MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREO OX. WEDNESDAY, yOYBMBKK I WOS. Will "VIA JJV-,W" 2 ' i .6 Ir 'V. .s " r 1 5" 1 - SAVOY THEATER North d'Anjou Street. Latest motion pictures and illus t rated bongs. Entire change of program Monday, Wednesday and Pridav. Admission 10 t i'iiK W. M. Colvtg. 0. L. Roamoa. COL Via & RE AMES Lawyers. Crfieo:Medford Iiank lildg. Ground floor. ARTHUR HV DAVIS Contracting Electrical Engineer, '.ill) V. Seventh St., Medford, Or. BIJOU THEATER, W. 7TH ST. Coiitilulouti perfnrmani'e i-vcry evening of motion pictures nn-l it liiHlruttMl Kittirt1 i-liiint of urogram Momlay, Wiitnosihiy Htul Fridnv. Ailmiitrtinii 10 i'i'iiIh. ANLO PIjNWELIj Tho Plumber. I sitlit'it Q slmro of your luisim1.-!!,, t'lflfjiny icitisfitrtiou. , Cook Stovi-8 nntl rungoa. JMiono ftl MORDOEFF & WOLF Now atul Kci'oml-Htiiul Furniture KiuIh' old atuiiil, 18-20 V St. South Moilford, Or. City Directory . -. . .' -. ,vr ... -"4, ' X r , .... , A , . ( ,.-jj...,.a.ilun.. ilSll LAKE FROM A POINT ABOUT A HALF MILE ABOVE THE DAM BEVf RIDGE IS THE BIG GUI BUTTE FALLS ITEMS. Fairbanks Political Mach ine Wrecked and His Forces Put to Route JNTIA"NAPOM, Tml., Nov. 4. Tho wreck (f the Fiiirbunkso political ma cliinc in 1 ik") hum, Jojiving Movoridgo as the jiowerful factor in tlio stato is fore cast ly the tlefejit t the Fairbanks men nint rbo utrer lonto of li is organ ization yesterday Walson, Fairlianlts' cuiulidato for governor, lias lost to Marshall, though tho rest, of the republican ticket whs successful. Senator Hemenway, a Fairbanks ally, is beaten for re-election by the loss of the legislature by the republicans. Hep resentative Overstreet in the south dis trict and Foster in tho First district, both republicans, and Fairbanks men, are apparently defeated for re-eloo-t ion. Senator Iteveride has always stood" close to the Itoosevclt ad m in istrat 1011, while Fairbanks has never been iden tified with it. The new situation puts enormous power in the bands of Bevor idtfn nnd gives him the opportunity to build up a machine mueji greater and more effectual than by the vice-president. Thomas Taggart, former national j a nico cottage. Baker brothers, who havo been work ing on the road between Bradshaw and Ilrowuuboro, have n'turad to the Fulls and are warmly welcomed back. Ben Fredeubnrg has his house under construction and will build it bo hh to Iks nnornanient of beauty and utility to I lie town. .1. IT. Miller and Judge Pentz reached hero on Wedncsda yfrom Medford. John Obenehain uud Jim Charley are at their homesteads. Aaron Beck is finishing the inside of tho hotel building. Mr. Mat lies of Medford has come among us to reside nnd will soon build upon his lot. Ho is a brother to Mrs. .1. P. Hughes. Oar stores arc stocked with nn abun dant assortment of winter supplies. The new sehoolhouso is fast Hearing its finishing touches and will be a strong advertisement as well as a sight of beauty for our town. It is in fact one of the finest school buildings in our county. The stage makes alternate trips every other day from here to Kagle Point and return and passengers can be nccommo dutul by Mr. Stowell. Sinn tntel Poole has moved from his ranch to Muttt; Fails to enjoy the school Mdvantngcs. I Mr. Stalker and family of Michigan, is visiting the Miller family and may loculed. As nn evidence whit what homestead ers havo done to settled and open up t his sect ion. we point with pride to tho many residences built in Butte Italia, to the erection of a fine Bohool, to the establishment of a beautiful town site, to the histnllatio nof a fin mill plant, besides our stores nnd general interests of outsiders in Butto- Falls. Verily, homesteaders have not failed in their duties, but has