$500 ForfeitThe Tribune Guarantees Twice the Paid Circulation in City or Country of the Morning Mail UNITED PRESS DISPATCHES By far tbe largest and beat news report of toy paper In Southern Oregon. The Weather Toniulit, fnir escciit raiu near count. Thurmlny, fair east, ruin west portion. Southerly wind. THIRD YEAR. MEDFORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1908. No. 196. LITTLE BUTTE WATER UMF R USE tnbum. rU STATE BOARD OF HEALTH Will INSIST ON FILTER BACTERIOLOGIST FINDS BACILLI COLI COMMUNIS i. Wma im uATcno nr oTnriu! 111 VV HI LIU) Uf 0 1 fXLHIVI ; Water Found by State Official to Contain Organisms Rendering It Unfit For to Sewage From Animals or Humans-Water Tak en at a Point Above the Haniey Fork PORTLAND, Or., Nov. 4. Tribune, Medford, Or.: Examin ation of the wiiter from Little Butte frock shows tho presence of bacillus coli communis, which renders it unfit fur drinking purposes, those organisms ohmg inhabitants of the intestines of men nnd animals. Tlie examin- ation uf Fish lake water-shows no contamination thus far, but is yet incomplete. RALPH M AT I SON, Raeterialogist Slate Board of Health. The above is a telegram received from Dr. Ralph Mnttson, bacteriologist for the state board of health, and known as one of tho best authorities on hnctcrin in the country. The water Heat liim was taken on October 2.1 by Dr. K. It. Pickel, member of the state board of health. Two samples were tnkea in prepared sterilized bottles, one from the north fork of the Little Butte ;.t Hauler's ford, near where it is pro posed to divert the water for the city under the Hamilton proposition, and the other from Fish lake. As appears troin the telegram, tho tests have not been completed for tho Fish lake water. After filling tho bottles, Dr. Pickel carefully scaled them, packed them on ice and shipped them to Portland for examination. The result of the test proves conclusively that the water of Little Butte creek is unfit for municipal purposes. Dr. Pickel stntes that the state board of health will forbid the nsen f this water by the city unless it is filtered. The bacilli found in the SUSPICION OF PASTOR IS WIPED AWAY SAN FRANCISCO, ml., Nov. 4..1 The suspicion under which Rev. Hnyson Young, rector of tho Episcopal church of St. Mary the Virgin, of this city, which has been cast in connection with t he d isappea rn nee of Ed na 'lark of 'Oakland, was removed ,todny by the) statement of the minister to the rela jives of tho girl. The statement of the rector followed a long interview last night between him, A. E. Yates, the girl's uncle, and At torney S. T(. Wright, a friend of the family. Suspicion was directed toward the minister by the fact that he was seen in the company of Miss Clark before her disappearance and had called once i at her home. Rev. Young declares that Miss Clark j called nt the rectory on religions mat tors and that they became quite well ; acquainted. During their acquaintance I tho girl told him that her home lifej was unhappy because of disputes be- j tween herself and her mother. The min- ister says that he called on Miss Clark. , but gathered from the manner of Miss Clark's mother thnt he was unweleomo . guest and did not call again. From there Young says that he did not see the missing girl after that.! He admits that he tried to persuade 1 I m n,,n or, A nrrfTHat. 1 ! that she might hecome a trainee, nurse. ; The detectives working on the strange ' rase are beginning to admit the hope j lesness of their work. R. L. Wilson of Butte Falls was; a reBt Medford visitor. ' Human Use-Bacteria Due water aro the same that wero discov ered in Eugene water supply nt the time of tho outbreak of typhoid fever there three years ago. In making a bacteriological test of water, one cubic centimeter is Used, which is equivalent to 15 drops of wa fer. Tho fact that this small amount of water shows the presence of bacilli makes it evident that the water is alive with germs. Dr. Joseph MeFarland, the greatest authority upon bacteria, states in his text book that bacilli coli communis is closely allied to tho typhoid bacil lus, the coli communis being habitu ally present ,in intestines nnd