Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, November 19, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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Medford Daily Tribune
A Live Paper" in a Live Town.
Published every evening except Sunday.
George Putnam, Editor and Manager.. ,
Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postoff ice at
Medford, Oregon.
One month, by mail or carrier. . . .0.B0 Oat year, by mail 5.00
A strong effort is being made in New York to elect
Elihu Root, present secretary of stac, to the senate. As
this august body is now constituted principally of corpo
ration followers and trust appointees, Mr. Root would be
in his own class.
Elihu Root began his legal career defending Boss
Tweed, who was the pioneer of great municipal grafters,
robbing cities in a manner commensurate with their wealth,
lie narrowly escaped imprisonment for contempt of court
during the trial. The shrewdness then displayed secured
him a large clientele, and he graduated into a corporation
lawyer, confidential advisor of grafting captains of in
dustry, and attorney to every large trust.
E. JT. Jlarriman wrote to Kidney JL Webster as fol
lows: "Ryan's success in all his manipulations, traction
deals, tobacco combination, manipulation of the State
Trust company into the Morton Trust company, the Shoe
and Leather hank into the Western National bank and
then again into the Bank of Commerce thus covering up
his tracks has been done by the adroit mind of Elihu
The late William C. Whitney said : "I have had many
lawyers who told mo what, we could not do and what the
law forbade. Elihu Root is the iirst lawyer I ever had
who could always tell me how to do legally what we want
ed to do."
Root, after resigning as secretary of war, appeared as
counsel for the Consolidated Telephone and Electrical
Subway company, counsel to the Shipbuilding syndicate,
managed by Thomas F. Ryan; attorney for J. J. Hill and
J. P. Morgan in Northern Securities case; attorney in
Daniel J. Sully bankruptcy case; lobbyist at New York
legislature m behalf of connecting railway franchise bill;
attorney for Consolidated Gas and Metropolitan Railway
company in fight against special tax franchise law; attor
ney for Equitable Life, where as counsel for James Hazen
Jiyde, he was paid $1000 a day to keep Hyde from being
ousted. After aiding Ryan to acquire the Equitable Life,
the National Bank of Commerce, the Mercantile and
Equitable Trust companies, Root returned to the cabinet
as secretary of state July J, I!J0.".
Would a man with a record like Elihu Root represent
the people or the trusts in the senate I His education,
training and career are against the public interests, lie
has spent his life serving predatory interests that prey
upon the public.
Not Root, but Roosevelt, should represent the people
of New York in the senate for Roosevelt by personality
and by temperament is better fitted for the senate than
for the presidency. With men like Roosevelt and Bryan
in the senate, that body would recover some of the pres
tige it has lost in recent years as the servant of corporate
man, Rockefeller's banker and financial agent, and con
ducted by Stillman's sons.
Whether or not Roosevelt knew who the real owner
of Outlook was when he accepted the offer is not known.
It is not likelv he will follow Standard Oil dictation as
to policy, but write independently and only be responsible
for signed articles so that one part of the magazine may
be full of trust-baiting conducted by Teddy, and the other
half of trust defense, by John 1)., who has recent ly devel
uDcd litem rv iisnirntions.
rin... c.j i ...i am i i ,.. ii.. . ...i: ji xi.. bind reopen hi brokerage biuiuean. u I
Aiie niaiidum wu crown lias eviuenuy capuaiizeu me llllh.tillK u $MUU salary for himself,
ooriularitv that the president rained fi'ditiiiL- the octomisliwr promises to pay his creditor !
, ' , , , . ., 1 1,,-ilf of his earnings until sneli time as
in m-i-iiie it jiii'n riri'iiiiii inn lol one 01 us orj;iii, iin
ut ranee into a class it otherwise would not reach, and a
hance to be heard in its own defense at the same time it
is attacked.
