OBDINANCE NO. 172. An ordinance providing fur tho elo cution of agreements for tho purehufie of water for the city of Medford, Ore gon, .And. the construction of pipelines and reservoir, and providing the terms and .conditions thereof. The city of Medford doth ordain ns ,tHows:, Seotiou 1. That the mayor and re corder -of the oity of Medford aro here by authorised and instructed to make, enter into and execute, on behalf of Baid city, an agreement with I. L. Ham ilton, in words and figures as follows, to-wit: This agreement, made and entered into this .... day of November, 1908, by And ..between I. L. Hamilton, of Jackson county, Oregon, hereinafter called -..the contractor, and the city of Medford, Oregon, a municipal corpora tion,, hereinafter called the city, Witneeseth, , That, wher as, tho said contractor-has heretofore submitted to tho : people. of said city and to tho city council thereof a proposal to furnish to the said city 800 inches of water and to furnish and build a pipeline nnd reservoir, according to the terms and conditions in said proposal set forth, which proposal is hereto annexed and marked "Exhibit A" and mado a part of this agreement, and Whereas, the said proposal has bocn accepted by a majority vote of the peo ple or said city ana by tne city council thereof, New, therefore, the said contractor hereby undertakes and agrees to fur nish to tho city of Medford a perpetual flow of 300 inches (Seven and one-half cubic feet per second) of water at the intake of the pipeline hereinafter men tioned, on the north fork of Little Butte creek, and to furnish all lubor and materials for and construct and complete a pipeline from said intake to the reservoir hereinafter mentioned, to be established near said city, tn fur nish all labor and materials for and construct nnd complete said reservoir and a pipeline connecting same with tho distributing system of said city, all such construction to bo nlong the lineB and grades which shall bo furnish ed by tho supervising engineer of said city, and according to tho specifica tions furnished by said supervising en gineer, which specifications lire hereto annexed and marked-"Exhibit B," and made a part of this ngrccment, nnd upon the terms and conditions express d in said proposal marked "Exhibit A." ' And the Baid contractor further un dertakes and agrees to furnish to said city, immediately uftcr the execution of "this agreement, an agreement be tween the Fish Luke Water company and said city, whereby tho said Fish Lako Water Company agrees to furnish eaid.watoi as abovo set forth, nnd guar antee the said city against all litiga tion that that may arise out of such furnishing of said wator to said city, said agreement to bo secured by a sat isfactory surety bond ic tho sum of fifteen thousand dollarc, conditioned upon tho faithful performance of saul agreement by oaid Fish Lalio Water Company; And snid contractor farther agrees to furnish to said city a satisfactory sure ty bond in the sum of ono hundred thousand dollars, conditioned upon the faithful performance of all that part of this agreement relating to furnish ing of materials and labor and construc tion n herein provided, according ti the terms and conditions hereof and of said proposal and npecificntiona. It is further agreed that nil work done and services performed hereunder shall be done and performed subject to the supervision and approval of tho su pervising engineer of snid city. And in colisidernti n of tho faithful performance, of this agreement ns here in provided, the - city undor takes nnd agrees to pay thorc for to said contractor, in full com pensation therefor, the sum of two hun dred and fifty-four thousand one hun dred dollars (254,100.00), said sum to Vie paid as follows, to-wit: liftecn thousand dollars thereof for tho water furnished under this agreement, in three equal payments, ono thcrof upon deliv ery to said city of tho agreement with the Fish Lako Wator Company here inbeforo referred to, and the bond there in provided; another upon July 1, 1 !. and tho third of said payments thirty days after tho work has been finished to the .satisfaction of the supervising en gineer of said city; tho remainder of said componsntion, to-wit: two hun dred nnd thirty-nino thousand one hun dred dollars, to bo paid as provided in said proposal and specifications. In WitnOBS whoreof, the said contrac tor has horounto set hit) hand and seal, and the Baid city has caused theso pres ents to be signed by its mayor and re eorder and its corporate seal to bo here unto affixed, pursuuut to an ordiuance duly enacted and approved the day and year first above written. (Seal) CITY OF MEDFORD. By Mayor. Attest: Recorder. In presence of: Exhibit A. Medford, Oregon, Oct. 15, 1908. Honorable City Council, City