"MEDYltEP DAILY' TlttftlJN BJf ED FOHD, OKK(iONT, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 0. 1908. Social and Personal Mi. Frunk WHhou ft (or u visit iu Calofaruia. ij v. Huff of the (Vnteiiniul mini' near Gold Hill wait wi Medford Hatiir duy ou buainewi. He n-purtH nnn-li uroifrfBB at the mine. Oo to the Kuss mill for Imlwl hay and feed Of all kind. in PhiPtrar. M. 8. Union, A. Kisi'ii .n,t nml E P. Wiukler have returunl trn In search of ifnine in the Elk Creek country. They rrmrl th killinK of 12 !. Charles Terrlll of Browimboro wan a roeeat Medford vjaitor. VnA Hand, a brother in law of H. L. Young, la t'pe'ted from Mathy Hay, Want. He will jmihnbly loeate in the The Hubs mill f 1'a,',, hay by "ule weiiht ouly. (-t prirm before buying. ,u L. K. Hiwver ri'celvwl a carload fit yonufj trees Saturday. He expects an other about movomuer Great preparation are being made by Malta eomniainlery, No. 4, Knights 1"" plar, for the innt ilutimi of IJillah tern ule in Anniund noon. , A. 0. Htewart of Cottage Grow i vioitinif relatives in the city. WHhoii Howinait la planning ft viitit iioa to California. .IiimiM Hrificoe of Heiiglp wim a n cent Medford visitor. Minn Htella Merrick hait returned t her home in Long Reach, Cal. (.adieu, rninc in and regmti-r ho that we ena tiinil a ImndHoine ClirintnitiH mm V'enir to voiir uddroHH, Med ford Fur iiihire Co. 22K Tin- prime growers of the valley an planning an organization in order to further their interests. I hey will or gniiize In tho Commt'n'ial club room cnn ext Thursday evening. Holder! of eonpona or tickets will please bring in and use at onen. Gregory Studio. 201 ' . L. C. Wat keys of Santa Monica, Cal.. has arrived in Med ford for a visit. Dr, nn J Mrs. K. W. ( 'uinmlng of perby, Vt., have arrived in the pity for a visit with relatives. They may rein aiu in the vallny. ' Mrs. A. F. Ilnswell and daughter of Eugene arc visiting in this city. ' R. I). Crumb and family of Hire ville, la., have arrived, in Medfonl. They purchased and will reside on 20 acres of the Pierce trnct. 1 Grand excursion to City of Mexico. Leaves Med ford on tho 12th of Decern her, IftOS, on tho regular Overland. 02. 1 fi for tho round trip, good for 00 days. For further information, write to Kmil Poll, Ashland, Or. tf Mrs. M. H. Worcl) en trrt alned on Thursday of last, week in honor of her Bister. Mrs. Crook of Portland. M rs. Worrell was aMHiKtcd by Miss (iernld ine Theiss, Mrs. I. Merrinn Foster and J. inn Helen Worrell. Those present were Mesdames Merrrrk, Hiitehason, Kentner, Shield), MeCray, I 'age, hris ty, Wort inn n, K i ng, Theiss, Ht ewn rt . Foster, Worrell, Cook, Misses (lernld Inc Theiss and Helen Worrell. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Watt leave today for a trip east. Their daughter, Helen will accompany them. Judging from the large crowds watch tug the paring on Wesl Seventh street thew ork cannot be done nnv too soon to suit Med ford citizens. Arthur Hrowu and C, I). Ilovd Sun dayed in Jacksonville. Arthur Jackson spent Sunday ii CI rants Pass assisting 1j. K. Whiting in instnlling n linotype machine for the Courier. M r. Jackson is proving tin apt student of t he machine and will soon be in his instructor's class. County Clerk Coleman wim a Medford visitor Sunday. Charles Tall was a visitor iu Jack (ton ville Sunday. The new residence of Dr. C. It. Hay In West Med ford is rapidly Hearing completion. Hert Anderson hits made wonderful improvements on his property in the Bungalow addition. .lob n Donahue gave a very enjoyn lile chicken dinner iu his bachelor apart nients iu West Med ford nn Sunday to a number of friends. An elaborate menu was diseased and full justice was done to the repast. Those Heated at tho board were Messrs. J. D. Fin lay, Charles I 'araev. Shorty Huberts and H. J. Culder. 