MEDFOKD IfrAILYJIIUBUNiL, MEDFORD, OR MOON'. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER (. 1W- Medford Daily Tribune A Lrv Papeb ik a Live Town. Published every evening except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY George Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postof fice at Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. M suits, by mail ar earriar. .. .0.60 On jtar, by Mil... .ts.ou THE WAT Kit QUESTION. " By an overwhelming majority the people of Medford have declared for the Hamilton Little Butte water propo sition, a result not 'unexpected. Prejudice, rather than reason, determined the result. The people were prejudiced in favor of a gravity sys tem, and would not listen to arguments concerning a pump 'in.r niTiii.isition. no matter how much monev would be "b I' "I saved thereby. The eoile were prejudiced, and unreasonably so, against Rogue river, one of the finest streams in the coun ,trv, and would hear nothing favorable concerning it. ' The people were prejudiced against anything even re motely suggesting a partnership with a corporation, and would not consider the merits of any proposition that did not provide direct municipal control. Lastly were the prejudices of the people against the Condor Water & Power company, a concern that has in vested over a million dollars in Jackson county, and there by incurred the unreasonable prejudice of those that have little against those that have much. Everyone pays month ly light bills and many cherish foolish resentment against the common creditor. The Tribune has never editorially advocated any one water proposition. It has given facts regarding each, so that all sides of the (piestion could be studied by the people and left the choice to the people. It fought the star cham ber proceedings of the water committee, whereby it was sought to tie up with "Wasson canyon, and it successfully prevented the consummation of the deal in order to let the people rule. It hopes the people have chosen wisely. Now that thy have chosen, it is the duty of all to pull together, to forget factional differences, to work for the common good, the future of Medford. There is no question but that the city will secure an ample supply, and if the quality is questioned, filtration will remedy any possible defect. If possible, steel pipe should replace the proposed wood pipe, as being more dur able, but this depends upon the money available. With the best water system in Oregon assured, the one drawback to Med ford's growth is remedied, the most vex atious problem settled, as it should be, by those who pay the bills, and The Tribune will be found leading the van, work ing for a greater Medford. CAUSE OF LANDSLIDE NOVEMBER "The Morning Mail supported Judge Taft. Well, what was the result t Well, everybody knows that Mr. Taft will be the next president of the United States." This modest claim is from that delectable sheet, "The Medford Mail." The entire country has puzzled over the cause of the Taft landslide; now we know the whyness. It was the Medford Mail's support. Without it, Taft faced certain annihilation. It saved the day and turned over whelming defeat into overwhelming victory. Carry the good news to Taft. The Mail's support swung New York 200,000 strong into the Taft column. It swept Ohio, Indiana and Illinois into the O. O. P. and it made a tie vote in those democratic strongholds, Marvland and Kentucky. Of Tal't's l!07 votes,, at a con servative estimate, IWO are due to the Mail's support. On such a showing, Taft. ought to grant another immunity bath. f sn' In Medford and Jackson county-only did the Mail's influence fail to be effective. In Jackson comity there were 1 .-) more republican voters registered than there were democratic, yet Taft's plurality was cut to a bare ")00. Taft got a little more than half the plurality that Hawley got in June for congress, and Roosevelt's plural ity of 12(H) four years ago was fearfully diminished. In Medford, Ilawley's plurality of 2.10 was cut to !)