MEDEOgD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1908. BILLY BEARS IX. The Two Little Bears Who Would Bo President (Written for The Tribune.) Now Billy T nod Sunny Jim Went after Brynu with all their vim; Talked prosperity and tariff, too; And said Billy B would never do. lie went the pace and all the way "Upiet business with bank guaran tee. His labor plank is nothing, you see A snaro to catch votes for Billy B. "His tariff fight is childish and bland; It 's brought prosperity into the land. Nostrum and vagary peepul seo It's panic aud ruin," said Billy T. "From all over conies news to mo No change wanted just prosperity. The landslide that's coming Novem ber three Drowns Billy B, elects Billy T." Now Billy B talked night and dav; We went thot paco and all the way Dwelt long upon bunk guarantee; Fought the big stick and Billy T. Hu talked of tariff, the trusts as well, Spoke of injunctions, said they were Told Sunny Jim plain aa could bo Ho'd better go south with Billy T. His triumphant inarch presaged victory, And crowds heard Billy B grill Bil ly T. "He's a foe to labor, works you seo Only for trusts," said bold Billy B. "From all over news comes to me It's chnngo that's wanted," suid bold Billy B. "A lnndslido coming on Novomber thrco. I'll be victor, not Billy T." UNCLE SAM HAS NO SAY Attorney Smith Gives Opinion as to the Forest' er's "Use Book" In Thursday's Mail this statement is made: "When any person tells you that lakes and streams of water in forest re serves are polluted by stock grazing thereon, you refer them to any forest ranger or to the forest ranger's 'Use . Book.' In this book it relates thnt stock must not be grazed within 300 feet such streams of water or lakes," Wo nil know, or should know that tho forest rungers and tho ' 1 Use Book ' ' have only to do with tho public lands in the reserve. The federal government has no jurisdiction over private lands in tho reserve. Along Butte creek from Fish Lake to the Hnnley ranch thero are several thousand acres of land own ed by private parties, aud no forest ranger has tho least authority to say where and how near such creek the owner of Biich land enn graze his cat tle. Tho only method by which the government eould got nt the control over theso lands would be to buy them from the owners. The Ashland Creek It is true that Ashland ereek heads in a forest reserve. It was established years ago and no one lives in it and the land included is all public land. It was a forest reserve specially created to conserve tho water supply of Ash land. Fish Lake is in the Cascade reserve in which tho government now permits homesteads to be taken nnd lumbering to bo carried on. The Mnil proceeds to insiminte what tho govern ment will dn as soon as Med ford com mences using water from this source something to do with their opposition to Hamilton's proposition." What will the government dot Does, the Mail knowf If so, where did it gets itB information? Tho government will do whntf Confiseato tho lands owned by private persons in the vicin ity? No; the constitution prevents that. No man 'b property fan be taken without compensation. Will tho government buy tho lands to put them into a rc servo to please Medford? No; not oven to pleaso the Mail. Why will it notf BeeattHo it never has done ho, and thore Ia no law under which that ! can be done. Any such step would re-1 quire ft law of congress carrying an appropriation of money for the pur pose. It would be establishing a vic ious precedent, for it would be an ap propriation of money for the benefit of a private corporation claiming the right to divert 10,000 inches of water because it was. supplying a city with about 200 inches. If tho city of Medford owned1 all the water rights and would buy all the private lands nnd deed them to the government, tho government would un doubtedly maintain a reserve, but to do this for a private corporation because it has sold water to municipality is too absurd to be seriously advocated. Typhoid in Ashland Yea, Ashland has a forest reserve, but how long has it been since there was a summer in which thnt city had fifty six cases of typhoid fever and several deaths, because the railroad was drain ing its water supply from a private pipe that took the water from below tho head of the city's water supply? All of this could have been avoided by a scientific filter system. Again what protection does limiting of grazing cat tle to within 300 feet of a stream give to any water supply? Along Little Butte between Hnnley