MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OUKGOX, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1. liHW. MIX UP OVER DOMINATION Politicians Unable to De cide Who Is Entitled to Place on Ticket OLYMPIA, Wash., Oct. 1. Who i justly eutitled to the nomination for democratic candidate of this state, John Pattiaon or A. J. Splawn of North Yak ima f This question probably never will be settled to the satisfaction of the politicians who are just now showing they are much interested in the mat ter. On the fact of the returns of the re cent primary election, Pat ti sou will re ceive less than 200 more votes than Splawn on combined first and second chice. Yet a compilation of tlio re turns indicates that there will be a dis crepancy of more than 1300 votes be tween the total first choice and the total second choice votes east for this nomination. The fact that if the votes are prop rrly counted, first and second choice should exactly equal, casts a serious doubt on the question ns to which is the nominee. Pattison has been conceded to be the nominee of the democrats and has al ready begun his campaign. New Cases. Fred V. Snyder vs. Lcura Snyder; suit f-jr divorce. .T, A. Lemery, attor ney for plaintiff. The stork and the eaijlc, It is plainly .seen, Are in (laiircr of h;ini out done, By the- flijivy urn chine. We are in no danger o1' be ing outdone when it conies to supplying high-grade cigars at reasonable prices. When you try our cigars you will say they are the best yon ever smoked. R. R. V. Cigar Works $16.80 Medford to SAN FRANCISCO and return Dates of sale, October 31 'and fourth. ' Limit, 20 days. ' Thifl very, very low rate 'baa been put in effect on ac count of the trans-Mississippi 'Commercial Congress, lint it is open to the public, via the Southern PacifiG Company Lines in Oregon Tho 29 day limit will give lots of time to take in the 'sights in San Franeiaco and "excursion" down to Los An 'grdes and Southern California. For particulars, sleeping 'ear reservations and tickets, fall on A. S. ROSKNBAUM, Agent, Medford. The Ever Ready Bottle Keeps Liquids, hot r eold, for forty-sight hours. Medford Pharmacy tap J lii Li o BUNGALOW WRECKED BY DYNAMITE EXPLOSION I.IN AXiiKI.ES, ( al., Oct. 1. Mrs. Henry S. Tripp is under the ears of physicians lierc tuduy at the home of lu-r daiiKht) r, Mrs. W. A. Howard, Jr., as the result of a dynamite explo sina which wrecked the Tripp buuga luw at Cm'ia late yesterday after noon. The explosion of a gasoline stove, dis charged some dynamite which Tripp, wno is a miner, had stored in a clos"t. The dynamite completely wrecked the bungalow and fire consumed the mini. Mrs. Tripp was in the house at the time of the explosion, but eseaped with no more injury than several bums. PREFERRED DEATH TO DISGRACE OF ARREST SAX KRANCINI-O, C'ul., Oct. 1. liivause Ik lVnred the disgrace 0f ar-ri-st, August Veen, 'S.l years old, is dead here today as the result of bullet wounds self inflicted. Veen remarked that he "had the blues' ns he left the dinner table last nijjht. li ' went at once to his room and five minutes late n shot announced the fact that he had ended his exist ence, lie was dead before his parents reached him. Less than ten minute later an offi cer appeared with a warrant for the. arrest of young Veen. Leslie Krown, a chauffeur, ehnrgrd that the young man owed him $t;) for :iutomhile rides. BOTTLE RETURNS AFTER FLOATING FOR YEARS SAX FKAXClKfO, Cal., Oct. 1. Much interest, has been aroused here today over Ihe arrival of a bottle wliieh has evidently been afloat in the north ern seas for at least four years. The bottle was discovered on Ihe beach at Wood island, near Kadink, Alaska, evi dently after having driven thousands of miles. Wiihin Ihe bottle was found the fol lowing note: The Western Fire Extinguisher com pany. -Ill and 412 lhtywnrd building, San Francisco, ('al., May Id. On board balk Vosemit -: Kinder returning this note to me is ent it led to one gallon whisky. August J. IInekineier,-.i!Kl.S I 'nst street. San Francisco, ('al. This offer is genuine." .l is. M. Ilaekmeier, mother of the young man who started the bottle on its long cruise, states that on his re turn from a fishing trip more than four veaix ago. her son spoke of launching the Lottie. The