Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, October 14, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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Social and Personal
"No Shooting" signs at Tribune
offioe. Price 5 cents each, SO cents a
' iozen. 250
Annie Shannon Monroe of Portland,
a well known authoress ami story writ
er, la visiting in Medford.
Mrs. F. J. Lnmborson anil Mrs. IT. J.
.Tokisch of Csicngo are guests of the
W. D. Vaughn, a councilman of Port
land, ia spending a fe w days in M.d
Try a sack of "Blue Stem" flour. 195
Frank Plymnle of Woodland spent
Wednesday in Medford.
Sam Rogers, the veteran miner, is
In from tho Blue Ledge district, lie
reports a force of 45 men at work on
the lllno Ledge.
. Ed Purdy is expected hack from
Klamath Falls Thursday.
Jack Williams from the Applcgatc
was doing business with Medford mer
chants Wednesday.
"No Tresspass" cloth notices at tho
Tribune office. Prico B contB ench, 50
cents a dozen, 2.10
Charles Tnrpin, formerly chief of po
lice, was a recent Medford visitor.
A baby burro has been attracting
much attention upon tho streets of .Mod
ford recontly.
F. .T. Illakeley is making n business
trip in Portland and Jtoseburg.
The fruit men of the valley are all
wearing smiles, owing to t lie henvy rnin
of Tuesday evening.
P. W. Waschau and family leave Mon
day for a six weeks' trip to Cincin
nati. On his return Mr. W'aschau will
again engage in business in Medford.
G. H. nnd 0. Tamalo stand for Mex
ican tamali'B. 1KO
Wilbur Jones, our efficient sheriff, is
to bo lnitiuted by tho Hodmen Wednes
day night.
Mrs. Arthur Pntnnm, wife of tho Bnn
Francisco sculptor, and her child, who
havo been visiting Mrs. .1. F. Iteddy,
left Wednesday for Son Francisco.
,1 rs. .1. F. lieddy and son Paul leave
next week for a nionlli s visit in Spn
knne. Mexican tiunnles ut O. S. and (I
Tamalo stnnd, commencing Thursday
night. 1K0
Kilgnr llnfer leaves the latter part
of tho week for the east, where he will
visit relatives. Mrs. Ilafer will re
turn with him.
(Continued from pngo 1.)
Theso 20 nations, with government
akin to ours, with constitutions modeled
after ours, with similar ambitious and
views, have nn nreu of H.iioO.ono of
siiuire miles, or three times greater
- than that of the United Htules, exclu
nivo of Alaska. Expressed otherwise
nn area into which could be placed all
of China, Japan, the Philippines, Korea,
Hinin and a large part of India nnd Si
beria. This great area supports a popu
lation as yet of only 7ll,llon,llll() of pee
pie, but this population conduct!) nn
annual trado of 2, 100.000,(100 or twice
that of China and Japan combined,
which have a total population of over
400,000,000 of people. Last year the
Argentine republic, located in the south
tempt-rato Folic of South America, and
- having a population of only (I.OUO.omi
people, carried oa a foreign trade of
nearly $0(10,0(10,000, or a total greater
than thnt of Japan, with 40,000,0110 pen
pie, or of China, with :l.'i0,000,000. 1
mako this comparison with full respect
for Japan and China. 1 admire Japau
for her wonderful record anil China for
her reinnrkt bio characteristics, but I
mil trying to Impress upon you that,
at the same time, we nre doing every
thing we can to promote our commerce
and friendship with the orient we should
not neglect our own sist r republics.
Would Aid Medford.
At tho trans-Mississippi congress, re
cently held in San Francisco, 1 had the
honor to propose tliat there should be
held on this const next year a Pan
Auierican Pacific commercial confer
ence, to which should bo invited rep
reseutative business men from the 12
Pacific coast countries of Lntin Amer
ica, For the success of such a meeting
Oregon must co-operate with Califor
nia and Washington. When the dele
gates come, representing ns they will
their governments nnd people, they will
want to know what we can do hi-re and
what wo have to sell. They must be
taken on a journey of inspection to all
parts of the Pacific coast, and such n
Journey most include a trip through
Oregon ami n visit to your own prog
ri'ssive city of Medford.
Let me prophrsy, with full confidence
lent the next ten years nre going to be
a Latin America decade, wlu-n all tho
world will stand in wonder hrforc the
progress of our sister republics. As an
Oregonian, 1 want to see our stale one
of tho llrst to recognize the impor
tanco of this Held, and so gain the moral
prestige and commercial advantage that
will come therefrom. As itkin to this
thought, I want the state of Oivgnu,
nnad your city, to take particular ia
teres! in tho work of the intcriiatwml
bureau of Americnti republics, nit only
because 1, as an Oregeian, n. at IW
lu-.ld of if, but because it provide
you mit'h a vast mrwrat wf infr.nUtM
concerning these southern rcjwldio.
This bureau 0nn hu.w ym hUut i
AmcrMa bw a city, Hciwi Ay, Ww
c.-hpltnt o the Argentine rW.'. ris
n Ktuki4i f I.L'OO.Oihi jcrsoi wiici
is gsiwvkig footer than any city is
I'lwfrod ftatcs with tfce exceios of
N'cjw Tt-ek and chicat; t Vivt yt. ..W
siit urtis area tf tW1 I'm." ".ati.
urt kvVJiy AkpVttt i fclis, an4 still hnv rw Wli -m
trn Orog.H s-J :teJi4;
l.y, ' !U dxmf (of
tVi ""J. las w u m Mt
M) 41 t ! .1 COS
Win: j m rVi aMknrtcas fs
cwfncnti. wtb0 mt9 aaaeap ft1!
, yens, Um h.ynMii ,
nitrnnr iniai M am hhm flajsaa, i.)
that the I'amaiBi Jrs. 0,1.1.. A mm
benefits alike fisWI J"
isonn ami Hoirth iiilhH 0amJ.witl
usher in
There are ouly ubout 100,000 sheep in
Luke county this year, while the aver
age number iu former years bus been
.100,000. Diivo Elder, who owns a fourth
of Lake, county's sheep, passed through
this city from his feeding grounds west
of here, leased from theWeyerhauser
timber people, and states that no sheep
are selliug. He says that t-!' haB
been offered for wethers aud t- for
lumbs at the railroad, but all sheep men
are prepared to hold over until next
Eleven cents has been offered for
wool, but it is being held for IS cents.
Tho new arrangement of tho sheep men
leasing timber lands for grazing pur
poses is turning out satisfactorily de
spite the additional cost, as ao quarrels
arise over the range.
(J HANTS PASS, Or., Oct. 14. Jud
I'ernoll, tho left-handed baseball phe-
nenon from the Applegato, return) il
recently from his season's work with
the Aberdeen, Wash., team, und will
spend the winter ut homo. From the rec
ords made by the Washington team
it would seem that ho has not only
kept his pace but has steadily improved
in his work ns a bat puzzler, as he bus
won tho larg.-r proportion of games in
which ho pitched the full game or took
the placo of a pitcher who had faded
out. lie is not curtain ns to where he
will be loented next season, hut it may
be taki-a for granted that he will be
annexed to some of the prominent ag
HENO, Nov., Oct. 14 After n gay
life in which money came mid weut like
water, the body of "Loug Poke" Law
rence, a notorious Nomo gambler, today
lies In tho city morgue. A few of the
friends with whom ho spent Ins wealth
will seo that the body does not go to the
burying ground of tho city'B indigent
dead. Lawreuoe died penniless Inst
night in tho emergency hospital from
pneumonia. "Long Poke," who wnB 58
yen old, started his gambling career
iu Virginia when he wns In. Ilo gam
bled in America and Europe and in
ISO" went to the Klondike. HiB heavy
wugers guvo him prominence nnd at
one time ho possessed $'-'00100.
YHKKA, Cnl., Oct. 14. Thus far,
Couutv Clerk Xeilon has collected $''4"0
for hunting licenses. Among those issued
were four aliens at $2.1 each, and one
non-resident let $10, the bulanco all be
ing straight l licenses. From the
aiiiiiuut alrendv collected from this
source, it looks if lust year's receipts,
wiiich were approximately $:i000, will
be considerably increased .before the
close season.
From reports, this bids fair to be an
exceptionally good season for nil kinds
of game, particularly ducks and quail.
They arc said to be re plentiful than
for some venrs.
Classified Advertisements
Ous Cent a Word N ilnfl inser
tions lass than IB cents. Six Uuurtl6na
for tho pries of four. Sersnty flvs
cants a line pr month.
l-'Olt SALE One acre in Medford; fine
residence property; oak trees; good
well. C. W. Stone, over llijou Thea
ter. 1X3
FOll SALE Three gentle saddle nnd
driving horses, $110, $-10 nnd J")0. First
house ncross Hear creek oao left side
of street. E. A. llalfer. 1S3
FOK SALE Eight room house, closets,
pantry, summer kitchen, bathroom; 4
acres of laud; Fish Lako ditch runs
through middle; miles from Med
ford postofficc on Central Point road;
part down, long time on balance. Ap
ply to A, C. Taylor, 1'Vi miles north of
Medford. Central Point road. IS 1
FOlt SALE tine team horses, haruess,
light wagoa. Inquire ut Scott's Feed
Yards or llox SOU. 200
FOlt SALE Choice business property
at a bargain on easy terms. P. O. Box
4 IS, Medford. 247
FOR SALK New Finder concentrator,
complete, for sale at a bargain; never
been used. Address or call ou W. J.
