UBDTOBD DAILY TBJBTJUB, MEDFOBD, OREGON, P'1;3; g? Tff.EXPERFWEffT HBLD FOB EBSISTINO ON PRISONERS I ARB TO CONTROL THE OFFICER OF THE LAW Whether a Condemned Man may be Used In Medical Test. ; MAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Nov. 25. WliatKiT criminals condemned to die muv he ordered by the state to submii to inociilution with tjio gonna of tu 1'orculonia is the question tliut la. agi tuting liiwyora and ubyaiciauj. The discussion arose from the request of Dr. Wallace of the state board of health that doomed men be turned over to the medicos for experimental purposqa ip- tne interest of science. Attorneys here declare that special legislation will be necessary to.. plaee eriminnla at the disposal of the doc tors, and that there is great probability of the act being declared unconstitm. tional upon the ground that prisoners shall not bo subjected to cruel or un usual punishment is apparent. Pr. Brigga suggests that a lure might lie held out to convicts in the simpo of an offer of pardon by tho governor. in the event that they survive the in oculation. t( Great Interests at Stake.' Dr. Briggs in his lettor to tho. prison board says: ' ' If Koch is right, our crusade ngainst tubereuloHis muBt be directed against tho -spread of tuberculous from bovine to the human family. "Vast interests, economic as well as humanitarian, hinge on the solution of this question. To an early and posi tive solution, however, experimentation on human subjects is necessary." Commenting on tho plan, United States District Attorney Robert T. Dev lin said last night: "Persons condemned to death might volunteer in the .interests of science. Condemned criminals would have to die tiny way, and the experiments are not necessnrily fatal. Cures ha vo been effected, and those who volunteer would be under the watchful care of physicians. Tho condemned person has forfeited his lifo to society, and I cannot see why there should be any objection to Buch experiments whon the reasons for them are considered." YHBKA, Cal., Nov; 25. J. W. .New hart of DuuBiauir had a preliminary hearing before Justice of the Peace W. M. Thomas of this place Saturday and was bound over, by the justice to an swer lu the superior court to a charge of resisting an officer, and his bail fi-ced at 5U0. cash, or $1000 bail boud. He will furnish the bond; The charge grew out of an attempt to serve a warrant on Newhart by Deputy Constable Samuel Fiske of Dunsmuir recently for some petty of fense. When the officer went to serve the warraut Newhart did not take kind ly to it, and the result was a fight, in which both were badly used up. The deputy constable sworo out a warrant for Newhart, charging him with resist ing an officer. KENNETT SMOKE NUISANCE KENNETT, Cal., Nov. 25. The smoke nuisance, so far as lead smelters are concerned, has been solved in Utah, accordiug to a statement made by Fred erick Lyon, manager of the United States Smelting & Mining AFTER 18 YEARS OP PRACTICE, KILLS HUSBAND LONDON, Nov. 25. While holding a tartret on his bead iu a local music hall to be shot at by Madame Clementine, Herbert Lee was struck by a bullet and tiiea toauv. lee and .Madame wemen company. ' tine have beeu giving th,e saoie act in Yvnn ft nai atni.t .nHmn,r dirpetn nf vaillleVll 0 .Of 13 VtSUrs, UUU mil Hf uv thut corporation, which owns the Mam- Tore had aucident occurred. The worn moth copper company of Kennett. ! 'n has been placed under arrest. "In Utah the United States com-j 1 pany is uow operating five roaster fur-, 8 Mary's Academy, uiees at the auieltor and throwing off j A boarding and day sclioo.', large, absolutely deleterious fumes," says Mr. j commodious and modera in iti oquip Lyon. For three months the furnaces . meuts. ; have been going full blast, and so far Deportments ot instruction: Primary, as the smokestacks give evidence tho grammar, eowmewa! academic, music plant has been idle." art. The course proper w euro . Mr. Lyon says that the process is a j far-reaching triumph In smelting and City Business Directory tUned in the "course of study of the ehools of tha Sillers of tho Holy Nairn 8 Tk. H. A . ' n .nnn n. i t. ...! t n,1 narreer.