Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, November 03, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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Has Words of Praise for The Tribune-Tells of the
Men Who Have Pushed Medford Ahead Tells Sa
i lem That She Should Profit by This City's Example
(Col. E. Capitol Jurrnnl)
The writer hns ber.i at many booster
conventions. Ho hns held hotiiir fottti
villa in nearly ll the principul fit ion
of wentern uregon, but never did he
run into specific calorie that mnkes a
community get up ami hump and dtiuhlc
up. its real estoato values like the one
that struck Medford. Of courni, nil nn
donttnd that the booster city of the
Rogue river valley h:is been on all the
United States maps printed the past fen-
years iu box cnr lotterrs, but few iioupl
know who did it. Tt was the Medford
bunch discovered Harriman in hia lodge
at Pelican Bay, and broko the ieo that
unrounded him for mi! en and then swam
through it with an iuvitntion in their
teeth, asking the "Old Mnn of the
Financial Mountain" to come and see
them, lie did stop a few hours, and
Dft Reddy took him in, too, with his
40-horsepower, Thomas Flyer, and when
ho gnt through Harriman turned nnd
safd to the crowd: "Reddy is the great
est booster I ever met. Ho mentioned
everything under the sun ns produced
in the Rogue river valley except tin."
Then Reddy produced some tin ore out
of his hip pocket nnd gave ITnrrimen
a piece with an assay attached, signed
Healed and sworn to. The next time
Horrimcn came' this summer ho staid
three hours aad would have stayed all
day except for the modesty of the Med
ford bunch. They were afraid of over
doing it with the old man of the mount
ain. After he was gone they regretted
they did not keep him over night. They
got hold of Ifonore Puliner and young
Vilas and gave thorn the time of their
lives nnd each one has been the means
of large investments being made in
orchards. Young Palmer got his mil
lionaire mama to come through and
make the Rogue river valley her sum
mer home stole the dame (ho fair to
look upon from a real estate stand
point,) bodily nnvuy from Kngene on
promise to return her, after they had
aeev the bottom of her purse. She blew
herself for $H!.",0(H) worth of Medford
orchards, nnd would have done ns much
more but for the financial squeeze.
Who Are the Bunch
Of course, there is the premier, en
titled to stand at the head of the list
Dr.. ,T. F. Reddy, mayor of the city,
fighter for nem ideas, landlord of t ho
Nash house, about which I must nay a
littlo more farther on, John I). OlwHI,
first orchardist and organizer of this
industry ns a factor of southern Oregon
development; Dr. C. R. Ray of the
electric power company, and his brother
iUA. Frank Kay; J. K. Enyart, banker;
W. I. Vawter, banker; ICdgnr Hafer
the- box factory man; J. M. Keene,
dentist nnd nil f around booster of all
southern Oregon, who takes abuse for
breakfast, eats it for lunches and dines
on itand grows rich, fat nnd happy; .Tef
Heard, new manager of the Sterling
gold mine; Geo. Putmnn, who runs the
redhotteiH little daily in seven states
and. has libel suits aad imprisonments
for contempt as often as the court meets
Judge Withhigtoii, who is legal adviser
of the hotair artists nnd Pres. V. M.
I do not know whore yon would find
11 men who are such concentrated gey
sera of information as these are, bu
Medlford has many more like them, and
is educating them every day. Those men
are pioneers and have grown worse as
they go along.
A Pioneer Orchardist.
Hon. J. H. Stewart is no more but
ho is entitled to the grateful memory
of all who lovo to recount the battles
for, the upbuilding and transformation
of Oregon. He was a pioneer, p. pro
gressive mnn, a builder of orchards. He
built one of 75 acres 3o miles up the
Rogue river that very few person, have
Keen. He wns an Illinois man and is suc
ceeded by his sod, who is a chip off the
old block. These men have lived to see
orchards they planted sell for tHoOO,
then sell for $20,000 nnd then sell for
$rt0,0(0. ; They have bought and Bold
some of these themselves and have made
some of this money and kept it. It is
not often that the mnn who sows so
wisely also reaps the crop, but J. H.
Stewart planted wiser than he dreamed
of and his son is following with still
larger enterprises.
Oot a New Hotel.