exists there during typhoid fever. Tho coli communis is invariably nn indication that t lie water is contaminntod with sewerage. Not tho least significant fact about the colnn bacillus is that it is also pathogenic nnd capable of exciting inflammatory processes, which arc not infrequent, anil servo to increase the seriousness nf typhoid fever, Tho coli communis is habitually pres ent in the fecal manner of most ani mals, except tho horso, and in water and soil contaminated with it. Vory little nutriment is required by the ba cillus. It is quite resistant to aatisep tics and germicides, Under normal conditions it is far from harmless. It not infrequently is found in nbcesses, remote from the intestines and is al most always found in superations con-, nected with the intestines, as for ex ample, appendicitis. Frequent trans portation lessens tho virulence, pas sages tl'roi'fch animals increases it. It seems to be tho pathogentic agent of tho greater' number of summer infan- ile Ihrrhoeas. It net infrequently causes chelern infantum in infants. VANCOUVER PLAYS STANFORD WEDNESDAY STAFFORD VNIPERS1TV, Cal.. Nov. 4. The Vancouver football team will meet Stanford 'vnrnity today. In the first of the two name series of Rug by football the northerns are scheduled to jday here. Apart from the interest aroused by the clean-cut work of the Vancouver men the contetts aro looked upon ns the basis of comparison be tween the teams of the University of California and Stanford. Vancouver has tied California and beaten her 3 to 0 in another. The Stan ford athletes will endeavor to beat Cal ifornia's showing against -the Colum bians and will send the strongest avail able lineup. The visitors are looked upon as the strongest team that has come from the north, and the- local players are not over-conf ident. MEDFORD BOOK STORE IS BRANCHING OUT The Medford Book Storn is enlarging tln-ir business by leasing the room for merly occupied by the Church bakery nnd installing a candy kitchen. Mr. lirover Long of Portland nn experienced c:mdv innkpr of years nf experience in some of the bet candy kitchens of the wist has purchased a half interest in tint ponfpctinnerv side and will per- sonaly manage the same with the as sitance of his wite. I he necessary change will be mad? at once and they will b" turning out fine candies in the course of a wrtek or ten days. County Assessor elect Grieve wbi in iledford Weduetdsr. GOVERNORS n nniiRT m Hughes Wins Over Chandler-Marshall Wins in Indiana-Many Unsettled NEW YORK, Nov. 4. Many eon- tests remaining in doubt mark the re sults of tho gubernatorial races over the country, but some of them may not bo settled for several days. The victory of flovernor Hughes by 30,000 over Lieutenant Governor Stuy vesant Chnnler is one of the big sur prises of the election. Ho developed unexpected strength up state, overcom ing the jdurnlity given f'hanler in the city. Johnson, the republican, probably has been elected in North Dakota over Dui'ke, the democrat. (Jovernor Warner of Michigan proba bly has been defeated by L. T. He mans, democrat, though tho state safe ly republican. . Marshall, democrat, has carried In diana under romarkahlo circumstnnces, as the state went for Taft and all other democrats on tho state ticket wero beaten. Shallenborger probably is winner in Nebraska, though it is still in doubt. Governor Davidsono, republican, has carried Wisconsin, according to the re turns today. Other governors elected are: Ansel, democrat, South Carolina; Ves soy, republican, South Dakota; Pat terson, democrat, Tennessee; Campbell, democrat, Texas; Spry, republican, Utah; CoHgrovo, republican, Washing ton; Glasscock, republican. West Vir ginia. In Missouri, the race between Hartley, republican, and Cowherd, democrat, is doubtful, but result cannot be predict ed positively. The same condition ex ists in Ohio, where Harmon, democrat, and Harris, republican, both claim elec tion. Bid PILE OF GREETINGS FOR TAFT THIS MORNING CINCINNATI O., Nov. 4. President olect Taft retired at 9:30 a. m. nnd arose to find a big pile of congrat ulatory telegrams awaiting him. His secretary announced that there were so many