Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, October 31, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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So Says Dr. Ray in Reply
to Artides Appearing
in the Morning Paper
The Condor proposition means rcsor
voirB of 4,"tyH,f,'K'l"on onpnelty nnd
two reservoirs, nnd it costs no mnro un
dor the Condor proportion to fiive u
H. OOOHlO-gnllon hih r servolr and n
I, 000,000-kuIIoii low reservoir or vice
Tho Medford Mail, deliberately mis
representing, as usual, tries to convey
the impression that the Condor company
'only supplies n 1,000,001) -gallon rcscr
Condor Pipe Bill.
The 4-ity council marie a Imrpmin with
the Condor company for tho use of
pipe motor nnd transformer during the
water famine of last summer for
This pipe, motor and transformer enst
ttie Condor company over jfcMOOO, and
for this the Condor company got 0,,'.v
The only person wronged in the trans
action was the Condor company.
. lid the Med ford Mail ever do any
thing for the city free of charge?
Does anybody furnish labor or mate
rial for tho city freo of charge during
u water famine or nny other timet
Pid tho city nerd charity then or
- The Condor company has spent near
ly one million dollars for labor and
material near Med ford during tho last
few years, nnd has got lots of iilmse.
but not one cent of bonus.
Tho expenditure of this enormous sum
of money has d i rep t ly a ml I ml i reel ly
made Med ford and tho surrounding
country millions of dollars.
The confidence of the Condor com
pany has inspired confidenco in others
in the country nnd brought- millions of
new capital.
, Tho boosting of Hip Condor company
by personal exertion and cash subscrip
tion to advertising fund nnd all wor
thy cniiHes is equal to any citizens or
firms. 1
The Condor company raised the wages
of common labor from l..ri0 to S.oO.
Tho Condor company donates free
lights to the exhibit building and gives
most of the park lights freo of a value
of over $4000 per year.
Pumping Charges,
Tho Condor company guarantees its
water rates lower than any gravity
system under city management.
Tho erst rf the pumping system is
guarantor! bt I
Tho rr i expense- aro gunran I
toed less.
What more, does the city of Medford
ask or expect?
Tho Hamilton Proposition.
Does it guarantee that its proposed
wood pipeline will last, over ono year?
Ones it guarantee the purity 4t the
What will its right, of way eostf
What si.e' bond does it propose to
furnish the city as n gamut y ngaiust
litigation and ns to tho life of the
wood pIpelinoT
Hns it got any other water right ex
cept n squatter's right f
Will It deny turning water from It h
ditch so as to supply the Kagle I'oint
mill when requested?
(Continued from pa go 1.)
majority. For governor, Ansel (Dem.).
will bo elected by the usual majority.
Liquor Fight in Dakota.
Month DakotaCounty option and
other local issues nre likely to reduce
tho usual republican vote. The guber
nntorial contest is in doubt. The repnli
lirnn candidate strongly favoring pro
hibitiou Is likely to have n close race.
For governor, Vessey (Itep.) and I.eo
Tennessee The usual democratic ma
jority is expected. For governor, Pat
terson ( Dem.), Titcman (Itep.).
Texas A split on prohibition in the
southwestern part of the stale is count
ed on by tho republicans to reduce the
usual democratic majority.
Ptah Th Mormon vote cuts the big
gest figure in this state. It is expected
to give Taft a good margin. Mrynn.
however, will poll the vote of the
American," or nut i Mormon party,
which Is antagonistic to Roosevelt and
Taft because of their agreement with
Rmoot, for which Smoot- was to de
liver tho Mormon vote. The gnhernato
rial contest is in doubt. Spry (Kep.i,
Knight (Dem.), Street (American).
Vermont-The state will give the re
publicans its usual majority.
Virginia Interest centers in the
Ninth district, where Slemp (Uep.) is
likely to defeat Bears (Dem.) nnd be
returned to congress. The slate will
poll the usual Hrvnn vote.