One of the first things the Medford
boosters did was to get a firnt-clacs ho
tel service. They got a new owner to
renovate the old hotel Nash. They tore
out the old partitions full of vermin,
took up the old enrpeta that had been
put down on top of each other seven
deep and sometimes morp, tore out. the
old unsanitary, disease-breeding plumb
ing, and pnt in some baths. The firit
step toward arousing a community out
of its Rip Van Winkle slee pis to get n
hotel where a civilized man with money
who is not afraid to spend it, ca ntele
graph for a suite of rooms with a bath
and closet nttnrhew. Such n telegram
creates surprise at Salem, but crr.inot be
answered in the affirmative. The own
ership of Salem s principal hotel re f
fuses to make improvements or to al
low a lessee to make any. Such en ta
tiude is almost a disgrace to civilisa
tion. Whoever is responsible for sueh
conditions can nevor make good to this
cr.mmnr.ity the injury they have done
in advertising us to the world as a city
where the traveling public cannot get
decent n?commodat:ons even if they
hae the monev to pav for them. Xcith-
er the at ate fair nor thr state capital
cn be kept at Salem with the filthy
ennitary conditions that are imposed i
upon the well-to-do and influential class '
of people, who have to put up with
primitive conditions nnd go up wash-
ed for wunt of decent hotel facilities,
I wag delighted with the holel serv-
. e at Ashland, where the Hotof Ore
gon is up-to-dute with the service at
Hotel Nash and Hotel Moore. The Nash
Ikih suites ot rooms with baths on a
the floors, and a grill room whero every
thing is the fluent. Where oysters are
served in the shells, and game is on the
bill of faro every day. A hotel register
at Med lord reads hko a register nt New
York or Seattle. Medford is the Sent
tie of southern Oregon and the state
knows it.
' Found Some Salemites.
Hesides Dr. Keene 1 found Frank
Mollis, who has become a furniture
king iu rout her u Oregon, owning three
lied, carpet end chair and table Btorea,
and looking for more to buy. Young
Dr. E. R. Seeley has a medical practice
orth about ten thousand a year. Dr.
Keene was celebrating his 44th birth
day nnd has made money enough iu II
yoars to retire from Ins practice. He
wears flawless clothes, spotless shirts
and gloves without wrinkles. Ho knows
everybody nnd when he goes down the
street ho bowc to right and loft, young
and old, f armors and bankers, womon
and children, nud thev all seem to
know mid like Doc.
A man warned me not to be seen
around with Doe. Wo hnd fought for
and against each other, but when it
coiiios to boosting Medford, Doe knows
eo politics and is no respecter of per
sons. He put us in J. D. Olwcll's Rco
ear and we did 30 miles of penr, npplc
and cherry orchards, when it conven
ently broko down in fiont of a black
smith shop just in tinio to take the
train to Medford. There the doctor bun
dled us into Mayor Reddy 's 40 horse
power Thomas car and we did 20 miles
more of pear nnd apple orchards on the
east side of the town that is worth
just like the west r.ide, from $500 to
$1,100 nn acre. Medford sits like n big
rose in tho center of a circle of mouu
tains covered with blue mists nud over
the plain, radiating like the spokes
or a golden wheel of fortune one looks
down tho long continuous rows of or
chard trees.
The Big Three Varieties.
The big cash bumper crops have fix
ed things so that about all that is plant
ed now are Newtown Pippin and Spit-
.enburg apples, and Cornice pears. There
arc others nearly as good that make big
money, but these are the best. John
Wesley Perkins, now of Roselmrg, got
the first record crop of golden Cornice
pears, and they sold in New York for
fabulous prices, and even got into the
White House and tho senate through
Senator Bourne, who distributed hun-
reds of boxes of them to advertise
Oregon. What did that do? Well, tAc
Perkins Hillcrest pear farm sold for
$:tri0i) originally. Perkins had the nerve
to pay $LM,;"00 for it and he has sold it
to Seattle people for $HO,000, and they
took $)il,ni)0 worth of fruit off it this De Hart, the Portland hardware
man, bought a penr and apple orchard
for $10,000 n few yenrs ago nnd has
just sold it out for $.'io,000. The own
ers are building fine bungalows nest
ling snugly in brown-leaved kinmnas of
oak groves nnd taking almost the price
of their gold mine our of it each year
in crops that increase each year. And
mingled with in with the wagons haul
ing the fruit crops to town are wagon
loads of fine coal taken out of the
mines in the foothills just back of the
orchards. Fred Hopkins, off 19 acres
of pears this yenr took $19,000 and the
check wns published in fac simile. A
rcnl eatnte man on the street corner telling a man on the street corner
in my hearing of 40 acres this year
yielding $40,000, or 4.",000 net. and
prepared to show hiin the expense and
shipping books. Fifteen hundred .dol
lars an ncre was refused for the Dillon
Hill penr orchnrd this fall. It is 160
acres, or nearly a quarter of n million.
