Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, October 24, 1908, Page 1, Image 1

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    $500 Forfeit The Tribune Guarantees Twice the Paid Circulation in City or Country of the Morning Mail
By far th Urgast and beat news report
ot nsj papal In Southern Oregon.
The Weather
Fuir tonight except rain near coait.
Sunday, fair southeast, including cloud
iuesa followed by ruin northwest por
tion. Winds shifting to aouthorly.
No. 187.
Men and Officers Regret
Departure Owing to the
Royal Reception
YOKOHAMA, Jiipun, Oct. 24. The
officers and men iif the fleet arc pre
paring today to leuvo Japan tomorrow.
Everywhere there in regret that the
end of the visit to the mikado's king
dom has rome to a finish. The magnifi
cent rec ption to the American officers
and aailora and the evidently sincere
expressions of friendship for the Ntars
and Stripes on the part of the Japanese
peoplo have made a profound impression
on the visiting Americans. v
Roar Admiral flporry gavo tho clos
ing function of thn fleet's visit a re
ception on board tho flagship Connect
icut this afternoon. The diplomatic
eorps and tho admirals of the Japanese
fleet wero present. In an add-ress Ad
miral Spcrry expressed his profound
appreciation of tho reception accorded
the fleet and his regret at departure.
Tho peoplo of Yokohama nre prepar
ing u water carnivnl tonigJit ns thu lust
function for the American fleet.
When the fleet sails for America it
will bo accompanied out of tho harbor
by hundreds of craft that will wave
a brilliant farewell to the great white
vessels that have done so much to briitg
together Japan and the United
rffi8 MOINES, In., Oct. 21 Br. J.
b. Sawyers of Centeiwiile to
djty a summons to. go eo Paris a ret
teriil tire duchess du Chmilnvs, wimsr
aSouchment is expected, nox mntrMi.
Ties jflijtafcian wiM be johu-d ni Xcw
Borh by Tlmodboo V. Mitmw, Ha- 6Hut
St (1ft (DiCfttW
(PARIS' Oct. 2Jk 4ft'snii(l p)K5Hiin
a flie ftiir ducliess- df Ohuibiess wtw
rk8"Ml8S Thfodor 8Bom Jjbosv (.
BepeVaif oirtwl( nrion tire m f Hie
(diild1 expects to bo bwai tn to wMiin
a fMft WCX'ttB.
Should the HbH Bo a m, In? wiH be
flejr to tito ostf ipul Httcjo q6 Ids.
Stttbka, ne EUtkn Clmrmosi mt t4
young) dwda'HS) ltas nrotdier, wM retain
flee prweo ihiioi ftw title nr'rstorarts f
It a gM bo bm, kte trwtfwr witt bv
dJ'jjrJvcd- of bw titte Hoxnwi Hm '
at! tin, of tin? anratmt Biitir bw and
4b ejfrw will g to Mi "v BMt)"
lbfiXie, tltt Dire d tuynvs.
Tfib dwouss is sn Kvmn in flfo
tftsaujiful Bmtment wrrot sti taf& lmr
rftMb husBanfl spent tire first nronWIs of
tfieto nwtrSed lif e, ami wlm yoMtfp
dJiS-e exjiii( in Arc axnw f Ibh wes.
Hj)i tBe. iW0 lnnu"B' "" viu be
QW. 3-4. It nMiHi
ed today by t4if twidte uni-ona that Hit
partnier&liip ofor mad-o y Hie shbad
ing- fwm of Pnwioss, Withy & ('oinpn-iiy
will be ave'ept'od by la-U-oriny mou for
one year as an ex-porimentn- pnnow
tion. The men aro to vot'o on the prop
oiition next week, but the deeymm to
accept the offer was made by a con
ference of delegates from the various
interested unions, and it is 'thought that
it will be ratified by a largo vote.
The socialist members of tho unions
nr vigorously opposed to the offer and
announce that they will fight iho prop
osition at the polls. The proposition
involves the sale of four shares of the
stock of the company and the deduc
tion of the prico of tho shares from
the men's wages.