Medford, Or. Gentlemen: I herewith propose to furnish tho city of Medford with 300 inches of water at the intnko of the pipeline on tho north fork of Little Butte creek, build the gravity wooden pipeline, including the head works, trenching and back-filling and clearing, a 2,000,000-gullon reservoir and a con necting pipeline from the reservoir to the present ity distributing system for the Bum of two hundred and fifty four thousand ono hundred (2j4,100). Specifications. The -intake of the gravity pipeline shall bo at n point on the, north fork of Little Butto creek obrrVc tho ford at the head of llnnlcy's field, wooden pipe running- thence to a connection with the beginning of the second survey to Medford by way of Brownsboro, profile of Bnid survey being on file in engineer's office and marked Proflo of Preliminary Survey "B" Gravity Pipeline, August, WIN. ' Medford, Oregon. The wooden pipeline, hydraulic grade line of which shall be as shown on pro file above reforred to, will connect with a reservoir at the lower end of the line ni ;ll jnnt,mie thence to the junction . TfnnaAvelt avenue and Knst Seventh street, a total length of 16 inch ma i.:nA.Kann,l vnmlpn nine of approx- imatelv 23.3 milcB. At the junction of ttnn..vlt avenue and East Seventh tot iha.wnnlpn nine will connect with a 12-inch cast iron pipe, which will, continue approximately 2.100 feet alonff East Seventh street to Riverside arena, where it will connect with your present distributing system. .haUhar.rin.rdiaof,,i8 j inches and shnll conform with the apec- covering tiame, that governed lhi tenilers previously submitted to you on August fl, 1!8, now on file with the city recorder. The 12-inch cast iron pipe shall be class "D" New England Water Works siaii.iard or its equivalent and with it will be furiiitilicd and act the follow ing "specials:" Two 12-inch gate valves. Two c. i. valve boxes. One Id-inch to 12-inch reducer. One 12-inch to 8-inch reducer. One 12-iuchxl2-inchxl0-inch T. One 12-inchxl2-inclix8-inch T. Seven 12-inchxl2-inchx0-inch Tb. Four Eclipso hydrnuto. 48 feet G-ineh cast iron pipe. The reservoir shall, have a capacity of 2,000,000 gallons and shall be con structed of concrete 0 inches thick with two coats of asphcltum on the inside surface. - . For your information and so that you may know I am well equipped to carry out. the terms of this proposal, will stn.to that tho Fish Lako Water Company lias agro-d to furnish the amount of water herein offered and will guarantee the city against all liti gation that mny ariso out of bo furs lushing this water; and also that ar rangements have been mnde by which Mr. 0. D. Vincent and the Redwood Manufacturers Company will furnish and construct tho systom as herein set forth. I understand that payments will be mado us the work progresses, monthly, based on the engineer's estimate as follows: 90 per cent of the value of material furnished and work done to be paid on or about the first of each month for tho material furnished and work done during the preceding month. 30 per cent or whatover may then remain to be paid thirty days aftor the work has been finished to the sat isiaction of the engineer. Owing to the upward trend in mar Uet prices for tho niatorialo involved in this construction, T must make thiB proposal subject to acceptance on or before November 15, 1908. 1 must also stipulato that in case this proposal is accepted the city through its proper authorities Bkall pro duce satisfactory assuranco that the necessary funds are uvailnble "to 'pay for this construction As evidenco of good faith, I herowith attnch certified chock to tho amount of five thousnnd dollars, nindo payable to tho roeordor of tho city of Medford, which is to bo returned in case this proposal is rejected, or to bo held in case this proposal is uccopted only until such time ns a contract in duo form, embodying the terms of this proposal can bo executed. liespectl'ullv submitted, . I. L. HAMILTON. Exhibit B. Specifications Medford Water Works. tloncrul clauses: 1. Tho work heroin contracted to be done must bo comnioiiced within 15 days aftor the date of this contract, and sufficiently completed on or before the first dny of August, 1909, to enn blo the iniiiii pipelino below tho "Brnd slmw Drop" to supply tho city of Mod ford uninterruptedly; and tho entire contract must be completed on or bo fore November first, 1909. 