MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREfiOy, THURSDAY, NPVEMBKR 19, 1908. I Local Man Too Much for Welsh to Throw Three Times in One Hour Jack Wt-lsli of the Twin Cities was unable to got 1mt ono fall Wednesday evening, when ho nnd W. IT. West of this city met in a seeond match. Welsh had ajrue1 to throw West three times in an hour, hut succeeded Oiily in throw ing lit in once iu 11 minutes and 47 Becouds after thu start. Tho remainder of the hour wan spent in a lively tus th which endured for 48 minutes nnd lit seconds, completing tho hour. THE VICTOR, In some ways tho match was a dis appointment, inasmuch as West wns con tinually on the defensive, in order to stay out tho hour. There was good, wnrl; done'lo cscapo a fall, but the ajj jjreiisivenew being one-sided, made the match unequal to tho first between the two. r-, The firwt fall wan secured with the crotch -chancery ami scissors around arm. ' Prolim. a Dandy. The preliminary match was a eraekei'-jju-k. Da! Adams and Hrnest Hafler, both of tins city, met and there fol lowed as pretty a bout as one could wish fur. There was somu difference in weight" in favor of Hafler, but Adams' greater experience made up for tliiti. Ilaihr took the first fall in 0 nihi lity's ;:n. !t7 seconds. Adams took the second in . minutes and 2 seconds. Owing to the lack of condition of the men, the third hout was stopped at the r-nd of h minutes, thus following ama teur rules. Tho decision, a draw, was appreciated by all. The tussle they put up was all to the candy, and it ia to be hoped that they are seen again on a local mat. Judge V.. V). Kelly rendered the de cisions and .Toff Heard gave tho boys the time. ' At Christian Church. Tho great Whiston-Longman meeting nt the Christian tabernacle continues with increased interest. Five additions last night. Two confessions. Whiston .preached a great sermon on "A New Man." The chorus did fine work. The special solos wero first-class. The en tire service was inspiring to the large audienc' present. Don't fail to hear Whiston tonight on tho subject, " A Short Lied." All h:inest doughters nre especially invited to this service. Serv ces at 7:30 :;harfp. Fine singing. Cor dial invitation. They're all coming. Marriage Licenses. Jesse It. Pi vmi ro and Marian L. .Tones SPRAT YOUR ORCHARDS NOW For Sana Joso Scalo, nnd Uso Sampson's Concentrated Lime and Sul phur Solution. Scale lives nnd works all tho year round. Don't forget this. As the old scale dies tho new is ready to carry on the destruction of our orchards. The scale is less vigorous in the fall, and more easily and surely destroyed than in any other s- asou of the year. Therefore now is the best time to at tack and kill it. If ymi spray now, many a vahmble tree wil, be saved that otherwise, because of the scale, would not retain life enough to start up in the spring. You have more time now; there is less wind to scatter and waste the spray, and make it hard to cover every part. Then, too, you cannot tell what may happen to prevent thorough spray ing in the fall. But, above all, the result of fall spraying are absolutely certain Sulphur Solution. These aro all "spray facts." Wc claim no wonderful chemical dts cm very in this spray, but we do claim most emphatically that: Sampson's lime and sulphur solution always product satisfactory results, nnd does no injury. There is no better spray manufactured than Sampson's lime nnd sulphur solution. Sampson's lime and sulphur solution is a clear, cherry-colored solution free from sediment. It is guaranteed to test 30 degrees Baume. If your deal ers cannot supply yon. write to ns. Tie sure you use Sampson s spriny. Manufactured bv GRANTS PASS CANNING CO., Grants Pass, Oregon. WES WNS FROM WELSH f ' ;v. i y-' '.f . AMUSEMENTS. At tho Savoy. Laugh! laugh! laugh! That's what everybody did who witnessed the per formance nt tliu Savoy lat uight, and they had goud reasons for laughing. Tho pictures were very amusing to say tho least. "Wanted An Artist's Model" por trays tho adventures of Mr. Fresh, who becomes infatuated with tho models in an artiBt's studio. Ho advertises for models to come to his apartments in costume. They came in great numbers. all of them girls, and finding that bis attentions aro not in tho best of taste, fall on him, pursuo him through the trects to the river, where thov throw him in. Tho incidents of the chase are very amusing. 