Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, October 15, 1908, Page 1, Image 1

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    $500 ForfeitThe Tribune Guarantees Twice the Paid Circulation in City or Country of the Morning Mail
By far th largest and best news report
of any paper In Southern Oregon.
The Weather
Cloudy, with probable showers tonight
ii ml Friday. Westerly winds.
Xo. 179.
The City Council Meets
Tonight to Submit the
Propositions to the Peo
ple, to Choose
There will in all probability be five
ivaoter propositions filed with the city
recorder this afternoon before the time
closed for such filing, ho that the city
- council can submit the name to the
residents of Med ford for their choice at
a meeting this evening. The five prop
ositions will be comprised of the offer
made bv Dr. C. It. liny, that of the
Sterling Mining company, that of the
Fish Lake Ditch company, one by B. H.
Harris and one by Edgar S. I Infer.
There was some possibility of Dr. liay
putting in two offers, one for a pump
ing plant nnd the other for n gravity
system. It has not as yet been defi
nitely Bet tied whether or no the gravity
Bystem proposition will be offered.
The offer of B. H. Harris is also as
yet undetermined. Ho has been work
ing on a proposition, but whether he will
decide to put it in or not hud not been
determined at 2 o'clock this afternoon.
The Sterling offer may go in iu au
amended form, the promoters not hav
ing as yet given out nny information
us to the nature of the changes.
Mr, Hafer will offer a proposition
to bring water in from the Big Butte
Springs. His proposition has been com
pleted and will be filed with the re
corder late this nfternoon.
Up until noon today there had been
no propositions filed with the city re
corder. The promoters have until 5
o'clock this nfternoon to file the propo
sitions. Wasson canyon and the Slinger prop
osition will not in any probability be
submitted. It is unlikely that Slinger
would put up a certified check of $"iifii)
to sell a $7500 ranch.
WASHINGTON, Oct. lo, A friend
of James Duncan, first vice-president of
the American Federation of Labor, tele
graphed him ns follows: " Republican
papers everywhere declaring you have
deserted Gompers. Please wire for pub
lication as to whether this is true of
false, and also whether you are sup
porting the political program of the
Federation of Lnbor."
Mr. Duncan telegraphed in reply:
'President Gompers and T are in uni
son now, ns wo have been for many
years, on the present ns well ns other
principles and policies of the labor
movement. I helped draft the recent
circular, as well as program of the ex
ecutive council of th" American Feder
ation of T.nbor, nnd support them now.
as then. This is not a partisan conten
tion on the part of unorganized labor.
Its interests have been assailed by
judicial decision, and the Congress fail
ed to give relief, and now an appeal for
justice is made to all the people, on the
broad, general lines, and it is the duty
of labor officials to give the true facts
to the working people, who in turn will
wse the information, and, ns true Amer
ican eitifens, will vote on election day
as their eoscienco will dictate."
T. LOUIC, Oct. 15 Tlii- democratic
rosso rsssraikUo is planning Missouri
fur William J. Bryan by 45,000.
Awording to the republican estimate
tlw pinrnlitv rf Willinsi H. Tuft will
.mm) 10,(W.
04f ( i to 1 tkt BrT will win
to MiMri fiJ few takers.
t optimistic rcpuWirss h-d
Ml liftwwt tWnt p1t rfrbliesn land
ftaW son fcmt tW KrhKkii, In t.
trnpitfuyn 1MI I1 VT.'s
JBImauot wm.inJ.Y w ovr .V),i"i.
ft tV lnstW
VwkiI fot whm Hn.
wH ITU Om, wli "' --
fjtn , v ttntw to titer
tli Hi I (nra vtsin nnk
tffc tuamv'm .ti.. TVTra
il .ifftt fMT ' XMn work
tv m Oat awwi Mi ls
iNuan wam amua1 fwr ;
(iat iwratw ( is rttfwf J
turn sVwft ttx prut 4 rw ""t
wmwwm I. I''W1 a ironing p'"wtv
f l. of) the trnin niTir Alilaml. Us
e fbs monsr from Roy A. Il'iS
jW,Uth lattfr slept.
council Considering Ordinance Introduced at the
Request of Councilman Vaughn of Portland-All;
Saloons Under one ConGern Licence Required- j
Will Stop Disorder and Most Common Evils !