2. Time being an essential part of this contract, there will be charged by the city of Medford; to tho contractor, after August 1st, 1909, the amount of $50 for each and every day that tho main pipeline, below llrndshnw Drop, does not supply wntcr at the full rate possible according to size and pressure, nnd tho amount of $50 for onch nnd livery day that tho work is not wholly :!jinpletcd after November 1, 1909, Biich charges being hereby agreed to be tween the purtiCB to tho contract ns the liquidated damages for which, the contractor shall be linble to tho city of Medford, in the event of his fnillire to complete the work ns specified. If tho contractor shall have finished the work sufficiently to enalilo supplying water nt the "full rnto as stated abovo, from the llrndshnw Drop to the city, prior to tho :llst day of .Inly, 1909, at 2 p. in., lint not betoro tne null uay f July. 1909, ho shall bo paid $50 for each and every day thnt tho mnin pipeline supplies the city with water uninterruptedly between snid datCB. 3. Where in the opinion of the engin eer for tho city, the employment of skilled laborers is necessary lor tno successful completion of tho work to be done under this contract, then only such as havo had experience in and can show themselves to be skilled in their particular line of work, shall be employ ed by the contractor, and whenever the engineer in charge shall deeido that any person whosoever, employed on any .por tion of the work, is incompetent, un skilled, disrespectful, disobedient, dis orderly, or in any way detrimental to the interests of the city, then Biich per son shall be discharged by the contrac tor, and not again employed upon any portion of the work during its construc tion. 4. The contractor must imo Bitch methods and appliances as will, in the opinion of tho cugineer, securo tho best progress and result attainable, ond whenever the engineer notifies the con tractor, in writing, that the appliances used, and the methods ndopted for per forming the work nre not suitnble for obtaining the best results, then tho con tractor shall immediately provide such tools and appliances, nnd adopt such methods for the performance of the work ns are satisfactory to the engin eer; but t lie fnilnrc of the engineer to notify tho contractor that tho before mentioned tools and nppliances arc un suitable shall not relieve the contractor in nny way from his obligation to secure the quality of the work set forth in these specifications. 5. If it shall become necessary at any time to stop work on account of in junction suits, or nny sufficient cause whatever, tho contractor shall, upon three days' mtice in writing of such suspension of work, without cost to or against the city, obey such order. When the city council shall order the work to be resumed, the contractor shall complete tho same upon the terms (if this contract. 0. The contractor shall not be enti tled to trnv claim for damages for any hindrance or delay from any cause what ever in the progress of the work or anv portion thereof; but such hindrance or 'delay may entitle him to an exten sion of time for completing his con tract, sufficient to compensate for the detention, the same to be determined by the engineer. 7. The contractor is to sustain, with out claim against the city, all losses or damages to the work arising from the action of the elements, the nature of the work to be done under these specifications, or any unforeseen ob structions on the line of work which may be encountered in the prosecution of the same. 8. The contractor will be responsible for the work or materials to the full -aunt of the payment, mad. .hereon, MgDffORD DAILY JBtBUNiC, MEDFORD. OREGON, and any damage to same from any enuse whatever, not the fault of the city or ita employes, before the final acceptance of the work, will be requir ed to be made good at the expense of the contractor, 0. The contractor shall put up and maintain such barriers and red liffhta at dangorotiB places along the line of iuv worn as win enectua:iy prevent aeeideuts by duy or nicbt. for which the city might be liable, and ho shall be liable for all dam aired occasioned I any way by his acts or ncglectH, or that or any or ins agents, employes or work men. :i 10. All fees or royalties for any patented article or arrange ment that may be .. used . . udod fications shall be included in the price uamea in tne proposals,, and the con tractor shall protect the city against any and alt demands for such fees or royalties, and before the final, pay ment ib made on the contract, the con tractor shall furnish acceotable Droof of a satisfactory release from all such claims.. 11. No sub-contractor shnll relieve the contractor of his liabilities or ob ligations under his contract, and should any sub contractor fnil to perform the work undertaken by him in a manner satisfactory to the engineer, and should this provision be violated, the city may, at is option, annul and terminate such contract. 12. Whenever any portion of the work is completod the contractor shall dispose of all , surplus materials and rubbish as designated by the engineer, also remove all implements and plant, from the site, of thai, work and leave the finished portion in a neat " and presentable condition. 