MEDFOIID DAILY TRIBUNE MEDFOftD, OREO OX, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2i, 1008. Social and Personal 1 VIOTWTBMnBUgfcJ.g X U Irr-i X f U 1 I I A D, Cgiii'tiy is in tNui KniiuMHco mi I. n! tin f-x. a. .r. iiueii t.t Wciiat.-iK-c, wukIi., has umvrd in Mcdl'.nd. lie may lucute Opic Rend' tmuthorti dialect ih per f . As mi impersonator uf ;ilt ebt uf mutt hern (lmrui-ti'rK, frum the o whiti t nutli tt) 1 111' Kent uck y ( 'iiiiim'I, Husk, lie ih inimitable. -I" Mm. D. Wilson of Ham Valley after visiting friends hero, for n few days hn returned home. C Henry of Spokane has decid ed to locate in Medford mid engage iu Ihe contracting bnmneHH. Mr. Caldwell id home from n init in fluid Kill. Tin wo who have Inuglted over the "Kentucky Colonel," "The .JuekliiiH," "Old Kheuozcr." etc., noed no further t.ronf of Mend ' ability to entertain. Hntiirdnv night at thp Medford Thea ter. '217 Mrs. .1. A. .Ion on of Raiflo Tloine paid a visit to Med ford Monday. Peter Applegate whh in Medford Iran nrting tnmineHS on Monday, Hay (iariier of Wonntehoe, Wnnli., is visiting in Medford. The people of Medford will have tlieir flrt;t opportunity to hear Opie Head, the celebrated imeePst and lecturer, Hntiir dnv night nt Medford Theater. 217 K;i rl ( 'ase of A n t ioeh whh it roccn t. MVdfnnl visitor. .T. It. K nodi'l. Hiiperintendent of tlie Anti Knlortii league of Oregon, in ex pei'tcd to arrive tdiorlly in Mdeford. Those wh a"iil thoniBelvo nf the mo ortimity to hear Opie Rend Saturday iMf'-t will probably go home with the faee ache and lie obliged to rent their feal urea hnt they will he proof iignint the blues for many inooiift. 217 If. Oarnett left Tuesday on n buni nesH trip to Lou An gel cm, He hopes to KPfMiro a sett lenient witli tho Pacific ('mil company, which lias partially coin pleted payments on tho Medford coal mine. A. ft, Miiclellan of New York is ft guent of tho Hotel Nash. Thosft lint wishing Thnnknglvlng din ner can have regular dinner at usual preo at the TCmnriek. 214 ' All Itednien nro invited to attend tho celebration- at Jacksonville Wed nesday evening. A special train has been chartered. Those not wishing Thanksgiving din ner can havn regular 'dinner nt usual price at tho Knierick. 214 Mrs. Kdgar (Infer, who has recently returned from an extended sojourn enst and n month's visit In Rail Francisco, entertained nt dinner Monday evening in honor of Colonel J. F. Mundy. ' Hunt Lewis left Monday evening for Portland. His wife had preceded him. lie will spend most of the winter there, but will occasionally come to Medford. IT. L. Kelly, Jr., of tho bureau of fish eries spent Tuesday in Medford. V. Hit tic Wells, repreiteatative of Sunset Magazine, author of the Com mercial club booklet on Medford, and I countless other pamphlets, spent Tues day in Medford. There will bo a meeting of the Med ford Commercial club tonight to discuss a Medford pamphlet for the coming year. All members are requested to at tend. (li'orge II. Fitgihhnu, the genial rep resmitaiive of W, V. Fuller & Co., is among his customers of the valley. .1. (1. I 'ope of tho .loshun Hendy Iron works of San Francisco spent Tuesday iu Medford. Mr, Pope is known to all miners on the const ami makes a special ty of mining machinery, lie reports prospects bright for an awakening in copper mining