Voseinite did not go nearer than loon miles off Wood island. EUTTE FALLS ITEMS. , Mrs. M, A. llmight hi and family have all taken a trip to Medford. Mrs. Albert and the Misses Mahnney have left for a few days ' outing In Medford. .T. ( Jeppa it and familv are visit ing Medford. Falph Tucker and family of Tirowns hoi-o are p;iying ;i visit to Medford. T. K. Hall the merchant, together with his family, attended the show. Frank Xeil of 1 Why is paying a visit to Medford. He reports that the view.Ts have nearly run the line for the proposed new road. Kd Walker and wife of the Crater Lake company, wlm have been in charge of (he lumber camp, are in Med ford. Kd Coram has gone to Ihe valley for a f- w days. M. C. Ma honey brought In a large load of supplies for Ihe new school house this week. Several part ies are looking round for business locations, ns il is expect ed the railroad will bo pushed to com pletion tlif coming year. F. V. Medynski and wife are still at their homestead and improving the same very much. Professor Smith drove into the Falls lately from his raiieh. The st hool is well attended and our teacher is giug good satisfaction. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. William II. High to Henry (1. Knii'-rs. I'l'opiTty in block 2-'l. Ashland '. lo i;.-,o llattie A. A limit t l, Klialieth 11. Vorki'y. priipi-rty on (Iranr St. Ashland Lottie I.. IVlti.ii l.i John V. Ali- 1 nit t . pi-opi-rtv ill Ashland ... Alice L. Morris t.i li. .1. Edwards. 1.7-i ncri's in township oil. nniKO 1 H 1'raiik Weil man to J. W. O. Pireg- ory, lot 1. Mo,. ('. Boulevard I'nrk addition lo Ashland . . . Hans r. Hansen to Wis Peterson. "i acres in 11 L C II. township '111. range 1 .; (' W. Harnett to v. T. Hnrnett. I'm acres in section 2f. township :is. range I v 1,'ol.ert Aslmorth In J. M. Mill- kers. In ml in 1) L r nl, town- ship range 2 W C W. Wollers to State Hank of Talent, property in Talent . . . Welliom Heeson to John It. Roli- ion. land in D L (' .1, town- li:p .':s. range 1 W J.din l:. Ifol.ison to Wellmrn Itee- son. l;o acres in section n. townsli'rp -to, range 1 W M. It. I.iiidley to diehard Sher wood, property in block N. I'.-irr s addition to Medford . . . Ilaniel S'nnip lo I harles Heney, I'.ailew 7i.7s acres in section 1. ti.VYTi-hip V.s, flllge I K ... ' 1 1 . i r 1 i ni iii'v to William n. Mil ler, lo a. r- s In so. 17. town 'hip raiiL"' - W l" : in U.-irv H.ii - n to 1 . K. Merrick. 1:1 1 :i a. -res in "-i'Imi town hip "7. l- 1 W - H. P. f' t.. rrai-k We.t man. lot 1. l.h-.-k Honl-vard I'ark adilition to A-I'bnd .1. M. Ilat.lev lo A H. 0 stn.m. laud in II 1. r I-. town lliip :;7. ralie J W ijoiiO WEBB TAKEN TO PORTLAND Man Accused of Setting a Forest Fire-Claims He Is Victim of Spite Work PORTLAND. Or.. Oct. 1. Louis It. iVebb, a hunter and trapper, who is in terested in southern Oregon mines, ac cused of having sot fire to several thousand acres of " government timber in northern California, is in tho county jail at Portland, where he 1ms engaged attorneys to fight extradition to San Francisco. Ho was brought here last night from Klnmnth county by Depu ty United States Marshal Nicholson. Webb was taken before a United States commissioner and the amount of bail placed at $oflnn. Unable to give bond, Webb is now in the Multnomah county jail awaiting the order of re moval to California for trial. Webb claims the arrest is pite work at the hands of some of his enemies. It is alleged by the California gov ernment agents that during August Webb deliberately and maliciously set fire to timber lands in northern Cali fornia and that as a result of his ac tion the timber on practically four en tire townships was burned and ruined. AMERICAN WARSHIPS ARE NEAiUNG MANILA MANILA, Oct. 1. Wireless messages received from the Atlantic fleet this afternoon indicnte. that the American warships are less than 3O0 miles away, and nt the present rate of 11 knots per hour thoy should arrive hero early Fri day afternoon. The cholera situation has improved and the oflleiuls hero arc expectingly hopeful that the diseasn will bo suf ficiently under control by the time the fleet returns from Japan to remove nil idea of giving up tho public reception, -dany persons aro of the opinion, how ever, that the authorities are not fully justified in this expectation. On the first visit tho fleet will spend most of the time at Covite, where the vessels will be coaled. Tho fleet will sail from Cavite on October W for Vokohama. Medford Time Table SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY Northbound No. lOIOrcgon Express I 5:24 p. ui. No. 14 Portland Express. . .1 0:49 a. m. I Southbound I No. 16 California Express. . 