Judge Tnft will not bo able to answer porBonnlly. This afternoon the president-elect will be the principal speaker at the exercises incident to tho laying of the corner stone at a public school build ing hero. Tomorrow he will address the national meeting of missionaries. Thursday night he will speak at the Commercial club, which will give a banquet in his honor. On Friday, with Mrs. Taft, Judge Taft will leave hero for Hot Springs, Va., where he will remain for several da vs. TWO BOY BURGLARS IN HANDS OF POLICE HAN JOSE, Cal., Nov. 3, Two re pentant boy burglars nre in tho county jail here fearfully nwaiting the result of the police inquiry into the several burglaries to which they have confessed. They are George Waver, I- years old, and Charles Martin?lli, a few months younger. Armed with shot gun3 they entered several residences before they worn captured by deputy sheriff Par mentor. They also said that they had robbed two places in San Jose, a pump ing plant on Tally road nnd the resi dence of Fred RuRg. Both of the boys nttend high school, are members nt well known San Jose families nnd hnvo lived here since their babyhood. REMOVAL BILL IS KILLED IN CALIFORNIA RAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Nov. 4 Returns received by the United Press at noon today from all parts of the state indicate that the California capi tal removal bill has heen decisively dvfeatsd. RAH FOR TAFT! This Is a Standird Oil Rooster Madt by a Trust Crowing Over the EIcg 01 Taft and Camon PRECINCT CITY AND NEBRASKA Commoner fyr First .Time Receives Support of His Neighbors and Friends LINCOLN, Ncb.t Nov. 4. For tho first time, Bryan carried his home pre cinct, city nnd state yesterday. Nor mal precinct, in which he lives, tho city of Lincoln and tho state of Ne braska all voted strongly for the Com moner, which is tho source of great sat isfaction to him. Nebraska is proba ably for Bryan by 10,000. Shallenber ger, clemocrut, for governor, is proba bly elected over Sheldon, republican, tiiough the vote is close. Brvau takes his defeat' philosophical ly, though greatly disappointed at the outcome, ns he really believed that vic tory would this time perch upon bis bannor. Ho is preparing a statement for tho press. CHINESE TONGS INVOLVED k . 2NWAB OVER OIRL SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Nov. 4 Two nf the largest Chinese tongs in America nre involved in a war today originating in a fight over a wealthy merchant 's slave girl who was Abducted and then stolen -from her abductors. Two trado tongs aro warring oyer fan cied grievances at the tamo timo and Chinese arc keeping the police of the Chinese quarter on the atort for hos tilities. Quang Yik Wo a merchant of the Suey Ong Tong reported the loss of Lee Toy his stave girl a week ago, to his brethern. A day later the girl was traced to a house in Oakland oc cupied by members of the Ong Yik Tong. Two days later the girl was brought bnck to this city in a cab under tho armed escort of two Suey Ong Tong men and later tho Suey Ongs called for an idemnity of $1150. After a discussion the indemnity wus awarded and tart same amount paid by the Ong Yika. DUNNE WINS HIS FIGHT IN FRISCO SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Nov. 4. Two hundred and seventy-fiva pre cincts of .100 in San Francisco give Judge Frank II. Dunne, democrat and fJong (lovernment league nominee for superior judge, a substantial plurality. Returns from these preeincts indicate that Judge Carroll Cook, republican, has been defeated by a big vote. Cook was opposed bitterly by Attorney Fran is J. Heney and other leaders of the graft prosecution. MARAUDING STUDENTS ESCAPE DETECTION SKATTLK, Wash., Nov. 4. Although a searching investigation in the oight attack made upon the state university buildings Sunday night has hen made, it was announced today that the faculty has so fnr failed to learn the identity o ft ho marauders. Iti s also said that the students involved in the affair tried to burn the effects of Dr. H. O. Byrs of the department of chemistry, who is known as a strict disciplinarian. They attempted to carry away a small fraroa building. standing La tbc npm