early in llie coming year. Notice to Bodmon. All Reitmen are invited to join I he excursion to Jacksonville Wednesday evening. A special train will convey you free. The degree team especially is nupiested to be present. J. II. t-MTZO KRATiD, (Ireat Sachem, Land Sold in Sams Vnlloy. l. II. Fisher of Lakeview, Or., has purchased the Charley Lane property in Sains Valley, and will tako immediate posiicssion of the sumo, says the flold Mill News. This property consists of 15 acres of ihe best land in that fer tile valley, ami while wo did not learn the price paid, yet it is understood to have been a bargain. Mr, Kislu-r will soon begin Ihe predion of a new house upon Ihe property. WILL VISIT THE EAST TO SETTLE AN ESTATE P. M. Kershaw, salesman for the Ore gon llrjinite company, will leave for Illinois about levember 1, where he will nettle the estate of his father, re ceatlv d a sod. Mr. Kershaw will lie absent some six weeks. Pleasant Wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Storm gave a re (option to their friends at Trail Thurs day evening on their return from Med fnrd, where they hud been married the dav before. On their arrival at Trail I. O. ihe bride's mother) they were met by a host of friemlse,1 who wished rhcin a long and happy journey through life. A grand supper was awaiting them which had been prepared by Lea Mid diebusher and M re. Irene Avery, to which they and their friends did ample justice. Then a serenade was begun, which lasted as long a-, wan required, mid the serenaders came in and candy, cigar and soft drinks went fast. An enjoyable evening was spent. Those present were: Miss !e:i Mid dlehusher, Miss Kuid M iddlchii!ior. Mr. frank M id.llebuslier, Mr. Fred Middle biisher, Mr. Clarence Muldlebusher, Mr. Id ib PawKonfi Mr. Louis Mart in, Mr. , C, Corn trey Mr. Klmer hnwson, Mr. ( 'harles Fry, M is. Mary Middlebiisher, Mrs. Fred Warner. Mrs. Hooligan ami M rs. !lvn Hammond. The bride is the oldest daughter of Mrs. Mary Middlebiisher, the postmis tress. The groom is the oldest of the Storm boys, living on Trail. Tho next day tho hnppy couple started for their homo on Trail. 'I'lifi people below arc bended for our Tlmiiksgivi aiiHeipjition of what the turkey will furni.sli on T will show vou the turkev. under new environments The Suit Sale Many New Arrivals Every Suit iu this store is on special sale. Many new Suits have arrived and they have all been put into the side at-reduced prices on account of hav ing arrived late. P1".JU brown and fancy heri-ingbone striped Suits, worth from $20.00 to -tL'.j.OO; any size. ttOI Cn each f o r b I u e , Cl.JU brown, black, and fancy herringbone cheviot weaves that are worth up to ','., k ttlj HC fancies and plain PJ1.I J cloths, each for all colors and sizes from !J4 t 12; the best values offered up to 50.00. til 911 each for anv Suit in ptl.J the house that for merlv sold at from $57.50 to $75.00. twit r i-. ArrriTt -ut rn i. -'.--r-;.: THE WAIST SALE Never in the history of 1 his store have we shown such a fine assortment of Waists and never were the prices so low. 7.00 Waists ...$5.60 $8.00 Waists ...$6.-10 !).()() Waists ...$7.20 $10.00 Waists . .$8.00 $12.50 Waists. .$10.00 $15.00 Waists. .$12.00 $20.00 Waists. .$16.00 1.00 Waists . . 1.50 Waists . 2.00 Waists . :t.0() Waists . 4.00 Waists . . 