Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, November 14, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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Social and Personal Mass Meeting to Be Held
The Bum mill (oils feed and bated
iy by scale weight only. Get prices '
before buying. 206 ,
Mrl. W. W. Harriiou pf Miuueapo-
- lie, an old rrleud or A. kquubii, ie yish
lag in Medford. She is also an old
acquaintance of Mr. and Mrs. Fred H.
Hopklui and visited the Snowy Butte
orchard Friday.
Fred H. Hopkins and Hunt Lewis are
planning to take in the Spokane apple
fair next month.
See McComb True about a snck or
two of those Burhank potntoes. 20S
Sara Sundry and wife are back from
an extended viuit to the latter 's old
home in California.
J. C. Patterson of Ashland was a
Medford visitor Saturday.
Honest weights aud prices is our
motto." McComb A True, , for hay
feed and grain. 205
W. B. Stono of Talent was transact
log business with Medford morchuntB
. Saturday.
Mutineer Stono of tho Burrell or
chards is back from a business trip to
Oo to the Buss mill for baled hay and
feed of all kinds. 206
Mrs. Ii.' E. Whiting has left for her
homestead near Eaglo Point, aecom
uuaied bv her son Norman.
T. J. Carney and J. D. Flulcy leave
Saturday ninht for a quail hunt near
Lesnieiter photograph gallery. Open
all week and on Sundays from J to 4
d. m.
J. E. Fnvnrt visited Ashlnnd on
W. IT. West spent Friday In Ashland.
John Olson pnid the county sent n
visit Friday.
When eggs nre 40c a dozen, mix a
litile egg food with your chicken feed.
The results will surprise yon. 8eo Mc
Comb & Trne. 205
Ed Root has purchnsed a lot in Weal
Medford, paying 450 for tho samo.
Ho will raise a crop of broom com on
H. P. Woodson of Ornnts Pass was
a Medford visitor Saturday.
Howard Oleason of the Big Butte
country was a Medford visitor Satur
day. Ask your grocer for a sock of John
son's Best flour. 205
N. S. Bennett has relumed from a
trip to Portland on business.
Mrs. Mnrlon Elliott of Boise, Idaho,
was in Medford Friday looking for
brother she has not heard of for
15 years.
Mimes Tie Lin, Gleason, Broad and
Mr. Bert Perclval returned Fridny from
a trip to tho Blue Lcdgo.
Ladies, come In and register so that
we can mail a handsome Christmas sou
venir to your address. Medford Fur
aitnre Co. 288
Eugene Amnnn is building himself a
new residence on Mnplc street.
F. V. Sheets of Woodville was n
Medford visitor Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Conrad, who have
boon visiting their eon, C. F. Con
rad, In this city, hnve returned lo
their homo in California.
The firo department responded to a
hlar.n in J. D. Fay's residence Fridny
evening. A fluo burned out, doing no
J. MePherson is visiting relntives in
Grants Pass.
Mrs. J. W. Ornver of Englo Point In
visiting In tho city.
Mrs. Arthur Brown Is back from n vis
It In Eugene with her parents.
Frisco Papers Condemn
ing tlie archnrnft.r into tho place where
ho bclnngH in one of tho moat regret
tiible oocurrcnri'M over witiii'Hsed in Sim
Frane-two or nny other city. It in nhoek
ing and hiim-nt (thlc, hut it is gratifying
to know that Mr. Honey in not mortally
wounded. The physiciHi.B hope to nave
hift life, And every gnod eUifcrn fervent
ly hnjM'fl that he will he spared.
"Who is the man to lend !n Ueney'H
placet Who is the tnnn to do the great
cut work for Ban Prnnplseo that any
lawyer can ever do fur the glorlou
"Thin is n time for calmness and re
flection, a vital day in the city's his
"Punish the would-be nwwinsin quick
ly and poiiinh the handlers and graft ors
oh well. Let there be no delav in Ihiw
public duty.'
Wbat The Chronicle Bays.
The Chronicle havh in part:
"The appalling crime which was com
m it ted in this city yesterday adds an
other, paragraph to the long record of
diBastnn which have befallen thin un
fortunate eommunitv. An officer of the
In iv was shot down in cold blood by f
cowardly assassin whom ho had offend
ed In tho discharge of his official fnnc
tions. Happily the murderer for to all
intents and purposes he is a murderer
failed tn wholly accomplish his pur
pose, for nt this writing there is reason,
to hope and believe that the victim will1
not die. Hut murder was intended and
almost accomplished aud a most dan
tu dly murder, for the cowardly nssas
sin stole up unseen behind his unsus
poet Sng victim nnd shot him in the
"Mr. Ileiiey. let us hope, will recover.
