MEDFORD LA1LV IRlBUNflM KDFOKP, OKKOX, MONDAY. OCTOBER o. IflOS. Medford Daily TribuneiFAIR TURNED A Lite Paper ix a Live Town. Published every evening except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY George Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postoffiee at Madford, Oregon. OUT SUCCESS SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Obi month, by mail or carrier 0.S0 Oat fear, by mail... .ti.lW MEXICAN I Z J NO Tilt: GOV E EN M EST. Congressman Longworth, son-in-law of President i Roosevelt, has been entreating voters to cast their killots for Taft, assuring them that the Ohioau's election meant eight years of Taft and tlu-n eight veal's more of lue velt. This is an astonishing statement to come from such a source, and reveals plans that account for many strange polit ical proceedings. Taft is to be Teddy's regent, to hold the throne for his master, who will again conic into his own. It is easy to understand now why the president should force Hie nomination of his favorite and has now dropped all reserve and dignity sujiposed to clothe the chief execu tive of a nation to plunge into the undignified realm of partisan poltics and even to take the stump to secure votes for his proxy. Is the presidential chair to remain the property of the people, or are we to Mexk-anize the government by the aid of the big stick? The Mail states that nobody seriously considers the . Ray pumping proposition, and Dr. Ray says nobody con siders seriously anything the Mail says, and there you are. Injunction suits are threatened for water rights, which ever way the city fathers vote for water. They might as well start in and get; them through with. Mr. Merrick vouches for oil being struck in the Pierce well, but then he also vouched for airadcuae flow of water in Wasson canvon. CEMENT INTERESTS PLAN WORKING AGREEMENT There is prolmlily at tlm prcrmut time morn M-mMit work wil(r way ia Wcil I'upI tl'au there Imp been at any pre viui'i fine, anil now coiium the newn lltat the cement miiniifnctiiriiiK indus try m to he pliieH miller tnmt control. The (omhinntion I lib not an yet been eflrvteil, hut n movement to that eml tan I'fii Htarteil, ami il ih exp (. I thnt a working agreement will he in operation before muny montlm. An eaNtern report of the project Hayo: "Thin in expected to be brought about by the extension of tho Hphi-rc of inflneiKe of tho Northern American ('emont company, n holding concern un der tho luwtt of New .erney, with $10, 1100,000 capital. It will ' not be aa abHorptiou of the exiting plnulH, but nit orgaai.ution buKeil upun tho com munity of intercut pi-hcmc by which pr'ccH will be fixed for all purln of the con at ry and the coat ml of terri tory diatributed. "Under tho proponed arniugcmeat a utw holding company will bo formed in the went, with headquarters ut Detroit or ('hieago. Thin holding company will be modeled upon the plan ef the American Hteel aNHociatiou. "The urticIcN of iiHwtriutimi will be mo IraiiH'd that they will not conflict with the tortus of the Hherman auti tniHt law, and yet will bind the coin pinned fuming the combine. The va rious concerns going into the m-heme will reiin their corporate identity, pay it. p. to t)i" holding eompnny no much per barrel manufactured, and be Kith jr t to a fine every time the price is cut under the one CHtuhlinhcd by the rmuhtno. "The idea in not to mine tho price of cement, but by distribution nf terri tory enable plantn to control tho local ninrkets, thun avoiding high freight rates on long distance IuiuIh by reanoa of the invasion of territory t ribut un to plants in other states. In other words Oregon will not have to go to Texas for a market, nor will Texas be permit tod to Invade the precincts of Oregon.' STRONG EOR BRYAN IN EASTERN STATES "I found a Htrong Hryuu sentiment throughout the cast" says Lee Jacobs who has recently returned from attend iug the Itcdmcii 'a national convention. " Mverywhcre there is a growing belief that the ebniskan will bo elected. 