Undo Sam recog nized their workl Mr. Dttprey has erected a fine house nnd William Chambers is finishing up chairman of the democratic party, is jubilant over the results in the state. Ho declared today that the legislature will be democratic by a big majority. TRISCO POLICE LOOKING FOR EASTERN ELOPERS SAX FRAXC1SCO, Cal Xov. ;i Believing that Edwin P. Shore, eon of the Wisconsin and Michigan lumber man and Miss Berly Hedrick, a nine teen year old Pittsburg girl of prom inent family are living quietly in this : city following nn elopement, Jhe police' are seeking the couple. The chief of j police today receiver! a request trom the Pittsburg authorities to detain them although no charge has been brought against them in Pitsbnrg. It is expected that the mill will oper ate all winter and fib tho yard with lumber for the spring and summer trade of 110p. C. P. Briggs has made some needed improvements around his lot. Mr. Mathes has gone to tho valley and will return with a load of supplies i,r Merchant Hughes. AValte ner. Marriago Licenses, liowo and Winifred Cpn- REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Probate. Estate William Ifeeley; order made appointing Mary Wttercr admin is tratrix. Estate M. P. Phipps; semi-annual ac count filed. Kstnte David Allen; order made for final settlement. C. W. Longman. Evangelist. j C. W. Longman, who sings during' the evangelistic meeting was born in ; Iowa and then turned Xebrnskau. His: high school work was done in Towa. and college work at Cot ner university. Him hfl sung since childhood, and still sing1, j Mr. Longman was mixed up in all the quarteTs, rhm us work and orato- rbts in college circles. He has done' solo work since freshman days. All the work nn voice has been to I gain a clear, pure, airtet tenor for gos pel work. His enunciation is particu- ; larly adapted for evangelistic sing ing. His belief is that singing wm invented to make words more potent in the lives of men. Evangelist Whiston waite dtwo years to secure Longman, ncd be hnpes to ; hold him for ten years to come. Wilis- ; ton's only fear is that Longman will get marrird and refuse to leave home. ? Meetings begin Thursday night. Xo- j vember .l. at 7:4." sharp. Imn't miss mj ervice. 500 540 415 Cnited- States to Oeorgo BT. Pease, If.O acres in section 8, township 31, range 4 W patent United States to Ejmar Sclira der, 100 acres in section 14, township 37, range 1 E patent Thomas Gill to Max P. .Tacoby, 40 acres in section 20, township 3(1, range 2 W .Tane Carroll to David M. Orish am, lot 15, Constant s addi tion to Central Point 5000 Watliam TT. TTamlin to N. 8. Bennett, 10 acres in township 39. range 1 W OV. A. Dimlap to Oscar B. Tur ner, land in township 33, range 1 W Wells Lounoberry to John Banish. land in township 37, range 2 W Harvey Richardson to Etta May Richardson, 5 acres in section 2t. township 3ft, range 2 W Tli-oTias Oill to Max P. Jacohy, 40 ncros in township 36, range 2 W David M. Crisham to Jane Car roll, property in Constant' in Central Point S. S. Pent-! to B. H. Harris, property in Callaway's addi tion to MMford John Banish to Lillian M. Louns berry. hind in D L C 6, town ship 37. rnngo 2 W L. P. Maury et al. to Wells Loimsberry, 59.17 acres in D L. C fit?, tnwnthip 37, range 2 V 10 500 1200 IftOO 5000 6700 Without Hesitation You can invite your friends to dinner if you use our Pure White Flour A new airload has just arrived. In PurityIt Leads It is the Best IN QUALITY Let us quote you prices. A IT AILEN 6 MM QUALITY GROCERS THE MEDFOIW DAILY TRIBUNE HAS THE BEST NEWS SERVICE IN. SOUTHERN OREGON. WmmW Watches, Clocks wMffmJfP and Jewelrv A 5186 I am now Located with Martin J. Reddy nnd am prepared to do all kinds of re pair work on B'. N. Butler Near Postoffice Water Proof Shoes Lumbermen's Pacs, Knee and Hip Rubber Boots, Waterproof Shoe Oil. m High Cut Leather Boots in all Siz.s WINDOWS , We f-arry the strongest lines at the best prices in : Southern Oregon. Huy now. Rainy weather is 1 coming. SMITH & MOLONY WM. H. AITKEN IMuiilttili), Stonin 11 till Hot Wilt i-r Llonting. IM10110 2'. 