MEDFORD PAliA' TRIBUNE, MEDFOBD, OREOOX, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21. Medford Daily Tribune j A.Liyb Paper is a Live Town. " J Published every evening except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY Gbqbob Putnam, Editor and Manager. SALOON MEN TO Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postoff ice at f jV . Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION (RATES. M, BMU, kj 01 "earner . . .'. 0.60 Qe year, by mail . . . . ...o.ou K UEDFOHD'S GREATEST XEED. "', , '-(';? What Medford needs most after a water system, street . paving, house numbering, and a few other things now under way, is a few industries supplying employment in other words, payrolls. 1 ; : '. The sale of orchards at fancy prices, the change of farm land into orchards, the cutting up of large tracts into 'small oiies,'.are all good things but something more than swapping owners is needed to build this town into a city., O-'-M ' v n- i..2.VtlJl No region in the world is blessed with better climate or more natural resources titan the Rogue River valley. But; one, of them, horticulture, is developed past the ini tial stage'. It is but a question of time when they will be, and-tlia't tune should be at hand. Some of the energy now spent in bringing orchard buyers into the country ought to beypent in bringing men who will develop the dormant resources, and assisting them when they are here. . Vast coal fields, miles in extent, stretch along the east ern edge of the valley, fuel enough for the entire coast for many generations. The bills of the western slopes are seanie'd with gold, the fugitive dust of which netted the pioneers inany millions,' A few miles toward the rising sun stand giant virgin forests, the greatest sugar 2inc belt in the world, the cutting up of which into timber will gi'c : employment to many thousands for a century to come. The same distance to the southwest stretch mountains of copper ore,the mining and smelting of which would make Medford a second Spokane. Through the valley winds the fines trout stream on the continent to its source near the world's greatest natural wonder, Crater lake. 'TTb'e development of either coal, of timber, or of the mine's would alone make Medford a city and furnish em ployment for thousands. So everyone should work for thfe development and aid in every way possible those striv ing to develop these resources, to the end that city and country may prosper and thrive. BE PROSECUTED TUE 1'II'ELIXE CONTltAdT It will be well for the city authorities to carefully con sider the contract for water and -pipeline before signing in order that the city may not get the worst of it, as it has on street paving, and on the bond issue. The Tribune does not claim to look at the subject from any other than a layman's point of view. It has little faith in wooden pipe, but the people have voted almost unani mously for it, and of course it bows to the will of the peo ple: iV . The Tribune does believe, however, that the contrac tors should be made to keep the pipe in repair for at least a" year, for it will take nearly that, long before all faults inake themselves known. Thirty days is too short a time. There ought to be a guarantee attached, for what is not worth guaranteeing is not worth buying. Having once decided that the contract is good and suf ficient, there should be no delay in signing it and rushing the. construction. Every day that water is delayed means a loss to Med ford, just as every day that passes without paving means a loss. i j! REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Mifhard to Woods Linn company, lots I nnil 2, block Medford $ -JtKnh V. Hostwick to .1. K. llow- 'aid, ?,4rt nercs ill township "Bif'rmigo !l V thfttfAtaiea to Albi'rt II. Johns, 'rV: f section 10 townnhip :n, - -faHfce 5 W potent i nitwt unlet to Allen Duvic. 'WhrrM in section Ug, township 3T, rango 3 W patent ('Ititrd Suites to William Nelson, ltfO.Og acres in section town- kip a'.i, rungo 3 K patent W-. C. Omen to lane Carroll, prortv in block 70, .Medford Ma II. Host to J'hilips, land in township :W, range 1 K ..... Charles t Young to Orants Pass Timber roinpiuiv, S K sec tion 2(1, township 3.5, ranee 4 W .