1 ho other comedv picture, "The ('rushed Tragedian," shows tho unfor tunate actor, .). Unin, trying to appease his hunger. Ho meets with cold re ceptions, pusses through many laugh able udventures, but finally manages to appease his hunger' by a clever ruse. Tho other pictures and illustrated song were of the usual high standard set by this theater, which means nothing but tho latest and best in motion pictures. The Bamo porfominnco will be given to- J night and merits a large attendance. I At tho Bijou. Mr. nnd Mru. Charles Ellis appear tonight in tho ouo-oct comedy "The Deacon and tho Widow." Tho play is full of humorous incidents in which eight characlers are represented. The bill will again .be changed on Friday wit h a strong attract ion. High -class moving pictures ami i I lust rati d :-.i:igs ire being run. PHOT SISTER BY WHAT IS SAID TO EE A MISTAKE MILKS CITY, Mont., Nov. 1. The ileal h of Mrs. Harriet (ioodwin, who was killed by a wild bullet fired by her sister, Miss Pauline l.ane, is today the subject of nu in vest igation being conducted by I ho police nnd a coroner's jury, Mtss hanc says a man named Lucas entered t heir house last night and, after a dispute, knocked both lier xelf and her sister lo tho floor. She arose and went to her room and Lucas followed her, trying to break down the loor. She shot through tho door at 1 he intruder and hit her sister, who was Bitting in her room, in the path of the bullet. The bullet wns found in the dead woman's breast at the autopsy. ifiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiintiiiiiiiimiimmiii You can I find it at j Hussey's.j ; Cash Store TsiiiiiaiiiiiiiTfiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiutiEiaiinf MEDFORD THEATRE One Night Only Friday, November 20(li, The Celebrated Aetnr MI?. LEE WILLA1U) and a splendid company in SOL SMITH RUSSEL'S great comedy, A Poor Relation Note the prices 2'h; 50c, . 75e and Seats on sale Thursday a. m. (lit a taste uf the ildit;litfully inil'l plimnti- known only tn Southern Cnlifurnin. Tltnrr ynn will fit: 1 an aliiuiiliuici' of tiiinhino. Iirifht lilno ultioa, n rlinr, bracing nttnoilii'ro, rntiijoMilll nFoi-i:'tions ami invic-iratin healthful recreations too numerous to mention. i' sorts are tli re, some with worldwide reputations as Ms Angeles, Paso ItoMes, Hot Springs, Long Ileach, Santa Ilailiaru, Hotel del Monte, Hnnta Cm, San llido. Santa Monica, Venice, and commodious, delightful slopping places of lesser renown. All maintaining tho Culifornin standard for hospitality, nnd faultless neeomniodntions. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY Will be jlad t" sui'ply sonn vry at tractive literature, dem riliinjf in detail th many delight whitt-r in f ilif itmi:i. V-rv luw mtf round trip i-xi mm tn to-lcts are on sale to California. The rate from Portland to Los Angeles and return $55. Limit, month-. ali-'Wini: -t nv. th in either direction. Similar cjtrurvi.tri rates nre in ef fi',-t t- ''iltf'in.iii ..nit. K"r foil in ft rmati'.n, si.. -pint: car r-erv;itinn ami tickets, rait on telegraph or write; cither A. & Bof-cnbauin, Agent, Medford, or Wm. McMurray, Gen. Pans. Agt, Portland, Oo. APPLE MARKET TAKES SLUMP Portland Dealer Gives as Reason the Heavy Arrival From all Parts of State 'The expected slump iu tho npplo market has come," says ono of the leading Portland fruit dealers in the Telegram. "Some time ago wo predict ed that in the event shippers continued tho dumping process the market would go to the bad, and that is what has, come to pass. Today there is practi- ally nothing on the street for which an offer of $1."0 a box would bo refused, iiiid there are thousands of boxes which the holders would bo glad to movo at prices a good denl lower than that. "For the past two weeks it has seem d as if the apple growers of this state and of Washington as well have been bent on wrecking tho market, and they have themselves to thank for tho situa tion that has been brought about. They; havo been notified that this market was loaded up nearly lo capacity, nnd yet they have smt the fruit in by hundreds of boxes and carload, until now there1 is haidty a house on the street that has! any wan-house