MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNJL, MEDFORD, OUKOON', FI.'IDAY. NOV KM Y'FAi 13, 190P. i Medford Daily Tribune A Live Papeb in a Live Town. Published every evening except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY Gbobqk Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postof f ice at Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. ie month, by mail or carrier .... $0.60 0 year, by mail . . . PROTECT ION The organization of a Fish Protective association to protect the finny tribe in the Rogue and its tributaries, secure needed legislation and restock the streams, is the first sl; toward a restoration of natural conditions and a move to check the extermination of the gainest fish known in the country's most famous fishing stream. Until the entire stream is closed for trout fishing, in cluding steclliead, except with are established and enforced, gone about in a thorough and scientific manner, the new association will not consider its work accomplished, but will wage an active crusade to bring about the desired con ditions. One of this region's greatest assets is the fine fishing for which the Rogue has become famous iu less than a score of property purchasers have been located here sim ply through the fishing attractions, and each season sees a constantly increasing stream of money spending sports men headed this way, just for the fishing. The commer cial feature should alone cause every business man in the various towns to become a member and help push the move ment to a successful issue. Elsewhere is published a blank subscription applica tion. (Jut it out and send it with one dollar to the associa tion's treasurer and so do your share ill preserving" this valuable asset to the country. . ' ADVENTURE RQKUXAS IN AN ENGAGEMENT DKNVKH, Col., Nov. I.t.Fnllnwing tliff utlf-mptnd dynamiting of Mrs. Lhw rnnpo C.. Pliippn nnrt linr .Vyeur old uiuiKlitor Melon recently, society os nips hero todiiy am hi tit in if of n re iimrriiiKP between Mm. J'hippH runl her divorced luiHlmml, Lawrence IMiippn, t lir PittHhurg millionaire, nn a result of tho nd venluro, PhippH, ns hooii iih lin learned of tin attempt nn flu lifn nf his former wife, linrripil to Denvor. Jin found Unit Mrs. Allon Wood, Mm woman who hurled the dynamite, hud lxon relented from ciih 1ody. rluppn demanded her roiirrent, nnu today huo wan again taken into run tody liy tin police. 1B1 PLANTS HAVE CLOSED NINOE JUNE, 07 HALKM, Or., Nov. 13. According to n rnport given out by f,nbor CoinmiH hIoiht Iloff today, thorn nrn 151 fac tories that have pit her cloned down or gone out of lumitiPKH entirely in this Mate during tho ( months from Juno 1, 11107, to October 1, lfHIX. There lire fn tint Htiito 174.1 plants of which Itl hnvo burned, 2 deitmyed by explosions. 04 ftnnn out of hutiiiiciM nnd K7 lying idle, limiting in I idle pin n If. nltogeth. or. .Four inspect ions of tho plants hnvo boon Hindi' since Juno, li)07. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. J. K. Wntt ot nl. to Willlnm Hudgo, 40 ncroft in D h f! 41, township 37, rouge 1 W; nisi. 12 nero in 11 I, (' .,, township H7, rung 2 W -.0. Tlieiss to W. E. 1'hlpps, lot 2, Mock 1 nnd lot ft", block 2, West's addition to Mud ford flonrgo K. Hnrgadine. to Kllon O. Onloy, N 1 2 of N W V4 see tion ir, township .1ft, riiiiK 1 Tinted Sin t or to Mm. Pnrhy Dim yrnn, 110 ncres in section .10, township 3r, range 3 K ...... Lulu Howard to Cow Crook Lnm lipr company, R i of H w nnd V of R V, sod ion 2(1, township 3.'), range 4 W J. P. Whipp to Mary IT. Ttognr t nl., acres in township 37, range 2 W William Hruin to Nelson O. Pnw era, Innd in township 3, rnnjfe 1 W A. II. T.swrontz (o Rnuiuol Itnw Vain. 20 ncroH in nprtton 21, township 3H. mutt 2 W 0. H. Jpunin to Krvin McCnII, lot 32, block 1, Sunjivnido ad dition to Medford 8. M. Wilcox to R. J. Rummerlin, S Uj lot 2 nnd nil lot 3, block 70, Medford Kunico M. Taimfidpn et nl. to fl. H. ITownrd, lotn 1, ? nnd .1, block 2, ljuuiftdpti ' ndlitlon to Medford W. A. Cooper