2 MEDFORD DALLY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FK1PAY, OCTOBER lfi, 1908. Medford Dailv 'Tribune A Live Paper in a Live Town. Published every evening except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY , George Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postoff ice at Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One mouth, by mail or carrier $0.i0 0o year, by mail. . . .15.00 VP TO THE PEOPLE FOR CHOICE. It is now up to the people of Medford to say what water system will be selected for the city, Big Butte .Springs, Fish Lake ditch, or Rogue River. Any one of the sources provide better than a majority of cities possess, and little fault can be found with quality. To make assurance doubly sure, the Rogue river system comprises a filtration plant. ti ' The Big Butte Springs, which Messrs. Vawter and Da vis, who own the land on which it is located, offered free to the city last .summer, is perhaps the most ideal water supply ever offered to any city, bursting like a giant foun tain of ice water from the earth with a flow of L'tiOO minors' inches in the dryest time of year, it would be one of the biggest advertisements the city could secure. The Fisli Lake ditch water is water impounded in Fish lake by a dam and carried in the natural channel of the nortlifork of the Little Butte. The Condor Water & Power Company offer is a pump ing proposition, and provides for the construction of a pipeline from Cold Ray to Medford by the city, the total investment to approximate 197,000. This, together with the distributing system, will be leased and operated by the company and the water sold at rates fixed by the coun cil. Interest and sinking fund are to be deposited for the city from the earnings, and no charge will bo made for pumping until revenues are great enough to pay all fixed charges and operating expenses, when 2") per cent of the not profits will be turned over to the city and 7.3 per cent retained by the company, which is also to have the sale of surplus water outside the city. The Crater Lake Lumber company offer provides for a covered flume l(i by l!!) inches, 2 miles in length and .15 miles of pipe. The flume will cost 110,000 amftiie offer provides for the delivery of !$()() inches from Big Butte Springs to the city, though the capacity of the flume is much greater. A V-shaped flume will lx built along side by the company for fluining lumber down, and the acceptance of this proposition means the establishment of a big lumber mill in Medford, with a big payroll. En gineer Roberts estimates the cost of pipeline, reservoir, extensions, etc., at Ki7,H0, making a total cost of 277,410. Contractor Bade estimates the construction of the pijMi line at 10,000 less than the figures quoted. The Fish Lake Ditch company proposes to :'ll the city .'500 inches of water on the llauley ranch and construct '2'.):. miles of wooden pipe, reservoir, etc., for !251,1(H). The pipeline will carry 2 10 inches of water to the city. The Contract ing firm, Jaoohscn-Badc companv, also submitted a bid for constructing the Fish Lake ditch pipe line, reservoir, etc., for 2:5-1 ,000, to which if the 15,000 for water is added the cost is 2I!),000, or ;,(()() ,.ss than the Fish Lake Ditch company's bid. Through a misun derstanding, the contractors did not aecompanv their bid with a certified check, and the Fish Lake company an nounced that the former proposition to sell the city water for 15,000 had been withdrawn. The Stinger ranch could be purchased and the water delivered with the .Jacobsen Bade bid for 211,500. hut thi nroi:,! win lln) ... ,.. What Papers Say THE OUTCOME (.SuiTiiiiii-litu Bee) Orxpite dll the fl Uriah aud lioantin; . ft the Tuft mid Slit'riiiun side of the (utititr, with mythical offers of "b' imiii(y" at 4 to 1 or otlH-r great odin on tin. Wall street ticket, and "no tak'j 8," the ttutii id thut the result i f t-itt November flection in so much in ii.iiin and ho uucerrliin that no man equally wine and well-informed can venture fl prediction. Aa late as the Mth instant the New York Nation, which is supporting Taft but taking u critical view of the campaign, very pertinently said iu this regard. Kverybody knows how confused tli electoral battle really is, and how im possibio is a prediction of the outcome With party lines wavering and broke as never before; with conflicts in National issues and confounding the wisdom of tho politicians; with guer rilla fighters turning up at every patch f bushes; with business still depressed and a great army out, or work; with campaign funds mengcr; with the evi deuce of popular i-xcttement small- is absurd fur any one to pretend to know what the result will be. As a rule, the least informed are the most confident of the issue of the pres ent conflict that victory will be on their side, whichever that may be! REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. DEAD IN (CIS CHAIR WJfEN FRIEND CALLED niitted. "WEBS DAUOHTHtl OF UF FRENCH ARMT CAft AlaT XKW VOKK.Oct. Ill lleywond 1 1 :t 1 1 McAllister, liint Ii.t of Ward' VcAMiatcr of San I'liincisci, is today on his hull i-.viiiooii with Mrs. McAllister, who was until yesterday Melauie .tcniine Hi-tike, Lie daughter of a ciiplaiii iu the l-'n-ni-li ainiy. McAllister left here Saturday, saying he was going on a fihing trip, mid not even Ins most intimate friends knew that he intended to marry. II, went to an nttnniey and made an-nngc nients for getting tho marriage license mid a superior judge performed the iiiiirringe ceremony in the courthouse. I no bride hns but recently ciime fm I'm tire ami ciinnot speak Knglish. MAYOR MILLER VA1D LARGE FEE IN NORTWAVatST SEATTLi:, Wash., Oct. III. Viirnr John V. Miller has the distiuclins of receiving the biggest ( ever id nttornev i m this part of tie niuatra. The sum w:w .o,(im, ; Bith sis ksirtw-t1, frM H. I. is peprte la r-i' like amount, Mkller 'cre for r. CillHtes, former collector of cuo) for Alaska and I'orto Itiro, a settle Hunt, of Ins fi iic " Cruli stake " suit ngin Cnptnin K. T. Uarnetl of l'i b.-.nks. Through this ml lenient l.vsons Is m4 to kvt rVoi. $'l'i.(k. N ?!'. ! rtmMy fiven tft tl. us.lcrsifjtal wi uppluy nt the next meeting of the rity council of Medford, Oregon for license to sell malt, vinous and spirit XDD LIFK AS WOMAJf BATTLKD TO SAVU HIM coriiiiKiONi'sii:, n v.. tvt. in. After a desperate fight will, Mrs. Trnt "or, an attendant at (he Hudson River -late hospital. Oeter Disbrow, a 'Mrns l.v" patient, leaped from n fourth story indow yesterday nfteriiooii ssd nss in stiinlly killed. Three liaies the woman rsbbe,l lisi "bout the ,,, ,1 ,,rk ., I'"... he beat her off. lie the. r.n to the open window of Ihr nurse's rooii and leaied. lisbrow was M years old and hid been committed because of his suicidal mania. Me greatly improved, however, and had been allowed the privileges of me grouil.ls. YItKKA, fnl., Oct. Id. Ilurmaii n. Green mi old nnd respected citizen of this county, was found dead in h house at tho head of Miner street l Arthur Cox, who had somo business with Mr. (Ireen, on going into his house found the old uinu sitting in his chair dend. Ho was leaning buck with his feet crossed and looked as if be had been sleeping. It is not known how long ho hnd been dead. Decedent was (jo years old mid was n well-preserved old man of excellent habits and apparently in the best of health. Ilis death is attributed to heart failure, lie was a widower and lived with his son Fletcher, who has been away front homo keeping books for a sawmill company. 