10:35 a. m. No. 13 San Francisco Exp.. 3:20 p.m. No. 225 From Grants Pass. . I 9:15 p. m. No. 22!V For Ashland . . .110:15 p. m. PACIFIC & EASTERN RAILWAY No. lLeave MsiTford f 8:10 a. m. No. 3 Leaves Medford 13:50 p.m. No. 2Arrives Medford 10:2Sa.m. No. 4Arrives Medford 6:08 p.m. ROBUE RIVER VALLEY RAILWAY No. flteavos Medforfi.. . .. ITS: 45 a. m No. 4jLea,ves Medford j 5:35 p.m. MotorlLeaves Modford I 2:00 p m. MotorjLeaves Medford j 9:00 p. m. No. IrLeavea Jacksonville..! 9:00 a. m. No. 3 Leaves Jacksonville.. 3:30 p.m. MotorlLeaves Jacksonville.. 1:30 p.m. JlotorfLeaves Jacksonville... 7:30p.m. MAIL CLOSES. Eagle Point 7:0 20 Northbound 9:19 4:54 2:50 5:20 Southbound 10:05 Jacksonville 10:B0 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Kayiuoud Cox aud Zeliu June Curat. Eugene l)uw uud Julia il. Dodge. Leslie A. Cook aud Adelaide McUou ald. Robert F. llesselyrave and Hallie U. Alexauder. WOMEN'S WOES. Medford Women Are Finding Relief at Last. It does seem that women have more than a fair share of the aches and pains that afflict humanity; they must "keep up," must attend to duties in spite of constantly aching backs, or headaches, dizzy spells, bearing-down pains; they must stoop ovet, when to stoop means ti rture. They must walk and bend and work with racking pains and mauv aches from kidney ills. Kidneys cause moro suffering than any other organ of the body. Keep the kidneys well and health is easily maintained. Head of a remedy for kidneys only that helps and cures the kidneys and is endorsed by peoplo you know: Mrs. Louann Woodv. living corner of Third snd G streets, Medford, Or., says: "For a long time I was troubled with kidney complaint. There wero sharp pains through my back and at times I ached all over. I was annoyed greatly by a too frequont action of the kidney secretions, for which I tried a great many remedios, but found no relief. At last my attention was called to Dean's Kidney Pills and I jroeorod a box at Haskins1 drug store. Tliev gave me great relief, so I continued using them and my health gradually improved until I was cured. I think very highly of the remedy that cured me.'1 For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Gnffnlo, N. Y., solo agonts for the United States. Remember the name Mono's and take no other. 35 Prepaid Railroad Orders. "Something which is of considerable interest to the public generally and which is perhaps not generally known is the system of prepaid orders now in effect between stntions of the Southern Pacific, company and all points in tlio United States. By means of this systoin tickets may be purchased at Medford from any nlaee In the United States and mailed or telegraphed direct to the party wishing to come here. Slecpor aacowanodfttions and small amounts of cash 4a. onaeoxion with these tickots may sdsa fee forwarded at the samo t'mw.V - tf Reduced Rates to San Francisco, Round Trip. Account the tritns-MiHsinsippi Cniu- uiorcial Congress to bo held in San Frnncinco October II to 10, the Southern Pocifie will sell tickets for Hie round trip at a faro uud one-third, tiaie dale October 3 and 4, continuous passage in both directions, final return limit 20 dnys from date of sale. Further par ticulars at the depot. 107 Anybody wishing u nice, now resi dence property, 100x150 foot big, witli lawn, fruit and ornamental trees, lo gnu and strawberries, modern in every way and located on the best Btreet in Medford, should address P. O. Box 572. 