M EDFORP DAILY! TRIBUTE, MEDFOKD,. OR KdOX, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20. 1008. Social and Personal f. Judge f, R. Neil wui in Medford Thursday oil business. Editor Pattibon of the Central Point Jlurold wan u visitor in Medford Thurs day. f,Vt B. Hostel of Central Point wit a wont Medfod visitor. X J. Howard of Kerby, Or., is visit ing with his parent, Mr. and Mrs. ,1. 8. Howard of this city. Dr. E. H, Pickel will leave Friday eve ning for Portlund to join his wifo who left recently for that city. tYnte for t lie most popular baby. Rnl Jotn at King ft Long's. Mm. E. Hesorodt of Chicago is visit ing relativi'H in the city. Mr. and Mm. J. W. Weott of Big Butte were recent Medford visitors. I. h, Hamilton has disponed of his rniidence lota on North Hart let t street. Mn. C. J Buck paid AhIiIhihI a visit recently. Trv a package of Grant 's hygenic crackers. Allen & Reagan. ;Mr. and Mrs. J. ( Iudge (if Ashland wore recent Medfordvis itors. Mr. and Mrs. C. Jl. Hem roth have returned from a visit to enHtern points. Jul; niton 's BeHt Flour, $l.'.. . Me f,3inb & True. Mm. Lulu Perrr has returned from Portland. She is much Improved hoatth. The (lit" 1 1 ii a. 1 red club of the Hnptist ch'unh will hold their regular social guthiTiug Kriilay evening. C rant s hy gen ic crackers. Allen A b'Mignn. AM rt Owens, who was recentlv nr- resiei) in Wtiner for nun support of his fiinuly. was on Thunulny bound over tir the circuit court by Justice Canon. Bail was fixed at f.'ioo, which was fur Dished. (J rant's hygenic cracks are best. Al len, Keagau. -William B. Stone of Salem is in Med ford on business. Wilson J.flitiitoit of Bcugle was trans acting business with Medford merchants Friday. '? McCnmb A- True, located nt Pago & HoU'h warehouse, opposite R. R. Co. walor tank." Jack Hemingway of Sterling is spend injj a few days in Medford. Mcf'omb & Trno for prices on ."00 HMnd lots of flour and potatoes." Two carloads of choice apples were shipped this week over the P, & K. from the Bradshnw orchard near Eagle Point, i his orchard is one of the best producers in the valley, and regularly sends forth n large crop. Neither front nor drouth affect it and it is always dependable. Its owner can figure on returns as regit la riv as ir tliev were gold bonds only the rale of interest is 'fpr higher. Lee Willard and company are quar tered nt the Nash. Mrs. Mamie Imx left for Oakland. Cal.j Wednesday, to reeeivo medical attention, Hl BLUE LEDGE ITEMS. The Biggest and the Best Net For Getting Results. Good EveningI Have You Used "CHIG?" ' for sale only by Medford Pharmacy i Near Postoffice (Observer.) E. L. Juues. manager of thv Cupper King group of claim returned from un ex t ended visit Friday. Merchant F. A. Kibbles Ik suffering from a severe bruise sustained upon the evening of the fin it Eileen, but in improving rapidly, j Mitts Nina Wall is visiting her broth ers and may decide to spi-nd the winter , camp. Merchant Frank Edwards of Button was among his many friends here Mrni day. j Mrs. E. C. Faucett and friend, Mrs. Chirk of Medford, lire uuests of Mrs.' F. W. Citrnahan this week. Mrs. Clink thinks of spending a few weeks hen ' before returning to her home in Chi cago, tuite a number of men are employed upon the Cook & (trecn properties mid upon the claims recent ly acquired by II. Palmer. An additional hift has i en tint on in the mines and upon the diamond drill, making the umi.-i three eight hour shifts. John Byrne of Wat kins was in camp Thursday upon business. A. II. Miller.fi secretary of the Med ford Commercial club, and the Southern I'ucifie photographer were out looking over the Blue Ledge country Monday. Mrs. Ca ma ha n entertained Monday evening in honor of Mrs. E. C. Faucet t and her friend. Mrs. Chirk of ('him go. With tin threatened coming of bad weather we begin to think of the eon lition of the public roads from the Oil ifornia line to Jacksonville. The Blue So far na business goes, the lor a -edge company keeps in good repair j newspaper Is the biggest mid best net the rond from the mim to the Califor for getting rusultH. It circulates around nia Oregon line, but from that point to Jacksonville the roads have been the past three winter wason almost impassable. It was said that the for finer county officials were not in favor of improving this particular road, but that the ones selected last spring might proliiildy -give this district and the Ap plegate country a more liberal cousid eratjon. We are obid that the itcooh of the Rogue River valley have taken up the good roads oiiestiou, mid hope they may remember us one of these lays. The Blue Ledge company lui In itlnintf flsti to Ket res-jlts You imvu to titkt the net results. In tml:o .