Something to Talk About
Here is something to tihnk about
for the slggards of the Willamette val
ley, where tho Boil is just ns good for
apples and pears ns at Medford. Nearly
a quarter of a million for a quarter
:ection. Pear troos on that farm just
beginning to bear, saven years old from
the planting, and growing better every
year. That land will never be sold for
less than $2000 nn acre, and syndicates
are already forming to tnko it in. Why
shouldn't Medford boom when it has
been the work of the boosters there to
reveal the possibilities of that sort of
fruit growing. The Hotel Nash, where
I stopped, was as buiy in tho lobby as
the Willamette when tho legislature is
in session nnd there is a holdup In the
senatorship. Why shoudl not Medford
build high schools, lay off parks and
pave streets? A half million dollar
water system to be owned by the city
is being brought in from the moun
tains. The Medford Commercial club
was started a few years ago by Keene.
IVrkins and a half dozen others, and
now has l-"0 members. The finest ex
hibit building on the whole Harriman
ystein stand- nt the Southern Pacific
depot. It is .T'din OlweM's pet. There
are others at Roseburg and Ashland,
but not the equal of this. I wn tak
en fifty miles through orchards, in
the same seat and over the same route
they took Harriman, around throngh
old historical Jacksonville, up to whose
door the rising sea of prosperity is
lapping with its gold-glinting waves,
nnd still the tide is rising. Where will
it top t
What ft Lesson for Haltm.
Wit It such an example, what is the
lesson from all this for the people of
tho Willamette valleyf The achieve
ments of M. O. Lownsdule at La Fav-
ette are a pointer ns to what can be
done in every nook aud corner of the
Willamette valley. The work done on
the Wallace orchard near Salem is a
pointer. We haven't got the redhot
tingling bunch of boosters that Medford
happens to huvo. We have the facts
and the noil and the products. We have
nieu who cuu boost. We are ou the
man. Things are coming our way. Can
we not get the Medford spirit? Can we
not get the Medford wayf The Seattle
and Spokane spirit and the Medford
spirit are possible for any community
that is capable of awakening to the
self conscious state of activity required
o maue things go. Alas! boostors, like
poets, nre born, not made. Tho man
to boost Salem into tho aurora boro-,
alts of promiueiico may not be born,
but he will arrive. We ueed a bunch of
him. They happen, but are not made
to order.
Est u to Ben jam in F. Wagner; order
made appointing O. F. Billings, E. E.
Payne and Ed Farlow appraisers and
Jienjamiti F. Wagner administrator.
Estate Wulter S. Jones; order con
firming sale of personal property.
Estate Jucob Hugger; order continu
ing final hearing until November 27.
Circuit Court News,
lu the mutter of the application of
Tmvers H. Lynch to regi9tre title to
real property; decreo by default.
T. E. Pottenger vs. Lulu Phillips;
suit to quiet title; decreo b ydefault.
VMM Triton, tto fr Mttfc.
lO Cents
a Button. YYVs.!8 -
For 4 Days
20 per cent
on Dutchess Trousers
$1.25 Now $1.00
2.50 Now 2.00
4.00 Now 3.20
6.00 Now 4.80
City Business
North d'Anjou Street.
Lateet motion picture, aad illus
trated long. Entire chug of
program Monday, Wednesday aad
Friday. Admiaaion 10 eente.
OoBttMUac HlMtriMl Engineer.
810 W. Seventh St., Medford, Or.
W. M. Colvlg. O. I. Beamea.
Office:Medford Bank Bldg.
Ground floor.
