ftlEDFORi) DAILY TIUBUNJ.MKDFOJ&D, OREGON", THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 12. 1008 Social and Personal jGrattd eicurilon to City of Mexico. Leuvei Med ford on the 12th of Decem ber, 1908, on the regular Overland. $92.13 for the round trip, good for 60 dftvs. For further Information, write to Emil Pell. Ashland, Or. tf H. B. Tronson and Ernest Webb drove lu Thursday from the former' hagl Point ranch. Sara Kogers, "raoyar of Eileen1 down from the Blu Ledgfc. Grants bvironie cracker. Allen Rea?an. 204 The Rum mill oils feed and baled bay by scale weight only. Get pric before buviuff. 2M Try a package of Grant's hygente crackers. Allen & Keagan. Grant 'b hygcnic crackers are best. Allen & Heaimu. 204 Go to the Rubb mill for baled hay and feed of all kinds. 200 McGomb & True nre locutcd at Pagi & 8on'B wurcbouiic. 203 Mr. and Mr. J. W. Opp wore Med ford visitors Tuesday afternoon. George V. Durham camo up from Grunts Pns Tuesday to attend circuit court. D. B. Grant, (!. II. Vaupel, Benton Bowers and K. V. Carter came down from Ashland Tupwhiy on bitnii.enn con nccted with the establishing of Hillali temple of Bhriiu-rs Sut unlay night. When eirus are 40c a dozen, mix little egtf food with your chicken feed The result h will mirnriHe you. Mee Mc Comb & True 203 Coiiiuy Jmlgi' J, U. Neil in paying his sou nt Butte Falls a visit. Attorneys W. 1. Vawter, W. K. Phipps and O. ( Mkh of Med ford wero at tending an adjourned session of circuit court Tui wlay. The editor of tho Talent ltustler was in town Mnudiiy in the mtere.stH of his paper, Ask your grocer for a sack of John son's Best flour. 203 H. M. Clovenger of Butte Falls is visiting Medford on business. He re ports that two of the prominent worn en engaged in a game of hair-pulling resulting in n nlaelt eyo for one and Incerated fitelingrt for the other, The court wan iiivokt'd, Imi Judge I'etitK refused to initio warrant without cost bond, as ho Iiur aonic knowledgo of the tronblo mid thinks the county should t: protected ng.'tniHt tho expenses. N. h. Narregim of Eagle Point was traiiNacting business in the city Wed nesday, as was nlso Kfujuiro Ilowlctt. Tho Roaincs clmptor, O. K. 8., gave a - most enjoyable hoc ml evening at the lodge rooms on Wednesday evening. Many attended and enjoyed themselvos. Robert Rllev was a Mod ford visitor from Ashland on Thursday. ' John Martin of Talent was in Med ford on husinosH Thursday. Charles Nickel! whs a Mod ford visitor Thursday from bis ranch nenr Btorling. Frank J. Wilson of tho Applegate country was a Medford visitor Wed nesdny. Dr. J. F. Rcddy returned from a trip to eastern points Wednesday. Ho spent election day in Chicago. Gnorgo )aniel of Prospeet is visiting in Modford. Mrs. George McLean of Los Angclen is visiting with her father in this city. Mr. nnd Mrs, T. W, Mies entertained MrB. A. K. Konncy and Mrs. J. M. Wag ner of Ashland on Wednesday. Mrs. 11. (1. Hhoar.ir is back from a visit to Han Francisco, F. W. Itieluinlsou passed through Medford Wednesday on his way from RoBeburg to Kliunath Falls. W. B. Humes of Klamath county whs a Medford visitor Wednesday. POLICE LOOKINO FOR GIRL WHO STOLE SNAKES OALVE ILL; MAY NOT SING FOR THREE WEEKS PITTSBURG, Nov. 12. Calve, the prima doiinn, has tho grip. She will not be able to sing at the opening con cert of tho Pittsburg orchcBtrn tomor row night, nor will she appear in Clove land tho following night, ns scheduled. It Is said touight that the prima doiinn will bo iiicapnoitiited for at least throe weeks. Hlie in at the Hotel Schenley under the care of Dr. W. 8. Foster. Calvo came to Pittsburg this evening from Kriu nnd took to bed, She has been suffering from a cold contracted at Denver some time ugo and today's raw weather aggravated tho allmmit. The manager of tho Pittsburg orchestra is trying to roach Mine. Scnibrich, who will bo requested to fill the engage ment here tomorrow. Semi, rich is on the road somewhere and the wires are working overtime trying to locate her. JACKSONVILLE ITEMS, Arthur B. Haling was over from Med ford one day this week. Edward Swart k of ProBsor, Wash., was before the county clerk on I nnd business Mondav. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Davis of Medford spont n few hours in town Tuesday aft ernoon. W. D. Fenton, attorney for the South ern Pacific, came down from Portlnnd the first of the week to argue a demur rer in the case of .T. F. Rcddy vs. A. A. Davis, et at. Sheriff W. A. Jones and Vndersheriff R. B. Dow were called to Applegnte on business Monday afternoon. E. C, Ponteroy of Beugle was a caller nt the eotintv seat Mondav. OAKLAND, Cel., Nov. 12. The po lice of the bay cities are all looking today for "the Australian wild girl" aud a trunk full of snakes, both of which belonged to the Gem theater un til yesterday. Despite the fact that this unusual vouibiuatiuu would seem easy to find, no trace of the missing attractions has been found. "The wild girl" decided several duys ago to try matrimony, aud she confided this to Leo Osborne, an attache of the place, he two decided to try matrimony together, and were -married by a local justice of the peace. The manager of the show was plained with the news of the marriage, but he did not believe that it would lose to hint his snakes. After the marriage "the wild girl" did not show up at the theater aud then the loss of tho snakes was discovered. lie police believe that "the wild girl has been turned into a snake charmer under the management of her husband. WILL CHANGE COLLEGE WEEKLY TO HE MI-WEEKLY UNIVERSITY OF OR BOON, Kugeue, f" ull'7 "H ,r,,HH Circuit Court News. Pearl Bog no vs. W. K. Hogue; suit for divorce; dismissed. E. O. Morso and J. A. Leiubery vs. M. Easterlingf action to rooover money; dismissed. W. E. Phipps vs. a P. Tbeiss at al.; suit to quiet title; dismissed. J. D. Whitman vs. W. A. Jones, sher iff; overruling injunction order. In tho mntter of Martin McDonough and J. A. Lyons to register title; de eree by default. BORN. PERKINS To the wife of Fred II. Perkins, November 11, a daughter. Dr. Pick el reports that both mother and child are doing Will. , Nov. It!. The Associated Htuilouts of the university are planning, if finance will permit, to make the "Oregon Weekly," the university paper, a semi- weekly instead of a weekly, Tho change if mudo will probably take place about the time of tho Christmas vacation. Since the number of students in Ihe university has become so large, news mutter is much more abundant, and many storicB are crowded out each weok on account of luck of space. Karl Kil pa trick of La Grande is editorin-ehief, aud Dean Goodman of Pcndletnu busi ness munnger. Contesting Timber Claim. United State Commissioner K. D. Driggs is taking evidence in a- eon- test involving a qtuirtcr section of land in tho vicinity of Shiike, east of Ash land, says tho Tidings, Tho contestant C. W. DeCurlow of Shake, who al leges that the land in question which is claimed by Nettie A. Price of Port land, under tho timber aud stono ad, in more valuable for agricultural than or the purpose set forth in' the appli cation .of the contcKteo. The hearing was begun on Friday, continued through Saturday and was taken up again this afternoon. Gum Newbury is attorney for DeCarlow and G. W. Trefren for the timber cliiiimiiit. MONSTER POWER PLANT . UPON TUE LOVVJtiR JIOGUE One of the great est cuter print's of southern Oregon hikiu to be maturat ed by the Alrueda Consolidated Mine cuiopuuy nnd It Will attract much at tention to rli'-' -'lalit 'fiuiniiig district. The company in now aT-iuiying fur the ei'.rly