1. J. Carney and Knout Hobinxou Were shooting quail Sunday. They re turned with the limit. Miles Overholt, formerly publisher of the Jacksonville Post and now editor of Tanglefoot magazine, who was re cenlly in Med ford, has utuved 1mm fain ily to Dayton. Fred J. Blakoley rrtutnid from Hom burg Moudny. Kdgar Hafer left Monday tn meet Mrs. Hafer in San Prune ism and re turn with her to Medford. He re turned Sunday from Portland, where he attended the banquet given .lames J, Hill. - J. K. Watt left Monday for an ex tended Tisit in Louisiana. Mrs. George King returned Monday to Kureka. K. C. I'otneroy of the Meadow dis trict was in Med ford recently. Colonel 1(. C. Wnsldmrn ' of Table Rock ranch wan in Med ford recrntlv. James L. Dnvis f (lold Hill spent Monday in Med ford. Mr. Hhafer of JncUniivil.- spent Silt urday in Medfonl. Ed Clemens of Talent wan a Medfrd visitor Saturday. Oeorge Daily of I'agle Point spent Mondny in Medfonl. He has leased the bnll at Kagle Point and will give h dance there Thanksgiving evening. Thursday, November 2(1. J. I). Kvana of Phoenix was in M.-d tn rd Sa t u rd ay on b u i ii e s s. FORESTRY DEPARTMENT ANNOUNCES NEW PLAN BREAKDOWN; VACATION f ConNnued from page 1.) Tin young uu'ti have induced L. B. Harris, formerly nnaager of the IjewiB urehanl, to superviae their properties and act iu a if advistory capacity. Mr. Harris enjoys an envir.ble reputation us an expert fruit man and the owners are fortunate to have him in charge while tiny are iu the east. The linal chapters of the story will probably tell of eastern capital in terested in I he valley, of the growing fame of the Hogno Hiver valley and prosperity always prosperity, KINO APPLE REIGNH IN PORTLAND WINDOWS This is the lime of year when the Oregon apple comes to tho front, and it is here. With the winter banana, whieh is reputed to be the flower of apple evolution, holding first place and selling at th rotnil stores at two for in second ptaro ami moving at $5 ft hot. the apple list just now iu a big one, mid there is in it everything that anybody could want. In the displays of apples at the Btores now there are Ortb-ya, Kings, Newtown Pippins, JohtiathaiiB, Baldwins and half a dozen other fall and winter varieties, all the co, mi I of tho best apples grown anywhere in tho eiut, and selling nt retail hern at tl.50 to $2.!i0 a boi. Local dealers say that, (he demand for apples, now that the summer and short season fruits aro more or less out of the way, is steadily Increasing, It is now tho main feature of the fruit mar ket. Portland Telegram. MONEY COMES AT BATE OP $125 PER MINUTE (loldendale, Wmdi., has given nil the eommunities of the Pacific const a roc ord in raising money for advertising purposes, by giving 'J.(MI for every man, woman and child within the city limits, or a total of flt'iON, and this came in at the rate of fl'Jii a minute. During the last few days that, the eolonist rates wore effective more than pjuii pcoplo cniro to Oregon on one way tickets to niaha this state tneir permanent homo. Classified Advertisements One Cent ft Word No lingl Inner tloni less than lfi cents. Six In m it Ion for the price of four. Seventy-fiv cents a Huh per month. FOR SAIE. FOU 8ALK Four lots, good house, well, a snap, 7"0. C. W, Btoue, over Uijou theater. 204 W.W.TKH Ihrit- .v.., h,i:n k-:i;:i.; with or without driver. Telephone Hnrrell orchards. 