MANILA. Oct. 24. Nine Filipino la
borers and their American superintend
ent wero killed in a desperate fight
with a band of Morns on tho Sheph rs
sugar plact near Uligan on the island
of Mindnnato last week, according to
news that reached here today from the
island. The men were working on the
plantation at the time of tho attack
and were taken off their gnard by the
Mqro warriors, who swooped down upon
them unnotirfd. Tho laborers lost heav
ily before they repulsed the attacking
party in a final rally. The Morn aro re
ported to have lost 20 killed and many
-r.,.n Th,.v rctrwitod s ow
under the fire of the'lnborers and burn-
-a l. ikv m.
treated. ,
Says He Will Have Nothing to Say
Regarding Rogue River or Big Butte,
but No One Can Sell His Water
Will Defend His Rights.
"If tho city of Mori ford accepts tho
water proposition of . L. Hamilton to
furnish water from Little Butte crook,
tho water must eniuo from some intake
nu my property, and tlio city will have
to pay for it after it has been con-
domined. And aside from that I may
"gago sait on tho contract with
which tho city cut owl into with me for
my water. 1 am tired of all this fool
ishness, and T will not let water be
taken from practically tho same Hnureo
f in ilia without a fight."
Thus did Jid Utiuloy express himself
Saturday morning regarding the wator
question. For six miles along Little
Hut It; Mr. Ihinlev owns tho land, and
is on this land that tho intake must
bo placed if Mr. Hamilton 's proposition
ho accepted. Ami now comes Alt'. JIau;
with tho statement that to soon re
this right of way the eitv must bring
condemnation proceedings. Furtho than
that, Iro a3'8 ho mav sun on his con
tract, llegnrding tho other prososi-
t ions ho Haiti :
Other OXfcrai
"If tho city wants water from tho
Big But In sprkiyH or from Rogue river,
will ihiiI gout I. Thon I wiil do nothings
for tho city may choose. But I do not
inN rid to hIIhw anyoiro to soli practical
ly tlu' Sanio'wa'i a nmie, wln 4 lftto
a eotitiawt wih tlto eWv.
" I see tlnit nH HtHniibm dn'S is to
nave a quit elaiHi to the wjv&tn. Hhw,
if tlod ih wli.-rf Wro- tfity wui, trlJ
rigid. wkiti gh'o tlrem a qnit choim
to any viWd- mi Aioaitiaa Birt, Pbfun
me they .'isloed a $&j,0D0 Boiit tx puo
tect tlo city, mid theno yo nw aptbi.
. "I da not kuov wlroHav (Jimm wdfl
lie nny litiyrfrtioi ot.t Mbh andtn'K tt$ mt,
btfl iftiV tltaflr m fSa, Jiu-y 1'innmJ
soil my wc(Mi mush wy Hunt wflctorui
ft$tt. T ran iwt (jrtwm t fri Hoi gp:cfr,
by iwiy mo4 imiHigjMrarmt. "
LRan HBi..rnjE
LO ANOIMjK, Cal., Oct. 24. Bw
hjioq$ h pb4dR(n m i' & 49$
PStyrRn'to rtwi'V Biq&ntr Miuivdi -rafior
phan pro;K-U t ho &avt rino u a H tend
holl, Kov. Kdward H. Brof4 MAiiy che-
cmced that so mo of the n tenth oca at
bin ciwi'foit mn are stiti iivwg bi Vte
"wxKHMita teretmy.
D'oliuiiig that goEiiiiin; wiawwu usaxi
p!tjly WMoHitfW-n for the tntlnKpp' Hrt
ttf n&baw m Mo1 Hwas Hoi nanrhr'i)
'"Pino tMiibiw w jmxaW tWs. Ifflrti
op H?io 'mons Uoiopg ti Hfo VftA autt-
titrv, sw P:ir aw thoir rwbrfoifH vinwft case
daoAi-svm i , irpi I lmva bout peonvliHr
2tni hvhUo,- niffn. I wait ht pn;aVft
tiro ndvim4:mo rt a fgoi We, int4 t4n'
"I do nut hctitivo m a fafceiad hcH,
preaf4r it."
