MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUTE. MEDFQltlj OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1908. ' Social and Personal n Cillev of Davenport, la., an '.?, Attorney E. K. Kelly. M f"e Medford. He is no plen.ed i, visiting Medw m v (uwlM. Wltb tne POLLINATION. here. Jacksonville blink I'oitit wna in (Continued on page 4.) of the varieties grown in Rogue River valley. At tlie fruitgrowers' meeting to be held in Medford on December 12 l,.. will ik on fruit diseases and will illustrate his lecture with some ISO lan tern slides. JACKSONVILLE ITBM8. ". , C.,.,rilllV FI.-r, Me- C0BrfJkTVvl of llon.brook, Cal., lWt Saturday in Medford S Jerrv ot nt OulJ Hill ipcnt Monday vUiWng friemU in Medford. H. O. Kubli f lle ApUato wan a Suturdav visitor iu Medford. Guaranteed kid gloron, all IciijEtlif and iikoh. at Van Dyke V. W. Burnhardt of Halcm m KU1 , vto'tUntt in MetUorA. I .lefl l. Cook of Three Pin, Or.. ttpfut Hunuay in Medford. EHa Oaunyaw, public itenograpber, room 4, Palm building. - .lack Donahue and Fimlley, who have mado many frieoda in Medford during their rvnuhwe of nearly a year, left the eity Monday, the former gniiiK to Hun Fraiifiioo, whero ho lias been of fered a jjerinniiput position with h htrfjc contractor, and the later for Portland, where he will visit relatives before u! io jjoiiijf to flan Francisco. Uutli have hern employed by the Oregon Crunite t'oinjmuy, V'ie for the most popular baby. Bui Mi at King A Loug'a. (d-orge 1,. Taylor left Sunday for Port land, where he will attend the meet ing of the Ntfiti' Hortii'iiulturul society, lie eipcetM u -trjiig a fight to tteeure itidom'Hient of a propimed bill permit ting the extermination of mmg bird ft, r.nd goes prepared to make a vigorous defense of tlio feathered m.ngntem, who lie amiertu do ten times tin imfclt good by iiinect deBtrueti n an they do harm to orchards. fleorge H. Hover, Professor O'Gara ami other hortieulturistn left Monday for Portland to attend semtioiiB of the ulnte sueioty Brennrd & Armstrong 'a wash bilk a in . fcll shades at Van Dyke 'a. .jjti'it winner or r.vuim Crook was recently in Med ford on bunim-Htt. (Moves fitted nt Van Dvko'a. .. J. J. Htfteoy recently made a bumnPHs Tifr to Kong Hraneli. .Mrs. Hay Wilson of Talent whh n recent Mod ford visitor. The work of paving Hoventh street is rapidly progresning while the weather fa clear. J. C. Buck has returned from a trip to Washington, D. C. He will bo the assistant chief uf forestry in the atutc with headtpmrtcrs in Portland C. (I. Taylor htia b?n appointed Hehool census enumerator for this district. Mr. and Mrs. li. U Uonnott aro back from u visit in NV wining, Or. U. II. Scran ton of Detroit in visiting rolalivoa in Med ford. A. W. Walker in in Portland on ImsiuesB trip. High-top shnea, all' prices, nt Van t Dyke's. Mr, nnd Mm. Horace Pulton of Stuns Valley were recent Medford visitors. The signing uf tho contract between I. I. Hamilton and the city will prob ably bo attended to Tuesday upon Mnytor Hcddy's return from Portland II. (1. Meyers of jjike Crock was recent Medford visitor. Rev. Mr. Blnek is in Portland business. Councilman Trowbridge, recently v Ited Merlin en business. I. A. Botliwell ih enjoying tho visit of (I, Kberley of Seattle. C. II. Piene of Ashland whs n roeent Medford visitor. Mr. nnd Mm. .1. H. Wood of llorko ley, t'al., are visitinir with friends in Medford. (hi December 12 the pictures of fruit pests will be shown nt tho Havoy thou ter. Tho divine services in St. Mark Episcopal church woro well uttende Sundnv. MARRIED OIRI ONLY TO LEAVE AFTER CEREMONY 8 A XT A BAHBARV, Cal.( Nov. 30. ! Mrs. Ethel Neville Hartnott, nee Lure, is today imnirning '.In loss uf true love, gidd lace, wealth and social position, all 1 of which was pruimucd her, she says, by P. II. M. Hurt not t, whom she is suing fur annulment of their marriage five months ago. Hnrtnett waltzed into San ta Barbara with an alluring story uf his position in the army, his iudepend nt fortune and bis substantial social connections. The self-styled lieutenant found Miss Lovu fully equul to her name. She capitulated when he madu love to her and expUiued all the above mentioned qualifications. The marriage wua celebrated in style and everything soomed lovely. But Miss Love's dream of