Washington The republican majority
Is ptpeetcd to bo materially reduced.
Dry an will run ahead of bis ticket.
West Virginia Uncertain.
West Virginia The republicans ad
mit a falling off in the vote because
of n party row on the governorship, but
rlnim the state for Taft. The Indus-,
trial interests nre making special ef
forts In behalf of Taft. The democrats
claim Ilrraii will carry the state. For
(fnvernor, (Hnssenck (Rep.). Dennett
Wisconsin A reduced republican ma
jority It expected, notwithstanding the
possibility of the disaffection of I.a
Toilet te. For governor, Davidson
(Hep.), Ail ward (Dem.).
Wyomiug Tho Mormon vote holds
the brflanco of power. Factional fights
tu several sections have embarrassed
the republicans. The result Is uncer
tain. Chancel nt present seem to favor
Social and Personal
"Blue Stem" flour is made from blue
item wheat. It is the beet. 195
T. K. llaminersley, United Htutes dep
uty marshal, Saturday served a com
plaint on D. II. Harris and a subpena
on .1. A. Perry in a civil action brought
by W. J. Vlnrko in r gard to a Hutte
Kails timber case. Mr. Hammersley
is the man who spirited Hcrihcr, de
faulting bank cashier of La (Irande,
away to Portland to escape a lynching, j
Mr. Hammersley returns to Portland
Sat unlay evening.
Auk for "'Blue Stem" bard wheat
flour. 195
The Knights of Pythias plan n big
banquet Monday evening.
Mrs. C. Maligns of Gainesville, Ida
ho, is visiting with her J aught or, Mrs.
W. A. Aiken.
Try a sack of "Blue Stem" flour. 195
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Ucckmnn of Jack
sonville arrived Iioiik on No. 10 from
San Francisco Friday.
Mrs. M. ,1. Alsdorf has left for n visit
to her old home in North Dakota.
A. .7. Weeks, with his sister, Mrs, Orr,
has left for a visit with relatives in
Oakland, Cal, .
J. J). Kvans of Phoenix saw ti deer
in his Held one day this week.
Democrats plan a rousing reception
Saturday evening.
Attorney Clarence lieames returned
Saturday from Salem, where lie nppenr
ed before the supreme court in tho in
tensis of II. M. Cosh.
Miss Curoll and Fay Carver of Phoe
nix wcro in Medford Friduy.
W. K. Johnson has returned from n
camping trip to tho Uluo hedge country.
M i in host Messier of the Kmerictt
hotel is back from a hunting trip near
Sams Valley.
VANVOUVKK. Wash.. Oct. 30. In
terrible agony nnd perhaps fatally in
jured, Mrs. Lulu Dingy is lying at ftc.
home In this city following un nttaek
made upon her yesterday by n bull
while she and her 7-yenr-old Joe were
walking along Columbia avenue.
The animal was being driven by a
young man, who persisted in whipipng
the brute until it became infuriated and
attacked the first individual that cross
ed its path, Mrs. Dnrgy glanced over
her shoulder and saw the bull jeharg
ing upon her and attempted to wnrd off
the attack by striking vigorously at the
animal with her umbrella. This simply
intensified its auger nnd the goring be
gan. The woman was thrown violently to
lli' ground and a Tier having been struck
several 1 hues was dragged for about
ten feet. The bull then began to tram
pie upon the almost, pro Hi rate figure.
ami M rs. Hurgy, realizing that death
was imminent, demonstrated her pres
euro of mind by feigning death as clev
erly ns possible and succeeded In de
ceiving the bull.