'The funeral will probably be held tomorrow. KSlAi B6AT TRANSFERS. William S. frowell to J. S. Tuck er, 80 ni'ros in section 32, town ship 33, range 1 K i Klizjibrth Hr?ese to 8. S. Stover.s, bind in township 3S, range 1 W Fred Ooninger to S. T. Hoduis. property in (Jold Hill iVilliiim Ross to C l' Garrison, lots o and (i, block (i, Ross ad dition to Medford Theresa J. Boarilinau to A. Ilnmlin, S 1.0 of N K lot 10, block 1, Cotir.gc addition ';o Medford Hattie I.. Berrian to ,f. S. Tucker, land in section 32, townshio 33, range 1 K A. Lyon to L. ,1. Rhinehart, property in Itarr's nddition to .Medford Nelson Ilebert to Mrs. Neh-.nu llebert, all my real and person al property Adolphus 1). Naylor to Ida M. Schorinerhorn, nno-'ieventh in terest, in lots tl and 7, block 45, Bedford : l'nit"d States to dolin Whvnoh, lo4.22 iieren in section 2, town ship 32, rnnge 2 K patent 111 8."i I. inn Soil 3nn in 101 III jon ADVERTISED LTTER LIST. The following letters reinnin uncalled for at the postoffice at Medford, Ore gon, October 14, l'.HIX: ('has. ltlackman, Richard Uolsun, Jr., I. 11. Urowii, W. V. ( ulset, .1. M. fas- selnian, .1. I). Corbott, II. 0. Duty, Har ry Hampton, Ktiphi Ilobsou, I'M .lohn- oll (l), Howard Lexis, .1. 0. Morse, lolm II. Miller. W. H. Norton, William Ostium, .las. Richards, .1. M. Riggins, W. 11. Rhot.loli, Krnnk Roberls, Kd Scott Somerhohier, Allen 0. True, Albert Walters, Mr. Writns. 'arties ealKng for any of the nbovo letters, will please say "advertised." A charge of on,, cent will be made upon the delivery of each of the above let i. A. M. WOODFORD, I'. M. Buy a Howard Watch THE FINEST TIMEPIECE MADE IX AMERICA. MARTIN J. REDDY o The Jeweler Near Postoifice Fin Watch and Jewelry IfcpiMnc a Spectator. instructor of "Piano. Tast 5ttetl)0 Stuolo at 3Iobc. SlorH Oronj Slrwt ASHLAN0 COMMERCIAL COLLEGE Ashland, Oregon. Thoronugh and practical training iu C OMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND nnd ENGLISH. Individual instruction by experts. We have been compelled to enlarge our quartors every year, and have now secured ample accommodations in the Sweedenburg block. Twice as largo as evor. Nothing in the line of business training is too good for our students. COMPLETE COMMERCIAL COURSE ' At About One-Half the Usual Expense. Foil infnrniiitLpn free. P. RITNER. President. - iYou Do NotSee signs of this character about Medford. "We always find a desirable tenant before a good building has been "to let" more than 24 hours, and land owners know we can always find a purchaser if a reasonable valuation is put on property. Consequently Medford does not impress the. honieseeker as being "under the hammer." This is as it should be. . This is the season of the year when home seekers want winter accommodations. Use business judgnlent; get free rent and make a winning by purchasing one of these beauti ful cottages, of the Rogue River Land Company EXHIBIT BUILDING, MEDFORD A THOROUGHBRED COPYRIGHT. A P E C! n inu always looks like when lie has had his garments fitted and made in the exquisite style that is always given them by Kreuzor. If you don't look like u man of fashion and tasto it is because your tailor is at fault, and you can always be sure of appearing like one if your suit or overcoat is made by J. A. KREUZER & CO. IMPORTERS AND TAILORS. PALM BUILDING, MEBFOBD, e. WITH THE CO-FFEK AN 5) 0M1AES you finish one of the finest dinners ysu ever nto when you dine nt tk Nssk Cafe. If yoH wis-k to entertain some visitor whom you want to impress with your way of living, bring him here for dinner. We'll reserve a table for you and guarantee a meal that will do fH-ewd and us too. Smith Molony JAtsoTiiL mors. .Sheriff Wilbur A. .,oues has returned from a businei-s trip 1111 Koguo river. Viss Wary Prder. the i (licient deimlv recorder, it :leij, tl,,, Sunday ,-,hW ..v..lioS keU SI tf4U week Mot. II. .. Htii itt nr.',A from .l.sp-pkiM .wt., lr ! h.a ui .Vlii)(- ciruit court. II. Stc.rt of Sunt .lwlauille as II' town on Imimiim .-.! .-iftertlooli. PreyaW RosImimI Owtms. Souicthing Mhich is of considoca)e ii'tsrant tW roWn gnaemily and wkich is P")hw nat n.atilly kmvn i At rn mi wtmiui omIpm nrw in olTiMt Wotmiaa stutlMM mt the uMurn l'iHin . oiwchv ai ail. puirilw in tlie t-'nttrd nutiM. By tMii o ttus systrum t..