13. Defective work or material may be condemned by the engineer nt any time before the final completion of nny portion of the work, or the release of ton (10) per cent reserve. When, any work has been condemned, it shall be immediately torn down by the con tractor and done over again in accord ance with the plans and specifications. When defective material has been con demned, it shall bo immediately remov ed rrom the work to some place desig nated by the engineer, where It can be kopt under his charge or otherwise dis posed of to his satisfaction. In case the contractor shall neglect or refusV to roplace any rejectod work or mate rial after being served with a writton notice so to do by the engineer, such work or material shall be removed or replaced by tho engineer nt the con tractor's expense. 14.. The contractor shall provide suit able passngowaya for traffic over all streets or rouds, where such traffic is interrupted by tho progress of the work, such passageways to be made to the Htinfju'tion of tho engineer. IS. At nil times when tho work !b in progress, cither tho contractor him self, .or a competent foreman, must be in direct charge of the work; n complete set .of plans nnd specifications must alHO be kopt upon tho work, and any orders given to n foreman or superin tendent will lie considered as having been given to the contractor himself. fi. Oversight or failure on the part of the engineer or nny of hia author ized agents to immediately eondomn or reject faulty or bad work or material nlm 1 1 not be implied or construed as an, acceptance of the same, if such faulty work or material becomes evident bo-; fnro the final acceptance of the work and release or the contractor from his, obligation. 17. No claim for extra work will be considered or allowed unless said work has been previously ordered by tho en gineer in writing, and tho prico fori, doing the samo agreed upon by tho par ties to tho contract in advance All hums for extra work so ordered must be presented on or before the 3d day of the month succeeding that in which, the work was done. In ease any extra work has to bo done, tho city roBerves the right to let tho contract for doing the snme to whomsoever it sees fit, unless an agreement upon tho prices for doing such extra work can bo speed ily reached between tho city and con-1 trnctor. i 18. Tt is hereby distinctly undor-, ntood that tho measurements nnd esti-,, mates of the eneineer nro to bo taken i ns final and conclusive evidence of the J amount of work performed by the con- j tractor. Tho full ineasuro of compen sation to bo received by tho contrac tor. The estimate is to bo baaed upon I the nroposnl for the lnbor por formed and material furnished undor tho con tract, and in accordance with these specifications, and whonover there may be nny ambiguity therein the engin eer's instructions shall- be considered explanatory and . plmll bo of binding force,.. 10'. In order to prevent dispute and i titration, tho engineer shnll in all cases bo the .referee to doterminc the amount, quality, acceptability and fitness of the Hevoral .kinds ,ot , work and material, which are to bo paid for under these specifications, and to decido upon all tpi est ions which may arise as to tho ful fillment of said contract on the part of the contractor, and his decisions ,and determinations, shall be final and con clusive, 20. Tt is hereby stipulated that if tho work tn be done under this con-, tract shall be abandoned, or if at any time the engineer is nt the opinion, and shall so certify to the city in writing, that the work is unnecessarily delay-! cd, or that the contractor is violating the terms of his contract, or is not executing tho contract in good faith, then tho city b1ii.11 have the right to notify the contractor to discontinue the work, or Btich part thereof as the ,city may designate, nnd to take possession of the work, and either re let the same by contract, or furnish the necessary tools and appliances for completing said work under ths direction of the; en gineer, and if the cost of so pomploting the work is less than the amount dap tho contractor, the amount left, after deducting all the expenses for so com pleting the work, shall bo paid to the contractor or his aligns, but if tho cost is greater than the amount due the contractor upon his contract, then the contractor or his sureties upon the bond man pay to the city the amount of monoy that the expense of so complet ing the contract exceeds the amount due upon the contract. 