MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OERGOX, "WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1908. Medford uaiiT ne -A Live Pafeb in a Live Town. Published every evening except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY Geobgb Putnam, Editor and-Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postof f ice at Medford, Oregon. Subscription rates. ! month, bj mail r orriir. . . .10.60 pear, by ,mil . . LET THE PEOPLE DECIDE IT. . It seems a wise move to let the people of Medford vote on the wet and dry question, and tips decision be binding upon the council. The factional fight between prohibitionists and anti prohibitionists has injured Medford -more than any one thing during the past six months, and it will be an excel lent thing to have it ended. Only as a united city can progress be made by Medford. Discord and bickering, business boycotts and ill will, all operate to the detriment of any place and it is this soil of thing that knocks cities more-effectually -than anything else. The people of Medford had no trouble in settling the water question -when the council couldn't. rThey should have none in settling the booze problem. The city char ter confers upon the citizens the power and right so let use be made of it for neither this or any council will , agree upon it. Not the least of the advantages gained will be the open ing of the way to secure the right kind of -men for city officials. Few business moji care to mix in the wet and dry fight, or become partisans in at and with it pending, would refuse to serve. With it removed, the principal objections also go. Prospects are excellent for a fine class of candidate? .for Medford citizens, to choose from for city officials. Mr, J. A.' Perry,- the first one to enter "the lists for tin mayoralty, is well -known (is , a, progressive citizen and business man. fie served for a year as president of tin Medford Commercial oluband is favorably known in com mercial circles as manager of the Rogie River Fruitgrow ers' Exchange. -Let other business men of -equal stand ing and repute show their public spirit by offering theii services to the community. Judge Colvig .made a decided hit representing tlu Rogue River valley at the 'Admen's Apple night at Port land, and gave Med ford a hit of good advertising among those -who write ads, and so where it counts best and his efforts go a long juake up for the lack of progres siveness shown by orchardists in not exhibiting their prod uces. ' i ORDEES HIS COFFIN. AS JOKE; DIES FEW:MONTHS.LATEB NEVADA CITY, Doc. 2iIIow woul4 you liki to Holot't -your coffin wlton in K"tl Itoiiltl. nnd then up ami die to fill it f That's whut happened to George Kuln;, formerly of this city. Some months ngo, in his undertaking parlor ut Virgin in City, Nov., ho joootly in formed hi wife tlmt ho .had -ordered n fine riiHliet, ah lie would probably need it tinforu Christ mus. Nothing further wan m id to hin remark until last Tues day, when ho died of typhoid fovof. Then his strange words iwero vividly tecalled. lie was some yours ago clerk in the National hotel hero, aud during his residence, in this pluoo married Alius Lucy Mitchell. Thoy wero very devot ed to each other. CRACK PITCHERS DEMAND MORE .SALARY TO STAY ClIh'AflO, Dec. 2. BaMhall fan dotn in Chirugo is greatly agitated to day over persistent reports thnt Man uger Frank Chance, 1 ' tho peerless, ' and Mordecni Brown and Orvie Overall the two crack pitchors of the Culu, will not appear with the-world's champions next season unless their demands for more salary are granted. Itrown has au offer of $5000 to man age a semi-professional team, and Over nil says ho has more money iu tight. Not long ngo Chnuce announced be would go with tho Cincinnati team if President Murphy refused to inerease his pay. BREAD LINE STILL IN EVIDENCE AT SEATTLE 8KATTLK, Wash., Dec. 2. Despite the prosperity wave that has visited many parts of the northwest since the election, there is in this city a bread line of men who are out of