ftiraPFOKU DAILY TRIBUN&, MEDFORD, OREOOX, TITRSDAY. XOVEMBER 10. HK- I Ssdal and Personal :- Ortnd icurlon-to Gitr of Mtiico. Lmtii Vtdford on th 12ik of Tecm 6r. 1908, on th regular Orr)ti5. $92.15 for the round trip, gooA for 60 AftT. For further informatiwa, wnu U mll Peil, Aanland, Or. If B. . Billuj of Louisvill, Ky.. it recent Medford arrival. H it look inn tot a location. Bay B. Stewart of Zaneiville, O., i leokiftg over fruit lauds in tne vaiioy. Wilbur J. John son of AtbUnd was in Medford Monday on a land deal. Presidential elections have little ef feet on Medford. New houses being com leted testify to the fact. Tte number of household erae nut lay ing eement sidewalks would bo enBier to enumerate tunn tuosc who ure nm. Colonel Mundy is expected to return to Medford Wednesday. W. J. Martin, managor of Hilk-rcHt Orchards, leaves Tuesday evening for a two weeks' visit in Seattle. Dr. J. F. Reddy is expected buck from 'v an eastern trip Wednesday. J, Swaoden of this city is vimting relatives on Kane's creek. Fruit Inspector Taylor made a round of inspection Tuesday. He consented a number of boxeso f inferior fruit. Homer Wilson of Sams Valley wan H risitor in Medford Monday. Ralph Gregory of Big Hutte brought a a load of fine applies Monday. Go to tb" Ruhr mill for baled hay and feed of all kinds. 20f 0. W. Palm is having n one-story brick erected in the rear of Hotel Moore.' The Medford Brick company re doing the work. tyork on the trunk sewer is progress tog rapidly. it. J. Washburn and J. 0, Pendleton of Table Rock were recent Medford vis Hon." E. 6. Biisell of Table Rock was in Medford on business recently, L. H. Meggs and J. .1. Wagoner hnve left for Duncan, Ariz. W. Bom an, who nas been in the city for some time, lias returned to hot. Angeles. , Mri. h. F. Coram is visiting with Miss Klla Gaunyaw of this city. Pruuo growers meet Wednesday nft srnouu- in the Commercial club room or. the purposo nf forming an organ Uation, Sample the new line of candies at Ring ft Long's. 201 Hon. M. Purdin is in Man Knincisco nn builnesi, Mm. M. Caldwell is visiting in Gold Hill with her son Frank. Miss M. fl. Town visited Ashland fiunday. Jesse Richardson visited relatives In Talent Monday. M, and Mrs, J. R. Woodford sponl Sunday in Ashland. - ). W. Wiley is in Han Francisco on business. ' King ft liOtig's candy factory is work ing ovortimo to supply the trade with delicious candy. 201 y Mrs. J, Herriugton is homo from a visit to Portland. ' L. E. Hoover is busy delivering treon In various sections of the valley. A number of boys from Jacksonville fame over Monday evening to the wres tllng match. Our motto Purity and clennlineHH. King ft Long. 201 ' W, D, Fen ton, genoral counsel of the Harriman lines in Oregon, urrived from ' California Tuesday to represent thn de fendants in the Crater Lake railroad case at Jacksonville. He goes to Port j. land 'tonight. TBYINQ TO PATCH UP NEW BATTLESHIPS WASHINGTON, Nov. 10. The lid luiv tog been taken off, it bus become known that the Newport conference cuHbtnu tinted the charges of naval defects pointed out in Commander Keyes' let ter. The conference decided, however, that very few of (bene drfocts could be remedied in the North Dakotu uud Del aware, which nro now 40 per cent com pleted, but auggested that if practica ble, additional ense armor of about 100 tons be placed around the smoke pipe and uptakes to protect them ngainst pi inters. The armor now hing five laches, the additional armor wnud in crease the protection to eight inches. Taa conference recommended that if practicable, an addition fire control must be placed forward of the smoke ' Stack, so that in cane thn v in ion from t!ie rear mast is obscured by smoke, clear view could be secured from the ather position. The conference alno hesitated about Hiking extensive ehnnges in the Tlor W and Utah, as the plans of theme vessels required six months for prepar atlon. As now designed the two after turrets on the Florida and IHah type .ire as the same level, and it wns proposed u practicable to raise the ttccnmt turret from aft so as to allow it