COST OF KBW ROAD TO COAST WIW BE 70 MILLION n rs : i Well Known Salmon King Started Operations m The Rope In 1876 Robert DenJatoo Hume, who died on Wednesday at bis home at .Wedderburn was bora at Augusta, .M October 31 1845. r.H mammae of a family ,of 12 children, nearly, all of whom are dead HU father wus William Hume,. a farmer at small means who died is 3868, His first wife was Cecilia A, Bryant, laid to be a relative of William Cut leu Bry at, and his second wife was Mary A. Duncan. Two children were bom, Elizabeth and Robert, the former dying in in faney, the., latter before he reaehed wanfeosd 'a estate. At the ago .of 7 years, Mr. Hume was taken, into the family of Robert Decision, with whom ste remained till he came to California is 1864. For everal years he was in the employ of the first salmon eannery in the Uailed I mBT Au 11" Hnyti, Nov. 2?. Stato, on tie Sueraraiinto river. Ta revolution against England has Afterwani -he came to the t'olirmbiu j lieen funned to a brisk flame today river, wnere no ism .tae wairaaiioa est hnw h the eMetio of Oeerml le aii large fortune in tne faines,.iMHia-1 ,,- . - . . - . . . . iii. ""'" IConte, minuter of the interior; the rap (no fmd nrtmltntt n rnnnPPV then TOF f aevenil veara. In 187(1 he liimo to the '" of the g""t Crojrant, after a Koeue river and bought the salting I sliort battle with the Kunboat Oentea- work of Riley 4 Btewart, -He-built a j aire, a ad the decision of .the towns of cannery on the south aido of the river .leremi and Aqnin to sido with tlw at Elieusblirjj. also ft naienery. i hvbb, ri-uvis. tiuxwiy ts ilmi a? io capiwi with his store, wharves And other build I over the lack of news from General inffs. were burned in 1893. I Clcstin Cyriaque, the minister of war. Beiag of an inventive turn of mind, I who, with General Lo Con to, was sent he nude many improvements, on the ora l out by th president. to quell the upria methods of raiuiin, invenUag a ma-1 in at Atix Cayea, headed by General chine for making backaeamed cans, an-1 Antoine sunon. Arw troojm are be other.'for filtinjr.tthe -cans, a .-soldering 1 mg reeruited. device and inan$, other minor liniprove. meats. This last summer the tereeted I Don't add to vyour stock of regrets eold .ttoreKO-iplant at Port Orford, and! Uf failing to hear Opie.Brad Saturday .ilil -t j , i : , . . -A f & . . VW' 1 Jf "- .4, TCaf VI - ? it i t v I SCENE FEOM "HOLT OUT, AT THE MEDrOBD OPEEA HOUSE TO . NIO HT. NKW VOKK, Kv. A wan who has beeu thoroughly familiar with the details of the imyortuut new work of the t'Mngo, Milwaukee St, Paul rail irav said today that the actual cost of the main lino of the extension to the I'.icifie toast would probably be I TO, W'O.OWl, but would .not. eiowd $7i, (KKi.lXX). This, h Mid. woaid iarludr 01. ly the eost of grndipfc aaB!iag and kvinii of traek, but also thy arquisi- ti a of rights of way sail terminal sites. Instead of .the parent eeoipany lacking iaoney with ,whwh to complete tl.e main line of the mrtaaaion, tne worg will be finished at a saving f at leant ?:5,mm,tm0 over rto original estimate. St. Mary 's Academy, t boaniimi nad Usy schoo!, large, ,,uii!,l ioui and ajCKiern Is it t equip- ineuts. Deiy rtmtls of instruction Primary, grammar, cooimercti aoademia musio atd art, Ths .courts proper to each is outlined In thft '!oars of atadr of the ehools of the Bisters of the Holy Namet f Jesus and Mary," and will be for- 'arded on appUeatios to any address. i he eomaiorrsal departiaeat opened (Monday, novemtwr , and comprises hbrhuid, typewriting, office nethods pud practical bookkseping, tnojern bus iness spelling and waitiag, . , Kor parliculars, apply to Sister Su perior. 