space left. "As usual at this time of the year, j small si.e fruit, apples that might al-: most be considered culls, form a large i part of the daily receipts. Probably half I ho apples now coming run from 1-i to Jinl to the box, the better grades having been to n considerable extent seat to other markets, lint the supply of htgh grade fruit also for the time is far in excess of the demand. "A bad feature of the' situation is the fact that apple growers in the valley and iu Washington are sending in a number of the late winter sorts, varie ties that now are not fit for the market, and will not be for a month or two. If lite growers could bo induced to store and hold I hese themselves until they are iu condition for the market it would he better for all concerned." Exact figures on the size of current receipts, are' not obtainable, but it is estininted that more than 100 boxes are comb mi daily, while some days more than t wice I hat amount are received. W. W. CITY TAILOR Up Here In The Northwest (here's no need for shipping in carloads of cereal cof fee, Made from our own good wheat, made in a clean, successful right-at-home factory, is Golden Grain Granules a strictly northwest product with absolute merit. For years people of Washington, Idaho and Oregon have boon using it instead of coffee, and it stands without a peer for a high n i your grocer tor a box and ages are larger than ordinary cereal eoi lees and cost only 25c. All grocery Several carloads of Koutheru Oregrn ap ples have figured in recent arrivals. Of these there was ono straight car of good grade Nort hern Spies and t hese were offered today at $1 to $t.2. a box. Other sorts of fair quality were quoted at about the samo figures, and fancy Hpitzenburgs and Winter Uauanas wero about tho only sorts that hold at prices above those named. WOMEN INVADE ALL ALL FIELDS OF OCCUPATION SALKM, Or., Nov. 19. According to statistics compiled by Labor Commis sioner lloff, there nre about 113,000 women in the stuto who earn a living from toil in different capacities, Among the characters of labor mentioned are: Makers, 35; bank employes, 15; black smiths, Ij carpenters, 5; clergymen, 4"; .tiitrfiotiti-fl 1; nine. rirliiim. 3 entrineeri. and surveyors, 4; farm laborers, 1(15; hunters, trappers and guides, 2; law yer, 10; luHiberwomen, 5; painters, J; plumbers, 3; sailors, 'J; teamsters, (t; woodcutters, 3. CHINESE ARRESTED FOR , DEALING IN YOUNG GIRLS SAN FRANCISCO, C'al., Nov. 10. L. '.v Shaie Lew, a Chinese merchant, i a the city prison today on Chin You, a d'-ninutive Chinese girl, is in tho ens l.dy of the Presbyterian Chineso mis s'on as a result of evidenco brought out yesterday afternoon tending to show It-tit the Chineso had brought tho girt ii to the country for immoral purposes. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Klmira V.. Mathews to Lewis M. Sanders, lots 13 and 11. Math ews addition to Ashland $ liOi; Mary II. Lowell to M. A. Itonhnm, land in section 10, township :;, range 4 W 000 Owen Duuiap to Caroline W. An derson, !otn 3, (t. and block 1, Phoenix ('eorge K. Kpps to L. 1. Fry, lots 3 ami 4, block lo, Phoe nix 00 401 Orlienn McCall to Find Spiritual Society, S. O. properly in Mc Call addition to Ashland 2S0O .lames 11. Patrick to W. H. Kstop, porew of nttornoy M. li. Pratt to Margaret A. Wal ker, lots 30 nnd 31, block ,T, Railroad addition to Anhhnid . H II. F. Pohland to Henry K Mitch ell, proporty in block K, Rail road addition to Ashland A. P. Estabrook to Joseph T. Peters, lots 3 and 4, and S Uj of S W Vi section 30, town ship 33, range 3 W Tinted States to Samuel H. Ston or,, 100 acres in section lli, fitl'l 100O township 3S, range 2 1 .patent When You Are Hunting for tho best tailoring establishment, you will not bum your monoy if you patronize us. Tho timo is now here when yon should. think about your fall suit. We aro anxious that you should see our display of fall fabrics. Make your selections now. Wo wilt fill your order with pleasure Steaem cleaning. Frenrh dry clean ing and pressing neatly dono. EIFERT MEDFORD - grade cereal cotree. Ask i i i nn 1 give it one trial, xnc pacit- sell it. Make arrangements to visit California this Winter :: :: :: City Business Directory SAVOY THEATER North d'Anjou Street. Latest motion pictures and illus trated songs. Entire change of program Monday, Wodnosday and Friday. Admission 10 conts. BIJOU THEATER, W. 7TH 8T. Continuous performance every ovening of motion pictures nnd il lustrated ballads. Kntiro change of program Mouday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 centa. WM. H. AITKEN Flumblng, Steam and Hot Water Hoating. Phone 88. 