to fire over the aft turret. This is proposed be cause in the event of the aft turret a now designed being disabled in certain positions the firing from the second turret would be limited. The weight ho added to the aecond turret from aft could be counterbalanced by lowering the middle turret. TO SPUND 116,000.000 IN STREET RAILWAYS SPOKANE, Wash., Nov. 10. Sixteen million dollars is the enormous amount of money the Washington Water Pow er company, which operates the elect rie atreet railway lines throughout Sjm kane and vncinity, and the interurban lines to Medical Lake and Cheney, in tends to expend on improvements and additions during the next few years. Announcement nf this proposed out lay of money was made yesterday by Manager D. L. Huntington of the com pany. The money will bo expended nt the rate of about $2,000,000 a year. If you have lost or found anything, need work, or have omething to sell, it doesn't matter what you want is, try A Want Ad in The Tribune. HILLCREST STANDS (Continued fror puge 1.) lmt off from the ottiern. Aud for iUepiU, the 1111-11 have nu rough plunk rhhet. km I'niMitioiily found, but ttpriug matlrcwes. In fut-t, everything for the to-nfort of the men which cuu be dune been dune. The packing limine h a second build ing that has been build t-d rightly. Cold vtiirrigc rooiatt, private rooms fur the (tat-king girts and well equipped through out, it t;c:u si testimonial to thonglit fuluess. 1 The baniH, the leuma of mules uud iKipjeiaentii in no iiiHtaneo hIiow neg lett. The orchard in run upon business principles and also ?k everything eon ueeted with it, even to the smnllettt de tails. The reHideneo alone is worthy of much space if it could be given. An aeetylhic plant fiit-nislies the light uud side boards, closet groat windows all tend to the comfort of the occupant. The Hill-reHt orehnnlH standi! 11 tes timonial of systematic and scientific fruit raising. What the future will mean for llill erest can only be conjectured. The market for American apples is extend ing all over the world. Long recog nized here as the king of fruits, its regal claims are gradually being nd mitt ed i 11 ot her lauds. The choicest of other fruits yield in time to the prince from over the sea. Italy tires eventually of her oranges and longs for the solider comforts of the apple. Aus tria wenrios of olives, the Oreeks find their currant grapes unsatisfactory ns a regular diet, nectarines and apricots pall on the taste of the Spaniard, and dates become tiresome, to tlx; Arabians. The extension of commerce has made all these, nations acquainted with thn great republic of the west and they long for the solace only to be had from the best of our apples. Trade follows d and aud wealth awails those who supply. Classified Advertisements One Coat a Word No tingle Uuu tloni last than IS cente. 81 luertlone for the price of four. Seventy-five cente linn per month. i A T'i !:!: i'mi ,,n I :.-.-n ily. Aly Kiliihit building. Ivt U'ATKI.-T)iri-f tivu hum h':iin:i wil.u nr williuut ilrivcr. TulffiliMiii' Burn-iJ tiri-liunls. 203 FOB BALE. ViJH SAIK Uoiniiiyton typt-writcr, t(uii uk new; liulf prico. Cull Witlung tun & Ki'llv, Ian- nffin.. iu:i WANTED All kiuds of bouae anil win flow elpuniiig dojie by hour or day; will attend proaiptly. Nobie, care Tut I'.tinii, iifur bridge. 204 FOII HALL! Four lots, good liouBe, well, u Buap, 7.10. W. 8t(juo, over Bijou thouter. 2(14 LOST AND FOUND. LOST ltuiu ovnrpont, bctwon Pliocnix nud Ctiutral Foiut, tasked No. 20(18. C. A. Smitli, Central Point. 2M FOK 8ALK Nice family noree; light top buggy, at a barguin. Hurry Mkhs ler, Kuierick Lodging Hotifle. 