21 BEVOLUTIOK Df HAITI OBOWTNO MOEE SEBIOUS expected to put up the fish from the Sixes and Elk rivers, having leased the fishing privileges, on both .streams for a term of scvrral years. He served one term in the legislature as .joint -representative from t'oos and - Curry, and was very netivo in nil legis lation pertaining to the salmon Indus, try. Mr, Hume took a great interest in the propagation of salmon and probably was the best informed mm in the world on the subject, appearing at one time be fore a committee of congress to ex plain the work. Ho had written many pamphlets and newspaper articles conueetiou with the work which are now considered standards. He built the hatchery on Elk river and af tcrarda turned it over to the government of the United States. He also had a private hatchery on Indian creek just above Gold Beach. At the time of his death he not only controlled the Bognc, but practically all the waters of Curry county, besides intoreats on the Klamath river in Cal ifornia, A line of his own boats car ried the products to Marshfield. -where they were transferred for shipment to Snn Francisco. He was a man of considerable literary ability, and a great lover of good lit erature. For several years ho edited the "Radium," at first a monthly edi tion and late issued weekly, Mr, Hume was at all times progres sive and energetie, attending to the most minuto details of his business with great fidelity. His greatest aim In life was to be successful in the prop agation of salmon and it will be for this that he will long bo remembered. night. 217 IllHUillllll You can find it at Hussey's Cash . Store SAVOY Tonight and Saturday. . HillTS AiO) SHADOWS OF CHINATOWN" A feature film you can't afford to miss, ".BEWITCH I NO WOMEN" Ain't it tlie truth. "THE MUMMY" This iia a' lira laugh. ..!.- Ballinger will sing another ong hit. Admission ....... 10 cents.. . imiUiiHiiNiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiHiT OFFI0EB8 CHABOE THAT STEAMERS -SMUGGLE CHINESE SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Nov. 27. Charges that officers and members of the erew, of tho Pacific. Mail liner Mon golia havo been guilty of smuggling Chinese In this country by substituting returning Asiatics for newly arrived Mongolian snilors with shore leave were .investigated. The investigation is ex. peeted to extend to other vessels plying between tho orient .and Hits port.' The particular .charge which was- brought . concerns tho last visit of the Mongolia to this port. It is alleged that three Chinese. -sailors .were released to visit Chinatown, the customary bond -for their return, tO' the vessel being deposit ed with tho government 's immigration bureau.-1 T4ireei Chinese sailors returned and the bonds were exonerated. Jt is now charged that the original sailors stayed away and three Chinese who -wanted to return to their native land were shipped on board in their places. In view of the fact that the charge may involve members of the steamship erew, the immigration authorities pro pose to listen to testimony from Cap tain Heurv Morton of tho Mongolia and General Manager R. P, Schwerin of the Pacific Mail. ITALIAN STEAMER HAMS AN- ITALIAN ; WARSHIP LEGHORN, Nov. S7. The Ltalian battleship Pirn, while lying at anshor Is the harbor here today, was rammed by the Italian steamer Elsa, A great gash was torn in the warship's hull below the water line. The Pisa is be ing towed to Spestin to be drydoeked. The Elsa . was badly damaged in the collision. MEDFORD THEATER ONE NIGHT ONLY Friday Nov. 27 A Sumptuous Production of THE HOLY CITY With LUELLA MOREY as SALOME Direction Le Comte and Plesher A pure, instructive, illus trative story of the days of ,our bavior. Superbly mounted, Strong supporting Co. i Costumed correctly Prices for this engage ment 25c, 50c, 75c,. $1. Seats on sale Monday, Nov 23 awMsswassssMssttlstawa ...MidwfnternClcaraaoc Sale... In order to make room for the arrival of our Spring goods, we-are making a sweep ing reduction of 25 per eent on entire stock -Hate, trimmed and untrimmed, including ribbons, feathers flowers and all trimmings, MRS. W. I. BROWN, WEST SIDBjMILLINEB.., irMsWimttlllHIlllMIHllllIlllllllllIM IIIIIIIIIIIC Special 2KK) yards special lot, of Muslin for house linings, at per yard , .. .4 l-2p A better grade of extra fine thread unbleach ed, 36-ineh Muslin, big 10c value, at, per yard , 7 l-2 REE WINDOW DISPLAYS. DRY OOODS, SHOES, FURNISHINGS Van Dykes II M: r-5 :,-r '. v If II U I I il 'II nil