-kJrt My W frotsd at Madfw.l fnas ky piiM 'n tte Uiutei matus aid W teiiisj . akarect t tke party uig t um bro. Jftecr Ui'(Xusiiai sjb4 soall wg of nA U ODDMtiao ark tWjav Mi'i ay ha haawM oe tan itaaic iav" tl Urn ti iaar avtii, ilaaai. tuatd at Madfora .-Vlma t:torm, Va r aa vko taa caarja of oar plaat aaa h.id mora apa. Ma iaj taa jfeaaatfav tura ,a an. tai.a Maa a) t.t stata. Wa do aoa al taa aa t ra eay exparaxaut. e ka aa si.la) it ! j to six aa af a liaajaaaa 4tm i( ModforJ faa tb La kk.a .a I'lidersh.-riff K. II. IVa ,a,le h,-1 bnrrel is ji;ia!a.'J. Cm! oat m, mm,m trip to .! r .i a) wawa lav .rt j fore l.aana aaur aaaiar -Sana. i. . Ur. oui liquors in less quantities than oni I'ass one day tliis week, having coinplet gallon, for six months, nt lot 10, block i!t, in ModfoM, Oregon, fr a period of six months. HASH 1 IIAI.K, Dated October 10. IK, O . aall a a?aa .luinp,ff ,- aa.lay Una aai. ! fte has secunM iiiplo.vnient for fat' iter. W. K. tYfcmnn nnd .1. H. Cronemiller made n trip to Central I'oint Tuesday evening. H. I'. Mlllkev ret ni lie. 1 from (!rnnt -.1 mo lerill ol circuit lgtn!-t -k Tribune office, cents a doreu, 0lt'i. This is to certify tfent I, aer- ignrd, P. Wnt. Waschait, did on the 12th day of October, ltlDS, di.dve the partnership of Waschnn & Needles. co mmonly known as the White Elephant salooa, ilr. Oeorgo M. Neeilles, the HivAcessor in the business, assumes 'd lintlilitia flcHta tnBn tita ...I all a. N'o TroiwpAM' Pl.ith noliM nt thejcftmtt .Iiip tho formor firnarfl imrnble isit- ti irnin mill, UV mm. " i ISO P. WM. W ASCII All. Cany the Strouge.tt Lint of High Cut Boots ut the lc.tt pricts i &.nitXr Ornoti Huy uov, for you ill ned tlitm Window Stave Devasltary. CAPITA! AND SOHPLU Wltere Are You Keeping Your Valuables? Wry aliouUl you leave your bonds, deeds, mortgages, xvWU, insurance poli cies and other vuhmlilus in your home, storo or oi'fico, where they aro exposed to fire and theft, when you can rent a safo deposit box in our fire and bur glar proof vault for such a reasonable charge and bo absolutely protected! Safe deposit boxeB to rout, $4 per year and up. Finest equipment in southern Oregon. W. T. VAWTER, President G. R. LINDLEY, Cashier Tope Point Oysters W rta tocrick Cafe A Map of Jackson County The Tribune and Southern Oregonian is lutving nnde at great expense a fine, eoloi-ed, lithographed map of Jackson county. This map will show all cities, towns and Tillages, rivers and waterways, section and survey line!, railroads and projected rail 7iWl, Wagon rods, forest reserve bounda ries, election precincts and other data need d by everyone. All townships shown in coJort. This up-to-date map will be ready for distribution some time in .December. It will !' sold only through The Tribune and Sunt hern Oregonian. This will lie your only chance to secure a good nmp of Jackson county, as all map edi tion; a lxi out of print and plates were des troyed in the San Francisco fire, necessitat ing new plates made at an enormous expense. Further details later, lieadv in Decenilx'r. MEDFORD SASH Sc DOOR COMPANY PHONE 2291. '-U" ,r"1"' 0,1 Veaeared Door., with Uav.l Plata, c.rriai i, oj. nnd fancy Grilla. r STiEKT, BETWKEN SIXTH AND 6 KVKNTH Ml HUM. Taaaj Tli Kiaoraak ! wv laa aaaia- HP"? I a Taaa Paias Oy l" TMe mrv KkwlaavA ia ka IU iaara Oia taaaa a Imi .jaaaMLf . 1 ill A J. X. SNYAKT.Pnwd tut. J. . UI, Tiaa rrajs,t. JOHN 8. OMTH, Cashier. . 1. iACKSOH, Ass t C'k-. The Medford National Bank miOf OaJa, t. CAPITAL AjOOOO WKPLUS oZ Bfrt7 Bon .to , W A 0.,.l Banking Buaines. Trilctl V, m .av,j;:i. a- , " " --ii-ik auur i arronage f is MM tvuHmt it rf nie. l SUCvOJuonr X VOKTLASD a A a Wnn tswj i. (I PERKINS a JANNEY o ROTXJEtTa .fcSD ENG INEE1JS laSliidfiCitciais, Superintendence. Surveying in ail its branches, o o o o O W2f-J Jaek8g)U County Bank Building. 7 rr w tm, aiaiiacw (?)