-, I.. 0 1'orler to Albert II. Johns, land in I) L V 12, township :", range 4 W .'.mi Alleu Davis to Mabel I'alethorpe, ' W 14 of lot 7, block 0, Ash land '(ill Matilda V. Newman to William I'atriok, 17 aorea in Aihlund.. 1 1 LIU Chester Tuttlo to J". M. Hire, 2 : acrci In Ashland 10 Hinted States to Flora McNnbb, S K yt section 211, township 33, range 4 W patent I. W. Thomas to William Tengue, property in Olson's addition to Medford R00 mi m SATE CRACKERS GET OVER tSOOO IN CASH FROM SAFE . TIFFIN, O., Nov. 21. Yeggmen blew , opes the aafe of John Selcox' general 1 store at AUiea today and scoured (IIUOO ia totes and 3u00 In cash. The rob ben left no liace whereby they can be captured. SECTION HANDS STRUCK BY SUBURBAN TRAIN KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Nov. SO. , Ail of the saloon men who were arrest- j ed for vii.lating the. provi(ions of the j unti-sulnon law have been held to await the action of the grand jury. In only j me instance an effort was made to have , the proceedings tried out before the j county judge. In nil of the other cases 'he parties waived examination anil oro held iu the sum of tfjtifl each. In the instance where a trial was held the result was the siime as when the exam ination was waived. It is now known that thoro nro from j three to 20 charges against every one if tin. 12 men who were arrested. It s the intention of the parties behind he movement to make a cleaning ami to illow none to escape. Ono saloon limn .vho left the ntrv as soon ns he learned of the movement has been In--ated nt Orants Pass and as he has import' interests lure ,he returned of (lis own accord as soon as he learned hat there was a warrant out for him. In Honan-.a and in Merrill arrests iiuvc been made as iu Klamath Falls ml it is certain that if convictions are leciired that bootlegging will bo a hing of the past in Klamath county. 1. Is at King & Long's. - Vote for tho most popular baby. Jlul- SPRAY YOUR ORCHARD3 NOW rot Sana Jose Scale, and Use Sampson'! Concentrated Lime and Sul phur Solution. elllc'AdO, Nov. 21. Seven section hands 011 the Chicago. Iliirliiigton ,v Vuiucv railroad were killed today, when 11 suburban Main collided with a hand car 17 miles west of here. The officiuls of the railroad say tin handcar was on the wrong track. Tin irain rnunileil a curve and came upon (lie liandcar so suddenly that the en gineer did not havo time to slow ti or 1110 section liamls to jump in turn to save their lives. When the women passengers saw th approaching accident inauv of them tainted. The engine bit the handcar sipiurcly. throwing it high into the air. Three of the section hands were killed instuutlv Tho others were thrown high into tin nir and died when they hit the ground OIFF0B.D PINOHOT WILL BE IN NEW CABINET WAHHlNtSTON. Nov. 21. It is slat hero today on apparently good au thority that (lifford I'iurllol, chief for ester, has been offered tho post of o'cretary of agriculture in President I'm f t 'h cabinet nnd it is almost certain that I'incluit will accept. It is also stated that Overton Price, at present nssistnnt forester, has been lected ns Pim-hot 's successor iu the nfl'i.e of chief forester. NOT IC K Is herebv given that the undersigned will apply nt the regular meeting of the t v council of Medford, Oregon, on IV ember 1 I'los, fr license to sell malt. vinous and spiritous liquors in less quatj titiea than one gallon, at lots 14, 13 nnd HI, block 21. in Medford, Oregon, for a period of twelve months. YOl'NO ft II ALL. tinted Nvoinhcr 21. Scale lives and works all the year wind. Don't forget this. Ab the old .call) ding tho new ia ready to curry on he destruction of uur orchards. The scale is less vigorous in tho fall, mil moro easily nnd suroly destroyed hau in nny other season. of tho year. Therefore now is the best timo to at ack and kill it. If you spray now. uiiny a valuable tree will bo saved that