XWr YOWST, Oct. LM.SopfcwmftPMS in
tho New York univowity nre playing
mnrbles and " mumble-tho peg" on the
campus today n voice their disgust of
an order by the faeultiy prevent ing
contests between the classes of tho uni
versity, such as "rushes" and "cane
sprees ' ' that usually tnko place on
"Bloody Monday."
Chanoo!r Henry M. MaeCrarken is
responsible fur the new order which
prevents all etass contests in which
viol, m-e is a feature. Tho new rule
requests Iho students to suggest a sub
stitute for the old time "rushes," and
1 ho students have suggested marbles
and "ring about the-rosey ' as substi
tutes tn show their defiance of the fac-
nit v rulings. The sentiment of tho stn-
lents is divided. The upper classmen
mpport the faculty, winlo the lower
classes are unanimous in
tioii to the new rule.
their npposi-
Sir. VTTLH. Wash.. Oct. 24. Prefer
ring his pulpit in Seattle nt a salary
of $t'iiw0 to one in Pittsburg with a
si'irv of -tlOmn n year, the Rev. A.
M. Matthews of the hirst Presbyterian
church f this eitv rejected a call to
the Sotond Presbyterian chimb of the
Pennsylvania city at a salary of $10,.
: Pennsylvania city
v:oi0 Dr. Matthews recently complete
an ex,ensive church in this city and
I h. ;.,ij.t..i. i. remmn hero I nc rest
'of his life.
Asks Why Contract Be
tween Parties Has Not
Been Given Out
MEDFORD, Or., Oct. 24. Editor of
tho 1 fiil : I have your nnswer to iny
piestioii concerning tho proposition of
Mr. Hamilton. You have probably made
tho best answer you could make under
tho circumstances, I believe you have
done thn best you could, but tho an
swer, I am sure, could not satisfy as
careful a business man as tho publisher
ofThe Mail. You state: "Mr. Hamilton
has contracted with this company to
deliver him tho amount of wator re
quired by tho city." Tho best ovidenco
of this fact is the contract itself. Why
not submit tho contract to tho city and
tho people, and why haa it not. been
submit tod before thisf Why should
tho contract, if thoro is one, be "kept
under cover" for so long a timet
Quotes From Hamilton
Again you quoto from Mr. Hmnilton's
offer to tho effect that the Fish Lake
Wator company "will gua ran too the
Ity against all litigation." What will
bo the nature of this gun mn toot Will
it bo Mr. Ifcfmilton's word of mouth or
Mr. Iflitou's, or will it bo a written
contract, and if the latter wilt it bo
accompanied-by a bond, and w-hnt w.iH
he Ida1 Biiret-V on tho bnndf
eqpltS. sq)iHb '5fR9
Tim people have a riglit to knows R0
Are people nmy lmw," you Iwwav. Plro
Fifth Lal&o W:w rompim bs a- corpora
tioih U aetH tlmuigh its boijd o di
ttyvtoBft Fbis tlfono 4)0011 a naft-Hirg
Wie hiF&l Wi prftw irjion fllft' pHorfity
t-ioirf 6fti Wwuo Ifl'cn mw Bosnhflt-hnn
Haicf fcy wwNft flm Wty t fte hntitiTi
infiictr aynAwt prflsiTrlB ritt tango ht cn
XT!. Lhwubiv or otitiTMis- 04im Wm dfc-
Hftai f wooit mom UiM4ts wn4n cejoQ&?
l-f sov ot HVc fwafhi Iwnv n-M Wb frwfm
ft is an UiBfthHi inn-Hop, nwj swwo
fJrv KtrH hoa lnan Mw apeoiirf c4Vnmfiw
of Mrc neturtv mi tlw Mi-twW1 6 KI.