1 heard Hrynn speak labor day in Chi eago, ami he received a great ovatiou. There were fuly union labor men ia line in parade carrying Hrynn ban iirrs while Tjift's reply of " (lod kimiws uiaue us an answer to a query as to what should be done with the uu employed was freely ridiculed. The re publicans in Illinois, Indiana and Ohio are Innlly demoralized by factional tighls and nowhere are there enthu asm for Taft. ' ' Final Day Many Attend edCame In Rigs From All Directions Ik a Muz oi plon , during which the luibd pUvpti, crom-dfc of merrvnikkem UtiiilfrsJ in roLfetli figtits, and thf net rrewjivl Uu- dancing jnni) ifc. tin niiiirrn Orfgiiu Tmtriet fttit .-'lint- ti h rtow Suljirrthv cvciting. Ow ii.g to tiic wtgtthtir nf Saturdnv hubireai .f S.utherti tri-gi.riihn tsl r-A the fiiv uriA flm-lcd to the fiiir gri.tiuJ, tlm. nm. iiig iron, ttic bro of the committee the frown of p-rp)ci-ity ocrasiuued by uti cmp'v exchequer. Fur the chmv in Sfiturdiiy in greater u mutter t hu.ii did they on (ithet of the reee'ditig &uy. The race Suturdiiy aftr-nuton were well attended and cxciimg. One of the ttefit race of the day a btmecn lav id Harum. driver Edward Pnrdy and Tindrrettc driven by W, Lawton. The race was clow but never at unv time did Purdy take the du:.. lie was traveling at a chp mrt of the way. .if Ja:teri(.n, from Onlifornia rode wvra spbndtd race in rJaiwy at vie. The reu3u of Saturday race was a follows: Pre for all trotting and faing race, half mile Leai: David Harurn :. Turdy) 1 1 Tindecntc Y. Loiwton) 2 2 Time. 1:1SU. Half mile dash: Doctor H Pansy 2 Time, 0:51. Belay race, five miles, with nine changes of horses: (. It. Moore l W. Toll 2 Time, 12:54. SAVOY NORTH D'AXJOU STREET Tonight and Tuesday. ".lUST PLAIN FOLKS" A beautiful drama of country lifo. "THE V1LLAOK (GOSSIP" HhiMratcl sonjr-"WAY BACK." Admission 10 cents. EVERYTHING THAT'S GOOD to eat or drink ia hare tba eatables nicely cooked, if cooking they need the drinablca properly hot or cold, as uautcd. Your individual taste ia con fulted and catered to, aud not an item on th billo f fare but ia well and deftly served on clean table ware. NASH Q7bE KLAMATH FARMERS FAVOR CRATER LAKE APPROPRIATION . KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Oct. 5. IL T. Amlcrsou, director of tho Watei Users' association and one of the pros peroiiH land owners in the Merrill coun try, is in the city todav to attend the marriage of his daughter. In speaking of the proposed road to Crater lake Mr. Anderson said that he was heartily in favor of it and believed that it would be approved by the majority of the farmers throughout the county. "I have had some experience," said Mr. Anderson, "of t he benefit of good roads, aud believe they are the salva tion of the farmers. Tho $507)00 that Klamath county might spend would come back more than double in supplies and labor during the building of thf( road. The advert moment itself would be a great benefit to the county. 1 believe it should be extended through! the entire county so that every sec tion would be benefited alike." TREMENDOUS CROPS IN SIQIIT THIS YEAR The corn crop this year, from tho present outlook, will yield 2,700,000,000 ImihIi.-Ih. which at tin September option price (in cents) is valued at over $2. 000,000,000. The wheat crop, with mi indicated yield of 1175.000,000 bushels, at Oil cents a bushel, amounts to $027 iiiiii,noii. Thirteen and a half million bales of col ton, which looks likely to be I his season 't yield, at (tU cents a pound, the present price, would amount to $(tl,25O,0O0. The oats aud hay crops, now out of danger, arc record breakers in ipiautity and quality. While the combination of crops this year will perhaps not be the largest in ipuintity, the price that will proba bly be obtained for them will aggro gate, it is estimated, fS.OOO.OOO.OOO. MARINO LAND VALUABLE WITH USE OF WATER KLAMATH FALLS. Or.. Oct. 5. Fred Melhase of this city is to estab lish a pumping plant ami irrigate n tract of flO acres on the foothills east of town and will set out an orchard ns well ns use it for garden land. Between Klamath Falls and Lost riv er are about 0000 acres of hillside land excellent for fruit if water can be oh taincd. Mr. Melhnse will be the first to put water on this Innd and declared that from being practically worthless today it will 1m worth $2"0 n acre neit year. The government will put water on this land when its power plant is com pleted, and Mr, Mtdlnise will use the government survey in building his YOUNO GIRL SHOWS APTNESS WITH BRUSH Miss Dorlaud Hobiusou, 12 years of age, is showing remarkable aptness with her brush in doing oil work. The young lady, a niece of Judge J. R. Neil, 1ms had a farm scene on exhibition for some weeks at the Medford Furniture company's store in this city. It was also exhibited at the district fair. For one so young, ami not having the op portnnities for study offered in a large city. Miss Robinson does truly remarka ble work. She will later take a course in painting, and it may b; that some day she will lend fame to southern tire go ii, even as Homer havenport has done with Ins cartoons. FRUIT BROKERS HOLD A MIDNIGHT SESSION I Smith 6 Molony Carry the Strongest Line of High Cut Boots at the best prices in Southern Oregon Buy now, for you will need them See Our Window PORTLAND, Or., Oct. o. It is ru inored that the fruit brokers of Ne York city got together recently, Inn a midnight meeting down in the mil: way, ami decided that they were not going to pay fancy prices for Oregon aud Washington apples. There was at h'ast one commission man who did not attend this meeting, however, and h sneaked off to Hood River and bought 0f000 boxes. A grapevine telegram nays that 150,000 more have been soli and eastern commission men have bee plentiful in the Yakima, Rogue River, Oiaud Roude, U'ena tehee ami other fruit producing sections. Prepaid Railroad Orders. "Sum tithing whkh ia of ooaaiderable interest to the public gAia? and which ia perhaps not generally known is tho system of prepaid orders now in affect between stations of the Soothorn Pacific company and all point a jn tho United States. Br means of this system tickets may be purchased at Medford from any place in the United States and mailed or telegraphed direct to tho party wishing to come bore. Sleeper accommodation and small amounts of caah in connection with these tickets may also be forwarded at ths samo time." tf Medford Time Table Buy Hay for Lenii. KLAMATH KAM.8, Or.. Opt. .V The prico of alfnlfa hny in tho Morrill country haft hoin loworeri, anil thii wi'ck 3000 tom worn nol.l at an nvurnn.. of 7. Bomo worn anking H and t.r0, but tiirkmon wowlit not luv anil wuro con- UmitlAtaR Ming In nthflr valUya, nail It nt l-on ft.r thia riirUnn in vrVi-. Big Idaho Fruit Crop. IIOISK. Idaho. VI. .v Statn llorti cultural ln't'tor J. K. Fii'M haa jut rt'tnrni'il from an inapoi'lion trip in otlior aoi'thins and tin alato and report 1ln laroal fruit crop in many yoara. far cxiM'odiiiK tho ng viold of UttHt, h lira 47.") rnra woro aont to oaatorn mar k.'U llo atnti'd that about all tlir prunm had noon )niod and that (jonl I'riooa had hoon roooivod fur thm. Tho Hoijto and 1'ayotto valloyi oom to load in tho production of fruit thia aoaaon. 0OUTHHKK FA0ITI0 RAILWAY I " Northbound I Ro. 16OrefOD Ezpreu.... (No. U Portland Eiprcii. . Southbanod lSICaJifornia Eiprtu. lalSan Franciieo Eip. o. ae.VFrooi OrasU Pau. No. C3iFor Aaklaad. . . . . . ,10:18 p. ra PAOITIO EASTERN RAILWAY irra5i.rSfiltoTd. No. 3it.ari Mfdford. .2Aj-riTii Mot ford, o. 4jArrlv(n XTislford. 5:84 p.m. 8:49 a.m. 10:35 a. in. 3:20 p. m. 9:15 p. m. .... "8Tl7)a.m: 8:50 p.m. ... 10:21a.m. ... 