The Tribune Prints More Live Telegraph News than all Dailies in the State of Oregon South of Salem Combined UNITED PRESS DISPATCHES By fax th largest and but news report f my paper in Southern Oregon. ibum. The Weather Fair aud rooter tonight, with heavy fart. Tuesday, fair, northerly winds. THIRD YEAR. MEDFORD, OtflXiOX, MONDAY', OCTOliKK o, 1!)08. No. 170. ECHO STILUS RAYEXPLAINS MAY PLUNGE PAVING PLANT BEING LOADED FOR Pally - v r ANSWERING 'WHERE?' Council In Session This Af ternoon Considering the Water Question Engi neer Has New Scheme The city council is in session t li is Afternoon endeaviring to determine where the water supply of the eity is to bo. Hut. like the riddle of tin sphinx, it seems unanswerable. The council room is crowded with interest ed taxpayers of the eity and the va rious men offering the eity a water supply are well on hand. All of the couueilmen are on hand, and an interesting session, to say tin least, seems about 011 tap. It is reported that should the council attempt to close with the Sterling of fer that there will be a walkout as before by Couueilmen Wortman, Mer rick and Trowbridge; if not this, then an injunction will be filed to stop tin closing of a contract. It ia further reported that a petition for the referendum is to be tendered to the council. An injunction, it is understood, will bo served against Fish Luke, as would be the case if Wasson canyon rises again from the grave hit" which public opinion has cast it. Ditch From Tish Lake. Engineer Roberts would offset the Sterling proposition by a ditch and pi"' proposal from Lit tit; I tit tt e. 1 1 e est i mates that the cost would be as fol lows: 19 miles of ditch $ 47,")Ou 10 miles of pipe Joo.uuo Water rights from Fish Lake Co l,,iiiin Itights of way 4,on Telephone J,UUU Reservoir L'CSSS $187,51)0 aa against $220,000 from Little Apple gate. Engineering Expenses. The item of engineer, estimated as $13,000, would have to be added to Imih this and the Sterling company's prop osition," said Mr. Roberts. "In fact, the Sterling proposition would cost tin city more for engineering on account oi the tunnel. The fact that the Ster ling company proposes to deliver t he water within city limits does not, elim inate the engineering cost, as the com pany is to be paid inuutlily upon work completed, and this must be dune in acocrdance with the city engineer." No one has ns yet, howevt-r, guaran teed by bond to deliver lino inches of water for 1N7,.U0 to the ciiy or to insure tho water right. TYPHOON CLEANSES THE MANILA CHOLERA DISTRICTS MANILA, Oct. ;. The typhuuu which swept the bay Sunday night and caused the battleships to weigh an chors and get under way to protect themselves, has proved a great blessing to the city, having cleansed the cholera districts and todny the prospect nf con trolling and exterminating the disease is better than ever before. The storm was terrific at times and was accotn panied by a downpour of rain so heavy that it cleaned up the city more effect -ually than the government could have done in many weeks. MRS. HAINS ASKS FOR DIVORCE FROM CAPTAIN BOSTON, Mass., Oct. .". Frederick Norton, attorney for Mrs. Peter llain. announced that papers will be tiled in the Queens county court at Brooklyn, N. Y., this afternoon asking for a de cree of divorce for Mrs. Mains from Captain C. Hnins. F. S. A., slayer of William E. Annis. She will ask for alimony and the custody of her rhil dren. Mrs. Hnins does not expect to be present in court, ns she is not re quired by law to attend. FIERCE FIRE IN CITY OF SAN FRANCISCO i - SAX FRANCISCO, Cal.. Oct. .'