21. Tho following documents are es sentinl portions of the complete con tract The proposal herein referred to and described, these, specifications and general clauses, city ordinances, specific contract, and contractor's bond. 22. Whenever the word "engineer" is lined herein it shall bo and is hereby understood to refer to W. .1. Roberts, the engineer employed by the city of MM ford, and to his duly appointed as sistants and inspectors, limited by the particular duties entrusted to them, 23, Whenever the words "city" or city council are used herein, they shall be understood to refer to the corpora tion of the city of Medford, of which , the city council is the duly authorise! , agent. 24. Whenever the word "contractor" is used herein, it shall be nnd is under stood to refer to the party or parties contracting to do any of the work ilea oribed herein, furnish materials thero for, or the legal representatives of such party or parties or their assigns. .. Plana and Superintendence. Plans and specifications are intend ed to be explanatory of each other. All ijiuiensious, materials, lines, grades, etc., must be in full accordance with these specifications. Tho plans and specifi cations aro intended to include what ever thing, material, work, or skill which may bo requisite to obtain com plete and finished work; and anything not he in specifically mentioned, but which may be fairly implied as in cjuded in the contract as necessary to render the 'works complete, of. which the engineer shall be judge, Bhatl be deemed to be included in the various prices bid by the contractor, and must be furnished or performed by the'eou-ti-netor without extra charge. Testa, Whenever tho engineer shall desiro to make tests of the quality of materials to bo used in tho cotiatruetiouT'the con tractor shall furnish, free of charge, all neuessnry material, required for mak ing such tests. Oloaring and Grubbing. ' For n distance of about 14 miles It will be necessary to clear and remove the brush and small trees now covering the ground along the right of way. This clearing will be made for a width of 20 feet, or wider if the engineer shall so direct. The brush and trees will all be cut close to the surface of the ground and removed as the work proceeds. No burning will be required. No grubbing will bo necessary except for space oc cupied by tho trench. ' nmoer. All snwod or hewed timber used in nny part of tho work, except for pipe line, may be of common nntivo fir, sound and free from decay. Oaat Iron. All iron enstiugs, unless otherwise specified, shall be made from a superior quality of iron having a tensile strength of not less than 18,000 pounds per square inch. All castings shall con form to the shnpo dimensions require., by the detailed drawings to bo furtiinli- ed by the engineer, nnd mini. ie ciean ;md perfect, without defects of any kind. All castings are to be coated with a paint of nnphnltum or other ap proved mixture Cement Tho coment used ahull bo the best piality of Portland cement, dry nnd freo from lumps nnd nil foreign mate rial, delivered in the original pack iges, in good condition, properly la beled nnad well protected from rain and dampness. It shall bo delivered on tho work in such quantity in advance as shall afford tho onginoor opportunity for making tests of its quality before being used. Tho tests required by the city of Portland for nccoptanco will be acceptable on this contract. Sand, Tho sand used for making mortar, concreto or plaster, shall bo coarse, xharp-grained sand, freo from deleteri ous foreign mattor. Gravel and Broken Stono. Either clean screened gravel, quart zito, basalt or granite when free from mica may bo used for concrete work. Acceptable sizes for gravel or broken stone will he such ns will pass a screen 2W1-iuch mesh nnd bo rejected by a Hcreen of Mi inch. Earthy matter must be removed by washing. Standard of Measurement. In making mortnr or concrete, a bar rel of cement of not less than 400 pounds gross weight or tho equivalent weight of cemont in sacks, will bo the unit of measure nnd is culled herein one quart. Tho contractor is to pro vide boxeB holding four cubic feet each by measure. Ono of theso boxes full of sand, struck mennuro, will bo called one part of sand. Therefore if mortar is to consist of one part cement and two purls sand tho proper portion will ho ono par rel of cement and two boxes of snnd. Concrete. Concrete shnll be com nosed of one part cement, three parts sand and five parts broken stone or gravel. Thorough mixing and tamping will ho rigidly in sisted upon. Mortnr shall consist of one part ce ment nnd two ports of sand. No mortar is to bo used after tno cement tins uni on its initial set. EoHervoir Lining. When tho work of trimming the hot- , torn and slopes and laying nil tho pipes and accessories is cnmplote the basin i is to bo lined with concrete six inches in thickness of the proportions named abovo. Beforo tho concreto has set it shnll be examined enrofully nnd nil rough