5:03 p.m. Up Here In The Northwest tliei'o'a no need for shipping in carloads of eereal cof fee. Made from our own good wheat, made in a clean, successful right-at-home factory, is Golden Grain Granules a strictly northwest product with absolute merit. Vov years people of Washington, Idaho and Oregon have liecn using it instead of coffee, and it stands without a peer for a high-grade cereal coffee. Ask your grocer for a box and give it one trial. The pack ages are larger than ordinary cereal coffees and cost only 2.V. All grocer? sell it. Toque Point Oysters Thf Euiarick Caf aaa noir the airln aive aircory far tba Tauo Piut yi tart. These ara i,'knowldgd to be the best. Oiv them a trial. The Emerick Cafe KS3 If You Will focus your eye on ths swell mada to order Suits we are offeriig, yon will realize at once that they ara excep tional values. You will find over five hundred different suitings here from which to make a selection. We would like to take your measurements new. FOR SALtEi;ii: 11 . j O Pf 9 A K:v a w 1WI JJJ t c n mm Vnn nn mKMm I III! I II I Tqjf many TO LET signs of this character about Medford. We always find a desirable tenant before a good ' building has been "to let" more than 24 hours, and land owners know we can always find a purchaser if a reasonable valuation is put ou property. Consequently Medford does not impress the homeseeker as being "uuder the hammer." This is as it should he. This is the season of the year when home-seekei-s want winter accommodations. Use business judgment; get free rent and make a winning by purchasing one of these beauti ful cottages of the Rogue River Land Company EXHIBIT BUILDING, MEDFORD TIME State Depositary. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $115,000.00 la an important matter in the tuuumc tiou of business. Business men realize the nun veil ienee and time-saving afford ed in paying by check. A eheck account with the Jackson County Bank gives you the advantage of prompt and obliging service. Safe deposit boxes to rent. $4 per ynr and up. Finest equipment in southern Oregon. W. I. VAWTEB, President G. R. LINDLEY, Cashior Notice to Water Consumers WATER MAY BE USED FOR IRItHU TION AT ALL HOURS UNTIL ORDER- ED OTHERWISE By order of the WATER COMMITTEE. feteptembej- 21. 1908. MEDFORD SASH & DOOR COMPA.NY PHONE 2291. VXL"d0VL.Fr",ne8' 0,lk Veneered Do". with Bevel Plate, carried in stock clie.D Office Fixtures and all kinds of Planing Mill Work, including Turned Work ami Faucy Grills. F STREET, BETWEEN SIXTH AND S EVEXTU STREETS. French Dry Cleaning and Pressing neatly done. W. W. EIFERT CITY TAILOR MKDFOHD J. E. ENYART.Presid ent. J. A. PERRY, Vice President. JOHN S.'ORTH, gashier. W. B. JACKSON, Asa" t t'ushier. The Medford National Bank MEDFORD, OB. CAPITAL 450,000 SURPLUS 10,000 Safety Boxes to Rent. A General Banking Business Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage 'J00 down and 111) tier month with out interest will buy IU sores of choice or ol, trl land, one mile from railroad station. Call at our uifia .! BOarjB BIVEB T ALLEY RAILWAY No.TJIiaves Mod for?. . TTTfrDriS iniT No. 4U.ea.Tet Medford Wotorp.earcs Modfesd MotarjLeaYet MeaUoail No. lteaTee Jekeei . No. 3Leree JnoksonTiUo. MotorfLeares JackeonTlI. eterfLearea JaekeeaTlllk. .. HAS MKftBott 8:85 p. 8i00p n. t:Mp. m. :Mln. l:Mp. ia. 1 ifOi g. tn. T:p.m. arrange to sliow yon theae traeU. Wor iKa-le Pet . r.ll IhrssUr, west of Heventh iIthI,1 Msrtthnueie 1T iVduOHimJ Tatm.."a: . J HWI i.oo . il tiM ib4 HILL Military Academy A Private foardta) arei lay Sclitui f fyi Primary, preparatory and academic departments. Cellege preparaneti, Business course, Manual Training. Principal St yean' experience 1 Portland. The Hill Military attracts and retains goe beys, but ha) no place for any others. Fall term begias September It. Make reserva tion now .for few remaining Tacanciee. Catalogue oa applieation to the principal. J. W. HILL, M. 0., Portlaad, Or. THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE HAS THE BEST NEWS SERVICE IN SOUTHERN OREGON. PERKINS & JANNEY aWfcCMITECTS AND ENGINEERS efiAttft, wfpeeifieations, Superintendenee. H!krjixg in all its branches. . Rooms 28-29, Jackson County Bauk Building O "I 3