-s. too. X-i get r.sdia You ll-jr on the net results. Netting tlsli mnl netting profits sug gest each other, lu eucU case yuti must put out a uet that moves aruuiul and gat hern up the results. town nud In the country also. Aro you advertising? ADVERTISED LETTS?- LIST. The following letters r;:n.;'ii uncalled - ii i in- ioniiri i nt- i .in u.oru, ir., , Nov. IN I'MIX; Olhe Bell, Matison Brown, Mrs. Jes sie Blakeley, Rny . Bone, Albert Bai ley, S. S. Bruce, Mrs. Fred Davis, John It. Dungaii, Frederick Over, I). J. Feen, spent more than fcMUNH) m the rond-j W. P. Harvey, F. L. ilowlnnd, C. E. in this district ami have them in good Hoffman, Ji-sso Jefferson, Lon Jones, condition but when we come to the . A. McCulloeh Medford Mercantile northern end of the company's roadr j Co., Alex M iller, Vlias. Mitchell, Isaac and drive over into Jackson county we, Moore, TIiom. Pankey, (. W. Rawlings find the roads in very bad coudit ion. j anad family, (ieorge Robinson, K. J. esperially during the winter fionths. j Ruche, (nvnr Severnon. Madamoiselle It is ft fact, as one of the (list eiti (Josephine Siguin, W. H. Stephenson, II. zens of Medford said a few days wince. I K. Trudle, B. C. Wood, Sadie Voting that the Blue Ledge mine has spurn I Edna Wright. ' more money in Jacksonville and Med Parties calling for nny of the above ford the past, three years than perhaps letters will plensn snv "advertised. " any other three enterprises. The pay- j A charge of one cent will be made upon rolls have run as high as n.tioo per the delivery of any of tho ubovo let month and merchants in the valley have tors A. M. WOODFORD, P. M. been paid more than a ijuarter of n mil lion direct besides lnrge sums paid fanners, fruit growers and the general public. CoutrtliutioiiH him1 been given for improvements to induce various en tcrpriHcs to come to the valley, and ill to good advantage, no doubt, while here is an enterprise that may mean more.. In the people of the valley than any thren of thn best of them till and which has had verv lit lie considera tion upon a most important subject--- that of roads over which to t raiisiiort supplies, machinery and operating ma terials. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. John Walters to J. W. Odgers, land in section S, township Xt, range 2 K 1 T. O, Williams to William Dennis, laud in township .11, range 4 W 2000 Fine Clothing' Latest Designs and Styles Nobby patterns in finest materials at moderate prices tn mala' bis fortune. ' -the Clothing that helps to make the mau ajid helps TfM",. 1908 W f , -ffl ffilGItT 1908 BT SCtlLOSS BROS A CO FINE CLOTHES MKERSr- Garments that Wear Our Clothing stands the test of time and service. ' It is serviceable, it is stylish, it is worth while. It is real value. There is no shoddv here. Fall and Winter Suits Quality and workmanship unexeeled; full serge lining; hand padded shoulders; coat fronts that will ;iot break. Our stock is new, of latest design, of finest materials. We invite a comparison of woolens and prices. Then we know you will buy. Once a customer, always a customer. We make a specialtv of high-grade .Suits at $20.00, $25.00 and $30.00. Overcoats and Cravenettes Black unfinished worsted Overcoats, cravenctted, mak ing them not only warm, but rainproof; full silk lined; heavy satin sleeve lining; sold bv others for .fLT).()l); our price $20.00 Black unfinished worsted Overcoat; full silk lined; heavy satin sleeve lining; extra fine value; sold bv others at ifcM.OO; our price .'$25.00 Unfinished worsted Cravenctte Overcoat; extra fine workmanship; one-third silk lined; heavy satin sleeve lin ing; great value; others sell for $:5.(l(); our price . .$27.50 Classified Advertisements If you have lost or found iiny thing, need work, or have something to sell, it doesn't matter what you want is, try a Want Ad in Tho Tribune. One Cent a Word No ilngle Inser tions leas than 16 cents. 8lx Insertion,, ror tne price of four. Seventy. five cents a lino per Month. FOR SXE. I'OK SA1.H 4110 acn'8, mostly bottom luml, nil under FihIi luko ditch; two mill's from milroml tnution; $40 per acre; splendid bargain; finest Spit rj-nbiirif land in I lie valley. Address A. II., care of Tribune office. 213 Night Robes and Pajamas We are showing the greatest line of Nil.t mbes an,! Pajamas ever displav- ed m .Medford. What would be better fnr.vou n one f Ihesecool nights than I n? ,'''"l'l''. "'arm. and roomy night robe, , pair of nice pajamas? 