Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, November 06, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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    Social and Personal
Grand excursion to City of Mexico.
Leaves Medford on the 12tli of Decern
oer, 1908, on the regular Overland.
92.13 for the round trip, good for 60
duys. For further information, write
to Emil Pcil, Ashland, Or. tf
J. R. Harvey, the Galice miner, spent
Wednesday and Thursday in Modford.
He bai sold his large placer mine near
Prepaid BUlroad Orders.
"Something wbUh is of eouidsrsbls
interest to the public generally and
which is perhaps sot generally knsvrn
is the system of prepaid orders now in
effect between stations of the Southern
Facifio eompaay and all points in the
United States. By means of this system
tickets may be purchased at Medford
from any place in the United States and
mailul or talea-ranhed direct to tho
party wishing to come here. Sleeper
aecomaiodatiens and small (mounts of
cash in connection with these tleksts
may also be forwarded at the same
time." '
About Eaas.
Ill a lion s PBS l.v 'ine flftli of the
rubxluwe Is nutritious. uue-Dlutl) part
a vetuM: nuil Hie remainder, the great
er portion. Is wilier.
Willi shelled ?gg uie uot quill- us
gwil us yellow ones, for they contnlu
a tiilie iiiure water iiii.I a Utile lean fat.
H it vimr purveyor known this und fie-
liu-iitl v colors Ills Willie eglis with cof
- " ""' " ' ' - .in illlllllHIIIIIIII.
-. : ; v : 1 : ...,...,.mmmw ""
I rrrTiim.r TAD MAIUITV 1
riUUmlw fun itivhli
. rt S 1 1IT 5
A Mexiean Tradition
"Hoys, wunt's tin- m:it l-r ' revel' .'
Die, then; die. then." That's tin' komk
the doves sing down In oUl Mexico
when a nutlve has 'pViiin'iiunlii. 'und
almost luvurlalily lie lies down, rorusin
to swallow the iiiedlclue prescribed liy
the physician. reslKiis himself lo Ills
fate and In a few weeks be dies. The
dov, however, slugs the sons In Spun
lab. It Is a triidtilon niiimiK the Mcx-
.., ttint !' His fever uccoiiitmny
Judged l.y the ainuiint of nutriment. ...-attack of pueiimonln seize
The interttnto poiiimerco coininiKsion
under circular 3080 lias ruled as fol
lows: No. 1 Kuril package, bundle or piece
of less tlinu carload freight except
brick must be plainly and indelibly
marked showing tho name of consignee
nnd the iiuii'.n of tho station, town, or
icily und the state to which destined
'When the diameter of tho freight pro
vents niarlcing as required pasted labels
l,,r uri'ly fastened cloth lined metal
'.ur leather tags may be used.
Tho old stylo cardboard or heavy
paper Rhipping tags will not do, and
freight so marked will not be accepted
at the office.
Shippers will save delay by comply
ing with these instructions, an the de
pot force must comply with tho law
and lias no purisdiction in tho mat
ter. 203 62.
.. t.L'ir Is
v... . i.. ,,l. -.. ,liii-ks'. iflllnen fowls',
bens', turkeys' and plovers'. Kggs cju
tnln a lui'te iii:intll.v of sulphur, which
Is purifying lo the blood and good fin
the complexion.
To get the best egg ymi must feed
i-ciiir fowl on grain, uml t cook II l i
In. si digestible way you must uoi
hull the wilier. Ileilt Hie "liter '" s0
ilcKrcivi uml leave I be egg In It for ten
minutes. Von will Iheii digest every
iim-i-el. lint If you hull It for three
mlmites no less llnin oiie-twelflli ot
It will full to be digested. Thus If you
eat two eggs holleil for three inliiuies
every day joii waste live dozen lu a
year. Loudon Mull.
