Join the Fish Protective Association and Preserve Fishing in Rogue River and Tributaries UNITED PRESS DISPATCHES By far the largest and bist news report nf any paper In Southern Oregon. The Weather Occasional ruin r snow tonight or Wednesday. Cinder east portion tonight.. Wertorly winds, y THIRD yiSAR. M1HI) FORD. cmK IONT, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1908. No. 213. NUVEEN CAPITULATES; 'TWAS A BLUFF It I rd r T. CREAfflERY IS PROSECUTOR BOND PARTIALLY 13 MUCK Wm K K W fj W I ---r mm mm m u mmm m Office Stove Starts Blaze Undergoes a Secondary -Fire Boys Respond in Operation and Gains in Fast Shape and Save Strength -Danger Has Machinery, - Been Wiped Away A defective office stovo was respon sible for the partial destruction by fire of tlio Rogue River creamery on River side aveniio Khortly after noun on Tues day. Tlie rapid response of llio fire company was the only tiling Hint saved Hie building from entire (Instruction and with it tlio destruction of nil adja cent residence owned by C. D. Vincent. The fire had gained a considerable headway when found, but in spite of this, Manager Gaddis of the cronmcry and an employo succeeded in throwing tlio stovo nut of the office. Hut tlio building was ablaze and the depart inent was summoned. Tlie company got to the scene rapidly nnd 'connected up with tlio hydrants .rtne mime ilelnv. nwinir to the con nections not fitting. By the time the wuter was on the scene the firo was u,,vni,rlm,r rnnidlv to some of tlio nonrhy buildings, but the force with which the water came on made it possible for the building to be partially saved. A better pressure was had Tuesday than at any previous fire in the hiBtory of Hie city. n ; thoie-lit that most of the sen uniting machinery in the rear of the Wii.iiiiir diil not suffer to any extcat. Tlio entire fronj end of the building was gutted by the names nnd nil rot orda in the office were lost. rlDUnn RTATT1HOOD BY ELECTING REPUBLICAN PHOENIX, Ariz., Nov. 24. A few da.VD after the election Chief Justice Kdwnrd Kent wrote from Phoenix to President Hoosevelt advising liim of the election of Halph Cameron us delegate nnd suggesting Hint Hie republican vic tory would appear as a great aid in Arizona 'o application for early state hood. Judge Kent expressed the hope that I he president would make ft recommen dation in his message for sepnrnto state hood for Arizona and New Mexico, so that nil enabling net could be passed nt tlie short session. .The president responded ns follows: "I have your letter of tlio Stli. That is really good business. 1 nm delighted that Cameron wns elected, nnd shall, of course, urge separate stutehood for Arininn nnd New Mexico in my mes sage. If (iovernor Kibbey comes here I will help him in every way in the preparation nnd urging of such u meas ure. Faithfully yours, "Til Uoixill H KOOHF.VKLT. ' ' SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Nov. 24. A Bceoodary operation to enrry away secretions from his system was per formed today on Francis .1. Heney, who wns shot by Morris Hans while conduct ing the trial for bribery of Abo Itucf on November 13. The operation wns of n trivial nature md was followed by no unfavorable re sults. Anesthetics wero not adminis tered. No visitors were allowed to see Hie wminilcil nrnsectitor todnv. Mrs. ITcill'V md Ben Heney, brother of tlio patient, wore with hun nfter tlio operation. "Mr. lleney is cnocrrui nnu gmiiiiiK crrnn rth rnnidlv." said Ben Honey nft er the operation. "His physicians thought it best ror linn to rocoivo no visitors today, ns they would probably excite him. The danger of complied tintm is more remote than at any time since ho wns shot." Gallagher on Stand. With his edrossexnminiition, "Big' Tim (tnll-iidicr. the self Stvlod BO-bo tween of Abrnham Ruef and the hood- ling board of supervisors, limited by I.nwlnr todnv. Attorney Henry Ach endeavored to show Hint Gallagher and not Kucf wns the corrupter ot iik flunervisnrinl morals. 