'fit 7 Social and Personal , ,in of the The regm" ' ..,:. cliurc; Meu 's )i wan club a' l"1 .' ,.. niirht. An wt.j ,ttl 'Johnaon s residence on tin' ulil (Irnnvillc Hears -I ly piir.-linm'd in A NOVEMBER BRIDE ''"Sosc nut wisl.i.i TI...Wivi"K '1' u(,r ca.. bnvo regular ili."T t usual i.rice at tho Emcrick. J (;. Wrrtl.ri.iiU of Virgin... . ,.t toe latest arrival, intent 'I" I'"""' rovtug. C. U Coeki'tVme it liftfk from u lingiliv visit in On-n.u ''' Engineer Roberts wns a visitor in (iraiits Pass uosilay. Ella Onill.yaw, public slonngrlipNiT, i room 4, Palm building. Dr. ami Mrs. K. H- I'i'M " '"irk from a trip to J'ortlan.l. Charles Vronmii of I'ortlan.l is a .Mrdfonl visitor, lie formerly resided In Central Point- Thiuw wlio havo laughed over the "Kentucky Cnli.nc'l," "The .Turklins," "Old Kbewwr," etc., need no further .nuf of Jirnd's ability til entertain. Hatlirdnv night at the Medford Thea ter. 217 Alius Kmiiiii Mylcr, wlm Iihh Hpcnt the jMHt-ycar in Medl'unl, Iiiih ri'turni'd ti li-r iioiiic in Den MoincH. L. F. rranfill tins li'ft fur Los An K1!.?, wlicrc In' will join liis family. Tlny will riicinl tlio winter in the south. Frul Itffi'iihai'lMT of the Applcutc IV1IH II .MHll'nr.l Wrtit.ir TlH'mlflV. (', .1. fhnvai.I lus relumed to bin llome in K-rliy. TJiiiko not wiwliing Tlijiiltnf(iviii(( din hit on ii have regular dinner nt nfnml prim al tho Kniprii-k. 214 W. WcHt of II. .ml Hivcr in looking ovir the valley witli n view of ociitin Kdwiml (t'llricn of tlio Applefffito was tnuinrictnifr Iiunum'sh with Med ford niori'haiitH Tncwlny. FlioHO who imiil thcniHolvofl of tbo nppiirluiitty to hwir Opin Read Ruturday night will probably ki homo with tho face ai'hi' and bo ..blijjetl to rnt their (Vaturi'fl but they will bo proof nuninut llto blucM fur iimnv inooiiR. 217 Jiii'k Wilnon of Trail wnn n Mod ford visitor Wtdm-Kday. C. It. Uiuuhill, m'4'nniianicd by friend iM limit i nt; bear in the HUamhoat conn try. Tho pooplo of Mod fori, will Imvo tholr lintt npportnnit v to hear Opin Head, the rclebrated nnveliHt and leHurnr. Ruliir day night ot Modford Thootort 217 lrod Coppel of tho Applogatn wiih rocent. vmilor in." Modford. Dr. .1. I'. It eddy haw rot u mod from trip to I'oi'llifYid. Vo'.o for tho Hiot popular baby. IVil IntH at Kitig & Long's. Don't add to your Htf.ek of regre by failinir to heUr Opii Head Satunlav i.iht. 1! 7 Thcmo. not wiHhing ThanlfNgiving din nor ran Imvo regular dinner at tiHiial prieo nt the Kmoriok. 214 To flecniniiio'lale the biiKinenH and tlu.NP nlni wihIi to nlmp Hntunlav ovoaing, tho porforinanro will not. gin until D o'clock. 'J I JUifw IleHHie Howard Iihh left fur Ha Frani'ittvo, whoro hIio will upend th win tor. 'I ickets for Ctpie Head Hatnrdav night, mi mile at llasluiiH drug ntore fiOc nnd 7uf. 217 II. C. Lowih Iihh Hoeurod tho itervioofi of C. U rooks to Huperiutead H jh i hnid recontly purchnfi'd. Pon't mi us a Hnmplo of tlio plum pihhliug candioN. King & Long. 'J I (I Mrs. U. II. I'ruott n back from inil in Lakoview. MISS HELEN COSS, Who Was Married TueBday in Jacksou- vlllo to Mr. Loreiud N. Colby. ' A fBlAlLY TRIBUNJL.MEDFOKU, OREfiOX, WEDNESDAY, yOVEMBERin OFFICIALS ARE PLEASED (ConUnued from page 1.) Modford, and ttpeaks volumes for Us campaign of publicity, tho best, I be lieve, uny city ever put forth. Medford has certainly pointed the way to other oinnimiitios, and boon an example to the wholo northwest." Cordial Relations Exist. 