The. Owould-bo nssnssin must be left to
tho hnnds of tho law. Fortunately, the
city has been spared the spectacle of
Nummary vengeance :it the hands of hor
rified witnesses of the atrocious deed.
"Nothing is gained and much is lost
when the people take the law into their
"It is not possible that this city rani
escape injury, us it can only be misrep
resented inllrte press of tho world, It .'
would seem that there is no end tn our:
misfortunes. We shall not suffer if
wo regard it as an appalling crime and
let justicitnke its regular course with
such machinery as e have provided for
tho pur tone, without inflammatory ap
peals to human passion. The victim
nd his family will receive the profound
sympathy of the community, coupled
with fervent hopes that tho present be
lief that bewill recover may bo well
(Continued from page 1.)
have been hired by the "higher-ups."
The appeal follows:
"To the Citizens of San I'raneiHco:
" Francis ,1. Ilettey has fallen by the
hand of an nHtmssiii, slud from behind
while fighting his iohI ju the cause
of justice for the people of this city.
He would be the Unit innn to npei( to
tho calm reason of the citizens to pre
serve order and proceed only by the
processes of the law; to look not for von
g 04i ii co but to demand swift justice
through the law. We make the same ap
peal. Mass Meeting Tonight.
"The prosecution will proceed. We
are assured that the trial of Abraham
If uef will continue Monday morning
without interruption.
"The Citizens', League of Justice
calls upon tho citizens of San Francisco
to lend their aid to the cause of justice,
and to that end u imukh ineteiug of citi
zens is hereby called for Hatnnlay eve
ning, November 14, at Dreamland rink,
at 8 o'clock. Wo call ou every citizen
to bo present.
" WALT Kit M 'AKTIirii"
The police have token precautions to
place agents about the Dreamland rink
for tonight 'a mass meeting which is
expected to be one of the urgent ever
held in the city, chief of Police Ilnggy
today issued the following statement:
Expects No Violence.
"I do not look for any mob violence
in San Francisco. We are taking every
precaution to prevent any possible rue
tion, ami 1 think Hint the citizens of
San Francisco will help us. Huef and
Haas are securely guarded at the county
jail and will bo kept until it has been
decided what will be done with them.
Tim meeting tonight Ib for tho de
ciding on n general plan of action re
garding tho graft eases. Attorneys Hi-
rum Johnson and Matt Hullivan, two
f the most prominent attorneys in the
it v, have dedicated themselves lo the
work of the graft prosecution to con
tinne Honey's work until he gets well
or even afterwards, if lie desires,
Johnson and Hullivan went responsi
ble for tho position of helping; they
aled the ha run in when Die news of
the shdoting came to them, and John
son maile a speech neroro me iiiohi
prominent members of the league last
night, at which the call for tonight s
meeting was issucti.
Johnson's Statement
Ldinson said:
'In tho efficacy of Hie law I hnve
confidence, and for the adminis
tration of justice in this community
1 have the profound-Hi contempt, but it
is given to us of the profession to work
in but one wav, and that is through
this Inmo administration of the law and
justice. When the shot, reverberated
throughout our town that laid Frank
Honey low, Mr. Sullivan and myself
ledicated ourselves to this work until
his recover v. We will answer ready
for the people with the consent of the
listrict attorney when the case is called
on Monday, and with the aid of the
itizenship of San Francisco nnd by
the grace of Ood, we will put. Abe Huef
where ho belongs and avenge this at
tempted assassination. Mr. Sullivan will
go into this work, not ns Ihe employe
of anv individual, but ns representing
the decency of San Francisco and with
out any compensation whatever."
This statement was greeted with tre
mentions cheers ny i no peopio m mm
Ex-Mayor Pholnn Spoaks.
Attorney Mat Sullivan, ex Mayor
I tunes D. Phelau spoke along the same
lines. Phelau said in part:
Sun Francisco is nt an outlaw
We will show to the world that
it is not. We niutit drive out of the
temple those men who sit in high places
and assutno to be the representatives
of tho business interests of San Fran
4CO. "
Scores of other prominent rili.ens
spoke to the cheering crowds. I'rofesNor
George It. Hoke of the Fiiiversity of Cal
ifornia, president of I lie league, couti
selfd moderation.
Tho San Francisco Bar association
iiutl the Irotiuois club, the big democrat
ie club of this city, adopted resolutions
.if sympathy with Heney and eomlrinuu
tion of the crime.
Mayor Taylor Agitated.
Mayor Taylor was great ly agitated
when he learned of the crime.
" It is an awful affair," he said. Lot
cr he talked with the surgeons who nre
in attendance on Mr. Heney and declar
ed that, he believed that Honey would
pull through.
"The history of great assassiuat 'umt
show that it is difficult to protect a
public man when another has determined
to take his lite ami is willing tit ni
his own.