ranch where Hamilton's headgnte will be and Fish Lake a distance of ten miles is almost a canyon and from the ereek the land rises rapidly on each side. When the first heavy rains come all the offal from oattle is washed -down the creek, and become a part of the city water supply. If the Mail likes thot kind of con somme no one will object to its using it, but it should not try to force it upon th rest of the people, because' 'Shorty" is buving a few extra eopies. ROBERT O. SMITH PEOPLE'S CAUSE i PREVAIL Such Was Theme Running Through Attorney Bob Smith's Speech Declaring that tho cause of the peo plo was tho cause of righteousness nnd bound ultimately to prevail, and thnt in William .Tonuings Bryan the people had a fearless champion, whose whole life had been devoted to their cause, "Robert Ci. Smith of Croats Pass Saturday eve ning in an eloquent speech followed by an enthusiastic burst of applause from a crowded house brought to a close the democratic campaign in Jackson coun ty. Mr. Smith spoke for two hours on politicnl issues, discussing nt length the differences in the republican and ilemocratin platforms and comparing the planks of each. Ho made clear the fact that Taft was running upon a re actionary platform that did not declare a singlo reform of Roosevelt s nnd that thoso sucking his election wore those who successfully blocked all re form legislation, lie dwelt upon Rock- feller's support of Taft and gnvo the iil king's reasons for it. "There will be no panic in ease of Bryan 'h election," said Mr. Smith. J by do they fear Bryan? The 'inter ests' claim that they control tho senate for tho next four years and that Bry an's hands nre tied, that he cannot ac complish anything. Why, then, do thoy fear him? Look at llansbrough of North Dakota, Long of Kansas, Kit tredge of South Dakota nnd Hopkins of Illinois; they stood for the 'interests' atinst tho people, nnd tho people let them stay at home when they sought re-election. If Bryan is electe1, the predatory classes daro not block his reform progress. His election will bo tho handwriting on the wall; the plain notice to nil that tho people aro going to rule, and no ono will daro to question their right." St. Mary's Academy. A boarding and day school, large, commodious nnd modern in its equip ments. Departments nf instruction: Primary, grammar, commercial academic, music and art. Tho courso propor to each is outlined in tho "course of study of the schools of tho Sisters of tho Holy Names of Jesus and Mary," nnd will be for warded on application to any address. Tho commercial department will open Monday, November 2, and comprises shorthand, typewriting, office methods and practical bookkeeping, modern bus iness spelling and writing. For particulars, apply to Sister Su perior. 208 HOUSE AND THREE LOTS IN CITY CHANGE HANDS The G. H. Howlsnd place adjoining Dr. Bundy, consisting of a house and thro lots, has been sold to Otis Miliar of Valley City, N. D., for 1.1000. York .4 Co. handled the doaX RESOLUTION. Be It Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Medford,, the Mayor ap proving, that special elections be and they are hereby ordered to be held in said city on tho 5th day of November, 1908, and the 7th day of November, 1003, between the hours of 8 o'olock a. m. and 5 o'clock p. m. of each of said days, for the purpose of submitting certain propositions for furnishing the city with water to the qualified elect ors of said city, as pravided in the res olution this day adopted by the City Council submitting said propositions. The following aro hereby designated as the polling places and judges and clerks of said election: First Ward Polling place Room 3, second floor, Hutchinson & Lumsden building on 7th street. Judge, George A. Jackson; judgo and clerk, F. M. Jordan; judge and clerk, J. W. Ling. Second Ward Polling place, Emerick building, on d'Anjou street. Judge, V. J, Emerick; judge and clerk, H. H. Har vey; judgo and elerk, William Ulrich, Third Ward Polling place, City Hall. Judge, 0. L. Schermerhorn; judge and clerk, F. M. Stewart; judge and clerk, J. L. Demuns. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the City Council October 10, 1908, Trowbridge voting aye, Merrick aye, Wortraan aye, Eifert absent, Haftr aye, dwell aye. Approved October 16, 1908. BEMJ. J. TROWBRIDGE, Attest: Acting Mayor. BEN J. J. COLLINS, Recorder. Kedferd Tribu, Mt ft Bth. xjr'' v lO Cents a Button. For 4 Days 20 per cent Discount on Dutchess Trousers $1.25 Now $1.00 2.50 Now 2.00 4.00 Now 3.20 6.00 Now 4.80 Hutchison 6 Lumsden TITE OLD RELIABLE HOUSE. I am now Located with Martin J. Reddy aud am prepared to do all kinds of re pair work on Watches, Clocks and Jewelry B. N. Butler Near Postoffiee Water Proof Shoes Lumbermen's Pacs, Knee and Hip Rubber Boots, Waterproof Shoe Oil. High Cut Leather Boots in all Sizes SEE WINDOWS We carry the strongest lines nt the best prices in Southern Oregon. Buy now. Rainy weather its coming. SMITH & MOLONY A THOROUGHBRED a man alwn.vs looks like when he hai liii'l liin jurments fitted and made in tli ezquiiitv itylo that id alwnrs given Diem b Kreuzor. Tf yon dtn't look like a man of fashion and taste it Ib because your tailor fa at fault, and you can alwayi be euro of appearing like one if your unit or overcoat is made by City Business Directory SAVOY THEATEB North d'Anjou Street. Latest motion picture! and illus trated songs. Entire change of program Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 eents. ABTHUR H. DAVIS Contracting Electrical Engineer. 210 W. Seventh St., Medford, Or. W. M. Oolvtg. 'O. L. Beamas. COLVIO ft BE AldES Lawyers. . -Office: Mi'dford Bank Bldg. , Ground floor. BIJOU THEATEB, W. 7IH ST. Continuous performance every evening of motien piotures and il lustrated ballads. Entire change of program Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 cents. ANLO PENWELL Th Plumber. I solicit a share of your business, pledging satisfaction. Cook Stoves and ranges. Phone 1 MOBDOBFF WOLF . . ., New and Second-Hand Furniture Ends' old stand, 18 20 F St. South Medford, Or. WM. H. AITKBN Plumbing, Steam and Hot Water Heating. Phone Si. 210 W. Seventh St., Medford, Or. THE BLEOTBIO AND PEENOH DBT CLEANING AND PRESS ING WORKS W. 1. Lane Son, Props. Opposite Hotel Meere, Medford Oregon KARNES BOOMING HOUSH -Newly built and newly furnished All modern conveniences, D. G. Earnea, Prop, t , , 20 S. G St., Medford, On. EDEN VAkLBY NUBSBBY Home grown whole root trees. N. S. Bennett Medford, Or. WABCHAU ft BROWN wish to announce to their patrona that they are locatod in their new quarters in the Young & Hull building. Billiards, Cigars and TobaccoB. FISH MABKET Fresh fish received daily. Oys ters in season. Cor. Seventh and E Sts, Medford Watch this space. MISSION FUBNITUBB WOBKB M. & . CANDY KITCHEN We make all our ewn oandios. Martin and Barrow, Props. Corner Seventh and C Streets, Medford, Oregon. MEDFOBD TEA AND OOFFBB HOUSE Specialists in Teas, Cof fees, Extracts, Baking Powder nnd Spices. We carry all kinds of dinner ware and fanoy dishes. 216 W. Seventh St. Medford, Or. THE EMERICK OAFB The best restaurant in Southern Oregon. W. E. Johnson Prop. DB. rBANK BOBEBTS Dentist Offiee hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Miles BuHdiag, Seventh Street, Medford, Oregon. THE HOTEL BMBBIOK Dooms from 50 cents to (1.B0 per day. All modern conveniences. We solicit your patronage. VERNE T. CANON BUlpoBter and distributor. All orders promptly filled. Boom 7 Jackson Co. Bank Bldg. Medford, Or. THE MISSION GRILL Always open for business. Neat and clean. Up-to-date. Popular prices. 12 So. O St. Lambert & Brown I buy accounts, bills, notes and judgmonts of any nature, any where Address O. CLAY Box 52 Medford, Or. O. F. COOK Sells trees that grow. Office: B. B. V. Depot. P. O. Box 841. Phone 5113. Medford, Or. THE B. B. V. LUNCH BOOM Finest cup of ooffce on the Pacific Coast. II. U. Lorlmer Prop. Livory and Feed. Phone 2481 WEST SIDE STABLES Chns. E. Tull, Proprietor. First-class Turnouts. , Medford Orsgon MBS. ED. ANDBBWB Vole Culture and Art of Singing Studio at KeBidonco. East Modford. Phono 225 For goad bargains in Wntehos and Jowelry, Pistols, MiiBicnl In struments, g to THE MEDFOBD LOAN OFFICE C Street, DB. GOBLE The only exclusive Optician be tween Portland nnd Sacramento. Offlco on Seventh Street. S. B. SEELT, M. D. Physieian and Surgeon Modern equipped oporaMng rooms I-Bay. Office hours: 10-18, 2-4 p. ni. Office in Jackson Co. Bk. bldg MEDFOBD FUBNITUBB CO. Undertakers Day Phone 353 Night Phenes O. W. Conklin 30 J. H. Butler 148 Whan otkors fail, eall on DB. E. J. BONNER Eye Specialist Offieo in Kuglo Pharmacy Main 2M. Seventh and Main Carpenters Wanted Apply At Office Crater Lake Lumber Co. J. A. KREUZER & CO. IMPORTER? AND TAILORS. PALM BUILD INO, MBDFOB.B, OU Buy a Howard Watch THE FINEST TIMEPIECE MADE IN AMERICA. MARTIN J. REDDY ! The Jeweler Near Poetoffioe Psu WaMfc ssU JtwtttT IstriMl thJMUMrV Good Evening! Have You Used "CHIC?" for sale only by Medford Pharmicy Near Postoffict