1 1 find on my frequent visits that tho must cordial relations exist between the businoHK men of Medford nnd the Sou t hern Paci f ie, ' ' said Division Freight Agent Malboetif. "I make a Mcorc of visits hero to one that other offii-iuls make, and no know that the conditions found by Mi1. O'Brien are no option. Business has all along been go (h in Moiiioni, 1 hero nave been no complaints. The town never felt the effects of tho pun ic. it has continued to go right ahead, uud I believe it has a fine future." Tho visit of tho Ilarritmin official and their reception shows that the new era of co-operation between t rnffii chiefs and the pooplo has arrived, and that, everything that can be done to nd vaace tho interests of the cninmiiuitie served by the railroad is being done. LOUVRE HOTEL COMPANY TO RUN SWELL CAFE DIAMOND HOTEL THANKSOIVINO MENU. Consomme Soup Celery Olives Roast Hecf linked Chi.4 Ifoast lurkey, with Oyster Pressing ( runberry Hauce T1..I... 1 ii . . n.-n.i-u nwcet roniloOH (J recti I 'oaf Lima Uenns Mashed Potatoes Shrimp Snlad f lot M incp hihI I'uiupkin Pie Itiee Pudding Cheese Fnut Tea Coffee Milk 214 Price .1c EMPLOYERS WANT GOLD FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS ' sup i l.M I.A'n, O,. Nov. 2.1. Ciliein nati employers who want to give their employes npii at Christmas hav appealed to Assistant Ani toil States Sub I rt-HMurer HtiHWorth t.t get a heavv ply nf the new stvle . wold hie Last week the sub treasury got coiixigniiM'tit amounting to $.10(10, but tins supply was cleaned up in a few dnH by Houvenir hunters. Mosworth to day wrote n letter to the treasury d partment at Washington asking for i ninny of tlie now f, s, ,i,.,.es as could be spared. HOT COFFEE SPILLED ON CHILD CAUSE OF DEATH PORTLAND, Or.. Nov. '..".--Death 1'iiiiHiHl U shock following the spilling or not col tee on tier arms, was the sad rale of Kdilh Moore, two years old, who lies dend today at the family rei deuce. The child was at dinner Thuis day night, when the n.ffe,. was ncri dentally spilled on lo r anus. The shock threw her to the floor, where she writh od agony. Convulsions followed a few hours later and then death. The death certificate today revealed the itiinsu.it emiM' of the child 's death. CONDON WILL FIOHT TO STAY IN DRY COLUMN COXDO.V. Or.. Nov. 2.".-Tao propri tors of live saloons were arrested todny on a charge of violating the local option taw. H. S. Wilson of The Dalles nnd D. It. Parker nf Condon have been rc Mined by the saloon people. . Power man uud District A.tornev Hurdott will take up tlit. proneruli.m.'The. Medford dedsn.u Uio rnuse of the trouble nce Pon,l.iii' charter is similar to inni city s. i no rn:ies may bt the supreme court. Tho finest restaurant and cafe be tween San Francisco and Portland is ait noii nerd as the plan of the Louvre Hotel company, n newly organized coac which Tuesday leased the dining room of the Hotel Moore and will convert it into an attractive eating place. Messrs. Lock hart and JohiiNon are principal stockholders in tho new company. I In former has for some mouths been th popular atid efficient steward of the N'ash cafe, and the latter won fame chef at tho lOiuerick cafe. Fancy china has been purchased, the room will br decorated with ferns and cut flowers and the finest meals la tho west ate planned for customers. It will be the latter part of the week or the first of next week before tho Louvre is ready for customers. FORMAL OPENING OF KLAMATH PROJECT LAND WASHINGTON, Nov. 25. The for mal opening of the first unit of the Klamath project, consisting of .'tl,l ".'l acres, is announced lv tho secretary of the interior. Plats showing tho loca lion and area of farms w)iich may be ntered are on file