IS Plymouth Rock Hen Lays 256 Eggs in One Year Breaking World's Record A Marred Plymouth Hock hen, ownod by A. S. Kurt of Albany, Or., has laid fgga tl't' past year and has thus established a new world 'b record for tho most eggs ever laid in a year by one hen. The former record, as com piled by poultry journals, was 251 and Hart's hen is now champion of the world by fivo eggs. This hen laid its first egg on Novem ber 120, 11107, and completed its record of 250 November 10, 1I08. Hart kept track of the record of this hen as well iie of 11 others by means of a trap nest system and has an exact record of the number of eggs laid by each hen of his flock. Kach hen wears a leg band fur its identification and when it enters u nest it swings a trapdoor and cannot leave tho nest until some one takes it out. Mr. Hart nnd his wife nro the only persons who have re moved the hens nnd there is no pos sibility of an error in the count. Hart will substantiate the count with affi davits and nu Albany hen will claim the world's record in tho poultry jour nals of the United Ptates. Keeping Record Flock, j Hart is keeping n record of 12 hens this year nnd the average of the flock will bo over 2IW eggs each. Ono other I ben besides the record-breaker has laid j 214 eggs and yet has ":, days to com plete her ynr. This is the first year I any of the 12 hens have laid, and is accordingly their bnt laying year, and all are making a remarkable record. Hart, who is nu expert breeder of Harred Plymouth Rocks, does not feed' his hens soft mashes, egg food or any thing else to make them lay. His theory is to breed up to a. high stnndnrd and thus get a hen which will lay well naturally. He also keeps his flock in perfect condition for natural laying. Tho Tiuncoton .Weekly Engle of Tiunceton, Mo., of November 20, 1!0S, contains the following regarding Mis souri's great hen: Picturo on exhibition at Columbia oc cupies a prominent place in the office of (icorge R. Ellis, secretary of the board of agriculture .Secretary fleorge P.. "Ellis of the Mis noun state board of ngriculturo has re ceived from Ernest Kellers! rnss, owner of 1 lxo Kellerstrass farm, R. F. D. No. 1, Kansas City, Missouri, a life-size oil painting of the $10,000 Crystal Whito Orpington hen, "Peggy," de clared by competent paltry judges to be the most wonderful hen they have ever seen. This painting which has been given a prominent place m Secretary Ellis' office and which will ndorn the new $10i),ci)0 agricultural college build ing now nailer process of construction at Columbia, is the work of Miss Alice Harbor, a well known Kansas City art ist. - - "Peggy" is almost ns near perfec tion as it is possible for a bird to be. her score being" '07V. Mr. KetlerstrnRS has refused $".000 for her, but he val ue her at twice that amount. She has v record of 22." eggs per year, and her eggs are readily sold at $5 each when hor owners will permit the sale of them. "Peggy" deserves and, by com mon consent, has been given the title of "Queen of Missouri Chickens." Mr. Kellerstrass is the originator of the Crystal White Orpingtons nnd hns almost 50n0 birds of this breed on his modrl poultry farm near Kansas City. Madame Paderewski paid Mr. Kolter strass 7"0' for a pen of five Crystal White Orpingtons, which were shipped to her home in Switzerland lant Febru ary. At the tri-stnte fair held at. Memphis. Ten n.( "Peggy" was presented with n solid gold leg band set with diamonds. It required four policemen nnd some 20 fair officials to hold the crowd hack when tho presentation was made in the poultry building on the fair grounds. Missourians who visit the agricultu ral building at Columbia will now view with admiration the beautiful oil paint ing of "Peggy" and will take pride in the fact that Missouri,, tho "Poultry Queen of the Union," has the honor of being the home of the highest-priced hen in history. But Missouri owes her proud place in poultry not alono to thtj fame of nny one bird or breed. The linmble hen if we may longer so refer to her is bringing Misosuri both wealth and fame, the state's snrplus poultry products for the year 1007 amounting to M,MWi.U7. r more, .per. haps, than of any other state in the Union. So important has become the pooltry industry in Missouri that" the state board of agriculture now has in prepar ation and will soon have ready for dis tribution an extensiv poultry bulletin. This publication, which is for free dis tribution, while the supply lasts.