() for Taft showing the effect of the Mail's support, but elsewhere in hip limn the Mail swept everything for Taft. It is truly a remarkable paper, ami what Watterson is the dem ocratic party, Bliton is to the republican. "The publisher ,f The Tribune will undoubtedly awak en tins nH.rning with a Mark brown' taste in his mouth." .wciuoru juail. The editor of the Mail should not judge others by him , ,i,s' "i ' "wn mouth to those of other M-one is mourns. A Division ot rurpose. Hume yearn nio lln Yankee schooner Bally Aim, under cumui-iiid of L'uptulu Bpoouer, win beating up the Cooiiei tl cut river. Mr. Cow stock, the, male, was at bin statlou forivurd. According to bis notioo of things tti schooner was getting a "leetle" too iienr certain mud flats wbleu lay along tlie larboard sbora. So aft b went to tbe captain and, with bis bat cocked on one side, said: "Cap'n Spoouer, you're getting a lee tle too close to tbem flats. Hadn't you better go abeout'" Tbe captain glared at bltn. "Mr. Comatock, Jest you go for'ard and tend to your part ot tbu ekuncr. I'll tend to mine." Mr. Comstock went for'ard In high dudgeon. "Boys," he bellowed out, "see that, tbat er mud book's all clear for let l In' go." "Aye. aye, sir!" "Let go, then!" he roared. Down went the anchor, out rattled the chains, and like a flash the Sally Ann came lulling Into the wind and then brought up all standing. .Mr. Comstock walked aft and touched bis hat. "Well, cap'n, my part of the akuner Is to anchor." Everybody's. niniiniiiiHiiiminiitiiiiiimiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiji I That UnforgetaMe Slogan I 1 "HASKINS FOR HEALTH TilllllllllMlllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllMIIIIHIIinilllllllllllllll.lllillllllllllllllllllllllllU! -Mil gap OUB MENU AND SEEVIOE are us perfect us can lie. At this res taurant you can get auything you want to eat from a "litll snack" to an elaborate iliuner. Ami if you can find any fault with tli way we cook and nerve it you will be tlio first to do so, People tell us our meals are nothing les stlian physical and mental feasts, t ome anil see if they lire right. NASH GAjhE ASHLAND COMMERCIAL COLLEGE Ashland, Oregon. Tuoronuh and practical training in COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND and ENGLISH. Individual instruction by experts. We have been compelled to enlarge our quarters every year, and have now secured ample accommodations in the 8 w(-denburg block. Twice as large as ever. . Nothing in the line of business training is too good for our students. COMPLETE COMMERCIAL COURSE At About One-Half the Usual Expense. Foil infurniation free. P. RITNER. President. Msn Should Brush Thtir Hair Mors. "Very few men brush their hair enough," said a downtown barber. "Fact Most Ills of the scalp can be traced to that fault You see It's this way: A man is generally In a hurry ' when be dresses, and he never takes time to brush bis hair simply smooths '. It down, generally only with n comb 1 and as a result duudruir Is allowed to i accumulate and trouble begins. Now. 1 wltb a woman It's different. A woman has to carefully brush her hair at least once a day. If sbe didn't It would lie a pretty mess. It's very length saves her, for In brushing It each day she 1 gets out all sorts of ImpurltleB, dim druflf and the like, all of which Is for ber own good. Now, that Is the chief reason why fewor women suffer from dandruff limn the unfortunate mem bers of the opposite sex, and It Is also tbe reason why tbe hair Is a woman's crowning glory even if sbe Is fair, fat and forty. So brush your hair every morning thoroughly if you want to keep In the swim." Philadelphia Record. liams. A THOROUGHBRED i ft ffTT-rr fit tiffin a man always looks like when, he Iijih had his garments fitti'd ami ninde in the exquisito stylo that is always given them by Kreuzer. If you don't I'oIi like a man of fashion and taste it in because your tailor is at fault, and you ean always be sun; of appearing like nnn if your suit or overcoat is made by COPY RiGHT. APS E C 9 