.A ''"'" fire smoldering in the bunkers of tin Pacific Coast Coal company at h-al and Bryant street hursh into f la lin early today asd for two hours threat eraed urij'ent warehouse and shipping. ArV a five tours fight the firemen bal the fire under control, nlthough re lief lines will b maintained fnr a week or two, flooding the hunker. The fire destroyed a portion of the company fice and tn rehouse on lien I Mreet, O Tfr" damage is approximately .loo.noo to 600,000. HIS WATER Submits Report to Water Committee Today Setting Forth Proposition in Clear Terms Dr. C. li. Kay, for tbnWlor Water & Power company, Monday submitted tin1 following co;i:'ninicatiou to the wtr ter committee: To ti:c Water Committee, City of Medford Gentlemen: Referring to com ments of your engineer, Mr. Roberts, on our proposition for supplying water to the city nf Medford from Rogue riv er, we wish to make I he following statements: First Your engineer, Mr. Roberts, states thai our proposition would cost (estimated) :i1'1.0no. Our reply to this is that we have an offer from the Washington Pipe & Foun dry company of Tacoma, Wash., to con st nut our entire propored water sys tem, including two .-eservoirs of 4,000,- 000 gallons capacity and a filtration ' plant, for $H7.Sini. Second Your engineer, Mr. Roberts. Mgnres t hat. t lie comparative cost ot opt ml ion and maintenance to be .-fi.'iOOn less ia a ginvity system than in a pump ing system. Our reply In this 's that our propo sition plainly states thai "we are will ing to gnaianlee it to be less than under city urn iiagente:.! . Third Your engineer, Mr. Roberts, estimates as a part of the operating expense for pumping the sum of -f-'il,-'ii per annum. Our reply to this is "that we make no charge at all for pumping; ' ' our profits from pumpiii. if any, will come from our economical management and from sales of water (after Medford has been first, supplied) for irrigation be tween Medford and Cold Ray. As proof of these statements We again all ich herewit h our proposition and call your particular attention to clauses fi, t; ami 7. Res. ect fully submitted. ruN'DoK WATER & POWER CO. By C. . KAY, President. Medford, Or., October ., 100S. omlor Water A: Power company 's pi opusii iin : Sept. innsTo the Water Commit te. City of Medford Gentlemen: In presenting i.ur proposition for the fur nishing of water tn the eity of Med ford we wish hi call attention to the following: First ( inr pr"posii ion contemplates the pumping of water from Rogue river near Cold Ray to a res.-rvoir M.OiM.ono gallons capacity at Medford, higher than the city of .Medford, and then be repnmped to a reservoir at Medford 200 feet higher than the eity. Second We claim t hat Rogue river water does mt require filtering, for t he reason (hat C rants Pass uses un filtered Rogue river water and the health of that city compares favorably with any city in Oregon, Third If filtration is desired, then then- is hereto aii.-hed information from the Oregon city water superintendent showing the cost of a Jewell filtration system to he mill ;nul ap: AVE! THEODORE THE FIRST! Son-in-law Nick Comes Out With Statement For Eight Years oi Taft Then Eight More oi Roosevelt and Then Roosevelt's Sons chicaci 'otiyressmai M-Sid l.t R. MM. '. At Sterling. 111.,, Longworth, son tn law nf cit, declared that after I igljt yi-ais of Ta! eh in the Whit i!'t it was to be Rooho- 1 1 01!0' again. .Mr. ' whom he Ins crown! l.tle- end. lo de Lo Ko v then go to the of the h. .ue of ci! Tlo i-elon::, 1 Iter, i,e f i!i.-W velt line. T! collld no Whtte li--11." I.ollgU. I'll ' 1 ley .'Mid d Mpti! gent of Rf..,f- flf protCctoMt' re.-id v to i oiuc p. .In v nf R-.osrvelt may ! 1 v tt.i imperial Roo A no ru nii schoidbov r look forward to th- . p, i).le g.Cll. ut t .Tan- ' .tamp Taft a- in. -rely the vi.-e re clt. ruling during Qsnrt until Rousevelt shall be into his own ajjaiu. EUROPE 111 WAR Prince Ferdinand Pro claims Bulgaria an Inde pendent Kingdom-Situation Viewed With Alarm SOFIA, Bulgaria. Oct. '.Prince Fer dinand, the reigning puriuce, today pro- lu imed Bulgaria an independent king lom anil formally announced himself as zar of the Bulgarians. The announce ment was made at Titonova, the ancient capital of Bulgaria. The action was the result of tho com bined action of the cabinet and Prince Ferdinand who joined in the proclama tion. The cabinet promulgated the edict. 