203 FOR SALE Nice family horso; light top buggy, at a bargaiu. Harry Mess ier, Kmerick Lodging Hous. 205 FOR HALK Five uud ten-acre tracts witliiu and adjoining city limits, at bargain an lung time, Ad drum P. 0, Box 418, Alcdford, Or, lli FOR WALfi ttlx room house and two lots on choice corner, 3 blocks from Seventh street and 3 blocks from S, P. railroad; has south and oast front 3 porches, woodsh'!, chicken house. etc.; wired for electric light; water and sewer mains In street; will be sold at a bargain, Addrss P. O. Hox 571 Mndfofd, Or. U00 FOR SALE Choice business property at a bargain on easy terms. P. O, Box 418, Me-dford. S7 FOR SALE A house and lot iu Cen trul Point, one block frcui Main street, house 24 feet square, 4 rooms, lot 55 1 140; price 415GU. Inquire of Mrs. I. M Kmerson, Central Pomt, Or. U10 FOR SALE A good small business on Seventh street. Reasons for celling. Address, p. 0. hoc 51(1 or call at Ibis ofiVo. tf FOR SALE Ouo team horses, harness, light wagon. Inquire at Scott's Feed Yards or Box 800. 1300 FOR SALE 320 acre ranch, $12,000, first class improvements, well, family orchard, etc. This Is a bargain. See L. E. W Tribune office. tf PREPARING TO IRRIGATE JOSEPHINE ORCHARDS At the meeting of the directors of tin1 Josephine t'onnty Irrigation and Power company hint Friday evening II. L. (lilkey was elected president. (1. II. Carner, vice president, J. U. Riggs, secretary and O. A. Hamilton, treasurer, says the Courier. During the week the canvassing committee have completed the work of securing sub iciptioiis to the capital stock of the cor proration ami will hold a meeting in a day or two to act on the applications of experts who have asked to make the examinations along the lines of Irri nation. The officers of Hie company dope to have an expert, at. work ex amining the heads of the various st renins to find opportunities for im- noiinding flood waters nnd examining , various points on Rogue river where linns ran be built and water secured. The expert will also mako preliminary surveys for four ditch lines, two on eneli side of the river, each of the j ditches to be about 12 miles long. The j work will be pushed to completion in j from four to six weeks when a full nnd .oiuplete report will be made to the ; directors of the company. j FOR SALE Six-room house, bath, elec tric, lights, well and city water, si blocks from depot. Fur particulars ad dross Box 80(1, Medfonl. 206 TO TRADE Light single covered bug gy for two-seated rig. L. E. W., Tri bune office. tf WANTED. . ANTED To Ion ii t)0 on good occur- ily. Apply Exhibit building. 1 Good Evening:! Have You Used "CHIC?" for sale only by Medford Pharmacy Near Poatoffice Groat Day at Chiistian Church. Sunday was one of tho greatest dnys iu the history of the Medford Christian ehureh. All were looking for great thingH, but the services were even bet ter than the church was expecting. At ilie morning service the nuditorinm was well filled with eager worshipers. Mr. Whist mi preached n.i "The Itendship of Christ.' It was an able address and at the conct union four heads of .amilies took membership. These are :itl splendid people, nnd wvlll be a great help o the church, Last night it is estimated that nearly as itinnnv were turned awnv as got tn I lie house. The building was simply packed with interested hearers. Kvan irlist Whistou preached a splendid ser mon on "Some Absolute Certainties." I'hree eotilYssed their faith in ( 'hrist. Tlu'se were voting people. I lot It Mr. Longman ami Mr. Kdineiuls ettdcred Home splendid solos. They Uo sjiiig :i duet, whieh was verv high ly appreciated. The large chorus do , lights all with splendid songs. The subject tonight is ''Tho Crimson Tide ' Fine sinking. Cordial invitation to all. i The laws and regulations Set down for dairy farm ing Make the life of the cow, Man and maid most charm ing. Tlie strict observance of our policy the bust for the money makes buying ci u;irs made by us a source of s itisfaction to everybody. Our cigars are always fresh and we manufacture none lilt first-class goods. R.R.V. Cigar Works WANTED All kinds of Siouae noil wiu ilow I'lcuiiing done ly hour or (lav; will litlunil promptly. Nobie, can; Tut- : : umi, near bridge. 