J. A. KREUZER & CO. IMPORTERS AND TAILORS. PALM BUILDING, MEDFORD, ORE So Bad as Thatl A young medical student who was calling upon a girl volunteered to sing and help entertain tbe company which arrived unexpectedly. At the end of , bis second solo he turned to the young lady and remarked: "I am thinking of taking vocal lessons. Do you know of a good teacher?" "Yes, Indeed," was the quick reply. "I know the very one for you. Here Is his address," and she scribbled the name on a card, giving It to tlio stu dent I Next day be called up the teacher by telephone: "Is this the Instructor of vocal music?" "The what?1 wns the answer. "The vocal teacher':" was repeated. "Nuw," came the reply, "I don't teach , nothing. I flic saws!" Ladles' Home ' Journal. ; Biggest Athletic Event OK THE SEASON JACK WELSH vs W. H. WEST O E ST. PA U L O F M MI FOR I IN A WliFWTLI X( MATCH AT ANGLE OPERA HOUSE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1008. Most Northern Canada. Of the possibilities of extremo north ern Cnuuda a traveler writes: "The country that one passes through from Athabasca Landing down to the Arctic Red river Is full of vegetation aud will, In my opinion, one day be settled. In all tbe mission gardens at the different posts that I passed I saw wheut nnd barley growing, potatoes, IcttuceB, tur nips, carrots and every kind of vegeta ble that one grows In one's own gnrden at home. The country Is thickly tim bered near the banks of tho river, and there are few places In which you do not find Inrge patches of prairie. You pass by a great outrush of natural gus, and oil is oozing out for miles along the river bank." THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE IIAS TEE BEST NEWS SERVICE IN SOUTHERN OREGON. A 6ente of Propriety. "So you stolo this mnna nx?" wild the judtfo. "YcHsnli. 1 reckons ilnr nlu' no use trylu' ter spute tie facts." "What did you do that for? Ho mild he would have been perfectly willing to lend you the nx." 'Yes; but you see, Joilo. dnt innu's on'y Jcb moved In do neighborhood. I doesn' know blm wol enough ter ro 'rouu ter bis house borryln'." Wash lutfton Star. Hard to Say. "If your mother bought four bnskets of grapes, tbe dealer's price being n quarter a basket, bow much tmmiy woukl the purchase cost her?" asked tbe uew teacher, "You never cau tell,' nnswered Tom-' uiy, who was at the bead of bis clnxs. "Ma's Ktvnt at barguliilug!" Ladles' Home Journal. Accepted, "Quills has bad a story accepted at last," remarked a Journalist to a eul I en true. "Surely not," wns tbe rejoinder. "les. He went ho tit e at 2 o' this iDornlnt; with an awful yaru, hli wife believed It." A Map of Jackson County Tlio Tribune and Southern Oregonian is having made at great expense a fine, colored, lithographed map of Jackson county. This map will show all cities, towns and villages, rivers and waterways, section and survey lines, railroads and projected rail roads, wagon roads, forest reserve bounda ries, election precincts and other data need ed by everyone. All townships shown in colors. This up-to-date map will be ready for distribution sometime in December. It will be sold only through The Tribune and Si nit hern Orcgonian. This will be your only chance to secure a good map of Jackson county, as all map edi tions are out of print and plates were des iii.M'd in i-lie 8an Francisco fire, necessitat ing new plates made at an enormous expense. Kurt her details later. Ready in December. I . -T T.- ft. ,T i-r.n .V .,:.ava-!. j-d FOR SALE A NO TO LET .v. You Do Not See Many signs of this character about Medford. We always find a desirable tenant before a good building has been "to let" more than 24 hours, and land owners know we can always find a purchaser if a reasonable valuation is put on property. Consequently Medford docs not impress the homeseekcr as being 'under the hammer." This is as it should be. This is the season of the year when home seekers want winter accommodations. Use business judgment; get free rent and make a winning by purchasing one of these beauti ful cottages of (lie Rogue River Land Company KXl 1 1 HIT liHILDTNO, MEDFORD fa MTDrOUD, OREGON Jf State Depositary. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 1115,000.00 THE MERCHANT KNOWS licit it is so convenient, such a safe Ktuinl ntnl tmving of liino to pay lite iiccouiilH by cheek Uiiit lio would not bo without this satisfactory means of set tlement. The Juchson County Bank respectful ly invites tlio checking acocunts of mer chants, manufacturers, firms, corpora tions, societies ami individuals, assur ing safety and good service. Safo deposit boxes to rent, $4 per year and up. ' 1 FincBt equipment in southern Oregon. W. I. VAWTEB, President O. K. L1NDU2Y, Caahier M EI.) FORD SASH & DOOR COMPANY PI LONE 2291. Oak Veneered Doors, with Bevel Plato, carried in stock ehenn. kinds of Planing Mill Work, including Turned Work ami rancv urills. F STItKKT, BETWEEN SIXTHAND S EVENTH STREETS. Window Trames Office Fixtures and .1. E. K. YAliT.l'rcsid ent. I. A. PERCY, Vice President. JOHN S. ORTII, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Ass t Cashier. The Medford National Bank MEDFOKD, PK. CAPITAL $50,000 SUP PLUS 10,000 Poxes to Rent. A General Baukimr Business We Solicit Your Patronage Safety Transacted. lock und A Big Door. Tho following Is a copy of a Mil posted on the wall of a country vil Inire In Enitlaml: "A lecture on total abatlucuca will lie delivered III the ru air, aud a collection w ill he made at tho door to defray expenses." SECOND SQUADRON SAILS FROM AMOY AMOV, f liinn. xv. 5. The s . squadron of the American fleet, after a week nr rereptious ami social enter taiiunents to it. ffi.r, , , allii(1, for Manila today. Admiral Emory on the Louisiana in he detached temporarily from the nnadron and will s to HongKong for a brief visit. The remaining seven ships are scheduled to rearh Manila Sunday. New Cases. l:- ' Mr t 11I. vs. J. M. EastKr- '; : action to recover money. V. M. Calkins, .it.ittney fr plaintiff. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. II. K. Mathews to (I. II. Muthews, hind in towtiHhip X range I I.. II. Porter to Hiram Doul.le.lav, land In section 30. townshin 37, range I W C. M. Hotinlman to Alfred J, Weeks, el al., M.Sli acre In township :iT, range t v MOO Surfaoa Transit. "Step lively, please." said the con ductor. "If I was young enough to do that." respoudeil the hkccI passenger, climb ing aboard, "I'd walk and bent your far." Philadelphia Lcdjrer. ROOT TO LEAVE CABINET FOR THE SUPREME BENCH WASHINGTON'. Nov. tl The reports if various change to he made in the cabinet are augmented hv th prediction of politicians here that Klihu Root, secretary of stHte. will soon retire. It is prophesied that he will accept the chief justiceship of the supreme court to succeed Melville V. Fuller. Up Here In The Northwest there's no need for shipping in earloatls of cereal cof fee. Made from our own good wheat, made in a clean, successful right-at-home factory, is PERKINS & JANNEY ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS Plans, Specifications, Superintendence. in all its branches. Surveying Rooms 28-29, Jackson County Bank Building. Golden Grain Granules SkootLag" signs at Tribune otfl. Vrte 5 rsati eoch, 60 cents : a strictly northwest product with absolute merit. Vor years people of Washington, Idaho and Oregon have been using it instead of coffee, and it stands without a peer for a high-grade cereal coffee. Ask your grocer for a box and give it one trial. The pack ages are larger than ordinary cereal coffees and cost only 2-")c. All eroeorv sell it. 3 When You Are Hunting f"r the best tailoring establishment, you will not burn your monev if vou patronise us. The time i9 '. 'erL, nuen you should think about vour fall are anxious that vou should Make suit. V nee our display of fall fabric, your selections now. We will f: with pleasure. orde vnur w. w. CITY TAILOR Steal m cleaning. French drv clean ing and pressing nentlv done. EIFERT MEDFORD OVR TELECWAM NEWS IS RECEIVED BY TELEGRAVH OPERATOR IN OUR OFFICE