ii. nil n
New York is usiiully lb ic.lit "f as
Icinc illrei-lly wivl i l.'.iidm. II
l.i. however, ile-iille lis lor more rigor-
I limine. J II hi mil, .! lie. m T Ibe eil:l:l- j 3
I-r limn Ibe Itl'ilisli capital. T!- 5
il. . ..a i .if I.nt.iiiilor l.i illrecily -
...e:--i of Ltiiiibiu. 'I be same Hue
Tie sMi':iera purl of IIii.Ihui bay and a
I -l.,. .'ini,hL' ' lln Ibe nlber sale of
l ie coullllelll it liltK'bes I'll' Scllll licl ll
extremity of Alaska ai d couliiiues
liiriinnli Ibe center of the isthmus of
Kamchatka ami Sihcriu anil Itussla lo
It 1:1 :llo!'l 111!!!", ten. lo ri"'l-l CI
Ibe fact thai .Montreal, Willi lis win
onlimiry severity, is " n
I In- i-iiniitur Hian I- I.on
H.uin ir U necessnrllv flitlll. und be
cause of this all medicine and all phy
sicians are refused aud the Mexican
., a i.Pi.,u .i,
story of death In Its weird cooing, nc-1 tern f
....i tl. l,..ll,.f nf the unlives. I lllllcs IH-niv!
, ..i. i..,,. 1...,. a,.lv,.,l tilth 'doll. .V.cllll'cill. Ilnlce.1. 1 mi tin
nnu tiuioj uw -
tho fever -who otherwise might 'have decree i.i lailutde in eiike.
recovered .have succumbed owing to! . Auollier llluslnitloii if Hie i tpei-i-
.....i. ....n.. i .,.,,.1111..,, Tlmt la1 ed In wiin.iila Is ill il ch:.:;.iii
,,-,, .ro. : v.... , ,.1,1,
tho reason, It la sold, why iieuiiDioniu "" 1
Th Ltopsrd and the Pan.
One day il worthy Kill it housewife
cn ml from her cooking uml. . land
ing i.ii the ledge of rock ut lier door,
emptied n pan of boiling' water Into Ibe
l-unk herbage growing below. It fell,
splash, on ibe back of u sleepliic loop
ard, who Jumped perpendicularly Inlo
the air lis high us Ibe roof of the Inn
What might have happened next';
Who can say'; Hut the asionlslicd wo
mail dropped Ibe pun with u clang up
on the rock, uml the leopard took om
leup downhill. The pan followed, am.
.1... t.,. .,,,., I 'u flou-iiivat-i! leans liecuinc
longer and swifter us the pnu bounded
after It from rock lo rock.
When Inst seen the leopard had Just
nhlnvnl il lean of llbollt HoO feel to
the very bottom of the ravine, thou
suuds of reel below, and Hie pail bail
whirled about BIXI feet over It oil thr
opposite side. The leopard would bavr
... i.n ,.i,i wninnii with iilcasure.
but a pan which llrst scalded hair the
bide off blin and then bounded clanging
In his wake rroin tno top oi iu nnu
luyas to the plains below wns some
thing which bo could not fuca. Lou
don Chronicle.
If you have lost or found
anything, need work, or have
sonietnuiK to sen, it aoesn ti A BuiDiobn
I She-How la It your Bister did not
matter what vou want is. try 1 slug tonight? iie-oii. Hie doctor has
forbidden her. Ho anys she must nut
i n Want Ad in The Tribune. " i """ she-noea m
5' ' live near hrr?
Is filial to so
York Herald.
The Only Explanation.
ni.l lr. Kinltli was a cltronlc coui- n awl Wll COIISl lllltl V KCIldlllt: fol
tho fuinily physlclnu and giving blui n
list or her Ullicieu anuiems. in
ways listened quite patleiltiy, but was'
getting n little. tired of bearing Ibe,
suuie things over nnd over.
One day when the old lady consid
ered herself lu an unusually bad way
she sent for the doclor and, iiflcr go
ing over the usual list, ended -by guy
ing: "Iteally, doctor, I do not know
what lu the world Is wrong with mo.