se as to ronton Ins ppnposirt.H fWM saXt
C. f. ft.k.
p--t.jrftf. cwufil'wiw tw fotpfw fjraitf iwjfflfr
ttan&wn fr Hrv itutrmtt swjsfetfv
the le$iskuhiB0 wn hrfA a Wie goilMne
fini oinJi caawjHl-rAn- rnOW fliOofihf mi
f tH-f htfwo fro jnw-iiu a witiWt VctJ
let Utie sj4tot( tw wra HyH)) Wi frHuMtft
,'fiBM) at ta cfifiercTi vtyifivmtLf& itto
rtjoatlfi asMMr,eHv-ii! A. x. .5Mirfrajfn w
.rnd&i V. ff. Hhwi l fi0yglMn t-ttf:
maftlj, setwft'.
Tire frfVwwW Iwrt. SMHmirWei4 t tfiv
luMt sessiWi M bafMWnnila Hjf SJP
tor ,Tolww, Um fMvtApv, np8-' dtiH)wilTt
at W'n'fl IVy the tw'tMii. ' Wto tmafw
was piwsud by tho httfrsiiailtirM, lu Vw
vetoed latter by Goverasr twatwmmu
In a g-eTtfiwd wiy t4iiff Bit weds afwwtb
by those in atti dn, but it is HkHy
that it will le nMcwha4. m4ifivd Iw
foro being roconjwtfVd to. tire Iffigislfl-
turo this winter.
Tho bill nrovitlos fr the appointment
of a state engineer to have . rhhrffe of political meetjing nt Pawttioket, he w;ii
tho state highways, the state, couties nllowed tp depart upon his own reeog
niul property owners each to beajr one- j iiiza'nce. Tho police say that ('hafin's
t'hird of the expense of building tho ;tiitSnobile was speeding at 50 mibs
main highways. The men sure provides ' mi hour.
that a sum of money for road work will
bo raisod by an annual tax of 5 mills. Bridge Seems a Dangerous One.
Work not to exceed in value $20'0 Hridge "F" on the Southern Pacific,
will bo done in nny one county, it is right mibs simth of Aashlnnd, where
t inula ted. until nil other counties ha e
j had an opportunity to apply for state
.aid in building ttioir highways,
NKW OULKANS, An., Oct. 24. Vic
President and Manager Thornwell Fay
announced today that nn order haa be n
' placed by the Southern Pacific lines .f
Louisiana, Texas and the Sunset roule
for 1300 now freight ran and fi-.e
commission baggage cars.
i no iroignt car onior win inciu-ie
too box cars of 50 tons capacity eaeli,
and stock cars of 40 tons each.
. i ne rreigni cars are promised iur i
livery in November and the passenger
eon nmeni unrn'rv win u'-L'i" -
urr. They will net $5,000,0.
Spanish War Hero Arrives
in Medford and Predicts
Democratic Victory on
Third of November
C'aptain Biehmond Pearson ILdmon
from Alabama, who won fame for him
self ut Santiago as the "hero of the
Morriiunc," ami whoso fa mo has only
boon added to by his ability on tho
platform, arrived in MVdford Saturday
morning on train 15, slopping over in
order to address tho residents of this
co. inly on political issues. Ho was met '
til the traiif by a large number of local
dnnoerats and was taken for nn auto
mobile rido throughout tho valley,
Captain Ilobsou is most enthusiastic
over the outlook for tho election of
William Jennings Bryan to tho pros!
d ncy. Ho hag traveled much through
o;it tho country and lurs boon closely
following tho trend of political ovonts.
Ilencn his remarks regarding tho out
come aro of tuoro than passing interest.
"Tho outlook is splendid," said the
captain, "and I am getting moro and
moro confident of tho outcome. No one
longor quest join tho outcome in Ohio
and Indiana, and it will tako a barrel
of money to defeat us in Now Yifrk.
"Illinois is truly in the doubtful
ranks. One cannot bo eerlai-n of whnt
tho labor votu will do, mul wq have a
od clraucc thr-re.
