MEDPOKLJ DAILY TRIBUNAL. MEDFOHD, OBEOON. WEDNESDAY, NgVEM HER IS. 100S- Social and Personal Vote fur tlio most popular lady. Bal lots at King & Long's. K, JJ. MrKee of Grants Push was transacting business in Med ford Tiles' day. Try a jun-kuge of Grunt's hygenie cnu-kers. Allen 4: Itengun. Lynn Purdin of tho Gold Hill News was la Medford Wednesday oti busi J1G.SH, ( ! rant 'a hygeiiie iriiieljers. Allen Ac Reagan. ' . Will G. Hieel of Portland Ih In Mil ford. Mo spent- Tuenlny in . Ashland and will go to RoHelmrg th'H evening to attend tin good roads meeting in that place. (.'rant V hygeuie eiaeks are best, Al len - Kenyan. Will Grown of Eagle Point hum in Medt'md on hnxitiesH Wednesday. MmImihuii 'h Heat Flour, l.:i"i. M I'oinli & True. " Met 'oinb & True, located at Pago & Son's warehouse, opposite It. If. i'o water tank." , Mix. William Charley is visit nig f i j t ) 1 1 J h in RoHelmrg. Her the new meltings, sweaters and units. Ilaltnr-HntchaHon (-o, 208 P. M. Kershaw went to Gold Hilt mi business Wednesday. "McComli - True for prices on 5i0 pound lots of fluiir mid potatoes. " " : I). . Hale and family of this citv are visiting relatives in Elgin, Or. Dr. T. Ii. l.'nh.TtH m making Gold Hill u professional visit. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cox has left for Los Angeles to spend thi' winter. Mr. and Mm. C. H. Boyle, after visit ing a lew we l:a in Medford, have loft io ImI other Rertions of the state. They ar looking fur a location and wish to visit tin- other fruit wet ions of the t;t;tle before loeating. Their homo Ik in Yakima, Wash. AMUSEMENTS. ! t DRY CONDON IS NOW A , THING OF THE PAST CONDON ,()r., Nov. 18. As n result of tlii five licenses granted to saloons in t his city Tuesday evening, Condon in wet and local option ir, a thing of the post. The five saloons have opened with Htriet restrictions. Thoy arc to elese at 1 n. in. and all day Sunday. The saloon men inndo no protest, on the mime of liceimcH to J 1 m u per year. I to fore local option the license was only if'li'lO, bnt these five are to be protect ed, as no other saloons will lie allowed to bo established. It is rumored that a prominent attorney will endeavor to keep the Kiiloontt from running to ful fill a promise made to local option people daring the .Time. electiniiH. Con don w::a virtually, awarded (he right to regulate its own saloons by tho recent Med ford decision. W. H. WEST Who WroBtluB Walsh Wednesday. Wrestling Match Tonight. Holh of the principals in tonight ' wrestling go have gotten into the finest possible shape and will both make a hard fight for the long end of the purse. Welsh green to throw West three times in nil hour nml there are many who sny that Ihe big boy cannot do it. There in, however, a strong following who are backing the Twin City boy. Tho match starts at H ; .'to p. in. ii. the Mcdford Opera House. A 21 fool mat haH been provided ho there will be no danger, as in the first go. West won from Welsh on November 0, taking three falls nut of four, though one wjih bv default. preliminary between local men will first be witnessed. A good time prion- I for nil. Tickets on sale at Has kilts' drug store. WOMAN SHOOTS INSULTER, THEN REPORTS TO POLICE MEMPHIS, Nov. IS. Mrs. A. W. Itonds went to police headquarters last night and announced excitedly that b)ic had shot and hilled C. H. Craig, assert ing that ho hail uiaite nu insulting prop osat. Khe nccoiupauied officers to a va cant: field and showed (hcin the body. Mrs. Itonds said that because of a previous insult her husband had threat oned to kill Craig if he did not leave tho city, and it was to warn him that slio wo. t to his place of employment. The shooting took placn when he at tempted to follow her home, renewing the insult. LUMBER COMPANY GIVES INCREASE IN WAGES TVV'OMA, 'n.Vov. jH.'pho )u0 employes of the Ht. Paul & Taeoma Lum ber company were given a pleasant sur prise today, when they worn in formed that their waes had been increased In per cent. 