I eau neither lay nor sot." ,
Tho doctor looked at .Her a mouieni.
then sulil In a solemn tone, "Mmlam,
you must be a roostiir."-Kiinsas (.lly
Wanted 8omthino Quicker.
Some few years n'go I Issued a pol
icy on the life of ll mini who was fur
from being a model husband. I culled
for the premium every week nnd rure
Iv got It without a grumble from the
wife. The hist time I called she said:
"I ain't going to pay yon any more.
There'll Mrs. Smith only bad her old
inn n In M.'s society three months, and
he'a dead, and she's got the money.
I'm going to pill my old imiii In that,
so you needn't call again "Liverpool
Mercury. ' L
' Flattered Him.
"I feel sure Miss Slilllb Is il' love
Willi you," h." ' I ii lady to her brother.
"Ilo you'll It sounds too good lo be
true." - ' . ;
Well, I heard her miy yesterday In it
Ii!:il!inc3s In a man Is not really u
ruull. but 11 alnll of i Il lllU ler
live mllillies.-i. wlille SI. John's Is a re
el f bluer cold iied rugs, wlih drITi
lug'ns along lis coasl. Yel St.
.l.ihn's N Inn mlle-i nearer the equator
- New Yo -i- Ti!! i:;e.
Seedless Fruits.
Science s.i far lias failed to furnish
any explanation of Hie mystery ot
seedless frulls. They are not the out
come of the work oi man. Man per
petuates Ihein. He does no more. The
Heedless orange was found in ll state
of siH'illcHSliess. Yegeturlltn.
r'ntwlnin Hell Mill! lln bill IllWVer) It's
n long scnlence. ulr. to be sent to pris
on for life. Lawyer (lncllneil to n more
hopeful vlewl-Yes, It does seem long
but perhaps you won't live a great
Of Good Material.
lirlggs How do you like these ci
gars? tlrlg'-'s-First rate. What are
; they made of? Life.
A Generous and a Selfish Way
.... 1...H.. in
Most merchants, no mutter what line or imsmess, are coik,lh.u j. -
unke in ml v Tliev buv to sell at a eertain 1n'ice and pay as little as p,,SSi
k I S; tl ev Wnii'e t, make all ll.e money possible. 77m the el'"'?i
on. j ii lat-i, uiri possible or for as lit-
but lie liioilei'ii way ol (Hhiik " 's "'y , ' ,,, ff,v w m,tUPV
tie monev as possible, in order that we may give our patrons goods toi less monc.s .
Voi SiJp, if we buv hosierv that is usually sold for 25c a pair at a price wln.-h
eiialiies us'to sell it to you for 19c a pair, we feel that we are doing business not
ovilv the modern way, but the generous way.
LMcn-U weknewwhep to buy hosiery that everyone sells for 2,e at a p e
which would enable us to sell them for 19c a pair, most merchants would tell ou
that we were entitled to that additional profit, but we don't figure that ay If
we pick up bargains in the wholesale rnarket-and every up-to-date nuu-c 1 a it docs
Yve feel that we should in turn give our customers the advantage of our buying,
and ice do. ' 3
All nrgumeiit will vanish before ona
touch of nature. Coleman.
True to Her Training.
"Where was the new atar discover
ed?" asked one dramatic critic of an
other. "In a laundry," wus the reply,
i "Ah, well, sho can't forget her old
, calling. She's mangling the part."
See the New Arrivals
Quite unexpectedly we received a big express shipment
of the Newest Tdeas in Coats, mostly for women. Sav,
thev are beauties and you will do well to have a look now.
AVe feel that eoat time is here, and even though you may
have a nice suit, a eoat makes a pleasant change. v e in
vite you to look here for ladies', misses' .and children's
Coats. TCvery coat marked
The Other Way.
"So you rcfusa me admittance," com
plained Ibe newly arrived spirit to St
I'eter. "You turn me off Into the cold."