development uf it water power of from six to eighl thoiiJo'-poyvur; ultto to build an elect in- road tu no nit convcnineiit point on the Southern Pit cific Railroad. The dam will be con-'-(metes' hi Hui-h a maimer that the pow er on n he increased n eonditioiis de niund. This liuprui -Jju'ept will Have the company over (io,0i)() per yar oh com pared with preheat methods of trans tioitn'tiun ami power: alco it will be of ureal , value to the district in general, as it will mean cheap t ra imparl at ion and cheap power to I lie milieu, uf whirl) thnt section stands very much in need ni the proaent tt m . a . , :. , , J t in learned th.it Grants 'nm will attempt to secure; thin new railroad and already stepH have been taken to have ili line to run from Aliiuila to a point the AppIrgJUe.mer when the llli- the nt renin. An effort ivlll b'Mn'ide bv the railroad company to SOi'Uiu ihe Alameda road as a Ira in h. It may l; that lha Alanteda hi'ii will furnish th. power to run the Illiuoiit line. This in a ease where both com panics will be benefitted by enn stdidiHing their railrotid intrestH. The building of an electric Hue from Almo da to the mi me point" on the Snnthorrj Pacific will add greatly to the prosper ity of the Calico milling district. The hick of railroad facilirii' has kept this whole count ry liack for. nm uy yoarp. It is now high t inm tltat new aud bet tor mot hods of transportation are iii- iiiigurated. An electric road will make loeu mines in this district paying producers. Outlook T '"X KSmZM sioir P ' - t il l JPrepare For That Thanksgiving Feastl UUK l-'MtST ANNUAL TJIANKSQIVINQ SALE is (in in 1'ull lilaist f1 This sal(! will conliimc until Dcicember firsthand will include bargains fnun every departinent of this modern store. LISTPN A visit to this store d uriiif; this sale will show you the fii i- iU;hr ( t real live bargains that was ever shown iu Southern Ore- J - . , i -i . .i 4-: ;.. iliit LifnTo inn lrimu- flint rini It von nave iraueu a u.fu nun-.- m i v....- -r, l ir prices are as low as those iin.l anywhere on the coast. Mow, -n't it speak well for us that we hold sales the same as the large: . stores' Kverv price is an honest ale price everything is guaran to be exactly as. described below. You are welcome whether you ir not. We save you money if you buy. See our Window Displays Klamath's AspfisKod Wealth. The MHfteHKtnoiit roll tor the vcm- IO0S, which in now in the hands of (lie hoard of eoualizii! ion, kIiowh the toial .tlua- tioit of 'properly in Klumuth. comity .to be $7,K7.i,4ii;i. This in according to the asscHsnient made bv the aHxcHsor and h ii's If nppenrs before hnv elianges hre iiitole by the board. The aHMotmioul, last yeer waw ".(iH.KItl, and lo lhat.-.waH added about $'J02,0(m by the sheriff. Tt it probalile that when tluv' additioim are made this year's valuation will ex ceed $X((I')0,HI)0. The valuation of sto h in the enmity nmounln to IS.fi 99 "Why! the Poor Man! " He is terribly agitated ! " "He is weighted with care and the specter of debt, is ever ' looking over his sho'.' Uler.' " "The cad of the month fin's largo, bills to m ot , and but L'tle money on hand." It is so easy to buy when you buy on ci'edit. Cash buying is econoLiical buying jtiwayB. You will be ir.j.re careful and Ihen we sell groceries cheaper selling them for cash. W'e can afford to do it. Ve do away with Ihe expensive extras of the credit business. Form tlu habit of aish buying and fopl the upectcr of debt. We sell G bars of laundry soap for 25 where oth ers sell four. We. sell Baking Soda for G- that other sell for 10c We sell Canned Goods much cheaper for cash. We sell "(Venm of Wheat" for 17-that others sell for 20e. We sell Creamery Butler " a roll below the Med ford butter trust prices. Wo sell Shelled Popcorn for S 1-H a pound. Can you buy it for credit at that figure? MILLER 6 EWBANK More Light for Less Money Sixty-three per cent of electric current saved bv uim TUNOSTKX LAMPS. 