" ba Kansas thoy aro sonddtig agrc:wt
deal f monoy nio Olehfhnmn for th"
puiyyfl of lyinhaiig it nndVV Jlfo bifndt
guarantou law, and fliih mav. gjvo tllo
Kiamas votu ( RfViM). 'Iho whrtM-,
ilcounJh is m Ma? dhiiUM wnuifst
"WMi Xow Tvk, huNtnni mM (fltfo,
i4iougr1bv m wni CimkiV.
"'Prat ntfttidK w vr a Oi'imnftSfr
fn:ilV4i4t', :trJ h MiMMiigjAK Vttjvw1 tli4
Kiiucni (hi Hps fwosidvnw."
.ViKnjJ- rurjwwy flier assort
rofto wil mFrtsi Iflio wao4.tJl flfl
ft hfKHAi Tut iijtitti up MWhirgJadLt ,
Futpncv ttifcvy s tW restitt. f a (h-crHitai
by Phmww Mitwscc f'aUtraia fro frn
:fH pofr ciHs. 'H' gyVenU'Ht expects
:n tftcfraiw 4i,'W0,Mifl a yen Hapgji WW'
m&a hM mm sitK lf fclw )ni taw tt(W
with suck- opposition fi.itn cat lovers
lAath Miu HAnhtT o$ bwnr A did3ua
a wtmi N ;tfv'.Ts3) MftMiv iPt. W
i-oiiy, rwM'Pt t Wk" sjvwy few aw
wsw0 ini, is or4a( tftlo ojyflKi
tiJii fri H imv km. Mo iim Ml rts
b-mwnJV imuL A'iAiw'H tint Idpw' IPS' nvxv
Hto.-'M- Hem fionmw1 An'' dh
r:iv mftk iho.
"O- ni vmt: u twoA'," Utt ao9-di
iwpuy p fflA" ntnfr
hcq (tistf"
daW ptw!siiiiiU, h'aM d'i-r.eoJIeiil his
i!liiiftfr'r tn-Jnv t (Hivo midvr 14m
i'.ViwionwiMi wf " rVf sjifeeHj, UtHnf haVr."
('Hifl-fiw nifll a pamt-y wf Sffcti8irt4mnJ4ft
pnilHW-t'hwaiHtii wcw igjBOHiwwiwtly
"ni'"he3" h'Te yestvnJpiv m a auto
mobile taj. ITpon ('hafin's oxplywia-
ton that he was hurrying to attend a
, Mrakeman ( arl wins met nis irago
Month FrSlay last, cntno nenr adding
another fatal casualty to its list Tuc
day evening, when Freight Brakoman
I 'red )odge was humped into uncon
sciousness by tho timbers of the aide
n-alls of the structure and had a nar
row escape from being hurled from the
irnln, snvs tho Tidings. He was watch
Mig tho wheels coming down the grade
and was between the third and fourth
ars leaning out when the bridge tim
.ers caught him nnd "trm-k him in the
lips. lie managed to hang
limbed to the deck of the train, whem
).e lay until help narhed him and he
was brought to the hospital at Ash
ii nd.
A. N. Smith of Portland interviews
his trust outers iu Mid turd Friday.
Cloudburst in Oklahoma
Flood Waters Recedlng
Rescue Work Retarded
SHAWNEEIi, Okla., Oct. 24. The
first nows of tho actual casualties that
resulted from tho recent cloudburst
woro rccoivod today, owing to tho re
ceding of tho flood waters of tho Cana
dian river. One man is known to have
boon killed, although his body has not
been recovered, and two othors aro
dying. It is believed that moro bodies
will bo found when tho river resumes
its normal, channel.
The death so far reported is that, of
.1. II. Smith, a farmer, who was awopt
away last Saturday while trying tn save
his stock.
William Smith, his brother, is in a
pn earious condition today after being
rescued from a knoll where ho was ma
rooned in a pouring rain for two days
without food.
J. B. Moberly, a switchman of tho
Itock Island railrond, will probably die
from his injuries, sustained when ho
was caught in tho floating wreckage
after his ongino'was derailed.