'The advance took effect No vember in. For the next attraction i:t Die Med ford Theater Manager llazclrigg has selected the well known actor, Mr. Leu Willard. . No star lias over made aneh rapid advancement ami favorable impression as I hit young ndoi-. Mr ides being an actor, he is n scholar and stands high in the literary world. Mr. Willard is most favorably remembered as slurring in "The Christian" and "The Coun try .Hiiiire," in which parls he receiv ed high praise and made a tremendous success, He in not unknown in all the large cit ies,' mid f r his excellent work litis received most favorable crit icism, lie will appear et Hie Med ford Friday night, November 'JO, in " A Poor ltelalioa, Tho prices for this engage ment will be li.'ic, fiiier T.'ic and $1. Seats on sale at Haskins' drug store Thurs day morning. BOYS' AND YOUTHS' NEW SUITS. IJnys' fiofxl Suits in liustpi" Brown and (loiihio-lu-casU'd styles at $3.50 and $5.00. IJoys' natty douMc-ln'castod S'iiit in new In-own, grav and Itluo sliadcs at $3.50, $1.00, $5.00 and $6.00 each; sizes 4 to 1.") years. ' I Joys' odd Knee Pants in wool suitings and corduroy at 50 and 75? pair.; liovs' eordurov Knickerhoekei' style , . Sdiolil Pants at '$'2.00 per pair. I Joys' corduroy Long Pants with scams and cuffs at $-1.00 per pair. SKI WINDOW DISPLAYS.. DI.'V OOODS, SHOKS, FURNIKHINGS Van Dykes LOST Hinall black nml white long Ipiirod spaniel, with name "Mascot," on collar; Maltese cross nickel tag, marked ' ' Ilostou Ideal Opera ( ' ' Keturn to Kmerick Cnfe. V, V. Wal ters. iiOi) "McComb & True, headquarters for poultry supplies." Phono '.WV.i. At tho Bijou. Thi' I injfh proiluccrs nl Ihe Jtijou o night. lon 'I mtss seeing I hem. The one-act comedy entitled ' ' The ienmni and the Widow" is just brimming over wi'h mirth and laughter. Mr. and Mrs. Charles KHis are nightly gaining in popularity as is evidenced by the steady increase in Ike audiences who are at all times monf aporecia'ive and enthus'.is tic, -, The perforaiaiico teiuyht is an entire change from last niht and is a most novel and up-to-dtile throuhoul. Arrive enrlv and avoid the rush. NOTICE. Is hereby given that, the undersigned will apply at the regular meeting of the city council of Mcdford, Oregon, on De cember 1, 1SHIS, for license to sell malt, vinous and spirilous liquors In less quan tities than one gallon, for six months, at lot I', block 'Jn, in Mcdford, Oregon. Tor a period of six mouths. i!!7 O. M. SIM.SHV. Dated November IS. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Pred Whelpley in C. A. Hamlin, properly in Med ford United Stales to Pdward .1. Hchmpder, 1 tilt.." acres in sec tion IS, township ."11, range 2 W NOTICE Is hereby given that tho undersigned will apply at tho regular meeting of the ity council of Medl'ord, Oregon, on Do '.ember I, MHiM, for license to sell malt, , inous and spiritous liquors in less quau lities lhau one gallon, for six months, at lots 10 and II, block -15, P street, be ween Seventh and Kighth, in Medford, Oregon, for a period of six mouths. ADAMS IlliOS., U 1 7 IDdel Mo,. re li;ir. Dated November IS. Tho Kuhs mill sells feed and baled iny by scale weight only, (let prices patent, oeforo buying. 