employment. but willing to work. During tho last few days they have been culling at tho headquarters of s charitalilo society, which has been giv ing them clothing and food. On some dnys they came in targe numbers. It is snid that most of theae men hare come in from tho farming districts, where they could find employment if they cared for that kind of work. VESSEL8 REPORTED LOST IN ENGLISH CHANNEL DOVER, Kng., Dec. 2. Two vessels nro reported to have been in collision in tho dense fog in West Kay this morn fug ami to hnvo gone down with all on board. Lifeboats aro scorching tho oceno, but so for have been unable to find any signs of tho wrecks. High-top shoes, all prieea, at Van Dyke's. TALENT ITEMS. (By n Snhscriber.) Miss Clara of Talent, who is teaching school ut O run tit Puss, cauu up Tuesd ay to spend Thanksgiving with her pnrents nt Talent. Mrs. Thomas Lamb and her daughter I Miss Katie, of Talent went down t (Medford Friday on the morning train, .returning in the afternoon. Mrs. Oeorge Dewey of Talent wan ,u Medford business culler last Friday. Oeorge Huberts of North Talent was tin Medford last Friday on buniness. Z. 'A. Lane,' Talent 'a notary, made n dm si nous cnll in North Talent last Hut .urduy. ('. K, Mcduiu and wife spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs, A. H. Houston. Z.'H. Coleman, our clever mail carrier, says a portion of his route in getting very muddy. Mrs. William Breeco of Talent was on Friday morning's train en route foi , Medford on business. Miss Katie Aldri'dge of Talent took iFridny morning 's trnin for Myrtlt i'reek, Or., where she will join her par lents, who went from Talent a few .weeks ago. Mr. nnd Mrs. K. Cihhs of North Tat ent were Medford business callers last Friday. Mr. Oibbs purchased a fiut disc plow while there. Residents of North Talent are in hopes the electric light company now preparing to light the business houses in Talent will extend their line on down our way. Talent is getting to be one of the moat enterprising little towns between Ashland nnd Rosehitrg. And the South em Pacific company are lending nil the help they can, which means a great deal U- any town. When any rn i I ron d d i s criminates agniunt a small town it means much against its progress. MARRIED. WILSON NKALON Thanksgiving day, by Rev. T. M, Jones, nt the home of the bride 's parents, Mr. nnd M rs. N. M. Nealon, Mr. Owen T. Wilson of Sams Valley and Miss Margaret A Nimton of Table Rock. ROOSEVELT TO HAVE THE NAVY SYSTEM INVESTIGATED WASHINGTON,. Dec. 2. President Roosevelt, it wns stnted today, con templated appointing ut an early date a commission tit investigate the entire system of the navy department, looking toward the establishment of an advis ory board. The head of this commission it wns stated with good authority, would be Secretary Klihu Root, When asked about hie acceptance of such a pont, Root stated that he would have to give tho matter more thought, although he did not tHnk that his du ties In the state department would in t erf era with tho tnsk suggested. EDWIN MABKHAM WRITES SECOND ORE AT POEM Kdwin Murkhum, who mude a world wide reputation a few years ago with his poorn "T ho Man With tho Hoe' has written for the Christmas Woman's Home Companion n poem thai a con Bidor'.'d to be even gruuter than "The Man With the Hue." Many who have rend Mark-ham's new poem, "Before tho (jotpelH Were." consider it the greatest vertio of recent y ars. "Before ' tho Gospels Wore. tells, with wonderful poetic imagination, tho story of the gathering together tho mutenula for tho gospels of Christ's disciples after his nNcenriion. Never before bus there been presented so illuminating a- pic ture of what Chrlnt's life meant to hit diseipleu nnd why It was so accurately reflected in their gospels. .The opening verse of tho poem is: Long noons and evenings after bo was gone, Mary the Mother, Matthew, Luke and John, And all those who loved Him to tho last, Went over all the marvel of the past Went over all the old familiar ways With tender