I.US AXUKIiUS, Cal., Nov. lit- t'ri'l
ors of Fred Dorr, the bankrupt brol;
. 1 ml it v dor'nlid to hold a moetiliK
I November i!5 for a consideration of ,u
s heme to form a partnership with their
.libtor. Ilorr recently proposed that Ins
i re.litors form a company Blind, nr
i-eptinu n ccirtniu percentage of their
claims in cash, dismiss the bankruptcy
proceedings now pending uyninat him
Then ho will resume his seats on the' j
.Vow York and Chicago stork exchalim
ill their claims are paid, when tho com
punv will bo dissolved.
lp houinl tO dlBfluHO BOIUU it i rill of which
you nr especially fund. Order it ami
you will be louder of it thiut ever.
Whether you drop in this runt iui runt
for break fust, lunch, dinner or supper,
we jjuiiruntct' you food thut will make
you eaycr for meal time to como again
so you can repeat tho pleasure of eating
M. (). Lownsdale, who has energetically striven to in
luee Willamette valley orchardists to spray and care for
'heir orchards by setting them a practical example in re
juvenating an old orchard, has been rewarded by a crop
if ."0,000 boxes of first-class apples this year all of which
night to convince the mossbacks when talk doesn't.
The Southern Pacific is preparing for increased busi-
icss. Fifty Pullmans to cost $1,000,000 and L'L'O new pas
senger coaches to cost another .1,000,000 have been ordered
for use on lines in Oregon. When the new equipment
oines, the proposed fast train between San Francisco and
Cortland, cutting down the schedule to 27 hours, will be
ut; on.
I What Papers Say :
Tho rains have come, and ho has (ho mud but not tho
pa von ioi it or only a little of it.
Two years ago next January, the present city admin
istration was elected upon tho promise of paving Seventh
street. After a year and a half s unnecessary delay, the
eontiact was lot in midsummer. Jt is now nearly Thanks
givingthe weather has been unusually favorable and
yet the present city administration is likely to go out of
office and streets still unpaved.
ibit the program of procrastination does not slop with
the paving, street signs and house numbering was or
dered last December by tho council, but after a year'
delay, houses are still unnumbered and streets untaxed.
A year ago in October, Aledford s postal receipts pass
ed the 10,000 mark required by the postoffice depart
ment ocLore tree delivery will be granted. The citv v
notified that if houses were numbered, street signs placed
auu suieuaiKs laiu, live delivery would be granted at once.
Ui tlinancos to tin's effect were passed by the council, but
no aiieiupt to entoree them followed. As a result Aledford
has Jost the advantage of free delivery for a year and
the difficulty of finding addresses or even streets has
resulted in serious inconvenience to every business man
and most residents, besides adding to the provincial ap
pearance of the town.
rn i . .
jiio present council Has loss than two months' term of
otice left. The least that, it can do to redeem itself in those
two months is to force house numbering anad street sins,
s: that newcomers may know where "thev are at."
(The Sacramento Ileo.)
Tim pistol which IiimI Francis J. Jle
icy In w it wakened the dormant emi
licence nf Sun Francisco; revived an
ipatln'tie public W'litimont ; restored the
nihlic heart to a rhythmic beat more
a touch witli public honor, and caused
i whole stale to shudder as it flaw whith
r it wan ilrifii.ig, uh it glanced over
ho ireciiice of public corruption and
ulilic dihhoiior on which it was tttaud-
The Ktidileti spasm has done good; it
vill ilo l'ooiI. It. Iiiih ilniimnl the eiti-
HMirv of Sun Fi'iuicihco out of the
luuli of npatliy into which they had
alien ; Iuih planted tlietn fairly ami
quarely on the Hilid rouiul of a prens
ii public iluty.
I tn t it cannot last in its present vol
jinic Kfne. it will blow itwelf out lie- i
ore loh, and the citizens will return
0 their llHllfil iiietnde.
Hut if I he lenHoiiH t hat have been
earned sink deep into tint public heart
1 ud I he public conscience, t he bullet
vliich struck Heney will yet. prove, to
e a public benefuctor; although no
licit startling object lesson should luive
ieeii necessary to have arrayed the pen
tie of Cnliforuia Kolidly on the siile
f public honor mid public decency and
it'll i nst. public corrupt ion and public
riio Uovival at Christian Tabernacle.