in the land office at Lnkoviow, Or.,' ami Redding, Oil. Water right charges are fixed at $SQ per acre in nnnual instalments of $3. maintenance charge of 7."i cents per acre per annum. CHASED A MAN HALF ROUND WORLD TO CATCH HIM SAX FRANCISCO. Oil., Nov. 2.k K. Knolly, whoso true name is saiil to be L. K. 1 1 a ncoc k , is in the city prison today, having been arrested by 'ittkcrlous on the steamer Mongolia eslerday after a chase which extended halt' around t he world. Hancock is wanted in Winston, Salem, S. O, on the harge of embezzling money belonging the Laaib I- isher Lumber compnnv. The detectives have traced him to New oik. Sua Francisco. Honolulu and back again to this city. 50.000 BOOKLETS (Continue tivo, and tho city Pago i.) desiro to continue it. Mllu,,i"ou i iu What the Plan Tho plan provides for "very f(. of a well directed publicity novm "J"" and the cost is borne by Medford the Hon thorn Pacific company in the ratio of about one-third for the latter. I The complete plan will cokt Medford :I770, and this provides for 5(,0i) book lots 7x10 inches, 01 pages, and cover; rover in three colors, and the highest grade prosswork and paper. It also provides for photographers, artists and v ritors, who are to be at the call of the lub during the year; also tho publica on of Conductor" booklets or Medford similar to the ono issued ist season nnd entitled "How to Clot ii Medford, Oregon;" 20,000 copies or uorc of the colonist folders; one page advertisement for ono year in Sunset ' Magazine; one page, advertisement in ihe Hnndav Orogonian; writeun of Med- !'ord in Sunset; delivery of booklets W Medford; distribution of booklets !n any ' quantity desired through five hunuela of the Harriman system; dis rihutiou of booklets from Portland at '-equost of Commercial club; the in clusion of Modford iu lectures delivered n east by bureau of the llarrimau sys torn; publication of extracts from Med ford booklet in "Abroad " a inaga tine published in various languages imultnnoously in London, Liverpool, 'lamburg and Antwerp; hound copies of Medford booklet to bo placed on trains; delusion of Medford literature in the 'Community Case," which is sent to prominent railroad men, editors, etc., hroiighout the country; free exhibition f Medford products in the east through :mmigrntion bureau of Harriman sys I'lii; service for one year of the im port ant Sunset bureau, which will keep Medford in touch with tho movemeel if homeseekers; making of cuts for moklcts and supervision of t!"ir pub ication; service of experts in prepa"i ion of copy for advertisements, and he general and hearty co-operation of 'ho passenger department of the South tii Pacific company. Twenty Difforent Ways. In all there are 20 points in this tervico which is worth to Medford ive times what it costs. In fact, some 'eatures of the plan are so valuable thut no monetary consideration could ndo puitely reproseat them. By the adop ioa of this plan for a third time, Med ford not only " points t he way ' ' to other com in uui ties, but it is assured hat every cent expended to carry out the plan is judiciously expended Mint Medford is getting far more for her iionoy than she possibly could in any it her way. Commit too Mot Mr. Wells. The committee appointed for the pur pone met with Mr. Wells this morning mil formally executed the contract. Work has already begun on the new 'took let. Mr. Wells hus had a photog rapher here for about ten days and a nolection of about 250 photos will be undo for Ihe new booklet, retaining the host of the photos used in tin booklet issued