Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, October 16, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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Social and Personal
Death of Mary A. Finch.
The funeral of Mury A. Finch, who
died Tlmrsduv evening, October lo, of
Iplcuriuy, will he htld at J! o'clock Sat
urday, 'Ocli' 17, at the home uf Mra.
M. K. haruell, her daughter, on Huuth
Mrs. Owen MoKoimo, sister of Ulaiue . ,- , .'j,.M w, i,,,,,, Fchru
in Wavue ronntv, ludiaua,
Klum, uud children from l.ukeview,
ur" viBiting Mr. and Mrs. Klure. in their
pretty bungalow ou II street.
Robert Hrown, the. mining proapec
tor from Jacksonville, spent Friday in
Hoc V. h. MeCuimluiul. presiding el
der of tho Methodist Kpihcopal ehureli,
South, has returned to Portland after
tho aunrterly conference at tho local
church. The annual state conference
l,e held soon ill Portland.
Hear tho new Kdisnn Phonograph
(Wonderful). Singler Music Btorc. lK!i
i . r nl on record. Hear them
at Singler Music Store. 1K5
W K. Thompson, tho granger, trans
,.,..,.,1 business in Medlor,; Thursday.
frank Isaacs has gone to Douglas
county to superintend packing tho apple
,.f .1 W. Perkins and hi assocites.
Mr. and Mrs. Kugene Savage (nee
i ,. I.v,,s1 have colli' to Clendalc
to reside. Their many friemlB te
inlnlimis and beat wishes.
"No Shooting" signs nt Tribuno
office, trice B cents each, 50 cents u
----- 2r0
r i Pulincr. the iiioncor architect
and' a veteran of the civil war, left for
Koseburg Thursday to enter tho Oregon
...Idlers' h His heallh has been
noorlv for some time past.
i i- i,.s of Sams Valley trans-
....le.! business in Medford tho first of
Hear 'tin. new Minor? Phonograph
(Wonderful). Singler Music Store. 18..
Charles '. Pursel, who conductB n
sawmill on Applegate, spent Thursday
in Medford and Jacksonville.
"Yakima Host" flour, the flour of
the hour. Made from hard wheat. Mil
lor & Kwbiuik. 180
Mrs. Angelina Stewart of Vancouver,
Wash., a relative of Mrs. Susie Neil,
has been visiting in Ashland.
Try a Back of "Bluo Stem" floir. 19o
Mr. and Mrs. A. .1. Kliim of Central
I'oilit were visited by the utork October
,'i who loft a bouncing hoy.
Kdison Phonogruphs at Singler Music
Storo. ''
(Jeorgo V. Minis, the llryan orator,
who is propagating a big ercsard a short
distance north of Contra! Point, was
in Medford Thursday. His friends an
congratulating him on the inn.nor in
which ho routed .lodge Colvig without
even ruffling a feu! her,
(I. 8. uoi 0. Tamnlo sland for Sex
ican tamales. 1K"
tleorgo Schiller, who has been con
ductile a bakery at Jacksonville, is
the new proprietor of the Cenlrnl Point
Klv.s. 9. C. Nilinick of Cenlrnl Point
anil her son, Joseph P. Iloaglund, and
Ins fiiniily have gone to soul hem full
Surnin to spend the winter.
Mexican tamales at 0. S. and CI.
Tumuli, stnnd. commeucing Thursday
Frci J. t&iJtuli? of the Starling -V in
ing company is speiuliug a frit r.' '
LutigcK-t reei-rJ (iM record. Hf lhw
at Hingler Music Storo. 11
Mrs. J. A. Slavik, Mrs. (I. Thompson,
(.'. I,, llyrou and C. W. Arnutron of
Seattle are visitors in Modl'ord.
KdiBon Phoniraphs at ivlr !sir
Storo. ,
Waltrr JacksMii and hia son, H. K.
Jackson, urn Medford visitors Frirli.r.
County CuiiiMiwioner Ottess ami
Judge Neil were niiiong Medford v iv
iters Friday.
.Inium Davii-B of Trail Creek a in
.tledford Thursday on land biisines.
"Uluo Stem" flour is mumt from Ul
stem whoa. H il tin. bet. !
Ml. ('. Conkliii hnr bw iitin
friends living in .lucksonvill".
Star tobacco, l jii(. Hie, nt MiiMmhi
H l.uwiaden '. IH0
I. W. Horry and sis family, lat of
.Inolmnnvillo, lire occupying their new
home, n ntly purchased of 1.. K. Hod
Kostoli rubbers at right prices at
llutckition & l.uiiisden's. I1
James Kubb of l'orlli.n spent fe
hours with II. Met, and his family, old
friend, Wcdiiendtiy, while on his way
home fro tliforniu.