places uud inequalities on its sur face shall be smoothed over. v Asphalt Coating. When th concrete has become abso lutely dry, which will probably bo in tlireo or four weeks after tho liuintt pp concrete is finished, it is to receive two coats of asphalt, equal in an re spocts to the "1" grado asphalt of tho Union rn or. nan rrancisco. The asphalt is to bo heated to a tern pernture of 350 degrees, Fahrenheit, in tanks placed ciose to too worn, ji shall bo carried to tho work in paih and nppliod to tho surface of the con ereto with brooms or brushes, enough en being employed to do the wort' quickly, so us not to give tho nsphall "time to cool beforo being applied. The entire snrfaco of the reservoir is to br gone over once beforo work is begin: on tho second coat. No work shall In done during the rainy or damp weather er, or while tho snrfaco to be con ted is the least hit damp. : - Gate Chamber. Tho gate chamber for enclosing the controlling gates will bo located as shown on the plans. It will bo built of concrete according to the plans or same. Setting Valves and Appurtenances. All work in connection with setting valves and appurtenances must he done in a most careful manner in order to insure water tight work. Oate-Valves. All gato-vnlves shall be iron body bronze mounted, two faced, wedge valves of one standard make. All valves shall bo equal to tho best type and make of valves made by tho ('ranee companv of Portland. Oregon. Staves, All lumber for slaves, whether for continuous stave pipe or what, is known as machine banded pipe, shnll bo of first quality livo timber, known as Wash ington, iregon r isniiirinn i ir, nr rt-u-wood. nnd must ho thoroughly season ed, and dried rtther in kiln or nir, be fore being milled into stnves. Lumber shnll be sound, straight-grained, entire ly freo from nil dead wood, knots, dry rot. cracks, shakes or other deferts. that may irpnir its strength or durn bility. Small pitch seams will bo al lowed not exceeding three inches in length .and not extending more thnn half way through the thickness of the stave. Hapwood will be allowed onlv on the inner sid of tho stave, and then ly when it does not extend more thnn MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1G, i :IUIIII1IIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII oiH' lmlf of tho way through tho thiek ih'hs of tho atavo. Tho hIiivo lnill lio milled to true 0011 voiiti'ie lint's, lioth outH'ulo inul inmilo, iitul tho eiloti hIiuII lio phuitMl to true I'llililll lilllllOH. Stuvi'H limy lio mill.'il from 1x4, 2x4 or 2xll-iiic.h iiimlior. Tho thii'km'HH for lil incli iiiiio shall ho not Iohs thnn 1'4 inehi'H for hoiuls up to loll h-ot, nml shall ho groHtrr limn I1. itiflu'H. Iiut .not irrcator than 1 'i iiK'hi-R thick for hcniis rooti-r thnn l,rii foot. Erection. Tho pipo vhon luiil ahull conform in alignment nml gnulo to tho ntnuca giv mi liy tho engineer. Blow-offs. lilow offH four inches in tlinini'lor, wilh snocial too cuHtinirH wro to ho i!itc('il on tho hnttom of Uio pipe at mirh ilcproHHions as tho enflinenr may iii'ilicato. With each blow-off thorn will he furuiHlii'il a four-inch (;nto valvo, six foot of heavy Matheson pipe 4 inches in iliamoter, nml u short, cast iron valve box. Alr-Valvos. Al. such summits nloiiR tho lino ns may he inilicali'il by tho enniiieor two inch aiitiuiiulic air valves shall bo plac- eil by the iliactor. The valvo to be iih'-iL must, be e(iml ill nil respects to llin Coffin A nt oinn t in air valves munu fact.ined by tho Coffin Valvo company if ltnsiun, Mass. Stand-Pipos, Where the wml slave pipo is locatoil less thnn Ull feet below tho hydraulic unulo line there shall bo placed 2-ineli nalvanizeil iron stand-pipes, with a 2 inch service cock located ncur tho pipe. Theso Hl.it ml pipes shnll lie boxed in and have the box filled with sawdust. Tenting nnd Acceptance The testing of tho pipelino will con sist, of filling the sumo with wnt.or, from setlling basin to reservoir, nnd from reservoir to distributing system, and closing nny leaks showing after lliree weeks under full pressure. Tho final acceptance of tho pipe will Im made only after tho same shall have been in satisfactory operation for .10 diivs after the closing of nil leaks. Refill lug Trenches. As soon ns tho jiipo is constructed and npprwed by tho engineer tho trench shnll be refilled by the best of nxcuvnt e,l nmteiial. the onrih bciiu; i luinmglily tamped to the middle diameter of the pipe. Cnro shall ho exercised la back filling that, no in.inry is rnused to pipe hv careless refilling with loose stone. All of Hi" material excavated from tho trench shall bo plnced over thn pipe in backfilling. Measurements of Pipe. All incasiir ts of pipe "hall lie mado parallel to the nxis of tho pipo. hiid in trench, connected nnd