MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORIl obMKiOW THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, liHW. MANY PEOPLE AFTER LAND Tralnloads Arriving Daily to Be on Hand for Rush to Land in Dakota DALLAS, S. V., Oct. 8. Truiuloails of land seekers have been arriving here ull day to be on baud for the rush to the opening of the Kosebud Indian res ervation, the last of the rich tracts of farming lauds iu the United Stutes to be opened by the government. United States Marshal Seth Bullock arrived here today to take eharge of the situation. He appointed five depu ties iu case of an emergency. So far there has been no lawlessness. Dr. Albert Phillips of Chicago and Frank Lewis of Florence, Xeb., were caught picking pockets iu the crowd and finfd $50 each. They wero then escorted to the stato line by deputy sheriffs and told not to return. They promised not to come back. Several thousand homesoekers arriv ed today from Illinois, Tow a and Kansas and it is estimated that by tonight the total register here will reach GO.niut. Thero are five other registering places on the border of the reservation, and it is thought that at least 225.00U persons will be on hand when the land lottery is opened. FORTY PERSONS NEARLY ENTRAPPED BY FLAMES SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Oct. S. -Forty .pcrnoiiB narrowly escaped being burned to death early yesterday in the sleeping rooms adjoining n French laun dry at 1115 McAllister street. Police and .firemen battling through smoke and flameH brought out a score of light ly clad women nnd girls, who had slept, unconscious of their danger. Many of the rescued women were over come by the smorke and fright, and the ambulance stewards were kept busy giving restoratives. The fire started in the coal yard of J. McAleer next to the laundry and when the firemen arrived the laundry and lodging house were ablaze. For :i time the flames threatened the apart mont houses opposite, and the police or dered the occupants to vacate. This added to the panic-stricken throng on the sidewalk and kept the police busy rest raining those about from entering the buildings in an effort to rescue their belongings. Nine horses perished in the eoal yard. The laundry and lodg ings and a meat market were destroyed, causing a damage of $10,000. Talented Chorus Director. The Christian church is happy to an n ounce to the music loving public thai they have ir. Mr. Edmonds, the chorus director, one who has had large exp-ri ence in chorus work. He is u man of marked ability both as leader of Kung nnd as soloist. Mr. Edmonds served as chorus direc tor for six months nt St. Paul's Cath edral, Cincinnati, O.; then at the Pres byterian church at Nashville. Toiin.. for two years. From Nashville he went tot Birmingham, Ala., where he served the large Methodist ccngregation as soloist for two years. This was a very lurge and influential church, the building seating 5000 people. The last t.iree years Mr, Ed meads has beci direc tor of tho Baptist Choral society at (ireonsburg, Ind. The music at the Christian elm vh will ho put on a high plane. The rlm rus already numbers 25. By the time of the Whiston Longman meeting iu No vember there will be nearly .",u. Fifty consecrated men and women Hiugirg with tho spirit and the understanding also will help anyone to n higher lif Tho solos of Mr. Edmonds are ren dered in a very effective manner. There is feeling, expression in every word. They lift the soul from low, groveling things of earth and enable one to see as never before the glory of a holier life and him who is the inspiration of the new life. Tho public is cordially invited to worship at tho Christian church, Stran gers especially made to fVcl nt home. TRANS-MISSISSIPPI CONORESS TO DENVER HAN FRANCISCO. Cal., Oct. H. When tho trans-Mississippi congress meets at 4 o 'clock this afternoon to select the next meeting plnee, Omver will probably b named. Thomas F. V.h of Denver was pine ed in nomination for the presidency. There was considerable opposition to giving both honors to one city. MARRIED. WOOP-ORKOORY Tn the Preshyte rian manse, Medford, October 7, .Tamo' Burton Wood and Jessie Eleanor Greg ory of this city, Kev. W. F. Shields of ficiating. Both of the contracting par ties are well known in the city and are receiving the hearty congratulation"" and well wishcR of a host of friend. Elmer A. Hicks, general manager of the Oregon Granite company, left thi morning with a crew of mn for north ern California, where he will attend to placing several monument made of southern Oregon graiite. A carload ! of frrasito went over Wednesday and 1 another in to fo41ow. j WDVEf)AY'8 SAI.L GAMES. American. Wubinnton 10 p; Now York n 4. Ronton 10 3, Philadelphia 6 1. National. ' Philadelphia 4. Brooldvn 1. Naw YoTk 7, Boston t. BUFFALO BILL. Hv (Jiat-oitij Hiccabocco. Buffalo Bill" He da big circus man. He pleusa da ' koomposh,' He cati ha da mou. He rida da horse. He shoota da gun. He actla da popcorn, He cat elm da mou. He rida da stngu, He k ilia " bud man," lie playa da football. He catcha da mou. He shootu da buffalo, Ho uiaku da fuu, He thanka do "koomposh," He catcha da mou. He Maka good show, He come again soon, He tickle da "koomposh," He catcha da mon. AS THE BAND PLAYED LAST SEASON CONCERT Overheard while the Med ford baud gave a beautifully solemn rendition of a sacred piece at the farewell concert of the seasou: 'Sav, Maine." " Veh." 4 tietsgitsm icecream. ' ' " Here" "Chun." " rdougitnuthinereferadime." " I'gitabigsuudaetowilton 'sdowntown " ''Taintthbiggest." ' ' Tsprit tyliig. ' ' Knothbcstplasfor uindaes f ' ' Nowhere. ' Whereiseennndjimssuudaynight.' 1 Theregoodt hereaintthey ? ' " Biggestintownthickchoclateteninuts notstale." ' ' Lossgotliertoinorrot'erluneh.-' ' ' Veil we " The rest of it was lost in the applauee of those who had sat far enough away to hear the music. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. li. II. Toft to Fred Whelpley, property in Burr's addition to Med ford $ Mrs. Lauanii Woody to I lort-Anderson, V of S K '4 and E of S W 1,4 section :t2, town ship ;t", range 1 W V. W. Taylor, guardian, to Bert Anderson, oiie-sixir interest in same as above Katlii'iine Norton et at. to Bert Anderson, same as above n;r 1 J. A. Levesoue to K. . Carter, property in Ashland F, K. Martin to .1. O. Sample, property in Hair's addition to Med ford Knncli Wheeh'r to First Spirit ual Society of Sohtren Ore gun, property in Ashland ... Thomas If. Badger to Henry (i. Kmleis. lots 15. Hi and 17. block C, Railroad addition to Ash land First Spiritual Society of South 10 1000(1 10 M ern Oregon to l, L. M inkier. property in Ashland 1.. V. Milan to Lewis A. Abbott. property in Ashland Lewis A. Abbott to .lames H. Horan. properly in Ashland . . Hcni v Cressmnn to Fescters Belts. lots "Jit. -'! and !ti, Ashland Homestead Acco William Addison to Wrsley N. Sullivan, Its.sji acres in section 7. township range K ... WVsh-y N. Sullivan Sarah R. Fox, 7. Vi acres in section 7, township Its, rnnge $ K W. M. Abbott, to (I. W. Milan, lot 2.1. Matthews' rddition to Ashland .ludd V. Miller to Lucinda Park er, lots ;t and I, Miner's addi tion to Ashland (ieorge T Baley to Wesley N. Sul livan, l'i acres in section 7, township Its, niiigo ; K 202 "No Tresspas't" cloth notices at the Tribune office. Price ."1 cents each, f)0 cents a do.ei. 2-0 Med ford Tribune, 50t par month. Romance of T&blespoon and lis Moral. They're ti.-.j 'J ifjniid very won. rj tl.u- .'y t'.ty nted a tabla S.'t when trt weddtd they will need a And many c'.h-.r lhlns they'll haa to get. They'll buy tne.r ipoznt and l.kewi, forka .ind knivei Froo itoro that ADVERTISE to plea'.e yaung. tvee. E FACE CRISIS Officials Resign Positions Pressure to Be Brought to Have Men Stay INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Oct. V With the simultaneous retirement today of Vice President J. B. White and Secretary-Treasurer W. B. liyau, the Unit ed Mine Workers of America face a crisis in their organization. Kvuu is to become leader of the Illinois oper ators, with supervision of the south west territory. John Walker, an avowed socialist, leading the socialist wing of the or ganization, numbering 300,000 men, is a candidate to succeed President Lewis. Lewis is weakened by the withdrawal of White and liyau, who have been con sistently supporting the conservative policies of John Mitchell. White's retirement is due to ill health. Various reasons are assigned for the withdrawal of Ryan. It is likely that strong pressure and argument will bo brought to bear on both men to hold their positions until tin organization election next fall. The fight between Lewis, who is con servative compared with his prospec tive opponent. Walker, will be bitter, according to the leaders in tho Mine Workers' organization. DIEE DISTRESS. It If! Near at Hand to Hundreds of Medford Readers. Don't neglect an aching back. Backache is the kidneys' cry for help. Neglect hurrying to their aid Menus that urinary troubles follow quickly. Dire distress, diabetes, Bright 's dis ease. A. W. Mountryinan, living corner F nnd Tenth streets, Medford, Or., says: "1 was bothered with my kidneys for a lung time, and experienced all kinds of suffering. I was very irritable and was unable to see the bright side of life. My kidneys wore very irregular in action and annoyed me greatly. I doctored a great deal, but did not find ny relief until at last I heaid of Doan 's Kidney Pills nnd procured a box at Ifaskius' drug store, t used them as directed uud in a short time they proved to be tho remedy 1 needed. My system was toned up, the pains and acho re lieved, and my health returned. I am glad to recommend Doan 's Kidnev Pills to others." For snle by all dealers. Price fiO cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for tho United States. Remember the naino Doan's and take no other. 34 Good Evening! Hav eYou Used "CHIC?" for sale only by Medford Pharmacy Xenr Postofflce M WORKERS COK SAL!.- Kiceptiouully desirable house lot, choicely located, close iu, high and sightly in best residence d s t riot ; price sacrificed in order to fiiid immediate purchaser. This is a burgaiu for somebody. Small cash payment handles it. Write 1.. B., Tribune, Med ford. ITU Souvenir Spoons of Oily l"i-k. Mount I'ilt, Kay Dam, Sterling Mine and Blue Ledge Mine; also a fine line of Watches and the latest novelties in Jewelry. MARTIN J. REDDY The Jeweler Near Postofflce Fin Watch and Jewelry Repairing a Specialty. yClvs. Urene Tfampton Usaacs Instructor of "piano. Tlst 3tttlio& StuMo at 5sUnc. Morlb Or.n4 Street WORT0NIA If I l v n The Imrs and 11 inldl Ions Sri doini for (lairy form in ;j Molr I lie life of llir coir, Man and niaid most charm '".' Tin; strict observance ol' our policy the best, for the money makes buying ci gars made by us a source of satisfaction to everybody. Our cigars are always fresh and we manufacture none but first-class goods. R.R.V. Cigar Works FOR SALE Plaster that will last Forever Its Brand is ACME Crater Lake Lumber Co, 0TEL PORTLAND OREGON Modkrn Comfort McH'tllATK I'hhks Horse Show IIcn(.(uniicr Vr.t. I;. 17, lilOS Hesi'rvi' rooms curly for Horse fcliow Vii'U Only Hook (Iarokn Jn IYikti.and L. S. XUUTUX, Electricity Is Always Ready You need only !o close (lie swil eh and Ihe motor startH It needs no more atten tion till you stop it Ask us a I) nit ( ieneral Kleciric Mo tors. Von ran use llit'in. ROGUfi RIVbU KLECTRIC CO. Successors to Condor Wa ter & Power Co. Office 206 West 7II1 street, opp. the bitf electric sitjii I f you have lost or found anything, need work, or have something to sell, it doesn't matter what you want is, try a Want Ad in The Tribune. M-d'"H Tribune. SOe per month. ASHLAND COMMERCIAL COLLEGE Ashland, Oregon. ThorouuKli aul practical training iu COMMERCIAL, 8H0HTHAND a ill KNliJ.lSll. Individual instruction by exrta. We have been 'oii:illil It cnlaigc our quarters every year, nnd have now secured :utiilc accoininoilations in the 3weelcnbur)( block. Twice as large at cvtr. Nolliing in tlm line f busiueati training in l no gootl for our student a. COM I 'LET l'i COMMERCIAL COURSE At About One-Half the Usual Expense. Foil infurmation I'ree. P. RITXER. President. Join the National Protective Legion Pays spio.OO iier week iu case of sickness or accident ; ijOOO for loss of leg. hand or eye. Mon ey back in, shape of dividends every five years. Address E. li. BROWN, Medford, Oregon. a sias Oregon,, Builders Are you doing what you can to populate your State ? UltKOON NEEDS PEOPLE Settlers, honest fnrmera, inflftbanlce, nifrelmnts, clorkB, poople with brnins, etriig handa and a willing heart capital or no capital. Southern Pacific Company (Lines in Oregon.) ia Ht'iuling tons of Oregon literature to the EaHt for diatribution through ovory uvailnblc agency. Will you not help the good work nf building Oregon by aendlng ua the niiiueB nnd addreasoa of your Tru'iidc who uro Ifliely to be interested in this atntof We wilt be Kind to hour tho expense of sending them complete information about oKKfiON and ita opportunities. COLONISTS' TICKETS will be nn suln during SKPTKMBKB AND OCTOitcjR from tho East to all points in Oregon. The fares from a few pHnoipal oitios are Froui Denver $30.00 From Omaha. . . . 30.00 From Kansas City 30.0C fu'om St. Louis. . 35.50 From Chicago. . . 38.00 TICKETS CAN BE PREPAID. If vim wmit to bring a friend or relative ' Orogon, deposit the proper amount with any of our agents. The ticket will thoa be fur 'ninlicd by telegrnph. A. S. KOHKNHAUM, Medford, Or., Local Agont. VM. M 'M lllllt AY, (loneral I'tiavnger Agent, Portland, Or. A Map of Jackson County The Tribune and Southern Oregonian is having made at great expense a fine, colored. Ml hograplied ni;i id' .lackson eounty. This map will show all eitiev, towns and villages, rivers and waterways, section and survey lines, railroads and projected rail roads, wagon roads, forest reserve bounda ries, elect ion precincts and other data need ed by everyone. AM townships shown iu colors. This up-to-date map will Im ready for distribution some time in December. It will be sold ohly through The Tribune" and Soul hern ( rt'goniMU. Thi will I' your only chance to secure a good map of .(tckepti comity, as all map edi tions arc out of priiif ;,nd plates were des troyed in the San 'rancisco fire, necessitat ing new plates made at an enormous expense. Further details liep. I?edy in December. i'tf MUDFOIW DAILY NEWS SEIIVICE IN I am now Located with Martin J. Reddy and am prepared to do all kinds of re pair work on Watches, Clocks and Jewelrv B. N. Butler Near Postoffice From Louisville... $41.70 From Cincinnati. 42.20 From Cleveland.. 44.75 From New York.. 55.00 TMBUN1S 11AS THE BUST SOUTHERN OREGON.