Towo' "Fish" brand double slick
w in yellow or black, from to
fi.J.-VII. lliitclixn l.iiinsdin. 1"
l.5. i . S. II 'A pftlord. formerly of Med
lot!., has su.eed'A lo tin. practice of
!lr. l' It. Hneix of Awhlllltil.
All kinds snd stylci of umbrellas at
nil kinds of luilllire prices. Hutchison
, lailllsdell.
"Vakima Host" flour, the
buy" of the west. Millci
arv III, In;
and was SO years, 7 mouths nud -I'
days old at her death. She livid nearly
years in California, when she came
here two mouths ago. Five children
survive her. Kev. M. F. Horn will con
duct tho funeral services.
J. W. McDonald of Lob Angeles is a
guest of the Nash.
Tho jiartnership herlofore existing be
tween A. P.. lieames ai.d (.'. I.. Heanies
under tho firm name -of Keames &
Kennies Iiiib been this day dis"ulved, by
mtitual consent of both un-uibers of said
firm. Mr. A. K. Iteames will coutiiiiie
the j.rncticf uf law in Jacksonville, (Me
gon. Mr. (.'. 1.. Iteames has '.his day
funned H partnership for the praclice
of law with William M. Colvig, at Med
ford, Oregon, under the firm name of
Colvig & Iteames.
Tho partnership heretofore existing
between William AI. Colvig and (leoige
II. Durham, under the firm name of Col
vig He Durham, has been this day ilia
solved by mutual consent of both nieiu
Ihtb of said firm. Mr. Durham will
continno tho practico of law in (.rants
Pass, Oregon. Mr. Colvig will enter
the firm of Colvig & Iteames. as above
Doth members M the firm of Iteames
& Keamcs have equal power and author
ity tu collect all debts owing to said
firm, and tu attend tu all ponding liti
gation. Tho Bnine is truo as between
the individual members of the firm of
Colvig & Durham, as respects that firm.
Daled Octohor 15th, 11)08.
WM. M. COLVltl,
Classified Advertisements
On Cent a Word No itnfli Inset.
tiom los than 15 cents. Six !Drtl6rn I
for tke price of four. Seventy-fire !
centa Huh per month.
' FOU KK.NT .Nicelv f.iini-ded r. i
with board. Third louse from Oak
1 dale uveiiuo on Tenth street. Tele
phone (ilo. lhli
I'Olt SAI.K A house and lot in Ceu
tral Point, one block from Main street,
house L'-t feel sipiare, 4 rooms, lot 55x
H'l; price 1500. Inquire of Mrs. I. M.
Kinersoii, Cenlrnl Point, Or. Si 10
FOH SAI.K Ose acre in Medford; fine
residence property; oak trees; good
well. ('. W. Stone, over Bijou Thea
ter. 13
FOH SAI.I Three gentle saddle ami
driving horses, :I0, f -10 and o0. First
house across hear creek ono left sido
of street. K. A. Ilalfer. 1S3
FOH SAI.K P.ight-roum house, closets,
pautry, suinmer kitchen, bathroom; 4
acres of laud; Fish Lake ditch runs
through middle; 1 miles from Med
ford postoffice on Central Point road;
part down, lung time on balance. Ap
ply to A. C. Taylor, 2Vi miles north of
Medford, Central Point road. 181
FOH SALE One team horses, barneaa,
light wagon. Inquire at Scott's Feed
Yards or Box 808. 200
FOH SALE Choice business property
at a bargain ou eaBV terms. P. O. Box
41S, Medford. 247
FOH SALE Now Pinder concentrator,
complete, for sale at a bargain; never
Ween used. Address or call on W. J.
Wimcr, Waldo, Or., or A. E. Reames,
Jacksonville. 190
FOB SALE 320 acre ranch, $12,000,
first cIiibb improvements, well, family
orchard, otc. This is a bargain. 8ee
L. E. W., Tribune office. tf
FOU SATE A firit-clasa pianola-piano;
a bargain. P. O. Box 93, Med
4 Pleo Supper.
i'ri.V f ocviint;, beginning al ." o'clock
fie Eiidenvaeis of I he christian church
will MM .ik'V"'' to the public. Place.