The rescue work is being retarded,
owing to the. conditions. It is estimated
thni tiio damage to property will amount
to moro than $1,000,000.
WQgna? surpass the
W. Aih'WHrtb'r of the WoyorlHien
sor Tbirtftr aotiKpmry and J, F. Rinf-
hot), tbn locirl- repriesoajiftivo of tlx1
rtiuvftiaty, laiiu just rotiPMied frann Hie
tinJu mi Wft? vie-Hiil-y of.Apen Lirito,
wlne Mnw 4n'0 lyei looktavg over the
ooitryKMW's pnoyenty nud iriso suporin-
toihwrg. Wfo Koflttug. rff sj'VoikCI lunniFrcd
litfmfdV nfi rt'ttll1 Kh'o on Idio nia'pshes
fliBWon mJag AyB!n bflft1, mwa tmi TvlaJU-
ati Bwritd
liw WeveMrJftMwl' cejiaMinw fwaiH
oAOQv-2ne,antf mutes n$ t-ufAMtr lavidd in
ftto vicbwty trf lAw itpw hilw. Thoy
iififl oavii iR' eirt-ire hike bod1 of Aaspcn
lirfiio, vdmii is ifbouot tmt m-W'H- bmsg tend
Jwwn n nncft) to i-iidght tntfbr lsflt wnft1,
mtJP tffUa W9 Bacy hfcp b tOt west W
frlm Tirtw.
Aspen m oe of H(P Ifi'st duck
ait py-CHe gjwiOr in tdw omi
try, mid it is JJie pnacpase if tdie com
pany bi lopvobnif tofti lrwowlft't of tQio firii1
sown to wiW rive to gy't it ni reipixawss
fro- tho ' eH!rtrtrtaiBtni tt n hmdlwig
HVh in Wfl TlWt. shtjp m tfto. irfltftiit,'
orf a Mtrwrtn i:erArt Hm wlB etnwri if
Sfl Vtffi3y?,it. 24. Tin dViHoewii
c Httjwpoitw ofi Lcwft S. fflnwA'c two
Qaqoak todJw arr vdart pPKf.jtT( to
be not wJMUV-sejy fi a tern ooWi'g
na vf Clha4tH L. flinrimfn Wm njuft
liiKix (KftatrtRflN! far gw.fwros aS Ktw
YoR, fn iiHwMni Wfo mttkivwMn
ffcfli (JftIhpKf rt'ftff iw3. USmbt yen us
of MMtHjiKrdsi(Mo life ni lariwn iwdv
sijty. Willies never ptmyod a grfwme of
fmji4bnt, pi-pyal a gwue -if bitweta1l
plSiflwd. a- g:iwo tf liftcA'ey, pJw9 a gnme
of temniwt, wfliwed a ga)Q of cricket
played a grimio o6 Wki'itbafy toffk pant
iu a ttjack mvet, niwi a mco. pint a raiot
vaulted a polo, jiwnped or hucds-nrl.
Hi dud OBVnftin-na-lSy play croquet a-n
the lawn with an elderly lady whose
house was near Hughes' boarding house
"And moreover," added the speak
er, "Hughes never, so far nt I can
R'tcrn, cheered his follows to victory in
any of their contests. I do not believe
he ever cave th college yell in his
entire life. Huifhes was a good stn
dent. Ho should have been sent to
reliuious or co-educational institution
You will observe," ho concluded, "that
tho Ilrown alumni is not throwing u
its hnt for him. It knows him."
HPOKANK, Wash., Oct. 24. The an j
nouncement was mado here today that .
a land company, of which M. W. Hay,'
ii. nn..ii1int.' nnmineM for lieutenant!
,.t-Arn.. im tun i r i nc i mi I officer in
u.'...).iMtnn. will invest 1.01)0.000 in a
tract of 400,000 acres of land in Mexico
to be used in a rolonizntion acheme.
Fruit, such ns bananas, timet and
Jaronges, aro growa on tho land, which
i in located tf miles from iho Port of
I Mexico.