810 W. Seventh St., Medford, Or. EDEN VALLEY NURSERY N. S, Hounntt, Medford, Or. Grow troos tliut Boll, Brll troths that grow mind fruit true tti Inbid Let tliu MISSION FURNITURE WORKS make that piece of furniture. Any design, any color, any finish dull, waxed or polished. Shop ou cor. of Stlt nnd II Btreots. THE EMERICK CAFE The best reRtaurant in Southern Oregon. W. Y, Johnson Prop. VERNE T. CANON Billposter and distributor. All ordors prumptly filled. Knom 7 .Inrksnn Co. Bank Bldg. . Modford, Or. O. F. COOK Sells trees tlint grow. Offico: B. R. V. Depot. P. O. Box 841. Phono 503. Medford, Or. MRS. ED. ANDREWS Volco Culturo and Art of Singing Studio nt Hesiileneo. East Mod forfl. Phono 225 S. B. SEELY, M. D. Physicinn nnd Surgeon Modorn equipped operating rooms X-Ray. Office hours: 10-12, 2-4 p. m. Offico in ,1 ark son Co. Bit. bldg t iimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiMHi Good Evening! Have You Used "CfflC?" for sale only by Medford Pharmacy Near Postoffice ABTHUB H. DAVIS Contracting Hlectrioal BngiuMt. 210 W. Seventh St., Medford, Or. AKLO PBNWBIX . The Plumber. I 1 solicit share of your buiiueee, pledging satisfaction. ' THE ELEOTBIO AND FBBHOH DRY CLEANING AMD FKBM INO WORKI W. E. Lane ft Son, Props. Opposite Hotel Moore, 1 . . Modford Oregon WASOHAU ft BROWN" , wish to announce to their patcoas that they are located in their new quarters in the Young ft Hall building. Billiards, Cigars and Tobaeeos. M. ft B. CANDY XJTOHXN, We make all our owa candjes. Mnrtin and Barrow, Props. Corner Seventh and C Streets, Medford, Oregon. DR. FBAKK BOBBRT8 -Dentist Office hours t'i to 18, to 4. Miles Buildtng, Seventh street, Medford, Oregon. THB MIBSION OBILL -Alwnys open tor business; Neat and clean. ' Up-to-dnte. Popular prices.- i f -18 So. C St. Lambert ft Brewn THB R. R. V. LUNCH MOM Finest cup of eoffea eh the Pacific Coast. - ' U. II. Lorimor Prop. For good bargains . In "Watches and Jewolry, Pistols, Musical In Btrumonts, go to '. ' " THE MEDFORD LOAN OFFICE C Street.' MEDFORD FURNJTUBH 00. Undertakers'' Day Phone '85S - ' ' Night Phones C. W. Canklin M J. II. Butler 148 RUBBERROID ROOMING is in nsn on nioro buildings all over the world thnn nny oilier roofing nindo. It is thd wotld' stimdard of roof ing' (iiii1iiy nnd lias always given' entire satisfaction wliero otlior roofings failed. Por sale by " ' . ; : Crater Lake Lurn to COfVHOM 4 W. M. Colvig. . . O, L. Be antes. OOLVIO ft REAMES Lawyers, Office:Medford Bank Bldg. . Qround floor. Cook 8tovea and ranges. Phone 01 HOBDOKFF ft WOLF New and Second-Hand Furniture Bads' old stand, 18 20 F St. South Medford, Or. . KARHE8 ROOMING HOTJSB Newly built and newly furnished ; All modern eonTenienees. D. O. Karnes, Prop. SO 8. O St., Medford, Or. FISH MARKET Fresh 'fish rcceirod daily. Oys ters in' season. Cor. Serrnth nnd E Sts, Medford MEDFORD TEA AND COFFEE HOUSE Specialists in Teas, Cof fees, Extracts, Baking Powder and Spices. We carry all kinds of dinner ware and- fancy dishes. 818 W. Seventh St. Medford, Or. THB HOTEL EMERICK Rooms from 50 cents to $1.50 por day. All modern conveniences. We sulicit your patronngo. , JACK FREDENBURO 1 ' i Scavenger. Garbage hauled. Medford. Livery and Feed. Phone 8431 , WEST SIDE STABLES Chas. E. Tull, Proprietor. First-class Turnouts. Medford . Oregon DR. OOBLE The only exclusive Optician bo .tween Portland and Sacramento. I Office on Seventh Streot. 'When others fall, call' on DB. B. J. BONNER i ' Eye Specialist .' Office In Eagle Pharmacy Main 833. Soventh nnd Main OIVlNa THANKS FOB FAVORS RECEIVED Everyone aliotiM do on Tlmnksivin daj, aoi? you will certainly thunk us for placing our fine tabloware In silver and eut gmnn at audi prices as will on able you to make your tablo a thing of beauty for your Thanksgiving din ner. We are offering handsome can delabra, fine dishes, silverware and rut glass at prices that ylu will give thanks for. HAHTW J. REDM Th Jeweler. Hoar the Postoffice.