M .-. li street, opposite the W'ost
ide livwf Mrn. Menu i'uhM
hnkaJ bi"?.. salads. in.iw cr...
x t-ffee, cal.. vlo and or only
Our store is crowded
every hour f the day
wttl & h$t of friends
wtw know ir wpuU
tmu hr valie giving',
i jm dmU it cie in
mi see kt yourself.
mn't sazHk o? itch
M fbe price mU fickle
afo as Ewgef to Satisfy
as you are to be Satrsfied
Pioneer Value Giver
Tho Tn
WANTED Experienced young inaa
wants steady position as clerk in gen
eral or shoe store; best of references.
Address Hal L. Conrad, Medford jost
office. 1S4
WANTED A competent girl; two in
the family; no washing; will pay good
wages. AddresH P. O. BuX 423, Med
furd, Or.
WANTED To do" housecleaning. Call
on or address Mrs. J. L. Maguey, cor
ner Eighth and O streets. ISO
WANTED First-class orchard man to
plant to trees and cultivate large tract
of orchard land. Address P. O. Box
418, Medford, Or. 185
WANTED llorwi for pasture, $2 peri
month; uo wire fences; Blinde, watorj
and grass. Apjfiy to Walter Moore,
Phoenix, Or. 185
WANTED 1luf).rella repairing. Call on
A. E. Tatsume, near bridge. 182
WANTED A waiter girl at Uohl Hill
Hotel. Apply at one to Steve Jones,
iohl Hill, Or. ISO
WANTED To buy from 100 to 300
bead of stock sheep. Write Box 131.
Medford, Or.
TO TRADE Light single covored bug
gy for two seated rig. L. E. W., Tri
bune office. tf
LOST An umbrella, wan left at north
end of Exposition building. V. D.
Harnev, Nash hotel. ISO
LOST A light bay horse, weight 1050
pounds, 0 'years old, branded j on
left shoulder, lame in left shoulder.
Notify I. C. Duwson at Beagle, Or.200
LOST Straw-colored Irish terrier dog.
with short tail, Medford dog license
No. 89 on collar. Notify B. Nether
land, Medford, and receive reward. 180
LOST An umbrella; was left at north
end of "Exposition building. W. D.
Harney. Nash hotel. 180
Our Anniversary Sale
Is Attracting a Lot of Attention
are certaiiilv pleased with the appreciation the good people have shown of
Annivcrsarv Sale. We don't claim to save you dollars on everything you buy,
hut we save vou something on every purchase, he it large or sum . 11 jou omv
buv .-) worth vou will save at least one cent, and if you buy one dollar s worth you
will save at least 15 cents, and from that to 33 cents. We invite you to visit here,
whether vou buv goods or not. We will a I ways lie glad to show our goods.
Time Por Warm
We cu supply your needs iu good,
durable, eomfortuhk', wiirm cotton or
wiol Underwenr.
jr and uIuiik up to $1.00 a garment
UO for children's warm Underwer.r;
all sizes; ft little bftter values. Come
and see them.
LJU $3.50 a garment for ladies' fine
cotton or wool Underwear; all sizes;
separate garments or union suits; u lit
tle more value for the prices asked than
vou have ever seen before.
Seethe Phoerfix
If you wear a IMioenij muffler you
will not have sore throat or colds.
The l'boo'iix is a knit muffler, fits
close to the neck, enn be put in a
handling if the weather is nice. You
ought to try one. All colors, fJQg
ONE DAY ONLY Saturday morn
ing at 7 a. m. we place ou ale:
40c Ribbon for 16c
$1.00 Belts for .-26c
7oc Neckwear for 17c
and last but by no means least will
be nil colors of fine 65c Wool Dress
Goods, Saturday only, per
Angle Opcfs Mouse
Tto tH to tf i iizfl
liKipin t'oinpatry
Vig i'ree Street I'arade al
main, tiraud open air ('nu
twrt in l'nt of theater al
7 :'.10 p. in.
Seats on sale, at llask'tns'
Saturdav : nt., OeMier 17.
l'roi;raiii for Tonight and Hturdy:
J.fT'K'.S itAM K OF CAWD" A dramatic pie
tuft ot tleeptioual nitpit.
"Hit JtAnuryuK-s MtSK.N'f If" A 'autiful
siiry ,t1 Uiik' life.
'.t (:llfSNKU Alt.V XttTKSTKI)" The
ia"St iIiitv 8ii(--,
Aliss lf.Tt aiti in :4 t.roxktiful illustrated Souk-
Ifftiwon 10 eenU.
We Do Not Believe In Advertising
Inferior goods. AY hen we advertise an article we ha ve something farther in mind than impressing you with
the sinallness of the price. We wish to sell only such grades of groceries as will merit a second order ot the
same articles. Compare the brands of groceries we sell with those sold by others, after noting how much
cheaper we are selling. .