'rince Ferdinand is being hailed on nil sides as "czar of the Bulgarians. Tho exact text of the declaration was sent to all the European chancellories nnd is being withheld pending a reply. COMMERCIAL BODIES GATHER IN SAN FRANCISCO SAX FRANCISCO, Cal.. Oct. 5. For the purposv of uniting the Pacific coast in un effort to obtain a solid Pacific coast delegation at Washington to work for the interests of t he far western stiites, representatives of Rl cummer- 1 a I organization:! of Sau Francisco, '. laUlaiul, Los Angeles. Portland, Seat t k , Tacoma and Spokane met today it the chamber of commerce rooms to ( tect an i rganization. The meeting w..s attended by prominent business no n from the cities and the spirit of 'liiimouy prevailed. The desire was ex I re ssed t ha t the ci t i es forget ri val ry, 1 1; ke the interests of the coast pnra 1,'ount over local issued and present n lilted front at the next session of .engross. OH, MY! HE MUST HAVE FELT SO FUSSED! LOS AXOELES. Cal., Oct. .". Wil liam Colipihotiu is recovering today from thet bewildering experience of having been kissed by 4on prc'tty girls in plain view of 2000 spectators, t'ol quhnun was wedded to Miss Mary Chirk of Azuta at his home on Echo street. The ceremony was hardly over when, to the amazement of his bride, her hus band was surrounded by a feminine throng eager to congratulate him. The blushing bridegroom was unable to es cape, even if he wished, ami envious best men looked on while a single col umn of girls filed past and saluted Cohjuhouti on cheek or Hps. Mrs. II. L. Young, daughter Mildred and son Whit ing have been spending several days visitig in this city with friends. million gallons per day, which supplies that, eity of over ."000 population, aNo showing that their water is pure. I'ourth -We claim our plan will cost much less than a gravity system pro posed, for I lie following reasons: fa) Our line is less than one half the length of the gravity line. (b) Our pipeline right of way par (Continued on Pago 3.) This Lungwort h declaration, riiiht from Roo-nv.-lt -., tntn; un i n g , must miti,:..:.. i ore at this break, coming on top of Koonevelt hitting at Priest and striking JlL.,.. and lnttii..r ,.t in,,,... i iMg Taft. ( hronider hni-i. t before "Nick" revea(, Mat- m-cret-for which he was rom.dly by the president. When nt Manila he gave out an interview saying the president night uecopt nioMiiinntion. Later it icveloped that the president had used that threat to force TaftQ nomination, really meaning it, scrvitig notice on certain opponents of Taft to (hat ef feet. PLANT Ml HIT BY Narrow Escape From Be ing Ground Under Wheels of the Engine A freight train drawn by engine 2."i:t, running north as an extra on the pass ing truck eight cars north of the South ern Pacific depot , early I his morning struck Newton lla.el, who was on his way to work. The cowcatcher tossed Hazel clear of the track, who escaped with a broken ankle and several bruises. The train was running at the rate of four miles an hour when the accident occurred. Neither of the engine men saw the inn ii. Hazel was watching freight 221 run ning south, and did not notice the northbound train. He stepped upon the t rack direct ly in front of t he imrt h bound freight and saw il only in thin lo jump for his life. The cowcatchei struck him, tossing him into the ditch at one side. Spectators riedicd to the aid of the unfortunate man, who was taken to his home in West Medford by Van Cilberl in an automobile. Bevond a few bruises and a broki n ankle the man was un injured. His escape was marvelous, to a second more and he Would have beei ground beneath the wheels. The engine men staled this morning that. I hey were running slowly and that the bell was ringing. Neither of them saw t he man. B PRETT VISITING THE PACIFIC COAST LOS A N'CELKS. Cal., Oct. o. After delivering an addiess at Throop insti !ute nt Pasadena and before the chain ber of commerce hero today, John Bar red, director of the bureau of Americai republic? at Washington, will start for Wan Francisco, where he will attend the t tans M ississippi cutigrcHs,. Prom San I'raioico Barrett will go to Portland, Or., his former home, where ho will ,1 1 rec- delegates of the commercial bod ten cf Jregoli. BRYAN OFF FOR TOUR OF STATE OF IOWA BAIRVIKW. Lincoln. Neb.. Oct. .". iHi.