-7 of JCSUS " "" " ",r' blo was attempting to servo was in-1 od the United. States company will .vsrdod on application to any addroas. troduced In evidence. It is covered then endeavor to apply it to copper The commercial department opened with blood, and looks as if It had been smelting in Kennett. Ho is .0 sure of Monday, .November 2, and comprises pv,,l in . hn... T-hi -Inf.' the success of the nrM that e ven- isnormuuu, ly mwriviug. unuo iiieuous of; Newhart 's trial has not beon fixed I f...na !.... aqm all Hinelt- ....I. nitinu ii'h ;w t as yet. Pear Trees Over Fifty Years Old. (Suisun Courier.) Under the head of "Fifty Years Ago," the Sacramento Bee in a recent issuo published the following item which was yprintod in the Solano Her ald of SliiHiin on Novomber 10, 1858. The item will be of particular intorest to tho older residents of thin section: "A twig a little over a foot in length has beon received in San Francisco with ton pnirs (should bo p-o-a-r-s) hanging thereon, averaging more than a pound ench, the whole weighing about 10 pounds. The fruit was rnised byb H. G. Wetmore ot tho head of . Muisun valley." The trers upon which these trees were grown woro imported from France and planted in tho early '50s on the place now owned and occupied by Col oner J. C. Wolfskill. They are still nlivo and hear fruit regularly each year, so wo are informed by Colonel Wolfskill. Trees and soil that will prodnco fruit continuously for over 50 years are not to bo found in ninny plnces outside of Suisun valley. Pioneer Woman Dies. "Mrs. Janotte Beswick Chnppell, who died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. T). Bifner, in Ashland, Saturday, was an Oregon pioneer of 1854. She was born in Cazinovia, Madison county. New York, June 18, 1829. In 1848 she was married to William Has- kins and together they crossed the plalnB to Oregon in 1854, and has ever sinee been a resident of this state, whore she hns roared a largo family and has lived a good and useful life. Her husband died in 1874 leaving her with nine children. In 1880 she was married to Charles Chapp-11. . Tho following children survivo Mrs. "appoll: Newton Hnskins, .Tohn Has- as, William Hanking, Mollie Matney, . .anotto Finley, Gertrudo Rifncr, Val r Raskins. Two daughters, Annetta Salt ? marsh and Josephine Ford, preceded their mother to tho grave. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Janies S, ElliBon to William El lison, lot 4, block 40, Mod ford ,. t Eva Sunn to William Ellison, lot 4, block 40, Medford Frank Ellison to William Elli son, lot 4, block 40, Medford, hnd lots . 5 and 6, block 3, Lumsden's addition to Medford , K. Young, administrator estate , . James It. Tarbell, to H. A. Bar- . ney, property in Ashland 500 E. Hertrude King to Roguo River Timber compnny, 100 acres in section 28, township 34, rango SB.. Robert W. Scott to J. W. Shnrpo, 2.75 acres in MinguB subdivi sion to Medford 3000 Harriet Lamnr to William Elli son, lot 4, block 40, Medford, mid lots 5 and 0, block 3, Lums den's addition to Medford ... 1 Iracio Fowel to William Ellison, samo as above 1 ers enn and will be operated without throwing off any injurious funics smoke. mid practical bookkeoping, modoru bus iness spelling and wilting. . For particulars, apply to Sister Su perior. 