4ii dwelt onon Gnllairlier 's testimony at the trlnl of Attorney Ford, chief counsel of the United llnnronns, ro snow that Oallagher went to V ra net ho was inducted into of fire ns snpt. visor nnd psvtd Fori "to stood in." He nlso called up similnr tcstimoi.v given by (Inllngher to this effect nt 111" rncent ore mnnarv nearine in me no Tlnnllv Ach enamelled Gnl- lagher to ndniit that niiaougn ne was n representative of Knot to the .sttper virors, the board never mndo him Its nrmfl.lnntifi! nirOllt. to ltllof. Ach endeavored to bring in bits of p.niinMmr'a testinioiiv liefore the grand jury in an effort to snow mat noun gher frequently reversed his statcnient. This was not allowed by the court. Ach exhaustively questioned Galla gher regarding alleged conferences with Attorney Ford regarding the framing c irllov nrdiiuince in nn endeavor to further tangle up the testimony of the witness. BUYERS WIRE THEY WILl PAY THE INTEREST OUT MANY TREES COMMISSION Commercial Club at Meet ing Tonight Will Proba bly Ask Them Here HAMILTON CAN NOW START IMMEDIATE WORK ON PIPELINE SMASH RECORD TO SMITHEREENS ARE SETTING USHERING IN Recorder Will Wire for Return of May or Roddy, so That Bonds Can Bo Signed mid Sent to Nuveeu & Co. Will Bo Accoinuanlcd by Sight Draft. VrtTTTTX TTTT.T.Vn TtY STRAY .BULLET OB HTBtit- i OWEN KILDARE, AUTHOR, EXAMINED AS TO SANITY XKW YORK, Nov. 24 Owen Kil dure, nutlior and plnywriglit, today is in Bellevue hospital, where ho hns been committed to be exnmined as to his sanity. His wife, who was Loitn Rus sell, the actress, asked for his arrest, declaring that he had threatened suicide and the murder of his entire family. Kildare on being taken into custody, admitted ho was badly upset, overwork nnd lnck of ready money having preyed on his mind until he had been tempted to end his life, lie said that he be lieved his troubles were only tempo-rarv. SEATTLE. Wash.. Nov. 24. The strange death of Roy W. Oager, who was killed by n stray bullet wane want nn il.n atrcnt. in hoinn- investiuatei today in nn effort to lenm the identity f tin. rann who fired t llO sllllt. Ga ger, who was 22 years old, was seen to a,,....,.,. n,.H full tn the street Into yes- Inrrlnv Hflfnrn lie lliod tllC VOliniT ninO whispered that he had been struck by they heard a pistol report, but no one a..!, I, a .m-nlvn. m,M l,A .Tttdfr. ing from the wny Gager spoke, the nonce ore inclined rn iinna mm. ne knew who was responsible for his death rnwra ACTORS AT WORK TEARING DOWN OLD HALL SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl.. Nov. 24. Contractors have begun the work of demolishing the ruins nf Hie city hall, which have stood since the great fire n( lnoa ns it c-hnatlv reminder of the slowness of municipal enterprinse, while steel and concrete buildings have been erected nil around the municipal struc ture in the re-constructed San Francis- The Commercial club at its meeting Tuesday evening will in all likelihood invite (ho country life coininissiuii to stop over night in this city on their way from San Francisco to Portland and investigate conditions here, as it is thought great 'good will come of the lBlt. Tim iiiiimintiiicnt of this commission la tlio fruit of one of the ideas of Pres ident Hoosevelt. All over the United Hlntes there is II general movoment "back to the soil," and with the ad vanced ideas as regards the amenities of living, with Hie return of so many men nf affairs to country life, the en grossing topic Willi thousands today is how best to change I lie old tune moth- ,..! ,.f lifo mi Hie form to corresnond with modern ideas of securing Hie most -emlnrt and enjoyment for lamlloril aim tenant, householder nnd hired man; housewife nnd children nnd maid sorv aids, along with the independence thai still characterizes the "work of Hie ngri- 'iilturifir. The cniiiinissiiiii is conniosed of able and discerning men, who novo necn in Hie front in farm work nnd public scrv- irti. ffti n aeneration oast. The best known, perhaps, is Hon. Henry wniincc ..(i lino Mliw.u tn . hv inniiv reuarded us tlio most nblo agrieultnrturui writ. i.