At the same it, it would be well ii
our courts were to be re arranged, pine
ng the judge, jury, witnesses, prison
r, court officials and attorneys with
in the railing apart from the crowd."
MKDFOJtD, Or, Nov. 7. Wheelock
Company, Peoria, 111. Heutlemcn: The;
.large consignment, which you recently
S' nt us of fine chinu, stoneware and
pot lory in going remarkably fa.t and '
wrt feel justified in placing another j
large order with you. Vou will reuieiu- ,
brr that you expressed u fear that Med j
ford was too mnnll a city to market toidi j
high -class goods. At first we found j
salts a little slow, and were inclined (
to think that perhaps we had made a
mistake, but since people have become J
attjiiuintetl with our stock and find we'
s. II it at less than Portland piiccr,, it
i:i having a ready sale. We have the
best stock of this kind in southern Ore- '
goii, making a specialty of fino china
and nrnauit-utul pottery, carrying all of
Ihe choice paltegiii, including Norse
ware, Hcarford West hid innn ami lias
ill ine ware. Although wo have been
established but a year, wo have built
ii)) a remarkably fine business, a busi
i ss that is growing faster than the
city, hhowiug our goodf. are fully up
prociated by the people of Medford and
.Hekson county.
Yours very truly,
Burns Says Crime Due
AH tho blood iu tho body passes
through tho kidneys once every three
fiinnteK, The kidney filter the blood.
Ttioy work night and day. When healthy
i hey remove about SOU grains of impure
ruatlt-r daily, when unhealthy tome part
"f this impure mutter is left iu the
!'!oud. This brings on many diseases
mid symptoms pain iu tho back, head
o'he, nervousness, hot, dry skin, rheu
matism, gout, gravel, disorders of the
-yesight aud hearing, dizziness, irregu
lar heart, debility, drowsiness, dropsy,
duposits in the urine, etc. J Jul if you
lioup tho fillers right you will have
double with your kidneys.
Julia Davis, liviiig ou L,jiIai:: street,
Medford, Or., says: "I was afflict. I
v i tli kidney troublo for 12 years, und,
although I doctored and used many rein
dies, I waB unable to find relief. I
nfferod severely from pains in my back
ind generally felt tired and worn out.
.earning of tho merits of Doan's Kid
.ny Pills, 1 docided to try them and
irocurnd a box nt Haskius' drug storo.
. had only used them a short time when
i noticed a great improvemont in my
ontlition, coutinuod und was henofitod
u every way. I am still using Doan 's
idney Pills, and the rosulta are so sut-
factory that T feel I can recommend
heint very highly." 25
For sale by all dealers. Price 50 centfi.
FoHtcr-Mil burn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sol
vents for the United States.
Remember the name Doan 'a und
;ike no other.
Classified Advertisements
One Cent a Word No single luser
ions less than 15 cents. Six insertions
jr the price of four. Seven ty fiv
ents a Una per laontn.
I'lCTlONAltY" F( iU SALK ",Copy "of
the latest edition of Webster's Inter
nat it mill I ictionary, unabridged, in
lexetl and entirely new; a bargain.
Call on or address (leo. T. Faucet! nt
-VoIIh, Fargo & Co. 's express office ui)
IHTiHAM horse,;" light
lop buggy, ut a bargain. Harry Mess
ler, Kmeriek Lodging House. S2U5
i-'olt SALK Five and ton acre tracts
within and adjoining city limits, at a
bargain on long time. Address P. O.
Itox -ItS, Medford, Or. 2-lS
l''oTTSAlr Choico business property
at a bargain on easy terms. P. O. Mux
IIS, Medford. ' 247
1 iH IT'S ATTICA liouse aud'loT TuTlen"
tral Point, one block f r m Main street,
koiue 24 feet square, 4 rooms, lot rJi
1 10; price $riH). Impure of Mrs. 1. M.
Finerson, Central Point, Or. 210
i'Oll SALE A good small business on
Sovonth street. Reasons for Boiling.
ddress. P. O. box Mil? or onU nt thfs
-fl'iee. tf
R8vTr:i2&'re ramY11 1
first class improvements, woll, famih
orchard, otc. This is a bargain. S-
E. W., Tribune office. tf
'"Ml SALE Six room house, bath, elee
t t ic lights, well and city water, si
blocks from depot.. For particulars in)
dress U.ix SOU, Medford. 200
ro'TlfAlVR figiit single covered nVr
gv for two seated rig. L. E. W.. Tri
'Mine office. tf
ANTED To loan $.'(H on good r.ecu;
Iv. Apply Exhibit building. ' 1w
1ST - Kain overcoat, between Phoeni
and Cent ral P"int, tagged No. -0(N.