last season. The smaller booklet f :ii),000 copies is to Jie rewritten im mediate v and issued within the next few weeks in order that the club may have some literature for distribution, ill literature for distribution Issued last reason being exhausted, nnd the demand for information concerning Modford is rapidly increasing. City Into Districts. In order to raise the neoessnrv funds I his year to carry on the publicity work, the citv is to bo divided into difl ricts, and committees appointed to cov r each district thoroughly. Those who have fniled heretofore to do their part are to bo called upon especially, and it is hoped that they will see the great im portation of this forward movement and how I hoy have been benefited in tho past. A mass meeting may also be call 1 to. discuss this very important mat ter, and to show the marvelous results that Medford has received from its pnb- icily work. The committee empowered to sign the out met for the Medford pamphlets insisted of Messrs. Page, Olwoll and M iller. The committee in charge nipiling tho new pamphlet consists Messrs. Nye, Miller nnd Putnam. e:.:erick cafe thanksgiving MENU. Blue I'otitts ou Tiie Half Shell Bouillou Olives Celery Roiled White Fish, Mutre dts Hotel Ht"t Voung Turkey, Oyster Stuffing Cranberry Sauce Sweet Potatoes Creamed Corn 13 own Canvas Back Duck F'"glUh ptll, kter Salad Hot Mince u,1',inK, Brandy Sauco Tea u I'll,., l-;.. hi c. " is is 'I'linnkMKivjj, Pie Milk Menu, Freight Shads to oiosa The freight sheds of tho Hon,ti, Pacific company are to close at 9 a!1 Thanksgiving, for the day. A. S. TtOHKNBAUM, Agent. Vote for Favorite Baby. Vote for your favorite baby girl. Kvery ten-cent purchase of those Moor-1 ish like candies entitles yon to a cou-! pon. ' King & Long. 210 Notice to Redman. All Red men are invited to join the excursion to Jacksonville Wednesday evening. A special train will convey you free. The degree team especially is requested to be present. J. H. FITZGERALD, 214 f Great Sachem. Thanksgiving plum pudding, candies. Notice the windows. King & Long.214 Fancy boxes put up to order. King & Long. 210 CHRISTMAS NUMBER Head KKX IlKACir.S bear hunt. Thoro's art and fun and wet feet all mixed up together. One of our best doctors says that good reading keeps more young folks out of mischief thr.n any other ono thing. Try Everybody's. Get one now. It's big and birght nnd powerful.- It's too good to go without. 15 cents a copy, $1.60 a yoar. MEDFORD BOOK STORE HOTEL NASH NEWS STAND RUSSELL'S To Our Dear Friend The Merchant: hszJL ak Do you know how to sell goods? Your clerks, of i oiiio, know how to Boll gum! .3 wli. :i po, ;de c:iil :i:.d a: U for them. Classified Advertisements BITTER BATTLE ON IN LOS ANGELES TONIGHT LOS ANOKLKS. Oil., Nov. 2f. Bit r indeed will be ihe struggle between Abe Atte! and Freddie Welsh at Vernon this cveiiinii judL'iuu from the opinions shihitcd bv the public. It is a question as to whether either y can dispose of his opponent on such limited time as 2."i rounds. Verv few t here venturesome enouirh to nredict knockout. Cleverness predominates to h an extent. FOR SALE. FOR 8 A 1 i K40d acres, moHUynoTtoiii laud, all under Fish lake ditch; two miles from rail mad tsation; $40 per acre; splendid bargain; finest Spit .enhurg land in the valley. Address A. B., care of Tribune office. 2i:i FOR SALK Ono acre, liounse aud good improvements; insuie cny limits; price $ i-'uo; oue halt cash. 40 acres l;i miles out. Five acres in orchard, fair im provements. $'V0 buys fine large building lot. 0. W. Stone, over Bijou Theater. 