The (rreat mefl'nijr Htill v;oes on at tho
'It I'int in ii tiibiruacle. It. is increasing
a moment inn ami power. Whistou is at
lis best and will continue no long as
lie meeting lasts. Ilo preached n great
lernioii last niht. Whistou knows how
o preach. The chorus work was splen
lid. A la rye number of singers were
in-sent nnd did fine work. Kvery serv
ee is inspiring, uplifting, ('nine to these
ervices. They're all coming.
Now Cases.
'. L Livcngond vs. Mary
;ood; suit for divorce. (Ins
Ooruey for plaintiff.
K. Liven
New bur v,
Prepaid Railroad Onlors.
' Somothing which is of conjidorabtc
eterost to tho public generally ami
- Inch is perhaps not generally knawo
tho system of prepaid ordors now. in
Ifect between stations of the Southern
I'acific company and all points in the
'.'nlted States. Hy means of xhia system
tekcts mnv bo purchased at Medford
"rom any place in the United States and
nailed or telegraphed direct to t ho
tarty wishing to come hero. Sleeper ,
ii'cotutnodations and small Amounts f I
ash in connection with these tickets ;
uiy also be forwarded at the tarn
ilme.' tf
AH Wall street is said to bo laughing over the annouce
ment that President J?oosevelt has accepted tho position
of editor of the Outlook, a periodical of criticism and com
ment, for be thereby becomes an employe of the Standard
Oil crowd. Tho Outlook magazine is owned bv James Sfill-
Orand excursion t City of Mexico,
Leaves Medford on tho l-'th of Oeeein '
i er, 1!0S, on the regular Overland.
$12.1 " for the round trip, eood for 6
lavs. For further information, write
Ts hereb' given that the undersigned
will apply at tho regular meeting of tho
city council of Medford, Oregon, on De
comber 1, 1!0S, for license to sell malt,
vinous and spiritous liquors iu less quail
titles than one gallon, for six months,
at lot , block lit), in Medford, Oregon,
for a period of six months.
217 O. M. KKLSBY,
Dated November 18.
Ts hereby gtvon that tho uudorsigned
will apply at the rogulnr mooting of the
city council of Medford, Oregon, on De
cember 1, li0S, for liceuso to soil malt,
vinous and spiritous liquors in less quan
tities than one gallon, for six mouths, at
lots 10 and II, block 45, F stroet, bo
twenu Seventh and Eighth, in Medford,
Oregon', for a period of six months.
-217 Hotel Monro Dar. :
Dated November 1. I
The BJg'gest and
the Best Net For
Getting Res if
Iwfe )Ll
All property (iwnors on Central avenue N., are
hereby notified to transfer their water connec
tions from the old main to the new main, as the
water will he cut out of the old main Novem
ber 20.
By order of
In seining fish to gut results
Yuu linvc to t:il:o the net res'.i::s.
In business, too, to Kel results
You tlBure on tho net res-Its.
Netting fell nnd iifttlng rolils si:k
gost each other. Iu each eiise ,
t:n:-t .:! :;:t a not t!i:it mnves armi"
nti.l Ratliers up the results.
Fo fiir ns huslnesa Kite, the lot.
Itev.vpaiier 1.! tlie Llsseat tin.l best I:
fur (jeitiua .stilts. ItcIreuliiteHaruii: !
town auil in the country also.
Aro you advertising?
5s?Wfor sale ls
You Do
I Not See
signs of this character about Medford. We
always find a desirable tenant before a good
building has been "to let" more than 2-1
hours, and land owners know we can always
find a purchaser if a reasonable valuation is
put on property. Consequently Medford
tloes not impress the homeseeker as being
"under the hammer." This is as it should
This is the, season of the year when home
seekers want winter accommodations. Use
business judgment; get free rent and make
a winning by purchasing one of these beauti
ful cottages of the
Rogue River Land
Ask your dealer for
Clear Havana Cigar.
