M EDFORD DAILY TRIBUNAL. MEDFOAU., OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1908. Social andj-ersonal f FEDERAL COURT fri,a vH.v Auto Company will open their new garage und repair uhop De comber 10, back of the Moore hotel. Motor cars stored und taken care of. All work guarantee!. 228 T. AV. Da'"')' visited Aliland Tl.urn day. hist laud with Ht'iimm Thvhh! incut Co. a K. B. Hnnloy in in ItoHolmrg on buil- Mr. A. M. Wftodford is viftiting In R.-.IduB with ht-r winter. Vote for I he must pujminr baby. Hal Mh at King Sc Long's. '. K. Mi'rrick iH back fruin ft trip north. (lloves fitted t, Van Pyke'f. W. H. Itarr m ba-k from a vIhU in (iVillltH PilHH. Mrs. .Tolin llaih-y of WoortvilW", who lmu bum. viHiting friends in lln- city, hu rotiirni d to lu-r liome. liny your Clirishniia nutH at tlie M. & K Candy Kitchni .it 20 etmU jt jiutind. W. M. Colvijf Ih hark from a trip to Turf land. i:iiu fljumyaw, pubhe fttciiographer, room 4, In I in bail ling. M. L. lliirl.m of A nli land wn ft Mod ford visitor Thiirnd ny. .fesRc linnnlH nf lOugono linn returned lioino nH'-r it Mhnrt visit in Modford. Mint "If rri Orr of Pennsylvania is ft ncmt Mt'ilfiird arrival, Jui;:i.'ii 's IJ'-st. Flour, l.Kfl, Mo- I'mh True. I). ) "I'moIc is r-isiting In Portland l 'run! h vou will enjoy eating and vnte fur your fitvorito lady. King & I g. 222 ..m'I overlook the big taffy Hale, flat urd.'ty. All 5 cent rreuai taffy 1.' cents. King & T.ong. 222 in tho vulloy. PaiU'V boxes of fresh candy put up to order nt King & Long'. 222 Mr. and Mrs. H. Tnrpin worn r remit Med ford visitor. J. H. llelllnger was n recent Modford vinitor. ArUmr CiirMu and Harry II. Tut Ho. two of Med ford's businesH men, wore doing ' iniiness t the eoiinty Heat Wed- uvml.iy. Mrs. Ileriniui King of Modford WftH .visiting friends in daeksmivilln ro rontly. 0. T. Vanpel was in Med ford from Ashland Wednesday on business; A. V.. Kellogg, one of Oold Hilt's prominent citizens, was a Med ford mil i r recently. J, 0. Itigliam of Med ford xvtin nt the court house in Jacksonville Wednesday declaring liis intenlion to become a citizen of the United States. I ton A. Lowell wns up from Wood villo recently on business. Miss Mary Wnllerer of Jacksonville wns in Med ford Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. .Innies Riser of Mod ford have been spending the week in Jacksonville with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Kiaer on wliat. was formerly known as tlio Berry farm. J. ('. Ktnerick of Ashland was a Modford visitor Friday. F. II. Cain and J. W. Koyes, two young men from California, havo open ed tlio Valley Auto company in the new garage in the rear of tho Moore litcl, Tliev are experts in the auto repair line, having had many years' ex pnrienco in tlio east and Calif (tin in, part of Hie time with tho Popo-Tolodo emitpanv. AMUSEMENTS. Southern PaGifiG Petit In to Have Damage Suit Transfered to Portland In answer to the filing of the suit for $20,ii(Mi by J. W. Hazel against the Southern Pacific company, the company hut filed a petition and bond asking that the case bo truusferred to the fed eral court. This petition will probably ho granted. The Southern Pacific company is in corporated in the state of Kentucky mid it is customary that when suit be brought, us this one wns, to have it transferred to tho fedorul court. Tho matter will be heard within a vr days. "We Are King." 'We Are King," the satirical com edy by LieuU'iiout Gordon Keun, ruthor of "The Magic Melody," in whicb Mr. Kdmuud Carroll is again starring this season, is ono of the most succe::3ful plays ever presented by Mr. Walker Whiteside, It is u charming play, hav ing both the rotiiumic intercut and more comedy than is iit.iJly found in plays oi this type. A delightful love story runs through Hi? play and the action is ken and delightfully epirited. Mr. Carroll has the original production and when lie appears' at the Med ford Theater lecember 8 lfl is aafo to say t ho theater going people of this city will enjoy u delightful evening's en-tertaiiimenr. The Louvre SUNDAY DINNEE 0 P. M. Oysters on tiholl Potugc! Alexandrina Cilery en Hrauche liipo Olives itroiled Halmon Hteuk au Huerro Noir Pommes Julienuo Chicken Frienuse Hupreme (lurden Pens