213 But when people do not call and ask for wlin t they want and v. hut you have fu stock, wliut Ihen? Let the people know what you have. Ovr iclii;-: . :m. iquui to :ulvortiser:J with b;;ru':ti:M vhu want to counee.t r.'iCi lur; :ii:i hunters. Wishing All a Glad Thanksgiving STORE CLOSED ALL DAY THURSDAY Day THANKSGIVING SALE ENDS DECEMBER 1st, J8AKER-HUTCHASON Co., Inc. CENTRAL AVENUE, JUST NORTH OF JACKSON COUNTY BANK. Crestbrook Orchard Tracts For Sale -in- Ten and Twenty Acre Tracts dtrectly south and adjoining famous Hillcre st Orchard can be bought on tonus. Lowest price of 'anv small tracts in val ley, considering location, soil and distance from Medford. Will jiuiML unu care mr. uniy twelve twenty-acre lots left, in twenty put on market November !)tli. Call on mm Oregon Orchards Syndicate SELLING AGEXTS 1'ALM BUILDING TRIBUNE ADS BRING RESULTS GOLD HILL RAPIDLY INCREASES IN VALUE Tin- iisAi'AH.'il Yitltm t ion of iiri.iM'rlv II. in III.' ri.ri..ral. 1 ii.it a of (ii.l.l Hill nr tin- v.'i.r ..f WHS, ns rt'turnnl liv tlir i.'s..r mi, I l.oar.1 of . .1.1:1 1 i ; I i,.n i proxinintclv :"Jfi,0Sli. t tln Ni-wk. I... t'iv.1 mill tux lew 111... 11 O.iR ni.t..iint fl .n..lii.'. nl.out 1H4, a.l.lilion.il tumla tor tho ritv for tliisi voar. In t hi,. ho.. I .Imirii't tlu ii..r..simiii vnlua 1..11 i j.i.il.s,:! n.i.l tlir fii n.ill h vv ii...u thin nm.tiint will .r...lii.'i. iii.rnii il.'lv i:u f..r sli.,..l fnii.l. 1 cnrriiil to "i lion.l'i. noutli.Tii .lil. is i.r f.'. l. Ai mi iiiii.iTsoiinlor of nil iIiihw. of o.ltlioril ihlirn..tr. r..,.,. .1.. tIMli to tin. Killtllikv white eliiH,, he i, tnunitnttli.. an KOIt SALK Fivo and ton arro tracts within Hn.l uiljoini.i oitr limits, nt ft bargain on long time. AiI.Uxkr P. O. Box 418, Me,lfor.l, Or. SJS r)R SALE A gooil aniall liusi no-a on Sovtintb street, liiason. for telltng. AiMresj, IV O. boi 512 or call t thia office, tf FOR SAT.E 320 acrenlrt?!o00. firat class improvements, well, family orchard, etc. This it bargain. 8. I). E. W., Tribune office. tf TO TRADE Light slugle covered but; g.T for two seated rig. L. E. W., Tri bune office. tf WANTED. FOR SALE A few choice Rhode Island lied ro..ters for wile. Mile west of lfotd. .1. Merlin A.lior. TO EXCHANGE $13,000 first n...ri. gage 20 ye.tr gilt edgisl bonds, paying 11 per cent, for ranch, orchard or land in Rogue River valley. W. M. French. MMfonl, Or, jjtj WANTEl An experienced night op i erntor for the Klamath Falls Kichamro . Z' ",ln room in tlio building if desired. High Grade Canned Goods Ve have added to our already complete stock of high-grade Groceries a full line of the incompara ble " Preferred Stock" Canned Goods. These goods are packed where the bese is grown. We will take pleasure in quoting you prices on (his line, as we believe we can interest you. Once a customer, always a customer, is the mot to of .Preferred Stock goods. Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chinavvare, Fruit and Feed rhone Main 373. Announcement IIIIIIUIIIllllllllllllllllliiiHiiiiiiiuiiiiiii,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I HAVE PUR CI IAS Ell THE ENTIRE T' STOCK OE, GOODS OF 'SMITH & MOLONY and will endeavor to carry on the business in the same straightforward manner which they done. I will carry a full line of Ladies', Gentlemen's and Children's Foot wear. I have a large stock of Dish-Top Footwear so necessary for this time of vear. f respectfully solicit your patronage. Call and get acquainted. minium iiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimniiuiiiMiiuniiiHi C. W. McDonald