to r!y of AMhliind, 3 nerctt In Ann Innd Jficoh StotiP to Will in in It ruin, Innd In D It T U4, township 3S, rniiffo 1 W ; UK 10 WOO I'oo in M0 R.10 1Tntod StitteR to I.ttlu llownrd, KiO pc re in 2(1, town Mhip 35, rmiffp 4 W patent B, J. Fnrlow et nl. M City of Anhlnnd, proporty for Btrort purponon , Froderick Mncoln Knpelnnd to Mm. Kndorn A. !ny, 40 neroa ' ' in hoc t Ion 22, township 3t, ' rmitfp 4 W 1 E. T. Staples ot al. to city of Anh lnnd, land for alley running from Ash Innd houiu betwoen Mnln utrpet nnd Oak at root in . Ashlnnd , ' " .15.00 IS AT HANI). rod and line, Hosed seasons and the work of restocking SPRAY YOUR ORCHARDS NOW For Sana Jose Scale, and Use Sampson's Concentrated Lime and Sul phur Solution, ' SciiIp live and worlm nil the yonr round. Don't forgot thin. Ah tho old rtcolo dies tho now Ih ready to curry on Hip destruction of our orchards. Tho hcuIo in lens vigorou in tho full, and moro ouNily nnd Hiirely di-Htroyod than in any other twmon of tho your. Thereforo now is tho boHt timo td nt tack mid kill It. If you sprny now, iiiuuy u vuliuiblo trve will bo Hfivcd that othorwiHo, bocaiiHo of tho Mcalo, would not retain life enough to Htart up in I ho Hpring. Vou havo iu,oro time now; thero Is less wind to scatter and wan to th Mpray, nnd mako it hard to cover every part. Thou, too, you cannot toll whut may happen to provnnt thorough sprny ifi in tho fall. Hut, ubovo all, tho result of fall "praying are abHolutoly certain. Sulphur Solution. Those aro all "apray facts." Wo claim no wonderful chemical dla eovory In this sprny, but wo do claim most emphatically that: Rampiion's lime and sulphur solution always produces natisfactory renults, and does no injury. Thero is no hotter sprny mnnufneturod tlinn Hnmpson 's lime and sulphur point ion, RnnipNon's limo nnd sulphur solution is n clear, cherry-colored solution free from sediment. Jt is guarnntocd to tout 30 degrees Tlaunie. Tf your denl ors oimnot supply ou, writo to us. He sure you use Rnmppon 's spriny. Manufactured by (IRA NTH PARR CANNINO CO., Grants Pass, Oregon. A NEW TABERNACLE. The revival t tho Christian church is going tto rapidly mid the audieucet) are ho large that tho ChriHtian church building it entirely too small to accom modate the people who would like to hear the gospel. Something had to bo done, A tabernacle was decided upon. It. wll bo ready for use by next Sunday. Ths tabernacle will accommodate 700 or HOO people. It is to bp 4,rtxH0 feet, The 'hriatinii church is to be con-grutiilntf-i) for its niiusunl enterprise m -ring murh a commodious building. Srvi wj) b bM in the (hrisliiin 't,t' mi l Hi;ndav. Come to the --f- ,jf!,t tht week. Whislon .m h f."3trj( vrn grf-st sormons. Th ?kvfM a bn rrndring some firt-Ui m, Mmii and Long .n -t; .g': ;i mt'.b thir pl'-ndid solos. T!takh.v?t. i,ri ftd tfiritn 1ni nld th ( ,vnm of th services. Sulij-ci f.r Kri'Ur ftjjfhf, "A Sneering fynic. HturUr. "H-,irM Fnspaks Ides.' Hervins 7 i't sharn. Fine audi nee IimI night, i'nine tonight. (Jrand eictirnion t i City of Mexico. Leaves Medford on th 12th of Pore in ner, 11I0S, nn the regular Overland. ii'-Ufi for the round trip, good for (10 dnvs. For further information, writo to Kmil Toil, Ashland, Or. tf ADVERTISED LETTER LIST. The Mlnivini; Mien remain uncall ed nt the pn:lnffiie al Medford. On-yon, November II, UtilS: . II. HulliH-k, I,. K. C.nant 41, Km eat ( ru.ike, .1. K. Kronk, tb'o. F. Fry C-'l, Kiln hvans, V. I,. Evans. Walter! I.. Kvnns, Mrs. V. Kvnns, Walter Ernns I . 