200 Q IFiYOU BUY HERE YUU HE. SArt! Mm ittr mm mm 4 47 ODD SUITS LEFT-At the following Prices $10.00 to 13.50 values now $ 7.00 13.50 to 16.50 " " 9.00 16.50 to 22.50 " " 11.00 Free Suspenders with Every Suit All our boys clothes at cost to close them out for good DANIELS FOR DUDS Largest Clothing Store in Southern Oregon Two stories nrc told of the time when the Atlivuneuin club, while Ita clubliouKe whs undergoing renovation, una huspltubly tukeu lu by the Unit hI Service club. One una of a distinguished officer who, lifter u vulti bunt for bis uiu- brvllii. wns heard to mutter, "That comes of letting those . bishops Into the club!" ... The I'ouulerhlnst Is to tbe effect thut when nu Atlieiuieuui nm.u. while bis club still tbe guest of tbe other. iisked for tho librarian, the answer was, "I'luuse. sir, be la lu the dining room curving the, roust beef:" . Took Him at Hi. Word. CruilKrliKl (to, hs euiployeesi-No- i;ouy dui u:u is,, to touch thut cwclt. XoImxI.v Is to begin or leave off work except lis II Jndlcntes the time, r'ore miiu Yes, sir. (iradgrluil (the neit iluyi Why, the dny Is one-fourth gone unci uobwly's lit work! Wbut dues this iiienn? Koreinuu (meekly) You forgot to wind the clock, sir. Londou Kun. Caui. of Hi. Hilarity. Qreen I'd like that fellow Brown better If he didn't 'always laugh at his own Jokes. White Brown doesn't laugh at his own Jokes. He iHiighs at ,wi f!!"v:i vhi.rire rllly mnngh tn llnteii to them.-Illustrated lilts. For.t.lling th. Futur., Mrs. de Style So your baby girl Is three weeks old. My, how time flies Mrs, Ciuubuatu Yea, Just thluk lu lliirty yeurs from now she will be twenty-oue years old. Sphlox. Classified Advertisements One 0t a Word N atadt inn- tlona lssa than IS cuts. SUt ln.rtl6BI for th prlca of foni. Saventy-fiT. conta a Una par month. FOX BALE. 1'dlt SAl.K 1110 acres, mostly bottom liinil, nil uiuler Fish hike ditch; two miles from railroad tsation; 40 por acre; splendid bargain; finest Spit zenhitrg land in tho vnlley. Address A. 11., care of Tribune office. 213 KOH SAI.K- Five-year-old team, wagon ami ii:n :h'..-i; will sell nil or any part K. Smith, t'entrnl Point. Horses will he at XiimIi stables Satur.lny 210 out. Five acres in orchard, fair im provements. $-50 buys fine large building Int. 0. W. Stone, over Bijou Theater. 18 IHCTIONARY FOB SALE A aopy of the latest edition 'of Webster a Inter national Dictionary, unabridged, in dexed and entirely new; a bargain. (all on or address Geo. T. Fauoett nt Wells, Fargo ft Co. 'a ezpreaa office 209 FOR SAl.K Five and ten-aere tracts within and adjoining eity limtta, at a bargain on long time. AdaraM P. O. Boi 418, Mcdford, Or. S4S FOR SALE A house and lot In Cen tral Pomt, ono block frrm Main street, house 4 feet square, 4 rooms, lot 55z 140; price $1500. Inquire of Mrs. I. M. Kinerson, Central Point, Or. 110 POR SALE A good am ail bulinct oa Soventh street. Reasons for selling. Address, P. O. box 518 or call at this office. tf FOT? SALE 3Slaexe rancl, iR.uTHj, first class improvements, well, family orchard, ete. This is a bargain. See L F.. W., Tribune office. tf TO TRADE Light si of I. covered bug gy for two-seated rig. L. K. W, Tri bune offio.. tf WAMTBS. ANTED To loan t?0Q on good secur ity. A'ply Kihibit building. lw YOU SHOULD ATT UN D THIS THANKSGIVING SALE HER IMS A HEASOX WILY ' "VYe are shaving the rofits close these days and think we are doing the people of -Hertford a favor. 