Ttomit 1'rimo Beef Khsenco Crennied Parsnips ' Mushed Potatoes Apple und. Nut Hi. lad New York lew Oreum Assorted Cakes Cocouuut Soufflo, American Cheese Demi Tasso At Christian Tabernacle. Grout services, ure hold every evo i;ing at t bo Christian tabornaclo. Wilis ton is preaching his best sermons this week. Kucli ono is hotter than the last. Last night ho spoko ou tho sub iect, "Tho Marred Visugo." It won 8 miiifnificeut address. The tabernacle was full of interested hearers. The singing was first-class. Seven took their stand for Christ and the church 1M) to date. Many more are coming. A large number were bant izod. Tho subject tonight is ono of Wins ton's very best. "The Passing liar vi st" is n great theme. Hinging b L'reat. Subiect tomorrow nitlit, "The Last Payment." Cordial invitation to all these serv ices. "They're all coming." Vou come. STEAMER MINNESOTA WILL HEREAFTER CALL AT MANILA SKATTLK, Wash., Dec. I. Annoum inent has been made by the passenger department of the (I rent Northern Steamship companv that tho steamer Minnesota will next year call at Ma nila on tho outbound trip. The big lin er will proceed as nt present to Yoke hnmn, Kobe, Nagaimki and Shanghai. i:nd from the latter port to Manila thence to Hongkong, which will remain the oriental terminal port. On the re turn voyage the Minnesota will pro coed direct from Hongkong to Nagasaki Yokohama and Scuttle. Bath Robes Lounging' Robes and House Coats Wh.it would make a more, ai-i'cplablc jnvs cul for (Hie f your giMitleiiion friends than me ill" our swell liathrulies I Still more, why wouldn't a niee Smoking .Jacket hciiel'it him? lie need not he a smoker to use it; it makes fine comfortable housecoat to put on after a hard day's work, lie would enjoy one of (hem immensely. Come in and let us show you the greatest line of this class of fjoods ever displayed in Medford. Prices rane as fol lows: Bath Robes $3.00 to $7.50 Lounging Robes $4.50 to $10.00 House Coats $4.50 to $12.00 Anything bought before Christinas may be exchanged after, if the size is wrong. MAN K IN MONKS $1.50 TO $0.00 TIMS IN MONKS 50c TO $2.00 M.Jfor,! Corx.ot Clotki Attention, Ladies. Owing tu (iur lut't (tad Iubm, I will ciotte my druwHinaking parlors until Mon day, IJpi emher 7, when 1 will ba ready In resume business and welcome you. MKH. MINNIE OOOLEY, 'J22 24 B Street. VoR RALE t luv Of- bmiuf.i, desk, typewrit- . erf itove, cbairs, etc. 41:?.u0 Paying merebandls. business. 4 -0 Fine building lot on instalment plan. 22J O. W. atone, Over Bijou 'f beater r'OK SALE beventy fie ; feet cast front lot bear city park; -choice resi dence property; at a bargain. S. J. Kui.ioierl in, 122 F street. 223 FOR 8 ALE Fiv. and "'ten-acre tracts within and adjoining eify limits, at a bargain .n long time. Address Y. O. FOX BALE A good small business on 8eentb street. Beaaona for selling. Address, P. O. boi 518 or call at this office. tf WANTED Eiperienced waitress aud ehanibermaid at Fruneo-Ainerican ho tel, Yreka, Cal. 230 - NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the. Interior, U. 8. I.:ind olfiie, nt Koaeburg, -Oregon, Sep tember 111, 1 DOS. Notice im hereby given that Helen L. lliiskins of Medford, Jackson county, Oregon, who, oil September lllth, 1908, made timber application, No. 01214, for south N. W. 'A, wcHt hi 8. W. 1; section 4, township 34 south, range 2 east, Willamette Meridian, has filed i.uticn of intention to make final timber proof to establish her cluitn to the laud above described, boforo V. H. Canon, r. K. Cominissionor, at Medford, Ore g oi, on the 3d duy of December, 1908. Claimant claims us witnesses: Leon I!. Iluskins of Medford, Oregon; Fortu l.atliii llubburd of Medford, Oregon; ot in' Hubbard of Derby, Oregon; Alcxes Until. aril of Medford. Orejjon. " BENJAMIN L." EDDY, Hegintor. WANTED Girl for general housework. Ilillcrest Orchard.- Call office, Palm building: 221 WANTED 1 desire family washing to do. I go to tb. bouoe and wash by the day. Pricea reasonable;- satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs. M. F. Schaenfele, Medford, Or. Box 2A, rout No. 1. 219 WANT B b Party wanted to take coa tract for hotel lanndry. Apply Ho tel Nash. 222 WANTED Posultion ai housekeeper la widower'a family. Address A. V- H., Tribune office. la LOST Light coloredao BrandJsrsey heifer calf. Send word to D. B. Rtame. 