Toady for use. Mcchlno-Bandcd Pino, ' If nmchine-lianded pipe is used the .inecificat ons .for staves iisi'il in rnn tinm.us slave pipe shnll apply. The thicknesses for tho several heads used shall conform to tho thickness uli mmii.i l,v llm manufacturer and np proved bv the engineer before proposals aro opened, nnd will be npproxiinatidy 1 V. inches thick for lowest heads nnyl 1 3 K inches for maximum heads, being varied to correspond to the heads for which it is built. The ends nf all pipn shnll bo sawed ,,ff run, re mid turned smoothly to cor respond with the couplings. Tho ends dmll be made nf proper size to make a tight fit when the pipe is driven into the coupling, gale or titling. The nine shall be made in sectli nf from M tn Id feet in leriglh, nod not. more time. 10 per cent of sections slmti be less thnn ten feet in length. The thickness of all shells for coup lings shall be the same ns the pipn with which it. is tn serve. Wire. The pipe shall be banded wiro with i-alvanized wire having n fensib strength of not less than 011,0110 joiindF per sipinro inch of section. The gauge ,,f wire shall correspond to Wnslibiirn k Moon's standard gauge, as fnglows: -n, ln.2H.'tO inch diameter. Banding. Tn winding, the bands must hnl-o suf ficient, tension to impress the wire slighllv into tho slaves, but. win- that has broken the fiber of the wood avill subject the section of pipo to rejection. The wire mis' be securely fastened. I l,v stnple nt the beginning of the wind i i,',, nnd i.t the finishing nf the wind- i inir on a section nf pipn n clip nuulo I nf N'nrwav iron or mild steel must be ! used l'i seetirelv fasten the end nf the Wood Couplings. Wood couplings shall bo ni' of Oi 1908. tlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllEIIIUlll RUBBERROID ROOFING. is in use on more buildings nil over the world than any oilier roofing innilo. It is the world standard of roofing quality nnd litis always given entire satisfaction where .other roofings failed. For sale by Crater Lake Lumber Co. sumo material ah tho pipo sections they nro intended to connect. Couplings for l!-iurh pipo for liends up to 100 foot shall bo 0 inches la length, nml for all other heads H inches in length. All the couplings shall bo banded with in dividunl bauds of round mild steel, 3-b inch in diameter, ouch band huvilig A shoo of malleable cast iron or drop forgo sleel, which shall securely hold the threaded end of bund and hond of baud in such manner thut the baud mny be cinched to its proper position. Tho size and number of bamlB to bo used on couplings are to lie ns specified. ' Coating. The outer surfaco of tho pipo, ns well us tho banding, shnll bo coated with a mixture, of asphalt fluxed with siiitulilo material, of proper consistency, upplied hot, by dipping in buth. The tenon ends us well as tho insido of pipe shnll bo properly protected from the coating. Tho coating most ndhore strongly To the pipo and banding, show ing no tendency to flow in hot weathor nr chip or kciiIo in cold weather. Spacing. The spacing fur tho blinding uud tho number f tho gauge of wire to bo used for the lows: nil heads iwdl bo AS fol- Spacing in Itlths. quills .'1-inch .Size Ill inch III . Head . fill-foot . 100 1. :it loil . .. .".200 200 . . . . .2o0 :ioo lino 40O 2:1 l" 17 1:1 11 10 H eipiub t,-nch Coupling: Ita lid. -ilich !-inch -incli -lneli -inch '.Si-inch -iuch -inch (Iniigo No. a 4 B (I 7 7 8 8 ,Nro. 1 .Vo No No No. No. No. No. Head Works. Tim I hond works will consist of a di rt iitg weir, teltling Iiumii, sluice gntes ami sc.reeiiH. Tim nrefi In bo flooded. CSS than OIIO acre, shall be cleared nnd grubbed, nnd ill vegotnble nun nr rsmovei! 10 a pun-.i below the diverting, weir. Tho an as to bo o.eiipied by weir unu screening clinmixir are ei iiinnn. solid rock or solid foundation, and tho rock, if my, c-leuuei. oil' pertoctiy clean, and treticln'H cut therein us shown by plans. Ail pipes must bo carefully net uud embedded Ml concrete so as to insure water tight work, lloforo con crete work is loiliiuoncod all Hurfuces that are to receive it must lie thorough ly elenned nnd sprinkled with a heavy iting of neat ceuieut. The divurtir.g weir wili bo a concrete structure, mid with an intc.ko and screen huinber im will be shown by plans. The onality of ironrrcr.it work to be done shall be equal to thnt specitieo lor Im reuei-vnir liliiillf. Iteiiifo-ceiiient tr In) used an roquircil. The asiihalt colltblif to bo applied Will correspond with that speciti for the Hacks and gratings: A grating made from bars o-lli inches by 2 inches iron ,.r i,.l :i feet. loiiL'. oi" 18 pieces. to be plnced in front of thr intnko pipe, la the interior of the willing bnsin or icreeliini Innk will be li!nvd two sets ,.f milvalMZed wire scrceini, one i. ,,f No is wiio. having 8 meshes to the inch, nnd the other to lie of No. 20 wire having 12 mealies to rlui inch. These screens will be .'10 inches wide and four feet long, fastened to a litccl frame of 1 ' JI' h angles, Vi inch tfclck. The settling brain will be 8 feet wide. 4 feet d.'P and 40 feet, long, in side mecrure, nrr-.il- of eon crete 8 inches thick, enated nn above. An IS. inch stis-l pits' nbout 100 feet ..ill cnnneit the diverting weir nml settling basin. I),,.. 