic oreatloni of tho jcwi'lnr'B art uro on sale. Our Ub of goods rnnos from those of personal inlornmt'tit to watches, clocks, snpofb t nt ' glass, table waro ia silver aai itunibcrleHH nrtiolcs of ornament aa4 utility. All of tho finest quality and t very low priors. MARTIN J. REDDY Tho JowelerT" Noar the Postofflcft. THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE HAS THE BEST, NEWS SERVICE IN SOUTHERN OREGON. HTKO S.