Medford may try the Gothenburg sys
tem of settling the liquor problem.. This
plan provides for letting to one con
cern the exclusive right to rfell liquor,
under high license and stringent regu
lations, and has proved the most prac
tical solution of the liquor problem yet
devised in foreign lands.
At a special meeting of the city coun
cil Thursday nfternoou an ordinance
was introduced at the request of Coun
cilman W. T. Vaughn of Portland, pro
viding for the sale to the Medford
Gothenburg association of the exclusive
right to sell liquor within the corporate
limits for ten years from October- 1,
l!MH. for .fiw.OOO, to be paid at the rate
of $o000 a year for the first five years
and $0000 a year for the second five
years, paayble quarterly in advance.
Only Six Saloons.
The saloons will not exceed six in
number, to be located in districts the
city designates. No disorder is to be
tolerated, no liquor sold to women or
minors, or intoxicated persons, and Sun
day closing is to be observed. No closed
boxes, nnd no gambling is to be per
mitted, and a $10,000 bond to guaran
tee observances put up.
There are now iu Medford ten sa
loons, which pay $o00 a year license
apiece. The proposed change will cut
out four saloons and require improved
conditions in others with forfeiture of
the entire contract and bond as penalty.
Mr. Vauglm states the plan works
admirably wherever tried, ns order sup
plants disorder, better liquor is sold,
the saloon is removed from politics.
md titetional turmoil in cities is ended.
SiiK-f ISIm the plan has been on trial
fforts are now being made to ill-
it in England.
Proposed Ordinance.
Tile proposed ordinancereads ns fol
lows:. The city of 'Medford does ordain ns
Section 1. That from and after the
first day of October, l!0!, the Medford
Uochenburg association shall have the
sole and exclusive right within the cor
porate limits of the city of Medford
to sell and otherwise dispose of alco
holic, vinous, malt or spiritons liquors,1
drinks and beverages nnd this right,
shall exclude and prohibit all others
from engaging in the sale or disposition
XKW.YOKK, (Vt. I.'. Tlic nimounoc
incnt of rontriliutors to the (blnocmtif
nntionnl fund icsuoil over the r.iRimturo
of Xntionul Clminnnn Kormnn K. Mark
and N'titionnl Troafiirrr Ilcrmaii Itiddor,
allows thttt 24sJ;-ti,;--') had boin rri'Piv
M nn October III. The tolal of con
tributions snioitntiiig to irlOO or moro
is ,7 12.3.1. Tho amount loft over
trnm ts oDvsntion fund wns 4'J,.'on.
In nil tsro were 50,000 contributors.
An spp'l it mndp for an additional
1isi,ij, nro s'oaii bir tUo need
f sullies, tbf rirralntion of litcra-
tare, b'Sdqss.rtn pxicnnr-wl trarclinie;
Pspss ns? csai(Niif-s mrctispfl. (X
th' full nvut shows in tko rcjiortv
fcM",.rl.Wl ht lpu4a'.
Nat lis ii drains of Now York (ravo
s4 siwilar susi ivas contribut
i4 st tkv natiov.l I'.nicratic club of
Tl.ii' is ufk tosifhcnt rm tho fart
rksrf tire is s. f ostriliution from Ati
. llso si. kirlc V. Mnriliv, Alton
(1 Wrk or ri ll Hynn.
fVf siBiw ivjf anises SiiStributions fol
lo: .ic-'si oio, Jr., fat ion
J .itt.'t.
Iwr( -n t f.'Mtll. ei...
I !iii-w av..r K. F. liunt" of
)Jisi; Itnor Sullivan, 1""" ;
$ 40 '. IIi.kins. Mioo.
rt3inn Thoma Tngpirt. tvm.