21' Grand excursion to City of Mexico. I .naves Medford on the 12th of Decern er, 1908, on the regular Overland. J02.15 for the round trip, good for 80 Inys. For further information, write 1.1 Einil Peil, AaMand, Or.' tf liny your Christuius nuts at the M. ft It. Candy Kitchen Rt 20 eonts per P .mid. 221 ELLS-FABOO COMPANY FACES SUIT BY MERCHANTS SAN FHANCISCO, Cul., Dec. 4. The xprcsH firm of Wells, Fargo t Coin inny today fnees a suit filed by sev--ral priiiniiient m rc-antlle houses. in lulling M. Kohlberg, Lessyiusky 4 'niiipiiny. Hale Hrothern, Inc., Living :nne, Itros.,, Inc., and Newmnn & Lev iMin. These merchants nsk tho United intes circuit court to prevent the er-;i-ess company from raining its tariff 11 reiwoiiable morchnnilise. The allegatioiis hre that the exprosa -impiiny issued tt new tariff scheilulc in go into effect December 10, tho ef I'.ct of which will bo to prohibit Im portation by express. This new sched le, it is claimed by the plnintiffB. -. a new tariff established since August !. lililll. when tho express company un muucfil n ship tariff on merchandise. PROMINENT BUSINESS MAN FALLS TO DEATH HUTTE, Mont., Dec. 4. Word wns eceived here today that Alexander Mc- tilov, a prominent business man and dinner legislator of Montiina, fell over 1 precipice in Teteu county in a romoto -lection of northern Montana lust Tues- l.-iv while out on a hiintiiig trip. He .1 us Instantly killed. EAF MUTES MBAROH FROM BUILDING IN PERFECT ORDER IIOISE. Idaho, Doc. 4. With flnmes niai-ing above them and eating away lie top of the building. 4 4 deaf and 'I ' ml cliilili-cn early today walked out nt' the old Central school building with I. (tie more show of fright than they .Miiild have displayed had they contiu-n-il on their tunrch to breakfast un 'nterruptod. The children, who sleep in the build ing, had beeu drcuscd only a few min--'ten mid wore being led from tho third tunr to the breakfast tablo on a lower rtnor, when flames burst through the rniif. la Bpite of the usual excitement t'liltowing the discovery of a fire, the line wns not broken, but instead of go ing to breakfast the children were led in the street In safety. ONLY J62 ROUN TRIP TO SEATTLE FROM CHICAGO SEATTLE, Wnsh., Dec. 4. After yiving a rate "bf $n0 for the round trip fi-niu Missouri river points nnd St. Paul 1.1 the Alaska Yukon-Pncifip exposition, llie Trnns-rontinental Passenger asso- nt 1011 has now made what is consider ed to bo nn extremely low rate from 1 hicngii. Peoria and St. lxiuis. Word was received today from A. M. I'li-lanil. general passenger ngeut of the Vorthern Pacific, that round trip tiek .'I good from May 2.1 to September 30. iv, mid be ns follows: From Chicago, tS2; Peoria, $00.15, nnd St. Louis. t'.VJ.V The rates are considered low bv railroad men, who declare that the lowest excursion rate given Inst sum mer from Chicago was 72.70. TO RENT Rooms for light house-keep ing. Mrs. Joe Thomas, Holly at. 22X Classified Adrertisenents ro SALE. FOli SALE A brand new safe: weight -mutt; nt a great bargain, lnquiro at this office. 22 FOR SALE A few choice Rhode Island Red roosters for sale. Mile west of Modford. J. Merlin Achor. 20 WANTED You are ambitious and poi sess at least nn average amount of tact and perseverance. Theiefore, we want you nnd will pay you 73 a month for taking only four ordera a day. You can earn a big income Wo furnish all supplies free. Write today to -Man nner. P. O. Box 1180.- -'New York City. 40 WANTED Horses to board by the month. P entv or irood. clean nay. gooa warm barn; torms 6 per rooutb. No horses taken for less than ono month. Waltor Moore, Phoenix. 