A New York Produce bulletin snys
Apples have been in somewhat larger
mpplv this week, and while demand has
ruled light and market weak and irucg
ulur for ordinary and poor fruit, includ
ing moat of the up-river receipts, fine
slock has ruled firmer with prices
gradually improving. King, Baldwin,
(ireeuiug and most other winter npples
were ndvanced about 2.V early in the
week nnd toward the close u further
advance has been established, but to
command full outside figures stock
must be strictly choice, though in In
stances n premium is realized for ex
ample, two ears of very fancy flreen
ing sold at $:t..)0. Far western box
..pples are increasing in supply, pro!)
aldy ten cars arriving thin week, nnd
choice fruit has met ft very fair de
mand at comparatively high prices; re
cent sales of .Jonathan have been main
ly at ifL'.Ufi for 4-tinr, $1.75 for 4li
tier, and .tl.'JS to $1.11 7 for 5-tier boxes.
Fears have continued in modern te
supply and anything choice Imn Hold
promptly with pric h showing gradual
improvement, but poor stock dull and
i i regu lar. ( trd i nary K ei t'er pea rs a re
especially hard to move and prices low
and irregular, though really fancy oc
casionally command more than quoted.
TACOMA, Wash., Oct. M. Arraign
id before Police Judge Arnston on the
charge nf wife beating, tiiuliart Wei
t'ringer, a teamster in tin employ of
t lie ci t y, was t oday fined $ 1 00 and
costs. In her complaint Mrs. Wei frin
ge r declares her husband has whipped
her on an average of once a week for'
three years, Wclfringer tolft the court
that his wife exaggerated the facts, o
"There have been times when 1 did
not touch her for a month or more at u
time," he said, in an aggrieved voice,
"and 1 do not think I have whipped
her more t linn ID t hues in t he past
three vears."
Portlniid Prcnchor Coming.
C. F. Nwnnder, a prominent preachei
of Oregon, being editor of "The Apos
tolic Appeal," also corresponding see
retarv of the Christian church in Ore
go ii, will will deliver an address Sun
day night, November I, on the subject,
"Without Spot or Wrinkle." This will
be an address well worth hearhig. Those
who al tended laid Sunday night were
deli ght ed with the singing anil the
address. You will be eipmlly delghted
Sunday night with the music and the
address. Welcome to all. Subject nt
II o'clock. "A Modern Pica for An
cient Truths. " Ilible school rallv at
l'i o'clock. Something doing nt every
service. Y. P. S. C. K. at t:.'b). Cordial
invitation and welcome to nil our serv
If you have lost or found
anything, nted work, or have
something to soil, it doesn't
matter what yon want is, try
a Want Ad in Th Tribune.
J - - 1 '&3lJ'. ' 1 14 Wl:. 1 ... !..?: !." V . J'.L'! L'.J L 3f 1 -f -
(Continued from page 1.) .
cure legislation guaranteeing bank de
positors ugainst loss by the misman
agement of bauki.
'The democratic party seeks to re
duce the tariff.
"In words, the democratic part,
seeks to secure honesty in government
through honest politics and direct elec
"It ippcals to tho n wakened eon
science of the nation, an the result of
justice and a growing desire for broth
erhood. With victory for tho national
ticket mid a democratic congress, the
moral forco of the popular verdict it
self would compel the senate to yield
to the expressed will of tho people nnd
permit the passage of more urgent ro
"The democratic party offers pros
pects of remedial legislation, and while
it does not go ns far as some reform
era wish, a democratic victory will se
cure as much of reform ns is now at
"The attempt to terrorize, tho Amer
lean voter by threats of panics should
be unsuccessful. We have had Hire
panics, two under republican presidents,
Taft says that a panic will eomo if I
am elected. Let him give u bond that
the present panic will disappear if ho is
elected. When he says that a demo
crntie victory will bring n pauic, he ex
presses an opinion; when 1 say that
panic came last fall, without waiting for
a democratic victory, I state foctB.
Roosevelt Unfair.
"Taft had the prestige which comes
from a party in power; he has the aid of
an army of officeholders; the support of
monopolies, jml law defying trusts;
targe eampnign fund, tho source of
which the republican national commit
tee refuses to disclose, and most of the
lending newspapers nre allied with him,
"I insist it is unfair for the presi
dent of the United States to use his
high office to aid a party."