221 0i Watches. Clocks, Jewelry IMPAIRING A SPECIALTY. "Not how much I can do, but how well I can it," Is my moltr, riilUlttllOIMt. B. N. With Martin J. Reddy, Central of Jackson County Bank. BUTLER ave., north Marriage Licenses. Van1 R. Clilbert and Bessie Turpin. New Oases. Fred Owen nnd O. A. Culy vn. fl. ('. Culy; nction to recovor money. R. fl. Smith.' attomov for plaintiff. ...Midwinter Clearance Sale... In order to make room for the arrival of our Spring goods, we are making a sweep ing reduction of 2;" per cent on entire stock Hats, trimmed and nntrimmed, including ribbons, feathers, flowers and all trimmings. MRS. W. I. BROWN WEST SIDE MILLINER. niiuimiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiHUUiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiii 19 E s s i E B s .5 Humuuitiiiuiiiiiiuiiiiii You can find it at Hussey's Cash Store M jjj ; HIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlT MARRIED. COLBY-COSS In Jacksonville, on November 24, Mr. Lorcnr-o N. Colby of Jefferson, la., nnd Minn Helen f'oss of thin city. The young couple will rc nide in Sun Francisco. They have the well wishes of n hont of friends. HEAD-OWENS In Medford. No vember 24, Mr. Henry W. Head nnd Miss .Agnes Owens, both of this coun ty, Rev. W. F. Shields officiating. The couple will renido near Central Point. Those not wishing Thanksgiving din ner can have regular dinner at usual price at tho Emerick. 214 Fools I Fools I! Fools! II At the Christian tabernacle tonight Evangelist Whiston will npeak on the subject of "Fools." Don't fail to hear this semi-humorous and serious theme discussed. Great meeting last night. Two ndded. Additions every service. Many baptisms. Cordial in vitation to this service. They're all coming. MEDFORD THEATER ONE NIGHT ONLY Friday Nov. 27 A Sumptuous Production THE1MY CITY With LUELLA MOREY as SALOME Direction Le Comte and Flesher A pure, instructive, illus trative story- of the days of our Savior. Superbly mounted, ; Strong supporting Co. Costumed correctly Prices for this engage ment 25c, 50c, 75c, $1. Seats on sale. Monday, Nov 23 BOYS' AND YOUTHS' NEW SUITS Boys' good Suits in Buster Brown and double-hreastcd styles at $3.50 and $5.00. Boys' natty double-breasted Suits in new brown, gray and blue shades' at $3.50, $4,00, $5.00 and $6.00 each; sizes 4 to 15 years. Boys' odd Knee Pants in wool suitings and corduroy at 50 and 75? pair. Boys' corduroy Knickerbocker style School Pants at. '2.00 per pair. Boys' corduroy Long Pants with seams and cuffs at $4.00 per pair. SEE WINDOW DISPLAYS. DRY GOODS, STIOKS, FURNISHINGS Van Dykes SAVOY THEATER North d'Anjou Street. Latest motion pictures and Illus trated soiigs. Entire change of program Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 cents. ARTHUR H. DAVIS Contracting Electrical Engineer. 210 W. Seventh St., Medford, Or. W. M. Golvig. 0. L. Reames. OOLVIG & REAMES Lawyers. Office:Medford Bank Bldg. Ground floor. BIJOU THEATER, W. 7TH ST. Continuous performance every evening of motion pictures and Il lustrated ballads. Entire change of program Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 cents. ANLO PENWELL Tho Plumber. 1 solicit a share of your business, pledging satisfaction. Cook Stoves and ranges. Phone 91 MOBDORFF A WOLF New and 8econd-nnna Furniture Eads' old Btand, 18-20 F St. South "Medford, Or. WM. H. AIT KEN Plumbing, Steam and Hot Wat Seating. Phone ' 22. 210 W. Seventh St., Medford, Or. TUB ELECTRIC AND FRENCH DRY CLEANING AND PRESS ING WORKS W. E. Lane ft 8on, Props. Opposite Hotel Moore, Medford Oregon KARNES ROOMING HOUSE Newly built and newly furnished All modern conveniences. D. G. Karnes, Prop. 20 8. O St., Medford, Or. EDEN VALLEY NURSERY N. 8. Bonnett, Medford, Or. Grow trees that sell, soli trees that grow anad fruit true to label WASCHAU ft BROWN wish to announce to their patrons that they are located in their new quarters in the Young & Hull building. Billiards, Cigars and Tobaccos. FISH MARKET Fresh fish rocoired daily. Oys- torn in season. Cor. Seventh and E Sts, Modford Let tho MISSION FURNITURE WORKS make thnt piece of furniture. Any design, any color, any finish dull, waxed or polished. Shop on cor. of 8th and II streets. M. B. CANDY KITCHEN We make all our own candies. Martin and Harrow, Props. Corner Sevonth and C Streets, Medford, Oregon. MEDFORD TEA AND COFFEE HOUSE Specialists in Tons, Cof fcos, Extracts, Baking Powder nnd Spices. Wo carry' all kinds of dinner wnro nnd fancy dishos. 