5.00 Waists . , (5.00 -Waists . , ...80 . $1.20 . $1.60 . $2.40 , .$3.20 , .$4.00 $4.80 ng Sale at the same time keeping in mind the pleasant hursday. Oct your supplies here today and Thursday we in this space. 1 Think about this op portunity. Right in the height of the Fall and inter season we are offering the newest and best mer chandise that money can buv for exception ally low sale prices. The (irst prices are our regular low prices and the sale prices are actual re ductions. We invite you to ex amine the special offerings this week. - You are safe when vou trade here. We guarantee the prices to be lower and the goods to give satisfaction. Sale of Dress Goods 25c values 15? 35c values 23 40c .values 27? 50c values 37? (55c values . . 75c values . . 85c values . $1.00 values ....47? . . .63? ,...73? ....S3? Thanksgiving Fur Sale $1.00 Furs , $1.50 Kurs . $2.00 Kurs . $:!.()() Kurs . $4.00 Kurs $5.00 Kurs ...79? .$1.29 $1.59 $2.39 .$3.29 .$4.98 $7.50 Kurs $5.98 10.00 Furs $12.50 Kurs $15.00 Furs $20.00 Furs $25.00 $35.00 50.00 Kurs Furs Furs ...$7.98 ...$9.98 .$11.97 .$15.89 .$19.98 , .$27.89 $39.75 Warm Comfort Sale 1.00 Comforts . . .83 1.25 Comforts . . .98 1.50 Comforts. .$1.25 1.75 Comforts. .$1.47 2.00 Comforts. .$1.69 2.50 Comforts. .$2.19 $3.00 Comforts. .$2.39 $3.50 Comforts. .$2.79 1,00 Comforts. .$3.19 $5.00 Comforts. .$3.89 Towels, Napkins, Etc. 10c Towels reduced to 7? 15c Towels reduced to ...12? 20c Towels reduced to ...16? 25c Towels reduced to . . .21 35c Towels reduced to . . .25? 50c Towels reduced to . . .35 $1.00 doz. Napkins for. .83 $1.25 doz. Napkins for . 98? $1.50 doz. Napkins for $1.19 $2.00 doz. Napkins for $1.63 $3.00 doz. Napkins for $2.i9 5.00 doz. Napkins for $3.75 Linen Sale This is one time iu the year to buy Linens and v court com parison of values. 40c Linens reduced to ..... ,25 50c Linens reduced to 37 (55c Linens reduced to 47? 75c Linens reduced to 59 1.00 Linens reduced 73 1.25 Linens reduced to ..S 1.50 Linens reduced to . .$1.19 1.75 Linens reduced to . $1.33 $2.00 Linens reduced to . .$1.63 Sale of Underskirts $5.00 Skirts . . . .$3.89! 7.50 Skirls ...'.$4.69 10.00 Skirts . . .$7.89! 12.50 Skirts ...$9.S9 $1.50" Ilea 'bloom $1.19 $2.00 ITea'bloom $1.47 Now is the time to purchase issue for full particulars. Suitcase. Sec yesterday's BAKER-HUTCHASON CO. Medford 's Progressive Ladies' Store Central Ave. just back of Jackson Co. Bank Co it Sale Fine Assortment Our reg. $3.00 fit) A Coats for. 46.07 Our reg. $5.00 ") OA Coats for J.07 Our reg. $7.50 f OA Coats for w Our reg. $10.00 OA Coats for 0.07 Our'reg. $12.50 A AO Coats for....... 7.00 Our reg. $15.00 11 90 Coats for....... ICLU Our reg. $20.00 'Coats for 10.0 Our reg. $25.00 n On coats for Handkeschiefs Save on them Now Never for a year will you find such a large assort ment of Handkerchiefs and never will the prices be so low as right now. 5c. ri'dehiefs. 7 for . .25? 10 good 4c H Vh's for 25 10c II 'kerchiefs, 4 for 25? 15c IT'dkerchiefs for 10 20c ll'dkerchiefs for 15? 25c H'dkerchiet's for 21? 35c H'dkerchiefs for 27? 