1 i n 11 11 . Kre.1 llcnnin, .1. H. Helms. H. (1. Newton. W. I.. Haven. Frank Rl oris, Wum lies,., Mrs. Mable Sanders, Olive leler. It. 1.. Werner, Win. Wrinht. Parties rlln,j fr v 0f the above letters will pleme say advertised. A i eharue of one cent will be made upon. the delivery or any of the above letters.! A. M. WOOHFOIIH, P. M. ADVOCATES REVOLUTION IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS LINCOLN. NVb., Nov. 13. Prufessur K. .1. Goodwin of New York, fur six years assistuut state commiBsiuner of education, at the opening of the gen eral session of the 4tat Teachers' as socatiuii today declared that the organ ization of tho public schools of the larger cities uiust be revolutionized by cutting out of the elementary branches and high schools such studies as are jf uo value to the majority of the pupils in preparing them for the buttle of life. Only the essentials should bo taught, nnd these must be made to apply to conditions that arise in every city public school over the land, lie would, he said, form the pupils into groups, one for learning trades, another for preparation for commercial life and n third for the college and university. , He would have the trade Jfroup spend the afternoon in the subjects along this line nnd the high school course - ex tended to give two years more to tho i pupils who have the opportuiity and desire to finish a college and university course. Ho pointed out that tho sys tem of apprenticeship had practically lisuppeared, and he held that somehow ihe public schools must be made to take its place Notice. Any responsible party wishing to take t good nil-round horse for its winter's keep, call nnd see mo nt Warner's store ' Haturilav, November 14. 20.1 C. W. AUSTIN. Special Limited Pullman Excursion to the City of Mexico. Tickets will be on sale at the local -ff'ice December 12 and 13 for an ex- fiirsion to tho Oityo f Mexico. Tho ex- 'ursion will leave Han Francisco Decern- -'er Hi nt 11 a. m. A magnificent special 1 l rain will Jio provided, consisting of I'ullrimn vestibulod sleepers, observation , sleeper, buffet, mnoUing enr nnd dining nr. KxYursion will be over the Southern Pacific, Mexican Central, Mexican Xa tional line, International and Great j Vorthern, Galveston ft Han Antonio and j 4nnta Fo rnilwnys. The round trip i ate from Medford will bo $2.15. The 'oing trip will bo continuous up to El j I'aso, but stopovers may bh had tit any j ni. in lino point on the return trip. ; Tho excursion will bo under the di- ect supervision of somo rnilway official i-om the pif singer department nnd nn i interpreter w'li nccompnny tho pnrty to he Oity of Vrxico. ! Further m,',',la', nk nn depot, or i ummunicn'o with W. IT. .TonltinH, trnv- j ling passcig'T agent Hon thorn Pacific j company, o- 1'. Pcil, Ashland. tf Formal Opening of the MEDFORD THEATRE rONDAY 1DVENTNG, Nov. 16th with Sale of seals at llaskins Dnip; iStoro. Vov sultsrriliora only, Tuesday (iencral salo liogins Tlmrs ilay. Prices, $").(K), $2.00, $1.00. SIS and Hednesdav II 1 1 i'v ) i . I I m&fcXffik mm Watches. Clocks W!KW!:jf.N - s'r anclJewelrv iTREEsi 'Siir B. N. Butler , JtW'1MZX"&X I vu-x Near Postoffice I 1 "7 wrilll IVUIIlt IIIICTIIII r"r IT r3 S vj'wrxi'vxsm ; wwasi irswi tstk RnsFs ""lac i immu a - mmi IH2 Sflrk Wr 'i V" 'I '!! -''ey ether dealer, (let our prices be 3tt r$. Krmt Ufamp ton. Isaacs ."Sitstructor of "pUmo. tlst 3ttetboo Orange Strxt , Ask your dealer for MANUEL LOPEZ clear Havana Cigar. HART CIOAK CO., Distributors, jrortland, Or. SAVOY Tonight anl Saturday. Strong bill of tho latest moving pictures, featuring "Tllli SAILOR'S - AlxN-iutifulswuic story of the sea. ? . ' - "TTIR POrSONKI) liOl'OlJKT" A thrilling sto ry picture. The latest funnygraphs and illir rrated songs. Admission 10 cents. BIJOU THEATRE llitfh-Class Vaudcvillo All Next Wwk, ((iiiniiciiciiiH; Sunday, Xovciiilici- , 'IIS. flTAS. KLLT A X I W I V ), in )hyM and Hpc'.-inl-ly acts. Ittg Moving I'i.'tni-c Fcatir,-"s Timilit and Tumor SALEM Bfcifcift SAM-i.M is 1,lu! most po;ular liccr in -Noi'llicrn ('alil'oi'nia and Southeri! i Ircgoii. It is acknowl edged to lie tiie equal of Ihe very hest easlorn product. All lieers are .od, but some beers are liked belter than others. The proof for this as sertion lies in drinking Nrdcin beer. 1 1' you wisli to be convinced, ask for S dem beer and drink it. SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION E Medford Depot : .Medford Ice & .Storage Co. ? lyiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiniiiiiiiiij j That Unforgetable Slogan I "HASKINS FOR HEALTH"! iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiifii I I l t I : 1 . A Ill mm COPVHiCMT. APSEC UN 3 ill iSj I a w I j mJJ Located ! with Martin J. RedJy ; v-Sv and am prepared to y'ir..'Jik.' 