C. A. Smith, Central Point. 200
I ST Li i;lit coat 1 rimint'd in green
wlvct. near West Side school. Find
it please return to Mrs. Fred Keincke,
. orner 11th and L si reels, or leave
at this office. 20."
LOST -Small ladies tie, with Calif pin.
Finder plenne return to A. II. Miller.
Commercial club rooms. 204
(Continued from page 1.)
believe that hi1 has been responsible for :
mother murder. '
This const ant villi f ving. ridiculing
and caricaturing of Mr. Ilemy is as
much responsible for the attempt to as
snssinate him as the bold plot, which I
telieve was behind the whole thing.
1 he shooting of Mr, Henev is not
utitiko the assassination of President
MeKinley. That crime was laid at the.
onr of the vile yellow journals, which
have consistently advocated auan hv bv
making vicious attatks on public offi
cials. It is better fur good citizen to
tako steps to curb these vile organisa
tions which hnve openlv defended crime
and venomously t tucked the sworn pub
lie orricers who have fought fearlessly
to rid San Francisco of its debauchera
and the shame which they have brought
upou the municipality."
You can !
find it at
Cash I
Store I
Our 4th Week End
After Supper Sale
Almost unnecessary to advertise this event. It has already secured a following, who have found it pays to
he on hand bright and earlv at these Week-End merchandising events. Some of our best departments made lib
eral contributions for this Weeks' End Sale and we didn 't take the prices that they carried, but made new ones,
for the After Supper Sale must give you goods at a lower valuation than you can buy them under other cir
cumstances. Slow, old-time merchants would be horrified at the way we put prices on the toboggan at these
Alter Supper Sales. These ijoods are certainly appreciated.
After 7 P. M. Saturday.
$6 Umbrellas $3
'Fifty fine silk covered Umbrel
las; gold and silver handles; best
paragon frames; fitted with cup
runners; every umbrella a $6.00
value; Saturday night, from 7 to
0, choose at ?3.00
Save enough on this6nc item to,
pay for the paper for a month.
25c Laces 13c
Now is the time to supply your
needs for making handkerchiefs.
LAW RS' 3;-)c HOSIERY 19t?
You surely can use an extra pair
cf hosiery. We want to show you
how our hosiery wears. Come and
see these values.
Saturday After Supper Only.
50c Neckwear 25c
Just received, a big lot of new
Neckwear, and Saturday night we
offer a lot of the SOc sellers for 25?
)1 Neckwear 50c
You Bhould have one of these.
$U0 Neckwear 75c
Brand new. If you want the new
est, here it is for half.
10c Silk Ribbon 5c
Just received, all colors . and
widths of fine silk Ribbon to sell
Saturday night as follows:
10c values for . '. '.5
loc values for 8
20c values for 10
30c values for -. . . .15
After Supper Sidurditii Only.
$10 Wool Blankets $5
Guaranteed every thread woolen
white and gray; extra size; as
good as vou will find in town for
$10.00; Saturday $5.00
$2.00 Blankets $1.19
We'll guarantee that you can't
buy 'em wholesale for ihe price.
Come, see.
$3.00 Comforts $1.75
Made large and fluffy; covered
as well as most $3.00 comforts ; Sat
urday night only $1.75
$2.00 Comforts $1.39
Less than you ever saw them sell.
$75 Lace Costume $37.50
Could you make $37.50 easier?
If you doubt these statements,
come and be convinced.
IE"" Baker-Hutchason Co.
The Perfect Range
That will cook your Thanksgiving Tur
key right is that beautiful
You can see one and have it demon
strated to vou at
Hussey's Cash Store
Next to Hotel Moore
All property owners on Central avenue N., are
hereby notified to transfer their water connec
tions from the old main to the new main, as the
water will be cut out of the old main Novem
ber 20.
By order of
Water Proof Shoes
Lumbermen's Pacs,
Knee and Hip
Rubber Boots,
Shoe Oil.
High Cut
Boots in all
We carry the strongest lines at tke best prices in
Southern Oregon. Buy now. Rainy weather is
Tribune Ads Bring Results
More Light for less Money
Sixiy-thm per cent of electric current saved by using
32 Caudle Power Edison Lamp uses 110
WattB per hour aud would use in 1000 Ins.
110 Kilowatts which at 10 cts. a Kilowatt $1 1
32 Candle Power Tungsten Lamp uses
40 Watts peihour aud would use in icco
hours 40 Kilowatts which at 10c a Kilo
watt 4
Net Saving in 1000 hours in favor of the
Tungsten Lamp $ 7
Rogue River Electric Co.
Successors to Condor Water & Power Co.
Office, 206 West Seventh Streetrplu'nT'Na
Opposite the Big Electric Sign.