105 UORTONI MOTEL - JttiSV " PORTLAND .tmSmmiSs. Oregon mmmmxEmm mm j torso now Attention Please Wo lire intv in a pnslt-imi to supply the ctiiil rin'tor anil builder with tlif fjiinoiis Acme Cement Plaster hikI with which all familiar. This has boon accom plished by a recent T s1men1 (if freight, rates admit! in;; it to the coast. We live Ihe several varieties of this ( V inciit Master, Hair l yer. Wood Fiber, Acme Keene for inoiildini: and Wainscot for bathroom and tiling purposes. I'roinpt deliveries on any quantity Crater Lake Lumber C- St. Mary's Academy Directed by the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary. Medford. Or. Hates for the scholastic year, or per !.id of 40 weeks; Boarding School. Board, tuition and laundry $1X0.00 Private room 50.00 Day School. Tuition, primary and grammar grades 20.00 High school aud special course.. 30.00 Luncheon for day scholars who too far from school to rteurn home, or who prefer a warm meal at noon 50.00 Special ratea to parents entering two or more children. Music Department. Piano, two lessons per week . . . 60.00 Violin, two lessons per week . . . 80.00 Mnndolin, guitar, banjo, etc 60.00 Vocal, two lessons per week . . . oo.oo N. B. The rates quoted above in I'lude an hour's practice daily, under the supervision of a sister. Art Department. 'en, ink, charcoal and water colois 30.00 Oil 40.00 Miscellaneous. Graduating foo (nt complotlon of four year academic course) . . ls.uu Library fee 1.00 Laboratory fee 5.00 Singing in concert, physical culture, elocution in class, art needle work, plain sowing, do not form extra charges. The sintors are happy to inform theii friends uud tho public thnt the new and commodious building and the mod cm improvements introduced therein. ennblo them to ensure the comfort ol pupils wbilo facilitating educational ad vantages. Write for program of studies, also for booklet concerning dreBs regulations. etc. Address: SISTER SUPERIOR, ST. MARY'S ACADEMY, MEDFORD, OR. Why Not Iron in Comfort? No reason to be uncomfortable in a hot, stuffy kitchen. You can thke your Elooiric Iron t auy part of the house where there it a light socket. An exlonuiou cord from thd kttottM li'ht will enable you to utie It n porch. Telephone Main Soft and hnv.) ai Kleetric Iron sent you on ouo week V free trial. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. SueeosBor to Condor Water Power (' Offico 20(1 West 8evonth St., Opposite Big Electric Sign. MoDKiiH Comfort MollKKATK I'III:F.S Horse Hen(Iii;,r.ers Otit. If). 17, 1!I0S TicsiTvu rooms early for HoiMe Show Week Only Rook (Iahokn Jn I'OKTI.AMi A. B. .NOKIO.N, lui( Souvenir Spoons of City Park, Mount Pitt, Kay Dam, Sterling Mine and Blue Ledge Mine; also a fine line of Watches and the latest novelties in Jewelry. MARTIN J. REDDY The Jeweler Near Postofflce Fin Watch ul Jswslry ltilruuj a Specialty. Don't Bother to Cook It's too hot. Get what you want alrea iv prepared; we have it. We cater to those who want the best. THE DELICATESSEN C STREET, EAR EIGHTH HILL Military Academy Primary, preparatory and icadeinio departments. College proparatlou, Business course, Manual Traiuing. Principal 30 years' experience in Portland. The BUI Military attracts and retains good boys, but has no place for any others. Fall term begins Septeuibsr 16. Wake reserva tion now ,for few remaining vaoanciea. Catalogue on application to the principal. J. W. HILL, M. D., Portland, Or. Up Here In The Northwest Hferef9 no need for shipping in earloads of cereal cof fee. Made from our own good wheat, made in a clean, successful right-at-home factory, is Golden Grain Granules a strictly northwest 'product with absolute merit. "For years people of "Washington, Idaho and Oregon have been using it instead of coffee, and it stands without a peer for a high-grade cereal coffee. Ask your grocer for a box and give it one trial. The pack ages are larger than ordinary cereal coffees and cost only '2ii All grocerj sell it. JOB PRINTING All Kinds of Job Printing done on short notice. It does't matter what it is in Printing, we do it for you. Our Office is now the best equipped in Southern Oregon, our workmen the most skilled and output superior. Only union Print Shop in Rogue River Valley. Portland prices our sched ule. We pay the freight. The Tribune 21 Central Ave. itritome ds ttz . : l EVBRYTHINa THAT'S GOOD to eut or drink ia hero th aatablo nicefy cooked, if cooking they naad the driualiles properly hot or cold, as vantrd. Your iudividuul taste is coa ultml and catered to, and not au item oa the liillo f fare hut is well ami deftly served ou clean table ware. NASH GTlbE A Private Boarding and Day School lor Boys MEDFORD Brm& Results