1 f l.v selling at a profit of 10 per cent we can do a business of $10 000 a month we make -f 1000 and that pays all of our expenses and a little over we feel that we have done vou a favor. 1 f we were asking a profit of 2o per cent 'and dirt onlv '00l) month we would make 1250, or .f2."0 more than the oth er wav, but vou would be paying 1.") per cent more for your goods. Listen, dear reader we prefer to do the big business on a small profit than to do the small busi ness on a big profit. Head onWe are doing the big business in our line in this town. Wlujf Because we are asking only small profits. Wo invite you to re plenish your needs at this sale, knowing full well that you will be glad you bought here; and if vou ain't glad, we will make good if you tell us. Are Corsets Necessary? CORSETS ARE NECESSARY. If u huly exports to linvo lier cloth oa fit perfoctly, slio must wvnr n car not, hu ciirtit'ttt rt lu'CoBHiiry to every woman, especially if she desires to appear well tl reused. Corsets nro absolutely necessary to this store, because the demand is growing fast and wo must have them in order to supply that demand. KtdlVrii, W. It., Warner liron. and the Snhlin are all good, and we have just received large shipments. We have a Miss Ward in charge of our corset department, and can assure you that you will get the right style, fur Miss Ward has had years of experience in selling nml fitting corsets in such stores ns Olds, Wort mini & King. Portland, and The Denver Dry (mods Co., Denver, Col. We invite your patronage. MEDFORD 'S PROGRESSIVE LADIES' STORE. BAKER-HUTCHASON CO. CENTRAL AVENUE, JUST NORTH OP JACKSON COUNTY BANK. Twenty Five Dollar Suits $25.00 We've raised the standard of 2.1.00 Suits by offering our trade better suits for 25.00 than can be ha d elsewhere for Ihe same jirice Our Twenty Five Dollar Suits rather dwarf the value of oilier 25.00 suits. $25.00 The fabric, the style and the tailoring our 25.00 Suits at once stamp them as unusual Suits for the price. Now, sir, if you want a good Suit at a popular price, we say in all frank ness and sincerity, Hold on to your twenty five dollars With a firm grasp until you see our line. Then, as if to clinch your security, 'we say to you, "money back" if you want it, sir. Mufflers yQWZ. BACSR p -Mr?LOJH,NG SrTSr " $2.50 WANTED A horse, nbout 8 years old, weight not less than 1200 pounds, sound nnd gentle; will work or drive single and double. Address Tribune, Modford. 211 LOST AND FOUND. LOST Boy's orercoat, either in Med ford or on" road south between city and John Mills' ranch; color of coat gray, black collar, plaid lining. Finder dense return to this office or to Roger S. Bennett, room 10 over Medford Tea & Coffee House. Reward. 200 LOST On Monday, a gray overcoat, on Kagle Point road. Leave at this office or address Prommor Tiros., llox 30, Medford. 200 FOR RKN'T Ranch for rent, with tools and cows. Apply this week only to C. K. Wolverton. Woodville, Or. 201) FOR RENT Furnished room for gen tleman; also day board, Mrs. Stone, Xo. 10 North G street. 214 C l WHITeTeG HORNS The 227 tlSH strain cockerels $." to $l."i. Hons at 2.50 each. Trio. 10. Pullets :t months old at tl.00 dozen. Casa (irnnde Poultry C., Roseburg, Oregon. 20i Water Proof Shoes Lumbermen's Paes, Knee and Hip Rubber Boots, Waterproof Shoe Oil. High Cut Leather Boots in all Sizes SEE WINDOWS We carry the strongest lines at the best prices in Southern Oregon. Buy now. Rainv weather is coining. SMITH & MOLONY