social position quickly fuded into thin air, wheu Hartnett departed an I failed to leave word where he could be found. OAEDEN WORM CAUSES CANCER, DE. WALKER SAYS TRUST BUYS 80,000,000 POUNDS OF TOBACCO UM'IKVII.LK. Ky.. Nov. 30. Tho big deal lift ween tho American Tobnee nunpnny and the Bnrl'y Tobacco society for the 100(1 nnd and pi:rt of tho 1!07 crops uf tobacco, which has boon hang ing fim fur severnl weeks, was closed hero today. The price agreed on in the trauHiii tion, said to be the largest of its kind ever put through, is na average of '.'or, ffiitn for the 11)0(1 crop and cents n pound for tho 1!M7 product. The deal involves nenrly mt.ilun.iMO poiiuds of toluteco held in tho pool by the Hurley tobacco society and an out lay of something li k J H,0D0,imu on the part of tho American Tolmcco eompanv Tho sale of the pooled crop, it is be Moved, will mark tho end of night, riding in central and eastern Kentucky, as it is thought with theso crops out of the way practically all tho growers will raise tobacco next year. BUFFALO, N. Y., Nov. 30. The Buf falo academy of medicine last night heard a new theory as to the origin of cancer. Dr. Hiram li. Walker of this eity said in a paper en the subject that tie v en y curs' experiment has proved to his satisfaction that cancer is a parasitic disease,, and that the common garden worm is the source of the parasite which pjroducos cancer. The transmission of the parasite from the worm to the hu man being comes from tho worm crawl ing over fresh vegetables, which aro afterward en ton, . 'If I am eorrect in my conclusions,' ' said Dr. Walker, "nil the suffering and loath ennsed by cancer can be prevent ed by refraining from eating such veg etubles us cabbage, color y, uuions and lettuce, which have been infected by these parasites," Monday eveuiug Mrs. Wilmer Mat-Person of Griffin CreA entertained with a china shower in honor of Mist Lil lian Henry of Jacksonville. Those who went from here 'were Misses Emma Wendt, Maudo Tucker, Mary Pstsr, Jo sephine and Alice Huef. Miss Mullie Towne, deputy county clerk, spent Thanksgiving at her home in Phoenix. Rev. Robert Enuis was at Forest Creek one day this week attending the itinera, of tUo late Mr. Annpriest. I J. P. Wolls and i Edgington spent ; Thanksgiving at their homes io Ash land. i Mises Nettie Crooke aud Mr. Poole of Grants Pass were married on Thuuka giving day. Miss Crooke attended school here for a number of years. Mr. and Irs. C. J. Keuney were Med ford visitors Saturday afternoon, t George L. Davis of the Bank of Jack sonville spent Hunday in Medford. Mr, and Mrs. Phil Metcham stopped off on their way from Portland to Los Angeles to spend Thanksgiving with Mrs. E. J. Kubli. Clarence Reeves arrived from Happy Camp, Cul.t the first of the week, be ing summoned by the death of his father. Miss Eva Davidson eunie down from Ashluud Thanksgiving to spend the day with her cousin, Miss Cora Basye. - Miss Mattie Williams spent Satur day afternoon shopping in Medford. Sheriff W. A. Jones was a business caller at Medford Saturduy afternoon, as was also George E. Neuber. Mrs. A. E. Rcames returned from a visit to Hillshoru Wednesday of last week. Mark Finney, has returned from Klamath county after an abtonco of sevoral months. Mr. und Mrs! Hugh Elliott and son have moved to Medford, where Mr. El liott hus purchased n hnlf interest in tho Merriman blacksmith shop. CLEARS YOUNO MAN WHO KILLED TO PROTECT OIRL FRANKFORT, Ky., Nov. 30. ' I wish to encourage ull good men in every honest effort to protect yuung girls. nnd I fool perfectly clear that it is my duty to grant Ureun If. Howard n par dua for killing Jacob Noo in his at tempt to save tho girl, Bona Noe," said Governor Willson today iu setting forth his reasons for tho pardon. "While. I recognize in the fullest the principle that the jury is tho solo judge of the evidence,' continued Governor Willson, "there is no doubt in my mind that Howard wns acting from motives that aro nil honor to him, nnd certainly iu u case of this kind, whero a man attempts to save a girl whom ha has iniNod, it is the duty of tho governor to give him tho benefit of the doubt and pardon him. "Howard wns following the girl to nave her and doing Whet ft good man should have done. Her father was iu the asylum and she had