204 1 WANTED Man with team, plow and , harrow to get ten to tweuty anre ready for treea; old red aoil; no 'Htickyj" atato price per acre. Ad drena R. B., care Tribune. 200 WASHINGTON. Nov. !. The fur ret ncrvico today nminmirrd tin cre ation of Adinintfltrntivn district to which after December 1 nil hiiHine. heretofore traitnncted In Wunltiiigton will be lent. The dintrict will include atntion. nt Denver. Ofiden, Sun Frnn ci.ro, Portland and Midsmila. Without Hesitation You t-aii invito yonr friends to dinner if you use our Pure White Flour A new carload lias just arrived. In Purity-It Leads It is the Best IN QUALITY Let us iUoto. vou prices. ALLEN 6 REGAN QUALITY (1KOCKKS LOST AND FOUND. I08T A light bay hore, weight 1030 poundi, 9 years old, branded cg on left abotilder, lamo In left shouldor. Notify I. C. Dnw.on at Beagle, Or.200 LOST Back comb, lout on Rirertide nvenne, Return to Nah hotel and re ceive) reward, 200 LOST Itain overcoat, between Phoenix nnd ('(antral Point, tucked No. 200S. ('. A. Smith, Central Point. 208 LOST On the county road between Medford and the Ilibeo bridge, a col ored mecrBclmum pipe in dark leather enne. Howard if left at Trlliuuo of ficii. 204 FOR HUNT Two aultei of light house keeping rooms, ono block south of city park on Holly stroot. Mrs. Joe Thom as, 203 KOIt RENT Furnished room for gentle man; board if desired. 210 Fifth at., cornor H, 202 FOR RENT Two-room house. Inquire M. & H. Candy Kitchen, Central ave ci no, 203 Formal Opening of the ' MEDFORD THEATRE MONDAY EVENING, Nov. 16th with PREPARE FOR THE GRAND Thanksgiving Sale Watch This Space for Full Particulars and Date See the Big Turkey and Thanksgiving Spread In Our Windows. MEDFORD S PROGRESSIVE LADIES" STORE. BAKER-HUTCHASON CO. CENTRAL AVENUE, JUST NORTH OP JACKSON COUNTY BANK. Sale of seats at Ilaskins' Drug Store. For subscribers only, . Tuesday and Wednesday (leneral sale begins Thurs day. Prices, ffo.OO, .$2.00, $1.00. Crestbrook Orchard Tracts -in- Ten and Twenty Acre Lots FOR SALE DIRECTLY SOUTH AND ADJOINING FAMOUS Hillcrest Orchard can be bought on terms. Lowest price of any small tracts in valley, considering location, soil and distance from Medford. "Will plant and care for. Call on Oregon Orchards Syndicate Selling Agents PALM BUILDING. SAVOY Touifhl and Tuesday. "THE GREAT YELLOWSTONE PARK HOLD UP" 'p1( most daring holdup in the last dec ade. "THE WAYWARD DAUGHTER" A realistic, sforv of life interest. "TH E DULLY" Will take you back to your child hood days. Miss Eifert will sing the latest pictorial lyric. Water Proof Shoes Lumbermen's Paos, Knee and Hip Rubber Boots, Waterproof Shoe Oil. High Cut Leather Boots in all Sizes SEE WINDOWS We carry the strongest lines nt the best prices in Southern Oregon. Buy now. Rainy weather is coming. SMITH MOLONY New Wool Shallies All wool Shallies, 28 indices wide, in white grounds with pink, red, blue and black de signs; just the thing for winter waists, chil dren's dresses, etc.; all at, per yard . . .50 New novelties in Ruehings, Fancy Ruch ing Collars, Gibson Collars, Belts, Belt Pins, Combs, ete. Child ren s Buster Brown Belts iu red, white and black. Ladies' Purses from 25 to $5.00 Van Dykes Drv ( ioods Shoes Furnishings THE MEDFORD DA ILY TRIBUNE HAS THE BEST NEWS SERVICE IN SOUTHERN OREGON.