Continuous . performance every
evening of motion pioturei and II
luatrated ballade. Entire change
of program Monday, Wednesday
aad Friday. Admiaaion 10 eeata.
The number.
1 solicit a share of your business,
pledging , aetiefectioa.
Cook Stoves aod ranges. Phone 91
New and Second-Hand Furniture
Bads' old stand, 18 20 F St. South
Medford, Or.
Plumbing, Steam and Hot Water
Phoae at.
S10 W. Seventh St., Medfeid, Or.
roa Bi.Bonuo amp f&bnoh
W. a. las Ben, Preps.
OpaaelM Hotel Meets, .
MadfoseV Oregon
Newly built and newly furnished
All modern conveniences.
D. O. Karnes, Prop.
80 8. O St., Medford, Or.
Home grown , whole reet trees.
N. 8. Beaaett Medford, Or.
wlsh,te.aaatUH se their patrons
that they ass located. in , their new
aaarUai ia the, Young UuU
: . . . haUUBag. .
BUBaraa, dgaea aad Tobaceoe.
Froth fish rocsivod daily. Oys
ters in season.
Cor. Seventh and E Sts, Medford
Hutchison & Lumsden
A 5186
I am now
with Martin J. Reddy
aud am prepared to
do all kinds of re
pair work ou
Watches, Clocks
and Jewelry
B. N. Butler
Near Postoffice.
Water Proof Shoes
Lumbermen's Pacs,
Knee and Hip
Rubber Boots,
Shoe Oil.
High Cut
Boots in all
We carry the strongrst lines at the best prices iu
Southern Oregon. Buy now. Rainy weather is
Watoh tUa apace.
We BMe all ear ewa candies. '
'' Martia aad' Barrow, Props.
Ooraer Seventh and O Streets,
Medford, Oregon. ,
HOUSE Speciniiete in Teaa, Cof
fees, Extracts, . Baking Powder
and Spices'. We carry all kinds of
dinnsr ware and fancy dishes.
81 W. Seventh St. Medford, Or.
The best . restaurs!, la Benthera
W. B. Joaawoa free.
Office hear: t te.18, 1 to 4.
Miles Baft assay Seventh Street,
Medferd, Oregon.
Rooms from 00 cents to $1.50) per
day. All modern conveniences.
We solicit your patronage.
BUlposter and distributer. AM
order promptly filled.
Room T Jaeksoa Co. Baak BMg.
Medford, Or.
Always open for business. Neat
aad eaten. ' Up-to-date. Popular
V8 Bo. 0 Si. Lambert A Brown
I buy accounts) billa, notes aad
judgments of any nature, any
wbero. Address
Box 88 Medford, Or.
0. F. OOOK
Bell taeea that grow.
Office: R. B. T. Deant.
P. O. Box (41. Phoae MS.
Medford, Or.
Finest , cup at , settee on
MM.faeitt Ooast. t
H. H. Lorhaer Prep.
Livory aad Feci. Phoae 2431
ChM. E. Tull, Proprietor. '
First-class Turnouts.
Medford Orsgon
Voice Culture and Art of Maglag
Studio at Residence.
East Medford. Phone 886
Fur geed bargains in Walshes
aad! Jewelry, Pistols, Musical Instruments,-
ge' t
0 Street.
The only exclusive Optician be
,twoon Portland and Sacramento,
Office on Seventh Street. .
8. R. 8BELT, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Modern equipped operatiag
X-Ray. Office houmi 10-18, t.d p.
m. Office ia Jaeksoa Ce. Bk. bldg
Bay Phone S68
Might PheaesO. W. Ooaklin 39
J. B. Butler 148
When others fail, call on
! Eye Specialist
1 Office In Eagle Pharmacy .
Main 3:i:l. Seranth and Main
' r - - - ' -i
Apply At Office
Crater Co.
wo n tit bo amazed at the exquisito honu
ty nf our jewcJa, tnt in tho mont to
ftntvl Unto of civilization, if alio could
roturn and aeo our . muKniflrcnt atnek
nt fine jcwnlry. Wo can ptcaao tho fan
cy of thoaa who would combine delicacy
'with oriental grandeur and beauty in
the genu and jewel shown at
Good Evening!
Have You Used,
for sale only by