camp-Ji. BRYAN WINS TAFT ELECTED PRESIDENT BY TAFT BY 400; CITY BY 90 Returns Incomplete-Ash-land Cave Taft 282 Maj-orlty-Medford 90 Although all of tho official returns have not an yet reached the. county elerk, that official, from report tlmt have been sent him by telepliono from the various parts of tho county, iti nf the opinion that Taft linn carried the county over Hryan by 400 votes or over. Tho following are the results in the greater part of tho preeincts of Jack son county: Ashlnnd Taft 5!2, Ilrynil 270, Delis 54, Chafin 40. Ilarron Taft 80, Bryan 2Sii, Dobs 17, Obafin 1. " Central l'oint Taft MM. Ilrvilu llll, Debs 22, Olmfiii 1. Jacksonville Taft 1.1T5, Tirynn 73. Eaglo Point Taft 71, Bryan fit, Helm 2, Chafin 4. uom mil iau. no, nryan m, Mens 28, Chafin 2. Rock Point Taft. 1.1, Bryan I I, Debs 8, Hisfrcn 1. Knots Ocek Taft 20, Bryan Hi. Clin fill 1, Debs 6. Sterling Tnft 14, Brynn 1.", Debs I. lloxy Tnft 251, Bryan II, Debs 5. Phoenix Taft 73, Bryan til. Debs 111. Talent Tnft 90, Bryan 51, Debs .10, Chafin 2. Wonilrille Taft .1:!, Bryan :r,. Debs 7, Chafin 4. Applegate floes ft majority for Taft. Watkins Taft 20, Bryan 11, Debs 1. Rains Vnllev Tnft. 40, Bryan MO, Cha fin 2, Debs . Winter Tnft 21, Brynn SS, Debg 10. Mound Tnft 22, Bryan 21, Ib bs I. Antioch Tnft S. Brynn 2.r, Di bs .1. Willows Taft 15, Bryan 25. Modfnrd Tnft 2118, Bryan INS, Debs 107, Chafin 31. WASHINGTON JOINED LANDSLIDE FOB TAFT SKATTLK, Wash., Nov. I. Wash ington state hns joined in I lie bind slldo for Taft. The heavy vote and the slow count make it impossible to detorminc accurately the extent of the republican victory, but it is certain that Washington given Tnft H plural ity of nt least 45,000, exceeding by 15, O00 the preliminary estimate of State Chairman Dobruollor. The entire re publican stnte ticket is elected by tun jorities that run well up with III t presi dential ticket. The legislature 's over vvhebningly republican, although one lemocrat gets in from Stevens county, possibly a democratic senator from Mn son, KltBap and Island. Thero is no doubt that Wesloy' L. .Tones will bo electod tn the United Htntes senate next January to succeed Senator Ankeny. Tho statn ticket falls but little belmv the vote. Here and thorn a few democratic of ficials have got In In some of tl asl em Washington counties, but they nre exceptions. It is estimated that at least 10S.000 votes were cast in I he state. The dern ncrats made their chief showing on Bry an. Tho socialists cast approximately 12,000 as nearly ns can be determined from returns, whoch show only about 40 per cent, of tho votes east. INVESTIGATING ALLEGED FRAUDS AT ELECTION SAM FRANCISCO, .O.I., Nov. I -- Di.lricl Attornev I.nnirdnn and the (lood Government league nre invest Igut ing today charges of illegal voting made against Philip DcMartni, a snloonkeep er, on tho ground that he had falsely registered from San Francisco, when ho lives in Redwood City. McMnrtini claims that he lives in some of his nR flnf. here, hut the chnlleniier savs that the flats have been vacant for months. R, P. Mathew of Medford hns pur chased th residence lots of U V. Mnr ry in. Butt Tails. COUNTY FOR LANDSLIDE ETURNS GIVE TAFT 295 ELECTORAL VOTES AND MR. BRYAN. 174 Nebraska For Bryan by 100,000 Michigan Elects a Democratic GovernorGeorgia Elects Republican Governor-vColorido in Bryan Column Race In State of Kentucky Close .l:tli:ima Mrymi's plurality in state is over .".((,1)00., Arkansas- Mryau lian carried the state between :tO,tn)t) and IO.iKmI. Calit'ornia McinocralH have conced ed the stale In Tn ft. Piohabltj plnralily of 1.1,000. Co'.ikiiIo ,t K nVloi'k this morning It's:, tli.iii a tlii ill uf tlie ballots cast in ( oloiailo lial bt'rii counted. Hi van Iiiih the .stale from MMM to 1:1,000. Delaware This slnte jjiveH Taft ilu rality of looo. " ' Florida Bryan's plurality1 is about ;to,oon. (ieuiKia (ieoria elects n republican Kovenior, but ives Mryan plurality of 10,000, ' ' - Idaho Tnft wins bv from S000. to 1000. Illinoift Today's returns show Taft 's plurality in Illinois will possibly retich iMn.ooo. henoeii fur governor on the republican ticket will receive a plural ity of approximately 7-1,000. I lid i:in:i Marsha 1 1 elected governor by LI'i.omo. h'inoi'i'at ic legislature. Taft's plurality from oOOO to 10,000. I own Ta ft curried I own by about ."tO.ooo plurality. Kan huh Today's returns indicate Tnft by :SO,00O. Kentucky Mryau aius oVer Taft. (State Hufo by small plurality, probably liOOO. Louisiana I ncompleto returns indi cate n plunilitv of 0:1,000 fnr Itryan. Maine-Cum for Taft by :i5,0oO. Maryland-- Taft. 