ithorwise, because of the scale, would lot roliiin life enough to stint up in ho spring. You havo moro time now; thero is ess wind to scatter and wnsto tho pray, nnd mako it hard to cover every uirt. Then, too, you cannot tell what nay happen to prevent thorough Bprny ng in tho fall. Hut, above all, tho result of fall .praying nro absolutely certain. Sulphur Solution. These nro all "spray facts." We claim no wonilorful chemical dia ovory in this sprny, but wo do claim aost emphatically that: Sampson's lime and sulphur solution ilwnys produces satisfactory results, ind does no injury. There is no botter pray manufactured than Sampson s ituo and sulphur solution. Sampson's lime nnd sulphur solution s a clear, cherry-colored solution free nun sediment. H is guaranteed to est ,10 degrees Paiiino. If your deal rs cannot supply you, write to us. Ho sure you use Sampson's 'spriny. '.ranufiu'tiireil bv (1 HANTS PASS CANNING CO., Ci'rantu Pass, Oregon. Prepaid Railroad Orders. "Something which is of considerable ntorest to tho public generally and vhich is perhaps not genernlly known s the Bystom of propaid ordors now in ilfoct botweon stations of the Southern Pacific company and all points in tho Jnitcd States. By means of this systom -iekotB inny bo purchased at Medford 'rom nny plnco in tho United States and nailed or tolcgraphod diroct to tho mrty wishing to come here. Sleeper iccommodntious and small amounts of -ash ia connection with these tickets any nlso be forwarded at the same -mie. 11 'peclal Limited Pullman Excursion to tho City of Mexico. Tickets will be in snlo nt tho local ifficc December 12 and 13 for an ox ursion to the Cityo f Mexicn. Tho cx ursion will lenvo San Francisco Decern icr 15 nt 11 a, in. A magnificent special rain will bo provided, consisting of 'iillman vestiluiled sleepers, observation deeper, buffet, smoking car and dining ar. lOxi'iirsinn will be over the Southern Pacific, Mexican Central, Moxicnn r:l' ional line, International and Great Northern, Galveston ft San Antonio and "alitn Fe railways. The round irip; ate from Medford will bo 2.1B. The ...iug Irip will be continuous up to 101 I'aso, but stopovers may bo had at any line point tin the return trip. The excursion will lie under the di- t supervisi'in of some railway official roul the p-ifsir.ger department and an nterpreter w 11 accompany tho party to he City of Vi xiro. Further ;.fiitculars at tho depot, or oiliuiiltiif :ie w:lb W. II. Jenkins, trnV- ling pusse'ig'-! agent Southern Pacific ...iiipuny, o - I . Peil, Ashland. tf Beautiful Large Wax DOLL 01 VEX AWAY TO THE . . Most Popular Baby IN MEDFORD. y Christmas Eve A coupon with every ten-cent purchase of can dy. Votes to he puhlished every Saturday. Vote, for your favorite baby. -. 1 ? King & Long MEDFORD BOOK STORE. Our Candies are home-made, fresh and pure. ions. . ; A GLANCE AT OUB MENU U liuiul to ditK'Iosu koiuu dish of wlikb you lire esporiiilty fund. Order it and vuii will In- f.iudVr of it than ever. Whether vm. drop in this ri'stiitirnitt for tircakfnst, -lunch, diiinur or upi'r, W'i Hiiunii.tcr ymi i'n 1 that will inaUo you i'iijjer for meal tim to oomo Hjjiiin ho you ran rupcat thi' pU'amin.' of eating horo. NASH GAFB Up Here In The Northwest there's no need for shipping in carloads of cereal cof fee. Made from our own good wheat, made in a clean, successful right-at-home factory, is Water Proof Shoes Lumbermen's Pacs, Knee and Hip Rubber. Boots, Waterproof Shoe Oil. High Cut Leather Boots in all Sizes SEE WINDOWS We carry the strongest lines at the best prices in .Southern Oregon. Buy now. Rainy weather is coming.' ", . , i SMITH & MOLONY Golden Grain Granules a strictly northwest product with absolute merit. For years people of Washington, Idaho and Oregon have' been using it instead of coffee, and it stands without a peer for a high-grade cereal coffee. Ask your grocer for a box and give it one trial. Tho pack ages are larger than ordinary cereal coffees and cost only 25c. All grocery, sell it. Ask vour dealer for MANUEL LOPEZ Clear Havana Cigar. HART CIGAR