'V: "JV I do all kinds of re-1,1 '-AflP' f T -V A pair work on E I A THOHOUGHBKED a man always looks like when he has Imd his arinciitR fitted and m:uk- in Hie exquisite stylo that is always given Ihem by Kreuzer. If you don't look like a man of fashion nnd taste it liei-aiiHo your tailor is nt fault, and you ran always ho sure of appearing liU: one if your mi it or overcoat is made hv J. A. KREUZER & CO. IMrORTEKH AifD TAILORS. PALM BUILDING, MEDFORD, ORE. Tin PiaiuiMid has hold first phu-o siiii't timt' ln'jiun, in tin i-stoom of ali K Trn nf jowolry an I no one enn Jonv l!':it "it will n.ntimu to do so, NoitJirr anvmio di'iiv that tiie illunionds shitwn at Martin Iio.hU- 's jowi'lry sti-ri- j an lu surpassed t-r their woiht v any other ilralor. (let our prices bt fre you deeitle pun h!i.-in. MARTIN J. REDDY The Jeweler. Near the IVslof f tee. Van Dykes Make yourself comfortable.' Now is the, time, by pupplying yourself with wann win ter materials. .' . Outing Flannels Extra heavy Outing Flannels in UgMagd ' dark colors at -f. Medium heavv grades in good range of coI- orsat .lOf ; Flannelettes at, yard .'. . .10 and 12 1-2 Soft Gotton Blankets 1 1-4 full size double cotton '. Blankets in white, tan and gray, at, each" $1.50 Liaht weights in same sizes at, each $1.25 104 gray and white Jilankets nt, eacn spx-w Wool Blankets up from ; $3.00 COMFORTS Extra large Comforts with good clean cotton filling at, each. .$1.50 Special lot of 30-inch wool Shallies -in all. colors at, yard .' . ...60 New-Purses and Fancy Neckwear. Van Dykes Drv (loods Shoes State Depositary. CAPITAI. AND SURPLUS 1115,000.00 MEDFORD SASH & DOOR COMPANY- PHONE 2291. . Window Frames, Oak Veneered Doors, with Bevel Plato, carried in stook cheap. Office Fixtures nnd all kinds of Planing Mill Work, including Turned Work and Fancy Grills. F STREET, BETWEEN SIXTH AND S EVENTH STREETS. ' J. E. ENYART,Presid ent. .1. A. PERRY, Vico President. The Medford MEDFOBD, OB. CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS 10,000 Safety Boxes to Kent. A General Banking Business Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage PERKINS ARCHITECTS Plans, Specifications, Superintendence. Surveying in all its branches. Rooms 28-29, Jackson W. W. CITY TAILOR : ; THE MEDFORD DAILY NEWS SERVICE IN ' v i a Furnishings OUR MENU AND SERVICE are as perfect as can be. At this res tan runt you can get anything you want to cat from a "little snack" to aa elaborate din nor. Aud if you can find any fault with tlie way we cook and nerve it you will be tho first to; do so. People toll us our meals are nothing Ion Htlian physical and mental feasts. Come ami see if tboy aro right. NASH etiFE THE PEOPLE Should ho intercHted in firo and burglar- proof protection for valuablos from 1 the millionaire to the wage-earnor, from- tlio owner of valuable securities to the person who possoascu jtwelry prized for. its aHHnciationa. lu faet, almost every one needs this kind of protection, and it may bo found in the fire and burglar proof vault of the Jackson County Bank where you may rent a safe deposit box at a very reasonable charge. Safe doposit boxes to rent, M per year and up. i. ;l V. I. VAWTER, President G. R. LINDLEY, Cashier JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier. ' ,: W. B. JACKSON, Ass t Cwhier. National Bank: & JANNEY AND ENGINEERS County Bank Building.; When You Are Hunting for th beat tailoring establishment, you will not burn your money if you patronize us. The time is now here when you should think abeut yur fall unit. We are anxious that yon e)pAd see our display of fall fabrics. Make your selections now. We will fill your order with pleasure. Stnaera cleaning. French dry clean ing and pressing neatly done. EIFERT MIDFORD TRIBUNE HAS TUti tiESl' SOUTHERN OREGON. r