'k plurality will rench U.ooo. MasHtichuset t s ( 'it v I try a a "uoo majority. of Jioslnn j(ives Ktnte for Tn f I. Iiv 00,1100. Michigan Michitfin Tnft by OOO, heiiioerats elect governor, Minnesota' Taft has carried ' atato from Torino tn oo.oou. lt..Mevell 'M phi rality in wus 101,000, Johnson is probably elected by 10,000. Mississippi-- Later returns show to day's Mississippi n'. lighter than an- lieipnteil, Bryan's plurality is cstiinnt ed at I.I.Ofio.' M iss'iuri- Brvau 'h plural it v, which was esliiii'ifed at tO.Oou (lt night, probably fall below 'J-I.OMO. Iladley publican, elected governor. Montana Taft 's plurality will be in neighborhood "t" sofio. Xi brnsl.a Figures indicated today at lo a. m. that Bryan carried Nebraska by a plurality of lo.uno. It is believed that thi' strong unt i ( '.inrinu feeling 1 lirouirlmut the ft. 'ife played an impor taut part in the result. Nevada The state is in Bryan's col umn by 7ooo plurality. Xew llumpslri-e Taft 's plurality is redm . d today to alilt 10,000, Xew .lercev Taft 's; inii'trilv in stnte I'.'HCI. New Y,i I; Taft's plurality will be ;iIh.i1 IT'.O'iO in state. Hughe wins n ', or t "hauler by about I'.OOU. New V",ik city gives Tat't :ioon plurality. '.,rt!i ( areliua I'lurality for Bryan ..f ab. .nt L'-'.oo't. Xorth Paltofa Itepublh-aii slate com initio elaims the state for Tft by 20,- .t!lO. Ohio Democrat ie bailers here today tiiiicede lhat Tal'r ha-t carried the state t.v .in, 'HHi, . nt claim that ll:rnnoi, Un democratic nominee for governor, ha been f .-, led by an equally targe plurnl iiy. nklahoiiiJi - The democratic lead was reduced by today N returns. A heavy nt.ciaUht vote pulled iu the southern counties, which wen predicted strong ly democratic, reduced Hrynn'a plurnl itv. fir van will receive from - IR.ftOO OF VOTES to L'0,000 iu the Htnto. Oregon Taft's plurality will bo in neighborhood of 18,0(10. nScialista poll ed heavy vote. Prohibitionists about 1000. UiduriiH slow. Pennsylvnnin Taft's plurality will not exceed LViO.OOO, Ifhode .Island Practically complete returns give Taft 4.1,000 plurality. South Carolina 'Itr.vaif's phirnHtr will be LVi.OOO. Sonth Dnkotn Taft's plurality nbout Jo.ooo. , , x . Tennessee Brvau's plurality is nbout Ilo.OOO. - ' Texas Bryan 's pluralitv over 100,- 000. , , Utah lieturns today show IHnh over whelmingly republican. Tho republican ticket swept Halt Lake county with plu ralities ranging from o000 to H000. Wyoming Taft 's plurality has been cut down to 0000 by late returns. Vermont Taft's plnralily about 2o,- 000, Virginia Bryan's pluralitv about 40.- 000. Washington Taft's plurality will ex ceed 4.1,000. Wesf Virginia Plurality for Taft will bo about 8000. Wisconsin Practically completo re turns from all over the stato givo Taft a plurality ,nf 87,002, Tho entiro re publican stain ticket is elected by 80,-- 000. THE ELECTORAL VOTE. Stnte Taft. j Bryan. Alabama , Tl ArkaiiHiis ;,... 0 California 10 Colorado ( 5 .Connecticut j 7 Delaware 3 Florida j 5 ri 13 blahi j :t I Iljinois 27 j Indiana j 15 j Iowa 13 Kansas 10 Kentucky j j 13 Louisiana j 9 Matae (t Maryland ) Massachusetts 10 Minnesota i II f Mississippi J -JO - Missouri I IS Montana 3 Xebraska ) j S Xevada 3 New Hampshire -I New Jersey IB New York" 3D Vorlh Carolina 12 Xorth Dakota 4 Ohio 23 Oklahoma j 7 Oregon j 4 Peiinsvlvania j 34 j Ithodo Island 4 Smith Cnrolina ft" South Dakota 4 Tennessee 12 Texas O......I I 1'tnh t a t Vermont ' 4 Virginia ) 12 Washington 5 West Virginin 7 . . . . . . Wisconsin 13 , . . . . . Wyoming j 3 j TnCa.77. .7.7;. .77p2M 174 The best suyper ever aervefl in south ern Oregon nt the Angle opera honao Friday evening, nftor the dnnco pfivon bv the Indies of St. Ann's society.