-u ,.rn tiiff.inl Pine hot of tho United slut forestry service. Professor Hal lev of New York nnd Professor Hatter field of Mnssachusetts. both prominent ill experimental work ii. the two states named. Tn nrmne-iiiir the itinerary the com ,.,',.ai..n hnvo been u-tiinltd by a desin to familiarize themselves with local .,n,lit;,i,is iirevniliiiir ill every portion of tlio Union, and hut u short stop is made in any one section. l.vm.i Sim' Francisco to Portland H" .if the Iraios (rives Medford the rather enviable distinction oi gei ling rather more than our snare oi nn .,.i..,.i;..t. ,.f tlio cioitiiiissioti. and mem hers of Hie local grange of the upper illev. fanners nnd Horticulturists .i..,l,l n.iilize the importance of milk ing the most of this chance to have embodied in the report, oi tins sioli. which will probably be the most S.1..U- r..iul diicniiieot coining from the ,1. rlnients at Washington, inn inn i...t I,..,-., in this remote Heel inn, is found the most nearly ideal conditions a. nr., in ii. union a in Tor einiiiii. ' ...I...1., u-..rl,l It has lint vet been fully ileteriinlien whether the commission will be m Med ford on Monday. November .to. or on December 1. Further ainioiinceincnt win be made and a suitable reception willl be given the commission, the opera !.... i..,,-: 1 o secured for the occa sion. Should there be time, it is the ill-1 tention to show these men some-or me farm homes in the vicinity of Medlor.l to impress them with the fact that here rural life will ultimately renni n ...k" est development. About 165,000 Apple and Pear Trees to be Plant Am sriGan Gunners burpass ed Near Here During AH Previous Records- This Winter Men Are Allowed Leave ANEW IRA: Railroad Officials in Med ford Discussing Needs of Country Inasmuch as Road Is Concerned 'Twas just n bluff. For when it camo to a showdown, olid tho cards word laid ou tho tnble, Nuveeu & Company held but a bob lailed flush. The city by sliindiug pat raked oyer some hundreds of blue chips and the game was called oil. Ci.y Recorder Collins was notified by wiro Tuesday morning by John Nu veeu & Company that they would pay tho interest on the bond issue accruing between Hie date nf tho bonds nnd the dato of delivery, which was tho point at issue. lti.eoi-dor Collins will wire nt onco for Mayor .1. F: li ddy, who is in Port limil on n business trio, to come back and sign up some 20,(100 in bonds so that they may bo forwarded to t-lll- ciiiro. nccoin named bv a snrlit draft for the amount of th bonds nnd tho amount of Interest held back by Nuveeu ft :oinpaiy when tho llrst sum of money nn the distributing system bonds was in-warded. Put Up Great Bluff. The Hiinouiicemeiit that .Nuveeu MARRIED. OILBKRT-Tl'RPIN At the home of the bride, near Roxy Ann. Novem ber 22, Mr. Van Gilbert nnd Miss Bes sie Turpin, Rev. G. !.c Roy officinting. Their many friends In Medford nre wishing them much happiness and a long and prosperous life. COMMUNICATION IN FRANCE PIR1S Xny. 24. It was announced today by Bellini nnd Tosi, two ltaliaa ..Inni ata thnt the oroh cm of inrtcncnd- ent wireless communication had been solved hy them nfter IS months nf ex oorimniitinfr on the const of Normandy This result, they snv. hns been ilir.niffh iwn rectangular serials, fixed at right angles and so attached to the n,.ai-ntn ns to nermit the transmis sion of unequal currents. By simple hnnics. these two electro- j magnetic forces unite nnd produce on 1 electro-mngnetic nelil. nnn ine ii'-n-i zian waves are projected in a single I vertical plane, which can be alternnte ied instantly by means of the Biibine I d vice. I The inventors say that they have rtnnsmitted messages to Havre and Pourville and other points without the wnves being ierceptible at other sta tions lying off the line of transmission. Manila, p. I.. Nov. 24. Kxnerts stilted -today ship now nflonl could remain nflont fivo minutes under i ii, ,, tori-iCin firiiur shown by the Amer ican gunners in the buttle practice to ,iu The shooting is unequaled and is the best, over done bv tho navy. Jliien sat isfaction is being expressed by the offi enra ntnl the ooiiurnl results of the lime Hces aro n source of gratification to nil cmicernnd. Tho people hero attribute- tho order allowing the mon or tlie licet, snon i..nv,i fr.nn their shins to the president elect. When the appeals wero sent to Mm fTiwAi-ttinont. connniinicntioiis were also furthered to Tafl, explaining