".No." replied the old saint. "Into tin
hot."- Itoslon Transcrioi
Bargains Make Sales
We're Busy When Others Are Idle
' Recause Hie great buying public ot Medford and .Jackson counly know where they get 1 lie best value for
the monev. wfe'RK HELUNO CLOTH ICS ALL TIIU TIMK WHY? I'.ecnuse wo o cr 1 he la est; np-to-date
clothing at an average of 23 percent less than others ask tor tke same goods. MOW AN h H
IT? Probalilv we are htstter buyers, have been in the business the longest and know the demand best. W e lie
lieve in iuick sales at small profits, so we keep goods moving all the time and sacrilice stock rather than
.,K. ,.i-.i l iinn inn Uitnunll i ii :i I w ii ll(r.
' Comparison proves our assertions. The latest patterns in clothing aud overcoats, 2." per cent
other stores.
iiiniiiiiiiinimii'i'''"""1""1"111""1 iisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiimuinmim"H""'""
Fall and Winter Suits
Quality and workman
ship unexcelled; full serge
lining; hand padded shoul
ders; coat fronts that w
not break. Our stock .is
new, of latest design, of
finest materials.
What You Think of This
Suits $l'2.r0 elsewhere;
our price $10.00
Suits $1(i..r0 elsewhere;
our price $12.50
Suits 22."i0 elsewhere;
our price $16.50
Suits .tli'i.OO elsewhere;
our price $20.00
IT ft ::, f 1 ;
- . ; ll if X
iii j n if i w, ,'zt - ii.
CoawlartI lflOB b
Fin Clothu-Maktri
Baltimore tnj Hew Yy
Overcoats andCravenets
ISIack unfinished wor
sted Overcoats, cravenct
ted, making them not only
warm hut rainproof; full
silk lined; heavy satin
sleeve lining; sold by oth
ers for .flM.OO; our
price $20.00
Ulack unfinished wor
sted Overcoat; full silk
lined; heavy satin sleeve
lining; extra fine value;
sold by others at $:W.OO;
our price $25.00
Unfinished w o r s t e d
Cravenette Overcoat; ex
tra fine workmanship; 1-H
silk lined; heavy satin
sleeve lining; great value;
others sell for .tll.'i.OO; our
price $27.50
II Is Not Merely High Priced Suits Nothing Better Ever Seen
n...t ... ...... t..n.-;inr nliinit when we tell voll of the M'O
unit. u .ii. . .
fusion of colors we are showing grays, greens, browns
and elephant shade handsomely made up with all the
little cuff and flap novelties. All finch tailored and
honestly made. It applies to every suit in our large
stock, and whether you pay !l.7." or .f HUH) for it. il
has our reputation and guarantee for service back of it.
Nothing finer, in these wet weather coats, has ever
been shown in southern Oregon. They ex el in quality
and style, and the prices are so low that they will fair
lv startle you. Why delay in tret ting a practical ne
cessity for stormy days t Conic in and look them over,
anvway. You will find they are hard to resist. Trices
$12.50 and up. No values anywhere to e.pial them.
The most complete line
of Shirts, (.loves, Ties,
Mufflers, Hats and Caps
in the city.
Hertford's Fashion Slorr
for Men.
winter woofs,
of Underwear
frost v weather, wool.
cotton, linen t r fleece lined.
Ititd others follow
our had.
all kinds
11 V
These articles enumerated below arc placed on display in conspicuous places in
our store. Each has a large, plain card on it. We do this to convince you that
when we write an ad we do not do it with the object of getting you tj come in the
store and then sell you some other article. These goods are there as a reminder.
They are but samples of what cash is saving.
Last year's crop of extra dry Shelled
Popcorn - 8 l-3
1'atent Sheet Iron Corn Poppers. The
kind that open from the handle, ea 35
Yakima Best, the flour that has the rep
utation of being the best made on the
Pacific coast; hard wheat, hard to beat ;
the sack $1.45
"Swell' Dried Apples, clean and good,
per pound H$
"Swift's Pride" Laundry Soap, a class
"A" soap at a very cheap price when
sellinir six larire bars for -
Assorted Toilet Soaps, per dozen
bars 40
"Pearls of Wheat," like Cream of
Wheat, also same weight, selling under
the "Violet" label for I-'jc or 2 pack
ages for 25?