Smith Says Engineer Goes Out of His Way to Dis
credit Condor Offer--Expensive and Obsolete Sys
o! Filteration Figured Upon to Increase Cost
Attorney Itobert O. Smith nccuses En ,
giueer Roberts of rank discrimination
against the Hognc river proposition in j
favor of Hamilton a projoct nt tho pros-
nt time and iu favor of Wasson can
you project last summer. Mr. Smith 'a
consul ions aro no follown:
Mr. Boberts was employed by tho
city ns its engineer. Ho is paid out
f tho public treasury. Thoro is every
reason why he should bo fair and im-
partial. Hut Instead of bning impartial
ho has been a decided partisan.
When tho Wasson canyon proposition I
was before the city he was as anient 1
lover of that project as he is now of
tho Fish lake scheme. Ho could not
ontcnt hi inn? f with giving estimates
of tho cost of various pro-joe ta. but
without boing asked to do so,1 "butted
the legal phase of that ques
tion, giving his opinion as to legality
if various water rights, always, of
nurse to tho advantage of Wasson
Froo Legal Opinion.
It iu to be hoped he will not charge
the city for his legal advico upon the
same basis ho is to bo paid for his en
gineering (?) services.
It will bo well for the citir.ens to
omcmbor that this Mr. Itnhortn, who is
niployod by the city ns its enginoor,
ih the sumo Mr, lloberts who devoted
all his argument and his best efforts
a short time ago in nn effort to fasten
upon tho city tho Wasson canyon water
supply. No one thinks ho was right
then or used good judgment, not oven
M'r. I, 'I,, Hamilton. If ho was wrong
then, why haa ho become infallible
now, when ho lias rushed over to tne
Fisli bike project!
Mr. lloberts may bo by nature such
i purtiHitn Hint he ennnot bo fair, it
must bo some such reason that makes
him base his cost of filtration of wa
ter upon the sand filters, which aro the
most expensive method of filtration and
havo bnig been superseded. No modern
ngiiiri-or v.ould think of advising tho
biHa)Hat'iou of a sand filter or base
tdie cost of a modern filtration plant
itpon tho cost, of a Hand filtration sys
tem. Cost of Filtration.
If Mr. lloberts is nn engineer of prne-
teoiPi experience, ho knows whnt the
Jewell I'llter nysUmi in. He knows or
ougJii to know Mint one is in opera
tflyi i Wwgm City nnd also nt Sac
ramento, Cal. If he really desired that
poodle should have a fair presentation
iff the fUter proposition, ho could eas
ily ascertain tho cost and feasibility
if such a system by cnrropponilence Willi
the authorities of trroso cities. An il
bisl Bit bin of vJiat Mir. Roberta cons id
6ar presentation, enn be found
by comparing Ins- reports of Septem
ber 20 on Wussiui anyon with his re
port luiUlishod iu tho Medford, Mail of
October 21 on tho Condor Wator &
oavor coiiu-unv's proposition. In- the
rprt oJJ Seplcmber 2fl Mr. Roberts
Wasson Canyon Project
"The eoni of the Wnssun canyon pro
iect. can b given closely based upon
tiiuros submitted bv contractors," This
was imnlauibtedlv correct. But, notwith
standing the Condor Water 4 Power
company has produced contractor's fig
ores from the Washington Pipe & Foun
dry courpany, ono of tho largest com
panies on the coast in its business, Mr.
Iloberli ignores them in entirety and
raises the cost from the contractor's fig
ores from I!7,S00 to :i23,904. When looks at the items Mr. Roberts uses
to make up that total, the question
arises, why did Mr. Roberta stop at
t:i2.'(,1Hi4 Why did he not make it
t;i2;t,im."t, or :t2l,000, ao as to make
"even changef" Why did he not make
the cost .i00,0iiof Why should he
take contractor'-! figures on Wasson
canyon and not on the other! Has ho
any favorite contractors! Docs he want
to give alt a "square dealt "
Attorney for Condor Water 4 Power
Dr. Ray of the Condor company
makes tho following str.trmenls:
Engineer Roberts ' Report,
The Morniliff Medford Mail of Oe
I (oImt 21 iiuotos Knizineor lloberts esti
! mated cost of the Condor Water A
Power company pumping proposition at.
:i 13,100 in ono placo and 323,904 in
another place.
How are these figures arrived at! 1 headway. Then and 12 tncnea or tnow
In the first place, $05,000 it added as 1 has fallen in some places and at many
tno iM.t of the ore sent Medford tvateml joints the drifts are ten feet deep.
already installed in the city of Med
Ih this a fair comparisnnf Is it right
to tack this $05,000 onto tho cost of
thn pumping system!
This is not included in Hamilton's
cost of lino, neither is it included, iu
tho cost of the Ha for proposition.
This is unfair and unjust comparison
and a mere attempt to falsely swell the
Icost of the Condor pumping system.
A reputable firm has put in a bid
to build the Condor Water & Power
company proponed wator system for
Second, 00,000 is ndded to tho esti
mated cost of tho Condor system for a
filtration system.
This is unfair and unjust. This cost
is not included in the Hamilton system
nor tho Hafer proposition, nnd besides
it is excessive.
The California Jewell Filter company
offer to put in M completo filter plaat
sufficient for Medford 'a needs for $4000,
insuring pure wntor.
Tho Condor Wntor & Power com
pany offer spenks for itself.
Here is $123,00(1 padded, misleading
figures added to iho cost of tho Con-,
dor system in an effort to defeat it.
The other figures submitted aro e
cossivo nnd misleading. .
Mod ford' s Water Revenue.
From .lune, 11107, until June, 100S,
inclusive, Medford 'it totnl wator rev
onno was o472.flO, an average of
420.07 per month.
Medford 'a present water rato is 15
cents per 1000 gallons.
Tho Morning Mnil of October 24,
UI0H, estimates that Medford 'a water
rate under a gravity system will be .
2lj cents per 1000 gallons. Now, when
the interest, sinking fund, depreciation
nnd operating expenses will amout to
noarlv .'(000 per month under the pro
posed gravity system, how is it going
to get revenue enough to pay expenseit
The average wator revenue of Ash-
land is 11100 per month.
The average water rovonuo of uranta
Pass is 1200 per month.
Gravity Propositions.
Under tho gravity propositions of
Hamilton nnd Hafer, the city of Med
ford will have to go to greater expense
installation nnd maintenance and
operating expense than under tho Con
dor pumping proposition.
At the Medford end, Iho city already
has the pumps and motors. At the Gold
Ray end of the pipeline, tho Condor
ompany amend y has tho pumps and
As the eitv council fixes tho rates
under tho Condor proposition for some
years to come, thoro will be no profits
tho city and the Condor company
estimate their income for pumping will
come from wntor supplied for irrigation
outside of the city limits.
Whnt is the difference between wntor
by gravity and water by pumping. If
it costs the city nothing for pumping
outside of n contingent profit in years
to come, when thn city grows sufficient
ly to afford it, especially when tho cost
of tho pumping system and itn opera
tion, interest charges, maintenance,
sinking fund nnd deprecintinn ia so
much less!
Water Rates.
Water rates under the Condor pump
ing system will be loss than tho grav
ity system, because it costs less. Thn
interest charges, sinking fund, depre
ciation nnd operating expenses will all
be less.
How much wator hnvo thoy got in
Little Butte creek? Tho fact that they
nre building reservoirs nt Fish lake
and Four Mile lnke. Does that not in
dicate that they need water t
WINNIPEG, Man., Oct. 24. One of
the worst snowstorms known in this
section of Canada at this time of the
year is raging today. Transportation
is completely demoralized nnd there
is no sign of the violence of the storm
being diminished soon. The Vaacouver
express is stalled here and probably
will not bo nlde to start west until
; tomorrow, and it is doubtful if It will
I bo nblo to make much progress than
0 trains arrived from tho east today
I and, though the railroads aro busy with
I snow plows, they are able to maae little