that ii,., r.iiiirn nf the city was bcinir endan gered by the nction of Hear Admiral a,.,...ii. Tlio men will come ashore and all sorts of entertainment will be indulged 'iniiiiMiiv hnil cnoitnlnted caused heavy sighs of relief on tho part of city offi- st ruction work on the pipeline would be lit Id up tor some tuno. Nuveeu & Company some time ngo -efused to pay tho accrued interest on ilii. liritwln lint nffereil to nay oou-huir of it. ThiB led tho city council to eni- iloy A. I'., tteiiincs lis special counsel n the mailer and on November 17 the following telegram was sent: "John Nuveeu & Co., Chicago No I, ..nils will be delivered except upon payment ot principal ami uecrueu in- crest less your commission, wuuil wc end them subject to those termcf "A. E. REAMES, "Attorney for City. "B. M. COl.MNS, "City Recorder. " To this lelee-rum on November 111 came the following curt reply: . Their Curt Ronly. "II. M. Collins, City Recorder, Med ford, (Jr.: Telegram received. Insist bonds being delivered with all coupons .,tn..ii..ii ni.i.iiriti nir refills our cum toi-.k. lOiidenvored be fair and offered divide interest. If not accepted, withdraw this offer and insist upon strict compliunce nor ( tract. Do not believe city de sires test mailer in federal court ns delay more expensive them than us. Jf wo took on all bonds immediately und nllowed city half accrued Interest, would this be satisfactory 1 Wiro. With duo respect your attorney's opinion, largest nod most prominent corporation and bond attorneys hero including judge ..,.i-..i,l(- i rt. hold contract ubsolute- Tv enforceable. Consider question of con trnct. nuthorized by ordinance mere tech nicality, as mayor and yourself both GORONER'SJURY REPOKT REGARDING HAAS' DEATH SANI.'liANOlSCO. Cnl.. Nov. 24 Fiirlher nction IlL'ilinst tlio polico offi cers who refused to permit Specinl Agent William J'. Burns of the graft prosecution lo see Morris Hans is be ing planned today by District Attorney I ........l.iii fiilhiwinu the verilbt of the ...ip.iiinr'u iurv late vet-'erday ill the lions Mimical, in which Hie police wen omiutirori. Th verdict found Hint Bans commit ted suicide nnd they reeoiniiielid as fol IllWfl. "We "We find of witnesses Hull in.uliirniwo anil iiieollltietencv wen ulwivvi, in lliis case by those 'who wel in chnrno of the prisoner, Morris Baas, ill not properly safeguarding the best interest of tiie people in making it possible for the small derringer lo re .nln on his norson. "We nlso find Hint there has been n ulrn.,,r fcliinr uf ii ii i iiKiHi t v engendered l.twen tho nolico deiinrtnient and the district attorney's office, which is lo be deplored in the present crisis through which our city is missing, ns they should work in perfect harmony to the end thut all crimes should be detected and punished. ' ' The verdict. cIobob with ft reconiineii dntion Hint the mayor should investigat ...l rl.,lit (tin condition fintiarent. The verdict, while hitting tho police. i. noil bv the police as coulirm A.inr.ivimnlelv Ill.VllOO ntllllc Ulld llClir trees will be planted i.l the Rogue lliver viilley in tlio vicinity or .Mcdioni iiur tmr i ho cniiiiiiff winter, according to the .,ui;itn f Cnnulv Fruit liisncftor (1. W. Taylor. This mi nus nliout wuni ncres addilioiinl orchard, making n total of 41,0011 acres of fruit orchard in ine vnllnv ii is i ill too earlv to form tiny thing like an liccuriite estimate," said Mr. Taylor, "but tho way tlie season is .,...,;,, imiiciites that the nlaiiteil ncn ,.. will eiiiial and probably exceed that of a year ago, when SHOO acres wen .1 (.. ornhnril. Must of the trees lire npnles nnd neiirs, with Newtowns in the lend, ami Spitzenberg second nmnng apples. Hurt .,IIU .1 'Anlilllfl. ,M S' a uu i Olllll-.' ., vorit'es among prnrs. Three carloads of nursery slock arrived Rionoiiy, two more mirloiiils nrrived Tuesday and more are ,i within a few days.' Of-those cars now being unloaded, one cai is f.-,., Tniiiienish. Wash.: one car from Yakima, one from nnieni ami imi Albany." i tho henvv ii anters nils inn he Messrs. Allen, nmilil, nrown. pi ,.,i A. A. Davis. Willinm II ii.....:n.. ii.,. Itmriio River Vnllev Or .i la n.iiniiniiy. Ki z. 