CO., Distributors, i-ortland, Or. WWillin But Too Short of the cash to buy good fruit land, is the plaint of many homeseekers. We happen to have on our list several first-class tracts, on terms so easy they will almost pay for themselves. There never was a better time to buy fruit lands in this valley than today; and when the reaction conies these "easy buys" can be subdivided and sold at a big profit. Interview the Rogue River Land Company UIIIMIIIIIMIIIIIIIII'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllMIIIIIIIMIII That Unforgetable Slogan lilASKINS FOR HEALTH 993 EXHIBIT BUILDING, MEDFORD "3ntructor of IfHano. "tlst 3tttt!)o& StuMo at Mlc. 5lorlb Orat Strt tiriind exeursion t-i City of Mexico. I.envis Medford on the lith of Ueeem ner, I'.m, on the Overland, fil-.l.-i for tho round trip, Rood for 00 ilnys. For further information, writo lo l-:m it l'eil, Ashland, Or. tf XOTIt'K. Is hereby given tint the undersigned will apply at the regular meeting of tho city council of Medfnrd, Oregon, on Oe .'einher 1. l!ftS, for license to sell malt, villous and spiritous liquors in less iuan-' tities than one gallon, for six months, at lot II, Mock 'JO, in Medford, Oregon, for a period of six mouths. '.'17 O, M. SKI.SI1V. Iiated November IS. NOTICE Is hereby givon that the undersigned w ill apply nt tho regular mooting of the i-itv councn of Medford. Oregon, on IV .ember 1, U'OS, for license to sell malt, vinous nnd spiritous liquors in less quan tities than ono gallon, for six months, nt lets 10 nnd II, block -to, K street, be tween Seventh and Kigllth, in Medford, Oregon, for n ot six months. AliAMS HliOS., '.'IT Hotel Moore Bar. Pated November IS. I , Stata Depositary. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $116,000.00 Good Business Standing To i!Bi:il)lili a tfooil businc.'ja Htatnliit is tlio do.siro ot' every niereluiiit inul niumifiu-liircr. Jn no better vtiy can this bo il 0110 than by having Htrong baiiluiifr t-oniicctions. Having an in stitution like the .laekson County Hank t'ur yonr -lepoBitury atbls Jinancial strength. Aeeotints, subject to check, invited. Sufo deposit Luxes to rent, $4 wr year and up. W. I. VAWTJ5R, Preaideut G. R. LINDLEYf Caahier MEDFORD SASH & DOOR COMPANY' PHONE 2291. Window Frames, Oak Veneered Doors, with 13ovcl Plate, curried iu stock cheap. Office Fixtures and ull kinds of Planing Mill Work, iucluding Turned Work and Kancv Grills. P STKEET, BETWEEN SIXTIIAND S EVEXTII STREETS. J. E. KXl-Al:T,rrnid cut. J. A. l'EKBY, Vice-President. JOLl.X a. OUTIl, t'ashier. W. B. JACKSON, Ass t Csshier. The Medford National Bank MEDFOBD, 01, CAPITAL $50,000 SUKPLUS 10,000 Sn fcty Boxes to Rent. A General Bunking Business Transaeted. We Solicit Your Patronage A THOEODOHBKED a man always looks like when he has had his garments fitted and made in the exquisite style that is always given them by Kreuzer. If you don't look like a man of fashion and taste it is because your tailor is at fault, nnd you can always be sure of nppenring like one if your suit or overcoat is made bv COPHHT.A.PCCf J. A. KREUZER & CO. IMPORTER? AND TAILOR a PALM BUtLDINO, MEDFORD, ORE "MelNimb Si True, hendmmrteni for poultry aupi'litii. " Thou 30lW. j I i in i Watches, Clocks, Jewelry HEPAIRINO A SPECIALTY. "Not how much I can do, but how well I can do it," is my mottr. B. N. BUTLER With Martin J. Redily, Central ave., north! of Jackson County Bank. j More Light for Less Money Sixty-three per cent of electric current saved by using TUNGSTEN LAMPS. 32 Caudle Power Edison Lamp uses 110 Watts per hour and would use iu 1000 Ins. 110 Kilowatts which at 10 cts. a Kilowatt Si i 32 Candle Tower Tungsten Lamp uses 40 Watts perhour nnd would use in 1000 hours 40 Kilowatts which at 10c a Kilo watt 4 Net Saving in 1000 hours in favor of the Tungsten Lamp 5 7 Rogue River Electric Co. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. Office. 20(5 "West Seventh Street. Phone No. 353. Opposite the Bff Electric Sign. TIlllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllJlllllllllllllllllllllllllliTi f.