Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, November 19, 1908, Page 1, Image 1

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    Join the Fish Protective Association and Preserve Fishing in Rogue River and Tributaries
By far the largest and best news report
of any papor in Southern Oregon.
The Weather
Rain tonight; wanner except north
western section. Friday, rain; fresh
southerly winds interior; fresh south
eriy gnlo along const.
No. 209.
Movement on Foot to Have
Commission on Country
Life Stop Over for a Day
Thorp is u movement on foot, to In
vito the. commission on contry life to
stop over in Medford December 1 for
a conference in this city. Tho mut
ter will in nil likelihood be discussed
by the Commercial clnli at. n meeting
to bo held soon.
Tlio commission on country life, up
pointed by 'resident HooHovolt, left
Washington Wednesday and will visit
several educ:ilfonal centers of Die went
for the purpose of obtaining informa
tion on the condition of western life,
whothor anything need- to be done to
improve it, mid if so wlitit it may be.
It is proposed to hold hearings at ngri
cultural collects so fur as practicable
an these intititntinus provide effective
organizations fur securing the-attend
nuce of persons who rue will qualified
to express an opinion on country life
questions, In particular, the commis
sion invites the til. tendance P.t these
hearings of representative farmers,
teachers, business men, physicians and
others who live in the open country
or have direct relations with it. Ac
credited delegates from granges, ,farm- i
ers' dubs or similar organizations as j
woll as farmers and others who come
on their own responsibility and who
are likely to be helpful in the investiga
tion wilf be welcome. The meetings
will be public, but are not held for the
purpose of making speeches. Full and
free discussion of the various problems
nffecting the life of the farmer, espec
ially those relating to the larger eco
nomic, social and sanitary questions of
tlio open country, will form the basis
for these hearings. As the citmmission
can meet only a short time at each
place, a portion of Die conference will
be devoted to mapping out plans for
further consideration and study of these
questions, the results to be submitted
at a later date for the use of the com
mission. The party will divide at Sacramento,
several members will go north to ' hold
hearings at Spokane December 4 and
5, and Ito.eman December 0 and 7,
reaching Omaha to hold joint sessions
with the others during the corn exposi
tion. The party will bo in charge of
('. J. Blamliard, statistician of the
United States reclamation service. They
are due in Med ford on December 1.
TACOMA, Wash., Nov. 10. The offi
cials of the port Itlakcley Mill com
pany are today in receipt of approxi
mately $41 ton paid by tho Lloyds Jnsur
anco company and the Irish Insurance
company. The English firms notified
tho mill company that they believed
the claim a just one aad promptly paid
the insurance, though they might have
taken refuge under a technicality. The
company was also insured with an
American company, but the American
insurance company has refused to pay
their claim, and the case will be taken
to the courts.
DKS MOIXKS, la., Nov. in.
Congressman Nicholas Long
worth claims to I.j.vp worked a
great reformation in the dm me
ter of his wife, formerly Alice
Roosevelt, according to the state
ment of I. Lyman It. Sperry.
whose address on "Unman Con
ditions nnd Possibilities" is the
topic of discussion in social cir
cles today.
"Congressman Longworth told
a friend of mine recently." said
Dr. Strrry in his address before
the Y. M. C A., "that he has
succeeded in reducing the num
ber of cigarettes his wife smoked
from 40 to 20 a day."
Dr. Sperry hurled inveeiives
against the increased use of to
bacco nnd declared something
should be done to abate the evil.
Personalities Mark Session
of Court in Ruef Case Today-Judge
Lawlor Puts
End to the Matter
SAN I'MIANCISCO, Cab, Nov. 19.
Hitter personal it ieu between Attorney
Henry Ach for Abe Ituof, indicted ox
boss of Sim Francisco, and tlio attor
neys for the prosecution marked the
In ginning of the liuef trial in udge
l.awlor's court today. The verbal en
counter was cut; short; by .fudge .Law
lor, who declared that he would tolerate
no further indulgence in personalities
by either side and that ho would take
mrftfiuies to prevent their recurrence.
Tlio quarrel arose over questions pro
pounded to .lames L. Gallagher, chief
id' the boodling board of supervisors and
star witness for "tlio people against
Ruef, as to the details of the signing
Mho immunity contract between Ku
ilolph Spreckels nnd the membors of
the boodling board.
Attorney Jliram Johnson objected to
the questions as calculated to waste
time. Ach replied that ho was asking
he questions to savo time.
Liko Satan Rebuking Sin.
"That is like Satan rebuking sin,"
d'eWurod Attorney Johnson, looking
squarely at Ach.
"Wo can show the court that this
verv question just asked the witinss
was asked and answered five questions
ago, and wo can show questions time
ad again for the very purpose of do
hiving this trial," declared Ach.
" I want to Miv right here," interrupt.
ed Attorney Matthew I. Sullivan for
the prosecution, "that while we urn on
tins subject we object to being desig
nated bv the other side as 'special coun
sel' and 'special prosecutors.' Wo are
here for the people .if the state of Cnl
ifornia with the concurrence of the dis
trict attorney, and that of tho whole
people of California. If counsel in
sists upon making personal remarks, I
suggest that the court administer a con
tempt medicine"
Ach started to reply, but the court
cut him short; with the ndmoiiition
"That is nil I caro to hear, Tho court.
asks for the opinions of counsel
questions of law and there has been
too much indulgence in the personal
equation in this discussion. It must
not be done and will be tolerated
more hy tins court."
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Nov. 10. Ar
rnngcmonfs were mnde today for the
funeral of Cordon Kyle, aged 24, who
diessed himself completely in his young
bride's party clothes before strangling
himself with a noose mnde from two of
her hair ribbons and n strap from h
tin it ease, late vesterdnv. Arraying him
self carefully in every bit of femi
nine finerv that goes to mnke up
woman's party attire, except the shoes
and hat, Kyle tied the noose to the foot
of his bed and strangled himself to
death. Kyle was despondent because
lie was unable to buy jewels and silk
for tlio girl he married two month ngo.
VIENNA, Nov. 10. Reports of con
tinued nuirressivenem on the partf
Montenegrin'! on the Austrian border
readied lore today from Cettinje and
Ativnri. The :idi(e; from the capital
ledare that the Mini -negrans are cut
ting teje;;raph wires and. fortifying the
heights overlooking the Austrian sen-
port of C:i1taro. It is rumored that
ntiil men have occupied the mountain
p.issei lead'-ng from Montenegro into
VICTORIA, It. C, Nov. 10. That a
n volt in Hi" Carolines has resulted in
s( vera I dentin within the pant, few days
i. the m-wn brought hen- by pasw-n-
g -rs aboard the stenmdiip Monna, which
h is 'just arrived from Australia. A re-
quest for three German battleships to
o idl the revolt was made, but only one
f:om the China station went to the
mimic of trouble.
Many Strangers Taken In
to Camp-Hall Splendid
ly DeGorated
The hall of Court Medford, No. 8IIS5.
Ancient Order of Foresters, had a most
successful and enjoyable evening when
the local court was reorganized. Dep
uty High Chief Hunger Alfred A. Field
instituted the new court.
Tho Forenters' hull was splendidly
lecornted with fir trees and bouquets,
ill carrying out the cent nil id en. mi
lled by the name of the order.
The court was reorganized with .'M
members. The officers elected were:
Ch-ef Ranger ,l. If, Fitzgerald; dep
uty chief ranger, (). M. Helsby: junior
leputy chief ranger, Kugene Amaun;
secritary, W. Vigelij treasurer, Joseph
'askry ; senior woodman, 0. Kellogg;
junior woodman, A. Chnulk,
The new meinbern taken in were: J.
W. Ling, A. C. Whitman, P. C. Big
ham, J. C. Wickson, J. H, Horning, W.
( 'hiirclt, Paul Knt.lcr, John Dona
hue, J. D. Fialay, W. C. Uryou, .1. J.
Owens, K. J., (lumen, C. S. lioberls, IF.
Roberts aad I'M King.
On next. Tuesday night ten more
strangers will bo admitted.
An enjoyable banquet wan givou after
the reorganization of tho' lodge,
KEXXKTT, Cnl., Nov. HI. A. L.
nmmnrin, a native of Sweden, aged
. years, commit led suicide here Into
slerday afternoon by sending a bul
let crashing into his brain. The dead
man had worked at the Mammoth mine
for the past year and a half and was
k nown as " The M oose, ' ' a nickname
given him by his fellow workmen.
About six weeks ago he quit work at
the mine and since that time has boon
a protracted npree. Yesterday he
went into the Club saloon nnd when
the bartender had his back turned rush-
il behind the bar nnd grabbed tho gun
nnd fired the fatal shot. No reason can
be assigned for the deed, as he had ex
pressed his intention of leaving for
Nevada, in a few days, several hours be
fore killing himself.
Coroner Houston was at once notified
and came to Kennett on the evening
t rain and held' an inquest, the jury
bringing in a verdict of "death caused
by a gunshot wound, self-inflicted.
The dead man has no known relatives
in this country and it is rumored that
the saloon men of this plneo wfll give
the remains a decent burial.
Til'TT K, Mont., Nov. 10. Instead of
being a happy bridegroom today, enjoy
ing a honeymoon trip with the girl he
was about to mnrry, wheu a deputy
sheriff "butted in" with a warrant
for his arrest, .loo Turitch is in the
hands of the police and Miss Niko Ma
rinovich retains her maiden name. H
:.ll happened because someone who claim
ed to know flint Huritch had a wife
annd two children in Austria wnnted to
prevent liis marriage to Miss Marino
vich. However, the merry invited guest
had assembled in the Marinovich home,
the priest wns walking from room to
room shaking hands, I he big feast was
all ready for tho hungry ones in fact,
tho wedding ceremony was about to be
performed, when in bobbed the deputy
rheriff and led tho groom away. Tears
and exclamations then crowded out all
ithe merry-making,
CIHCACO, Nov. 10. Chicago socie-
ty is discussing today an ante nuptial
. agreement between Algernon Ldwyn
Iturnaby of Leicestershire, England, nnd
Minna Field Hibson, niece of the late
Marshal Field, dated the day before
their marriage and filed here late yes-
terday. The agreement provided that
in the event of her predecease, Mrs.
ttumnby's husband will receive the
same portion of her property as would
fall to an American husband under the
laws of Illinois.
Chicago Bond House Buy . They Will
Hold City to Original Contract De
mand Immediate Compliance With
Their Tonus.
.folm Nuveen & Co., ban ken; of Chi-1
eugo, who contracted for the Medford
water bond issue of $;iG5,00(, for which
the firm received a commission of $1M,-
IMI0, threaten to withdraw tho offer
for the bonds, nnd substitute a damage
suit unless tho city agrees to its terms
md pnvs nccrued interest from tho date
of the bond Issue, regnrdless of when
the money is received by tho city. The
ty council has called tho bond buyers
bluff, will Htand pat and refuso to pay
interest for money that will not bo re-
eived for n year yet. A crisis exists
that, may result in prolonged litigation
and hamper the construction of tho
new grnvily water system.
Roam os Is Authorized.
Without holding a formal Hession
Thursday morning tho city council di
rected A, K. Retimes, attorney for the
ity in connection with tho bond Issue,
to notify John Nuveen & Company, bond
brokers, that tin) city would not. pay
auv part of tho accrued interest on the
bond before tho duto of delivery, as thoy
have been asked to do by tho bond
house. A lengthy telegram received on
Thursday morning from the brokers sot
forth tho fact, that tho city would be
held to tiie original contract, but that
the bond house would pay one-half of
any interest accruing on tho money
advanced after tho city had paid inter
est of the first. $50,000 recoived and the
$20,0(10 of the gravity system bonds
which the company has been urging
the city to sign nnd return to them.
Tlio city by their action this morning pay any of this money, and
a lawsuit will probably result.
Tho City's PoBltion.
The city claims that under the terms
of its advertisement for bids, Interest
does not accrue until the bonds are
delivered, which was to be as money
was needed. A contract was signed by
Mayor Roddy and Recorder Collins with
the bonding house, "under instructions
from the council, which says nothing
about the nccrued interest. Upon this
contract Nuveen & Company base their
claim for the accrued interest. The
city's attorneys hold thnt the contruct
is not valid, as it was not authorized
by ordinance, as the charter requires all
contracts to be made by ordinance. In
other words, Nuveen & Company have
no contract with tho city, and it is up
to them' to comply strictly with Iho
terms of the advertisement, under which
they bid for the bonds.
What is uemanaea.
Nuveen & Company aro demanding
interest on money that they have never
furnished nnd will not bo called npim
lo furnish for n year. They are necking
lo get at least. $7f00 out of tho city over
nnd nbnvo the commission nt ls,ooo
(lie city agreed to pay them, mulling nt ;
least 5,r.(IO directly out of the inni
issue from Medford. In addition, 'key;
aro selling the lionds nliovn par.
On Hie 4'Wl"n advanced, mere is a
lifferencn nf over Son, which the city
claims t lie bond house is owing .Men-
ford. The bond house claims tins as
accrued interest, but has offered to
compromise and pay the city half of it,
which offer has been refused.
City Issues Ultimatum.
The city has issued an ultimatum to
the bonding house refusing to send any
more bonds, except upon payment of
principal and accrued interest, less coin-
mission. Nuveen 4 Company have re-
jected the proposal, and threaten suit
for damages and withdrawal of jr.-
osil'mo for purchase of lionds. In reply
to this llircnt, the city has repented its
ultimatum upon the advice of Attorney
A. E. lienmes, and it in now up to Nu-
veen Co. to make good their threats.
In Hie meantime ,the city is hampered
(liianeinlly for money contracted for nnd
i.ised to havo been li ng ngo no- '
Ultimatum Is Issued.
The following telegrnm wns sent No.
mber 17. u
"John Nuveen 4 Co., Chicago. No
lionds will be delivered except upon
navment of principnl nnd nccnml in-
terest less your commission. Shall we r who was k lled by :. bullet from her
send them subject to these tennsf husband 'n slio Vagao says he wns
"A. K. REAMEH, 'shooting ruts, when bin wife sudden
Attorney for the City. Iv nppeured ill tho doorway of their
(Continued on pe 4.)
Man Who Was Yesterday
Supreme In China Is Said
to Be Dead
MANILA, Nov. 10. A dispatch from
Shanghai today says that Prince Clung,
head of the Chinese army, died nt Po
king last, night and that his death has
been officially confirmed. Tho Biune
dispatch says I hat the new dowager
empress Yehonalu is seriously ill.
Jl is intimated hem that the trouble
is the same illness that is said to have
caused the death of the emperor and
dowager empress.
PARlS,'Nov. 10. Rumors of the mur
der of Prince Citing, head of Die army
and most powerful man in China since
the death of tiniporor Kwang Hsu, reach
ed here today.
It is also reported that Yuas Shi Shai
hi.A been murdered. No mention is
made of tho death of tho now dowager
empress. The rumors say I he murders
wvr. committed by high officials, who
are ilia plot to seize the government,
MANILA, Nov. 10. An opium smug
gling plot was thwarted today when
HKt cuses of the drug were discovered
in barrels supposed to contain cement.
The barrels were part of if shipment
from China to Corrogidur island and
tho officials have renewed their ac
tivity to discover opium in nil ship
ments from China. Tho opium was
confiscated and a strict investigation
into the consignees of Die shipment was
ordered. The Chinese officials will be
ailed upon to permit, an exhaustive ex
amination by American officials.
SAVANNAH, (la., Nov. 10. Lewis
Strang is Die latest addition to the ranks
of the race-drivers gathered hero for
Hie raco on November 20. Ho arrived
in the city today and sent onn of the
Renault cars over the course.
8t rang when ho ret nmed a ft er his
triu was not. recognizable. Tho course
hM been oiled tho entire length, and
When tho winner of the Rriureliff race
brought his car to a stop ho was cov
ered with a smear of thick grime. The
oil has served a purpose of keeping ve
hicles other than racers off the course.
I WAI.LA WA1XA, Wash., Nov. 111.
.'ri,.,ids of Captain Eruncin II. Hope of
m, .rt , cavalry, who last night
mnrried Harriet Ankeny, daughter of
ti,iil Slates Henator Levi Ankeny of
(his, state, are today anxious to learn
! thn direction laken hy tlio couple on
t ;r honeymoon trip. Not. long after
m, Pl,r ,MV W,1H performed lit the An
((.y home Cuptain Hope and Inn bride
j,.,i u ,,f h. house, leaving II
-u-i, -hk ,1 lt. All they can learn in that
, , tr, w; ,e an extended one.
j Pannern line been exceedingly bimy
Wii, f plowing, needing, etc., making
( xlm 1IH(, f ,iH .1 c-1 rjJ. fill weather. The
f.(iry planting now shows up in fine
1 Hlnifi. Eroin present indication!! there
(Wji ,c n l.-.rg r in-renge seeded thai!
mm t this sensnn of the year. It
H. )rnVo f yreat advantage lo the
fIirmer by relieving him of lots of work
' (mt is usually left until spring, llius
(,row,nl hi in for time in the earn of
ripening gruin.
VANCOKVKlt, II. c Nov. III. The
police are to.'.iy iuv hH'inting tho eir
eunistancoH si moulding the denth of
Mrs. Nngne, vifn of :i Japanese ranch-
homo nnda wns struck by one nf the
bullets. p
Committee in Report Sev
erely Scores VlGe-Pres
identKeefe for His Sup
port of Taft
DRNVRR, Col., Nov.,10. "Pnuiol J.
Keefe, president of the longshoremen's
union nnd sixth vico-president of tho
American Federation erf Lnhoi, if dis
satisfied with the political policy of tho
federation, should have resigned from
the executive council of thnt (body In
stead of making a fight on behalf of
Judge Taft ' in the recent campaign.
When he accepted a plneo on. tho exe
cutive council, he, Ukq nil other mem
bers, agreed to tho policy of .-majority
rule, Hy his refusal to accept the de
cision of tho majority of tho leading
labor officials of the trades unions of
the country ho stnultlficd labor and
i,;...u,,if "
Tho foregoing is in effect )hn find
ing ni1 tho committee in Its report to
tlio fcdoi-Mtinn convention. Pbueo
It ago Monilny. when tlio nddrcHS of
President UoinpcrH crnntotl n stir over
the i.niinl:ry. ' liy itn elenr-ent Htiuid on
Hie politn-nl qnoHtlon, the (lclcirnteif ax.
milled nt the convention hnvn been
nnxioiiHly iiwiiithtK tlio report of till
iniimitleo Tor it wonlil noniKl tlio key
note of the fo!orntinn'n future politi
nl policy.. t
Oamo to Fight Oompors.
Koefo emtio to Denvnf with the nvow
d Intent! f nuiliiiiK n fi(lil on (loiu-
porn lioejumo of bis attuid for tlio elec
tion of lirynn nnd other cnmlidiiten on
the deniocrntic ticket, lln nhiitcd to
oi'Kiini.n the nppoHition to Goinpot-H
from the dny of Inn nrrivnl, but met
with lit Mo huccohh. .
Still another nlnp win ndmluintorM to
Keefe when the executive council nt.
Hh flcHHion liiHt nllit decided thnt in
the future, nil members of thnt body
wlio limy oppime the will nf lite niiijiir
itv in iniitterfl political filioiild roHin
from tiie (.((iiupil and net merely an In
Keefe ' troubled nil the convention
floor bcimn yoHterdnv, when J. C. Wll-
llauiH, ropreiimitiiiK tho IniiKHhoromcn '
union of the I'ueil'ic. cnlmt, which Deced-
ed from Keefe 's organization, dcnoiine-
ed him. Williams declared thnt the
union woulil not tolernio policies
of the president and as, long as Knefo
held that office It would not affiliate
Willi Hie federation. Kcofn nttninpted
In reply to WlUininn by stating that
polities were responsible for tho flglit
against Mm, lint lie wus culled upon
In confine himself to the subject under
discussion, ;
In mi effort to mako tiencc, ho ngrced
lo atlcnd n cnnfereii"0 of tlio executive
council of the federation, and thn lend
ers of llio Pacific, Coast league endeav
ored lo bring about a settlement of the
trouble. . ,
In mi article on the r.'iilnmj iiilua
lion the Oregon Journal says In parti
"Colonel Holabird, who recently mndo
an extended trip through tho ennst conn-
lies ns far south as Newport, will for-
ward Inn reports on tho cdvisability of
constructing an extension of the Cor-
vnllin & Ensiorn up nnd down the const
Mr. Ilarrimiin nt once. It is known
Hint Colonel Holabird was very fnvor-
ably impressed with the iminenSn vnlue
of the const county while on bin trip
d it is prolmbie that plans for a Ilar
rimiin line will be upproved within the
ur future." 1
Cut this nut and mnil it with one
Medford, Or.:
Louis Dundy, Treasurer, Medford, Or.
Enclosed find nno dollar, one year's dues, for membership in thj
Rogue River Fish Protective Association, organized to protect fish in
the Itogue river nnd Its tributaries, secure needed legislation and re
stock tiie streams.'
All Europe May Be Invol
ved in War Before Holi
day Season There Is
Nothing Petty This Time
VIENNA, Nov. in. The news that
.NfoutcncKro id munnitift tlio piques bo-
tweon her territory nnd Herzegovina and
that Aimtria 1h mohiliKiutf tlio'l'Mfteeiitli
iinuy cnrpH on the Horviun frontier
Htlirted nfrCHh todny the rumors that
real war 1h to bo declared on tlio Hai
nan penliiHitla toduy.und in causing up
prelioiiHion in diplomatic circles hero
lest n war involving tlio whole of Kuropo
will nut lie started before tlio holiduy.
Tlio Austrian note lius not cleared
the atmoHpliere, und it in the attitude
of tho dun! monarchy that in really re
sponsible for the failure of the Ualluiu
The peninsula before this iius seen
petty CHinpaiiills galore, lint somehow
tho powers havo always lunnaged to ,
stave off a free-for-all fight that today
seems prolmbie.
H is agreed at all tlio European chan
cellories thnt even a settlement, should
one be renclied, can hnrdly Inst long.
Thoso Who Aro Involvod.
The following rulers and their coun
tries are Involved in the controversy:
Emporor Franz .lonef of Austria-Hungary,
Kaiser Wilholin of Oerniuny, Czar
Nicholas of Kussin, Sultan Abdul Hainid
of Turkey, (!znr l.'erdiiiand of Htilgnria,
Prince . Nicholas of Montenegro, King
Charles of iiouinallili, King Totcr of
Servia, King Edward of England, Pres
ident Eallieren of Erllllce, King Victor
of Ituly.
Bulgaria nlarted the row. TVrdinnnd
was a vassal nf the Hultiui. lie wanted
to bo Independent. Afterwnrds he want
ed to head a Balkan federation. His
nmiy in better, though sinnller, than
Abdul Humid 's. A successful campaign
ngnlunt tho latter would havo given Inm
tho prentlgn lie needs among tlio Bal
kan states.
M. O. TiOwnsdnle'H nplo crop for thin
year in estimated ut, riO.OUO boxen of ninr
Itetlllile fruit. This yield of f ii-Ht-eluss
apples represents faithful and pninn-
titklliir attention to spi-nying and caring
fr , Iir. trees, one of tho principal tenets
f Mr. t.owosdalo'n everyday religion.
The small per cent of triples inferior
in size and quality will lie lniide into
n fine finality of apple jelly at iiio farm.
Mr. Lonsdale's orclult-d in near Mc
Minnvillo. SHIP 'EM HOME OF
POllTl.ANll, Or., Nov. 19.
King Edward of England and
Emperor Willinm of Oerniuny
will each receive ten boxes of
the choicest apples exhibited at
tlio horticultural meeting in
Portland December 1 to 4. Tho
Portland Commercinl club has
sncciallv requested Presideat K.
I,. Smith of the Northwest Print
, drawers ' association, President
Wilbur K. Newell nf the slate
board of horticulture and IT. O.
Atwell, president of tlio Stato
Horticultural society, to choose
U0 of tho finest boxen of npplos
representing tho cienni of Ore
gon, Washington, Iilulio aad
British Columbia In be sent to
tho two rulers.
dollar to Dr. Louis Bnndy, treasurer,