-may lie had by addressing Secretary George H. Ellis. Columbia. Mo. FRISCO GRAND JURY INDICTS TWO DEFAULTERS SAN FRANCISCO, Cab, Dee. 2. .Tames C. Tomalty, the bookkeeper in the citv treasurer's office, who has been accused of falsifying the records in or der to make possible a heavy shortage in the city's fund", and fieorge B. Stan cliffe, arrested in New York for as saulting and robbing Mrs. Palmer, land ladv of the St. Rose hotel, were hotll indicted by the grand jury yesterday. although the true bills were not brought into court. Tomalty 's indictment, it is Miid. covers his alleged crime of falsi fying a Dublic record. Staneliffe's in dictment was returned only to facili tate his extradition from New York. ALBANY HEN NEW CHIP! I JAPAN'S POLICY IS I TO ' -KEEP FRIENDS WITH U. 8. j WASHINGTON, Dee. 2. "To keep j her relations with the United States of the must friendly character is the keynote of Japan's foreign policy." j This is tho Btutemeut of Johu C. j I'laughlin, secretary ot tho state's com mission to the Tokio exposition, who has jnst teturned from his trip to Japan and who today commented on the diplo inatie tics whU-h iu the last few days have drawn the two nations closer than over before. "The people of Japan," said ho, "realize that they need the aid of the United States to insure them against aggression." BUTTE FALLS ITEMS. Scott Claspill has been appointed a deputy Bheriff, and will give attention to all parties violating law and creat ing disturbances, C. E. Wolverton of Sills Springs has gone to Medford on business matters. Sam Hudson, whoso eyes havo been troubling him, 1b much improved. Mrs. J. Heckathorn has gone to Eagle Point and Medford and will spend the win tor iu the valley. Tho parties who have been disturb ing the public gntheringo held in Butte Falls are warned against a repetition of such conduct, ns Deputy Sheriff Clas pill will look after them in tho future. The stores nro laying in their holi day goods, and it is expected that an interesting school and othor ChriBtmas celebrations will be held. Special Agent Kennedy has been In our in id at looking after homestead mat-1 tors. I Work still continues on tho new schoolhouso, but it will soon be com pleted nnd occopied. The roads havo become almost nn travelnblo nnd many ere tho complaints made by those who havo occasion to use them. B. F. Fredenburg ban his new house nearly finished aitd will soon move into .it. Emanuel Pool hao moved to Butte Falls and is living iu his new house. Will Chambers has finished, for him riclf nnd fnmily, a noat home in tho Falls and is living in it. John Obenchain nnd wife have been at their homestead. Charley Edinonduon nnd family are living upon their homestead and im proving it very much. Miss Frank io Obenchain is doing the honors of the fnmily hotel while the folks are living at the homestead. Frank Neil of Derby hns been visit !ng iu Medford with Judge Neil. Lee Edmonson is assisting Frank Nethorlnnd in building a nico home. Charles Terrill is living at his home ntead near Brownsboro nnd making many improvements. T. C. Hall of Browncboro is kept con stantly on the road bringing in supplies for his increasing trade, ' J. Doubled ny is making a long stay in Medford. Mrs. Murphy still hops tho boarding house iu the Falls nnd has quite a large number of boarders. She givos splen did service. We have a small fall ot1 snow, but it soon disappeared and now tho days are bright with a flood of golden sun shine and the health of all is good. The Misses Mahoney entertain the people quite often with a musical treat. They do much to drive away the long evenings. It is reported that the Butte Falls people who left hero for tho const coun try have become disgusted and will soon return. Mrs. Scott Clnspill hns a fine phon ograph and is called upon frequently to entertain with her choice selections. Our postmaster reports an increase of postoffice accommodations sinco the money order department has been es tablished. Merchant Hughes as well as our oth er storekeepers, reports business ns good for this season and with the ad vent of the railroad tho coming year ex pects a rush of orders. Superintendent Miller is still oper ating the plant and supplying the de mauds for lumber. ONE PLACE, ANYHOW Two men from New York awoke ono mnniinc to find tlienirolvcs in Savan nah. Komcnibcring ihat they woro in a Inhibition stnto, ami having a thirst worthy of tnoir ourronmlhu.'s, tho pair started out on a still hunt for an eye opener. They were not acquainted anil were in a quandry ns to where to start on their quest, and while they were debating the question mentnlly between them they were niroched by u pleasant looking policouiHli, who .wished them "good morhiug. " "Say, Jim," said cno of the pilgrims to tho other, ''this is an opening. Hero iv a good fellow; let's ask him." It won , agreed, and the officer answered thoir inquiry by saying loconienlly," Pol- low mo." Ho walked them tnroc ihocks nntil tluy stood in front of-tho cathe dral. Here he paused. Tho travelers looked at each other in astonishment. "Snroly,-niy good . man, said the first, "yon do not mean to toll no that a blind tiger is being operated in the church f" "You see the chnreh. do you!" atk d tho policeman solemnly. "Yes," assented the two. "Well, that is the only place in sSavr.nnsh thut you can't get it," said he. -From tho Bohemian for December. KliOPilSl COUPLE ABB -PLACED UNDER ABBE ST Bl'TTK, Mont., Dec. 2. An oloping couple. ( harles Kriess. a well known , . j ,rhnt of Cleveland. H. !.. and Miss Klsie I'omeroy, l ...,i frnm iho same town 17-rcarold are under arrest. They wcro caught by the local odicrrs yesterday afternoon just as they were about to board a train for Ogd.-n,, where they proposed to wed. I W kmve .pil "f PTP''"' chews on. Come in chool cnoo! Long. I Gloves fitted at Van Dyke's. MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE,, MEDFOBD, OERGON", GETS Post Offiee Department Says Money Is All Spent and City Must Wait The following letter has been re ceived by Posomaster J. R. CnBoy, says tho Tidings, from tho division of city delivery, at Washington, iu regard to tho installation of free delivory service in Ashland: Washington, Nov. 10, 100S. Postmas ter, Ashland, Oregon Sir: lu rwply to your letter of the 12th instant, you aie informed that while the postoffice in spector who recently viuited your city, recommends that city delivery bo es tablished, the department is uunblo to issue the order for tho installation of the service for the reason that the ap propriation for that purposo is exhaust ed. Should congress ut tho noxt session mako a further appropriation the mat ter will have prompt attention. Re spectfully. C. P. O KANFIELD. r irst Assistant Postmaster-General. In light of the fact that tho postal inspector who was hero a short time ago recommended an order for the in stallation of free delivery at Ashland, having found racquirements for such service met with, the excuse that the, appropriation is exhausted looks like subterfuge. Corvallis with practically iho same rating an Ashland ns far as postal revenues are concerned, applied for free delivery at tho same time ns Ashland, viz.: at the close of the last fiscal year, Juno .'f0, and tho service is now being installed in the agricul tural college town. Tho outlay for equipment requited Sh merely nominal, it is said, while the salaries of carriers at Ashland would be paid out of tho ASHLAND DELIVERY FOR SALE LOTS UNDER THE DTTOH IN PHOENIX. MAT CALHOUN PHOENIX, OREGON. I HAVE Newtown -AND- Spitzenburg Trees THRU 13 AND FOUR-FOOT SYZES. ALL OTII1CR VARIETIES IN ANY : : : STZE DESIRED : : : L. E. HOOVER MEDFORD, OREOON. ut Yiikiina Valley Nursery. Aire u A Map of Jackson County The Tribune and Southern Oregonian is having made at great expense a fine, colored, lithographed. map of Jackson county. This map will show all cities, towns and villages, rivers and waterways, section and survey lines, railroads and projected rail- roads, wagon roads, forest reserve bounda ries, election precincts and other data need ed hy everyone. All townships shown in colors. This up-to-date map will be ready for distribution some time in December. It will be sold only through The Tribune and Southern Oregonian.' This will be your only chance to secure a good map of Jackson county, as all map edi tions are out of print and plates were des troyed in the San Francisco fire, necessitat ing new plates made at an enormous expense. Further details later. Heady in December. receipts of the local office, as is tho rule of the department, so that the reason utmiguud for delay by the de partment does not aouud good here. The postal receipts of Ashland for the last fiscal year weie $12,132.87, an inc reuse of 25 per cent ovxer tho pre vious year, while the requirements for free delivery are only $10,000. The mater will very likely be taken up with members of cougress from this state for further investigation. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. harles H. Chapman to Gold Ray Realty company, laud in sec tion 30, range 2 W Louis Lager to Jackson County land in D L 0,57, townBhip 87, i ran go 1 W , 1 Eva Hockenyos to Elisabeth Brees, 40 acres in section 30, township 38, range 1 W KOO Elizabeth La wren tz to Elizabeth Brcosc, land iu section 10, township 3S, rango 3 W S.'iO Ponelopo Henrietta JohiiBton to J. A. Lyon, lot 5, block 1, Palm's addition to Medford .. 150 Leluh Williams to James R. Wil liams,, 160 acres in section 24, township 30, range 1 E 750 V. A. Patrick to E. C. Gard, prop erty iu block V, Railroad addi tion to Ashland 10 Margaret M. Ganiard to E. 0. Gard, property in Ashland .. ; 10 Ezra C. Gard to Uoorgo Tavener, property in Ashland 10 (r. R. Slingerland to Mrs. Eliza Long, lot 15, block R. Rail road addition to Ashland .... 10 William V. Gibbon to Joseph A. Gibbon, St) acres in section 25, township 30, rango 2 W 1 William T. Gibbon to Grace H. Orr, 120 acres in soetion 25, town chip 30, range 2 W I Alex Duff to H. B. Calhoun, 5 acres in section 10, township 38, range 1 V 400 Horace F. Keener to A. C. Nintn ger, N of W of section 'J4, township 38, range 2 E ... 450 William Ross to II. B. Stone, lots 10 nnd 11, block 2, West Miid font 13.1 H. B. Stnno to George P. Lind- J ley, lots 10 nnd 11, block 2, Medford 100. ON HAND Pippin V WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1908. City business Directory i i ,. W. M Colvig. O. L. Beanies. OOLVIO BEAMES Lawyers. Office: Medford Dank Bldg. Ground floor. Cook Stoves and ranges. Phone 01 MOBDOBFr WOLF New and Second-Hand Furniture Eails' old stand, 18 SO F St. South Medford, Or. EABNES BOOMING) HOUSE Newly built and uowly furnished All luodorn conveniences. D. O. Karnes. Prop. SO S. O St., Medford, Or. FISH MARKET Fresh fish received daily. .Oys- - ters in season. Cor. Seventh and K Sts, Medford MEDFOBD TEA AND COFFEE HOUSE Specialists in Teas, Cof fees, Extracts, -Baking Powder and Bpices. We carry all kinds of dinner ware and fancy dishes. 216 W. Seventh St. Medford, Or. DB. OOBLB The only exclusive -Optician -between Portland and Sacramento. Office on Seventh Street. When others fail, call on DR. E. J. BONNER Eys Specialist ' Offiee in Eagle-Pharmacy Main 233. Seventh and Main LETTERHEADS of all .styles by The Tribune. THE HOTEL EMERIOK Rooms from SO cents to $1.50 pet day. All modern conveniences. We solicit your patronage. JACK FREDENBURO -Scavenger. Gurbage hauled. Medford. Livery and Feed. Phone 2431 WEST SIDE BTABLEB Chas. E. Tull Proprietor. - First-class Turnouts. Medford Oiogon GO SOUTH! Oot a Unto of the delightfully mild climate known only to Southern California. Thore yoa will find an abundant u of sunniiine, bright hluo akios, a clear, bracing atmosphere, congenial Minciationa and invigorating linaltliful recreations too numerous to uiuiitior -Besortr are there, aomo with world-wide reputations a Lna Angelos, Paso Ronles, Hot Springs. Lonf Beach, Santa Barbara, Hotel del Monte, Santa Cruz, Han Diego, Santa Monica, Venice, .tad omoMMlioas, delightful stopping pliices of lesser renown. All maintaining tho California ataadard fortbospitnlity, and faultless accommodations. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY 'Will bo glad to supply some very attractive literature, desrriblng in detail tho ninny delights f wintor Id California. Very lew rato round trip oxctirsiDn tickots are, on sain to California. f The rata from Portland to Los Angeiesrtand return $55. Limit, aix menths, allowing stop overs in either direction. Hirnilnr excursion rntes nro tn ef fect to all California points. For full information, stepping car reservations and tickets, call on telegraph or writo either A. 8. Bomnb&nm.Afent, Medford, or Win, Mc Murray, Gen. Fans. Agt, Portland, Oo. Good Evening! Have You Ued "CHIC?" for sale only by Medford Pharmacy Near Postoffice 0 rand excursion I t City of Moiieo. lares Medford on tha 12th of Dece ra ft' r, 1908, oa too regular Orarland. 112.15 for tho round trip, od for 66 days. For further tiformatton, write to Kmil Poll, AaMaad, Or. it ARTHUR H. DAVIS Contracting Electrical Engineer 210 W. Seventh St., Medford, Or.' ANLO PENWELL The Plumber. 1 solicit a sharu of your business, pledging satisfaction. THE ELECTRIC AND FBBNOH DRY CLEANING AND PRESS ING WORKS W. E. Lane 4 Son, Props. Opposite Hotel Moore, Medford Oregon WASOHATJ t BROWN wiBh to annouueo to their patrons that they are located In their new quarters iu the Young & Hall building, billiards, Cigars and Tobaccos. M. B. OANDY KITCHEN We make all uur own candies. Martin and Harrow, Props. Corner Sevonth and G Streets, Medford, Oregon. DB. FRANK BOBEBT8 Dentist Office hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Miles Building, Seventh Street, Medford, Oregon. THB MISSION GRILL Always open for business. 'Neat and clean. Up-to-date. Popular prices. 12 So. C St. Lambert ft Brown THE B. B. V, LUNOH BOOM Finest cup of coffee on the Paoific Coast. H. H. Loritnor : Prop. Fur good bargains in Watchos and Jewelry, Pistols, Musical In struments, go tu THB MEDFOBD LOAN OFFICE 0 Street. MEDFOBD FUBNITUBB 00, Undertakers Day Phono 353 Night Phonos O. W. Conklin 3d J. H. Butler 148 DB. B. T. OONBOY Successor to Dr. Jones. Office in tlu Stownrt Building. Willi Jflf SAVOY THEATEB North d'Anjoii Street. Latest 'motion pictures and Illus trated tongs. Entire change of program Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 oents. BUOU THEATEB, W. 7TH ST. Continuous - performance erury evening of motion pictures and il lustrated ballads. Entire change of program Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 cents, j WM. H. AITKEN Plumbing, Stoam and Hot Water Heating. Phone 82. 210 W. Seventh St., Medford, Or. . EDEN VALLEY NURSERY N. 8. Bennett, Medford, Or. Grow trees that sell, sell trees that grow anad fruit true to label Let the -MISSION FURNITURE WOBKS make that piece of furniture. Any design, nny color, nny finish dull, waxed or polished. Shop on cor. of 8th and H streets.- ' THB E ME RICK CAFE The best restaurant in Southern Oregon. W. E. Johnson Prop. VEBNB T. CANON Billposter and distributor. All orders promptly filled. Boom 7 Jnckson Co. Bank BtJgfH Medford, Or. O. F. COOK Sells trees that grow. Offico: R. R. V. Dopot. P. O. Box 841. Phone 603. Medford, Or. MRS. ED. ANDREWS Voice Culture and Art of Singing Studio at Residence. East Medford. Phono 225 8. B. SEELY, M. D. PhyBician and Surgeon Modern equipped operating rooms X-Ray. Office hours: 10-12, 2-4 p. m. Offico in Jackson Co. Bk, bldg JOB PRINTING by The Tribune. Make arrangements to vii sit California this Winter :: :: :: IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS nre always to be had it Martin Roddy 's, wlmro nil the latest artistic crentious of tho jewc-lcr's nrt are on sale. Our I in of goods ranges from those of personal mlornmrnt to watches, clocks, superb , ut glass, table waro in silver and ' tiumht'i'les articles if ornament nnd utility. All of tln finest quality ami at very low prices. MARTIN J. REDDY Tho Jeweler. Near the Postoffice. Watches. Clocks, Jewelry REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. "Not how much I ean do, but how woll I can do it,". is my mottr. B. N. BUTLER Martin J. Bad Ay, Cantral kto., north ot Jackson County Bank. mi I