210 W. Sovonth St., Modford, Or. THE ELECTRIC AND FRENCH IlllY CLEANING AND PRESS IHO WORKS W. K. Lulio & Won, l'ros. Oiu.iito Hotel Moore, Medford lr.-t..ii KARNES ROOMING HOUSE Newly built and newly furnished All modern coiivenionees. II. !. Karnes, Prop. 2(1 S. (1 St., Medford, Or. EDEN VALLEY NURSERY Home growu whole root trees. N. S. Bennett Medt'oKl, Or. WASCIIAU & BROWN u'li to .-uiooiiiK e to their pntroim II:. it they are ioroted in their new ii:iiterN in lite Voiio ll.ill leiil.lill. IJiMiiii.K I i,;:lt-K lied 'I'oleiefis. FISH MARKET Ov- :rrenh fish received dnily. - terH iu Henson. for. Seventh nnd K St, Medford Ullteh II s.iee. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS M. k B. CANDY KITCHEN We oiri'ie :ttl our own rllillliert. Mrtitin it ii.l Iturrow, l'rop. Ininer Seventh :llld C Stn'"t, Medl'or.l, Oregon. MEDFORD TEA AND COFFEE , UOl'SH Speeialwls In Tens, C'of fees, Kxtructs, HuUiiif; Powder ::ind Spiees. We curry nil kinds ot ! dinner wnre and foney dishes. 210 W. Soventh St. Medford, Or. THE EMERICK CAFE The best restaurant in Soot hern Oregon. W. E. Johnson Prop. DR. FRANK ROBERTS Dentist Office hours: S to 12, 1 to 4. Miles Building, Seventh Street, Medford, Oregon. i THE HOTEL EMERICK i Rooms from 50 cents to $1.50 per tiny. All modem convoniuucos. ' We solicit your patrouugo. VERNE T. CANON Billposter and distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 7 Jackson Co. Bank Bldg. Medford, Or. THE MISSION GRILL Always open for business. Kent nnd clean. Up to date. Popular prices. 12 So. 0 St. Lambert & Brown I buy accounts, bills, notes and judgments of any nature, any wboro. Address 0. CLAY Box 52 Medford, Or. 0. F. COOK Bells trees that grow. Office: B. R. V. Depot. P. O. Box 841. Phono 503. Modford, Or. THE K. R. V. LUNCH BOOM Finost cup of coffee on the Pncific CoiiBt. U. II. Lorimor Prop. Livery asil Fcei. Phono 2431 WEST SIDE STABLES Chas. E. Tail, Proprietor. First-class Turnouts. Medford Oregon MRS. ED. ANDREWS Voice Culture and Art of Singing Studio at Residence. East Medford. Phono 225 For good bargains in Watches and Jewelry, Pistols, Musical In struiiients, go to THE MEDFORD LOAN OFFICE 0 Stroot. 1 DR. GOBLE ;Tho only exclusivo Opticinn bs Itwaon' Portland and Sacramento, i Office on Seventh Stroet. S. R. SEELY, M. D. PhyBician nnd Surgeon Modern equipped opernting rooms X-Ray. Office hours: 10-12, 2-4 p. in. Office in Jnckson Co. Bk. bldg MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Undertnkors Day Phono 353 Night Phones 0. W. Conklin 30 J. H. Bntlor 148 When others fail, call on , DR. E. J. BONNER Eye Specialist Office in Eagle Pharmacy Mnin 233. Seventh and Main Election Is Over Get busy and build before the Con tractors are all crowded with work and before material of all kinds take another advance in price. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE Crater Lake Lumber Co. 9 fA-iSfi&V 9, SALOME IN BARBARIC SPLENDOR V f I Tx wnili ot- jii;i.'i at tins pxrjiiiHito hoau y (if f.iir ,ji wi-Ih, net in tho moat rc tiiifi) t.-iMit .f civilization, if hIip cou!1 ri t urn ami po nur iruixiiifici'iit itturk ut fim! jewelry. Wi run please the fan ( V nf Ilium who would I'ombine tlidicary with nrirntul grandeur nnd bpiiuty in t lie in 'til s nnd jewelH ohown at Good EveningI Have You Used "CHIC?" for sale only by t in h'-hih una jewem Known ai - - MARTIN J. RtDMMlord,Ph!tffiacy