We are closing out "Monier's Chocolate
at a cut from 20c to the can 12
Thompson's Seedless "Sultana" Uai-
sins loc or 2 packages for 25
"Veribest" Mince Meat, in packages,
for 10?
or in bulk, bv the pound 15
Where Cash has cut the "( lordion Knot" of High Prices
Classified Advertisements
l'OH SAI.K Four lota, ooil house, ni'U.
a simp, "'. C. W. Stum-, over Bijou
tlii'Mor. 2"
l)li SALE Nico fninily lmrso; light
top buggy, nt a bargain. Harry Mess
lur, Hmocick Loilgiug House. S0H
1'H SAjK Five and ton-litre tracts
within anil niljoining city limits, nt n
bargain ou long time. Aililross 1'. 0.
Box -US, Mwlford, Or.
KOU SALE Sii room hmno and two
lota on choice corner, .1 blocks from
Seventh slreet nnd 3 blocks from S.
P. railroad; has south and east front;
.1 norrhra. woodshed, chicken lioin.,
etc.; wired for electric light; water
mid sewer mains in street; will be sold
at. a baigaiu. Address l". O. Box STI,
Medford, Or.
first-class piano)s-'S-P.
O. Box 95, M.-d-
Tonight anil Saturdav.
MAN" An instructive picture showing
of today.
rongest drama
Other feature attractions, including the latest coin
ed v liictures and pictorial lvrics.
10 cents.
r .
no; a bargain.
POK SALE A house aud lot in Cen
tral l'oint, ouo bloik f rem Muin street,
house 1M foot square, 4 rooms, lot .Vn
HO; price JITiOft. Iiiquire of Mrs. 1. M.
Emerson, t'entrnl Point, Or. 810
FOR SALE A good small busiae'S os
Seventh strest. Reasons for eelling.
Address, P. O. box S12 or call at this
office. f
FOR SALE One team horses, harness,
light wagon. Inquire at Scott 's Feed
Yards or Box 9I6. 20ll
FOR SALE Choice Imsiuess properly
at a bargain oa easy terms. P. O. B.x
41S. Mnlfonl. 247
FOB SALB .120 acre ranch. $12,000.
first class improvements, well, family
orchard, etc. This is a bargain. Sec
I,. E. V., Tribune office. tf
FOR SALE Six room house, bath, elec
tric lights, well and city water, six
blocks from depot. For particulars ad
dress Box Medford. Soil
Tonight and Saturdav.
" BV A WOMAN'S WIT" A strong dramatic sub-jet.
and cute.
A good selection of comedy.
School children's matinee Saturday ?:!
mission " cents.
Ailniissioii 10 cents.
-Kxtremely interesting
1 p. in. Ad-
Ti i TRADE Light single covered bug
gy for two seated rig. L. E. W., Tri
bune office. tf
WANTED All kinds of souse nnd win
dow cleaning done by hour or day;
will attend promptly. Nobie, care Tat
siiini, uear bridge. 204
W YNTEO Man with team, plow and
harrow to get ten to twenty acres
ready for trees; old red soil; ne
"sticky;" statu price per acre. Ad
dress H. B., care Tribune. 200
LOST A light bay horse, weight 1H50
pounds, 9 years old. branded 5 on
left shoulder, lame in left shoulder.
Notify I. C. Dawson at Beagle, Or.iiOO
FOR RENT Two suites of light home
keeping rooms, one hlocl; south f , itv
park on Holly street. Mrs. .Toe TI1..11I
ns. 20.X
FOR RENT Furnished room for getille
liian; boaul if deaiicl. lii Filili
corner H. oq.j.