Louisiana X-w Orli-ans bankers,
Michigan E. O. Wnn.1, 11000.
of such liquors, drinks and beverages,
and shall continue for ten years from
and after the first day of October, li01.
And that during the said ten years no
other person, firm or corporation, shall
have or be given the right to sell, give
away or dispose of said liquors, drinks
or beverages, except as hereinafter pro
vided. See. 2. That in consideration of this
franchise, the Medford Goehenbnrg as
sociation shall pny to the city of Med
ford the sum of $"5,000 lnwful money
of the United States, and the said sum
shall be payablo as follows: Five thou
sand dollars a year for the first five
years of the lifo of this franchise, paya
ble quarterly in advance in equal in
stalments of $1250 each, and $!ih)0 a
year for the second five years of the
lifo of this franchise, payablo quarter:
ly in advance, in equal instalments of
$1500 each.
City Is Districted.
See. 3. That during the aforesaid term
of ten years, the Medford Gothenburg
association shall have the right to estab
lish, maintain and operate depots, bars,
family liquor stores or agencies for the
distribution or sale of alcoholic, spirit
ons, vinous or malt liquors. Provided,
that the total number of such depots,
bars, family liquor stores or agencies
for the distribution or sale of alcoholic,
spiritons, vinous or malt liquors, shall
not exceed six; and provided further,
that no such depots, bars, family liquor
stores or agencies for the distribution
or sale at retail of alcoholic, spiritons,
vinous or malt liquors, may be estab
lished except within that portion of
the city of Medford which is bounded
as may bo designated by the council.
See. 4. H is understood nnd greed
that licensed druggists in the city of
Medford may carry alcoholic, spiritons,
vinous or malt liquors for medicinal
purposes only, nnd that they may sell
such likquor only iu compound and only
i pon n bona fide written prescription
issued by a regular practicing physician.
And provided further, that no person
shall he allowed to sell moro than once
on any one prescription, and provided
that the prescription shall be cancelled
and filed away for one year by the
druggist, nnd that such file shall be
open to inspection by nny officer duly
(Continued to page 4.)
Missouri Kx Covornor David H.
Francis, $1000; Moses Wctmore,
Montana T. .1. Walsh, $500; W. R
Ceorgc, $500; R. S. Ford, $500; John t.
Losokap, 250; Senator Clark, $2000.
Nebraska M. T. O'Connor, ISO; W.
J. Ilryan, by profits from Tho Common
er, $4400.
New York James K. Mcfiiiire, $1000;
National Chairman Norman K. Mack,
2000; John YV. Cox, lOOO; Perry Ilel-
mont, f iiiiiii; liul Kc i oenran, j.iiio; nam- j
liel Untemeycr, lOOO; Jacob liuppcrt, i
$1000; Nathan Strnuss, 2500; Didancy ;
Nicol, UOO; National D'-niocratic club,
25U0; William J. Shechan, lOOO.
Ohio Melville K. Ingalls, lOOO. ,
(Iklnhomn R. I,. Own, 1000; D. T.
Cordon Ilroinley, $1500.
South Carolinn Senator Tillman,
Wisconsin J. J. Ilovan. $1000: F. O.
'(ieigor, $200. 1
West Virginia Henrv flassawnv Da
vis, $250.
Colorado Chaili's .1. Hughes, 5000; I
T. M. Patterson. lOOO; Charles S. !
Thomas, 250; W. J. Golligan, C'.iO;
W. A. Hill, 25o; John F. Shnflcoh, 1
250; fleorge II. Williamson, $250.
Wyoming John K. Osborne, 1000;
K. Holiday, $250; A. Nesbitt, 246; W.
R. Johnson, K'.'O.
I'tah Jesse Knight, $500; M. B.
Howard, 250.