50c H'dkerchiefs for 39 Skirt Sale Big Showing Our reg. 4.00 Skirts for . . Our reg. $7.00 to C AA 8.00 Skirts vU Our reg. $9.00 to -11.00 Skirts 7.00 Keg. 12.50 to . ADA v sj.ipis ()(): 1 0 7 lieg. $20.00 and I 9 AO $17.00 Voiles. . . . IL.xJO tfeg. 35.00 and 00 QO 30.00 Voiles CL.iJO A small charge for altera tions. A perfect fit, guaranteed. JUST OUT Thin ChriHtinns minibor ia jnM 0110 rmiml nt' hcuuty, i-olor, ami good cIumt. Take im 1iohm they'll nil MU il. lti-ml "tln Hmuliiy Lmly of ' Ponsum Trot." You'll In (lil to know that tlii'rt a ro uoil( liki that nn oartli. Hi'Ht of all, it 'm trm. Everybody's is tin livmt Kt,,,,'rjd tnnti.ino in AimTica, lftc centi a opy, (1.Q0 a yoar, Medford Book Store Hotol Nutth Niwi Htnnd EUSSELL'H $1200; one half cahIi. 40 acres 1,'t miloi out. Fivo aiTws in orchard, fair im )rovoinmita. $230 buys f ino largo build iiig lot. 0. W, Stono, ovor Bijou Thrator. 2Kt r'OU 8ALK Five and tou acro tractB within and adjoining city limits, at a bargain ou long time. Address P. . Box 418, Medford, Or. 248 .'OU SAtjK A good small businca ou Seventh street. Keasons for soiling. Address, V. O. box 512 or call at this office. tf FOR 8A1,E 320 acre runch, $12,000, first class improvements, woll, family orchard, etc. This is a bargain. See U E. W., Tribune office. tf TO THADE higbt alngla covered bug gy for two-seated rig. L. E. V., Tri bune office, tf WANTED. l-'Olt UK NT Furnished room for gen tleman; alm day board. Mrs. Stone, No. 10 North U street. 214 TO E X (' It A N 0 E 15,000 first mort gage 20 -yoar gitt edged bonds, paying 6 per cent, for ranch, orchard or land in Rogue Kiver valley. W. M. Fronch, Medford, Or. 215 W A NT El) An experienced night op erator fur the Klamath Falls Exchange. $-'(0 a montli, with room in the building if desired. 217 EMERICK CAFE THANKSGIVING MENU. Itouillon OliveH Celery Moiled White Fish, Mittre de lintel Hlue Points on the Half Shell Knant Voimg Turkey, Oyster Stuffing Cranberry Sauce Hnwucd Sweet l'otntoerf Creamed Corn linnst Canvas Hack Puck Lobster Snlad I' turn I'utltling, Hrntidy Sauc Mince and luinpkin Pie Fruits in Season Vanilla Ice Cream Coffee- Milk I'll is is Thanksgiving Pay Menu. I 'rice 7.V. KuKlish Mot Ten Classified Advertisements FOB SALE. FOK SALE 400 acres, mostly bottom land, all under Fish lake ditch; two miles from rnilroad tsation; $40 per acre; splendid bargain; finest opit renburg lane in tho valley. Address A. It., euro of Tribune office. 213 j EOK SALE One acre, hounse and good j improvements; Inside city limits; price J Announcement IIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIHIIHIIIIillllllllllllllllllllimilHiaill 1 IIAVK PrUCIlAXRl) Till-: HXT1RK STOCK Or1 GOODS OF S M 1 T II KO .OX V and will endeavor to carry on the business in the same straightforward manner which they done. I will cari-r a full line of Ladies', Gentlemen's and Children's Foot wear. I have a large stock of High-Top Footwear so necessary for this time of year. I respectfully solicit your patronage. Call and get acquainted. uiiiiinuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiHmiiinnimiuiiimitMtMBBHraiiM C. W. McDonald Crestbrook Orchard Tracts For Sale -1 u- Ten and Twenty Acre Tracts DIRECTLY SOUTH AND ADJOINING FAMOUS. Hillcrest Orchard can be bought on terms. Lowest price of any sn all tracts in val ley, considering location, soil and distance from Medford. Will plant and care for. Only twelve twenty-acre lots left, from' twenty put on market November !)th. Call on Oregon Orchards Syndicate MKLLrXG AGENTS PALM DUILDING TRIBUNE ADS BRING RESULTS 1