230 6th After Supper Sale Saturday Night From 7 to 9 p. m. Owing to the fact that, our "Christmas Sales" will cover every department in this big store i'roiii now until January first, we have discontinued the win dow displays during that period. Not the .sales, however. Come Saturday night and take advantage of the following sales: but don't forget that the store is a bower of beauty these days and that you will enjoy the interior displays. Chrintmas Sales commence Saturday. Dress Goods at 1-3 off Saturday night after supper we will sell anv piece of dress goods in the store at a clean reduction of ONE-THIRD. For example, 25c goods will be, yd 17? For example, 90c goods will be, yd 60 On ei(ht yards you save $2.10 Worth coming down for? Silks Reduced 1-3 Any piece of silk in this store will sell at a reduction of exact ONE THIRD. As example 50c Silks will sell for 33? $1.25 Silks will sell for 83 The saving is worth coming for. Outings Reduced P.000 yards of regular 12 l-2e Outings in dark and light colors, Saturday after supper, we will sell them at a clear redue. tion of about one-third, or 12 l-2c Out ings for 8 fc Cheese Cloth 3c 2000 yards of regular 5c Cheese Cloth or decorative bunting; any color you may desire; Saturday night after sup per, we offer the entire lot at, yd. .3 Christmas displays should attract you. . --.-r-i-a -w- a TvTTm.1 aft) mrtTHl MEDFORD 'S PROGRESS! V ra JiAJJiiiiO diwjw-. BAKER-HUTCHASON CO. CENTRAL AVE. JUST NORTH JACKSON CO. BANK Xmas Gifts for Men T7.-r-This brief enumeration of HOL T Ore WOfGlD AY GIFTS suitable for MEN will be found convenient and helpful. Purchases made here will be put up in attractive form Little Things That Count r'OK SALE Two choice corner lota ia PnKe'a addition at u bargain. a. B. Sawyer, 303 N. Central are. till The best things are said to be done up in the smallest parcels. Certainly little bundles are interesting. A CRAVAT PIN Always to the point CUFF LINKS Link friend to friend DRESS STUDS Close to the heart. MODISH CRAVAT Blest he tlie tie GLOVES Hand to hand WHITE SILK HANDKERCHIEF Like virgin snow Eminently Sensible UNDERCLOTHES, HALF HOSE With that comfortable feeling SUSPENDERS AND GARTERS A justifiable "holdup" PAJAMAS AND NIGHT SHIRTS Pleasant dreams, sweet repose LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS ' " In demand about now SHIRTS AND COLLARS The latest in linen COLLAR BAGS : That keep your linen clean Mr jAt&M'i Shop Early Don't delay, secure your pick. Cravats, Collars, Shirts, Suspenders, Half Hose, Umbrellas in great va riety to select from. Our goods are very classy, modest in price and tho assortment is large. Larger Gifts That Please SMOKING JACKET : "r Burn incense to fellowship FANCY WAISTCOAT Adds to the good cheer BATH ROBE ' 1 A shower of attention UMBRELLA . Better given than borrowed FLANNEL SHIRT The winter negligee LINED GLOVES KNITTED GLOVES - Wards of the fingers Regarding theThermometer Dress Protectors have a double purpose. WOOLEN MUFFLER Against frost and snow WOOLEN SOCKS A good footing KNITTED WAISTCOAT Comfortable, yielding, light WOOLEN MUFFLER Prevents catching cold STRONG GLOVES For driving, etc. packages Laid ASIDE for you, so make your se lections early before the stock is picked over. Come at once. is WHAT WE SAY WE DO, yiJ0D WE 1)0 DO. MEDFORD OREGON, CUT THTS AD OUT when you go Xmas shop ping, so that you will re member what to get for him. - : GRAND DUKE FINDS NO BOTAL PATH TO LOVB ST. PETKRSBUKG, Dee. 4. For per sisting in his determination to wed the dauuhter of a rich land owner near iMessa. the csar'a brother, tha Grand Duka Michael, ia reported to be in danger of aiile to some lonely military command before ha recovers from his infatuation. Tha father of tha duka'a sweetheart has already taken hii daugh ter out of tha country, supposedly to Switserland. Court rumors have it that Michael followed them, but failed to learn their whereabouts. Michael's love affuir was discovered through the fre quent visits which he paid to southern ' Russia, supposedly for the benefit of ' his health. A TEN THOUSAND DOLLAR EILL TOR "LITTLE" AFFAIR Tho fire boys plan a big dnee for Naw Year's ava 1 tha Angle opera hoaaa. 8 AN' I'UANi'lSiO. Cal.. Dec. 4. "Just a 1'ttle il.iuce and a bite to eat nt midnight' nt the St. Frnneis hotel tonight, thnt is all that is promised, but San Francisco 's smart set is all ei citemeut today, for it is whispered that Mrs. Henry T. Scott's littla party will cost 10,000 and will be tha moat elaborate affair this city has ever seen. Florists have been at work weeks pre paring the elaborate decorations, and it is said that surprises ara in atnre for the dancers. Judge Durham, th well known lega". light of Grants Pass, wai in Medford Thursday on busiBsaa.