Alaska A. J. Dnh v. 500; John Ho
nan. I50n; Js-js McCh.skey, $100; R
U. Parker, $10S. 0
Engineers to Consider the
Needs of Pacific Coast
in Response to Demand
by Business Men
WASIIIXdTOX, Oct. l.-i. Tlie I'alo
of tho navv yards of tho Pacific ;rnst
is now in the bands of a special board
of onjjinoors wliich is to considor the
needs of tho Pacific coast and the ap
peal that lias been recently made for
more naval facilities on the coast by
tho chambers of commerce. The board
will examine tho report of the enuinoors
that were appointed to survey the ap
proaches to the Mnrfo Island navy yard
nnd congress will be asked to act on the
report. Admiral Kvans has been added
to the board because of his recent expe
rience of the Pacific coast.
Letter From Metcalf.
In n letter to tho commercial bodies
of the Pacific coast, Secretary of the
Navy Metcalf explains tho situation,
l ho letter savs:
"Gentlemen: The'department is iu
receipt or your joint communication dat
ed September 25, . relating to certain
matters under cognizance of the navy
department at the navy yard, Mars 1 1
land, Califomin.
"The department appreciates the in
terest that your respective organiza
tions display in tho improvement of the
facilit i es for tak ing euro of the vessels
of the navy in the vicinity of San
I'Vancieco and notes your various sug
gestions as to how the desired end may
bo ntlained. The maintenance of the
channel of Maro Island sufficient to
safely enrry naval vessels of the great
est draft must be admitted to bo pre
requisite to the extensive improvement
of tho Mare Island navy yard. The
report of the board nppointed by the
president to thoroughly invest igato tho
question of the hydraulics of Maro Is
land si raits and tho npproaehos there
to is being considered by tho depart
ment, nnd estimntes will be submitted
to congress in nccordnncn with the rec
ommendations made in the report.
Now Dock at Bremorton.
"A contract hns been awarded for n
now dock nt Bremerton large enough to
dock the largest battleships. The new
d oc k a t Mu re Tsln n d , it is expect ed ,
will be finished iu the course of a few
months. Congress last year appropri
ated $1,000,000 toward tho establish
ment of a naval base nt Pearl harbor,
Hawaii, among the items being a dry
dock to cost $2,000,000, for which $:i0(),
000 was appropriated and additional ap
prop; intiuus will be asked this year."
The letter of the secretary states that
consideration is to be given to a net'd
tf e.-lablihliiii- a navy yard at San li
ego which is 4."1 miles by water from
Sin Francisco.
ALBANY, Or., Oct. 15, A rather re
i::arkable incident occured Saturday nirl
Sunday when tlip-e deer were kille I
within n short distance of this city.
Hunters who have been in tho mountain
port a hard time in making nny kind
of n killing, but. in these cases very
little exertion was wasted.
There is much spoculation as to th"
i inse of these animale leaving their
old-time haunts and coming down into
the valley, especially this time of the
I.ITTI.K HOCK, Ark., Oct. 15, The
Arkansas Railroad commission today
announced that it had refused to ap
prove the new tariff or freight rates, in
volving an incrense ranging from f0 to
ll'ifi per cent., which was filed with the
the temporary injunction granted Ar
kansas trunk lines bv .lodge Vnndeven
ter, of the Federal court at St. Paul, re
traing the commission from puttie
into effect certain rr-.tes.
The comissioii aniii'iinced that it re
fused to approvc'lhe new tariff liectus
the "advance is exhorbiant. "
Itl'TTK, Mont., Ort. IS. Htevi n Ito
jiinieh. a laborer, win literally blown
to piere-i by the rxpbuion of 0 gifint
powder eap and stifk of dynamite wliirh
he mrriffi in hi pm-ket. I" trying1
to warm himself, Bojatiieli stood clone to i
a stove in n hut wh'Te he lived venter- i
day and tho heat discharged th explo
niven. Hniall piece of hi body were
blown to, every side of the room nnd
through th' windows.
NEW 1?'.
m t&j: 33?i -y
pups rh$-ssft Ms -
fleet, consisting of the battlesliip.n
with smaller vessels, under (he command ol Hear Admiral ( on way II. Arnold
lias been ordep-d to this plnre for target, praet tea and maneuvers.