no othor protec tor." Jacob Noe had stolen the girl from Howard's homo for the purpose of mnr rying her to n mnn whoso reputation was bad. Noo wns Howard's brother in-law nnd tho girl's brother. Tho men with half a dozen followers met in the highway and fought a battle. Xoe wa killed and Howard vrns sentenced to the ponitentlnrv. GIRL FORCED TO STEAL IN ORDER TO EAT LOS ANGHLKH, Cab, Nov. 30. Homo less, hungry and unable to secure work, Rvulyn Kahl, a pretty girl 22 years of Jigf, 'm in jail hero tcday acc lined of larceny after admitting that she stole .1 small garden hose to save herself from starving to death." Ofifcers are inves tigating the girl's tory, and if it is substantiated she will be released. ( Baxter, from whom the huso was stolen, , iut'uruied the police that he did not wish to prosecute the case. " I have been sleeping on porches and n allays for three weeks," the girl told the officer today, 'and I have actually begged for food. Today I j walked the streets seeking work of any ,'u..d. , :5im j "Thanksgiving dny was the wurat. i I hadn't a bite to eat and suffered from I I lie cold. That night 1 stole the hose ! and sold it to a junk dealer for enough noiicy to puy for a meal." FIVE DAYS ADRIFT IN A STEAM LAUNCH AT SEA Groat Rovivnl at Tabernacle. Sunday was a gn-tt day at the Chris tian tabernacle. Five great bit vices worn held. Bible school rally nt 10 o'clock, Mr. Whiston spoke to the S"un day school. Four took their stand for Christ at tho close of tho address. The morning subject was "The Pat torn in the Mount." This was a gront sermon. K very one was highly pleased and greatly profited by it. One con fessed Christ. A t J : 30 p. m. a great temperance mass meeting was held. Mr. Kuodoll of Portland spoke to n targe audience. At 0:30 Mr. Longman gnvo an able ad dress to tho llndoti vorors, wh it'll was high I v appreciated bv the voting poo- The greatest service of tho day wn in tho evening. The largo tabernacle tvas crowded. The chorus numbered over 100. The nddri'H was an able tine. Wliiston is doing some splendid preach ing. The ehtirus did first-class work. The solos were touching. Seven were added at this service P- in all for the day. Great service tonight. Kverybody come. MAX .117 AN, Porto Rico, Nov. 30. Captain Stevens and six sailors of tho American schooner John M. Brown, which foundered at sea October 30, were orotight into Arroyo three days ago by tho American schooner Brookline, cap tain Sears, from Philadelphia. Tho John M. Brown left Brunswick, (in., October l;, with lumber. She ou-i-ouutcrod a gale, and it is believed that she rammed a floating log. Suo gradu ally filled, and when the captain saw her condition wns hopeless he and the i-rcw stored a naphtha launch with pro visions und put off from tho sinking vessel. Two minutes later tho John M. Brown keled over and wont down. The men were five days in the launch beforo they were picked up by tho Brookline. Classified Advertisements FOR SALE. FOB BALK - $ 100 Officii business, desk, typewrit er, stove, chairs, etc. $1."00 Paying merchandise business. $ 2H Fine building lot on instalment plan. J'J3 (. V. Stone, Over Bijou Theater FOB SALK fSeeuly five feet east front lot near eity park; choice resi dence property; nt a bargain. S: A. Sntninerleiu. V2'2 F street. 223 FOR SAi.K Two elioii'O corner lots in Page's addition, at a bargain. P.. 11. Sawver, 303 N. Central avo. 217 FOR SALK Five and ten acre tracts within and adjoining city limits, at a I bargain on loug time. Address P. O. Great Temperance Mass Mooting at the Christian Tabernacle. The temperance mnss meeting Sun day afternoon was a great Huccews. J. U. Knodell, uiperintondeut of the Ore gon Anti-Saloon league, sjMike to a large and enthusiastic nudience uf Med ford 's citizens. The address was well delivered and well received. Mr. Kno- I dell is an able speaker. Ho handles his subject without gloves. Ho makes con verts to the cause of temperance, wher ever ho goes. SMELTER COMPANY ENLARGING TOWNS KKNNKTT. f'nl.. Nov. 30. The Mam moth Mining company is adding to iti housing capacity for employes, both at the mine and smelter. At the mine a largo bunk house, larger than any of the present three, and having accommo dations for 100 more men, is already under construction. Two mre tot (ages are being built, which will make a to tal of 41 at the mine. 1 At Kennott the scene of smelting op orations a dozen new cottages of nest design are to be built in the company's townsito, making a total of 70. SAVOY r OS l a JIT AM) TUESDAY "Til K OANK-XKLNOX FKi IIT" Tlio latest pic ture of this groat fight from the first tap of the gong to the knockout. A clear, distinct pic ture, over n thousand feet in lengtlu Other feature attractions. Admission 10 ecuts. Variety Is the Spice of Life A visitor to our jewelry storo is a wavs impressed by the great variety J ot choice jewelry which we exhibit. We hare Christmas gift for all manner and condition of men. Xo matter what you want in our line, wo can pleaso you. Elwood 6 Burnett OrPOSITI ltOTBL NASH. Full SALU A good small buiioi". on "areoth .treat. Reaioc, .ir cdling. Addreu, K O. box 61 or rail al tin. ffl'ice. if FOB 8AI.E 320-acre ranch, 12,000, lint claa. improvemanU, wall, family orchard, etc Thl. la a bargain. See 1 1. E. W., Tribune office. rf TO TUADE LighVringl. eovered'bug' By for two-seated rig. L. E. W., Tri bune office. tf WANTED. WANTED I desird family waabiog to do. I go to the hoir.o and wasli by the day. Price, reasonable; satisfaction Kuaranteed. Mrs. M. F. Schaenfele. Medford, Or. Box 2A, route Xo. 1. 2I WANTEDParty wanted to take con tract for hotel laundry. Apply Ho tel Xash. 222 WANTED Poscition p.. houiekeeper in widower's family. Addresa A. V. H.. Tribnno office. 218 TO EXCHANGE 15,000 first mort gage 20-year gilt edged bonda, paying 6 per cent, for ranch, orchard or land in Rogue River ralley. W. M. French, Medford, Or, . . 215 WANTED Au experienced night op erator for tlio Klamath Falls Exchange. t.'IO a month, with room in the building if desired. 217 FOR SALE A few choice Rhode Island Red rooatera for sale. Mile west of Medford. J.. Merlia , Achor. 220 LOST Light colored no brand Jersey heifer eulf. Send word to D. B. Reame. 216 TO RENT 'Room, for light housekeep ing. Mrs. Joe Thomas, Holly st. 222 Crawford v Shoes' for Men Cannot be Equaled In Style, Fit, Durability $3.00,B $4.00 $5.00 Grades Bring in Your Re pair Work c. w. Mcdonald Successor SMITH & M0L0NY f'lli In the illustration below, 8unta Claus is' telling two little friends that he has , just returned from an extended trip around the world for the purpose of ad vising peoples in every land. He is telling them that, according to his wise conclusions, every person should give useful presents, lie is also telling them about his wonderful "WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY" and that he Ins established a wireless station in every enterprising city in the. land. The. wireless station for 'Medford will be in this store and in u .slmii limr all of the boys and girls will be invited to send "Santa" a wire less message. Tell your mother and father to keep posted so. that you can send your message in early. Santa Clans will want to get it early. MEDFORD'S PROGRESSIVE LADIES' STORE. Baker-Hutchason Co. CENTRAL AVENUE, JUST NORTH OF JACKSON COUNTY BANK. Medford Citizens Why do You not make some of the profits realized by eastern people in your home valley on the best, orchard lands in the world? "Crestbrook Orchard Tracts 99 We are offering you in . 10 ACRE LOTS on terms of $221 Cash and $37.50 per month Tracts already ploughed, and we will plant and care for your choice of trees at cost. Lots directly south and ad joining the famous "Hillcrest Orchard" Oregon Orchards Syndicate SELLING AGENTS PALM. BUILDING Christmas Presents That are Useful as well as Appropriate Silk Handkerchiefs, Linen Handkerchiofs, Neckties, Hats. Sliirls, Slippers, Mufflers, Fnncy Collars, Silk Waist Pat tern,, Kid Oloves, Purses, Silk Scarfs, Belts, Fancy Baek Cumin, Cushion. Tops, Fancy Veils, Hose, Silk Oloves, Belt Pins, Silk Mittens, Suspenders, Spats, Riiehings( Fancy Ribbons, Etc. SEE WINDOW DISPLAYS. DRY HOODS, SHOES, FURNISHINGS Van Dykes T HAVE ON HAND Newtown Pippin -AND- Spitzenburg Trees THREE AND FOUR-FOOT SIZES. ALL OTHER VARIETIES IN ANY : : : SIZE DESIRED : : : L. E. HOOVER MEDFORD, OREGON. Agent Yakima Valley Nurserv. OUR TELEGRAPH NEWS IS RECEIVED BY THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE HAS THE BESi TELEGRAPH OPERATOR IN OUR OFFICE NEWS SERVICE IN SOUTHERN OREGON. li