li st MIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIMIMIMIIIIIIIII UUIHIsWIlUJIMUIXIllilUflUIIUi JIIll UIIIIMliu iiiiiuiiiiiiiiiHmiiiiiiiiiuiiuuiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiMii MIIIUIlll lirillllllllllHIIIIUI IIIMIflMMtiMllimi IIHIIIIIIaJU4JIIIIMIlf f II Ita none too early Tm- u man to select his winter toggerj'., Tlie picking is better now than it ever will, be again, , . -C Every TliingFreshIdeasiNew- The tm-eful dresser ean find things to jdeasc Mm hem Baft- , robes, House Coats, Neckwear, Shirts, Underwqnr and many oth-, er. things that go to complete a inau's wardrolie. . Not the .eoia monplace furnishings that every store, sells. Our prices are always reasonable. We know no fancy prices. . Collars, Guff s . and Hank's Sets $400 to : $8.00 ' Fancy Handkerchiefs 15c ito $2.00 m. m VsLa -ifff w . . aaaajja1II,aBjjjjaar m aa '' CO ssW lOTHING idi. , C or or 4a, a That Ohriatmas Preeect. A nice piece of Miasloa Fnraitnre would be jnst the thing.-Pretty, useful, durable, and a snitable gift for anyone. Let the. Mission Furniture Works make j it.. Prices about eawbalf, anally charg ed. Aay design, aay eolor, aay finish, dull, waxed er polished; - Drop in. Shop oa eoraer of Eighth and H streets. GO SOUTH! . Makei arrangements to visit California this Winter :: n Got a lute of the delightfully niiM climate known only to 3outbm liSifornia, Thert 70 a will f!nAft3 atbtin Jacc of aunshine, bright blue skies, a clrsr, bracing itmoijbr, tovgenlst nsBoritions and iavignrating hssUlifuI recrcatioufj tno auroeraus to mesUor Resorts are there, tune with world-wide reputations a L01 Anlei, Fans RodIm, Hot Springs, Long Beach, Santa Barbara Hotel del Monte, Santa Crur, Ssu Dirgn, Santa lloaiea, Venice, sad commodious, delightful stopping places of lfrr renown, All ntaiataiBing tht ('altforcts. standard for hospitality, and fsaltiese aceomraodatioDi. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY glad to supply some very attraetive literature, des&ribisg is detail the asmay delights of winter in California. Very tear rate round trip esesrsisn tickets are on ssle to California, ii The rate from Portland to Los Angeles and return $55. Unfit, air months, allowing stopovers is either direction. Similar sxesrsioa rats,ar ia mi feet to all California paints. For-full information, sleeping ear reservations and tickets, call oa lelegnih or write either A. S. BosecbsBni, Agent, Medford, or Win. McMarrmy, den. Pass. Aft, FetHaavi, Oe, UHHHUHHI RUBBERROID; ROOFING is in use on mom buildings all mm the world than any etlier roofing made. It is tta world standard of roofing quality and hw, ftlwjg. gyrm entire satisfaction where other roofings failed. aw- Crater Lake Lumger Co. nMWIUaswMlsIMI Good Evening! Have You Uied CHIC? 99 for sale only by Medford Pharmacy Near Postoffice THS THANSSOIVIKa TUEKEY w dow the s?ater of interest, but ikt eIcM mt drtraet jou r interest Irsm Ttainksifivinu rlothes. Too will mil to ns s d 8 anl a dinner to a U ?, st :t will to your faulfc if jour w a r -r n tft is not what it shfluU be, espaJIv in view ef the adv.iataea paiaed hy hiving Tour gmrm,nt! made hr Tht H st tiif acto ry Tailor. J, A. KREUZER & CO. iMPoan:ai ku tailors. PALK BTjmDIKQ, HIiDrOED, OSS. SAYS NAVY IT, WEAK .t WHEN IT. COMES TO SUPPLIES -WASHINGTON, X. 27. Rer Ad- niral Kntne U. Hoy era, paymaster ! genera I of th navy, in a report to the J eeretary of the navy today, dei'lar . that the failure of suily ship and the' tmek of faHiiti9 ftrt" nriBiosinj ship j in time nf mmr is thm preaent great weakaeu f the Unit! States aavrJ Tne battleh: 08 thrir Uur of tfeV world aro oven rowiiod breauM of lack ' uf irpfBPla to traoHJrt fioditoff and! Admiral Bgr uggt thet n w?i of two mora luppty snips Mpabla of isaintaining a apee4 eqaai to that of the fleet. BIJOU THEATRE T.G NIGHT "THE CROSS ROADS" A' bemiiiftii pastoral drama, " I lUIIHY'K VACATION" Well, I gnrffi you will laugh, "ALL ON ACCOUNT OP A BUTTERFLY An other funnygrapli. j IHsh Fafert will aii.the latest pieturial lyric. Aiimissionr...,.;...: ...10 eents.