'aimer, liny no" .... ntl.nro There is nlrendv more acreage in sight, for plunling laau wore nlanled all last year, am iii in-en .- riving havo been sold PLUCKY WOMAN THWARTS EFFORTS OF HOU8EBREAKEB llHluirinir in the new era of fricnd- e. lilioss between ruilronds and the puople, high officials of tho .Southern Pacific system spent. Tuesday visiting' mer chants anil business men of Medford, studying Hie wants of people and ship ncrs with n view to nrovidinir better service for the coiniiiiinity. in the pnrty were .1, I . li linen, superinionueiiv ui the llarriaiiill lilnM in Oregon; R. B. Miller, general freight ngont, and C. A. Malboeuf, division freight ngont. Tho officials spent Monday evening in Aslilaud ami go Tuesday ovouing to tlrnnts Puss. Kverywhero they find themselves welcomed nnd the old feeling of enmity towartl the great cofporation they represent giving way to moro cor- .liiil ri. till inns. Tlio spirit of eo-operiition shown by the officials for the upbuilding and lie vohniiiinni of tho country served is fully recljirocaled in Medford, where the railroad s efforts to servo tlio com munity have been acknowledged in the past. Praise for the new regime gov erning the railroad, and expressions of upprcc latum for ussistance in tno iiuuti ing up of Medford mndo their stny here n pleasant '. No cotnpliiiuts wore rogsilorod. All of the puny wore optimistic over the outlook for tho coming year for Medford and the entire Itoguo Uivor iillnv While rcL'rottinir that tho pav ing could not be completed boforo wet weather, all were gla.l to near time mo wuter problem had been definitely set tled and predictions of n rapid growth in the near future wero inauu. PORTLAND, Or., Nov. 24. 'la Hie nluck of Mis. .1. F. Kiuibnll is today attributed the failure of at least one burglurv in Purl land nt an early hour ihis morning. Arm 1 by Hie noise oc cnsiolied by the raising or u . ..... ,."....i. ..ii, wns nlniie ill her .11 rs. i J home, sprang out of bed just m tune ten seo the head and shoulders in n Tiiwling through ll window. Airs, ruin- ball seized II revolver nnd fired. I he hiimlur dropped to the ground ami "is appeared. Mrs. Kimball is cerium I he bullet, hit him. WOMAN PLAYED FOOTPAD IN MAN'S ATTIRE; JAILED OIL EXPERTS LOOKING OVER FIELD NEAR vaiia ANACONDA. Mont., Nov. 24. Sit ting in one of Hie cells of Anaconda's juil today is a woman giving tho nnino of l.ennie Searlighl. a beautiful mulatto, who is accused of ploying Hio role of footpad, in man's attire. The woninli came to grief a few minutes after a man wns held up and searched in the glare of an elect ne light last, ingnt. u victim's ring was even laKen ironi mm. Tho police suspected the mulatto woman f c nttllig tin' crime aim nrrr her. la loot,,. ;,, tho theory that Haas carried the ...riiri..i ihnt vim accented nrooonitioii 1 derringer ill Ins shoo. under authority of city council and T ... , ...... .., i....i. .,.i,.r t, u UNION SERVICES WILL .. .. I . nn ..t n rtlrf TUVTlUTlaV Dti H.XJ1 " " ENGINEER AT WORK ON OREOON POWER CANAL K. H. Sawyer, n civil engineer of v..jf...,l i,a iii Hold Hill last Sat urday making surveys and estimates iiKin the power canal or the ing.ui Power company, says the News, which will bo submitted to the owners in In diiinnnolis. that thev mav determine just what is needed in order lo put the pluiit in temporary operation. It is now nimost a certainty inni inose win linve rctriitii.,1 thpir fnith ill this com pany will be rewarded for their con stancy by seeing things ai-tue nn. more upon the works. thereof. Hoes city desiro an arbitra ..f oiiiirt 1 "We can afford this better than city, although disliking luwsnits. We are dis posed to he fair and willing to make coniessi'ins, but' not willing concede everything. It appeals to anyone's or ,t he engaged and held without cost churches will take part in ine serMns- We will hold citv liable for commissions Kverybody is iiiineo. md prospective profits on sale of bonds , . ' '!-.'? wirp i-irirvf c; :,;;,:a'.:;; riMi v loimciliaieiy. ,,.,,,1.1 vill.