-'iu .1. Bryan will leave at midnight f. r Den Moines, la., and will make n t-e r of He will tage advantage o the situation in the republican parO of the stale Which led to the deadlock in the senatorial contest in the legisla ture. lie is much refreshed by his :e-t at his count rv home here the last few davs. NO TROUBLE OVER THE MOROCCO DIFFICULTY WASHINGTON. Oct. A mba-a dor .lti- f a lid. u ho ret urne.l fr-on Uf ar.itioii in Praii.e toilay, declared: "There, s not the slightest trouble lie tween Prance nd Cermanv over I lo Mufiiiciiii ootoui. .Iu"t prior to my leaving for home, a most conciliatory note was recei ed at the Fren-O foreign office from CfOainv. I see no ifond Oason whv this feeling should tud con tinue. ' ' FREIGHT TRAIN SHIPMENT TO MEDFORD THIS WEEK , OF WARREN CONSTRUCTION FIREBUG CAUSE TED TO STUMP; OF TENDEATHS BRYANJS MUM With Diabolical Cunning Commoner Refuses toDIs Stairway of Tenement; cuss Information That House Set on Fire First; Roosevelt Will Speak NEW YORK, Oct. .", Yictims of u fire fiend, who started .the flames so 1 cunningly that the sairway was quick ly destroyed and all means of egress cut off. ten persons were burned to death, several were fatally injured and six seriously hurt today in an East Side tenement . The fire was started wil h oil soaked paper in several different places about the house. When the in males realize d t hat t he place was on fire, they became insane with fright. Most of (he dead were killed by plunging madly into I he flames when they found they were cut off. Three jumped down t he roaring si airway, without t he least chance of escaping sudden death. Ten babies were saved by being thrown from windows lo the police and firemen mi the sidewalks below. Most of those who escaped got through the roof lo other buildings. Seldom in hundreds of such fires I, oil take place here has one b i n set with such diabolical conning, pin- Marshal Kelly said that the fire is the worse case of ineomliariruti on record in the cia v.. SWEPT TO DEATH OVER NIAGAHA FALLS TICSON. Ariz.. Oct. o. Privat s sagew today s.-iy that Brewsti-r Cameron nt this city was swept to his death over N iagnra falls last Friday. ameron slipped from a bridge and was whirled over the American falls, lie was large ly i nt crested in proper! ies in A rizonii. Texas and Mexico. OIL REPORT I PREMATUR Oil Expert Says Medford Has As Yet No Oil Well Has Indications but That rs All-May Strike Flow at Greater Depth - -Theic is no ,.ii well al I here. If , lie re is I d"u't kio.w wto-re it Is, and H-.'ots thai i:ts been -.truck near Mcdr.iid are premature and will greatly' i ii mre t lie city, h;mi a prominent oil ui who ii filing Medford and who, company wil h several well k uown , minOg men, Saturday inspected t lu ll now being drilled on the Pierce Oo-e, two miles enst of Medford. " While W course 1 could not sen the lottotn of tho well, I saw the mutoriul t.rtmuht un in which tho drill has been w,rkiiii?." ho continued, "nnd 1 never COMPANY. LINCOLN, Neb., Oct. 5. Bryan to ilay refused to make and comment on informal ion received hero that, Presi dent lioosevelt will take the, stump for Taft in I he coming campaign nnd make six set and carefully prepared speeches in a Irip across the continent from Washington to San Praucisco. The in formal ion received is regarded by t he leaders who are with Bryan as authen tic, despite denials from the White House, that the president will go across the continent. The leaders say that the information i nine from sources that leave no doubt as to their authenticity and that Roose velt has decided to speak in the cities on his trip which he thinks he can do! the republican candidate the most good.! COURT MARTIAL OF EVANS IN SESSION MANILA, P. I., Oct. .I. When the url martial was called todny lo try l unik Taylor Evans, son of Fighting J!'b Evan, the general impression was hat young Evans would havo a hard time preset; int; r,n adequate defense. Th - chary s ii.iaiust him are drunk enness, absei .'