205 FOH 8ALK Fivo and ton-ncre tructn within and adjoining city limitH, ttt a bargaiu bu lung time. AddreHH F. O. Box 418, Medford, Or. 248 LOST On the county roud betweeu j M-dfnrd und the Bibee bridge, a col- ureil ineerHi'liuum pipe in durk lenther (use. Hewiiril if left ut Tribune of- I'OR SALR Choice business property ut a barguin on eauy terms. P. O. Box 418, Mod ford. ' 247 FOK SALF A house and lot in Cen tral Point, one block frrm Muiu street, house 24 feet square, 4 rooms, lot 55x 140; price II r,00. Inquire of Mrs. I. M. Fmerson, Central Point, Or. 210 I'OIt SALE A good small business on Sevonth street. Reaeons for celling. Address, P. O. box 512 or call at this ofi'ice. tf FOR SALE .120 acre ranch, 12,000, first class improvements, well, family orchard, etc. This is a bargain. See L. K. W., Tribune office. tf l'Oli SALE Six-room house, bath, elec tric, lights, well and city water, six blocks from depot. For particulars ad dress Box 806, Medford. 206 TO TBADIC Light single covered bug gy for two-seated rig. L. E. W., Tri bune office. tf ALLEN PURCHASES SITE ON KLAMATH LAKE SHORES A. C. Allen, who recently returned from Klamath Full, tins ptirrlinsi-d uj rivo-acre irnel on me snores or lower Kllllllllth hike, where hi flllher, Colonel Allen, nml himself will build summer homes. Mr. Allen n(nten that it is al umni iiulioNHilile to siM-ure buililiui! sites along the luke shore, nn nenrly nil the shoreline belongs to E. II. Iiurriinun, (hi. Weyerlineuser timber syndieato or lo the Klniniitli Imlinii iiii-ney. WANTED. WANTF.N Immediately, by the Kipiity Indiistriiil Kxrliniige, n seanistress with niiiehine. an all round i nrpenter, tools furnished; n painter nnd paper hunger and other workers nnd arti sans to engage in a new enterprise. No fnke or exploiting proposition. Cull nt No. 13 S. V street und investigate or iildress B. (I. Crow, mnnnger, gen eral delivery. -02 JW llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll NOT YET , I BUT SOON I s WIIOXK ADVEirnSKMKNT TR MlRSINd I FROM" Til IS IRSUK? - g W K K N K X rr I R R lT K For Thanksgiving Sale j iiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiHiiiiiiini iiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii fice. 204 FOH RENT Two suites of light house keeping rooms, oue block south of city park on Holly street. Mrs. Joe Thom as. 203 FOR RENT Furnished room for gentle mini; board if desired. 21(1 Fifth St., corner H. 202 Formal Opening of the MEDFORD THEATRE MONDAY EVENING, Nov. 16th with Crestbrook Orchard Tracts -in- Ten and Twenty Acre Lots FOR SALE DIRECTLY SOUTH AND ADJOINING FAMOUS Hillcrest Orchard fan be boiif-ht on tonus. Lowest price of any small tracts in valley, considering location, soil and distance from Medford. "Will plant and care for. Call on Oregon Orchards Syndicate Selling Agents ' PALM BUILDING-. " " Rale of seats at Ilaskins' Drug Store. For subscribers only, Tuesday and Wednesday General sale begins Thurs day. Prices, $;-).00, .P2.00, T-1.(1(1. The laws and regulations Set down for dairy farm ing Make the life of the cow, Man and maid most charm ing. The strict observance of our policy the best for the money makes buying ci gars made by us a source of satisfaction to everybody. Our cigars are always fresh and we manufacture none but first-class goods. R. R.V. Cigar Works Stop, Look, Listen Yo are now prepared to deliver to you any goods in our line at honest weights, aud at prices that are RIGHT. We carry a complete line of HAY, FEED, FLOUR AND GRAIN Also keep in stock checken feed, poultry supplies, stock food, etc. That car of potatoes are going fast; they arc the "best ever." Ask your grocer for a sack of Johnson's Best Flour; every sack guaranteed. Come and see us. Wholesale and retail. Yours for business, McCOMB & TRUE PHONE 3063. MEDFORD THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE HAS THE BES7 NEWS SERVICE IN SOUTHERN OREGON. . 1C $7- $9 -$11 EXTRA SPECIAL $7- $9 -$11 JFW mm 120 WINTER SUITS AT COST In Order to make room for more stock we will the public, 120 odd suits at the following prices A good pair of Suspen ers free with every suit $10.00 to $14.50 values $7.00 13.50 to 16.50 " 9.00 16.50 to 22.50 " 11.00 These suits will go quick ly and the first will v e pick Boys Clothing Snaps! We are positively going to sell every boys full pants suit in the store at cost and discontinue handling boys Clothing. Come and see these suits at your oun prices. Special Offer Commences Nov. 11, '08 Kt Copyriitht IW ' Tit llnvw of Kupftrnhdnwr ft? Largest Store in SOUTHERN OREGON 3C j