Big Time In Chicago.
CHICAtU), Oct. ill. The greatest po
litical rally in the history of Chicagc
is planned for tonight, when William
J, ltryau and A. F. Stevenson, democrat
ic candidate for governor of Illinois, are
tf. speak here, A cavalry parade nnd
tons of red fire are features of the re
(option that is planned when Tlryau ar
rives hero from Ins tour of Indiana,
ltrynn is to be met by the "Stock
yards cavalry," of SflO mounted work
men, and escorted through blocks of
red fire to the Morse pavilion at the
stockyards, where he is to make his
first address of the evening. A large
number of bauds haw been engaged for
t he parade.
Three other monster meetings hav
been planned nt wh:ch Bmui is to
speak, Simultaneously Stevenson will
speak nt meetings on the South Side.
PlilNKVnXF, Or., Oct. .11. Ilarri
man railroad engineers pitched their
tents at Madras, this county, a week
ago, and tlx- Inst of Ifarriuian 's men
have evacuated the lower Deschutes
canyon for the prosecution of the Ilnr-
riman survey I hrougli interior ( 'rook
county, work in the canyon having
been completed nnd data fully pre
pared trior to grading. The puginccrf
have rented an office nt Madras ami
are evidently intending to make Madras
their headquarters in Crook county, nt
least for some time to come.
Engineer Mills, the,
is not divulging any of his company's
plans in this section, other than that n
hue will be run south as far as Mend
and fpiite possibly clear to Klamath.
'Fhov admit being the Ilarritunn party,
lowever, so it is believed that thev will
follow pract ieally the route taken by
former llarriman surveyors, one of
which was known as the Columbia
Southern extension, and the other
the Oregon F.ustern. Doth (tf these sur
veys cross Crooked river near O'Xeil
and it is generally believed this rout
vill be chosen, It is just possible, of
ourse, that the new llarriman survey
will pursue the course of the Central
Oregon survey, which crosses Crook
rived miles west of Trail crossing
at a point about () miles west of Prine
Crook county feels more sure thnn
or that its railroad destiny will be a
matter of onlv n few months at most
Til K DAM.F.S. Or.. Oct. III. The val
of the fruit crop ic the counties of
Wasco, Hood liiver, Sherman, Morrow,
(iilliam, Wheeler and Crook for 1008
is sM,l:Ui,."M(i, neeordiim to a report just
tiled with W. U. Yowll, president of
lite slate hoiud nt 4iact jculUnee, by It.
II. Weber ot tlriwciKVs of
the Fourth Orecon district. Wt topples.
ood liiver eountv 4cnds with :it,000
beoies. The fruit crop shipped from
his city during the season amounted to
HOOD IMVKR, O-., Oct. 31. Conn
Commissioner M. M. Hill, one of
Hood liiver 's staunches demoernts. and
who owns one of the finest orchards in
the vnllev, got into communication with
Countv J ml ire Andrew Jackson Derby
today by telephone nnd informed him
that he is sure that Dryan will be
elected, on account of the fact that it
number of Spitr.enburg apples which he
picked yesterday have plainly defined
on their skin. . H0V Mr. Hill
says that he believes poming events cast
their shadows before and that the char
acters on the apples nre n message of
cheer to the faithful.
The city council held ft brief sessiou
on Thursday evening. A. E. Reames wat
mploved to represent tho city regard i
ing the sale of bonds to Johu Nuveen
& Co . Seventh street wn ordered
paved from the bridge to R;vtidde avo-1
ihip. Ontrul nvonne wan onli'twl tm:
proved from Sixth to Eighth treet. The
janitor at the WVst eW wai made n
lMnnl policeman.
Your Neighbor's Wife.
Mr. and Mrs. ciarie Ellis, the mar
velous character nrtistit, will appear at
Aagle opera house, Thursday, No vein
ber it, under the inisjticcs of the Mod
ern Woodmen.