. ft inn post of duty while of! cer of the dii-'i and using profane language to a officer. Gossip coih iiriig t 1m a'-ious of the son of the I'-nnoiis rear at-miral has been rife among I lie officers and men of the fleet for some time, and the order for the court martial did not come as n sur prise. The court martial is presided over by Rear Admiral Schroeder. E --W oil iu sandstone, neither did any it else. Nor was oil ever discovered n a :too Iftot well nt this altitude. "Of course there may he a trace T - hi the well, but if there is it Tim eud through or has been force nine crevice? for n long distance. It .4 not an oil well as yet, and the harm if s-irh reports being sent out by the mi ss nssocintlons nnd newspapers Is th'vt they will bring oB men Into the """ ry y .iu.nm"'""'"""M imd uivn the teuton n had name," THE CRUSHER OPERATING TODAY Work to Be Rushed In Order Contract May Be Completed in Specified Time-Warren Was Here The paving plant of the Warren Con struction company in Vancouver is be ing loaded nt the present time for ship ment to this etty. Somo threo or four days will be used in tho loading nnd thct plant should nrrive in Medford some time at the end of tho week. As soon ns tho plant, which requires four cars to mive it, can bo erected in this city, the work of paving Seventh street will be undertaken. Such is the news brought by W. . Warren, ouo of tho head men of the Warren Construction company, who spent Saturday In this city. Rock Crusher Started. The connections with the power line were completed Saturday nt the city's quarry near Jacksonville, and tho wheels turned over for the first time iu that location. This morning the crush er settled down to its task of grind ing the stone for Seventh street. The crushing will bo continued stendily now until the contract is completed, ns tho plant will use more rock than the crush er enn turn out. A two weeks' start II aid in keeping ahead of the plant. and if it is found that it is unable to supply the rock it will be run nt night. Work Delayed, r'tvernl times during the past few mouths it has been announced that the work of paving Seventh street would begin on such and such a date, but something litis happened each time to delay the work. Now it seems that the time is growing near when the work w'll actually begin. The greater part of tie work of paving n street in ft citv here no plant has been iu operation is getting rndy to start. Buildings have I i be erected nnd made ready, bins have to be constructed, material shipped in and placed where it will be handy when, the time comes fnr preparing it, and ft thousand and one other things have to be prepared. This work has been going on for some weeks past. Bins are I eing erected, each day sees new cars of the paving material arriving. In ;ll there has been much work of a pre liminarv nature done. BANKERS THINK TAFT WILL WIN IN NOVEMBER Bon. W. L Vawter has returned from Benver, where he attended the national conventions of Odd Fellows nnd hank ers. "The political situation is badly mix ed in the east," said Mr. Vawter. "There lire two democratic and two re publican tickets in the field in Colo rado, but Taft supporters are confident of success. It seemed to be the generul opinion among the bankers that Taft will bo elected. From what I heard, Governor Hughes has a hard fight for re-election in New York on account of opposition of the racing and sporting intercuts. "The situation may change material ly bet wen now ami election. All the information T have :s hearsay and I did not learn enough to express nn opinion on the result. ' ' JACKSON BOUND OVER TO THE CIRCUIT COURT Knrl Jackson waived examination when lie appeared this morning before Justice Canon on a complaint sworn to by George Putnam, editor of Tho Tribune, charging assault and battery, .lust ice Canon bound Jackson over to the circuit court under a 4200 bond. OOVERNOR HUGHES OF NEW Y C0MN Bedford will hear big ropub- 1itiw before the campaign vw. Governor Hugh of New VrtiiU nnd HeimUr florab of Ida- ntt tre scheduled to speak here' before the close of twn campaign, which will be nwrniVWednosday by Senator RovcrWAge ot Indl ana. 8 e 1