32 Candle Power EdlSOn Lamp uses 110 Watts per hour and would use in uxxi lus. 11 Opinio watts which al locls. a K 32 Candle Power Tungsten Lamp uses ' 40 Watts perhour and would use in kxk hours 40 Kilowatts which nl ioc a Kilo watt Net Saving iu iooo hours iii f;i(ir of the ...... Tungsten Lamp $ - Rogue River Electric Co. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. Office, 21)6 West Seventh Street. Phono Xo. Opposite the Big Hloetrie Sign. LADIES SKIRT SALE Every one a new style Th erf seems to be a never ending demand for our Skirts, and the reason is simple they hang well, look better and wear best. We murk them tit 'exceptionally low prices when they come to the store. We have too many now, so offer ti reduction. Our reg. $4.00 Skirts tor Our reg. $7.00 to $8.00 Skirts. Our reg. $9.00 to $11 Skirts. . Ifeg. $12.50 to $i:i.OO Skirts.'. $2.98 .5.00 ; 7.00 .9.89 Keg. $20 and $17 Voiles. . . Reg. $3.j and $30 Voiles... .$12.98 . 22.98 A small charge for al terations. A perfect fit guaranteed. Ladies' Suit Sale 1 ime to save on a Suit Our Suit sales have already exceeded what we expected to do be tween September first and January first 'with but one-half the time gone. As a result of the heavy business, we wore compelled to go hunt-,. ing for more suits for belated buyers. The suits are here, so if you haven't selected your suit, we want to show you the best values that' will be shown in Medford this season and the prices are lower for this, sale. Small charge for alterations. ' ;''. tfl A rn each for blue, brown 1 iJv and fancy herringbone striped Suits that are worth :froii $20.00 to $25.00; any size. Jfal.jUdack and fancy herring bone cheviot weaves that are worth up to $37.50. 471 7 C fancies and plain cloths, f J 1.1 J each for all colors and . all sizes froin,34 to 42; tliabest val ues offered up to'$50.00. ; ' fl4 or eafchjfov nny smt'ih the" TlL, J housed that Jformerlv sold at from $57.50 to $75.00. SALE OF TOWELS Napkins, Etc. This is the one time in all the year for the housewife to replenish her stock of towels, llilck and linen towels, Turkish towels, all go nt reduced prices during this sale as fol lows: 10; Towels reduced to 7$ 15o Towels reduced to 12 20c Towels reduced to .le 25e Towels reduced to 2l 35(! Towels reduced to '..' . .25 50c. Towels reduced to 35 $1.00 dozen Napkins for S3 $1.25 dozen Napkins for 98 $1.50 dozen Napkins for . . . ; $1.19 $2.00 dozen Napkins for $1.63 $3.00 dozen Napkins for $2.19 $5.00 'dozen Napkins for $3.75 SALE OF LINENS The event of the year Our stock of fine Table Linen is in excel lent condition for choosing. During this sale we offer every piece of table linen and plain linens at the following reductions. Oome and see values which were never shown in Medford before. 40c, Linens reduced to 25 50c Linens reduced to 37 (5c Linens reduced to 75(i Linens reduced to 59$ $1.00 Linens reduced to 73$ $1.25 Linens reduced to 98$ $1.50 Linens reduced to $1.19 $1.75 Linens reduced to $1.33 $2.00 Linens reduced to $1.03 HANDKERCHIEFS Assortments fine Surely every boy and girl wants to see the big Handkerchief T ui'ke y.: Think of the lot of hand kerchiefs it took to. con struct this big Thanksgiv ing bird and note the sav ings. oe H'd'fs, 7 for 25 10 good 4clTd'fs for 25$' 10c H'd'fs, 4 for . . .25$ 15c Handkcreh'fsfovlOf 20c. Ifandkorch'fs for 15 25c IIandkerch'fsfor21 35elTandke.reh'fs for 21f 50c nnndkerch'fsfor39 MEDFORD 'S "LITTLE KOST" LADIES' SHOP Baker-Hutchason Co. Central Avenue, just North of Jackson County Bank. Classified Advertisements One Cent a Word No lugle Inser tions loss than 15 cents. Six Insertions for tho price of four. Saventylve conta a linn pet month. FOB SALE. Voll SAIjM lfniingtoii typewriter, us now; liulf nii'o. Call Witliing Iiiii X- Kollv, law office. 