HART CIGAR CO., Distributors, fcortliind, Or. I
I That Unforgetable Slogan
4 (CjJimtg,
& :.:rr-or.. orxaov .
Good Business Standing
Stato Dcpositury.
establish a good luiBiness standing
is the. desire of every merchant and
inannfaelnrer. In no better way can
I It is he done than by having strong
banking ennneetinns. Having an in
stitution like the Jaeksoii County Bank
4W your deponitary nddw thmneial
Htrenglli. AeenunlH, snbjeet. to cheek,
Safn deposit boxes to rent, $4 per
year and up.
W. I. VAWTER, Presideut
O. R. L1NDLEY, Cwbior
PHONE 2291. .
Window Frames, Oak Veneered Doors, with Bevel Plato, carried in stock cheap.
Office Fixtures nnd nil kinds of Pinning Mill Work, including Turned Work
and Fancy Grills.
Special Limited Pullman Excursion to
tho , City of Mexico.
Tickets will be -in sale nt thf local !
itficr December I'J and 13 for nn ex- '
.-ursion tn tho Citvo f Mexiea. The ex
I'ursieu will leave San Francisco Decern- j
!er l.'i at U a. in. A magnificent special
Main will be provided, consisting of
Pullman vestibuled sleepers, nbuorvation ,
sleeper, buffet, smoking car nnd dining
car. j
Excursion will be over the Southern j
Pacific, Mexican fentral, Mexican Na-j
tional line. International and Great '
Northern, Galveston A- San Antonio and i
San tit Ke railways. The round trip !
rate from Medford will bo $!ll,r). The
soing trip will be continuous up to El j
Paso, but stopovers may be had nt any j
Mi.iu line point n the return trip.
Tho excursion will be under the di- j
f.vt supervision of some railway official s
i'om the pifsi nger department and nn I
interpreter II accompany th party to
ti c City of Vrxieo.
Further jiailiculars at tho depot, or
mnimmicre w'th W. II. Jenkins, trav
eling passeigi agent Southern Pacific
. oinpany, o M. Peil, Ashland. tf
52trs. 3v&nz Ufampton 3saacs
"3nstructor of "Piano. "Llst 3ttetl)O0
Studio at Mctldnc. Mortb Orange Street
Si -
n 'man Always looks lik. wlicn bo has
had bis garmonts fittoil an.l mado in
tbe eiquisito stylo tbat is always given
thorn by Krouzor. If yon don't look
liko a man of fashion and taste it is
because your tailor is at fault, and you
ean always be sure of appearing lik--one
if your suit or overcoat is made In
J. E. KNVAHT,Prosid ent.
J. A. PEKUY, Vice-President.
JOHN S. OKTIt, Cashier.
W. B. JACKSON, Ass t Cashier.
The Medford National Bank
CAPITAL $50,000
SURPLUS' 10,000
Safctv Ro:cs to Rent. A General Hanking Business
!is;icted. We Solicit Your Patronage
to Kinil Poll, Ashland, Or.
Mrdford laily Tribune. ftte mouth.
Ln t nriMliwinr3
Watches. Clocks, Jewelry
"Not how much I can do, but how well I can
do it,' is my mottr.
With Martin J. Keddy, Central ave., north
of Jackson County Bank.
More light for Less Money
Sixty-tlircc per cent of electric current saved bv using
1,2 Caudle Power Edison Lamp uses 110
Watts per hour and world use in iooo Ins.
110 Kilowatts which :.t iocts. a Kilowatt
32 Candle Power Tungsten Lamp uses
40 Watts pevhouv and wojild use in ioc
luuirs 40 Kilowatts which at 10c a Kilo
watt .
Net Saving- in 1000 hours in favor of the
Tungsten Lamp
Rogue River Electric Co.
Successors to Condor Water & Power Co.
Office. 20i; West Seventh Street. Phone No. 3o").
Opposite the Big Electric Sign.