Wimer, Waldo, Or., or A. E. hVaiucs,
Jacksonville. 11)0
FOlt SALE Dry oak stove and cord
wood. Apply Hotel Nash. 178
FOR SALEA good small business on
Seventh stroet. Reasons for celling.
Address, P. O. box 518 or sail at thts
office. U
roK KENT Kngle
11 N..HJi street.
FO SAL ! aore rMMh. WCtWO,
Are siss nitru-oveiitMifc,, w,4L ftumlf
rshard. ak. This is a Wuaatin. i
L. t. .. Tvtlmna offm. tt
1 hvuoir p. a fit 814 Mei
Gold Seal
by Miners and Lumbermen J
For Sale at
Van Dyke's
Dry Goods, Shoes, Furnishings
Tonight and Thursday.
Proqram of Exceptional Merit.
"MUS. TONKY'S SUITORS" Very comical.
"BHOTMKRS IN SERVICE" A military drama.
"HOME LIFE IN BRITTANY" Instructive and
Tieautifiil Illustrated Ballad, sung by Mr. Fish.
Admission 10 cents.
The Old Settler's
Best Bargain Bazar
Vc ai-e reducing the price on
a lot of 200 21 irs of the cel
ebrated Burson Hose. These
are the kind that save the
darning yarn; reduced from
Hfic a pair to 25f
20 YARDS FOR $1.00
Our bargain lot of 2000 yds.
of Class A Gingham is fast
disappearing. Offer closes
October 15. A regular 16
yards for $1 stiller, now 20
yards for $1.00
Star Tobacco, a plug....45
Pure Cane Granulated Su
gar at absolute cost when
sold by the whole sack. Sell
ing at the market wholesale
1 trice.
We handle the Hamilton
Brown school shoes. These
stand the wear and tear of
children's usage better than
any others. All styles and
sizes, priced from $1.25
to $2.50
Hutchison 6
T: A HMyim ns
im .'; CO eta P ' f
r a4rra p. Ssat i '
"" (si.
e c An IM I. U
tt .tt- r, 'H iwlar ana to
yst tymk iate lsrro trsr
tatav4 lttaa.sAddess P. O. Ho$
a. Medford, Or. 1SS
new era s miA rienn J a rsn. Apply
i"and friendship Phoi'iiis, r.
' AMTPin Uorara for luulure, tt par
MsoaV), a sfire feneea; shada, watar
to Vllt Moore,
1 You can !
find it at I
I Hussey Js
Store 1
Electricity Is
Always Ready
Yon need only to close the switch
and the motor starts
It needs no mare atten
tion till you stop it
Ask us llenernt Electric M
trs. You can use then.
mi c ruic co,
kx-i-.n to CovJor V
ter A Po rr Co. 206 West ;th .ttrwrt,
opp. tfcf big fUvtiic sijtn
ANrt:l i:hrclla rvsairiwi Call os
A. K. Tatmise, nir brWs. Its
XTTm1' soy Hmn 9
tafXA ol nan sUja Hs Ma in.
M&UtMk Ua
STV Ta4.Ma-Lsa(li Mk In
fan aiiss(Mi V b m?, TA
tasiCi oftfc. A
-i- a r- ir.T.-
LOST linht bay horse, weight 1050
pounds, 1 years old, bmaded ( (y on
left shoulder, lams la left shoulder.
Natify 1. C. Dawson at Beagle, Or SOO
KOB VENT A large wsssoii, nia
ble for storage, ay ami feJ. C.
teae, over llijou tluaitar. IM
It's Umbrella Time
Has the Child an Umbrella?
mm each and along up to $1.00, w e show children's Umbrellas ; guaranteed
Si lr rainproof; all with best steel rods; paragon frames, natural wood han
JXJKs digs, mostly curls and crooks; every one with a iurl, so that the handles,
stay on; 22 and 24-inch in short, the best umbrella values you ever saw for
smaller children. . . . '
r- mm and along up to $8.00 for 26-inch rainproof Umbrellas for ladies
f ST and misses. Best steel rods, best paragon frames; all guaranteed
VJJ- rainproof; all marked for a little less than the average store asks.