20.1 ! 1 'OR SAIjK Konr lotrt, good house, well, a snap, $7."i0. (!. V. Stone, over Dijon l lionter. 204 FOR SAl.H Nice family horse; light lop Inigffy, at tt bargain. Harry Mess ier, L'liuorick Lodging House. 205 i'oR S.VT.K Five nnd ton aero tracts within and adjoining city limits, at a liargaiu oh long time. Address P. O. Hitt 4KS, Medford. Or. 248 I'OR SALR Choieo business property .it a bargain on easy terms. P. 0. Box 118, Medford. ' 247 1'oR 8AI.K A house aud lot in Cen tral Point, one bloek frrm Main street, home 24 feet square, 4 rooms, lot 55x I 10; price $1500. Inquire, of Mrs. 1. M. Dinerson, Central Point, Or. 210 wANTKD To loan .tylOO on good occur ity. Apply Exhibit building. lw WANTKD Throe two-horse tearu.l with or without driver. Telephone Uurrell orchards. 203 WANTKD All kinds of house and win dow cleaning done by hour or day; will attend promptly. Nobie, care Tat unmi, near bridge. 204 LOST AND FOUND. LOST Small Indies tie, with Calif pin. Finder please return to A. H. Miller, Commercial club rooms. 204 LOST Rain overcoat, between Phoenix nnd Ceutrnl Point, tagged No. 2008. 0. A. Smith, Ceutrnl Point. 200 LOST On the comity rood between Medford und the Bibee bridge, a col ored moorsehaum pipe in dark leather ease. Rewaid if loft at Tribune of fice. 20 FOR RENT Two suites of light house keeping rooms, one block south of city park on Holly street. Mrs. .Toe Thorn- FOR SALE A good small business on Seventh street. Reasons for celling. Address, P. O. box 512 or call at this office. tf FOR S ALE 320aero rauo h, "J 12,000, first clnss improvements, well, family orchard, etc. This is a bargain. See L. E. W., Tribune office. tf FOR SALE Six-room house, bath, elec tric lights, well nnd city water, six I locks from dspot. For particulars ad dress Uox S06, Medford. SOO .TO TRADE Light lingls covered bug gy for two seated rig. L. E. V., Tri bono office. tf WANTED. V A NT ED Immediately, by the Equity Industrial Exchange, a seamstress with machine, an all-round carpenter, inols furnished; a painter and paper 1. anger and other workers and arti sans to engage iu a new enterprise. o fnke or exploiting scheme. Pure ly a business proposition. Call at No. l.' S, (' street and investigate, or ad diess D. O. Crow, manager, general delivery. S02 FOR KENT Furnished room for gentle man; board if desired. 216 Fifth St., corner H. 202 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. ti. C. Morris to Sarah .1. Combs, loli 2:1 nnS 24, block 1, II L. White's adidtion to Med ford Wn Jesse S. Osborne to Lillian M. Oreaser, property in Woolen's addition to Ashland 10 X, C. Purkerson to Ellen Oarlock, lot 1, Oak Grove tract 3000 Delia A. Love to W. S. Hridg man, W0 acres in section 20, township 34, range 2 W 1 United States to Luretta M. Mar tin. 40 acres in section 6, town ship 33, range IE patent Alvin P. Harrow to Edwin D. Root, property in Burr's addi tion to Modford ' j Ben Uenll to H. O. Oarnett et al., 10 iW acres in township 30. 1 range 2 W M00 11. C, Oarnett et al. to O. H. Lew- j is. 4.00 acres in section 35, j township M. "range 2 W 1 j Ashland Manufacturing company to eitv of Ashland, property in Ashland 800 I Water Proof Shoes Lumbermen Knee a Rubber Waterp Shoe 's Paos, roof Ilfc7 0.1. m- High Cut Leather Boots in ail Sizes SEE WINDOWS We carry the strongest linos at the best prices in Southern Oregon. Buy now. Rainy weather is coining. , SMITH & MOLD NY NOTICE All property owners on Central avenue X., are hereby notified to transfer their water connec tions from the old main to tho new main, as the water will be cut nut of the old main Novem ber -o. Py order of WATER COMMITTEE.