218 W. Seventh St. Medford, Or. THE EMERICK CAFE The best restaurant in Southern Oregon. W. E. Johnson Prop. DR. FRANK ROBERTS Dentist Office hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Miles Building, Seventh Street, Medfurd, Oregon. THE HOTEL EMERICK' Rooms from 50 cents to $1.50 per day. All modern conveniences. We solicit your patronage. VERNE T. CANON Billposter and distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 7 Jackson Co. Bank Bldg. Medford, Or. THE MISSION DRILL Always open for business. Neat and elenn. Up-to-date. Popular prices. 12 So. C St. Lambort ft Brown JACK FREDENBURO Scavongor. (lurbnge hauled. Modford. 0. F. COOK Soils trees that grow. Offico: It. R. V. Depot. P. O. Box 841. Phone 693. Medford, Or. THE R. R. V. LUNCH ROOM Finost cup of coffee on the Pacific Coast. H. H. Lorlmer Prop. Livery nnd Feed. Phone 2431 WEST SIDE STABLES Clins. E. Tull, Proprietor. First class Turnouts, Modford Oregon MRS, ED. ANDREWS Voice Culture and Art of Singing Studio at Roaidonco. East Modford. Phono 22S For good bargains in Watches and Jewelry, Pistols, Musical In struments, go to THE MEDFORD LOAN OFFICE 0 Street. DR. GOBLE Tho only oiclusivo Optician be tween Portland nnd Sacramento. Offico on Sovonth StrOet. S. R. SEELY, M. D. PhyBician and Burgeon Modern equipped operating rooms X-Ray. Office hours: 10-12, 2-4 p. ni. Office in Jackson Co. Bk. bldg MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Undertakers Day Phone 303 Night Phones C. W. Conklin 38 J. H. Butler 148 When others fail, cnll on DR. E. J. BONNER Eye Specialist Offico in Englo Pharmacy Main 233. Seventh and Main Tnat enrurtmas present j a nice piece oi Mission r umiiure would be just the thing. Pretty, useful, (' limbic nn.l a anWaHl oift tnr r. unui- Let the Mission Furniture Works make it. Prices about one-half usually charg ed. Any design, any color, any finish, dull, waxed or polished. Drop in. Shop on corner of Eighth and H streets. GO SOUTH! Make arrangements to visit California this Winter :: :: :: Get a taste of the delightfully miM climate known only 1o Southern ('nlifornia. Thero you will find an abundance of sunshine, bright blue skies, a clmr, bmcing atmosphere, congenial associations and invigorating healthful recreations too numerous to mantior Resorts are there, some with world-wide reputations as Los Angelm, Phso Ronles, Hot Springs, Long Beach, Santa Barbara, Hotel del Monte, Hanta Cruz, Sun JMg', Santa Monira, Venice, and commodious, delightful stopping places of lessor renown. All maintaining the California standard for hospitality, and faultless accommodations. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY Will be glsd to supply some very attractive litoraturo, desiribing in detail the many delights of winter in California. Very low rate round trip excursian tickets nro on pale to California. The rate from Portland to Los Angeles and return $66. Limit, six months, nllowing stopovers in either direction. Similar excursion rates are jn ef fect to all California points. For full Information, sleeping car reservations and tickets, call on telegraph or write either A. & Rosenbaum, Agent, Medford, or Win. McMurray, Oen. Pass. Agt, Portland, Oo. IllllllllllllllllllllUllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll II RUBBERROID ROOFING is in use on more buildings all over tho 'world tli.-in any other roofing made. It is the world standard oT roofing quality aiid has always given entire natw faction where other roofings failed. j For sale by v. .. I:. Crater Lake Lumber Co. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIMIMIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Good Evening! Have You Ued CHIC?" for sale only by Medford Pharmacy Neat Poitoffic THE THANKSGIVING TURKEY in now tlio center of interest, but that nhotild not detract your interest from Thanksgiving clollici. You will have calif, to madu nnd a dinner to attend, si. it will be your fault if your ward robe is not what it should be, especially in view of tlio ndvuitagos gained by having your garments made by Tho Satisfactory Tailor. . J..KRUZERKO. IMPORTER!! iSD TAILORa. PAXM BUILDING, MEDFORD, ORE. i . t t