Hundreds to select from. '
OtEiCOAT LOST Oa (tor 7. M
tt r.)l hclHcXjik'le '"t sad sWa
i4. nji overco. f f.dr iU
bo suitably n'nard,C- lcavig it i
j'hite (," Trowbridgi'j real ca;te at
lice, Mtnlford. 1"
IXisT Straw colore.1 Irish terrier dog.
with short tail, MiMforiJ dog license
morning at 7 a. m. we place on sale
500 yards of Swiss Curtaining;
brand new goods; 30 inche wide;
our regular 20c values; if you oome
for it Thursday wo will sell I ft,
it, per yard, for IvU
morning at 7 a. m. we place on sale
100 pairs of Lace CurtainB. This
lot is new aud very desirablo. White
Nottingham Curtuins; 3Mi yards
eznontional values at $2.00
and $2.50; ull to go for Friday only
at, por
ONE DAY ONLY Saturday morn
ing at 7 a. m. we place on Bale!
40c Bibbon for 150
100 Belts for 250
75c Neckwear for ...17o
and Inst but by no means least will
be nil colors of fine 85c Wool Dress
Goods, Saturday ouly, per ORn
vard JV
Many Anniversary Sale "Snaps"
You will enjoy a look at our windows. They show : - ' .
THREE SUIT SPECIALS Values to $20, for $11.00; values to $40 for $25.00;
values to $75.00 for $40.00.
THREE SKIRT SPECIALS-Values to $6.00 for $2.98; values to fS.oo for $5.00;
values to $11.00 for $7.00.
Largest assortment of Bags in Southern O regon. New showing of Neclarear. Gloves
that wear perfectly. '
Five per cent off on all purchases of $5.0 0 or over, whether goods are on sale or not.
Buy for Gash?
Ans. : The main reason : You can save money by so doing. The second reason : It
is the most satisfactory way. No disputes or overcharges. No millstone of
debt about your neck at the end of the month.
AVe pay the top cash price for Eggs,
now, per dozen 40
Tillman's Recleaned Currants, a clean,
fancy article for very particular house
wives. Neat 1-lb packages to sell for 15c
or two for 25c, now, 3 pks. for....25
Star Tobacco by the plug 45
M. J. B. Coffee in three-pound cans;
sells everywhere for $1.00. It is in
deed a fine coffee. Cash selling permits
us to reduce the price to, the 3-pound
can 90
20c bottles of Heinz' Mustard now sell
ing for lf1
"l'resco" is practically the snme thing
as Egg-O-See or Force, a prepared
breakfast food. Being overstocked, we
have reduced the pritr friii 10e pack
age to
l.")c Norwegian SUrdiiM. m)i hiw re
duced to, the en 10r
Creamery Butter at 5 per roll below
market price.
For those who wish Macaroni in clean,
separate packages, we are selling the
best, in 1 -pound cartoons. This sanitari
ly packed article we have cut from 15c
a package to 10
10c Corn Starch for, the package.. ..7$
AYe have installed in the store now the
Ilobart Electric Coffee Pulverizer. By
this machine we can reduce your cof
fee to a powder and in this form it will
go much further.
Six bars of "Swift's Pride" Laundry
Soap for 25
Free We are giving away aloV,itely
without conditions of anv sort 75 cans
of" "Pacific" brand of Evaporated
Milk ; put up at HilWxiro, Or.
1(V Wis Naphtha .Stwip; e;vh has re
duced to, the lir 6
Tonight fii T.i f
3' H t V HAW:
"WHWS Ki.VUKX 1W 71 W.TC$' aUwjfiTfc
MilK KW-HK.iKTH i:WHm)t" Tt,e cli-
tixi t tlw jw1i a Iwautiful fire
Peautiful Illustrated Sons?; sung by Miss Eifert.
W. i I,.,4N
xoo1 s. mm. i ntmm .
('" ise. iiwaj
lfei a)l ,m a
No. S. on collar.
bind, M-tlfr.l, mid r
Nolifv.l. N'elher;
r,'w:rl. I-
Admissiorft ,
.10 cpnts.
Km mm-nmnt. rxr rrTf,
a te
' "-)" tp !;. CS tt sllt
lp. a (uud iumi: m okfava
': autt,n3 lt, sjaraaa I f
u "r n rral. oa4 scaat
J. C. Rogers.
""ffio,, I,,,,,, x,h p ,,..
0 0