1H inch, one Ill-inch nnd one 0 "self cnntnbird Coffin sluice alves" shall be s.- na indicated. The amount of concrete for head works is estimated nt i0 mine yarns. ?l'ho bmiiu will be roofed snha'antially snid prirviiled with dnor. leicpiiuue. The city will construct nnd equip a tdlephone'line nlong the right of way. ...... ,,...ii,,,r the he..d wixrku and city, within lo dnvs after the ining of the ...ic.trnet. for its own usiv nut the con trnctor will be allowed the rrno of Woie durino- the cnnstinction of tho work eentnu-ted bv him. fin.t Iron 'Distribution. Extension. Tim ennne.ctinir nine hrtween the 1C- uicli machine UnniUel str.ve pip ondlng lut tho intersection of uud JtcoBovfllt avonuq will b l&lftelfc ohms D cast iron, for about MOdM including fittings, gates, and bytim&K as stuted in tho proposal. T.. Payments. -la order to enable the contractor W prosecute tho work successfully, & engineer will urnko an 6otirnatm"0& sic about thi) first of each month of Work performed uud material dollertd.. TW city will pay tho contractor nlnatjr ff c-iit (DO per cent) lit suen stiatv or beforo tho tenth day of the, aMwth succeeding that for which the eatiflutai -waB made. Tho final estimates and pogr ments will bo mado t upon the' eoip3 tion of tho contract.'1 ' "' ' ' ' Thickness of Shall, MacfelBt-Bucdttf ' Pip. ' " u l "' Keferring to pngo 7? " Maeblaa-baad. ed pipe," tho thickaossos f or' tatrksada intempiated will do as follows;)"' i Ill-inch, 50-100-150 foot hoadu, lil incli, 200-250-feet heads, 15-1, 10 inch, 300-350-foct heads, 1 3-f ' Suction 2. Tho nirroenlenV fof'HiUt nishiiig water to said city by thdflrt Lake Water Company, this ftay'rjrWeit- ed to tho council, is horeby approve' to form, coutents and Bubitaace'ajted the inuyur and recorder-ore hereba;.. thorized lind ' instructed to ondorM Ah aecuptanco of tho city thereon, .-.-.t"" Section 3. Tho mayor and rceoriar ' aro hereby further instructed to tecaat' tho bonds of the United States' Itlty and (Juuranty Company "when furauMM' by tho said I. h. Hamilton' and th FHr ljtiko Water Company, in the amotnte and upon the conditions rospecfiveiykk lie orcjuiii uifiuciiiuui, piuviuvu. I section 4. All ordinances ana pan f ordiuances in conflict keYawith tn hereby repealed in so' tt ' tbejr aV flict horowitb. ' : 1 " , ' The foregoing ordinance WSJ pajeam by the city council November iltfj 1008, Trowbridge voting aye, Heroin; ave, Kilert aye, Ulwell aye, tiuer t- sent, Wormian absent. f- Approvcd Novomuer 11th, IVW. j. '. Kfcujix, Mayer. Attost: UKN.r. M. V COLLINS, , Hecorder. it . i I BPEAY TOUB OHOIfAKDB MOW' ' ' For Sana Jose Scale, and Use ijiisn's Concentrated Lime an M- ' " phut" Solution. rjralo lives and' Voile all the jtmr round. l)on 't forget this. As the U scale dios tho new fa ready to carry t tho destruction of our orchards. i Die scale is less vigorous la the fall, and more easily and 'lately dntreyea thnn in any other season of the frf Therefore now Is the Best time t at tack and kill It. If yon spray anv a valuable tree will be saved twi otherwise, because of the scale, sronK not retain lifo enough to start a the spring. ' ' You have more time eow; utr ts less wind to scatter asd wast or spray, and make it hard to eow ftff part. Then, too, you canaot tell ana ny happen to prevent tborenfal spray ing in the fall, ..,,.,,'- Bat. above all, the result el rail spraying ar absolutely certain. Sulphur soiuvoa. Those aro all'!"apre,y facte." We claim no wonderful Chemical dl eovory in this spray, but we do elans most emphatically that: ' Sampson's lime and sulphur soluuaet nlwavs produces satisfactory resuM, nnd does no injury. There it DO fcatMf. spray manufactured than Sampsons lime and sulphur solution. 7 Sampson's lime and sulphur sslaWea a clear, cherry-colored toluMo tn from sediment, It Is guaroataeej to tost 30 degrees Baume. If yen def ers cannot supply you, write o tt Bo sure you use Sampson 'e epriav. Manufactured by GRANTS PARS CANNING CO., Grants Pake, Orefah. Grand excursion 'to' City 'of VesMe- Leaves Medford on the 12th Of Bttm- lnna. on the reirular i OvettaH. $2.15 for the round trip, qeod flSt lavs. For further inrorraaiiea, a,en. to Kmil Pell, Ashland, Or, Tho Buss Aril "ciffea,,d. baled hay by scale weight only. Out priw before buying. -. 1 Medford Dally Tribune, 60e a saoatth.