We have just received a carload of
this flour. We bought it because
it is the best flour, made on the Pa
ri 1'ic coast. " Pillsbury" leads in the
east, "Yalcinia JJest5' leads in the
west. It is made from hard eastern
Oregon wheat and we have been in
formed by experienced bakers that
it is as near uniform as any flour
mi the market. Selling the sack of
4!) pounds $1.45
Yc pay the top (rash price for Eggs
now, per dozen 40
l()c Corn Starch for, the pkg 7
1.")C Norwegian Sardines. Cash has
reduced to, the can 1V
We sell "Snow Flake" Bakery
Bread, Cakes, etc. We have just
installed a new case in the store for
all kinds of pastry and think you
will appreciate the fact that every
thing that will go in it will be bak
ed in a clean, sanitary manner and
wrapped up in transparent paper
to keep fresh.
Tillman's Recleancd Currants, a
clean, fancy article for very -particular
housewives. Neat 1-lb. pack
ages to sell for Me or two for 2oe,
now, f! packages for 25
M. J. 1. Coffee in three-pound
cans, sells everywhere for $1.00. It
is indeed a fine coffee. Cash selling
Hermits us to reduce the price to,
Star Tobacco by the plug 45 ' the H-pound can 90
20c bottles of Ueiii'Mustard, now
selling for
"Presco" is practically the same
lliing as Fgg-O-See or Force, a
prepared breakfast food. Being
overstocked, we have reduced the
price from 10c package to 6
We have installed in the store now
the llobart Electric Coffee Pulver
izer. I v Ibis machine we can re
duce your coffee to a powder and
in this form it will go much further.
Six bars of "Swift's Pride" Laun
dry Soap for 25
For those who wish Macaroni in
clean, separate packages, we are
selling the best in 1-pound cartoons
This sanitarily packed article we
have cut from l.V a package to 10
4(1 CASn. : v . DOZ.
FOR K(i(4S,
The most sensational picture
ever shown in Medford, por
traying the great automobile
races at Dieppe, France.
Mishap after mishap occurs
during this thrilling race,
while the ears are running at
break-neck speed.
10 cents.
Yo have on displav a complete new big line of Suitcases. Crips, Trunks, etc., a few of which are
shown in the window. They are Waxman P. i -others' make and are in all the new styles and leathers.
Priced right, when selling Prom tl.5 to B8.S9
Our line of I'.i ston Rubbers is very complete. We can fit a rubber to most any shaped shoe. Rub
ers for the little ones and Kubl-r for ladies and misses. Men's Rubbers, Veto Toe Rubbers and oth
ers. Priced at a small margin when selling from 4V on up to W
flilfftiwon 10 eenU. i TT IT j !. m OliT "II
L-iij Hutchison & Lumsden
I) t he Telegram says: .noioei ,-.-u
nient of Oregon apples .It b mil for tlie
far east will leave I'ortbiu.l for
tvostok, Silxria. within a few .lays. The
fruit, which ll be Hood Kiver slock
I altogether, is ioS beii (Qpncktti for
shipmeiil at the Wore ot . n. oijim-
( onipany aim -trwunv ni i-.- ...
,.t..ti.t ntt.oit the en.l ofthis week. It
will f, t., the 1 rail anil will
there be transferred to steamer for the
1 The last consignment of npples for
the trans l'ncific trade left lVrtlaiu! for
Shanghai about t.. days ao. This was
a trial shipniei, as up to this time no
effort of any cons.'ipieuee hid been
made to II Orc-n appb s in that part
of China. Mr. Olafke is ifident that
the fruit will meet "h Rood demni',
t!or.' and that the expi(l)inent will re
sultan the establishment there of a per
manent nimkrfor Oregon 'jtaple
I'eaehes are still in evideuee on Front
street, but there is no longer an active
demand for the fruit. Prices today
rtned from :." to C" cents a box.
l'enrs are .tLviinr in a moderate way
at ". cents to l.o a box.
lSXX, Mass., Oct. US. My breaking
into the hall where the shoe workers
nvre voting en a resolution to end the
great thoe strike, here, and by destroy-
jug the ballot boxes and ballots, the
minority of the striking Insterers today
prevented a formal ratification of the
res,, hit i,.n. -q
The shoe iiiaiiu f.-ietiirers have consent
ed to arbitrate their differences with
the men with the uinler- nding thai the
strikers should return to work today.
The majority of the workers wvre
anxious to return to work nnd voted to
end the strike, but the nii'noritv, mostly
foreigners, interfered in time
vent a settlem. 4
to pr-