"Mr. and Mrs. Ellis represent ten
different characters in ' Your Neigh
bor's Wife." Mrs. Ellis as the (ierman
servant made a great hit, and Mr Ellin
im the old man und the tramp created
no end of merriment. The play conclud
ed with a very impressive scene, when
in time of distress tne widow receives a
check for :;on) in payment of her hus
.band's insurance certificate." Fond du
Eac, Wis,, Daily Hull. tin.
At the Bijou.
A big comic specialty in billed at the
Itijou und it's the talk of the town,
flood comedy always forecasts good
crowds, and the crowds ii: attendance at
too Bijou last night clearly showed their
appreciation of the extraordinary se
lectiono. "Kivnls for a Week" is un uninter
rupted chain of comedy throughout.
You no more th u finish a buret of
laughter when you aro right in tho midst
of another., The rivals are live ones,
both determined to .outdo the other.
Their unties in trying to win the baud
of the girl are most n;vel and amusing
"The Policeman's Vision" next in
line is also capable of creating great
mirth and laughter. The policeman
falls ntileep and has terrible dreams rel
ative to the capturing of n most noto
rious burglar, who is capable of flat
tening himself cut to the tliichnesH of
paper nid disappearing through cracks
in tho wall.
At the Savoy.
Tonight at tho popular theater will
be shown ono of the most novel enter
tainments ever shown in the city. Two
original pictures are on tlx bill which
tire worthy of special consideration.
"Heard Over the 1'hone" is the story
of u family living in Hie suburbs. The
father after discharging his tioatlcr for
brutal treatment of a horse goes to
business, 4 leaving his wife and child
alone. The hostler in revenge enters
the house to rob; the wife observing
his approach, calls her husband over
the phone, but she is attacked bv the
robber, drops the phone and Is iiiur
dered. The sounds of the conflict nnd
the tragedy heing earned to the ears
of the horrified father at tho other
end of Hie wire. The acting of this pic
ture is good and protographieally it i:
specially artistic.
"Cmm-dy in Illaclt and White' is a
fferies of moving silhouette pictures pro
duced in a particularly interesting ami
at I raetive manner. Tin1 story has to
do with the calls of two lovers on a
certain lively belle, whose fateher ob
jeels to the visits. The action is amus
ing, but the chief charm of th epicture
is the unique style of life photograhph.
The other attractions on the bill nre
very good, being the latest pictures.
En tiro change of program Sunday,
featuring the Salome dance, the dance
which is a craze in all the large cities
of the world. If vou want to be up-to-
late, don't fail to see this dance. Spe
ial matinee Sunday afternoon nt 2:110
p. m.
Classified Advertisements
One Cent a Word No single Inser
tions less than 15 cents. Six insert 16nn
for the price of four. Seventy-five
cents a linn per month.
Wilt SA LK Six-room luuise nml two
lotH ou choice comer, It Mocks from
Seventh Htreet und 3 Mocks from S.
P. rnilroml; linn south nnd east, front;
3 porches, woodshed, chicken housi,
it; wired for eleetrie liirht: water und
sewer mniiiH in street; will lie sold nt
n liui-fruin. Address I. . Hox f7 1,
Medford, Or.
Kolf KAI.K Five und ten :icre tracts
within nnd adjoining city limits, nt u
Muslin on long time. Address P. O.
ltox -IIS, Mnlt'ord, Or. 2 IS
KOli SAI.K .Several desirable acre
tracts, ahout 1 Vt miles from postoffice
ou main Medford and Central Poiut
road. This land is all under Fish Iiake
ditch. If planted to small fruit nnd
garden, would support ft family. Price
$00 per acre, just the price of n very
common lid; l down, balance to suit.
Lot us show you this laud. .lames
Howling. He ven th nnd P streets. 1'.
O. Ttox vl, or S. L. Bennett, ncross
from property. It'fi
II.: A .. i
r i r m - .1
5 7 JlT-JSvr iiVVW
. f i'.M ' i
It will be
to trade at this
We invite you to visit here as
often as you like-- remembering
that we show new goods and in a
new way almost every day. Come
and bother us as much as you like.
You'll find bargains
FOR SALE A first-class pianola-pia
no; a bargain. P. O. liox 15, Med
FoU HALF A house nnd lot in Cen
tral Poiut, one block frcm Main street,
hmiso 24 feet square, 4 rooms, lot 55 x
M0; priee $1500. Inquire of Mrs. I. M.
'Fmorsou, Central Point, Or. 210
FOU HALE A good small busincs on
Hoveuth street. Kcasons for celling.
Address, P. O. box 512 or call at tliie
office. tf
FOU SALK One team horses, barn ess,
light wagon. Inquire ut Scott's Feed
Yards or Box 800. 200
FOR SALE Choioo business property
nt a bargain on easy terms. P. O. Box
118. Medford. 247
FOR SALE :i20-ncre ranch, $12,000,
first cluss improvements, well, family
orchard, etc. This is a bargain. See
h. E. W.. Tribune offico. tf
TO TRADfcl Ijight single covered bug
gy for two-seated rig. L. E. VT., Tri
bune office. tf
'OR SALE Six-room house, bnth, elec
tric lights, well and city water, six
Mocks from depot. For particulars ad
dress Box 80(1, Medford. 200
FOR SALK At n bargain, Webster's
Unabridged Dictionary, latest nnd best
edition; indexed; has never been used;
biggest bnrg.'iin ever offered. Address
or call on Ulneh Bros,, Jackson
ville. 103
WANTED -All kinds of honse nnd win
dow cleaning done by hour or day;
will nttend promptly. Nobio, pare Tat
flumi, near bridge. 204
HOYS WANTED The Hatnrdav Evo-
ning Post wants u few energetic boys
over ten, to receive orders, deliver
copies and make collections. High-class
customers in best neighborhoods. No
corner loafing with bad companions.
(J ood pay and short hours. Extra
prizes for good workers. See (.'hnrles
Henderson. 103
WANTED First-class accountant, em
ployed during the day, wants to keep
a small set of books ono or two eve
nings of woek. Box 511, Metlfunl. 12
WANTED A Jersey cow. Mrs.
(Jriff'iu ('reek.
LOST A light bay horse, weight 1050
pounds, 0 years old, branded J on
left shoulder, lame in left shoulder.
Notify I. C. DawBon at Beagle, Or.200
a man always looks like when he has
had his garments fitted and made in
the I'njuisite style that is always given
them by K mister, Tf yon dsn't look
like a man of fashion and taste it is
because your tailor is at fault, and yon
can nlways be sure of appearing like
one if vour suit or overcoat is msds bv
Toque Point Oysters
The Emerick Cafe has now the sxclu
site agency for the Toque Point Oys
tors. These are acknowledged to be
the best. Give them a trial.
The Emerick Cafe
Water Proof Shoes
Lumbermen's Paes,
Knee and Hip
Rubber Boots,
Sboe Oil.
AVe carry the strongest lines at the best prices in
Southern Oregon. Buy now. Rainy weather is
on Men's and
Men's .f'J.oO and $3.00 Roll and V neck
Sweaters, all sizes and colors, at special,
ea.h $2.15
Men 's .1 .:"() Sweaters at, special, ea. $1.10
Men's Sweater Coats," extra good, at,
each $4.00
Boys' Sweaters, all sizes, at, each 50f
See our window display.
Dry Goods, Shoes, Furnishings.
to your
I am now
with Martin J. Reddy
and am prepared to
do all kinds of r
pair work on
Watches, Clocks
and Jeweirv
B. N. Butler
Near Postoffice.
High Cut
Boots in al
Bovs' Sweaters.