It is the expectation of the
smash some of the world's records for
the division has not been set as vet.
Several Thousand Fruit
Trees Ordered by the
Gold Ray Realty Co.
Tho flold liny Really company is
planning to plant man v t liousnnds of
fruit trees out this fall and as a pri
mary order they have ordered LMOO
Spit.erbenrg t roes, 2.100 Newt owns,
1000 Jlartletts, 'AM Cornice, Il.'t 1 d'An
jous and :t:tl Howell trrr-s. iu all .Vino
apples and J000 pears.
This is but the first step taken by
this company to improve many lores
of its land in the valley by setting out
fruit. The projeet as planned by the
company is an immense one, and one
that will tend to build up the valley
After a largo aen-nge has been set
out to fruit it is planned to bring set
tiers from tho oust.
The trees were pun hased from L. K.
Hover of th'1 V:ilima Valh-y uinery
Berlin Treaty To Be
Changed By Powers
LONDON, Oct. IS. .hist what pro
visions will be dise unveil at t he ap
proaehing conference of the yrent pow
ers of Kurope regard ing t he change.
to be made in t lie I'.erlin tnatv i- the
ficstinn that is today upperini4f h, (lie
minds of the Knghhh diplomats
Primarily tlir juridirtinri opening the
Clack sea to tlio fleets of other power
i one that has divid'd opinion nt tin:
I'.ntinh capital. A dip.ttch from Pari
! liH been received asserting that (irr-:il
, Itritain hat int i mated she is ready to
. h:ive (lie I :i rdnnH k opero-d provided
that Turkey i Hcipiino ut Th.- fur
; eigu office will in.t confirm this, but
' ndriiil-i that (lie matter probably Will
j Itc olie ot lit" MlbjecH of iliMi-nxiinii at
the conference,
ft is intimated in St. 'eterhiirg that
tho suggeHtion to be embraced are:
Turkey to recognize the inde-jwMidenci'
of Hulgaria, and tho Hni.extttiou of Ho
nia ind HeiegoVina by Austria Hun
I gary.
v Q .
1 "!. The new division of the Atlantic
Idaho,' New Hampshire and Mississippi,
men and off Seers of the new division to
gunilery. The date of the arrival of
Unique Plan Adopted by
Australian SGhool Boys
to Build up Friendship
.l i:i,lloTRN.:, Oct. 15. Thousands
of lei tors to s. hool boys In tho United
Slates and lingland were mailed today
by I ho lads of Australia, ng u part of
i lie comprehensive plan of fostering and
intensifying race pride with a view to
slieuglheiiing the friendship between
' !' countries and drawing the younger
r.o-iieriiliiiu closer logother.
This is only one feature of the grent
movement for the "white man's Pacif
ic." which has grown out of the visit
of the American fleet to thesn shores.
Tim feeling that America and P.nglnnd
uiiisl join in gaining the supremacy of
the I'ncit'ic for the white race grows
stronger every day.
It is hoped that each school boy in
Australia will build up a correspond
ei with a boy in America or Fngland
anil that these letters will lead to a
close friendship and realization of mii
o.'il interests helween the countries.
Ihilyaria to pay Turkey an indemnity
to bo detei'iuim d upon to capitalize the
limtielian tubule nt .1 per cent.
A joint guarantee by the powers of
the territorial integrity of Kuropean
iiiii.ey. The retention of the I thick
e n as n closed sen, nreenijblo only to
the uar-diip of the nation bordering
Aimtria Hungary to renounce rights
to the in tho Sanjak of Novi
! Majir.
j Monti-negro to be restricted according
t i the terms of article lilt of tho Iterlin
treaty and n Krvinn Adrintic railroad
I t" be tnieted under tin joint cojj I
J Irnl of Servia, Turkey nnd Montenegro
I ill) a erioinii'at a pniut on the sea
1 coant of Montenegro.
(tumor are current that the signa
tory powers are not in nccord with all
1h" foregoing provision. Austria
wishes ntHurnncei by two of tho pow
ers nt lentt that the annexation f fto
tiia nnd Herzegovina Is regarded by
I them us an accomplished fact.
i r. t f c j wi
... ..- . .j 'Sfr'ru
$59,000 ON
Nuveen & Company Place
Money in Chicago Bank
Subject to Demand of
City of Medford
The city of Medford has to its credit
in the First .National bank of Chicago
the sum of oO.Oiio with which to pay
for the water distributing system. City
Iteeordor Collins was so uotified by wire
and steps will be taken immediately to
ropny the banks of the city who have
advanced some $4.1,0011 to pay tho eon
tractors for the work.
The question of the interest which
has accrued on tho bonds since July
I ns thev a 10 dated, nml thn .l.i it rtf
delivery has not as yet been settled,
ui money naving neon paid, pending nn
adjustment between tho city and the
bond buyer.
For Homo woeks the city has endeav
ored to get the cash fov the water dis
tributing bonds, ns the system hns been
completed some months. Hud not the
banks of the city ndvnueed most of the
money for the payment of the contrac
tor thero would probably have been
some litigation over the matter.
Tho $;.u,000 was voted on April, to
gcther with $1100,000 moro for the grav
ity system. Tho intervening time has
been spent in negotiations with Nuveen
& Company nnd in having the bonds
HRKM.N, (Vt. 15. Tho Oermnn lull
the HuHley, the best of the cnntoHhinia
in the international balloon race to bo
accounted foe, fell into the North sea
today, ncconling to n dispatch to .he
international committee here. Dr. Moir
wHh Huns Heideumtinii ns assistant,
who were piloting the balloon, were
rescued from the S(ll bv llm ulnnmor
Prince Vilhelm nnd taken to Leith, Hcot1 '
land. t
All tho entrnnts to the Bennett enp
race have been accounted for. nlthnuuh
the Hegorsoll and the IMnuen, Oernian
entrants, iu the endurance race, have
not yet beenh card from.
The Itimley is disqualified from shnr
ing in the money, as the terms of the
race demand that the balloons licrht on
WASHINGTON, Oct. 1.1 A special
committee representing .)000 unemploy
ed workingmen formerly with tho Heth
lehrm steel works, is preparing today
for a visit to President Roosevelt next
Monday. The committee will endeavor
to oonvinco tho president that prosper
ity or thousands of woiltingmen would .
be nssured if morn government con
tracts went to private firms than to
the navy jiard.
President lioosevelt was appealed to
yesterday by Representative J. P.
Ilroadhead to enlarge tho scope of the
privnto contracts for government con
struction work on the plea that ninny
idle men would be given work. Hrond
head arranged for the workingmen '
committee to see the president.
CHICAGO. Oct. !.". Albert Sylves
ter is today a "rookie" in tho army
of I'ncle Sam because he bravely sub
mitted to an operation whereby his
crippled feet werr altered bo as to en
able him to pass the physical examina
tion. Syhester, who is 21 yeors old,
endeavored to enter the army some time
ago, but was rejected heeauso of "ham
mer toes, a (liability cnused by wear
ing shoes that were too short.
Sylvester, fired by the martial blood
of father and grandfather, who had
served in the armies of the kaiser, went
to work ns a farm h.bnrer, accumulated
t-iO and then sought tho surgeon to
anvo hi feet changed.
TACOMA, Wash., Oct. 1T. For just
a week the launch King-don, which left
Hi nttle for Hurh y on Henderson bay,
with n scow in tow nnd two men on
board, has been missing, nnd nil hope
of finding the partv has practically
b en abandoned.
When the launch left Seattle last
Thursday a fierce storm was tnrting
on Puget sound, fteverni boats hnv
been sent nut to sctwch for tho two
men, but to far no trace of them enn
be found. A thorough search hns been
mndo In tho west passage and through
tho narrows.