'I ! i I'ornel Flannel l?obes, cut full, long and liberal. S5 to $1.25. Fine Muslin Xightrohes, 75 to $2.00 Fine imported Pajamas, $2.25. Fxtra good Deiinuet Flannel Pajamas $ 1.75. Other Pajamas, $1.50 ),, $1.50 ? ;AVh',' S0 ,,an -'' s" """'I' ir.,rl for vour monev as vou can in a winter nigbtrobe investment? I k in the west window and see tl.e mam- ! ulvl.iu ..I : K '$300 " vTlOTHING CS HATS ' -J ' " ' i , , , . , W (Ivjf)) it WHAT WE SAY WE DO, ' - 2 (LA we 1)0 J0- : vfTHE FASHION SHOPy Read, reason, reflect, then .v "Every man is -odd," lint Jfcilford's Fashion 8 In it T W'c lead others follow for Mm. (&A7 lSljl xr! our lend. JD MEDFORD g OREGONf -1 Liimi , 1 ; I l''OK SA1.I' nnd harness fc. . Smith, Central Point. Horses will be at Nash stubles Saturday 10 -Five-year-old team, waron will sell all or any part KOK S.l.K--fm aVre, liounxe a-id garni imiirovcments: inside city limits; price I20H; one half cash. 40 acres 13 miles ont. Five, acres in orchard, fair im provements. $J",0 buys fino large building lot. G. W. Stono, over Bijou Theater. 213 FOR SALE 320 aero much, $l2,0'on. firBt class improvements, well, family orchard, etc. This is a bargain. Sec h. E. W., Tribune office. tl' DICTrONARY FOR SALE A copy of the latest edition of Webster's inter national Dictionary, unabridged, in dexed and entirely new; a bargain. Call on or address Geo. T. Faucett at Wells, Fariro & Co.'s express office 200 FOR SALK Fivo nnd ten acre tracts within and adjoining city limits, nt a bargain on long time. Address P. O. Box 418, Medford, Or. 218 TO TRADE Light single covered bug gy for two seated rig. L. E. W., Tri bune office. tf WANTED. FOR SALE A house and lot in Cen tral Point, one block frcm Main street, house 24 feot square, 4 rooms, lot ftTx 140; price $1500. Inquire of Mrs. I. M. Eoicrson, Central Point, Or. 210 FOR SALE a good small businoa on Sevouth street. Reasons for celling. Address. P. O. box 513 or call at this office. tf WANTED A horeo, about 8 years old. weight not less than 1200 pounds, 8ouud and gentle; will work or drive single and double Address Tribune, Medford. 211 FOR RENT Furnished room for gen tlenian; also day board. Mrs. Stone. No. Ill North (j street. 214 FOR RENT House for rent, furniture tor sale. Address P. O. Box S04, Med ford. . 213 FOl'ND Ladies' buckskin glove on H street. Inquire Tribune office. 212 TO KXl'HANdE $15,000 first mort gage 20 yenr gilt edgetl bonds, paying i per cent, for r;iuch, orchard or land in Rogue River valley. W. M. French, Medford. Or. 215 jjiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini,) ...Midwinter Clearance Sale... 1 In order to make room for the arrival of S our Spring goods, we are making a sweep- 5 ing reduction of 2.3 per cent, on entire stock ITats, trimmed and untriiunied, including ribbons, feathers, flowers and all trimmings.' I MRS. W. I. BROWN I WEST SIDE MILLINER. 1 luiiiiiiHiniiiitniiHiiiiiiiniHiinniiin 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111! When You Are Hunting for the best tailoring establishment, you will not burn your money if you patronize us. Tho time is now hen whon you should think about your fall suit. Wo aro anxious that you shout! see our display of fall fabrics. Make your selections now. We will fill your nnlor with pleasure. Steaem cleaning. Preach dry uhuu ing and pressing neatly done. THE GRAND f,i , ' . ' i . Ti T. . t',:v- k-. f 5 rA? M iwis i.V 5 )tt rrrm T 0 N I O II T ' P R 0 (1 lv A M : VIVIAN nd WAYANE In audeville Sjiecialtics. Motion 1,-tures "Thirteen at the Table."" Burglar and the Ha by." "Music Forward." Illustrated Song" I Wonder I f Vou Miss Me," I.. . .siuig bv Miss dolmson. W. W. EIFERT CITY TAILOR MEDEORD OIVINO THANKS FOR FAVORS RECEIVED Everyone should do on Thanksgiving day, anc' you will certainly thank us for placing our fine tableware in silver nnd cut glass at such prices as will -n able you to make your table a thing t-f beauty for your Thanksgiving din iier. Wc are offering handsome can-, detubra, fine dishes, silverware and , cut glass at prices that yiq will giv thanks for. , ,. , MARTIN J. REDDY Tho Jeweler. Near tho Postoffice. . SALEM BEER SALEM, is the most popular beer in Northern California nnd Southern Oregon. It is acknowl edged to bo the equal of the very best eastern product. All beers are good, but some beers are liked better than others. The proof for this as sertion lies in drinking Salem beer. If you wish to be convinced, ask for Salem beer and drink it. SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION Medford Depot: Medford lee & Storage Co.