talk of dear remombered dnys. They walked tho roads that never gave Him rest Past Jordan 's ford, past Kedron 's bridge, (Tp Olivet, up Hermon 's ridge, To that l:iHt roud, tho one they loved the b nt. The climax of the poem in reached in tho last verse, which sums up ull the the thoughts that have been expressed in tho preceding liues: So huddling often by the chimney blaze Or going down tho old remembered ways On many a lingering walk, They held their wonder talk, Minding each other of some sacred spot, Minding each other of a wordforgot ; So gathering up till I'll tk- whispered words Went to the four winds like n flight of birds. AGAIN. Grand holiday excursion. Round triii tickets $10, good for 1.1 days, baggage checked, return allowed any time with iu limit, Ashluud to San Francisco. leaving .Saturday, December 2d, 1U8, on rrgular overland train at 11:35 a. in. Sixty or more excursionists will make the fare $15. T. K. IIOLTON, 12MIL PRIL, W'lt A tibia ml, Oregon. New Pases. Lulu Myrtle Rook ford vs. Charles Rockford; suit for divorce, Withington & Kelly, attorneys for plaintiff. Jennie Head vs. Peter John Head; suit for divorce. H. K. Hannn, Jr., attorney for plaintiff. Marriage Licenses. M ike Morgan and Smalene R, Heh- Circuit Court. C. F. Li ven good vs. Mary K. Liven good; divorce; decree by default. Martha Stuukurd vs. Matthew ttttink :ird; divorce; decree by default. Wo'ro going to move somo of our furniture about tho first of tho yenr. We move to the room now occupied by Peuel & Kent n or. Until that time you iv 11 Ibo given special prices on n good many pieces of furniture, carpet ti, etc., i nd ii.'i per eent discount on any piece placed in our show windows. Ladies, nhouhl not forget to register. You don't have to buv. Medford Furilure Co. il'J2 That Christmas Present A nice piece of Mission Furniture would bo just tho thing. Pretty, useful, durable, and a suitable gift for anyone. Lot tho Mission Furniture Works make it. Prices about one half uBunlly charg ed. Any design, any color, any finish, dull, waxed or polished. Drop in. Shop on corner of Kighth aud H streets. " Attention, Ladies. Owing to our late sad loss, I will i-lose my dressmaking parlors until Mon .liiy, December 7, when 1 will ho ready to rcftumo business and welcome von. MRS. MINNIE COOLEY, H22 24 D Street. NOTICE TO RED MEN. A full attendance is requested at the next regular meeting of the tribe, Wed uosday Sleep, Deeember 2, as election f officers for the ensuing term and other importnnt business will come up. Ti. Ti. JACOBS, Chief of Records. Medford Time Table SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Northbound No. ltfjOregon Kxpress 5:24 p. m. So. UjPnrtland Express 9:40 a.m. Southbound I No. 15!California Express.. .110-35 a. m. No. l.tjSan Francisco Exp... 3:20p.m. No. 2'JjjFroni Grants Pass.... 0:15 p.m. No. 22oFor Ashland 10:15 p. ra. PAOiriO t EASTERN RAILWAY Xo7il.cavrs Modfiird SlTO aTra. No. SLoaves Medford j 3:50 p.m. No. SjArrlvra Medford 10:SS a. m. No. 4jArrivoi Medford 5:08 p.m. RTO&EJVEir VALLEY TLAHAVAY No72Lavi Mwlford 10:45 a. m. No. 4'I.oaroa Medford 5:3.1p.m. MotorllMvoa Modford j 3:00 p.m. Motorfloavos Modford j 9:00 p. in. No. ljLoavra Jarktonrillo. . .j 9:00 a.m. No. oILwivea Jacksonville. . . 3:30 p.m. MotorjI.eavea .Taokaonville.. .j 1:30 p. m. MotorjLcavas Jaeksonvllla. ,j 7:30 p.m. MAarcLoiHS 'A.M.prXr. N'orthhonnd I 9:101 4:54 Southbound 10:0S t:50 Point 7:8fH t:00 Jnrk.onvllle H tfl 5:20 Christmas Presents That are Useful as well as Appropriate Silk Handkerchiefs, Linen I laudkerchiefs, Neckties, Hats, Shirts. Slippers, Mufflers, T'aney Collars, Silk Waist Pat terns, Kid Oloveg, Purses, Silk Scarfs, Belts, Faney Back Combs, Cushion Tops, Faney Veils, Hose, Silk (Jloves, Belt Pins, Silk Mittens, Hnspeiuiora, Spats, Rnchinga, Fancy Ribbons, Ktc. SKE WINDOW DISPLAYS. dhv noons, snous, furnishings Van Dykes UUIIUUUIUIIIHIIIIIIIIIUUIIIIIIUUUIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIHIHIIilllllimilllllli: s Furniture Drops (3 peat bargains before we move. Watch our win- dows for specials. An elegant line of I Rockers for Christmas I Ladies, don't forget to register. I Medford Furniture Co. I uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiunuiunim JVmHIIinHIIIIHIIIIIIHHIIIIIIHIIHlUliilUIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIItllllllllllllllllllllJ; That Unforgetable Slogan ALLTHl: WORLD LOVES A L0VHR nnd every lady likes a gentleman. Clothing doesn't always make the man, but the book is often taken by ito cov er, and we make clothing that gives I hat air of style nnd refinement sought by a g-'ut Ionian by fitting him out w:ih I lie most exrlusive styles in over r. mis, eutnway, frock and sack suitH .ili:it no one can ou:il iu southern Ore J. A. KREUZE.R & CO. IMPORTERS AliO TAILORS. PALM BUILDING, MEDFORD, ORB 1 ism.xm rii":3 immLi wiiiii u y But Too Short of the easli to buy good fruit land, is the plaint, of many lionieseekers. We happen to have on our list several first-class tracts,, on terms so easy they will almost pay for themselves. There never was a better time to buy fruit lauds in this valley than today; and when the reaction comes these "easy buys" can be subdivided and sold at a big profit. Interview the Rogue River Land Company EXHIBIT BUILDING, MEDFORD "HASKINS FOR HEALTH iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiLJiiniiiiuni AT THE SERVICE OF DEFOSTITORS AND CLIENTS Stata Depositary. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $125,000 The Jacksou Couuty Bauk plncoa at llio iwrvico of its depositors and clients tho boat facilities iu banking. Tho of-fit-o'-u are pleased to render eouuael uud ndvieo on financial mutters. Accounts, sulije't to check, aer iu vitcd. J Safe deposit boxes to rent, 44 per . year and up. W. I. VAWTER, President O. R. LINDLEY, Cashier MEDFORD SASH & DOOR COMPANY PHONE 2291. '.Viudow Frames, Oak Veuecred Doors, with Bevel Plato, carried in stock cheap. Office Fisturos and all kinds of Plan ing Mill Work, including Turned Work aud Fancy Grills. F STRUCT, BETWEEN SIXTH AND S EVENT1I 8TREET3. J. E. ENYART.Presid ent. J. A. PERRY, Vice Prosident. JOHN S. ORTIT, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Au t Csshier. The Medford National Bank MEDFOBD. OS. CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS 10,000 Safety Boxes to Rent. A General Banldni; Business Transacted. We Solicit Tour Patronage High Grade Canned Goods We have added to our already complete stock of high-grade Groceries a full line of the incompara ble "Preferred Stock" Canned Goods. These goods are packed where the best is grown. We will take pleasure in quoting you prices on this line, as we believe we can interest you. Once a customer, always a customer, is the mot to of Preferred Stock goods. Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chlnaware, Fruit and Feed Phone Main 373. More light for less Money Sixty-three per cent of electric current saved by using TUNGSTEN LAMPS. " ' 32 Caudle Power Edison Lamp uses 110 Watts per hour aud would use in 1000 his. 110 Kilowatts which at iocts. a Kilowatt $11 32 C.-nidle Power Tungsten JLamp uses 40 Wattsjpeihour and would use in icco hours 40 Kilowatts which at ioc a Kilowatt.... Net Saving in 1000 hours iu favor of the Tungsten Lamp $ 7 Rogue River Electric Co. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. O ff ice, 20G West Seventh Street. Phone No. 355. Opposite the Big Electric Sign. .Ask your dealer for MANUEL LOPEZ Clear Havana Cigar. HART CIGAR CO., Dietribntors, 1-ortland, Or. Tfrene Ufamptott 3$acs Instructor of "piano. TUct 5tZetl)od SluMo at 3UVnc. Morth Oranit Strl When You Are Hiiiitins: for the best tailoring estnblishmenl, you will nut burn your money if yon patronize . The time is now l!er,. when you should think -about your fall suit. We aro anxious that you should see our display of fall fahries. Make your selections now. We will fill your "rdir with pleasure. Steam eleaning. French dry Head ing and pressing neatly done. W. W. EIFERT CITY TAILOR MBDFORD