- llr. Nov. 24. Oil experls from California and other oil producing ;,.la h.ivi. been vir.itinir tlio Mill hour oil field during the post lew 1111.1s .1 .., ..mollis tire henilf inline oy n iiuinlier of companies recently organized ... .... .i..:ir. .Mils in t ie te n. 1 111 III )llll. in ii's, t vt...,..,.ih Oil k ( as company, cooiiion... of business men ot Colon, or., sen, n lelegation of tell stockholders nnd iwo ., :,,u,,(,l. t o 'J.tioii acre ooin- : :.i. 11... ,....,.11 that a site for tin drill was selected ami money provioin for the purchnsn of a standard rig. t,ACDt"iAT. BttTP RELIEF OVERDUE AT MAniun. That Christmas Present. A nice piece of Mission Furniture tc-nnhl he iost the thitiff. Pretty, useful. durable, nnd a suitable gift for anyone. Let the Mission Furniture Works 11111K0 it. Prices ibout one half usually chnrg ed. Any design, nny color, any finish dull, waxed or polished. Drop in. Sho on corner of Kignth and 11 streets. Thanksgiving services in which nil f the churches of Medford will com bine will bo lu Id in Hie Presbyterian church Thursday morning lit MiM o'clock. Rev. M. F. Horn will preach the sermon. The pastors 01 all 111 JOHN' NUVEEN 4 CO., "Bankers." Bluff Didn't Work. l...v re sellimr the bonds nbove par. On Hie $."11,0 "I advanced, there is n difference of over sm, which the city SEEK DRYDOCK TO GET FLEET UPON THE PACIFIC MI.V1TTI.H. Wash.. Nov. 24. Coll a.,.,i Will I'.. Humphrey ami Mrs. Humphrey will leave tonight for Wash ington. Ill speaking loilny 01 111" ing session ol congress. Mr. Humphrey said: iivvi.,., t rmiird as I ho most. Impor tant measure before the house will be the one asking for nn additional nry dnrk ol llniuerloii. If we get three drvilocks nt Ilrenierloil we enn get a battleship fleet ou the Pacific ocean. This iiieti"U is larger Hum either the state or nation." , ivii 1 M,,,. !4. The United 0, ...... e linaliittll sllill Relief is fi .lavs overdue from (Ilium station and ...1.... ll vessels liussinif over Her 1 .,..n ordered to search for her u.o liotiri'lieiisioii is felt, but it Is generally believed that some minor acci dent to her machinery prol.aniy noi.i ed the ship, and Hint she will come into port all right. Tlie continued absent e or ,who dresses up ns a woman, then ad concern. TACOMA POLICE CAUGHT MEN WANTED IN PORTLAND however, r fused to be clnimed Hie bond house owed Medford. The bluff '"' instructetl -nr. iieno, , ,r,oie and , answer, saying tl.:.t the cty would I "''""" ',,,., r w. not capitulate, which brought luesoay. morning the answer that Nnvecn ( omp.iiil agreed to the terms of the 1 it v. In all probability the bond buyers will now carry on future negotintioos with the city without Hedging, n inej hnve in the jsist. Nuveen Company demanded in terest m money that they had never furnished and would not be called upon to furnish for a year. They were seek ing to get at b ast $7500 out of the city over and above the commission of ' ...... , 1 1........ ,. u ,.i..,i tins ns accrued . 1 1 Mr Iffiimc , in' o"1'" """" pay the city half of it, which offer was refused. Hamiiton to Work. Now Hint the question of getting the money has beta settled, Hamilton will get to work nf soon as possible on the construction of the pis' 1 11" c tract is to be signed up next Kutur and' illll, II- lilltelv lifter tllllt, SS fast us the survey is completed and the mate rial arrives, tlie worn will commence. "Hl.nrlv" is nlrendv attcndilibT to the preliminary work and the threatened holdup ol the work will not miueriuiim Cut this nut nnd mail it with oae do liar to Mfdlorn, wr.: liAiA..xxa.. TAi'OMA. Wash.. Nov. 21. In the arrest of two men who gnve tho iinmes of William llrown and J. Baron, the local police believe they have tho des peradoes who n efnHy held up two street enrs in Portland. The men were caught ill the act of holding up Churles Bloinberg. a saloonkeeper, on tho street. Tho Portland polico hove been notified. Dr. Louis Hundy, treasurer, 4- 4- 1 V 1008. Iluis Ulllidv. Treasurer, Medford, Or. Enclosed find one dollar, one y ear's dues. f..r tocinberslnp in tho Rogue River Fish Protective Associ ntion, organied to. protect fish in the Rogoo river nnd its tributaries, secure ti led legislation nnd re stock His streams. Address 0 S SsVsss4. f